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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 2

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2 - Yhe Canadian Statesman, Eownianville, June 30, 1963 Setting W as Harm ony Unitedci hurch Inspired by Hampton Minister I.a[ rg International Work Camp JFrtune1 Grade Nine (78. Called "O peration Beaver1pFrtcashnus(5,adS Descïbed at R tary ClubMountjoy, Gwen Earle, Joan Lind Horton. Th Operation Beaver. the first and tihe students included' are so suddenly enterxng. 74%) LCdrFia on International ecunienical work bath men and women j "3. To demnonstrate in aur Edgerton, Ellen Eanle, Gail C camp in Canada, composel of "Mliis summner from August narthex-n and other commun!- M alc olIm, Sharon Archer yourig volunteers aged 18 ta 2nd ta September 2nd, Opera- ties new shepies of feuowship « (Geag.), Paul Brinkman. Beac 30, which offers an opportuni- tion Beaver will hold its sec- and service. Tidcasbnu- 6 o F ty fSr Indians. other Cana- ond ecunienical wark camp in '14. To provide a new ave-6% FGiiBleta oal n dians, and friends fram other this country on the Whitefish nue of discipleship for young Gray countries ta get together in Bay Indien Reserve, 50 miles Canadians of ail ethnie ori-~ Credit (50 ta 59%)-Jon(8 Larmr (eog., La JShntzbeti- Cluistian fellowship ta meet southeast of Kenora, Ont. gins. (ath.'>, ern)o M a ora à community need, was de- "The young people of the "5. To help In leading Can- (Math.), Jerohn Ma1eo1 rak M acribd on- Friday by Rev. camp will take part in daily ada's Churches taward a new (Hist.), UdohnBr 1n kmn Charles Cetto, Minister af the manual labor on a new Pres- paliy of co-operative and (Hs.) . Gobkes (Math.).Se Hampton United Church Cix-- byterien Oburoh. and ather eci.venical apprach ta the ; ~(ujct nbakt indicate 14%' cuit. He was the guest speak- needed cmmnt projects. nations new kinds of needs.~ ~ failures). Ri er at the. luncheon meeting of There will be ecumenical "6. Finafly ta helpr create a Grade TenRy ,the Bowmanville Rotary Club. study and examinatian of greater sense cef responsibility Roy istcasbnur 7%Jd Dr. Allen B. Sylvester in- Canada's cutrent need and towards the coninunity among F " and ar - onu Wot75en Dy troduced the guest speaker, pxoblems. Alsa there will be such people as teachers, soc- and told the meeting that a tîme fox- cultural exdvange, !l workex-s, ministers, andafti lrg grp. ee iatwrJyo pclnte recreation, and vîsits ta the doctors.ofti lag ruwe tbet Oeration Beavex- was in- Ojibway conimunity. Mr. Catta also s'hwed a ser-terwvsM- n r.Fr gpired by Rev. Charles Catta, Discussing Operation Bea- ies ai interesting colored 4 reiling, Mr. and Mrs. P.r Chairmn of the Work Camp ver's work, Mr-. Catto stated siides of Operation Beaver's R. G ilert M and Mrs. P.Ln Comnttee of the Canadian that the broad objectives of first international ecunienical - ney.US Counci of Chua-dies, who 'the camps are as foliows: work camp at Split Lake last use . . whiile serving in Africia be. 1. To assist Canadiens, bath July, and he gave a graphie . The visitons were v'ery en- tbusiastic in coments made on ilhav caime familiar with the work Indian and non-Indian, ta commentary.thcairanvx-eto!he of the Peace Corps, and whao eme ta knaw and understand Stewart McTavislh moved a dipysndaoadrdih wanted ta sec a sinilar inter- One another on the basis aif vote ai thenks to Mr. Catta 1 1 .104 earnid ausein ts at- wi national project undertaken a creative fxaternity ai the fox- bis excellent account aitatvosfig he emd in Canada. work camp situation, sa that this fascinating praject, Oper j .ta enjoy their visit thoroughly.~ the foundatian oa ifle long ation Beaver. President Don uored by the Canadian Count- inter-personal bridges of re- Marris also expressed bis per- th ci o huces ndi wsspeet and affection may be sonal appreciation ta, the guest ggt. . the c ti o dCurinc he nd g andefecively laid. speaker. * -g4 h "2. To involve overseas stu- The birthdays of Marty w gunmnier of 1964, Mr-. Catto dents in such projects so that Martin and Dr. H. B. Rundie wh gtated. He explained that the tie ih nost notewarthy characteris-te ih get a truer and were celebrated by their fid D am ag e min tic of this work camp was its wdcx- picture ai Canada's pre- low Rotarians. Guests present sr three way aspect compxising sn proble'ms as weIl as of at the luncheon meeting were PRO PGEON Canadians ai Indien and non- her people, and also ta, offer Leonard Carlton, Camipbell-in is 90t ea N En)itr Inia x-gian vstosIndien Cainadieans both a pic- ford, Fred Adsett, BellevilleMis LortaKlgnowe hou. fixom overseas. turc and an experience of the and Daulas Johns, Bob Hega- in the bouse. Ha> present day woxld community dom, and Ray Barrand, alof Micèehael called to bis moihen' "The Indian Community Of which they sa rarely see but Oshawa._______ ___thtteclrwafildwh Split Lake, 420 miles north o! ta h smo e Mr D ilg rushed b 'Winnipeg, wes the hast to this Idown an .d inned the hs mn fins ti iawcaampnigth n-te"fom br ashiung mahiehon lacent finx-s cunr ic work cam Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Webber are shown in the above photo as the fin e, h was burncingn1cr tire monihoa July, 1964. 'ne leave Harmony United Church following their manriage on Saturdav afternoon, nlth io, andiches n hre retui volunteers paxticipated June 12, 1965, at 2 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Donna Auýdrey Smith: some rugs and blankets on ta a for- a nionth in the daily lufe d he fM n ailGSmt sa adt d h soh twasq a __ughtrofM. ad r. Dne . S it, Ohwa, adte briegroom is te soter i.Pt o! the 400 inhabitants. To- 1.sno r n r.H B ce fBw avîe The Bowmanville Fire Brig- injuri gethr tey buil a ew ng- . ____ -ade responded pnomptly tb iheliv, lican Church fox- this small t lrbunv.Diln' qi ,E~ canimqanity, which is tucked thein 25th wedding annivers- actol darm btMns Di lln'squck ' iaa i oncst and lake ,an.. CaeceGvad j nnounce LIIgOa llIm IlIextinguished the fine wben lis "As a projcect in human4 John Hendy, bridesmaid and Mrs. Rhea Burns hanse, Streec ttnderstending, internationally, best man of 25 years ago, which is situated on the road' cars es this wox-k camp was called, escorted the hononed couple to beyond Jackman's Road sus-, R. Li camnpers inciuded nine Cana- pneanranged chairs in the tained minor damnage whenland idian Indians, il Canadians or beautiinîîy decoratcd living- lightning bit ber T.aral Ae non-Indien origin, and eighît room and sat wiih theni, as and continued into the bouselcles visitrs wb cameinom i- WEBER -SMITH the skîrt. and they wore pink also did thein son Bruce. Janet ~ unn te ie.TeBw 10 geria, Japan, Malaysia, Tan- s_,haes and short white gloves. Simpson and Ian Hendry pin- mav1$100.nqncîypt ne ganyka, he UitedKingom, Large bask~ets ai chiry9an- Thcir pink-bow hcadpiýeces ned flowens on tenan n ~:~ti ieot i and thie United States. Five thcmums iormed an attractive were adonned with matching uncle T th re wire cabte.l 1ad Midn provinces wcrc represented setting in Harmrony United tuile and they carried cascade Gordon C. Martin acted asi The in heetniciyioe ibertyImornd b -____ -Chunch ion the manrage an bouquets of pink and whitechairnan for a prognam o! i Bowl were struck by îightning, o'clocl Saturday aiternoan, June 12, carnations, !piano solos by Archer Guy,1 and bux-ned completely off, but Street 1965, at 2 o'clock of Miss Mn a uphis I5Dougîas Penrin and Stewart1 the building itseli was not Harol nniaAudey mit andMr.bes ma an theushrs ereGuýdamaged as the Bowmanville Street Bow anvlle Dona Adre S~:nId ~ç~*~ t a~ ~ ~reAîln rad ~he~ .. .~frorn spreading. Bert Mutton's Davis bride is the daughterofM.lw f the groom, and Mn.ldness an hecmmteepe p n e o t l and Mrs. Daniel G. Smitih of Dan Smith, a cousin of ihelsented Mn. and Mrs. Hendry ..-44*y1 y» itated an 3,Bigh anvithe, 'ice Penec stawa, and the groom is the bride. wt w easy chairs and a W.O so iofMx-. an'd Mrs. H. B. Me-I withto to match, a silven r.- west of the town, a also lision Gee, Bowmanville. The neception was lieldaboch ndeigstnd al: struck by lightning. No esti- on Ki Rev. N. T. Holmes officiat -te Ganve Gl lbsir ic cpand cuf! îiiksset and a.mate of the damage was ob- Creaýrr hu hed an dung hesriewhere the bride's mothen re- Mn. and Mns. Hendrv repli ed .-.. tainable today, but it is believ- driver Ch rhapprapriate music was playcae ovratn ihmthngndhnkn teessnd ceîved in a turquoise dress of!er graciousîy, welcomincga ent xenie wene P lae oer atinwit machig an thnkig th gustsandThe Bowmanviîle fixe alanm. Beach '15 Liberty St. 9 by bbechcboh organist. TheJ three-quartex- ngh cottrth omtefrteikwasru aculofie' soloist was Mrs. John Stone. lntcau-bccmîtefo hi îdwssnc oPleo ie Brutci quoise a and shoes, white ns n ii.during the stonm, and this Edwai Patr ev uraBT iven in nmarriag bybeeccsone, rdandSg O its. El.î..i.R caused it ta ring, ne-ring, and Tordrg Gi age byring acgais.iSeveanalcorsageMn Phone 623-51a0her, the bride wore a for- wlhite carnations and pink slOboread Alex Car-1rn gi.SvrlPUC r Phn 2-10 mal length gown of white on- swcetheart rases. The grooms . n rs alsonneof aneo apls ee i y ihtig gazaavn atnwih soo mthn ssstd ndfa- heuthers, M.P.P., expressed thein iadMr ap ade fNeteo nnounce and also some new palesipsse Sunday School - 9:55 rn. neckline. The front of the occasion chose beige crepe cnrtltosi e eyteeggmn iterduheGoi aiyt which bad îiot yet been put borx-l gown was highlighted by with lace badice, matr.Ping well chosen wonds. The ne- David Ian Scott, son of Mrs. Scott and the latte Chas. into use. A few P.U.C. brans- yearc beadeddesgn onthebodcethre-qartr leeed acktmainder of the evening was Scott of Bellevil le. The marriage wilI take place on formens were aiso struck. beaded dsigns a theinoice thrc-quantd sleeve jacketry, 'a il .m.and top o! the skirt, and a mint green bat, beige acces setinvstigad0noi1gJly2Otania Hydro in this dis- rnanvi graceful chapel train was sanies and corsage of yeîîow a sumptuans lunch topped off 4 95a :0pm nNsltnUie hrh titecpdwt nyisMm "THE SCRIPTURAL caugbt ta, the shaulders by roses, with a piece of weddîng cake. main feeder to rural aneas, receiv, BASS OR IVNE smal ows Aba wa aso As hecoulebi onthir Those preseni were froni a.m.: Juniors, 10.05 ar.. o 44KV, which carnies 44,000 Patien placedORDIaIE sthe b ws.A boad a row Awed outpe th n bride asEdmonton, Streetsvilie, Toron- 11 a.m.; Beginneis. il ar..ta o u istcvolts lb latex- being reduced ta on HELIG"plce a te aitan aro wddin tip te rie asta, Oshawa, Onono, Newcastle 11:50) a.m. Chiîdren register-!n- LfllFli 8,000 for cansumption, was At i ELIGatihe buton eth e nedoira wearing a white suit with Newtonville, Perrytown, Ga-_'cd in the Royal Life, Seniors,' the only part of its Hydro ter (A Divine Healing the trank o t b eln ow thenevy blue txim and blouse, den Hill and Ottawa, as weîî intermediates, Juniors and Be- V str equipmenb aifected. coîîisi Sriewill take tplaaicaeus elw .h navy blue bat and accessories, as oun surrounding district. ginners swim at the Cream of V st r Tour Theisi Seric plce hipline. lIen elbow-lcngtb il- and corsage o! red swecrtheant _______ Barley Pool. Th imnmediately aftcr the lusion veil wes caught ta a roses. Tbey will reside et 19 -T>eLrnbSi ClseM u John g Pearl tiax-a, and ber bridaI STnht .,. a n Mo i aTus e m eaAcnend Messae) buut aS! oen tRd.,Bowmanville. meet. at the Boys' Trainîng A M se m er bouquhoetdbe aitheffroowis andilsAcamiGrdes Sx1an Miss lionne Langfond. Te onors PR M E -ONE pqc-upl p oicn CntrlShaîin !LodEgnSho, icrdie ySe - I -'a'. p ' o'-' '"" i "'e"Day C amp and Playgnounds, Monisan, Mn. and Mrs. Buti, i ta 4:30ooclock in the monn'please contact the Recreation !Mn. A. D. MeFaîl, treasurer, t4:oCilre n t e atino Office at 62,3-3114. and Mrs. McFalî, and membens: by bus ta and fram the (ampan e 57KN T .BOWMANVILLE site. aIi. For each weck of Day Camp ocI(Y ONE RACK ONLYl there will be a sleep-out each ~ JL~ n WE.,JNE30HWednesday. and Parents' Night 2 1 ( aId I-,iOrais DRESSES SWED., LUN 3Twill be held everv Friday heISCOLSOUv-od >usdy ubi n Reg. to $14.95 $8.0PE CIKOW A cning. Mn. Coombes' fax-maiSHOS U oaTesapbi n ALL ONE PRCE ELNW AE necletsimn od high schools ihroughout the area will close their ifon the childnen ta cool offin S L 1 M Swhen they're not playing Rob- classe s for the summer, releasing hundreds o! S L I MReg.$1S in Hood, which >5 ihe then-e energetie youngstex-s for the holidays. orit Re. 1495 $1 for this yean.I are urged ta take special precautions, especially lcOFSPECIAL (.2 Lorraine Hadgson will be 1h e for the f irst few days until the children become sistas wi e ct.Hers-n acclimnatized ta their freedomn. Let's keep accidents BATHING SUITS SPORTSWEAR Luxton and Jim McDonald. ta a bare minimum. We doubtifi there is much lec OFFCLEARING AT Children's Swimnxing Clas3-1 point in trying to reason with many af the irnes- REDUCED PRICES the Crearn of Barley Pool and posbecrringoboswoee tael OPEN WEDI at ihe lys' Training 11,,ol that King St. is their own special drag strip, but Pool. W. W. Bagnell is in there is always hope that even they wilI smarten chreo h i ek wm pbfr they wreck their cars o kili somebody. T U S K y -S LARGE SIZE SHOPPE mn Pora an Sewirn ICS onavil i:Tsn r e-HLDY OR:l -OWMNVLEassisted by Mrs. Lamna Cav- OIA OR:1 4 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ~~~~erly, Ian McQuarnie, Inwin ICS- ownvi'ePlc As.are- Colwell and Chuck Evans. The deavouring to raise funds to help minox- hockey ~LtKAI4~E VI t LER RESES test dates will be July 30th I heme. As has been announced, they have arranged and August l3ih.foth elanGryCru cmhr n Dai'Iuueai'I Prices as Marked Swimming Classcs at the frteSisadGa icst on eeo Reduce Prics as orkedCream aof Barley will be co-ý August 2nd. At this point, they are doing their ducted on Tucsdays, Wednes-ý utmnost ta seil advance tickets, that will produceJ U r BATHNG UIT I ULKE KITSdays, Thunsdays and Fnidays.ý a better pexcentage for them than tickets sold at lvOF1%OFbe as follows: Seniors and Roy- h ics otc omnil oiesaino KING ST.. al Lifeguards, 9 arn. ta 10 ar.. *write Box 501 as soon as possible if you can help. Intermediates, 9 a.m. ta 10, Tickets are $1.00 for children and $150 for aduits. L lit High School :xam Resuits 2%,), Marilyn Adams. Third class honurs &460tu ;econd class honours (66 to 65%) - Nadia Schwartz 'fhys.) 7)- Sheila Sharpe, Barbara Ron Martyn, Lloyd 1 win, rpe, Glenn Bonnetta, Rich- (Math, Phys.) 1Jenkins, Warren Rohrer, Credit (50 to 59%) - Patricia id Grasy hoor.(0oWotten, Brian Walker (Phys.)ý Mir clss onuis(60tODoug Metcalf (Math., Fr.), ')- Maxine McKee, Nancy Sharon Larmer (Hist.), Marg- ýw, Bernice Mappin. aret Carnaghan (Math.) redit (50 to 59%) - Ivan, GaeT lv adburn, Bob Kyte, Lucille' rd Tev tcock (Fr.> First class honaurs (75% Grade Eleven ýand over) - none. irst class honours (75%1ý Second class honours (66 ta 1over) - Nancy Dorrell 174%) - Lynda Kyte (711%), 1%,Lorna Wright, Eliza- Nancy Staniland, David Wot- h Thompson, Judy Coch-i~ten, Ray Mountjoy, Dora e, Brian Mountjoy, DenisIMartyn, Dianne Mairs, Leah Laughlin. 1McKee.' ;cond class honaurs (66 tai Third class honours (60 to ý- Marlene Tomnchischinj65%> - Ken Rohrer, Shirley fla Tomchischin, RichardýdeJong. tsma, Marguerite Clement, Credit (50 to 59%) - Chris-- ýBradburn, Helen Swain, tine Sloane (Chem., Fr.), Linda ly Swain, Jim Carnaghan, Venning, David Ballingall, vid Mackie, BettyBradburn. Eleanor Finlit (Hist., Lat.) CPR Bri*dge Fime FROM PAGE ONU~ ýd by walking pedestrians, but no vehicles ie been allowed to cross. It is almost certain that the entire structure Il have to b. replaced. Cause of the blaze has flot been determined hfough several bystanders stated that earlier ere was a small fire under the. south end in egrass. They believed that this was fanned ien a train went through under the bridge nutes before the blaze spread to the entire *uctùre. Telephone repairmen were kept busy for urs restoring service to customers in the impton area who were cut off when tihe large bles gave way due to the. tremendous heat. it for a knee injurv and Birch Avenue, Peterborough. rations. lHe was able toi Mn. Gould, who was injured rn to bis home on Satur- in the accident, is a patient in« afternoon. Mr. Denhertog Memorial Hospital where lie treated in the Out- is receiving treatment for a enis Depariment for minor, fractured tibia. Constable P, ries. Corporal K. Freetli ,C. 1l'arte-M.axwell, OPP, in- stigated the acecidenit. vestigated the accident. -ere was a two car col- At 6:1.5 p.m. on Saiurday n t 5:30 p.rn. Frid-ay. ai ,there was e collision between ni and Temperance a car driven by Clifford ets. The drivers of thel Pethick, Enniskil]en, a n d involved were Norman' ;Douglas Triveit, 369 Oshaw aixton, 99 Queen Street, Boulevard North, Oshawa. Clemens Teznik, Simpson The accident, which happenecj nue. Dama-ge to the vehi- on hie Scugog Road between amounted to less than Hampton and Enniskillen, was Constable Tracy Davis' investigated by C on st a ble stigated. George Evans, OPP. inon damage was sustain- On Saturday evening at :y two, cars on Saturdav fine o'clock a car driven by ning in a collision at 9:30 Verrai MacLean, R.R. 3, Bow- ck a-t Queen and Lambertianville, went off lhie road ets. The drivers were on the Miaple Grave Road Id Perguson. 17 Queen North. Constable Evans, OPP, et, and Daniel Kearney, was the inyest.&ing officer. Sunset Road. Constable A car driven -1( Gary Ed- [was -the investigating ward Beattiem, Avenuei nr. Oshawa, and an6ffrcar dr was a tshree car col- yen by Maurice Arfhur But"'( ion Saturiday at 7:43 p.m .33 Taunton Road West,OhL Çing Street East near the awa, collided at 8:50 p .m.on. nm of Barley Camp. The Sunday, on the Zion Roid at ýrs of these three vehicles the 6th Concession of Dar- SDavid B.ridgeýtt, 10 East lingion Township. Constable - , R~ic'hard Thomas, 129 T. A. G. Spenceley, OPP, in- nStreet, Part Hope, and vestigated. rd John Smowton, 17-- ree Place, Scarbarough. COMPLETE r. Smowion, age 41, hisM Byron, age 16, another ~ ILI'~IV2 enger, Max Kanry, Scan- 11L ugh, age 44, end his 13 aid daughter, Paula Kar- SERVICE were taken by theBo ville Area Ambulance t- Fire, Automobile and rial Hospital where they Liability îed t.neatrnent in the Out- LowRtso an n nîs Department for trn ow Ruals o Frm an inries. RrlPoete 4:15 a.m. on Saturday MORTGAGE FUNDS was a car and motorcycle AVAILABLE don on No. 35 Highay Contact drivers inv 1ved wene A. LEN HOOEY Gould, 16 Park Street, 36 Liberty St. N. 623-7264 James V. Cunningham,____- dontreal Vlndsnr -,dmon ton Oshama Winnipeg Prince Toronto Regina George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver' ordon IV. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. )shawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 RN(E TO SAVE!l INESDAY 'TIL 12:30 P.M. >AYb* J ULY 1st &.m. to 12 arn. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. & Lovel WE DELIVER PHONE 623-3361

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