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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 11

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4t Mr% r"~Tikon, Editor Phone 987-4213 r'Uli.C %>Cnloci %.nir 11Oftuf Ii îgtîiigits tuf lte uîpetiig c'eienic)nies at acst' Po-tt Of'iucr' qn Fi-ida\-, June i3ith. as the singing of thbe puiblie c shotl choir, tîtder directirtniof e-erorms at Post Office Opening Mis. R. Muni-u. Thuev the program mith (j- Eighteen Newcastie Brownies FIy Uj Thp ('onimmi n i lx l tti n NewAcastlî le'vs b 1wscelle Re-euî, î i a s, L n ail t att rît oBuwi a Fi Up ctrTn t-ta:sî Ixeak anîd Bell at r hark whert I R s o vtuikt tadias 1tieCaune Gir't Guides. 'Flic Pn'i"ett, Stua i S ipsotut gcauîp ittetutides, fronit iuw, ltfbt<îiht, DMalle Depaepc, et-. Athacti Gua. vi Cari-a Lovr'k it i. 'et'Alt iti, Amutit (' a r b itIte anîd îd St aphe tiscît . Young Newcasfle Injuns Invade Park ai Cobourg For Annual Expedîtion s C\ c - .-,n , -)I, i A - : tutus turle tuir- x \as a< nu"' mt iii top., xx tht Mi rept-îsaîut il îg Nrwaxvîa;le 1 st break foi-iiinc-l. Faoxvuuuiig 'Iilisouu takiuug oit ail îuîa c'a 13raxn Ciib Park. atnd Ncxx --t bis. ilîc' <ba-ppani nultiof Iitdl,,.t petitioui antd xviiiug veu casle 1,t A nin B Bau-k - ao ltunic aii n ttu tlîcr îu- of Ilhriiu. hatri fla ,tu - !dtii iDat iecntfouit:>. -auina :Ofh m box.- xxtii At Uta)( îru i ft ilua anis. -,,c ai cobourc no] Sati -d(at .ca-tua'-dir farmntiîe IiGratu ýian-iat-te tub tmin lic park xw jing Il-ta utitgc li-t bafoua îloi latî - t haealtaRa--to\ < niiwirs fou ailIlle ic lu 9 aýl lui t îxicitut'ta i îîetp a i ti N(\cxx-n-Iflatru ieé-Fnn\irx uugts. murta gauî 111. î I ii t1he cx-eiig N oA i Graîtr n %\lax 1I tail. utaz -)tiaund tlta vitIiug f otue xilil clatý. a vrt utrniti o, huit aa nuilDarliînc. Due lbin'- trm as xx r-'r' iiî ni. big and exatîug dt till i'f atuu du 1 - 1rl t( terl n ut 'ttc IMa it' mtoIl frr A<ici faîtlît exepnt: nAi(! i1, ivhtuA,. lue reni af li ipIeaid ralioni tlari uil-ualînî tiaei-ai-k t box- îet -e ;e rt tueof Iit "'1. cuti-c dat.\,attind aIari tu l'rn lpelx uîîg tue t Inge. '\ fii de t ',oui-ai ha: xx aiheu e fan;t thecao Ctihz. Lea r ; a tri Asi-,; au offic'iait '-tu'uetti ug on ci tdai Dat -f ! a. htcfi -a îk n tt M-ei'e ail ntrýresd un I1: duauithe uîuîufou «t; usaei azaain t-e- flu-arn Capuliro Rasais e. Nor cir. rmpla-te xut i tsar;iauit nniasd t llte i'id:aiu iatiIi-nr VancuerPa.BC.. uasthe ait and lo'ah z, s O ucn it-g put bac-k oui 'l'he bats ta InK 1ri' fct-anintes nIt tîus rani tue park PtI Cohiliît:, luîituliaiIP ! i ii Iluaf-tiiI.xx: lî ftr i H( nuin! l iii gtauIjp ý-Ilg; ura -aý itu, afle:-iu-talara nîitg otui ni toi nluiu iuicisurii xs-mauupi ~xli-ilta abia tin-- larit lit oua,:- ail 'lita oti itribu' ii)ic(, -critlci a fuII sund tbiat car. iotlliae-tt aofCIhoitu ig xî . liniaut xrcsîl iuig programm ae c-omiplote wx'i 1 w-iictheî*xvlitinr!uit ttipal t- perrunt ciauîiug ca-icnI i.1o tu f limditaitdaiiss ai adani douxutwanx ud hack ut liotrtntlx' x tirchbx- ailtilie hliax i'Il îk liiie Bctaî-a Illa tirl- thea iutdiiîtvillage (tur(-(, iguu - <'sut:.trileuIt o-iun-'rniauit£ it. iIsanlCuisbronudific A\paade l"tî' <if i i l -tht- i .u lierilii - '1 . us o iltn i ti l ic iit ttitlack> lp i ni:, tkit>. au facnied i ii tti(, gIraut:ti- anti t iC :'lu: ni ti liýItu. lu i - xxa he ic <u .ting ton Newau t le lootril luîi p I or-i )tc'1,' ui - al.: 'lic thic-.\îA tut' - tu- xxuitieis of Ib the best ninessed î Ox'ncnb-.-Du a.i in a i. t ccc pie a x- wiihi btisx t)cilehutl il sua RsOalora t lînt lita box- s xxiIl naît-e ib( ton a loitirc lunia 10 scorna. / ew c(u,1-/e u tlîi !ucîr Piuu-k fo M 1-ltaýilri Iltjir-tasand A ("'j')tant rphrniîctsni1. ,F'ta. j>1 'nultroalecTed Den xx[th bts assustan Is Fdrmiu R'n-.Rn Poilaie- at-d Ai A; !.rie \eî" dit niin 'd iack-ip Pploutt. \1 (i a--r'îba ft'nm R Park. Cti familîv uIl hj ui u tecvrk- 'Damnoox Srz h: 'xDeîîîîv. mas;inu Mn-;. Ec Nrsbîîî an bo'%,;:~ga-Siui a I:.- Rouali Gond. Mt'Emma as-'5Ita;uts Ri n.R-ti( r i1Ilso J - cI - ato iau..1 latiidat';. lýonge N: ~tigatîci ttutN a ntillo h a r oi lau- t in-i. t- V î. lax'e 'lTiat- rauuszprotItatin ihai xx; !aIttwo ýoffice aria: ':inl:u NI:-. IVeoni-Katir VI-. ,1!'%- mrne av-ialhi t Ient loni o fat axi> for btM'tG1t cao' -Mrn. Eia;;Pl -gl t'iug Ile ta b o anad fri-n xyaaIo ýrk,.M'Ut l(c S; ut. N E iali:k xx'n>siuî-r eia a ' sit ru - . uit A s o i t o . W t bornam as' mI Satuînav 'utatiit" Adx -i--v , fit, ir - lttci ilNwa cn Sas -l a' <J 'i l ni u Mc. .uiPlat-rdr>. s r r- aý o "I\ () ilM r a n td P e e W e e s D o w i th' b lia tucatlîriîn t . et n1i ailiv bvthie n-oprit lotIii . t -(I ,t. itic Mt'inu. 1-rBlackstock i intahiep p-n :ig h M-~ r.aîtd MNI Jo carIv ti's x' ack. I!W' data;, ml Nr ~ar tntavilhi n li- Mt B:!n N.. NiiaiLa Two Efforts F'iiuiuanîd ni . l. iii sMI.,W i Bn tai . Na -A.Che- Otur tou n ho,q laRoxavîethe lasni;l i Ni- a-'i - : -livri S'eobc - Bec uta 'at 5 n au Au.ta B"t-t. ' Izr -1t~'-ti"d Mnand Ns iit-t-z..u exv e r'tt:1 Home, Mr, John Dausî, Nrs.i Weý1and and family. . against Blackstock at Black~ WIl for Artificial Ice Fund Duff and Brewer Coming For Cîvîc Holiday Show Neîcahe-At a meet-iitg At six p.tyu. theri, wll bhe a r-ides.« and thefrfsbsmrît' I Ieid recenltl.% of the, Artificial parade throtighotît the village. bat-tti xviii Fie slo'ked ta suri- Ire Assoýciatini Cammittee. wit-h floats and hahon pxi let's. ix' iar demand. At six-! plans wei'e heing finaiized and Boys and girl-, are invîted ta thict 'v. atter the parade. thef ~.hig things planned tai presentdress up their bikes anid .a shaaTn-.BilTmxvi Sta Newca.stle a full da 'nI fun the parade. 'Phare will he A mree with ftue Dutrham Ail-1 a nd fesîluitias on Monda'!' pizefac the best decorated Stars. There is somebî-irg for Aucgctst 2nd. Il wiil be a ceai'eî'yoî planined. and yocî o ld-fashioned Civic Holiday, Gutests of Naxv-astle xviii he donît xvaîîl o amiss il. 11 ,with muii. futnu. and laughter, N.H.L. stars, Carl Breux-er anîd Reiembet- tthe date. Mati- baIl games and bingo. Dick Duff, names x'llknoxxn cIai.NAigust 2ild. Tha timr. - Slarîitîg ah 2:0)0 pin. at t-be ta aIl the hockes' fan>s. Wliîo-2:00 pro ntigit thi-ougl i nlil bail park. titane wiiî he a better ta have as gutasts than xxell pasl d cark. LîiChîs xx ýilI lu adies' softball game. Bingo men xvho knoxv t-be nedc for bc haaked tp 10 teplacé tha -w-l also be enjoyed at this ice. sitît. and ounre in for a lot time. 'rhere will be gatias auîad oafutnt. r Colorful (eremony Includes ~Presentation of Four GoId 'Cords »4 Newcastle -On Tueayev- Browniies tof st Nx iai iiisohî. the Guide IAxafir- eiog, June 22nd, the local Park tn Fly-Up ta Guidpes wrre hi 'trn Gid Mars' Gracr Pat - Girl Guides and Brownies he]d Patt' Parker. Ann Clark, Car- rson rapralted the Guide a Mother and Daughter Pot- ai Lovekin. Carol *vi Wood- P1rorni-a. Mis. Goîtd lràso ex- luck Sîîpper on the west ]awn ]and, Ruîth Yates, Ireane Allun, plaiinad lhnmv Iha Brownîas got of file Communitx- Hall. Under'Debbie Dubeau. Diane Depaape siariad. Yauunger sisters o tIhe help or the local associa- and Ursula Stommel. From the Gides mere alwax-s Irving ':lion and the Chairmian Mrs. '2nd Pack were Dale Powelîl, Ia crash inoaftle meetIing7 Jean Rickard. the supper was'Charlotte Breretan, S Li s a ri With this much interast of the far tram pot-luck. There was 'Simpson, Judy Stephenson, -voîîger sisters, graups wer lots fri everyone and maoy Lynda Barnes, Alhrta Guiav. tormrdinl 1914 xx'han the fist M vw-oderfîil things ta (-hoase T)arte Tendam, Betty' HentR Brnwnias xvere starledi. Thrv Ne, trOm --- a SLupper' thRt was and Karen LaCombr. A wood- are kroxc the ivarld over m~g gu eoedby al] who attendied. en arch was miade and drcot-- Browxnies, excepti nrutisD are xhlo\n l iera, about h pri 1'ollowing the supper. the, Atmd wiil grîapes and ivy . Ovvr wharr th,,\ are diark-skiined, Guids ad Bownrs ook nesid orthearrh was ihe -and thasc girls are ralled Canada. iliair places ta begin the cere- 'Brownie Elf and on the ailier BliIab-irdsý. Ian mannies. Withi the Guides rorm- siele was a Guide Trefoil. AI t îisti me RraxO le Lotie -------- trip!.l horse shoe formation, the Brownie lanice Woodlatid and Dlarling steppad forwarmid in Mrs- 0v-wnies formed the Fair.v Guide Diane EmIhlcY -staindin reparitlite romwnip Lamx-, and t in', p ta GuidesI Ringp. Color party for the either' side of the arcli hold- lattice Woadland steppad for- hv ,ruLidas wpre Arlie May Muinîo, ing the end Of a ri1hhoii bc- m'aidri b refpant the Broxx-nieCo lngela Chard and Darlenie lween thiem. As hIe Browîîtas mx r.rex Fl intofi xxith the National Flag. flew 1through tfie arlh file\ flu the ahsariî-rof Liet. M îs. wt il Wilh the World Fleg were suid alang9 the ribban iio tiria Marv Dean, Campativ Leader 0\0 ý Cprol Gibsani, Linda Herreil Guide Land, viht. rxnîcMs: Dot-clla Lancaster ld r land Elzabeth.waving goodbyc to thami. Mat l l0xv Ili 1916 Senior Branches, Pr11 lult rwieRn,îî-hy Guide Lois BarchIaIrd thePY Rangeris and Cadets wera taea Ili iCemmise ian were theil takan mbinthe lhorse starirdl. 'Ehir aim was ta take Dîsti aiDivision Cshoeioel 'Mis. Wm. RudielI presented She ad irodued la t0 heit the ide Profnîisa tahIe WM"rl the District Commissionerls patral leaders wha walcomcd xidr xvnild. taarti ail about <(;I Warrant ta Mis. Wm. Storks. them ino the Guides. mvo'rd iîeads ta ons- Ihem- ti'vi Follawiniz thîs, Brown Owl Four GnId (* scîxas xvhile doiiîg il. a i Iw MIS. Wm. Cali presenited Illîe The higblight or the aai- Liit. Miss Sisaît Vliiîtorffpridir falloxving Rrowoies with hadg- inR for four very protid girls. bld a fthie mall\ people 91V'- Ga 1ri as: Alberta Guav writer's who have wrkd vary tît til-iie as leaders. iiicaslt j bad:icrCatont Lovekin, writer's, lhard and loîig tanabtaîinthar, iotatiîd tester-s initis iîadedlwoî-k and hotîse orderly hanoUI' r o(r iVinlg their i w-atlrId xxde imovemnetît. 'hrir G badge-. Rereiving the Golden Cord. Thes gir-ls were GCuiidas ,nii î Itaproxide apportiuni- Lâ,addr was Karen laCombe Fleatnor MrCrackiti, B3elh Poxx'- lias for- girls la have fijo anîd pielr and rereiving the Golden H-and elI, Beverly Riakard and Candx adx ca-lot e, to preparr lhem Ir,, w-as Iacne Alliri Diane Depepe, Storks.- hecortai gond lhomemakers antd et - Alherta Guiay, Juidy Stephen- A cieoiintti-pstiiir In capaie ait izans. ta dp>evel) ap'Ia son, Ly~nda Barnes, Debbip. ail, was pî-aseîîtrledhy Guiides Ilhair spirîitt values,,, witb a (I\Ceiv Duhean(. Ruth Paterson, Diane and Leaders. Wîth Gide Cap- des.i'e In be aOr service tao th- ig Tandam and Cacolyn Wood- tain Mrs. Ken Stephenson ha- eCrs. Girl Guiding nerds a Alg land. ginning file ceremnonie.-s suegrran many wîse, willing and Y The- fit-st girl, Brownie or read part of the life of Robat f aithfiil hands.tai GuIidC, in New-castle ta ever Stephenson Smyth Badcn-Pov. -- Al this limie, a poem. decIl-Guid,1 receive lier Religion and Life el], and how h. with Olivç. caied ta Ile roothers of the l h Emhlem, Charlotte Mary Bre- Soames, a comrrade. felioxv Guides nîîdi Brownias w-as ce- "I raloi of the Brownie Park, warker and wifa, they, lit it the d bý'Gulide Kalhy Lover- baudI w-as prcseated \vith this awartd' spark whicb igiled I ta flatina kti. Gide ( aptait) Mt-,s. ind- b.v Rex-. D. R. Dewdney of St. of Scoîiitig and Gujiding llov nid Quiîitiîev explateri, Gani'ge's Anglican ChiircIi ibrOUghoîit te mworld. Lord Ilint a Gold CnI-d' Lîdi w nW'daCharlotte Mary is a Baden-Powell',s aim, was -Io aile in a thoisand. With ap- vary activa litle member. Rev,.,help la making the risitig geti- Prox-imatllv\ 200,000 people ii Dvdavspoke briefly an the eration, of xhatrer class or- lIr, a(nndiat u Gidiuig Famil, maaiig of the emblem, and areedi, inoagond citicuis a[ Ilie îiinibr of Guidars raaa L)ahj Dhaa. )iti 'iatnîtrtpîîîlycangratulated one of hama and ah'ad crtaintceive fie Gold Cord - t Caolvi IaIr rii, first Inîeceive if. pdthe Gilides ita peat :n x mi-kloI o ane in a thous- Kamî La-emb, Ptîx-rar- --- aid, ýThf7 recatver of the GoId 11Id J3aî-îIeS, Ur-SUla Stî)Mmatt1, M'-.WA'. J1. Haiîcack of Peler- eaoh piere pttanw it1îi ptaýv - Cordba ceadt tino boroiigh. i- er.*' was taken rt-arn the fami -la nînke har pnitantiallv a verx' Mr., and Mrs. Roy Hall andliar hymo ,Sf;tnd Up frot valîjable citizen, and an al- sbo-k, Nei'axtCharlene left Satiirday morn- ,JesUs" whic'h was siîig as ait rottd prsan. P, I l c î t a r N t t d c tla , - a ' Ii s n g o a t9 _a1h)e s t c s . i n t r o d u c t i o n . S l e h a s a w o r k i i g k n o x s - - sîihiî iet 'lia 'htenîd CongraniLations to Mr. Wit- As Mr. Jones read thie Px- M'hich equîip hert- t meel real siTlt, r i' W ikeWhitîailIts Fart-ow whose 801îI'u irth- pianation. BilIy Hendai-rsonle liaiisShhsle-- (li Tiiirnta-. ~aîu tice tiaY was aalebrated Saturdaylentered, alliced oinaRreplitra aof d -b xvork bard and slay witb nitTnir',ié v aawi-(,fil. Pe-îing at, a ramily dinner the sutit of ai-matit'. omrpletep il. S)e cao cank, camp. sew R1;nrkýtock, hrr it auiaIe partv al the home of his dau- ýwit-h helmet, and cacrving thîe qiid lîka. iran, swim and miriîd the local boy'\.; rmade ,gond, Mrq. Lloyd Clysdâle. standard. Tweîveplaeces W(1re(,ahîldren. She cati hake lend- a score of 1:3-6. The tiitiiiiig Othars presett included Mrs.' ahosen, repreqcnîiîîg imporlt- et-ship and give service and get pithfer alilii; gama xvns: Rriaîî Far-t'ov-. ad course, Mr'. andant phases of bible history 1lo,,Z wilh aIliersý. She bas Atdro.wilh Daîvid Slii-r Mi.s. Rny Tom-pkins anîd dai-! mosl commoilîyslsttdiad î Ind la pt-ove, that she is ibeer- and in Timmrriv Walnîn rc1h gihta Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gil- Suntday sýchoo1l l.-ssoiis. and 1a;-fi]. honor-able and reliable, calclîîug for haîf tinta, mer ai-d famil\ ' <aach was intt-oduu-ad hy 'v M. Ihiat ,heacairkaap lber haad iii Wo 'e xald Illa nI <cacp <ii Mr. antd Mrs. Gen. Staple- Jones.ý the fnîloxvîIig put;i.ils amrgcicies. obas' orders anîd aIrl< posled Oattflt a go» 'Pc W1aa tati, Mr. and M.cs. S. Lancaster' reqpondedi: laka îinitiativ-e whert iecessar-y. ' m- lamarîn n also tfil- deswr.-e arnang those attending. Fit-st Place. ' Shr a Sîra- The four girls were Iliet al, Sofîbal amanis. htî: aI thiý tie Silvr Wedding Anniver-, matit," Wm. Hetidri-sati: <i-bi-nglt forwai-d fori. he PI-as- lima xva ha xcii t ar idlnv srvceprtinfr r n odihexiIlo ~ inorinnioiî- clebatiti fr M. ad od. PheRils. (ommtun- aîlataî oftheGold Cord.' ii -i;lin Mrs. R. l-fendry al, heir home mrrents, hy Robertili--asoii Prasetîtitîg the Gold Cord ta Ril tn Bommanville, Satucday t.hird, Thîe Choit-e. 23i'd Psalrtî. Eleanor iMî-Cr-acketi w-as Dur- 26~ c- tighîrecitîd hx- Dointlix El lottI s lîam Dix'isiotn Commtsstotîat-, NE WTON VILLE Mr, alid Mi.ros sBr'own, Cl1ass: fotirlh. Tri r E\'îiO ,y- a xvîwtb 'Mr. and Mrs. BillWade, 1Birtlîof lestîs. Axvx- -- oflot ani\l e11a f uPetec-.bornugh, étr.ý,S xx 'tv-uih liar ii iit. \h Mr. and Mrs. Fred He.nder*- mon. from bflc Srmioti oin Ili ~ atîl Vu i o :ank"t' , anPetter and ("arol, at'renrl on.Gr'SapHa.~xh î 11Pxaak c grie stock at- races at The Prayýer. Lordls Pa\,.r PCL Il Pinecî-ast, Saturday night. ýCinidy EI1iatI s3eventh. Thle th MAli T anîî- Mc. and Mrs. George H&r- Guide. One More Ruleý. fou ixiixacin th- axuasadfmiyta n aa -lnesn th h lý')- Iiran 'm 1rltCI the Thousand' Islande- oxe'cQuestion, Pebet' Henrii-in. jON' M AT or Aut cuita Suiday. aine. F'xplanatioin..Iîur 'v'S3t a - * P( "n ar l n Box a n Dînrrgoaîst., Sond1as.-il cey: tan. TeTrgdv tett Jl Ar. ~Lc l r tuQ tîîuvcnl!a t 'van-k oi FI!*n- Mrs. A. Boughien's were Mr.' Cruictfied. H e a 1tIh e r Rrtnl:' £ A. I ~ If i i v iax Inighiz 'n ili-n'exv aînd Mrs., Jim Bougheti and :eleven. The' Pinaf. l-t!'; unIc home ouloas.X aiu.o-~ famtily. Potrt Hope, Mr. andý tends His Disciples. Cativ El-. as nic'rl t(irn' hv iia "rn it'. Mis'. Ad'am Stec and family, littI: tweîx'e, TPle CoIId tliîn t. lt (Il- Mr. and î: Eiî ;iIta Eltzabethx'ille. Mr. and Mrýs. closiug v'ith Paiil's scot-s. Rna- 'tI itan u: N.n'. FuiV.ilfavWallace BouIghaui. mans '8,verses 38-39l. ~'~nk ig.cîx~.ic-nu:'Mr. anud Mirs. Raymond Campbell. ' le Mn.Peicx, u' Bî,' BruICe attended the service at Mis. Vin k laY i-la ii .lu i i iS 'i tiaîîx-i la xxa -ux-îîî',lns St. Pnîîl's, Bowm a n v i 1l e. iaî'- girisx't' intît-liiratnd It a Tluiiii-sdau . «i(:l-~ cil xvane the Or-ange Lodge par- gave as luir tîîîînhler '-T'i tar 1.09 value, Super Special SBuIriax - uî, ' i vuo aded. C'hildceîî's Day,.'*x-hl Gra iii ciMr. Rau Buirlf' Poil oný Mr. aîîd Mis. Wm. Neshitî Wade Ied heé citu n xxý;aat,~n'ri1 on of Columbus, with Mr. and, Rex'. R . '. litrclnspd !hIG arD od Rat oiear- Mrs. Frank Reader fOr hwa eritexxth anl approprip'xl> i I V tîlugýAtu ti i' -s i ee Stnday guests at Mc. C. fev'uar; ri ac urap;it cd M:'î- Eý. rP1îl- R. Fa;irrow*s. -Mr-. and Mu s. tas-k ittI xrý aInla gio\xvaI. i holuuar of Mr. atd Misq. Bruce l'euttv. and Drpcolhy werri ta Trn a, psodent Dental1 m' \l -ýNMac- iIda n s Port Hope, were. Sundav su'IIt. iinday,. visitons xx'ilh Mr. and iPaîsSinda' ýScboal. Bx&-par giîests ah Mr. C. M. JOfeS'.Mr Wrav Saules,,;. id niativillr, oie eveuîuuîg lazi A familv picnic was hietd ' - WUe S a B cixakah Mr. Haccv Wadp«s-, Sunrlay.ý Guests aI Mrs. Boijerip' i ha i x,'vii pu j of f, irha Meadowe. Mr. Hai'x. it Coppertone Suntan ta Tltiýnxx-îI'ir hl u-Wceas ht IMserred,; isJnt aII The Canadian Statesn,*n, EowmnAnvMle, :une 30, 1965 First Religion EmbIem Chuarltte Mar ' , rietonr, daughteî' o. Mr. and 1-s. S. .1. Bu-aî'rloi-1, Newca.stte. î'egislered a firsi, for ew-casb le las[ vaak w'hen she wsawarded the *Reli. in anîd Lifa Ei-ttem.' If, vas presented bi-tv the Rev. .R Dxdnv Broxwin 0w il\rs. Wm. Call is con- aiîtitatiliîvBrioxs-îia'î'-3elon here, while lier moth er S. \V'nl. Ruel Prapsenita- la R t o u x c l i t s a r n a d e îpany . Mis,>zk. Stepli.soil. c c v R u k a r i d w r c ,n e r i u t a t I tl lieu Galc Coni ' vRrowmî ' U ns . W n u .> ('a il1. a îî d sà 'pînuud tuntilîr. fai t'it' iatîglutan-, (uvSlonks uxav d th a G ol I (n tid fir rut Lonunia;ioncn .Nl -Stoc-k;. tude(ntaui 'is. IL .tu À hI i .i l bf i n i er U i < a i . t - 1 k ar i r étii a-auuig Iule fîrst Il ('au ru Guidies ai' Nax-- -- t;uiio, xci v x-eIl doua'. ýida itud Gatîllci thanr euulted Eleatianrxv liern iCn; Tutu. Barat 1-ceux'ad [cou -nu a c t P a rk e r'. E x- t-ix cd liens ftrm Glepn- Ionliuuslaîî atumH Catidx- ce- rd tiars fî'anf)ebbe. Danl-.- 1 t Iis f in i e, R e h a v l - cd a poem hefitlîng thle1 e she lias pi-ave-i lerself'l 1 catil Ictid a liai ptiigi whuuavac Iluceias need, ADAMS FURNITURE CO. LTD. 2 DOOR "COLD INJECTOR!ip REFRIGERATOR - FREEZER SPEIA$299e95 30" ELECTRIC RANGE - Automatic SPECIAL $199-095 Wc carry Sumnier Furniture, Mowers and Bicycles SUMMER FURNITURE bao sets, chairs, louinges, rockers, lawn nIowcrs - gag and electrie, bicycles - Boys or Girls idîzrC Arcnîîts %%ecomed No (utside Financing 9Ring st. E. 6123-3868g ownanvlle rIONAL BRANDS* uggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. bELTIER 7C m.a iîattpir vhat their need,'- "If 1 Caul augh and sîng and wear a smile tîpan v face, aild dio hie brst to make the world a hrighter place, "Ir 1 cari find a dmelling place ti Gods 1ýgreat oui.of- donors. with the blite skv foir m , cfiling and green gras$ for my floior. -With liaturp ail around me, alnd campanionis by mnv sd*e if T rao Jivp a noble life an~ keep my idpals high. -A"d have a steadlfast faith lit God âand look up to the wky.vhere 1 can findi thé Fitenigth 1 need ta help in nie~ dec id ing, 'To) do v% hat 1 bel-ve ie. ripht, then this ta me is GuiddJ ThF poem was followed by)j lia Brownie and Gidie Pray. ersý Mrs. Wrn. Keane gave. E soiacial thanks on behaif of tho Guîîdes, Brownies and ail]the leaders, fo the Local Aýssoca- lion, the. testers and instrucq Lors who have heen so t'ow -perative. with iherni. T'h-e cotloe parly ihrti retreated,-Tarr ': givan and a wondertul evenine i I 41 'fi 'f1 '4 rant 'y (,illcttc, stogg. list 1.29 1.09 t Cream - ------ .0.1) value 79C «mb------ by Shulton, 2.00 value 99C di 1 Lotion 4-oz., sugg. list 1.75 1.49 ptic--------- sugg. hist 1.10 89C ----- -oz, iugg. list 98C 77c 4i ft198 1.77 sugg. ist 3.98 3049 4 FLBLI>S 5,s . sugg.lst7c99C d Shampoo --- ugg. Eist 1.19. 63c 111I NEWCASTLE IRE JGHNSGN'S DEUG STORE IGS 1oaorio STUTIS PHAENACY - - = A l, - é. . & 1~" 1 s', PI w. Nril -, fi

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