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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 14

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-1S"ca leron tae! U .C.Wgmryl Attendun s, 183icufltry any --elinus i'roblems?" Our equppn r.rv mueh.W rrag itsfrbsnuva- She visited a Rotary Club in proud that she was ninae f 1- S l m U C W t e d Thailand arnd had dinner with best-dressed wornanofte rsR Sepnshakd Toronto's D r a lb noIAn l B s T u the Rotary Annes, so tiny, and year." From then onshkethepaerfrbrmtr- Durharn Clu Enjoys Annal Bus TourSt. Paul's June M eeting ýtxquisite, they were doll-like.,trving to tell people ta ak hpeiet IThe June meeting of St. be the second !anguage i most foreign newspa pers for n She found Japan be Actstfnaigpol Paul's U.C.W. was held in the countries; even the small child- possible bits of Canadian news most progressive counrwtbilteesfrmhirpcue lecture room on Tuesday even- bt oc vsCnd-h etrirasi ing, June l5th, with the ladiesren could speak some English.mbutionly nd on i as aoo nad tebs loas in vthewrdWScnutdb r.Tre ofSalem U.C.W. as guests.;When people asked about our light. Our queen had just visit-!Christmas decorationswr lmutr o ae kdt The president, Mrs. Kenneth'parliament and slîe told them ed Quebec and the bit of newlsiready out with gianti ufdS.Pu' aisl s jWerry, welcomed the members when she left home. parliament that made thc foreign press toy Santas which talke.TeliaiYadteop o and guests, about 55 ladies be- had just spent 42 days discus- was "agthe qen'In have adoptèd ourCrstale M.Banh ing present. sing a new flag, thev thought Thailand she was frequentlyloutright, she said, ecetfr Adilosunh aserd ............................................~Mrs. Lyn Eldridge read the she was joking. Incredulouslv asked: "Why do -ou Canadians the Christ cbild. At latte1ytelde fUi w n . minutes of the previous meet- they .asked: "But -hasn't your hate vour queen?" "We love are honest in saying eye-asclhitouenod ing and the treasurer's reportý wa iven- by Mrs. James Cas- A tle. rs. O. Dalrymple report-, eu on the correspondence and' ............................................. the supply report was givený D y Mrs. Ross Stevens. AIl usedý Sclothing bas been packed and' a shipment is to be made thisl M wek.Another shipmenit of: lohng will be collected this 'jsent to Hong Kong. Mrs. D.; Armistead told of a trip she' made to Lake Rosseau, wherel sesaw a crippled children's' Jane Parker ~t~camp.- The devotional was taken by unit two with Mrs. H. Turner, in charge, assisted by Mrs. L.: A E 4 loc l fien s. hisglory of God and the firma- On Junc lgth, a buisload of members of The Dur-i where they were joined by about 20 lclfins hsmtsowhHshadclark.h $0 han, County Club of Toronto made their annual tour photo shows part of the gathering that participated "Day is Dying ini the West,"* vf their home county, \'isiting the Cold Springs camp 1 i the evening meal, including at the head table, was sung. Mrs. Stacey gave the in the Ganaraska Forest and other points of interest. President and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse, other guests and ýopening verse of the Bible, "In Prior to their return to Toronto early in the eveig officers of the organization.tebeingGocetete enmgheavens and the earth," and: they enjoycd a turkey supper at Orono United Church ___________9 adthttruhu h il there runs a rich vein of re-! large e esupport during the comiug joiciug in the world of God's: year. creation for it ils good. Thel R trnRo a y P e yPresident Morris reminded book of psalms was the hymn' 4e u TC PYU Retiring Rociry Prexythe members that the club islbook of the Hebews and!pe REE T11 Reviews Yearss Activit every Ro- many of tem are descriptions i1vie Tuesday nigbt. The lop-sideâ Mrs. L. Thompson read some SEV ITWH R e î w e r c i i ywin gave Ken's a four-point of the beautiful words of the!poSERVEl galle. O i]ead over the Fuels in their 1O4th psalm. Saying that God A A U M*i E A Presirdent -John Rani at the, President Bain told the club projeets, the Rotai-y play, "Say' battle for first place. speaks to us of His power and IYAKVEL ICE CREAvibk IeO~ ~nclusion of his year as hcad 1mw much he appreciated the It With Flowers" and the Hirds.leinthe beautyothe _______________________________________ o~the Bowmanville Rotary' privilege of being its leader wonderful piano concert by wfth orlMs. Stae" y oe parPretRgirie ac 9 -SV 1o JePre Club gave the gave[ to I- d urin.g 1964-65. a bus- and in-:Ray Dudlev.S. found in tbe old fourt reader. 'L U J D B ~ U' ll A coming President Don Morris teî-estinc year. "I feit highlv, In regard Io the play hS Paul's A reference was made 10 the rSPA ISH BAR CAK each 2yc DKE&D 60% H1 IIA 4olae , gt the lunc-heon mreting of the'onored when 1 became presi- stat'-d that Keni Hockin as the; coming vacation period when, (White or Coioured) Reg. Prie. 2 pkgs 65o - SAVE 6c ColumbiaRe.Pi.tn3 -AV lc club held at the Flying Dutch- ad tat -- star, and the wox-k of Mrs. Ed f I L we can go outdoors or perhapa- man Motor Hotel on FîidayRtr xeinewsa ad-wr aiîla director hadCG IL] travel to see and appreciatel C T IE FAALISU pgof4059C A PRI Jtîe lth.p ~aScap. but the support and guid- ý esuîled in a smash bit. thewoner of nature andl Jueit.I.wsannounced ac ienttehetePs eo-eVc wsrsonil I S O TE ACA ISE ksf4059 &PR S B R UE 1 iOZtllO that Rotary District 07 Go-,aDr. G. to e dxvitheMann, 'turge ie rll at ---- f B an n u Lrealize t!iat back of these cre- Stuart House Reg. Price.roli 37e - SAVE 4o With Pork ini Chili 8u.S E I K-vas invaluable. sucssoth io is the mighty hando f O L W A (12" WIDE) 25-fr. ro113 3c CLARK BEN131 otn 7 ville, will visit the club here concert, he added. Godl. Mrs. Turner closed the O LW A on Augusf 12th and 13th. The retiring president refer- Piesident Bain paid tribute St. pauls C.G.I.T. held their set-vice with prayer. Mrs. Ken- Facelle One-Ply (White or Coloured) Del Monte Fancy Quaiy Rg re î 5 AEl The birthdlay of Garnet red to the high standardanimato ther oanof rie hyteaîî "How Great Thou Art", i Rickàrd was cclebrated bv bis Ille speaker-s at the weekly the Crippled Children's Cm anutinMther andcuerneh HlIsanbeutfulDroo~m TISSUME A 4 ois49c LD P felw oaras.Gessat]iiceoimetngdriute ttee. and also to that of Bill aqe i ecueRo ,,opnied by Mrs. Otto Bragg,~pgo~rli L C D2 felow otrias.Guetsat'L"clioi metig drig teTuesday, June 22nd, to closeatbepno the luncheon meeting were 'past 12 mnonths, and said that ;Thtesbuî-ger, Chairman of the the meetings for the summer. thepao Huberf, Hooper. Brampton: Garnet Riiýkard and his com- Easteî- Seals Committee and There were 42 attending, in h guest speaker, Mrs.~ Tom Dobbie and Bob Hega- mittee hadi planned excellent1 ils nembers. The campa'g îdn pcilget e Walter Branch of Osha, ciorn. hoth of Oshawa. and programs. bî-ought in the largest returus and Mrs. H. Turner, Mrs. Som' travel agent for the Donald John Stasher and Angus Liv- Discussing the raisiuig of of t liese campaigns, he said, erville of Hamilton and Mrs. Travel Service, Whitby, wasThsrm su îgston, both of Port Hiope. funds. Pi-esident Bain said' rnoney' which is badly needed Vandemaar, Holland.- introduced by Mrs. Werry. Mrs., Ken Hockin led the singsong "Di-. Keith Billett and 1itohlelp handicapped children. Branch's husband grew up i'1A and ub oope plyedtheiommtte hav doe afi rst, -le thanked the followirtg After Rev. Turner said gi-ace Salem and attended Salemi O F E SL Sacnpaniment.raejbwttooutndg committee chairmen and mem- aIl sat down to wel] laden public school. Las t fall, aog _ýano acbersratorjobeirhwork:ouGlennolme tables of salads, ham, tropical with several American travell f laud. Rotai-y Information and tee. C.G.I.T. President Laurel forty day plane trip around, Magazine ClIassification: Mel Abernetby' acted as chairman the world. She was the onlyl BOKAR CRL 'L ( ýDlAttendance; Art Ribey, and called Dianne Mîllson to Canadian on the tour. 3-LB. SA B.C Membei-ship; David Higgo say a few words. Si-e wisheoc alliîg bertalk"A Bid's BAG 3-LB. BAG 6oja Fellwsho; Kitl JacsonMiss Somerville "Bon Voyage" Eye View o! the World," Mrs. 2 3 9~7 -House Committee; R. P. Ricka: on ber tnp t Euope, Ieaving Branch soon captivated berý by: Rural-Urban, A. 0. Pal-Juy8h audience with ber vivid des-J 1.i v. D rymiple: Vucational Service, Misses Alfredla Jones, Gai] criptions, ber charming per-, $2 ,347 9 c $2 e22DI i GUIiplyea SU E O Bob Stevens: Inter-Club, Wil- Milîson, Betsy Siappendel and sonality, anîd ber wonderfulý SAVE 15c SAVE 4c SAVE 1 Sc fred McMecban; Youth Serv- Margaret Werry were in sense of humour. Quickly she - PEANUT BUTTER ice, Tom Rehdeî-; International charge of games which caused took ber audience to Europe. ý1l-bgge Ail A&P Coffees 1l-a 7 Service, Allan Strike. lmucb hilaî-ity. A skit in con- Africa and imany countries in 1I-a i Are Custom 1i-a 7 O K D A U1 zinT Presideut Bain spoke of theinection with the study book South-east Asia and home bv' SAVE 4c Ground SAVE 4ceYO K 8 club's project, the purchase o! "Crash Landing", was nce a fth euiuaian 17 acres o! land costing $17,000 by Maureen Wood, Judy Bond, Islands. She found Englîsh to SECONDfor a park project, and he de- Dianne Milîson and Valerie clared that members with im- Tennant with Darla Bacon as Murdoch was guest soloist foi- c~~~aination who are not afraid narrator. A sing-song with the occasion. PERIHQULT of work ai-e needed for this Mrs. George Graham at the Sorry to learui that Master, SMOPE KD-RIGT QALî Y T EV H N -' development. piano was led by Susanne Charlie McCullough broke a:SA K PRINB I O TO P"N. "My tbanks to Sergeant-at-IGrabam. jbone in bis ankle and will be " Tems p te10 ear a N brkerae fes Arms Bob Stevens and His- i The worship seîrvice was giv- lwearîng a cast for seveisi No Terms cpar0esears Norokeag festorian George Vice, the other en bY Nancy MeRoberts and weeks. * N hîde chrgs *io.rt can be prepaid at any !officers and! directoî-s o! the Elaine Henderson. A soio by Sympathy is extended to " No bonuses lime without notice or penalty 'club for al the assistance Carol Cowan, "The Lord is the Glasbeî-gen family in the: tbey have given me during mny My Shepheî-d" closed the wor- death o! Frank's brother, the! For FEEbrchue n UPR/R mrtagsWrie.phneor terîn of office. lship service. one wbo recentîx- visited rela- FràREbrcueo PEIRmrggs itpoeo Hecougratulated the clubtvshr i aaa visi! the SUPERIOR office nearest you onisAoieo li-sdit arge circle was foi-mer! ieshr n aaa THE REALTY DIVISION OF for the coming year, Don Mor-anweosrwthTpad ,iwohsgvnoutstanding Beniediction.lbb service to Rotar vr i'Wbi le the progî-am as e- OBITUARY SUPERIOR CRiswbobasgivn FED .eCNTR tedTEASfour of the16- U159 CORPORATION LTD. ;vears. "ln u tîsiing the gavelligpeetrfu !teUC AITNo bIA A ;oe oDon I know the club W. ladies, Mrs. Len Bradle F D AWHOLETO 17 Simcoe St. OSA A 72-51 will have excellent leadership Mrs. N. Yellowlees, Mrs. T.T EC T o S EÀK b 9 H L in 1965-66" PresidentBain Stewar-t aund Miss Florencer The suddlen death of Fîed-_________ ____ pital, Toronto. as a result o01eveni1ng befoî-e nis deatîl. back injuiy ssanda Surviving are bis wife, two CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, WHITE, No. 1 GRADE Slu ent Ir m t is rei aL 'bers, Sonya and Loi-i M eluyk; the Muir Scbool o! Dancing at one sister, Annie (Mrs. Wmn. Lindsay, participated in the Taylor); tbree brothers, John, OÀOE 'S P A R A D E bo~~~janurvu e h e iday e -e cEiy and Cc.Onesroter lim GAATE 1D UTNS o RD CH ILO R EN YS P A R Annua rvu h rde in Peer ercy and oecbohil. O ne iste i:0pm Monday, June 21, we pre- predeceaser! himn. GAATE E UTN e RD 6:30 p m. .sume. is the officiaI arrivai o! The body rester! at bbechcap- summer. A somewhat less'et o! McDermott-Panabaker, auspidlous occasion takes place Port Perry, tîntil Tuesday,g A I I I here at Malconia when we where numerous friends catI- m mobserve bbe raher ominous cd and an Orangemeu's serv-* 113th anniversary of servile ice was helr! Monday eveuiug. W A TERM E tO N ue9 F RID Y ., J UIiL Y 2 il subjugation into domesticity Funeral service was held in ýin partnersbip with our St. John's Cburch, Blackstock, California, Hand Selected Quali ty, No. 1 Grade Freth, New Croo 'Dragonlady". Long gone are with Rev. Canion Paterson: -TO - those carefree, irresponsible and Rev. Canon Ashmore of- 1-zclot62 c 1L E E bachelorhoor! days devoid of ficiating. Interment was in TO M A TO ES 1-zeilblC B U B R I S ha ireprisais if you tracked mud St. John's Cemetery. Caifri\Snt I&i on tbe floor and necessity o! The large attendance at ' M E O I L P R sbaving before your face even funeral and many flowers PL.i'~\~UAA 4 got itchy. Ah, well, we alI spoke o! esteem in wbich the /I I a /'~ )r . i ibepnqurbo ýmake mistakes and must admit deceaser! was held. Among O FULLLLINE 0F AMUSEMENT BOOTHS lin bbc best interests o! making the floral tributes were tokens our 141h in one piece, that we'd from St. John's Cburch, Chuir THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIiC TEA COW»ANYLM. do it aIl over again. Some days of St. John's, St. John's Surin-_________________________________________ RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES REFRESHMENTS ls murder, but then, labour day School, Corporation o! the jJ J ~ J j~In order t: :lIwrlo ya mby@ t eêrt iuios reyet to devise any- Township o! Cartwright, Staff À , tbing comparable to those o! Cartwright Public ScboolAAPSOE ILB "fringe benefits" o! matin- Cartwright Central School GET YOUR TICKETS ON SPECIAL DRAW oy You can'b in'em alI. L.l.L.No. 133, L.O.BA No'e OPEN UNTIL 9pm.WD SAYJUE3 1965 OLDSMOBILE 2- DR. HARDTOP lattended anniversary services Guides and Brownies, Durham from a/lotuf s ae LSDALDYTUSAJL t jSat A.M. wben a former Palibearers were Messzrs. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEEO THROUGH DMNO A LADIES' AUXILIARY DRAW- ATTENDANCE PRIZES Ipastnr nt our charge, the Rev. JIohn Venning. Wilfred Wýil- SATURDAY. JULY 3rd, 1965. R. R. "Bouncy" Bonsteel of liams and four nepbews, Har- _________________________________________________________ Bronte was gucat preacher. old, Brian, Robert and Gordon Our school marm Màsa Muriel Hiamilton. I :~ *~- 'q

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