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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 12

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12 ?rhe canadian statemnan, Ugowinanville, ,une 30, 1993 IDEADLINk FOR CLASSIFIED Vj~ W ~I - Tueda~.4:3 Births Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale i Hl Wanted Watd_ Real Estate for Sale f Real Estat o ae edr cne RAB1Ef_B-ryan and-Carol (nee' 1 wish toi thank my leaderz QUANTITY of buckwheat. WATER for sale and delivered. YOUNG woman for haby'- WIDOW with own home inI Martyn) wish to announce the anti friends who have guideti1 Phone 26-1 'Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131 sittlng and lighît housekeeping. 'Newcastle desires a pensioner, Gog llvnPtrKwl r EATF% FP Il 32-tfPhone 623-3087. 26 1 'to .,hare home andi expenses .jGeore Blye0F PeterKow birth o a sonnAa Albert and encouraged me in attain- W'XTER for sale and elivereti, wr W3t tvrtsr69 coTeRELO ELTRTEN McLen, n Tursay.Jun ý ng te Gld ord Sicerly,124hour service. Cati 623-5756. TRAILER, 6x9, 2' racks, new *YOUNG lady for office wr ELO 24,~~~~1 -95 a1h OhwaGn.Eenr c akn-2 ~29-tf 6.70 x 15 tires. G. Veleke. Must be goond typist. Write 1Ca0nadian tatea. PO26-o1, Phone 623-5100 and GENERAL INSUAC ci-ai Hospital. 26-1. Words are inadequate to ex- fSTRAWBERRIES for sale. K. Leskard. 26-1 Ativertiser 6.37 c/o Caniadian Bi-vle\es n n ebe fOhw isrdSAE F DB dî'e prere ots gattudttareratitesuadOono Cal ron .DVENOR,-utabe or ol.Staesan.ServBxic0.enw-Dedstck ericein aldngdstaanceo tu Ral stte oareal ScreaiaDeai mBno, ROGERSON-Keith and Mar-t- e and friends for the lovely 117 52tg r '1611Cnr o o1,,vr lre(eMatnar lae23-31g6orr8. r26-Te1phnCHanISTMe. 26-1 Ptr îHihelîCasiWoice forDof clen 5.dKigBoomW le n ( n e a tine ar er pv a ei o f g i't p resen ted t a us. also t a M O W E R , Id eal. 7 ft. u t: o n ly - -623e-31 p e-1 b oy s T an regi rlsua a i l ndr- H i hest 'ash r e S o cD ead ' cet r o io n . r de n a n 52 ing St W 23 24 3 , 3 0, S r hall u p thi auncete ariv a ofthe committee who arranged cut about 100 acres. Phone SMITH-Corona pot rtablete-boyistman Trls Cnaia ad 'rppedF tok Io\,.*on 1,&acre lot. Must bec0tw ,atiedreiTN ther augte Luri Anthe happy get-together an the 263-2755. 26-1 writer, "Skywriter". piae hitasTo rwrone1 BtRRETT FU~R FARM qeen to be appreciatedi. Ask- -ý,SIorcNv home or orh'E O RDIG0 P 7i lbs. 6 ozs., at Oshawa Fis- occasion of our 25th Anniver- MOVIE camera, urtl Call 623-2604.1 24-tf mile north anti three c jioeLogDstne nig price $12.500 with $2,50t1)Str. Ti sabadnwPOIAEY2.0 UI pit65. AwSast fry DJne 26thary. filters. Floodlight bar. $25.00. DRIED corn, $58 per ton. FOB vtofureo.- Zenith 66550 (no charge to yout 'down. Owner will tqke $11,000, home anti is loatied withpet AD LC ESR Thanks toi Dr. King and Dr anHetr 26__62-3 882. 26-1* Browview Farm. Cail G. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for'DpI IrclLc. -i cash. Give us an offer. of (loqets. FeatureslvnMET CAS **M- Hnesd.26-1 Tefmlyo h t a - ALES-TettaiesBrown, 623-2523. 22-5ieltierly couple. Genitleman iet ci.Le o 5--.) 1 East Beachi: Furýni.4heti tt-,antidining room facini ot:TRA PR OEDR Hedest-.7 sil tensbuies.Woî --tage with sandy beach. saPrirbdro ________ -- ter F. Park wish ta thank ail cabin trailers for sale or ret.HOMEMADE cabin trailer, prefer someone experienccd ti Cash on the Spot :at 56.500 witli'S2.000 down. hasement. Oilliheat. nl Engge ent thir ini nigbor. elaivs AthriztiParts, Service. isleeps 5: $295. Hoskin General tieaiing with eltierly people. i anti frientis wno epdi anjMlleCr,9 Tudor St., Harwooti Store. Blackstock. 986-4971. Li e in. Private ro om anti 'for Dead or (irippied Farm Na iha 11,5: . bcd- S17.807. You get $500 itrxO ercieitni :0pm The engagement is announc-yN.Ajx9249. 2-'22 ombikvnWrsBnuontsi ed of Elizabeth Diane, daugh- wydri-tei een r NAia 4-41. 254252*bah 1loshooubt lom- Sok.Pce utpo26 .1- ro1omebrick en eroslitlevelWellsiBnuon Sthiet..D .T. ENSA ter of Mrs. Juein Cale.taIbereavement, also for cards of USED wasier parts, l/i h.p.KESct automaticaily, whiîe ecm convenîences. Locaied il, I Telephone v.oîet 3-odîhoe. aserhbronglaslow21 10v - es Edni Trnt, e-rWa!lk" out bs ietwith blaon- go on a large lot. ihgr o Philip John, so of Marion anti1 sympathy anti beautiful floral motors. Complete line of you wait, at McMullen Hard- etE fTooî.Rfr Marg will Fur Farm sliikospietwith hliotu hdooiugaolw rgt hrî ahefEg John Patterson, Oshawa. ýofferings: special thanks ta Beatty, Thor anti Crosley ap- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- onces requireti. Applv Ativet- jTR dry room. Askinz price $13.901 for a ret iring couple.AsigTprBtîdî,Riese 261 ey. C. Dugan for his comfort 1pliances. P a titi y's Market. ville. 3-tf tiser 635. c/o The Canadian TRON ýit1,3000 dw.$2Ot with onlv $3.000dw.Die tac.Ot:Dsrc - ~ 2"ing wortis andti tathe Morris Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf UfGkehgfrTtr taomn O o 9.B>- Licenîce No. 399-C-65 Sep us now for- a 10-acre 6 Boom bungalow onrota nier 4 Jri tet Mr. anti Mrs. Chifford . ness.yasotiEecrom reodH ptnbuies2329-GRYRO FUN) - 2u6a hplfo hi it- 1"T.SLETOE w ' placseu Emrmnil, n.-j4-ti jparcel. A four with evrA. in OshaSa. This sar oot.Ot - =-- _ --- failing streamr lefl. nire home with fireplae e oh ostceice ed Terrili, Hamptan. arp bappy oGAbRN 0N'R of Cmin Ipaver. auitomnatic change. plays residence 263-2695. 6-tf R*îîffS, 01ron.etabîeec nve is es nltdo h anorc h t.aeiio C mn vns p ta 10 records.,iused] only orle 114' FIBERGLASS boat with ÇI 1 l(jtoms.i mlle1b: i r their eltiest tiaugbhter, Annaî - T IM TTLDRS .(bleipmetferablyt, an\"Dop Louise, ta Mr. James Allai Trinity U.C.W. FalFair, 1mnth hn 6-18 6onth.Poe2323.2- nraIs; 15 h.p. Evinrutie m-J ttai mîsîar rs.AL.HOOE-lorsev Sircet. 6-r(o leVaîims eaemait Statham, son of Mr, anti Mr..Friday.- Nove mber 19. 26IISLATION, blowing meth- tor: trailer. Wil sdShat E FL0011 22-5-2 Alln taha. shawa. The The Adiams anti Ferguson oti. with rock wool. Work-1separately. Apply 75 ProspectI22 IIFAI, ENTATE BROKE,11 a etifl lot. Thissateete icîeî marriage will take place on Picnic at Memorial Park, Bow- i manship gtîaranteed. F r e eSt. after 4. 26-1 i EAVY FLOOR ani 1.I l olI v. nlid fcathor and GE'NERA1.INITA cI hoirevfli nitep~c lm~lws ra'*îte duly 24, 1965. at 3 p.m. in'mnvllJuy 7t.ates. Harry L. Watie, KAISER _aluminum sitiing. 20 Coremakers tick . Filt.WR. I. reth- îla , BOB.RT ORTER. anredrt HamtonUnietiChurch a 5 'cî.k26-Nwtovile 8-56.year guarantee - atits ta resale FuiIy F.xperienceti 8-) hone G23-7964 M rigsReserve Manday, August 2, OFICEEripîn--31 value. Windows. doors. awn- $'t2? - $2.41 lier hontir Si sud Spantis ha 2- M ri es 1965. Civie Holiday.1 Attenduipen Type- ings. Lamne Allun. 1 Prince, FIPSI rai l1t'iit heilers 1lESKARD 1sceimît acr.eý .rotli sav when voit scii BYAM-BECETT blte Carnival at Newcaste swriters, atiders, cashiers, dupti- St., Bowmaniville. 95_2 Steady 1lVotrk a-11A n 1w dt i Wiwth tt tero ngoldr- tiehomie on OntarioSret Sauria. aI Prk bginig :0 pmcators, cheque writers. files BndChl vo jm wek. Bimane Rt 1plironati \n iren Iplace for siml-Ilia jleîmlt\ or rooms .Au- Dhnm< ts itrt Tyrne 19m16nise o furiture We buy, sel], ent Naaa.rwnngsir.Davis, 21-2-84. 16-tf, Otiv111%,.,000. titm anndaîisom. HihSha n June19, 965.themarra'e 6-1service. Lamgest stock, bud-getl' SPRAY MATERIAL &MC.(O ORONO Dupnlex. eîî PrIletiai 11.500. Termsaat EDESRQ'SE was solemnizeti of Elva Letaý Monster Bingo, Thursdayltermsý. Ne\v anti iseti. Low fo 275 Sîternlan N. - Ilaniflton Prars!n(imtiamaî(eî.id,(l-ai a oSteSpîyo ul 1 o Beckett anti Frederick Lionel night at 8 o'clock. sponsorc,,d;:overhead, low piices. Bill Ochfd- r in - Vegetahle, 1.1 9-6591idpi 0- hin Byam by the Bey. Cîmis.1bv the Junior Chamber (ofilHmilton, R a glan (North i W pa ~Gt'A RAN'UEED televisiati antid to. la col m e:om ttghwwt 9516 laigSao Dugan. 26-l1 C omerce, Reti Barum, North :OstIawa. 8-f tîrSprays al nae. litirche.. Ow 1 ,)11vli thalacmeti iaiagre Ftilbae 1>Pr peHhShoi - Osawa45-f. ei ion rv\ice Cto. Ponoký.ý)0 Oshawa.aCulfle 2M WRIGHT.Mac-tneNEXVCASTI E redroonm plu.s stool in ceilar.Asim omafN. hayu- D eaths Barno'dance al. The Wheë!ïj TV TOW~ERS HILLCREST ORCHARI) 5o.1Fitters1 franie b'tngalouw off No. 2 S13.800. Trv vaur diowt a-~.i.a niapoimt CM ON-tsaaGn-(ane mile nortlî of Mosot t Mill St. South Newcastle' To itri erlr ositl nHooasdueitaill otnWeten ou 1o8 Egie ate [frgranoigh 1y.Mae s itoferm-u. iingloh(r. andmttuus ral IlIn anti enîrdý, ul 3ýan ov cati itt rv living 2 Pretioon: )lIQl 28. 1965, Mary Alice Kuvel OcetaSamdyJulV. OSHAWIA ROLLAWAY cots. with spring -ani"12.000 -* Small down ria'- traII. oIcateti. Very w ikp.(2 ori< Hh eol Heer J.t year.wiern terle 75 pe82persn 26l,-1 l V SUPPLY LTD. filleti mattrcss. $23,50: vin.- iae O ertos Appliance Service mii.0i earteti. Real beautiu o. pr:im~e 000gl Herber J. Cmorondear OL. 8, Pontpool.wilI overeti swîveî rockers, $39,50; %5 rs experience desira hie.' RETI-ANY -2m Acres t-Priceti ta seila ionlfNaiîeaxii mother of Mac (Mrs. Harolti holti ils Cburch Parade, Suin- 3,61 Gibhbon St. Dial 728-8180 2-piece, skirted chesterfielti,rniusi hie able ta read hIup- Commercial andi Domlestic village, 125 acres waorkabîe. Ternis. diîul Trivettl, Toronto: Irene <Mrs,. day,. July 4. Parade wil Ieavet Day or iight - Bihleask, Prop. detacheti cushions, grade 1 ma-! prinis anti set uip ow',n nr Refrigeration - Nlilk ('o01ers imaatce pas'tuire and ti bus $8.500 is bbc <tuilt rc o ire1ig eoi Lloyd Webb). Newcastle; Etina hall at 2:15 p.m. Ail branches 40-tfiterilI only $259: space saverS. 40 hrs. weeks, plus overtime i PBrick linuise, large I.-shapcti lîis 3-hedronîn buiîg;lwo (Mirs. Albert Wood) anti Ho-'of the Order are invitei. L26-I ,4.0 ii ETSE lert, Tyrane. Restiîmg at the Crwih itrc ...iSh P Here for FullI Une of p'eri Tradwei d : 6 eTOP RATIî;s Da vs 62a:1$0000774ow dv oew ev, pieînîl 00< a ý CartwrightaDirtricther anti0space t -e(4. Ifilbrno are hnScheot Morris Fuueral Chapel. Bowý- Parade ta St. Jobn*s Anglican! C MPSaver. Murphy Fuirmiture, ;Brown .BoggsFrry. Nig lits -6?3-71177 pna. yi ori iIle, iitest- ftit i . rin nisfr. iaral osN.~lgh nuti inanville, for service an Wed-'Church, Bîackstock Julv 4th,l CAM ING King W., Phone 623-3781. &MC.u adrH rw r give lis a ral : eiom bnglwApoiatl ,01gI 9louisMNo..2COig:3t iuitoisiiruai nesday at 2 o'clock. Intermen" 7:30. Service Contucteti b'.I 25ShrmnN. HanLtuanti î.Harw are Titns rctyNeid iel tet oth oet Moan Cemeter\ .26-1 Rev. Canon Asbmore. P.G.Ni. 1I QUBENJAMI75 - MOORE 1. - Hmitn nd4 GRI ilzsVe a(al nerd Lieriti fretSutnhc. 3pec<>BwnvieUr eo -- - -- -- - 1 1 :Y.B.A. 26-11 I N M N -NI OEIl969 iv saC l n ilh n a d frae In Memoriam T142niWer;FmlyTt'AB->ET ATX- OUS E -0 !T ¶ TTrDur Service for a Chanzi. bath. etc,. Mus csltistak Apoxnmtey3000olI The 92ndRWerS VOIR 1:-R To AR-BVVSETS LATEn-eaU20-1 offer. Easv tern..tstt COLE-In înving memnry of-uionwill be hetId at Carti- ( 1ft.D H US PIN BG NOUR - MAIl' OA SO Woim ay hi Pho -1 rprisIretyR~iei oh aeiu 01glo cur dear mather, Nora. who wîh eceto Il t n re, LA'NN ChHA.Ir.RSweihCo.StT..Mi2-.iR7.\ aliig. PF (,ail 11 Nowlos-teoetounvedr ~assecd awav JuIy 3rt. 1958. Blackstock. Ont., on Saturtiay, ADTep%T. R140-HY John fi FveniC23 _tintut.iessatulJoanrelmicti. f fe hat al the world ta give, Juiy 17. 1965. FHot dish dinner 11101 scmoolboy,17 vcrs nd, RiITO we'dgv t e.antimrra) 12:30 p.m. Sports at 2:301 'McMULLEN 4005 Rihelieu St.. A. (ode - - -boy:1-765 AIl bits ta be 'sent 10 Bo Wo ed gieve ie, so.mor,, . 611. HMontreal, P.Q. ocrs lmmemplioymeiit. BonwMan.vilIf - 14 FrAnk Si.. KwlJ. 38 omnil.t ae smlWootiview Community Centre H26-1AR965. Ani grec) lier ai the door. -Monster B i n g o. Twenty 85 King st. V%ý Bowmnanville, Phone 62.3-5408 un the wariiti-fainnuîs Rawte1(ighl DULL tools, arcn't neccssar.___-__WloepceoNo5sa- But ail we cao do. dear mother, games-twenty dollars; five: Poe6333 36 King St. E. Bowmanville LnNoo.W 2 retHa.cîieî,DIhwy aM151a ilgctsoui W. RehoEsat623-for3p4 ae quot onNo. Is go andtndoutyur grave, :games-thirty dollars; $150) 5-f26-1 >part-ime hasîs primthîg 's Il e ilr S, Il. 2Wgî vya oiî o- Frank Remalb tppngN1 Anti leave behinti tokens Of "jackpot, anti twa jackpots at 25-f ( fulI-time hasts kuies. F. Cmw.102 Elgin ecern with 60 lient of Holsteini'scniey lv $5.Do rzs etiSI.. Bnwtoauî\ lic 211-7~ cattle Machiner 'v. Asking LJ.MITED lotebs te ove $250. nDoor8priz e. Nart. G E N E RA L Livestock For Sale ()Plense seuitii(, FREE $ 40,tOit. Terms. W ~ OD To te bet moher oti ver onda,~ 8p.m. Ret Bar. fCook Bnok al atîr aninge, A. B A A R S DAJRY FARM, 26:3 Acres ns 177 Church St.. Bowmilî ert raue matie. Osh awa. 46-tf, FREEZ HOLSTEIN heifers, freshening xith fuill tetaits.agot cceiwtl5 bn62-33t2I Ve like ta think when life is -Bamaville - Museu is500. Cal Ivan Mountjoy, NatîieofHlti aleFu inMmbrOhwad donc, open Jl nialblidays. for Blaekstoek, 2hne9 6-4A esPlumbing &1H.eaiting, f oti c le'on'iuo oîe Olaa niDitit Jl1an lhoafor1965 i hond98-477.of umcw machiuîci- . Gond huilrl- Ra saeBat Le~t Wherever heaven mpy be. 'Many new dîsplays, including Ci6-4 v:,5 Nelson St. Bo40nanviiie ilngs. Realng 65.000 Term. She'Ilihe standing a) the ton-eariy bedroom, school raoni. MOI)FICas orSae irol\RNE EREC AsiY ARI.65,00 resutArsa:osfoiM-Va oiTdMle ilb Up there tai welcome ts, Fionuirs2 tai 5 every day buti Cars uefse orkuaîtSatlenrlRae rak. orerpmo- elbmtiuc dr2StFWtiun ý-Sadly mnisseti. atways re- Monntay. open Mondays'whený 8 çu* f t - $189-00I ONIC, -tadrdsi,"IA"INBIN<. & HFATI\*G Gond barnm, 8 raometi homnect',noelaiwihgaeAîieri\a) leLon -v. '61 PONTIAC standard six, Inembereti by daughter Mar- a. holidaty. Why îîat plan vour' eis om*od om.$90 garet anti sons Jack, Fredqt. I261l5 c.f t. -$209.00uu ssm od ok,$0.For Rent Phiene 62.3-,540 $35.000. 200 Acre kilg dpos tor Frmonpa10,0000 ro 2- -ati7T( 'Walter anti Herber). 26-':vst w 21 C. -Phone- 263-21.38. 26_1 $5,0. 00AreStc *r - .-LIONS CARNIVAL i20 cu. f t. - $229.00ý1961-FoRD--6--cyl., standard COTTAGE fuître int. nurP.~ lO. Box 1599 DAIRY FARM. 2001)Aires et rond east of Kendal Mt LEWNS Ge.-Reembn 1ce SATURDAY EVENING transmission, radio, one awnem bacanh t id itwatei. ( ai t~Bwavhewith gond buildings. Ptt-ci 0 for a dear fathor who passet i ý25 cu. ft. - $24900 Mechan ieally souind, $895. Tele- boats. Phonie 6324i 62~~. ~~,r borouzli nilk couîtraet. Higi- 110,. pont 30' x 50)', pig.M.aîiMs wi ig away July 2, 1963. 1 juq 10, 1965 ILWDOV AYET phaute 987-4238. 26-1 IAPABRTMENT. furuislieti au1, :on.S - ABINFTS T42.00 0. $1,cr-e frnis .inyaeCecnt hu rctra 'We often thunk of tinys gone by ! CAR parts ta '49 to '52 Chev!tinfui-nishet. Ieteti: atul).. When we were al bogther i WALTONA PARK AND TERMS TO SUIT lie, hel ni ofot osse.ýssin 1 i1 .relpl'n DON SPENCER DAIRY FARM, 1.50Acrmes rom oebri3x6',tvsainigosonat- f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii. -7264.n 20-rii'I Jly1 Tlehii 7exelentbuld al omba rodciesn.dy .u3(1hfoilret A çhadiow o'er narmlives bas 1RNEWC STLE ceap for quuck sale. Hary662323-3411.-26--i a]] ol' 12500- e rmsfv îrok lndtrnn u i uceoWt f e i- - - - -- - . . . . Our ed ne1us1ouue loreveri26-2.ivcNee. tPnone l725-5. 'Tt. 1WO-roonomed. fuiruiheti at- orgcne wt 47hP Of-ý Our-E ve rele obrtbyia Eftiive JuIy 1111h, 1. GOOD STEER SIDES 26-1 imenu. private enîmauie( anti 1-loîs;tein cattîe. Macbineiv . 1,10 Acrues itb 27,500Crs- ntlumsvttann o'ok -Ever reme bered bY augh- ý Efective JlAs1iutg,1948.000.- TLrms-_smas treesrireatiyzita rutorntarsun bb48,c00eTîimm. osuirire.-roccasion ter Jean, Don anti Gréntichili- persons other than emergenciels 49c l.IlbRABERsato6wgn rvRa: ut ue y.,sanadtinbmm1gil. hiue02-9t, ot ETI AN AIYFAM 19Ace Pnypaoan igwy s o herSivr eldug ni ren. 26-i anti those atimitteti earlv un 6ry. sanadtinbarixgrl. hne2 -1-ETI ANTDIYrms.12 r' th mmnnganidischargH 1IIID Scaburetor, hack-ups, wasliers, T md aarmnhci PMIGAuomlesal insilo1i0AriDiy amwih- thmonchad e moen aincis C[1-wtt ulIa mti mo u il duîs the same day. must c inmirmar. low mileage. AI can-tuaI. uia u'.vtic tabavailable. Alo1d0uAreulsr F LEWINS. (e.Boeb oet Memorial Hospital, Bow- Bic lb. dition, anc awncr. Must. soU. ]'oniy. Hoateti, sirîve nuiit frig IIlEAHN STA~BLES uniaader. pipeline umîlkcms. hîghwa . vmontage. Exeln for a ticar father who passeti manville, nnt later than 3 p.m. Phone 623-3777. 26-I !supplieti. Froceparkinîg sn rPN -lVTM Larkg$8Toron.tomms vent nueuîcrmhoes.Pintethao L o v inan d_ __d inle visisa e ria l. A p p y S ta te s- B E R T$ 8 0 ,0 0 0,.L rft ± ± N a w ay J iy 2 1 63 is t h i t e s o bas be e ai e 3 9R O bN T S - m a n O ffice. 26 - f P h o n e N e t o n v i le 786-25.52 175 A r e fa rm ith Iw o silo s. '2 p o n d s, T o o nf il ways, service anti better patient came. ' - __astMA 'Srit-vcnt__Va t - -.1~ .-,Stea!atico n vesîmenPo t a6erry vstt e isc. Mr. A Upright. atît .ust te the cnt Signet: Boardi of Directors. (ut, Wrapped and FstFrozen MNSwitwatch, vcii, CltO nent au hrrs 9rome rcka.e.,ce$20.01) dan. 'Dobson. of bis tinys, 2 oEtr hre of Cream of Baley swimmiuî CT R 'in $1.500 Teums$27 crsc0i00toat isttiMs.Wabrs lia Sincere ant i knti Iilîcaut anuid1 __pool. Rewamti, Phone 623-366.1. SMALL furnisiietiapartmeill, CA R P E N ,,iTt)AceswiYbose9b7u, mAcrMspleGve laVr.niiMr.RtsclSvr minci G I z~ NT b i N Gu f jl upvour reeze or neker __ ________ 21 lin Bowmanville for iwo girls. REPAIRS - ALThRAT0S Acres uit wo strea A - Trs hiîe Whta euuîuu mnory LOSCMM;T wît ri-ft te bdh--Write Ativertiset 638. t/o The ADDITIONS ginge a11500. Terms. A ion cre at am nM.nitM..url nm he left behinti ENREfore the cattle go to grass.! Notices Carladiai Stalesiîînum. P.O. Rnmx BII-N 'PBOARDS !Bowmanville Homes: ani100mi Acare ) M -Ever rememberet hby tauigli- B-a1il I . -.190, Bowmauî.iîic. 26i ( DiTauntoni Rond. Excellentbue, d,ý teravil Stiaat rutcute..~'7Taxidermy - Fisb maunîti , OR.FLX AN;2-S)orcy brick home with , te tlaanurn'ilrn O MAN VILLE THREE or four bctmoom îîonue w ±L. ..J IJJ.Lnlfiîmc nilrge iup-to-date hbaro.Ton-Lr'Hao..elsSina 16 GAMS AT 10.00Phone Orona 371. 24-ih fte b movuianad,4-piecr batb.'t' ikcntni.$000-eug 16 GAMESFTIG10.0-2--3. ,vanted taht moingto62-3244Newly pauttet anti d(retomt- Teis.Mmnui M.. OntntuHal$ 4GAMES vAT $25.00 FIGDLOCKER Dr. Storey's office wilbe 'Bo\wmallvillc: peFer ms.8 c talît aae.Dl oI.Muu Fr~.'.stda LEWINS b n loving iiemnor,," SEpLG M S i lst ue26hfiuy8h.Agut1- re Aticcutit 3011 d oti. ii iag O l otce i l uo M i lI l of a tear fatber-in-la. .GeorgE I Wa aeS hee Wealt6h t JuySYSTEM i * , r, Wrte10'ci-l - t-l---$3.00,ow Leinwh asel wa ul -ySplit - 5hari -e 2S2 ' 636. c/o Cartaduian S)abcsman, N D1T IEIJI'AATEThaimeharo 100'x 30'. sraM.aîiMs lrneAl 2, 1963. 0ckPo ~Dr.- Allan -B. Sylvester's af- P.O. Box 190, Bo\vniaovile(. 1 FRANK BRINK IE NT PRT Tgoi- soil. Locatet inearNw E i,;gone huit not fau'gaîîei, 1$100Nos. Pone 623-5578 iO ficeewill be closet fmom Jt- ______2.5-1 BILINteitaiylaatt.nville. Owncr mevn a'nifml, otvte )Ms Ant, s aws oNarvea. 0 os I:i-î12la ugsi2 ncusve 12-- -Io Tenhig xcelet ui2smeincslngU..Asivy$1.00 ssoo rVîto Frmw' In our lonely houirs of tbunkitmg or Consolation - $25.0 ID E . E er' -ofic-wiI ucin als- EP .TA K$27.000). Ternis. tow.v.Sm ruiii tt e Thoughts of him are niwnvs NO ADMISSION CHARGE D.E.L1wetsofiewiî Acto als jS-P ' AK5 Booniet. uîw, brickhun- Newcastle AlmosInw3tnie eDenaînsric near. USEDTR ACTRSbe eloseti for holitiays from INTALAaONgao\vaoPakma CeouiAk-bSîuntbickay.a cam. I Saturday, TJ 3 u.ia. TRCTRSJuiy îst ta July 25th inlclusive f1 EL I ISTLATOngiow6a)0Pauwl asytCres. A 'k-',xhe 17oom bikbuglo.Loyn.aniMr.DîeFaî Ds af satiness wilcone aer JU ýInternational B275 Diesel wîîh 26-4e LIVESTOCK SALES Hamrpton 263-2270 1 oog bik reas l 6.5500 - N.H.A. ter gesr a)Mm Frens p.m. hiikth 3-point hitch: Ferguson 20-85, Dm. Miklos' office will be 'at Durham County Sales Arena 24-tfverted tob wo apartments. 8Roibikhm ls oStura.Lsi awî Thuat lies viiihin tlthehantvto n Mwr Itrato cui' ontact residetout octot ai Caives. Slierp, etc. J. A. Reid ,couîveiicces. Forur bedronuns, place. $26100 - Termsrrrsa Cbîu ak cari ceai cd. 23 days '~~,alo5 iesoe winth 3-point'Mermîcuial Hospital. 26-I & Son, Sales 'Managers. ve)lr'hIevurcstAsîgSOtî.Suis oa-4btoon MsJ.Rhcl.Buun- -Evem momembencti by st-il terfic dand chairs re-upholst-. la Ccii. 26-1 >1,orehitch and Manure Loader. OFThe untersignet anictiouuct rered. F'ree estimates, samples: aoos e tWA hoi ngBct entr, huut brick uugarageizcncly vle iie)he a-ut~ m Juy1 Ag iii seli hy public aucion fou taken ta the home. gIscowlosed tUr slioppii eur. atetca aae, agm. ni r.R.$vu IPENWARDEN Iii l\,itim nie- ýUSD EQUIPMENT' i)Niclîalas Sherba. 12 nmile norîh Budget Tcrms Arranged $250wt fl oi.Trný Juavly 17cnd- Augon.d 8 USD EQUPMENof Hampton antieleaimemle SOu.It'il, VF IF.BROS. IPHOI.STF.RY rnory af Willîanî J. Peuiwnuticn coachi (Washroom equippedi i;seti 6 &7 Mowers, ('ase For-l at Lot 17. Cati. 4. Darliugtoîî 102 King W. Phone 623-525lNewcastle IHomes :Oon c rc c-o e.R .Wie who p asst wa JuL"Y 71.For information 'phone or write alze Hart ester svith Corn Head I T'\vuîsiçti atmon Sa ttrda. . Jii1Y37-tf New, 7 nuoiet brick )i tuu tr tnom hbrme;oui lot 75' x21' 1955.u ltb - us) a sut unqies lu i-,tex cvil atpnrt. Elctnticaiiy $14.200 )- $2,130 tiown. TF T T S A O! This manth comrs %wth tieepi RO1NE andi pick-up; Intfrnational For- 1 TOWNSHIP 0or f'.eek's paper. Farm soit. SaIn P ' URES heatet, two hatbrrmoms, tinuuhl saa-Es n.. bd R'TEEDAEM regret,. ti 'aieHarvlester with Corn Head I DARLINGTON al 1 30. Cliff Petbick, autiotu JACKiX BaUnGEStSb. Lage lt .-'d Itbtng br ka 1ioxegil l barkA ENY anauteTRAVELo Frge: 2fAGENCYBRNP anFIRACS1lainrytCuitere oi ro bnglar pr; neyer fou'get: 1BoDadio'g n oratieNOTICE6-i OL CRFIS N ACES5I iOOOî iuuow Cn- ;,. nao. ellefunse .Rui eh 'Yeu folasleep 'vu)houit goot- 885-2527 Port Hope BxadWgn nentonal j NtAuct.~Lionsle 0 afl.9(LMI FN EIRS ýtraoi-me. nm lîî' pac' ohso Dîî Sor, ewas Auuito3ýac, 0 c 91e R PLIMBNG EPARS ral' onae1.0vrt.12aCre Mann, extras. $17,900 -em. T nrgt ecsî bye -o 1Sl-rple 0 Com- ito Property Owners , 16soa, e ofîNr lot. Aiumium windows anuid ombikhm etal' NwateTx But memaries wii nover bline: International No. 91 SelIf- ~20plcslo.3( mro. PHONE HA3IPTON seretiis. Asking $12.500. Open locteti, 2 bathrooms, grgIS rw tnii tic. C-ome LO ;Propelied 81.,' Combine; M-. DESTROY VVLaLIII w Farm Ont"H taof hors Fie 263-2151 ' for offer. fireplaco, lot 66' x 165.HoeoresStewoni1 wieanifaiY. .TU "ip, PO ('m in M I erb'lvn o ail dot aler. in excellent roui- Mail Address: BETHANY. 8 Rorrîued hîunie .in excellent condition.8630 C efik iki -Eeree afmbei b H A ATO (lPerPOCmiel.H iceowmanvihle -Tcrms J.ail --10' Self-propelled Swather, diio;site d .... vrake. Case P.O>. Bx.4, liavleon a2acre lot.Excellent gar- F. . Bym, Tron -BIBLE SCHOOL '3-po0int Hitch Grass Seed and persons ln possession of Iand,icombine. New Holîandi mo'.er. teni soi]. Askîng $8.501). Low (Cali 623-3393 RIMAR F rCilrn Fertilizer Spreader, Interna- in accordance with the Weedianti a full] hue of machinicrv. A KEMA o'.n vment Af ter 9 pm ACKERMAN P.. TruAct,196,ISc. , 1Store oe-tCouucktice'e MEM RILS ge 5 1 yersand 19, that unless floxious of hay, propert' of Peruvi EXCAVATING vgaivalmadern conveoucnc- MinfEMORd iAstictvee 5-1114 yBibear isprcader, Farmhand P T O weeds growlng on their land eryEstate. L)6. Con. 5, DS TECHNes tace grge1maiIai Yeo ---6337 .MrySocBakte Monmet -anDictive hers n re i eBil to Mnr pedr aegonjwlthln the Munhcipality of Township of Damluuîgtam. rule- ae Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and bario, i acre lot. Asking Ken Hoekin * 12-05Suts hray rn Monumnts -FIat arkes gaies an crat wor driv Manue Speader mie Daringto, aredestryeddrivae milewust haîfmileeartîIFnIer-ivFedJ'$2,90). Tenis.;ac12,9t0na. - 23-388 WmaTurasky, enda lin desitns for any need Dalntouaedetoe b il ml et.hl il ot 9 .m a 2non Sprec. a stnRndauon tuuoff , Reasonable RatesPOT ERY8 oreHwadFdr 9 .m i 1 oo Srede.Tantn ononSaiida-throughout the season, the july 10. Sale at 12:0 oiock 6ý 23-575-6 BOWMANVILLE'bome, ail modemr onvcnienc- Herb Cooper 4 2-33 Mk' lcOhw 7 3 1 0 - 72 -ai( - -- - --1es. New sitiing. Nice cIran 2- os htJe ul 723~102 - 726627 a NEW 7TON WAGONS municlpality may enter upon sharp. Ternis casqh. Teni Jack- home. AskinR I I$1000. Terms --- ---R...Ohw _______ ns i LL.Lffce - vTh e nehobothTre 8950 the sailli land% and have theson. Ted Spcnceley, auctuoni- .BbU1N.L & BYAM if,.itr al LICESE»Chrstin Reormd C WAN weeds destroyed, charging the .___ -&- ___iNGO Chisia Rfrm'd C W osts against the landi ln taxes,'- _- SALES & SERVICE 'Donald Mountjoy- 623-3614,Ctas o Nursng omeChurch&% Equipment as set out ln the Act. of 1rsn -_ .-OL G_-elae- 2331 For OId Appliace'Frk'VriySte 111 LOGV'NuringHom' iThe co-operation o il'HYGENC Supplies-(Rubber Oi urner Service tIso Wersina r Goce'sl16Wd Sor on Highway 2. Licensed. Ac-'Suo Street Co. 'cîtizens is earnestîy soliciteti. gootis) mailcd postpaud in! lne ogne 8-41 bot cornzodation available. Kinti Scgo Phn 2-69Wedsetr pain scaieti envelope withi SEPTIC TANKS AND Inr resn-9849thogiBvs'smkeSo cire. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitors For transportationPhn62-69We spto prie lis). Six samples 25c.ý TILE BEDS Lorne C. Duff- 723-'272 S T A T ES M A Nuy&Lv welcome. Phone Mrs. W'M.1134 Kinig St. E. Bowmanvtll@c ORVAL GRILLS 94 samples $1.00. Mail'Orties PHIONE Phylhis MeRobbie 623-7159I C L A S S 1 F 1 E DSOesSaeSo Westovur, Newcastle 987-4252.jPhone 623-2576 Lorne Perrault, Orono 271, I Munielpality of Dartlngton I Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.,,j HAMPTON 263-2288 1Roas »avîdson - Bethany 30r3 Phono 623-3303ThFlngutma 24-tf I 26-1 26-1 25-2IBox si, Hamilton»-Ont. 1-52 TYRONE 263-2650 26-1 i i ryta D.r +5 1', i. '-v z i q. q. -w w, q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. 9 q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. '* p q. q. *1 q. q. "s .6 s. q. q. q. q. p w v (i

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