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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 6

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8 The Cahadian Statesman, Bownvlfe, June 30, 1965 Hospital Board A pproves Accounts of Over $ 18,386 Accounta a mo un t ing ta Walters, so moved, and the port be approved. This was $18,386.26 wer asd o a- motion was carried. seconded by Mrs. Gibson, and ment ktic eeinof the It was moved by Mrs. Mc- carried. Board of Directors of Me- Murter, seconded by Mr. Wal- Dr. McKenzie, seconded by marial Hospital held in the ters, that a policy be adopted Mr. Stutt, moved that the Board Room recently-. This requiring patients other than board recess for July and was moved by James A. Bell. emergencies to report to the August to reconvene in Sep- seconded by A. M. Thompson. hospital not later than 3 p.m. tember, and that the Manage- Those present at the meet- This motion was carnied, but me..t Committee and Finance Ing were Board Chairman it does not affect one-day Committee have the power to Glenholnie Hughes, Dr. A. F. patients who usually report carry on in the meantime. McKenzxe, James Stutt, Mrs. in at 7 a.m.' This was carnied. S. G. McMurter, Rex Walters, Mr. Stutt, seconded by Mn. Prior ta the board meeting Mrn. W. M. Rudell, Mr. Bell, Bell, moved that the town the members spent an hour Mr. Thompaon, Mrs. W. Han- fireman be publicly commend- and a haif making an inspec- old Gibson, Clarke Township; ed for thein promptness in tion of the hospital and Tom Cowan, R. J. Dilling, the responding to two false alanms the grounds. Sec'y-Treas., and Bernard Hol- In the hospital. This was car- den, Uic Hospital Adniinistrat- ied unanimously. or. Mrs. Gibson moved that the E L Y IL Chairman Hughes reported board be flot in favor of ha'- W SE IL on the Management Commit- ing display and sales on the (neddfrls ek tee meeting of June l5th and hospital premises by outside (neddfrls ek itb necommendation that the organizations, charitable on On Sunday. June 20th, practice of fifling staff and otherwise, and that such ne- Wesleyville United Church dependants' prescriptions at quests be refused. This was celebrated the lOth anni- the hospital'a pharmacy be dis- seconded by Mrs. McMurter versary of the present build- eontinued immediately. Mrs. and carried. inlg. It was a lovely day and McMurter, seconded by Mr. In the absence of the representatives of the other Grounds Commitee Chairman, three churches on the charget Harry Jase, Newcastle, Mr. were present ta share in thec Holden reported that lights morning and evening services.' had been installed and gravel Bey. D. Manning of Millbrook placed on the new parking lot, was the guest minister, assist-! and that work is expected to, cd in the evening by the reg- commence shortly on the ular minister, Bey. J. Cargo. S blacktop at the parking lot From the scipture stories ofr near the matennity wing. the talents, and the day of.a Mrs. Budeil moved that the Pentecost, Mr. Manning's mes-, GonsCommittee be em- sages concerned the responsi-d THIE NEW KIND 0Fpoweed ta have the new lot bility of each individual and 1 Ecompacted and sealed et a the source of power ta f ul- AUTÊ-INSURANO nominal price. This was sec- fili God's purpose. £~U~.Nonded by Mr. Cowan, and car- In the morning the homne ried. choir assisted by Mr. L. Fan- A letter was read from Dr. row of Welcome sang "Carry M. B. Dymond, the Ontario Youn Burdens ta Jesus" and Minister of Health, and it was "Great and Marvellous" and Art yu takint advantage of moved by Dr. McKenzie, sec- a duet by Messrs. Groeneveld onded by Mr. Stutt, that P.K. and Farrow. lil the evening C the latthi"g in auto insuré U. tests for infants be canied special music was pnovided by tI ut. This was carried. Plainville 20 member choir il ac a new type of policy uDr. McKenzie neported for led by Mn. Neil Manley, sing- a that provides 4packaged' the President of the Medical ing two antheins and a duet F staff, Dr. H. B. Bundie, who by Mr. E. Jackson and Mrs. ir protecion ta givo you a lot wvas out of town, that the Leighton Westington. services of a summer resident An arrangement of red car- tl morevalue for alot leuscost? doctor, Dr. David Willans, had 1 nations and white chrysanthe- bi Ecnoy 4,e been obtained for the hospital.i mums was the floral offering.C Our ne cnoyAt A motion by Dr. MeKenze Sunday School was held as pý PoUey does itai that Cal u seconded by Mrs. MeMvurter, usual with 53 present. The r that Dr. Willans' application beginners' class showed the re- ct fo dstI1b for Associate Staff status be suits of their study and wonk fi accepted, was canied. [for the past weeks. A large w The Hospital Administraton, 1 poster made by them showed G Mn. Holden, reported that John [people and their possessions in in Sienhuis, the Business Man- many lands and displayed by n( ager, is attending a four-wcek Paul Green and Nancy Tis- vi course at the University of nosky. Lance Paynie show cd vi Manitoba in order ta complete a picture of "many people"; th the first yean of the Canadian Aileeri Wilson repnesented the gi Hospital Association's Organiz- Japanese with a doîl which n ation and Management Course. had been sent ta the teachen, bi The admission of patients ta Marie Austin, from Japan. bi the hospital during the mont.h Vicki Nichols showed a pic- f: of May was as follows: Aduits ture of a Japanese house and ot Rea Esate196, pediatnic 47, newborn 23. John Gnoeneveld had a neal I8arac. Ral ltteThere wcre 47 major opera- pair of Dutch wooden shoes. ea King nt. E. Bgowmanvull. tions and 80 mincin operations Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashby ne- st perfonmed during the month, turned home on Thursday ea Office Rteidence and 136 treatment were given night from their unexpected w, 12-58162-593in the Emergency Departmcent. trip ta California, nmade when gc Mn. Walters movcd that the they received word of Neil to SHospital Administrator's re- Ashby's serious accident. He t rpSPECIAL!, ~WHIPPING CREAMI LIMITED TIME OFFERI JUNE 24th fo JULY 3rd SAVE 6c HALF PINT onIy m m- For best resuits in whipping cream. cream, bowl and beaters as cold as c'on 098 KING ST. W~ have possible ! Rue AD a Dan y PHONE 623."«4 1. BOWMANVILLE 7 NO MILK DEIIVERY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAYE JUNE 3Oth mJULY lst 1-MGULAR DELUVIRY - FRIS, JULY 2ndE 1 HAMPTON (lntended for last wcck) On Fathen's Day, Bey. Chz Catto said: "We are thankf that aur dads have given i their best. We shauld ai acknawlcdge aur Heaven F'ather who cxpects finst plai in aur lives". A new senies of sermons c the Ten Commandments w; begun on Sunday. Bey. Cha Catto explained ta us the thrE parties of the first Commanc nent, "'Thou shaît have n othen god's befare Me". Tt, inst party mentioned is "Thou; vho is us, the ondinary peopl Gad has a stake, a priar cdam in cach a! aur lives. We muý never doubt that there is d vime patential in evcry nd 'idual. Paul admonishcd Timc thy ta "'stir up into flame th ift a! God that is in you". W must likcwise nat be apatheti but get invalved in helping t bring aut this hidden potentii from within ounselves an thens. The "other gads" of th ar]y times were made c tone and wood. They wer asy ta worshîp because the wcnc real and tangible. Th aolden calves o! 1965 are eas io wonship also. The TV an lie bottle are less challengin àan helping a child with 3ible story. The danger i iii here but the temptatian ýan be defeated. The questioi 'vould Jesus do this?"I is ne 7ant ta 1965. God bas revealed Himsel hrough Jesus Christ. He de ivcred the Jews o! old out o he house o! bandage in Egyp id stlll wîll deliven us ou * the bandage o! modern slav -y ta a hast o! 2Oth centun * ejudices and weaknesses intc cantinuing fellowship. Long ago the Jews travelleÉ othe Promised Land in a com. unity motivated by faith 'hcre were no stragglens whc .ached the Promised Lanè Dalso today those who feel ,ey can gnaw scpanately out. ie the church are taking à ig chance. They may be ablE 3fool themselves but they annot fool their Heavenly ather who said "Thou shahl ave no othen gods befare me", On Thursday the two senior oms frorn Hampton School )ok a bus tnip ta Toronto, hey wene accampanied by cmi teachers, Mn. Lycctt and Irs. Burgess and mothers Mrs. >utts, Mrs. Yeo, Mrs. Patter d Mrs. Reid. They visited ie Museumn, the Bivendale Zoo ,d the Ontario Parliament; îildings. They met the Dur- m Representative, Mr. Alex annuthers, M.P.P. From al ýponts the children had an ijoyable and profitable tume. The Hampton Junior Girls -e Champions o! Darlington ownship aftcr a close-fought ime against North Courtice iManday aftcnnoon. The .al caunt was 23-22 fan ampton. Anita TrulI is cap- n o! this tcam. Annie Hyr- nuk., Wendy Smale and .ncy Macklin hclped aur am ta victory by batting mcn ruas. MArs. Fred Holroyd Sr. cele- ated hem birthday on Sun- ty with the help o! ber ildren, grandcbildnen and rand Mrs. George Tamp- ns, Mr. and Mns. Jack Hun- rand Norman, Mrs. Ivy Hol- yd and Jim, Toronto, and rs. Bill Lawrie, Bowmanville. * niends of Mrs. Olga Tomp- ns will be sarry ta hear that ereturned ta Memanial Mos- tal, Bowmanville, on Tues- ýy last. Saturday evening callers at e Prescott home were Mr. Id Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, of ,na. On Sunday afternoon Mn. d Mns. A. W. Prescott were ased ta neceive a cail from s. Viola Smith, Orono, rough the kindness o! Mn. itb Tregunna. Mr. and Mrs. Ban Luke and idren with Allan and Grant Lke visited Mn. and Mrs. Don nah and girls at their cot- le on Lake Scugag. àon Luke was pleased ta 'e a day bird take second ice in thc 600-mile pigeon ze fnom Nakena, Ont. Ith Bi ci vai ai iv PJq an of e bi ta ca h roz taE c a ha i tha Col rc te anc Bfi Har 'tai a Toi da: ha Mor 'kir teri hn kr day chi te p Mns he chi Lu] Jo ad pla trc eil chos cluk tae ad O1rono Chamber Stili ýWorking on Underpass is stII Iln enitical condition. Mns. Wm. Ashby and her group cf 4-H girls took part in Achievement Day held i Crank Hall on Satunday, June 19. They displayed the uses of gnound meat fan the theme "'Meat in the Menu". Because of Mrs. Ashby's absence pnion to the day, the girls, including Donna Ashby and Mrs. Fred Hoskin had more responsibil- 1ity in preparation o! their exhibit and received much favourable comment. Several from here attended jfield day at Welcome on Sat- urday and othens were pres- ent ta share in the 25th anni- versary party held fon Mn. and Mrs. Percy Hoskin at Wel- corne that night. Mrs. John Gnoeneveld who has been visiting son John and family for the past three weeks returned on Monday ta her home in Holland. Miss Berniece Best spent a couple of days last week in Port Hope Hospital where she had saine sungery done on her foot. Cheryl Clarke and Ruth Nichols passed their Grade Two Theory at Cobourg last week with high first class honours, and Joan Nichols with second class honours. These three girls are pupils cf Mrs. Carroll Nichais and all three have their Grade 8 piano. Mn. C. Huntingdon of Wel- corne spent Sunday aftcrnoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrow- clough. Robent, son of Mr. and Mns. Edgar Nichols, Port Bnitain, neturncd home recently after a long stay in Europe with the Anmed Forces. Mr. and Mns. Arnold Thorn- dyke and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Flett Fenelon Falls on Sunday. Âccountancy RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant a. 93 Church Street fu 623-3861 us LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Iso Chartered Accountant ily Trustee ln Bankruptcy ie Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre oi WM. J. H. COGGINS ra Chartered Accountant as. Second Floor ee New Library Building ýd Cor. King & Temperance Sts. no Phone 623-3612 ult WILSON & BURROWS e.14 Chartered Accountants mý11 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Ist Partners: ..Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ~.G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-7554 he HALL, PEEKIN & CO. Ve Chartered Accountants c Kinx Street - Newcastle to 987-4240 ýd 3612 Kint St. E. - Oshawa 725-6539 e William C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A. Of David G. Penkin, C.A. re le C h ir opr a cic sy G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. id Chiropractor g9 Office: a 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. 2s hone 623-5509 's Office Hours: By appointment )n - D e n fa -DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. S75 Ring St. E. Bowmanville 5t Office Hours : it 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 1- Closed Satunday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Id Office 175 King St. E. Bowmanville iOffice Hours: 0 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally d Closed Saturday and Sunday I1 Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON aL.D.S., D.D.S. e Office in his home y100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville y Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily rClosed Wednesday - Sunday n s ur a nc e DONALD A. MacGREGOR r Life, Auto, Home 1 Insurance D9%4 King St. E., Bowmanville t Phone 623-5962 c Land Surveying_ 1 MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. s121 Queen St. Box 1659 1 Bus. and Res. Telephone t 623-7251 L eg a 13ODGINS & MORRIS Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmanvllle Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.D. 1 Barrister - Solicitor King St. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4633 Hours: 9-5:30 -Wed., Sat., -1 STRIKE and STRMK Barristers, Soicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St W. - BowmanviUlt ,Telephone 623-5791 Morigages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Fundu Residence - Farms Business Properties section that the Post Office would be built and it was fonmerly pnoposed that the trustees would widen the street and if possible provide an area for off-street parking. Parking again came before the meeting and a numben stated that the business sec- tion was suffering through thej parking pnoblem. Mn. H. M. Mercer stated that the trustees were ta meet in the nean fu- ture to consider the problem. It was also reported that the county had jurisdiction oven the whole width of the street in Orono and that any change would have ta be done through the counties. tarded Children's Association, taking a keen interest in these onganizations as well as in eommunity affaira She was District President of Durhamn West Women's Institute. Sunvîving, besides her hus- band Cecil, are five children, Joyce of Calgary, Alta.; Bar- bara, Ivan, Bill and Ralph, all at home. The funeral service was held from the Morris Funeral Chap- el, Bowmanville, on Thursday, June l7th, and was conducted by Rev. J. Ramenil of Courtice. Interment was in Pinegrove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Ont. Among the beautiful floral tributes, evidence of the esteem in which the deccased wvas held, were those fromn Durham West District Women's Inati- tute, Maple Grave Women's Institute, Courtice C i r c u i t Couples Club, Maple Grave Twelve members of the Orono Chamber of Commerce met at the Northway Res- taurant Monday evening, June l4th at which general business was conducted. Mr. P. M. Lunn, president, was in the chair. It was reported et the meet- ing that the Orono slgn south of the village liad been com- pleted. Reports were also made in connection with the fireworks display and the circus. In making the report of the fireworks it was observ- ed that collection by the Cubs and during the night met with- in $8.00 of the total cost. These receipts were much better than in former years. Mr. R. Dickson, treasurer. reported a bank balance of $730.39. The Orono Junior Gardeners requested a sum of $57.00 for prize money for the fail flow- er show. The Chamber grant- ed a sum of $25.00 to the Junior Gardeners. It was also reported et the meeting that a new dentist was to locate in the very near future at the Orono Medical Centre. In connection with the locat- ing of a new Post Office in Orono there seemed ta be no action over the past few months. It was also learned that no action liad been taken by the Orono Police Trustees in purchasing land along Church Street back of the bus- iness section. It was in this Business Directory Fplinteff, Eow anvme ll. ying C D U Officer Wm. Cewling, Cen- AD U Ltralia, were Sunday visitors. Mr. and Mns. Roy Gropp, (Intende for " ek Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mrs. Har- Cadmus U.C.W. met at the ry Wright, Bowmanville, Mr. [home of Mrs. P. Gray Wed. J and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mr. Ross' nesday eveflifg, June 9th. Mng. Metcalf, Hampton, with Mr.[ Doris Rohrer opened the meet. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. ling with a reading. Hymqa Mr. and Mrs. Len Good-1"What a Fniend 1We Have1&f murphy, daughters, Oshawa Jesus." was sung. Ro. Bah with Mr. and Mrs. Bon Rogers,1led in prayer.u0 .and M ry. WsCmr Devotional period was taken Mr. nd rs. es arnronby rs.Johnston entitled "God Zion, with Mr. and Mrs.P-lth Meaning of Life," ftror Flintoff and family. the book "God and His Pur. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gilbank, pose." and famlly, Orono, Mr. and Minutes of the last meeting Mrs. Ross Allun, Gladys, and were read and approved. Roll Calvin, Newcastle. Miss Betty cali was answered with articles Ann Brown, Hamilton, Mr. for the fish pond. Donations for and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Ebe- the Bazaar were handed in. nezer, Rev. Basil Long, Orono, 'rreasurer and fruit andj Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, foe eot eegvn Bowmanville. foe eot eegvn Mr. and Mrs. Allan Webb Correspondence was read. and family, Toronto, with Mr. Meeting closed with Hymnn, and Mrs. H. C. Freeman. j"Corne Let Us Sing 0f a Won. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray, andiderful Love," followed by the eilidren, Oshawa, with Mr.[Mizpah benediction. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow. Programme consisted ot Sunday evening - Mr. and readings by Mms. May, MMs Mrs. BOY Metcalf, Mr. Ross' Johnston and Mrs. Samells, Metcalf, Hampton, Mr. and Contest by Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, Maple Samelis held a contest or% Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. flowers. A vote of thanks was Steve Doyle and Mrs. Cecîl offered Mrs. Gray. Lunch wau Jeffery. served by group three and a Miss Joyce Mills, returnedsocial time spent. to position in Calgary by plane, on Monday evenîng. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Topping. ý>zK RCA and son Glen, Toronto, were,-ia Saturday vîsitors with her C ETIBOS> / parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stev ndMs. L. M. Somer- 10U O /f ville, Hamilton, were Tuesday, Rf LECTIC HEAT callers on Mr. and Mrs. H. G. _____ /Sy 0U11& Tanksfo i SMC ie) The cammittec, formerly ap- Association, Bowling Leagues pointed ta seek an underpass and Maple Grave Saccen Team. into Onono off Highway 115. Palîbearers wene Messrs. was given authonity ta proceed Howard Bradley, Jack Hunnie, funther in their endeavors by W. H. Brown, Ralph Virtue, obtaining a heaning with the Bruce MacDonald and Dick Minister of Highways in an Bailey. effort ta obtain such an entrance into Onono. It was approved by the M PL meeting ta again hold the 50- M R R V 40-10 draw at the annual Aug- ust Carnival. Dnaw tickets (Intended for at week) will be sold fan $1.00 and the Anniversany visitons - Mn. purchaser of a ticket will ne- and Mns. Cecil Pascoe, Mn. and ceive free admittance. to the ïMrs. John Huband, Oshawa,~ carnival.being, held on August Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Leask,' 18th.-Times. Taunton, with Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and Mn. Bob Snow-ý dcn. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, OBITUARY Shaws, wîth hen sisten and husband, Mn. and Mrs. M. MRS. CECIL 1. MILLS Burgess. Mn. and Mns. E. Twist, Sal- The death of Mrs. Cecil 1. cm, with Mns. H. B. Foley. Mils accurred suddenly at Me- Mrs. Ted Hoar. Misses Diana. marial Hospital. Bowmanville, LeaAnn Hoan. Newcastle, Mn. on Monday, June 14, 1965. She and Mns. Bob Johnson, and was in her 46th yean. family, Courtice, Mn. and Mns. Daughten o! the late Charles Arthur Bellnian, Mns. Maud and Mabel Wells, the former Oke, Bowmanville, Mn. and Doris Leona Wells was born Mrs. Karl Piper and family, at Port Penny and attcndcd Maple Grave, with Mn. and school thene. On Octoher 7th, Mrs. L. Collacutt. 1939, she marricd Cecil Ivan Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Miills wha survives. Misses Beth, Barbara Ashton, Mrs. Milîs had rcsidcd at Haydon, Mn. and Mns. Chanlie R.R. 3, Bowmanville, for 18 Rundle, Oshawa, with Mn. and years, maving hene from Part Mrs. S. S. Morton. Perry. She was a mnember o! Misses Canal Gnecnham, Vaple Grave United Church. Sharon Nicholson, Toronto, She was also a member of the spent the weekcnd with the United Chunch Womcn, the formen's parents, Mn. and Mns. Aomen's Institutei and RPt... (reenha. iMr . adMr,-. M- WE' 0EAUR 623 30

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