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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Little Girl Wants to Join Cubs brLT rn4b11rn ~7C~TTT1~irD' 111 .~ft *~ - JI~NJ~. ~ iui~ lUe Per Copy NUMBER 25 V~JLJLJ.tVLE* .LI.I. .io rages BOWMANVILTE flNTA Rin WI~ni~ru~'gri A ,~,.. .... - I AI Stores WiII Remain Open1 Ail Day Next Wednesday In order to provide convenient shopping hours for customers in this area, most storekeepers, including the grocery chains, have indicated they will be open next Wednesday instead of taking the usual half-day holiday. It appears at this point that several of the stores wili remain open until 9 p.m. so that shoppers may purchase their weekend requirements after they have corne home f rom the day's work. Citizens should note also that there has been a change in the garbage pick-up schedule for Bowmanville. The town garbage department will be working on the holiday, July let, picking up garbage usually collected on Friday. They will be taking the holiday on Friday. Banks and the Post Office will be closed on Thursday, July let It should be noted that next week, The Statesman wiIl publish on Tuesday evening. Advertisers and correspondents are asked to have their copy in a day earlier than usual so this deadline May b. met.j ,Many Fascinating Dis playsï: Featured at Hobby, (raft Show The littie lady in the foreground is Melanie Law, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Law, Duke St. She was masi interested in the story being told to mem- bers of 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack by Mrs. Clare Muttan (Raksha) ai their camp- fire on Saturday evening south of the Acres Restaurant. Her father is Akela of Cth Pack. The pack, numbering 22 Cubs, camped out with their leaders on the weckend and had a wonderful time. On Saturdav evening, many parents visited the camp area and watched the interesting campfire ceremanies. Large Audience Attends Opening Ceremonies af kNewcastle's Post Office iB.owmanville Hand c r a f t age, with canimentaies On eqLlippcd bv Rucbeni Terlec Guild sponsored a Hobby conservation of wlild life andiat the ag-e of 12 Years, anc Show on Friday and Saturday special music supplied on the'rifle owncd by N/rs. Rab last week w'hich was ta have spot with the aid of CKLB's Nclsoni, the stock and grip been held at 21 Ontario Street, public address system. whhhI had been inlaid ai but due ta tinexpected devel-, The Bowmanville Aquarium ('arved by ber husband. opments could nat be held at Society was represented by' Mrs. E. Hawlcy's display this address. However, rather Mr. and Francis Sedg- textile painting made a stri ùhan cancel the show, that had wick with a tank of fasciC"- ing exýhibit, and some of ti en-tailed sa muc'h wark, Miss ating tropical fish, togetherý visitors actually tried pain Helen Van Dusen graciausly with several ribbons and tro-ý (TURN TO PAGE TWO> opened ber home an Horsey phies they had won with th's St. to accamnmodate a spien-J interesting hobby since Mr. zl'd array of arts, crafts, andiSedgwick's back injury basý: other hobby items of wide in- forced him ta be less active. O Illia Co nbc tereqt toalal ages. Twenty-five MarquetrY pic-ý TlbhelNewasteresotn ds tures nmaide boy Harald Hurst' C Clubheld anintrestng i-of Oshawa aroused great :n-iCo ng H r Play of wild life in the gar-U erest bv their rare qiualit y. Models of the Royal Coac:,. Qfl Sat ur a INSTALLS NEWV STEPS thie Coronation Chair, St. r a Paul's Cathedral, and the Tai, The offices af Peter Kow1a% aa held a place of honour 'The rnany young people Real Estate, King St. W., were in te ma in display. These of the town and area who g'yen a further face-liftinglintricate scale mýodels were en.ioyed the v'isit of one of this week with the installation jthe work of C. H. Astan, aiso the Salvation Arrny'ç in- of new cernent steps at the lof Oshawa. strumental groups at the friar. haeenamplestotei- T o her items received a High School in October wili terorhav bencomleedfor great deal Of attention - A be happy ta learn thata aremarkable impravemen t. ismall motor boat carved and nem, group will be here thm Saturday evening and Sun- day. j: gi - A large crowd of local resi- monuy. th TREATED FOR CUTS dents and people of the dis- The Newcastle Cbildren's of Joha nnes VanderVeen, 22, trict.gatbered for the furmal Choir (Grades 5 and 6) sang fr Àiis,'~onwstet opening of the new Post Office O0 Canada at the start and God te Millst. s trat-building in Newcastle on Fni- ,Save the Queen at the end ai a for 'Ille, 1 he 1%Cobourg day evening. G. Roy Mc- the ceremony. Thcy were di- neral R' siltal after his William, Parliamentary Secre- rected by Mrs. Ronald Munro. Work~ a stdh~r'uas ýLC ddition to Mr. MeWilliam and herth of (ýoi>ou7rg carly Sat- Honcy, M.P. for DurhamrnjMr. l-oney were Alrx Carruth- jjrçjay morning. County, officiated ai the cere- ers, M.P.P., Durham,: IrvingM. 1 Saunders, Toronto, District Arhitect ror the Department Honor Retiring Teacher of Public Works, who a Reeve Douglas Cunningham 'M.-- of Newcastle, Reeve A. L. Blanchard, Dairlingtoui Town- -,< --ship, who is Warden of the r - - United Caunities; Rex'. F. K. -'--Malane. Bw n\il:Reeve - ,W.t~-. ~-John W. Stone. Clarke Town- ship; Re\-. E. C. Woodland, <TURN TO PAGE TWO> Accident Round-Up ~~i~- %There \v-as a tw~o car collis-ý ê' 'ion on Satrîî'da\ at 8:30 on No. 2 Highxway at Courtice. I The drivers ai thetv - bicles m ix clvd xerc, Leonard - 'Cook, R.R .>2Bowxmanville, and John Bruice Ogden, 97 Brown Street. Constable H. Cook OPP învestigated. jMr: Cook, and bis wife Ruth î I~who wvas a passenger in berý .~ \, \ - --.husband's car, werc taken to Meinorial Hlospital where they: rcccived treatrnent for minor a - injuries. NIr. Cook .vas able to t r - leave the hospital on Tuesday, and Mrs. Cook is still a patient. a f A car driven by Har-old T. * ~a car- driven bv Lloyd George a White. Harwood, Ont.. collid-: Èedon Fridav aternoon.m at 1 o'lokin arood LKnirt t, ts C Dage va trciche b'- acars C ainfontedai ibre, . ave10.r- Constabl e dPriver athea was onald Leoad Rihd, (I 7Lambert Street. 'h niebY vas takc-u a InMm- - A nal Holspital b', the Bowrnan- ville Area Ambulance. and re- ra -~ceived treatmettn the Out-,or Patient Dcpartmeuit for m1inor' C. injuries. A.,t 12:40 a.rr an Sat-ý IrdaY a car drix-en bx- Edxvard t .A. Kinîu-crlv. El î Sr e callided with the cernent steps IfiE ofa the Arena, Quecu Street. o Constable Tracy Davis investi-I Miss Ruby Bragg gaied.1 A passenger in M.Kimnier- SI e guest book wvas signed by many pupils. ex- lYsý cal-, Donald Clavion, Sec-,iO p ils and friends gathered at Salem Public Schlool ond Street, smîfered facial!1Bc h o n o u M is R u b B ra g an lacerati n s in the a tcident and ! Fridlay, June 18, tohnorMssRb xv,,ýo as treated at AMemarial Hos- n er leaching retirement. Her corsage of pink raoses pital. e- àncl .%hite carnations was pînned on 1w' Mrs. Wood- On, Sa1urday a, 1:05 pin., is Car-ol Ann Sbeehaui, 28 Lamb's te ea table, tastefully decoraîcd with r. i>ib«at nruk as h rcd t-fai'cat a eoaktc'aîîdles, and bouquets of iris and orange blussoni, Chui-chî and Tcnerance Street.; HÇ was presidcd over bx' Mrs. Avery' pouring tea and ThiiS car. ownced hY John S.' h Mrs. Kemp pouring coffee. Ernîerson. 55 Division Street,ý o sustained ininor damage. Con-; PU' Mlisses Dolly Phillips and Ruth Shackleton i- stable John Bird investigated.' da) sented her with a silver tray, cream and suigar in ilie -- ail grape pattern from her pupils. On behiaif of the hoine NF1I' PRESII)ENT Col and~ Schnol Association. she wvas presented wxith a pair l 4u.p'idr:n o- haof binoculars h ' Mrs. C'oombes after Ms Twist rcad miarixlle Rotai-v Club 's F.-1 adý ail appropriate address. Miss Bragg replicd suitablv Dflnald Morris who dws io- to both presentations. The evening was spent remin- Fia uv 2d eiig n iscing. inresident , is Jon RD. rir1 DRIVERS - The Simcoe Hall Crippied Children School and Treatlment Centre, 760 Blaor St. E., Oshawa, at Harmony Road, is operating a summer treatmenî pragramn from JuIy Sti to Aug. 27th, fram 9 3 p.m., Manday through Friday. The purpose of the summer program is bo ensure continuiîy of treatment. Unfortunately, the regu- lar transportation is flot available for this purpase, so volunteer drivers are needed ta take the four children from Bowmanville to school and bring themn back. One volunteer has agi-ced ta bring themn home from July 5 to 16, but athers are needed. Contact Mrs. Ralph Campbell 623-2180 if you can help. -i. ~ t t -. 1 DELEGATES - Christine Tighie of .Bowmanvillc High School and Charlotte Annis of Courtice High are attending Queen's UJniversity this week as delegates ta the United Na tions Semînar. Thrv were sponsored by Bowmanville Rotar-y Club. Lloyd Cliftan Jr. of B.H.S. is attending a similar event at University of Waterloo, sponsored by Bowmanvjlle Business and Professianal Women's Club. t t -. + ON TOUR ---- York Pioncer and Hlistorien] Societ v members wiil be in thîs area on Saturday during a chartered bus tour. They will lunch at Darling- ton Provincial Park, visit Bowmanville museum and the house and gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bull at "Tanglewood Farm" in sauth Clarke Town- ship, as well as other spots of interest in Oshawa and Cobourg. 1- t t -t - t GOLD CORDS - On Tuesda 'v evening, a ]ar-ge crowd of parents attendcd a mast unusual ceî-e- mony in Newcastle wrhen four Girl Guides received Cold Cords, the highest award in that organiza- tion. The girls were Beverly Riekard, Eleanar MtlCracken, Beth Powell and Candy Slorks. Photos vili be available next week. These are the first Gold Cords that have been awarded bo Newcastle Guides. t t -t- t EASY WIN - At the Mosport Spring Trophy races sponsored by the British Empire Motor Club n Saturday, Ludwig Heimrath of Toronto, top ýanadian racing driver of 1964, walked away withi rfeature event. He was driv'ing his Ford-paw- >red McLaren-Elva and almost lapped the entire eld, overaging 90.9 miles an hour. Bob MeLean )f Vancouver was second in a Lotus 23B. ;HRINE TOURNEY- Members and guests of shawa Shrine Club wiil be in action today aI ýowmanville Golf and Curling Club for their an-F ai tournament that is always an enjoyable vent. In addition ta awards for top golfers, there ia draw for a magnificent set of clubs, a caî-t, ag, etc. Ihat any golfer would be happy ta own. [DLIDAY - Due bo the JuIy Isi. Dominion Day olidav next Thursday, The Statesman wili be ublished Tuesday' evening, inslead of Wednes- ay. aI the regular lime. The office will be closed ýday Thursday and open on Friday as usual. orrespondents and adverlisers are requested to, ve their copy in as early as possible sa the d fvanced deadline can be met wilhout holding r ,er some of the copy. Classified deadline for î n ?x week will be Monday aflernoon at 4:30 Iaý lock. ri 0 ci enl v Yung people. wili take Place at the Citadel starting at 8 o'cIork Satur- day when the Crusaders Combo, including five young meni and a girl, will bie heard in action. They play guitars and other instru- ments. iead in a sing-alonK and prodince an excellent variedi prograri of enter- tainment. They corne frorn Orillia where they have es- tablished quite ail enviable reputation for their music. The combo will also take Part in the Sunday service. Officially 0O At the conci ckii Sunday, Preside c a'Ms )eri Ms orothy E of, monument marl and! wreaths, they sa nt Flash .-,Send .e Iusion of the Decoration Day service lt Keith Ferguson of Branch 178 Richards. president of thc Ladies rking those who had died in or asI Fire on Cruiser ai Bowmanville Cemnetery on' Royal Canadian Legion and Auxiliary, approached the the resuit of war. After laying Tw)pesnar n opTwltodtigtandH ospitaf Tw esasae r opiatei agte n brhsboat using a pressure naphtha a., a result af urns receved'band Mr. and Mrs. Arieligas camp stve. iabot t o oclok S nda afILa gstffand four children, Ke W illiams, nearby, glane-. led ta have ignited on board'They had just returned framland rushed to Put it out with their boat at Bewdley. a ride an Rice Lake and dock-la dry powder chernilcal ex- tThe eight people on board ed at Reesby and Williams tinguisher. He first sprayed the ete 21 foot cabin cruiser wereidock to prepare supper in the powder on the two persons, oMr. and Mrs. HarveyFarrow,openpart at the back af the Mrs. Farrow and her three. )f _ year-old grandsan, raLng j. j 1 Vstaff, wh a w ere i l m s 'e-Ioody ar mplo eesVarnish and paint on the il ~~~boat were blistered bsd h a,.vmuj. alors, and seat cushions over i njoy A nnu l Plcnicthe gasoline tanks were scorch--. ed. m. Prrowreceived eÎ lAt Park in: Cobouirg nu bu s toer hnds -anci 1 1 tried ta pull her grandson out 1 The ar iia Goodycar L'm- 113rian Parkin and Mrs. Shirley of the way of the flames. Brian -ployees' Welfare Cointîe Forsey. suffered extensive burns an Picn c w s h ld n C bou g's The prizes in the chidren's the upper body. Pi c ic a s h el i n C o o u r 's d ra w w e re w n b y Jo a n P er- A n ea rb y c am p er, R ab ert Laksie PrkonSatrdyfect, Paul Cooke, Jane Djorn- Snead, af Ajax taok those with and was enjoyed by more than dahi, Ricky Rascoe, Shawn the worst burns to Port Hope 500 npoes wivcs and iLeddy and Donald Evans. and District Haspital, where children .Jack Emmerson,j During the afternoon races they received preliminary Chairman af the Employees we heId for the cbildren, and treatment. Mrs. Farrow was Welfare Committee, was in theree wre prizes for those later transferred to Bowian- charge of arrangements for5wo placed f irst, second and ville Hospital and Brian Lang- the event. ;third in each. Afterwards staff ta Sick Children's Hospi- The winners oi the special1 there was bingo for everybody. tal in Tronto for further dra\v were Mrs. Jack Covîile, George Piper and Rose Wright treatment. -ud jMrs. Neil Wilson, Lester High- were the winners ini the harse- field, Mrs. Louise Taylor, Mrs. shoe pîtchingcontest. pen Newcas tle Post Of f ice Eastern Star 1s Garden Party - At Anderson's Thp Eastern Star held a - mast enjayable Garden Party - on Friday afternoan in the - - beautiful grounds and gai-den, which Mrs, Fdna Anderrson. - .-..46 W ellington Street, had - -~a > ~ kn ly laned for the event. Mrs. Harry Sutan, the Wor- t1hy Matron, and Mrs. Ander- son, Past Grand Matron for Ontario, received in the lave- - , ]y and spacious garden. The Y almost 200 people w'ha at- itended n pretty sumrer dres. theattactvegarden with t gorgeous peanies, wonderful rockery with numerous spe- cial plants and tlowers, and elsewhere many perennials and annuals. The garden bas a beautiful fountain whieh is centred with a bronze Italian statue. Yellaw garderi umbrellas added a festive touch to the see, and Il tea tables were armanged in the garder,. Mrs. George Thrasher was the gen.. eral convenor, and Mrs. Jamps Martin w'as the refreshment canvenor. Mr3. David Ail- dread and Mrs. Harvey Pal- mer were in charge of the Sale of Home Bokng. Those who presidpd over the tearuýps were Mrs. Earl McKeever, Port Hope, Mrs. -. Alex Carrutheirs, Garden Hill, '-$Mrs. G. Beerthuizen, Mr. Gardon Wight, and Mns. Ha- Szel Gibbs, ail three from Osh- - awa, Mn. K. Brown, Whitby S Mrs. L. Cooke, Brooklin, anti Ma-s. Mae Garton, Bowman- ville. Members of the Eiastern MAN~Y COMPLMENTS Mny visitors at the cerne- lery on Sunday otfered favor- able commnent. on he condi- tion of the ground!S. Regponi- bility JLar -this mprovemiet A native of Newcastle, New Brunswick. visited Newcastle. Ontario, on Fri n- hi stoerafr of.hnpM -ase day evening to officially open the new Post Office. G. Roy McWilliamý, nighl, wl 3tth eîîo! eIen, ai Parliamcnary Secreary to the Minister of Public Worka; and Member of Parlia- ite nldigMw osi rient represeriîing Northumberland-Miramichi, New Brunswick since 1949, was Mayor obbe, lounclloTs Wei ssisled by Russell C. Hny M.P. for Durham. They are shown here cutting the Hiearod A. T. Rm, pder !utv. ribnt inf htthe post office was officially opened. gate and A. I U uTck s, 8emembering the War Dead l m m m 16 Pages týýieces àiicaiutilL là %juan zain, à vvjýufnL Ili 1 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO- WFnIVF5znAv lr'Txlv -à-, tn- 5 1- uflu

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