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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 3

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-- Il Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelsoni Yeo are shown in the down the aisie of St. Paul's United Church, Bowma riage on Saturday afternoon, June 5, 1965, at, 2 o'e] Carol Bourne, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and IV groom is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Yeo, ail of B, klon Neghborhoocl Holds Park Opening With Fine Pro gram Opening day was held on After the paradethe pari Saturday, June 5th at 2 p.m. was officially apened b, with about 300) in attendance. George Hartwick, Pres. of thý The first event was a parade. Neighborhood Parks Associa The chiidren in costume with tion, and Pat McGarity, Sec their pets, also decorated oi Central Recreation Council bicycles and wagons paeaded Oshawa. This was followe. to the parkfor the first event by a bail game between Zior of the day.' and Storey Park Bantam boys r'The juÈr ý.,Frank Pascoe Following the bail garn *nd Me ý r.n reaiiy had a races were held for ail child ~ardtîm , The prizes went cen in attendance. The race! 4ko the foliowing: were run under the capabi. Girls, 9 yrs. and under-- guidance of G. Chamberlain Cathy Cha~mberlain and Susie L. Rare and Ruth Stainton Jefferies; boys, 9 yrs. and und- Ail childeen under 6 years ol er-Tommy Fountain, Billy age received a prize. Kellar; girls, 10-15 yrs --- Iris Winners in the other agE Patterson, Lynda Hazelton; groups were as follows: Girls, boys, 10-15 yrs.--Paul Hart, 6-7--Kathy Harris and Janc Tom Lewis. ________Weish, tied, for first-; boys 6-7 F miIq Finance jnoipIan Bring ail your personal credit needs i uneroo LOW-COST LIFEINSURED LOANS Uowmanvmli.Bmach. Oshawa Bmach: MAMES BELL Manage, IAMES McCANSH. Maname J n ited Church WEDDING f The Canadian Statesman, Igowmanville, June 23, »063 IMAGUIRE- CRUMP manville, a brother ai the ressories, and corsage of or- groom, was best men, and te hids. The happy couple will The marriage of Miss Betty 1 ushers were Mr. David Burns, reside in te Tw-os NTC Elaine Crump and Mr. Robert and Mr. Douglas Car fAate tHh River, A. Arnold Maguire was solemniz- Moose Jaw. berta. ~~u m m m m ~~~ed on Saturdav afternoon,; The reception was held et Ou--tw etsaedd IA N... ~~~ May 22, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock the Grant Hall Hotel. To re- from Calax,At li in in St. Barnabas Anglican ceive, the bride's mother wore Man.. Bowmanville, Ont.. and :wan. The bride is the daugh- matching three-quarter length' 5wr eevdfo r ter of Mrs. Violet E. Brand, coat of blue lace, white net'fadMs W entBitl E Moose Jaw, and the groom isý'hat. white accessories and' England. great-aunt andl great- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack lavender orchid Corsage. The uncle of the bride, and alqo MagureBowmnvile. groom s mother assisted ini a trorn relatives of the groom Canon Ernest C. Fisher.' teaI blue, siik crepe de chine in Scarborouýgh. OP E N ~~~~~~~ D.D., officiated for the double-ý dress with Alencon lace bod- Tebieatne z ring ceremony and the wed-'ice, and white hat and gloves TheabridRceCattene ir ding music. was played by Her corsage was of Cattleya l Mae aoche olle Jan li organist Mrs. Hilda Davies of orchids. MosJa Technical High Sehool. The A L LA TMoose Jaw. Soloist Bobbyý Before leaving On their groom, who attended Bow- A L L D A YLawson. Moose Jaw. sang "0 wedding trip to High River. manvilie High School. is naow Perfect Love." For the occa-ý Mberta, the bride donned her with the M dciRcod e M ~onyelow brn. and white tiravelhng ensemble of a three.' partment of the High River M r 'mers, aned bhe whiler a. Pi pnk doube-knit sut, Municipal Hospital, High Ri- - er, aornd th alar.matching pink coat, white ac- ver. Alberta. W cD., J UNE e Mr.FrOdLong of Au- air ~lC? brdlFlorida, the bride(D I i UNTIL 6:00 pa.mui length gown ofJ1- L l'ly-pointed sleeves andChnilylc fauin og brief train, and her aitar' ______________ engt'h veil xvas caught ta a' DEFINITIONS - EXPERT coronet crown of seed peanis.! IYD NRay Patersonî, Os3ha, passed awav. Funeral service Cattleya orchids with stepha-1 1. A feIlow hm has made a lot of gond gess sonwedîn inBrntfrda pth isexendd e M.lcascaded fromn a white lýace1 2. A man from onit of town. the farther awýaN thp, bptter, Hayon unay cho n we ag intrdantfrd Smthad is famîlyIn ther caveed Bible carried by Ihe 3. A man who not nnly knows ail the answers, but cau niversary Services wiil be' Debbie, Michael and Dougiel bereaveTment. bride.rolmst ftthm heid on Sunday -at "2:30 P m. Paterson spent the weekendi Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Ms ate ad fMoo) thn u rolmat ftthm and 7:30 p.m. Special musie wîth Mr. and Mrs. Richardlattended Decoration Service Jaw was maid of honor and by the Sunday School EIss tGlahrPceigBah at the Bowmanville Cemeterv the bridesrniaid was Mi-ýs ed in the afternoaon by i Mrs KCwîgvstdMs on Sunday and attended the Elaine Bail of Calgary, Alta.* Lloyd Ayre. Bowmanviile. -and .K.ColiyBoaviied lruno arrssc.itlfu-vear-oid Miss San- in the evening bv Enniskilien 1Ric&.s home, Bowmanviiie d s.RCFSaioMoe(LTHSCR HNT - Maie Quartet. TÉhis wii' be on Wednesdýay.1 Mr. Henr Ashton, havinig Jaw, \vas fiawcr girl. Thcy COHSCR IT I Rx~.Dua~sfaewei ermn. r.andMr. Loy Ashtni n't been feeling as weil this woee identical gowns of pink Dnn't pres s oiled irarmentk: eat(plus steam literalIl' makes 'He wiii be leaving on July îst Betih and Barbara Ashton at- last week. was taken t,,)Me- crystalctte st .\led with thr m.îd pies in fabrics and cani permanently set the Stains. for his new pastoral, at tended Maple Grave annîver- morial Hospital. Bowmanville. quar-tcr icngth sleeves and Frankford. Thursday, Juiy 1 sary service and were tea on Suinday. Sabrina neccklines, ind their ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CARNIVAL oue annual supper and con- get fM.adMs Several Havdon ladies ae- wedding ring Iheadpieces wvere cert wiIl be heid. For partie- Morton.i companied the Enniskillen aiSO Of Pink crystaiette. The. FRIDAY. JULY 2nd - MEMORIAL PARK s ulars see Coming Events or Mr. and Mes. Ross Ashton, U.C.W. ladies on a bus trip ta senior attendants carried hou-' handbiils. Sheryl, Glen and Allen cali-Peeboogh ad oougquets of pale mauve cattleya fiel,Bowmanvile, calied nonto, on Sunday. Co.and the Westelox Menuwhte basket of pink carna ;Z o ahe' a.home ta Toronto on 'Phursday Golden Plow Lodge and thel MUmS.bttn 5W M...6 Mr ad rs E R Tom-ý,evening, his father having Court House building. Mr. David Maciu;re of Bow- son and Cynthia. Bowrnan-I abov phto s thv xalkville, called on Mrs. Thomp-. abov phto s thy malkson on Saturday. inville, following their mar- Mes. J. D. Brown. Mr, and ock. Formnerly Miss Rosslyn MVrs. E. Milison. Ellen andý tirs. J. Ross Bourne, and the Katharyn, Orono, Mr. andý ýowranvi1e.Mrs. R. Ormiston. Mr. and ow anile.M'rs. Ivan S'harp, Linda ari Photo by Astor Studio Janet, Enniskiiien. werp <in- ner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. --David Lunn, girls 8-9-Patsy Lloyd Ashton. Clarke; boys 8-9-Paul Hart; MT. and Mes. Gordon Wer-; girls 10-1-Marilyn Uanieki, ry, Toronto, Me. Boyd Weeey i boys 10-11--Steven Anderson, and Lynne. Maiton, Reth ancl girls i2-15--Debbie Baragar; Barbera Ashton were Satur- boys 12-5-Jim Brooks. day dinner guests of the Lloyd Foliowing the races another Ashton family. bail game was held between Mrs. M. Bertrni, Jean, 13ir- North Oshawa and Zion Ban- die and John, attended Decor- tamn girls. ation Service at the Bowman- Atter this event iliere was a vil eetr nSnday. -k slight break in activities sa Bi and Mes. Nelson Gage.' )y the parents cotid go home and Bil and Riekie. Thornohili. at e, ean up and have supr Mrs. M. Bertr'im*s on Siindav.1 RMost of themn stayed and used Ail attended a family reunion .!the refreshment booth run by at Mes. C. Rice's, Bowman-, il,'the Ladies' Auxiliary of the ville. ýd park. Mr. and Mes. Stan Cowling' A6:0in thie eveninga were Saturdav visitors at Mrs.; S cee garne w'as held between George Tabb's. iZion and Courtice with Court- Mes. K. Cowiing and Miss: rat Nt c 1ice comning out on top by' Lily Tabb visited Ms. J. ýscore of 2-1. Cowling, Salem, on Tuesday.p 1was heid. Most area folks Baie and Neil, Mes. K. CowI1 ,didn't realîze there w as saîng and Shirley Tabb attend-i f iuch fine talent in the neigh- ed tihe Cowling picnic held Afe h aeatlntso e n e.W aot O d Ae Scr t horhood. They reall pLIt On Darlington Park on Saturday.' a wonderful show. Atter this and aiso attended a picinc l oaie cr Sevent Vice-Pres. Lyle Hare Me. and Mrs. F. Blackburn',f ;and hiq assistants set off a Salem, on Sunday, celebratingi fgrpat display ef fireworks. the birthday ai Miss Estella 7_______ Blackburn of Bowmanville. jCsaradals population is made t rse A. orpsonevc at tde The Parliament of Canada has amended the Old Age Security Act. lip o .50. per ent mle hea d owraion Semervead he 114per cent m als; in th wadnviln e etofte1 O i Over the next five years the age at whieh the Old Age Securit NorthwestTerwasodinnere po-emtndf portion N 56 per cent men to MireMs. Roy Pater.,ori pension becomes payable is to be gradually reduced to 65. Eligibil. 44 pr cntwrre. acompnied Me.and es.ity for pension is subjeet to certain residence requirements. Double Ring Ceremo'y In January, 1966 the Old Age Security Pension of $75 a month will be payable to those aged 69; in 1967 to those aged 68; in 1968 to those aged 67; ini 1969 to those aged 66; ini 1970 and thereafter to ~ those aged 65. A double-ring Sermony solemnized the inarriagei of Mlr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold Maguire, shown in the above photo, on Saturday afternoon, May 22, at 2:30 o'clock in St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewvan. Formerly Miss Betty Elaine .Crump. the bride is the daughter of MIrs. Violet E. Brand of Moose Jaw, and the groom is a son of Mr. *and Mms Jack Maguiu. ci Bowmanville. i If yoiJ were born You should apply sIouîd peno Dec. 1895 to Jn 95Jnay 16 Seput. 1896 t June 1965 January 1966 Dect. 1896 t January1897Autd 1965 Fenja,' 1966 February 1897 September 1965 Mafch 1966 March 1897 October 1965 Aprd 1966 April 1897 Noveniber 1965 May 1966 May 1897 December 1965 June 1966 June 1897 January 1966 July 1966 July 1897 Febfuary 1966 August 1966 A4Jgust 1897 March 1966 September 1966 September 1897 April 1966 October 1966 October 1897 May 1966 Novernber 1966 November 1897 June 1966 December 1966 December 1897 JuIy 1966 Januai'y 1967 JanLiary 1898 January 1966 January 1967 February 1898 Jantiary 1966 January 1967 March 1898 February 1966 January 1967 April 1898 March 1966 January 1967 May 1898 Apri 1966 January 1967 June 1898 May 1966 January 1967 July 1898 June 1966 January 1967 August 1898 Juiy 1966 January 1967 September 1898 JuIy 1966 January 1967 October 1898 July 1966 January 1967 November 1898 JuIy 1966 January 1967 December 1898 JuIy 1966 January 1967 SIMILAR CHARTS COVERING FOLLOWING YEARS WILL BE PUBLISHED LATER. How to apply You may obtain an Old Age Security a plication form at your local Post Office. Persons who are not in anada may obtain an appli- cation form by writing to the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city of the province in which they formerly lived. bv authoity of the Mùnùte, The Honomrble Judy LaMargh

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