p - _____________________________________________ Blackstock Girls Receive Guide Awards Mr, Ben Thompson has suc- familY also attended. tessful1Y pused his third year. Mr. S. R. James was hast Callege. 6f Pharmacy, Uni- at his cottage, Gooderham, for versityJj Toronto. -the annual outing of the Bow- Mr.~tColwell and Mr. manville Public School Board Irwin Colweli spent the week-,which was enjoyed by the end with Mrs. Annie Bradley following board members. and family, Bondhead. jFrank Blunt, Dr. C. F. Cattra..n Mr. Peter Cawthra Johnstan J. H. Lancier, C. S. McTavish of Stuart, Florida, visiteci his H. W. Sturrock, Artu Oswald cousin Mr. Glenholme Hughes and hy Supervising Principal ' andi Mrs. Hughes, Ontario A. M. Thompson: Mr. James' Street, last week. ýsons, Norman af Kingston and Congratulations ta Mr. and Douglas of Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Waver- l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper ley Rd., Who celebrateci theirJr., and daughters. Julie, 58t'- wedding anniversiary last Jacquelyn and Jennifer left Saturday, June l9th. on Monday for Ste. Therese de Mrs. A. L. Thrasher of Blainville, Que.. where Mr. Windsor is spending the sum- Hooper will commence new mer months with her son andi duties at the General Motors daughter-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs.'plant. Last Saturday evening George Thrasher, King Street ,about 45 friends andi relatives East. held a farewell party for Mr. Conratlatfii., toRobrtandi Mrç. Hooper at the homne, CW Rauaiu aRhr of Mr. and Mis. James Crom- Watt Jr., son of Mrs. R. Watt, 'hie, Simpson Ave., when they Oshawa, andi the 1 ate Bob1were pi-esenteci with a lovely Watt. who has successfullv 'transistor waîî dlock. CcaMpleteci 2nd year pre-mecis at the University of Western!Ms .R ae.Tiiy Ontario. United Church: Mrs. K. Werry; and Mrs. H. Turner, St. Paul's Mrs. M. L. Roeuigk attend- United Church. Bowmanville, Pd the Directors Dinner at the and Mrs. Gea. Munday (e opening of the Stratford Festi- Margaret Farmer) of Brookî- val and the three evening per- lin and formerly af Boxvman-' formanc-es. While in Strat- ville, tte,,ded the Second ford. Mrs. Roenigk was the Reg-icnal Conferenre for Wo- guest of Mrs. L. J. Lon. men of the United Church helci Mrs. Pearl BaIl and Miss June 18, 19, 20 at Queen's Uni- At an impressive ceremonv held June 7th in Blackstock, two guides of the Ruby Aldworth, Toronto, at- versity, Kingston. They attend- lst Biackstock Guide Cornpany received their "Ail Round Cords" and on May tended the Decoration Day ieci Chalmers United Church on 15t oe uide received ber "Gold Cord", the highest award in Guiding h srceat Bowmanville Ceme-:Sunday ta hear Dr. F. Ban- th onehg tery on Sunda1. They also ister,, former minisier ai. St. girls are pictured above. Frorn left ta right: Lorna Wright, daughter of Mr. and Visited at'the home of their Paul's United Church here. Mrs. M'alter Wright, Nestieton; Betty Bradburn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ray brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred While in Kingston Mrs. James Bradburni. Burketon. Bath girls received "Ail Round Cords". On the extreme Aldworth, Courtire. xvas guest of her d aughter-in-i right is Marlene Tomchishin, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tomchihin Mar. ajndedMthe Laruce Gofl lMs.Nomn ams Caesarea, who received her "Goid Cord." -PhotoCourtesy Port Perry Star dard,~tended the marriage of The new Deerfoot Gallery, - __ -____ __ __ ____ ___ ther sn Td nd issCa-:Leaskdale, Ont., near Ux- Mrs. Art Low was near Bow- k lene Smith in Bridge Streetbridge, %vas officiallv apened'manville last week xith Mr. IIC Saturday, June 9th. No M ore.AOS. N. a unW r.g.V ork for Hirn UniedChrr, elevr., and h pblcRy .C. an d MrsJim Englih and Mrs. Herber. L. Goddard and day afternoon, Junie 20th. 0f granagtrJlLah Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Braden M. and Mrs. Eddie Couraux also attended the wedding. seia ineetocly ws and Lynn halidayed Sunday i the showing of paintings, water with -Mr. and Mrs. Vancer Mr. and Mrs. Erie Cavýil] andi colours and drawings by Arn- Alna hi otg nMn Miss Lindia Cavil], West Palm aId Hodgkins, awner and di- Lake. Beach, Florida, visited Mr. rector of Deerfoot Gallery. Mir. and Mrs. A. Dennis andi and Mrs. Et-nie Wessells and Mr. Hodgkinsý is well known farnily spent the day at Bewd- Denîse on Saturdav afternoon. lun this area, having taught a rt 1ev It is the first time the families classes in Bowmanville in con- MTr. and Mrs. Ariel Lang-! have been together since Mr. nection with the Recreation saf anifmyadth and Mrs. Cavill and their Department for several years. stHfarvey Faowspinckd t daughte>r left Toronto ta live W. R. Strike, Q.C., Chair- Rice Lake, Sunday. The c]oth- in Florida 10 years ago. man of Ontario Hydro, and 'ing of their three-vear-old son Mr. 'aric Mis. Clifford Mark- Mrs. Strike, were in St. Cath- Brian caughs. an fire and he lin, Flett St., were pîeasantîylarmnes last Saturday when Mrs. jwas doused in the lake by surpriseci on Saturdav night Strike hiac the honor of press- 1 Mrs, Farrow who is ln hospital with a barbecue supper in ing the button ta launch a new 'with burus on her hancis. Brian honor of their lSth wedding Hydro shlp. She christeneci is in the Hospital for Sick annivPrsary. July lst, held at 'the ship "Ontario Power". ,Children with third degree, the home af Mr. and Mrs. Jim The ship, which was built at burns. GrnLberty Gardens, when St. Catharines, wilî transpart Kendal Juniors playeci at they were presenteci with a ýcoal from Nova Scotia ta On- Little Britain, Sunday, and Iovely crystal cake plate. Mr. tario Hydro's stcam generating were the winners bya 5-4 and Mrs. Everett Wo n plants. Mrs. Strike, before the score. ___________________ -launching, was presenteci with Debbie Langstaff went into 4an orchîi Corsage and after- hospital Monday marning for ward with a bouquet of roses.la tonsilectomy. ,,n IIe Following the launching, Mïr. -Aseilsriewshl BoWluA panvisrvcewa +l and Mrs. Strike attenciec a in Kendal United Church on lu ucheon at Prudhome's. lSunday ta celebrate the 4Ot Anniversary of Church Union. Pei<~ osaI~ rLloyd Clifton Jr., soni af Mr-. Rex'. R. C. White gave a most adMrs. Lloyd Clifton, B eech linteresting resume o! Churchý pentèt stal 've. and a Grade XII student iUnion and incidents that re-1 at Bowmanville High School, sulteci from it. He mentioned' is attending, as a dlgte, the ýta the United Church Wo- Ihurch United Nations Smnrben mnof taday - the three helci June 20-25 ait the Uniï- former groups ail uniteci in versity of Waterloo. Lloyd, on oamchgetrwr For the benefit of those who may expeet him 75 ibety~t wo i spnsrec b th Bs- than before. However he did to continue repairing their broken down machines, mness & Professional Wamen's :flot mention that now they are Robert M. Stephens (71) 9 Church St., Bowrnanville, ato:RvAKdaB1h Club, is a member o! the 3Ird given orders how much they has fialyrtedHem eths nou eet Patr e.A urBT.Committee for Polanci. Mr. 'have ta give. The choir fax'- ofialy eied Hem eths nnu eet Phone 623-5100 Clifton Sr., former plant man- oureci with "In the Garden" recently after putting Roy Angers cernent mixer back ager o! R. M. Hollingshead with Mrs. A. Foster at the in shape. Bob has spent 37 years as a machinîst in uet pe ke rp., recently began his new'organ. me Wdnsa this commrunity, 181/ of te atGoder wh G e t S e k r:Aerocide Dispensers Ltd.. Rex- evenoing a h oeo r.ta take life easy . . . he says. No more ]aïwn dale. Mr. andi Mrs. Clifton Reg. Ellioti. with the Vice- mowers or small engines for him. He's just going ta Rev. Harold Grant, B. Se. and their family will continue i President, Mrs. Couroux in the sit in the sun and relax. Wonder how long it w.ll ta reside in Bowmanville. chair. There were 10 memn- last? bers anci one visitor present.ir _____ ____ Sunday School - 9:55 a.in.___ a trip ta Collingwood ta h 11 a. ni. ~~~Blue Mounitain Potteries onGrd 9 uisW l ILThafin wa. weather for 'uesday, July 6. Acard is ta ea in "TRIPLE PORTION" h ekn a nindication famiîy in s Ccch ii iî n , " rcl 7 p.n. ame n oficallyon ondv pasin ofMrs. Mils ur ew !thcaein ofiCirsall n onday iDistrict President. ut was de- the2lt. ar ani oat wrecideci a Penny Sale would b "CALCULATEI) er nm ciuson theras i th pig snow art- D i st. B oard D ecides CONEQUNCE" to Svenh Crnes wuldbetimne. The ladies paici their, Reading tests will be cam-' twud epeeabl o much appreciateci by the trav- du,,. Discussion on what the: pulsory for ail Grade 9 stu- la student to attend summer Wed, itu 3th.7:0 pm.ellerý; as these are vcrv 'hard ,W. i coulci danate for the park 'dents i heDramCu t c olrate rethn r bl ta Wed, un 3th.7:1)p.. ta ce, especially ai. nighbt. was fheld. The idea-that te n tchelDsract nexi. Scarlry oneor twoG rde 12 Family Night Service Misses Dorothy Mercer andi goverument gix-es a grant taitember, ut wasidtrited t e-subrjeet.o rae 2 and Youth Service Apn Foster lft undM-ay aoteomuiy parks for board meeting in Miilbrook The nearesi. summer sehool speci wek t Qin-o-Lcmonev' spent on them but the a4Wneavfothkaa15tSarr the Unitedi Church Summer Hrelaksn Mmra s edtestdraxvnupbfough. Bz 196 a newdeart Courotix anci Mrs. Manders-.-AugUst 6th. Um J. UZ1Lft 1 4 e k i l ~~~Fridax' evening a cup andi The board approveci tIhe .JH A.dGOT S ChrisQan Reformea uhurcb saucer shower was helci at the rentai of six portable rlass- MS ONA eG'O 34home of Mrs. Reg Elliott bx' romrs for Port Hope High Thse deatih of Mrs. John A. Rev. Johi C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister IKenclal Chair girls, for Mi,,ssScisool with thse option of hu.v- de Groot, aged 65, occurreci Telephone 623-5023 Carol Little, xvho is being mar-'ing. 1at Memorial Hospital, Bow- Srieci in Kendal Churcis, July P. J. Bigelow. principal of maux-ille, an Tuesday, June 16th. H'HS. said ai the present, 15, 1965, !ollowing an'lns M aranathaMr. anci Mrs. Martin Foster twa-thirds of the Grade 9 o!svnmnths. M ara athaspent the weekend at Jarvis pupils are taking tise voca- Daughter of tise late Arie j'vîiîing her parents, 'Mr. andi tionai course. Visser anci Jacoba Visser (nee "Chrstin R for ed hurh YMrs. John Axvde as Sundav lExceptional Cases de Groot>, the former Adiana O r'stin Refo med Ch rch wan Faiher's Dav. Mrs. M. È. After discussion. thie rmcm- Johanna Visser was bornaia Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Minister Fn.qter went with them ta Vit- bers agreeci that exc'ept in ex- Rotterdam, Hollanci, anci re- toria ta visit her daughter'ceptional casçes, Grade 12 stu- ceiveci her education in Hal- Telephone 623-3492 Mrs. Leigiston Walsh. dents should flot be promateci landi. On February 14, 1923, ÀMrs. Jerrv Byers visiteci ai lo Grade 13 unless thex' have she married John A. de Groot %Vorship Service - 11 a.ni. ' her iotherýs. Mrs. H. Faster. , crsfll ompleted four who predeceased her. '~Fridav afternoon andi attendeci options. Au housewife. tise deceaseti Wrhpservice - 7:30 p.nm. l.ithe chower for Carol Little. It might ho per'issible far haci resideci in Bowmanville WoshpMrs. Vance Allen anci Mrs. a Gracie 12 studcent tan reach for 14 months, andi befa-e. "Procaimin the hole ounse of Gd" 4Beu MadilI. Jr.. spent Tues- up" ta Grade 13 for rnot mare coming iseha lvd t !da,.'evening with MrF W. thani two sîîhjets, or, for a Whitbv and Orano. She was Bakt o 1u racs Me rrer. Grade 1.1 ýtîîdenî ta "ýreac-h a mAmber of Maranatha: Bar toGodHou BradcstMrs. Marv Lijxonn xýa, thp dOur'o n p" ' 1 for onr or Christian Reformeci Churr'h. CKLB Oshawa - Suindav, Jâne 27tb, at 9:15 p. M. gue-t of Mr. and Mrs. Rax' m'n. Mis deci Groni camne la Canada Hughes ai the, cottage at Lake Tise leciçior wold rc3t in Xpnl, 1953. Kushog for the week.end. iwith tbe principaL Surviving are Lwe daugh- ters, Ja.eoba (M. 'R. Bouw - The Canqdiari Statesman, Bowmtanville, June 23, 19657 meefter). Bowmanx-ille, a nd VViInesses 7 ____________ ~Geertruide (Mrs. C. Ros). 1 Oh"a, and one son. At-te of, vÂlI l j WitLe.sses lorRted in prograni would include talks, Orono. The're are nine grand- W il ttendl jeRstern OntaRrio andi including, discussi0ns' and practical de- ohîldi-en. service * some of the English-speaking m>st~in he fo r herice one-,from the provine of Mr. Roberts fitrthFr ie-port. "vsC nv n inQuebec. An attendance in e ta evrl prsna Chapel, Bowmanville. on Fn-crif 500 s epcei tives of the Toronto Watc;h- daJue1th ndma ci- F r e di Roberts, presiding Thptr<s teaen tower hranch ofticp will speak day u e b8"Te, anci was heC011n-inPrterhnoough. Highlirht of ductd byRev. Jolin van minister of Jehovah's Witnes-' blY program.-' qaid Mr. Rob- h rrr reue o Harmnelen. During the service Ses. made known today, June'erts. -is to provide aciditianialthpp. Snday whedua Watfor organ Mus.ic was played bv Bbei yr.ýIna hi *th Mr. A. van Belle. Interment 21, that the Bowmanville Con- Ribe istruction for the Wit- t w r ofca vi ir a p b w as in B ow mnanville C erne - gregation of Jehovah's W it- ness es 10 , enable them t tA owic ar esoffc a oil d 3ov er n-l t e y . n e s s e s h a s b e e n i n -i t e d t o a t - l i l r n c p e o e f l i e n t r so n t - S h u deWf h tend a fo uir-da y,, asserblv ta to ther everyday lives inciMPrntce th b tic of thee. ManY beautiful floral tri- be held J,,], 22 ta 25 at Me- activities. "We believe" saic in butes and donationis ,o the marial COMMuInitv Centre. the Watelhtower spokesman, E CAHTfT Caner Societx- attested ta the Peterborough, Ont. Mr. Rob-ý th.at God's Word. the Bibr, FOR OLCAHPLOIANC estem inwhih th decase ert, wil had te 1(ea is indispens;able ta, the Chris- FRODAPINE estem n wic' th deoasd etsiii hetabouth6 eroaldee-tian wav of life. and o focuJ throîigh was hlci.gatin otabou 65 ersos. iattention on this Book 'f ~ AFN Paîeaes ee esrs. A. The Assembly is being ar-'Books, the assembl 9Tprograni van er prut, . Hrterink; rngei b the Watchtower wilI carry the theme, 'wordCASIED J. den Holander, M. Kalis-' Bible Sacietiy of Toronto for f Truth'." T e lo al niniter faart, A . Stolk and J. Snoek. t e c n r g t o s of J h -e p a n d T ai e ou i i r-ay Telephone 623-3303 the ongelgaion of ehoýexpaind tht te loir-aýl BARGAINS for DAD June 21 to Jîne 26 WILKINSON SWORD Stainlcss Steel Blades SCORE Hair Cream 41/2-OX. tube, SUgg. ligt 98(. rtag. lit 75e spFruoi'59C SP(I8 7c1 BLACK LABEL by Yardley After Shavlng Lotion or Body Powder 1.501 ench FREE Fishing Lure and Bait Box with purchaETT do! al Rze GILLETTE Adjustabîr Bazaranci Blsde9 1.66 Johnson's BABY OIL Helps keep infant skin Soft, sinooth. lO-oz.. sugg. Iist 1.29 SPECIAL 99C John son's Baby Powder Guards against diaper rash. Ahsorbs moisture. 12!/2-oz., Sugg. list 98C. SPECIAL 100 A. S. A. TABLETS Loivest prier ever! 1.D.A. Brand TOULT TISSUE At thp 2 for 29e regular prie. 9 rolis would be 1.16. Get them for half that .. sjA1 F .58e Drop into your I.DA. Drug Store and see many more Specials VALUIES Snow White Facial Tissues 400 singles, packed 2-ply Sof t . .. Absorbent Reg. 2«)c box SPECIALS for MILADY SOFTIQUE Beauty Bath Oil, sîigg. list 1.69 Roll-On Deodorant, stigg. ist 1.25 Endejanug.l B RECK Hair Set Mist spec. offer, 1.89 value, 1.49 - I.I).A. %PE(IA 129 1.47AI 99EC A1 Dandr9fC Treatnient Sha mpoo MODESSBOX Of 12 sugzg. listi. ic3 7c ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID - 5 grain - - only SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/4 grain I.I).A. SPECIAI, 100 for Just 13C MACLEANS TOOTH PASTE for whiteness, brlghtness, tlngling clean sugg. list 1.09 88 C GOLF BALLS m BEACH TOWELS SIMILAC Mayna rd's Mint «Tulips Win friends and Influence people, ton, wlth these smooth dellilus candies. 7-oz. box 1.00 MARATHON Special Hevw1h Trylt 15 aunercp in Reir. 31o ANACIN fa%t pain relief famlly size - 100 tabet.-i suig. list 1.29 SPECIAL99 SPECTROCIN The modern antiseptic for first nid use. sg.list 1.50 SPJI< JAL 1.19 June 21 to 26 enIy .- 10%/, Off Famous POLAROID BUG KILLERRouse and GardenRAID 12-oz., sugg. liat 1.69 .spJEcIATl 1.17 BAND-AID PLASTIC STRIPS, 60's 1.07 value, Mfrs.,,pec. offer '79c, I.D.A. specil!616c CORICIDIN Relief of Conmmn Cold 25 tablets, sugg. list 1.49 Take CEPACOL 14-oz., sugir. llst 1.40 81PFCIAL 10 9 for Sors Throat Dynachrome High Speed Colour Film 8 in.r. - 25 ft. sugg. llst 4.25 (proeessing lncluded) 3.59 I 2 fnr lRfi, -& li'/ 4 for$1 e( OUL Heavy Grade '-88 MI NERAL OIL I.DA. Brand EnglisFi Style HEALTH SALIS 1 pound tin, Reg. 79ce 9 I.D.A. Brand Calamine Lotion 8-oz.. Reg. 50e ~ f SPECIAL >79C Firot quallty Nylon Bristle I.D.A. Tooth Brush RpguIarIy 3Me Pae1lb Save 16e on three 3 1for8C M ULSOY LIQUID tluflce2 for$100 Dextri MaltoseNhsu . .ib$1 .00 EnfalaC LIQUID 15-ounce 4o 10 Farmer's Wfe No. , or3 5 for $1,0OO EVENFLO NURSER UNIT 3for $10 S-oz. bottie, nipple, cap - Sugz. ligt 45e - - 3e_ 9 ounce Tumbler Size D)ixie COLD DRINK CUPS They'll end your broken tumbler worries -. . - SPECIAL 25 for 44c 7-ouince Plastie Lined Dixie HOT DRINK CUPS No paper taste . . . no plastie odour . . . with handie-- SPECIAL 15 for 44c" Plastir-C'nated inner Size DIXIE PLATES For hot or vold foods. GaiIy decorated DJixie Plain White 9-lnrh PAPER PLATES Esuier to pack . . . no mahn fewr.4 o 7 PRESCRIPTIONS SPECIAL 15 for 44( SPECIALI ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 623 5792 I.D.A. Brand Heavyweight Terrycloth and Blades 1.66 1.471 BAN ý Enden 77c 1 14c 1 JU 1. D. A. REMEDIES 5 KING ST, W. PHONE 623-5792