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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 5

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U...J ~ . j, fhad not jqIl the fnfrrnlatinnl Displazy HW d roIU neeed no final decision wag, madle. The a ~ roll callwaq "A ctr At T init U. . W .M eetofyourself as a child." These were passed around and prov- ~Trinity U.C.W. held their hand-painted china and a few ed interesting and amusing. fnlmeeting Of the spason n pieceq of sculpture by Mr. Cax. Our programn was in charge' JVWe 15. President Mrs. S. R. Mrs. Van Nest, Mrs. Alldread of Mrs. Ferguson. convenor.' ~es openjtd the meeting, and Mrç. Leask answered any Mrs. Gibson read a poemn, D. R fld rea d was at the inquiries pertaining ta the "Mother's Apron." Miss I. AI- UInoweil organized display. lin read portions of an article Ming. ¶uring tin chargessfntheo. about the Mas'sev family and ru eet The scripture was Duagte uies ndo their connection* with New- "ead by Mrs. Bradlev. Mrs. lunit reports were readd castie. Mrs. Ferguson told ~ * visiting reported. Mrs. James smtigo h al itr gés ave a mastJneresting, announced a FalFair in No- smtigo h al itr lbmieIw nf the book "Take ake alth of Hope township and of the 4&ugnds" by Dr. Mary Verghise, mmest etikn n minutes of the first meeting 'Wln i a rilian, yungworking during the summer o the beginning of Newcastle. lindian doctor. This part of montbs. 140 years ao. Mr. James Foxi -the meeting closed with pray- was the first township cierk.1 lèt by Mrs. Leggott. To keep Next U.C.W. will be Sept. A prize given for the grand- tii theme of the program,,21 with Unit 1 in charge. Mrs. mother with the most grand- Metny articles were On display Romeril, Biackstack. wili be children went to Mrs. Quin- 'Canadian Handycrafts" in- the guest speaker. Ladies Of nev, with nineteen, and Mrs. Îliuding fine hand work, leath- Blackstock U.C.W. are invited Trim wîth four great-grand- 4w, driftwaod, paintings, rugs. ta a dessert luncheon. ___ children aiso received a prize.' ____________________________________________ It %vas her luck 'v day. as she aiso was winner of the "lucky cui," prize. The meeting closed with a! R e or s ro ."HomGreat Thou Art." "n w. - --- -. ~ Hi Atbl onnigan tiqu-heMo e BOWMANVILLE W. 1. 'ards. Mundiay, Jones. Couch. brou*ht by the members cn 'The June meetin ot the Stover.tained same very interesting'_____________________________ "Themanle men ofnthe Mrs. Downev and Mrs. items. 'ttewas hle W in' frm o! Richards planne. d the gameýs A delicinus lunch was serv- pfcnic at Mrs. int.e trysof o eranoybeafe ed by the hostess and herj pinea n.T utr' oron. n noybeafe- group. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Jack) Brurnneill vçttage, nt Nogîe's Creek 'on -Pigeon Leke. After another delicious meal Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Jack) 'Yellow chry,ýsanthemumTs, and W~enth thitytheelad- andl an enthusiastic "Thank K'f~K Brummell, 4 Si. George Street, yellow and white pom-pomn -Wesintheuding to itrs had u to Ms-s. Buttery'. the: B A K T C celIebrated the 50th Anniver- 'munis was received by the de, nrivd w iios had d party broke up about 6:30. sarv of their wedding xith a Golden Wedding celebrants aerincding h abotfmeat cin SiIver Weddingr delighlfully arranged At Homne from Bowinanville Town Coun- uuppili y rshot et e s ETNVLE About 100 friends and neieil- at their residence on Satur- cil. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dow-' suppliboe adMrban Mrs. HectorNWONILEW.1 dav afternoon and evening, ney, Oakvi]le, sent a lovely - r.Park conducted a shortboeoMran r.Hcoboqeofylwrssar business session. We decided The June meeting o! the. Shortridge gathered in the June l2th.boqeofylo rss.c- t~ethiit t ron Par, W. I. was Wednesd'ay after. Recreation Centre Saturday' The Governcr - General of nations, and chrysanthemnums, 'P-ehil ali. "S Fir, noon, June l6th, at the homeninght to honox' themn on the Canada, General Georges Van- and a prettx' bouquet of yel- Tho, o lly"ca] S eî Say,'0 r.Fegsn wt h CCasion of their 25t'h wed- ier, and Madame Vanier sent lOV ow po-Pom 'mums and white D',oor ay wa wllanswer- Newcastle group in charge, ding anniversarv. a congratulatoiy te]egramn to chrysanthernums was given to el-and 18 present. Mr. Roy Turner was the Mr. and Mrs. Brummell. They Mr. and Mrs. Brummell by Mr. The rest of the afternoon President Mrs. M. Samis capable MC. for the evening aiso receix-cd a special card and Mrs. Harold Henning. .Vâ5 given over ta garne-, opened the meeting with the! and presented the prograni conveying best wishes and Prom Mr. and Mrs. Elgin tnostly indoor. for, though it OeadMr StwtCo- consisting o! a piano duet bv congratulations from the lion. Hobbs, and familv, Ajax. (Mr. wes a beautiful day, it wR5 Iect. Mrs. T. Hendersan read'Janice and Kenneth Craw- Lester B. Pearson, Prime Min- Hobbs is a brother of Mrs. biardly warm enough ta stand the minutes and financial re- ford; piano solos by Lorraiîne ister- of Canuýda. Russell C. Brummell) the Golden Wed- trouind outside. pr.M-. ai1eoretaiure.NnyDorrell and Hoey, M.P. lfor Durham Coun- ding Celebrants received an Winners nf prizes were:: Mrs. Milis, our new district; Carol Werry; a humorous tsn etro ogau xust ragmn !yl Mesdames Clapp, King, Park, president. had died very sud-I reading written and presented lation to Mr. and Mis. Brum- loNv roses and y'ellow chr san- Flintof!. Cor-den, Black, Bragg,! denly,' and ail stood f'r two, by Mrs._ Thos. Redman, on the meil and lie calied to personal- theniums which included a Wiseman, Abernethv, Henry. minutes' silence ta honour herr edn, twnvf 'ears A tae betilisheo cn- gaceful gotlen itcaera §Stewart, Patfield, Weish, Cie- memnory. ago. which she attended. Mrs. Afrmdctiiaefco-ihed it il hteaes mens, Downey, S. Buttery, T. There was discussion of aur W. Archer gave a humorous gratulation was reccived fromi adnrned with the golden nom- !ýuttcry, Nicholson. A. Rich- Juiy bus trip, but since we reading. Mrs. Redman and Premier' John Robarts and the erals 50. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard i- Mr. Allen Bailev provided mu- Goverrnent of Ontario. There Koendermaii sent Mr~. and Mrs.' sic for eommunity singing. -was a congratulatory letter Brummell an attractive bou-ý 'Nomor o'flis.. o~d Trnr ivied hefromiRi Hon. John Diefen- quet of pink carnations and 'No om f tis. Mr.Turer nvied te bker Lederof the Opposi- yellow chrysanthemnums. hnrdguests to the pla -tion in the HDuse o! Commons, Mrs. Brumnmell receixecl a foi-m. Mrs. Frank Bailex'. sis- a lctter exteiiding best wxislîes beautiful goid locket and cross ter of the bride, pinned a cor'- from Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. frorn her daughiter and son-mn- n_................... aeo e shouldex': a n Ofoi' Durhani Countv%, and Mr. law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Varcoe. Bill provided his dlad with a and Mrs. Brummell aLso re- R.R. 4, Oshawa, and they gave ~ botonnere Aftr afew ellceive d a telegrarm of congratu- r. Varcoe's father a fine icoe wrsby Mi-. Turner,11lions and best wvishces frorn prayer book. TheGodne- i'1 Mrs. Jack Rahm read an ad- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oke, ding celebrants received a Sdress and presented the Short- Montrtl beautiful hand-pitd ta ......................... iige wiiha croe ktcen A beautiful arrangement of froin their grandchideVc ........ sui~te, teevision table, clothesan e cratos ki and Daniel Varcoe, and they bamper. silves- tea service. and ylox ad rd cntion, ere also made the rcpet ~ut ye of TTtO e îmiscaneous gifts. for Mcoad 24ps acy of many other attractive pres- But y this whieh Hector ~~~~~~expressed their Mcoad2 i. aet r irltvsadfins Lunch was served and a Sisn t.received h'îndreds of cards S.. social hour enjox'ed. Senior Boys: Dennis Rom-wiîîcogatulations and best *Friends attending from out crul 30 pts.; Bria Wolfe 15 vshs of te twnsip iclued r. pts.: Donald Wrighit 8 pts. ~ihs of te twnshp icludd Mr.:On Saturday, June 121h, the and Mrs. Leslie Leighton andItreit GrsRly large numbers of friends and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs., Team i1 - MaitaLwrne relatives who atiended the At !Grant Werry, Enniskiller.i, Mr.iJudy Felstead. Lorraine Tur- Home w'erc vweicomed bx' the *and Mrs. Orval Stone and Mrs. net'. WendN, Foi-est. popular couple. Mrs. Brummell Hodgson, Port Perry. Mi'. and' Teani 2 - Suzie Fallis, Elaine looked lovelv in a blue lace Mrs. Je!! Demery and Mrs. T. Meteal!, Rosie Frey, Linda dress w'earing a corsage of W ith N WA-luuLatexHouse ajnt edm~en, Scugog Island. Mrs. McLaughIin. Bt inmo.yellow roses. Zar ai usesrAce- ipb0r Laex hinlsSu. ernent Lews iBrickdlnd Team : eh usio, The table w'as centred with Zoral otsde wfce-Ccpbor, haesShnge-, SucoCeentorBrckField Day Resuits Susan Bolan, Lor-i Gobbes, a beautiful three tiered wed- If your bouse shows checks, Resulis of the Cartwright Dianne Vanderheul. ding cake. made h 'v Mrs. How- crakspeeingor lisers Cntri Shoo Fild ax'hed Intermediate Boys Relay: ard Bradlex'. whîch was ired A-100 is the answer! Prepare o-Ihrdy em I-BueWlîs gold nedallions in the centr'e as follows: Mauri Kinnunen. Dav'id Gray, Of each side o! every lier, and surface according ta instruc- Midget Girls: Wilma Wal- Rickie Mappin. il was surmounted with yel- tions, and see how this new ters, Candy Forest. ticd, 10 Teamn 2 - Larriy Jackson, low roses. The table was light- pait iva 'ou hmea e- pts.: Janice McLaughlin, TerrvN JimmY MaeLeod, Neil Mc- ed wvith golden tapers in gold Robinson. tied, 8 pts.: Annîe Lauighlin., Wayne Scott. candlestîcks. gree o! rteto and beauty Marlow, Sheila McLeod. Cmn- Team .3 - Wayn7e Foi-est, On the wide sifl of the pic- it neyer had before. d ' MeCoîl, Anne Tennyson. Glenn Malcolm, Leonard Mac- burec window, brhind the table, tic, 6 pts. each. Leod, Graham Duf!. bronze candlcsticks holding You keep mright en going" from o ne surface ta another. Mdc os nîe Vis- Senior Girls:godntp'sfaedarc- ser 14 pis.; Allan Addison 9 fuI golden money i-ce whichi a Modern pastels, bold accent colars, gleamning white, ail pis.; Michael Van Gestral, lsi - Carol Woiten, Linda was suirmounited with the gold- stay unifarmly bright years langer. Jacki e Gunter 8 pis. Mounîioy. v Gail Hart. Martha ein numerals 50. lb was adornied Lawr'ence. with golden roses and cariid * ~StsN astsa tat min an'tharmit.Junior Girls: Leslie Wright 'n * "Sots" f6stts. thDenise Edgeî'haon 1t.lend- Betty Stinsoiî. Beveî'- a large amounit of monev. 16 pia.: DniId EnteronoIr) le Brown, Judy HrLincla Mis. Jack Varcoe, R.R. 3, Se Maeb the m aof the wami-tamaus itro paints, pts.. Cainlyn Webster 7 pis. Rohîî'e1. Oshawa, tOe unly daughtel of - Super Kem-Tane and Kemn-Gla. Junior Boys: Stanley Kroc- 3î'd- Rose Arin MacDonald, the Golden Wedding cele- kenstoci 18 pts.: Rickev'Camip- Denise Forest, Bonnie Fel- brants. greetrd thic isitors ai IUY W13TNs.CONeoDENCE AT ,stead, Donoa Swain. Ille door. and lOh' rgr'and- RntermedateCGirF:DENCE AT 11 piso.s:daughter, IMiss Vicki Vaî'coe, Intemedite i rIs: 11dBoys Nwas in charge o! the guest. Felstead 18 pts.: Suzie Fallis ]si - Bî'vanl Wolfe. G'ar'iv bî 16 pis.: Martîha Laurence 10 Rolirer. Biih Thoînipsoni. Don- Mrs. Joyce Morgan, Mis. I~a ~ ~ II HA DW REpts. aid Wrighit. Ben xe' r.EgrBd King St.À R W Pho E 352 Intermediate Boy~s: Wayne 2)nd - Rarry ohî-i'. )axÀd fci. SYrMrs. edClread- ruU Kirkpatrick 1.5 pis.: Grant Me- Fallis, Allen Argue. Joev Wil- Mrs. Jack Wilson pi'esided rover 9KigS.W Phn62521 Laughlin 13 pts.: David Gra. liamýsoîî. tetsat ofecis s Jimmy MeLcod 6 pts. 3îd -DnîxRome-il, Rnh- istillg il' sei-\'înlg wei'e six Senor irs: os Atiicri Ar'cher, Robert Wilkins, nlieces Of MI'S. Brunmmell, Mr-s. Rick Rolan. Caî'l Rahny. Mrs. HoNvard Coi'- Pole aultig: dn., Mrs. Ted Bird Junior, Mrs. Doug Jackman. anti Mrs. HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED Sen;ors - Dennis Romeril, latu Hovev. A RA DFTH R LOKBrx'an Wnl)f'e. Allen Areue. Mr-. Bi'ummiell xvas boruiIn A GR NDF THE CL CKIntermediate - Wayne Kiî'k- Aldershot. Englanti. a soni of pati-ick. Bob SNvain, Jiîn Mac- tOce laie Mr-. and Mrq. lEi "~'~ Leoti. Brumnmeil. Jle camie lu Can- ____ hamipion Girl Rose Aiiîn "da' n 191:3. and at fiist xvn JU S I L IK E MaiiDoiaId 24 pîin. RoUCobourg weelie vie Chapio BO - enns R- a ile glf oure.Mr. Bruui- following v Car. Ile w'as the G R AD FA H E YS firýt man ini Boxx'înanxille 10 PLUS . . . A FEW EXTRAS:SAE ubekoWrdWaI.H GRAND FTH ER'S as Serges ALE * A an F STRE RA IOThere 'xae an excellentî ai- Royal Canadian Regiment in AM ad FMSTE EO R DIOtendnceai Rex7 C. Dugan's Ber'muda, andi ovei-seas with 1 frewllserice on SunidaN,.'.the 136th Babtalion. Mr-. Brum- *A RECORD PLAYER1 Mrs. Ken Miller sang "Spir'it mcell is now retired, but he with 6 Speaker% Divine descend uipon MY wsepoe o'3 eîsb heari." Our- besi xxishes 10 the Goodyear Tir'e and Ruh- Solîd State Ail-Transistor vith Rex'. Dugan as he bak's iber C. pans' o! Canada. Lim- .10 Watt Output iup his dues ai Frankfoi't i. B 50 Years Married a ýfflhe, Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvil1e, J.une 30, 1963 Deep Cul Specials BURNS VAC PACKED SKINLESS BONELESS SMOKED ca PINCDH ÀAIM S 892l MAPLE LEAF - SWEET SMOKED TASTE RINDLESS BREAKFAST BA&CON i-lb. 89 C 4 j -r Sw ifts Premium Vac EOOKED Packed LUCAS BRAND 6-oz. Pkgs. 21.Pkg. *ANGY TOMATO FLAVOUR DOMINO FANCY TOMATO JUICE A % QUICK MEALj RAFT MACARONI )INNERs <4 7'2 OZ. Pkgs. 59C KRAFT32o Mi*racle Whp JrZ6 3c SAVE ALL 100-Ft. Wax Paper Ral,2 9c j FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS FLORIDA No. 1 TEND 'R 0 F R Corn on cob 649c CIornI oIE nV(ob 614 59 CALIFORNIA RIEcET AT NECTARINES BoxJ 7 c' 'ALIFORNIA GROWN SUNKIST LEMONS RICHIMELL() ORANGE CHIFFON CALIFORNIA GROWN RED) CARDINAL GRAPES lb. 25C CAES Lansrge 16-îîz. S ize 39C Store Llmited la uneondltionally guaranteed ta give 100(7 satisfaction. INE RESF.RVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing Time, Saturday, July 3, 1965 STOCK UP NOW CREAM CORN PORK AND BEANS CUT GREEN BEANS GREEN PEAS BICKS 5 VARIETIES SWEET Fancy O RAOKED 24 OZ. LOAF OL $1.oo0 YORK FANCY 9 iI i 2-oz. 79C WHEAT AND WHOLE WHEAT I 37c I UOP muon" am Iàmdi uI~oeIuP wIWuudM U KigSt. and Simpson Avenue on Highway No. 2, East IV m MRS. A. BICKELL Martin Road BOWNMAN VILLE, ONT. (WVon $113.64) l b. YIRS. A. PFLANZER BOIVMANVILLE. ONT. (IVon $113,64> MRS. K. LEMON 64 Simpson Ave., BOWMANVILLE Rcceived $26.32 MRS. J. COLVILLE 245 Liberty St. N., BOWMANVI14LE Ail merchandise sold ai Your Dominion FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS CAKES

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