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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 6

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rlsr~Ass1-oauSMadel. R ing St. W. Bowmavîlle m 'un ne Merkley, Rosemany Y. Ke.-ý Phones: Office 623-568 I O e , Renedy. RêKgs 623-55ABAG Grade I Violin E. RICHARD LOVEiKIN ý sggfyy 1 I-onôurs-Teddy Puk. B.A.. LL.B. M Ob Grade V TheoryPhone 987-46330 RU Gra oy Hôurs: 9-5:30 - Wd.Set.,9- -iLU Harniny ISTRIKE and! STRIKE D uryHôours-John T. McGuirk, Barnisters, Solicitors iyGrade 111 Theory Notanmes PublicHed Barmoy and History W. R. Strike, QC. e s PHONE 623-544 First Class Honours - G. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 98 KNG S. W ub.PassTin VraZ.' 40 wrin . iL.B. 98OINGST.W.I.A.LLE .Refreshing and Flavourful BOMNIL bHarmony - asTn o 40Kg St. W. - Bowmanvilj, Hîstany - Pass-Bônnie J. Telcrîhone 623-5791 Malcolm, GradeIIflTheory Morigages LEM ONS6fr9 First Clasa Honours - Lôr- HALN-ORN"LsluCaioiaedCrnlN.i NO MILK DELIVERY raine Turner, Idska Rienstre, Phone 1 r 16 ucosClfriReCadn mor, ety . indsor. ' Reside-nce - Fam 7w inHonours--Cynthia Craig. Bsies Pop rtis Pais-Y N T U SD YJerrys.iPorer. _____________________ * m Grade I Theory O o ei JUNE 3Oth JULY lst Smth; Linda .KeyPaii KEITRA R I TO.D MAL GRV RD&WHT MpeGre JU N E 3 til m U LY leM. RudelI (equal); Sharon Opoetrist A L GR V RE & WH T A elen (equal>; MarartL. O0 ie19 trs y appointnient REGUAR DILIVIRY aFR1I, ULY 2nd âsut- ý%nCORNS' E HT Plummer, Kathryn J MMrt-. Telephone 823-3252 er, Margaret Hamilton, Ther- Mon.- Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. esa Banek, Hilda Ferbeek, ta 5 P.m. EK RD&WHT à(equal>; Janet L. Wîmnigan, Thursday evenings IC S R D& WH TNe t vje AUea Bragg, Mark Sipson. Wed. and Bat. - 9 - 12 . . a Iob rtiq0àle. .. .-.. 1 Ri - . ' -ne Ut aian zaofemm , .owma lvil, Jufe 23, 1965 Shelley Varistone, and Cathy -R old fam llar question - Mr ~ r b t d u CidyKo al- Mis ow anile'Patertôn. S a!he e TnL' I I tri The Cha Cha was danced -a sav"here isMosatngad with gusto by Leslyn Chamn-1 e mi~ isoe i h sa oe. ¶h uea evc Cid o a 'isBw avil'berlin, Patsy Blake, Brenda aP u iT keo r He vies very pleased taenwhl re i an uea he was sa close. Heid OhplBw nvieoTe- Henning and Diana Therteil. ( 4~"1've been drivingarnd aJuelindwso- Then came the Latin Tempo for an hour since I left 41.dce yRv u ecreatio Tw irle s, D ance s ThîAcacopfooed by thespar- by EuHYounman fcntW a iadthe atori* fpopietasecIh c a te tald meacre d ak nemetwsI eh Chan-berlin and Patsy Blake. ae î eee Drn ra u Re r cte n T lol r , D n e sfrott. He said: "Torn i a lye yMr hma ticularly enjoyable Canadien 1 o arifrslr tBih.ligweeh a = pa2 0 n unlf aCapers danced by the Boys Tap On June lOth, at 8 a.m., aMreDese tBîh-Iîgweeh a enpa-41adtr eta h saCreey Present llth A nnual Program The Swedish Dance by Ar-. teadher, Miss Ruby BfI~ stretch, -plus lght refresh-ý WIen we reaced Bewdey,~ sport is just back thatoa. eMsssHwrfle lassat. Te bu'sDnc s f lcm Shandsx luswfhenre sae for h a leged tsan celo ncng athea F'lyinbutchare o albaes alnpes The llth annual Spring ability in giving cammands for Twirl was performed by N~0anc ntn.Te Ja' ac a orbie n ipus wnHre e afa y o t eBan- edulit a cfe ei ae h asa u h reteen ae ak a r Pragrami featuring Baton the Sailarette Juvenile Corps Rietmnuller, Brenda Mffatt lTwirl as perfarmed by Brenda neine aduit femnales, the bsun as n ial a rn dl~ aacfe.fot More signs postedu n rhrCvry Twirling and Tap Dancing by!on the exact beat. She is also Patti Brock, Laura Bubar, Henning, Diana Therteli, and driver and this reporter. tnt era hecaho .eOur lest point of interest showin epetewy jet, piloted >,v Flight Officer was UehCairn rofeoseph Sri- ire sure if we were taOt the members ci the Bowman- a strutter af unusual ability. Caria Phillips, and Starr Fer- Maureen Martin was eye catch- Believing thiat, ta a degree, Leslie Bannon, Sept., 1948, ven whawoe"hat a strange places we waudb Blle Retan a p ass e nernung. Patsy Blake's wonderful cblîdren should be taught the when he lost his life, during Fniend We Have in Jesus,"1 very happy ta sele raad in villet ReantanpCase nt The Sailorettes Group Na., ill Flame Twirl was the canclud- fundamentiajs cf paying their -the crash of his jet on Tower afte-r which, we jogged pest indicating direction. the direction af Miss Irneo ex h program wîth a The Twîrl in Tîme, was ex-'ing number of the show. awn Wlay even if it means Hill. We forgot ta look at the'the Gardien Hill Recreation Sa, Mosport Board Mm Haarveandand . Sirs eyFShirleyexiFatiw- hibition.,cedCindyeffcaiaeasceedinglyrtaiesfectives MassBitggbagstcertainr lsacrifices.CapaMissnd thbighestoneby nearnCGlen AnMi.!lerk.tParkbytaloKgtheybrs,'netgbcrsn 1er, presented ln the Townlwas theCapainuandtheothrs dne y CleenCooe, nn r- tsand . 1 thv feteretd oesbn 1-alauditorium lest Wenes-"' this graup were Susan Ellis,.Ferrill, Gloria Stapleton, Caro- ouraofgoiedte trcipd, d.îthat sand watwntyie ft ,Taunton Road ta aur getbusraniha N al ev nin , w s a gre trsc- rud Pip e , R hond a P e li, Mn e r oand C ni VWhite.rn G ir lo f g i g o e t p a î i , a d w s o c o g t by ý point t Salieni S ho lhouso, row s îindicating direction a Payacline Woodlan, Annie Van suc-i ia bning a stipulated amount ta Americans, to be transported a :5pm Ieat !apr- tagr ilb aemc ceÉss. The excellent progr n1 JntBae 1svriineetisci~ iIhool eaah week, ta financeltoethe U45ed Stateshbutndts ectapicricday. happers and feci the w wsenjoyed by a large ad~DraNcosn ah lkFloigtefrtA ted the outing- any surplus ta be szeand weigiht prevented Bt adaut1cmesg sot It ~ ~ ~ ~ h wsanuedtaCndScthnext selectian, A Littleýafld Struts were presented. The, when it came time for -Hooran: It was anouncedthat Cidyllc,,chretyramedata the d Junior:wirh Tean did wlUthenstocameremneinsrthn werea.weîî wbehavedbetîhe, t ue GraceraeSSmith Koalhd ee lete an d b1Ramoa WicmanJUtrirdTrlaTpmldi welidP'Cdriver abliging, the day just:Ln Missl Boad nvilectBton a e rclass was much en-!It was composed of Susan '.onfe re nce rp vicni busrie, I a-merfudsAt apelod ehdargtfrtiskn fa ut Mirsler a!th e B h aron-joyed by the appreciative Canncrs, Lyn Stacey, Kathyi er aalale ws e cly .Calncpibellorwelhadarit! fr hs id fans or'LogSut pîcnic lunche inr'. Vh ewell keptt!ing My persoinalthakfoI cd hi hoarbybeig heaudience. This was followediLovekin, and Debbie Jores. Betty Joan Boughen, R.R. 2, Aget Lions Club supported park.1 a lovely trip as a guest. ou ts n Twre o thelwith the Tin Soldiers, a reallyi The Juvenile Twirls, and Port Hope, and Sharon Elliott, Our first stop was New-' This club is ta be congratu- OIU R outmar nmbedyiJliStoke NoiceSoosofr oustheig.Garden Hill, will be attending castle, ta hear a brie! sum- lated for their fine praject. BomnvleRerao hand her class. They were performed by Pen-ithe Provincial Girls' Canfer- Mary O! the Lovekin adW enjoyed the facilities ATR .PR seasan. PtyBae nhrsl w'yAmnIrn itmle ence at Guelph, representing Massey families; then, on totere flflWLERF PI Cilmo s t ae two ssons n oen Baton Twinl, made a great hit.,and Kim Masters. Then CindvîDurham County. Barbara Gar- Port Hope ta learn abo~ut the' efre IuU Flangnilesoffe teredt tr e socntstandmen'The Roaan Gyies, ArlenelChamberlin, Linda Ferrill, andet, R.R. 2, Ia ned dsourefooin an'ueulý e ftdee h ta fndFobes Pnar ocure Sun or ugt ing ~ ~ Mnr anirst placesgave a id oa ahdisplavedINa. 1, Cameron, adfonaless of the Ganaraska River, the tr-f oH'astings. en- Imnis h et fWlc tsnceset ugtyu two mrst prceint, h.nthe vc'xeln rsnain.mne aeti nAvned'Lean, No. 2, Cameron. will be and hoi t is hoped that pe- quîred at a service station.rnboHsia, T ak o ront o Sala mon Apnillt, dthe h e nx eto !tepa-Solo. representing Victoria Countv ,sent reforestato plrnsenry ndnsurance premlumal tiolonnplans may ad tandh nbumpetionofnteo FreddieI Jnew1.en Intermediate on May 8th, Cmn- rami was presented by theý The Junior Sls also re-Beverly Walton, N. 7, Peter-' minimize future floods. Sheckleton,, a former Pont.%- Dear Editor : waturaiJn h7 e 2. 16.H o a ytemnh dy cam e irst. Sh is now n Saturd y Tw irle spoolrstnheBoiwmvnciille abolaswasheinihisugh;than ear.kiy, No.opoolsanremiumaPaymento d y c a e f i r t . S h i s n w a n a t u r d y T w i l e r s . F i n s t t h e r e c e i v e m u c h a p p l a s e . T e s e j b riu C oJo a n M c C o n e y , Nh eC ocuigr nso fh en oim ,o f n o o p e r t i n g nn e a t n g p l c e A f c r r e d i n g l l a n . S o n o f t h l a t eM r.J .d Srn P l a nwth e n a b l ey ourt.l u m advanced twirler. was a splendid March andlwere Novice Salas by Susan 3, Lakefield; Carol Bailey, Na.lthe Golden Plow, indicative at Picton, Who guided us Werry's letter ta the Editor Robert A. S. Park, the dca- îyu rpryisrnepe Cindy receives the Schol- Twirl by Sherry Piper, Janet Cannons and Diane Thentelli 1 Omemee, and Jennifer Cobb, 1of the World's Chamipion out of tow,'n end onto the righti on "Where is Mosport" I cd was borni t Sundelad anship for ncxt season's les-.Lovekin, Debbîc Thertell, and Advanced Salas by Leslyn Warsaw, will represent Peter- Plowman; here the folks were rod. He didn't know it, buît! would like to add my little ýEngland, where he reiedrumtotertenak sons in addition ta, her title, Barbara Henning, Canal Carl- Chambenlin, Brenda Henniîg, borough County. informeri of the large part thea former sweetheart of bis'ý bit. ýhis education. On Maxc 5 igeaîhyamnsYuî Miss Bowmanville Baton son, Susan Rabertson, Julie and Patsy Blake. Then the There are many purpases of Canadien Statesman playe a asegro1arbs Ias ie192 emridtefre idi o airt Twirler of 1965. She has Luxton and Michelle Lamant. Strutting by the Solo Twirl- this confenence, some a! themn in tihe early publicity of this, - -o iv on the 9th Con- ths shown exceptional musical The attractive TySaers was in perfect tempo. ,being : r. faous world-wide ev- Frorn Hastings, we journey-ý cession o! Darlington, 1/ Hele.n (Taylor) Yorke, h h e et otino!teTo assist girls in gainîng an ________________1dt Keet -stmlews !teDr ingo-survives. edt en ovstSerpent: mile erpayoenthenDayoinreg. ThnaramprtinBallt, pavd-appreciation o! their oppor- Mounds Provincial Park. Herel Clarke Town Line whcrc all 1Phe dece2sed was a frr ia oshl ugt h :rgaPtt alt runitisadrsosiiiisa SR Sw a h go otn athe cars from al the other Iland orchardist. He hadrsi-noseusody ýe iultetfrteaudî..ndividuals members a! a sec some students of Tren t concession nads have ta e et R.R. 1, Tyrone,fo4 enea Fjst there was thelfamily, a club, a c onld ______nC__V_ Uist eM ned i oe htsincingback Manvens cd He ws embe graceful Waltz Ballet by Dl pmu ande n ity d ccou n t Uiest nae n "dig". join in witb the grand pro- yas oigteefo o Pollard and ber class -Thisl ante od as Canadiansson Amngba YMnvrstîcton, Ont. H arat was followed by the intricatecties RAY J. DH.LING thcy might f md some thingRodfo 41.O th ofTonUitdCrcad Faust Ballet danced by Janiceý To inspire and stimulate Cbartered Accountant relative ta the indians who morning of tbe Playen's 200 a veteran of! World WriSU R Woadland and lier class, and club members ta achieve' 93 Cburch Street inlhabited th is region twol they were bumper ta bump- serving in France f rom 91 oncudng it th iveyth naetptnil 623-3861 thausand years ego and wboî er fromte ine in the morning ta 1919. Dance Caprice by Jenny Munroi To develop leaders and bet- LOÇ-Ï--M SBOK are credited with havi ng ao nc in the afternoon. Surviving besides bis ~f A'L and ber class. oies matndAconat rade the burial mounds in It is very bard ta realize Helen, ar three daugtr A!ter the second intermis- Tobnre ome-* T Chrtere ccta B ant the form of a serpent. Just that this is taking place in Mrs. Lloy d Skinner (Shley SIJ E RI IIed with the Tap Dances. In attendthis conference t the OshawaShopping Centre digger" uneo:red the skele..î these drivers were nt in (Doris) and Mrs. Ea, îgS.E o m nil H.COGIS ton o! an Indian, probablyý this line o! traffic, wauld Bragg (Ex-,a). There aci SE O Dsii yColeen Cook, Sharon Jue 22-25. The girls are. Cbartered Accauntant ko hr agrgadhlrnadfu ra- Ofc elee IBrsadSusan Ellis. Patsv hsnfo hi c-pxatv-vears ago. This was quite a' Thursday marning thbe grandebtildren. 2-616359 IBurnesFls a aa»' hsnfrtero-privi Second Floor find for the "diggers", and week o! the race a car came Also surviving areabr IBaesFahTpwsajoy ness, dependabilit 'v and pro- Ne Libnary Building no 1" sthrilling ta aur bus in aur dniveway with the 'ther, Sydney, and a sse Susan Stark, Patsy Murphy,,ndaon h nesadi- WILSON & BURROWS i * Terms uPt1.10Years *No brokerage fees Margaret Bickîe, Beth Ann.tret ojlu emes i h ar114 Accauntants FEHFOE * ohde hrea _ .pe.d;Clifton, and Kathy Lindsay., . - . Paxhbts 14n t E astOhwOt " ohde 'cags eA11orp&rtCon b rplde n Brenda Henning charme d'special speaer, xbii tnteastOsaa:n No bonuses .~~~~ demonstrations and participa-! o al F. D. W ilson, C.A.ç"D a o a t n s For a FREE brochure on SUPERIOR moitgages, write, phong or The Irish Tap, a lilting num.cusPhone 728-755469 viuitthe UPERIR ofice feure! >ýber, was danced most prettily PRIN&C vii teSUEIO ffc nses ou!and with absolutely correct ChaLLe ccuta THE 111EALTY DIVISION 0F timing by Leah Woodward, M m igSre conat ,.~(aeo 2Bg SU E I R R D TSharonHa:mZ;o:d ut:h Ann M uic KngStret - Newcastle-- S P R O R D T Iameron and Manie Andrews. 987-4240 The fionalasecain of Re - 36V/2 King St. E. - Oshawa - Sz m co St.O SR A W 725 6541 G r up No. 2 w ere spectacular. ' The follow ing is a list of W illiam C. H all, B.Com m C A Daiy 1 830 .m~ Flda x 8.0 .m. Th lades eneIreieRie-1successful candidates in cx-ý David G. Pekin, CA. Otorveln. y pplnmet.muller and Penny Alrupmto n atoshcdrcntyb BESJI BUY! Save 12c! Coloured1-bPks 31 SUPIRIOR offlos te serve you lwere Bannie Lau Carîson, Music o! Toronto in Bwa-~a.DMNO A E TJS ______________________________ r1 ville, Ont. The namas are ar. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Save 20c!fl Karen Sarginson, Lynn - Ie, Chiropractor _________________________________________ranged in order o! menit, ýose MavergarianeLea Cancd114 Ti tcePass-Marilyn G. Vrooman. r15 Elgin St., cor, of Honsey St. BEST BUY! Save 13c! l2-oz. Tins MIDGETH M $~ 1_OficeHVurE B appFnt entSave 4c'! 3, f ak o ku Honours-Patricia M. Ru- OfieHus0yapitet ~Iu ,, E ~ 4 Io~ Maple Leaf ldlDoga Evans, Robenta Denj aE ui b U I V L & R CH SE LI S 2 c ______________À&____L___el____1_ Pass-Bonita D. Beech, MaryD . .RUELB EST BUY! Save 7c! 3c Off Pack 1-lb. Pkg. Sae1e6eOfPc16oJa J. altrs eqal) Jan Hm-75 King St. E. Bowmaavîlle iltan, Linda G. Strawbridge.1 Office Hauns ea G rade V IMaiano Leaf Honours-Allen Bragg. Closed Saturday and Sunday N Pas-Magart Hrnitoný OficPhoe -623579 ýBEST BUY! Save 20c! 6c Off Fresh-Pack Caffee 1-lb. Bag Save 13e! Pî rLiThmas G. Puk. . Res._PhoneNewcastle 987- 4261 1-. ku ~~~~Grade VI Piano DR. C. F. CATTRAN,üD.D6.S§. U IrA P A IS2 k s9 Frst Class Hanours -Olga Office A P 04 ~~~~~Nowosadi, Donald McKenzie, 75 King St. E. BowmanvilleMAWL OS79Sae2ci <'Barry Malcolm. ý Office Hours: I e ~~~~~~. Carl Hayman, Linda A. Closed Saturday and Sunday S 2!Vreis o.Sre as PEANUT B T E 9 Kelly (equal); Kat-en L. Cov- Teehn:Ofie6399 enly, John Duval, Marie Yeo: DR. E. W. SISSONos Brn R lih s 4 $ (equal); William N. Peters, L..SS D..S.(<'4sh 'an1 Caral L. Wight.K Office in his home BEST BUY" Save 15c! Catalina or Casino Liquid 8-oz. Boutles 1 r f en A. MeKnght. Phone 623-5604 SOF Grade V Piano Office Hours : 50Ireshly Popped -i.ub a FistCas onur-ann 9 .m. ta 6 pm. daily mmI mrss n s9mBaVEfflC RN 29 Lor y, Pmla . hon u te, en i- - .d W cdn sday 1Sunda

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