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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1965, p. 7

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.4.- q... 4, 4' p us '4. a.. i I~. k "a À: -q ah a. 'a. a. * 4. a. 'a. 'a. a. e a. a. 'e a a. a. a e a. e e a. a. 'a. o. o. q. -e '4. 4. 4. if120 ek i j orý i Social & £Personal SI I Phone 623-3303 loi 0and 21, when he was re- lcted vice-president of the rganization. Mr. Vanstone 7s accompanîed by Mrs. Van- .e and on Monday evening iey attended a performance the Stratford Festival. L___________________________ _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjenrison, î Flett St., returned home on MrA.%. M. Manby of Toron- 'Concession Street. recently at- Saturday from a most enjoy- to -f; a weekend guest with1 tended the reunion dinner ot able three-week motor trip te Mr. 'd Mrs. W. R. Strike, the class of 190.5, Univers itv of California. While i Sacra- Horsey Street. ; Toronto, hed at the Granite ýmento, Cahif., they were guests Postmasten George Vice andj Club in Toronto. Approxim- lof Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopps, Mns. Vice rékurned home hast latelîy 25 members of the class uncle and aunt of their daugh- weekend tram a pheasant t1,o- were present. iter-in-law, Mrs. Bob Marier- week holiday et Grand Bend, Mrs. C. H. Mason, King St Irisoxn. Sunday visitors with Lake Huron. East, returned home on Thurs-- Mr. nd Mrs. Marjernison wene Mrs.Artîlamlto andherday of ast week and is recup- n Mrs Mrs. George Eheler daughter Edith, Zelma, Sask., erating nirely following eye ,'Codbor.e. onialo have been spending a few davsý surgeryi n Toiron to. Miss Deb-. with Mr. and Mrs. James Hall, hie Mason of Toronto Spent! Congratulations to Dr. Garny Liberty St. North. the weekend with her grand-"Humphreys on receiving his Mrs. J. Junget has returned mother, Mrs. Mason. medical degree at Convocation ta hen home in Toronto after. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey, Hall, University of Toronto, on pending a few days last week King St. E2:'t, ,Pen' the week-i June l6th. He will commence with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roe-:end at their cottage. Twelve interne duties et the Genenal nigk, King St. West. iMile Lake, Haliburton. With jHospital, Regina, Sask., an Mr. Bruce FurlonR ofithern for the weekend iwere IJuIY lst. Dr. Humphreys is Tononto was a weekend guest their daughter and s;on-in-law,,I the son of Mns. Reta Hum- with his brother-in-law Mr 'Mr. and Mrs. Terrv Masters: phreys of Toronto and nephew George W. Graham and Mrs' Kim, GeoffreY and Christo- ýof Mr. and Mns. D. Martin, Graham, Jane Street. pher. Elgin Street, town, and Mr. 1 land Mrs. Roy Connens, Maple Mr. Peter Vanstone, son of, Rev. K. j. Frampton, Rector I Grove. Mrs. D. Martin attend- Mn. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone, lof St. John's Anglican Church, j d the graduation exencises left lest Sunday night for ýand his little five-year-old iwhen ber nephew neceived his Kenora where be wil spend daughiter Mary Ellen, return-1 degree, and also the ganden the aummer montbs as a Jr. i'ed home on TLIesday front a'party held aftenwand et Hart Forcit Ranger. Ihappy three-%veek holiday with House. Miss Lillie Watts and Mr 'his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Brown, Akron, 1hi'1IJ. Frampton, M.ýilford-on-Sea,. Miss Shirley Williams, Prince ar iiigMr Marion Sw in- Hants, England. Srertre oehs are the scott fgte ns.en Steesa, une h3me, at delîs, Mn. Ken Hooper and Mr., ho the account of the Easter Roy Hooper wbo is a patient Star garden party held in the a very enjoyable thnee weeks in Mmoral osptal. igadenof rs. dnaAndr- vacation in England and Wales. hi Mmonal Hspial.gardn o Mr. Eda Ader Miss Williams was met at Man- Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Piper ý son's home. 46 Wellington1 chester Ringway Airpont by are spending a few davs with Street, it xvas inadvertently Ms hitn ekt fNt bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. 'omitted that Mrs. Georgesin Bcet o Nt Piper, Brown St., prior to McKinstry o . Os eorgea tingham, and from the airpont leaving for Kenora where h.- among those who presided they motored back ho Notting- bas been posted with the De-lover the tea and coffee cups. ham, taking in the many partent f Inian ffais. 1sîghts along the route. O)n parîentof ndin Afais. ey. and Mrs. E. S. ColwelI, Thursday, June lth, Miss Mr. Bruce Cuthbertson, son ýSusan. Tommy and Heather, Williams, Miss Beckett and Of Mn. and Mrs. H. A. Cuth- Coe Hill, spent a fexv days Iast Miss Patnicia Kernny asoo bertson, will be engaged for wek ith Tcd's mother, Mrs. Nottingham, journeyeY, aisLof- thesumer onts a a r'Bert Coltvell and brother don where on Saturday, June Forest Ranger. Bruce left on Irwin. Molly and chihdren are l2th, they viewed the colour- Sunday evening for Thessalon ispcnding this week at the Col- fui ceremony of the Trooping whene he bas been stationed. well home while Ted is assist- of the Colour. The following Mr. Dane Williams of Los îx.-g at Hi C Camp at Quin-Mvo- ýweek, Miss Williams and Miss Angeles, Calif., is visiting bis ýLac. ]Eeckett visited Cardiff, Wales, grandmother, Mrs. C. A. Wight Mrs. C. A. Wight has re- where Miss Williams has many and bis unche and aunt, Mn.r, c oe1fe sedn relatives whom she had neyer an~Mrs Neso Osorn. Dnesi, months in Los Angeles,lmet but had corresponded Alonun arfo tes ' Calif., With lier daLightcr and wt o ayyas While Is nro te o amp Ahm kin Cardiff, they were enter- Alonunrakfr hesm-sn-n lpw . M.andi Mrs. Alan mer.'E. \Vflliarns, and grandson tained at dinner by Mrs. Pat Miss Barbara Vanstone, Dane, and with anothier daugh- Searle of Gloucester, a friend younger daughter of Mrs. Mor-ter and son-in-law, Mr. andl0f Miss Marion Vanstone, Lib- ley ansone leves thislr.R A. Parrish of Van-lerty Street. The remaining ley Vdansn, leaves or hampouvr, .R few days were spent in Not- Tbnsa, uy s, orCmpcuvi BC tingham relaxing before Miss Wapomeo in Algonquin Park1.1 Mr. Byron Vanstone attend- Williams returned to Canada. Miss Barbara wil be at Camp cd the Ontario Flour Miller :eoe eatuefom Mn Wapme fo te o f Association annualmotn chester, Miss Williams was Juhy held nt Victoria Inn, Stratford, jPresented with a bouquet of Mr. L. Marvin Rathbun, ton SundaY 11(id M\onda-, JOiE' fiowers and a greetîngs tele- I TDLUIT IILITrf ~,granwishing hen a safe MAPLE GROVE The U.C.W. met ln the~ For Next Five Sundays church hall on June 2lst wlthl' Combined Services at 26 members present. Service. St. PuI's nitedopened with a hymn. Mrs.~ St. aul" Unied CurchMacNejl gave an appropriatel readirig. "Whatever Tomorrow _____ May Bring." The Devotional wstaken by Mrs. H. Cooney, §Mrs. S. Jeffery, and Mrs. R.I R ehoboth ýteClu fRyly'Mem-~ b ers answered the roll call~ Christian Reformed Chrch giving iismd t h o- pital and homes. There were: 117 visits made during June. Rev. John C. Verbrugge B.A.,13.D., Minmster iOur supply allocation has been Telephone 623-5023' sent in. t was decided to can- !clJuly and August meetings. The Bible Study based en St. Mark 8:27-33 was given by toftold of the Social Security Christian Reformed Church 1Tiia and race relationships, Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Mnse 1here. Mrs. Morton concludedi ,he study of Trinidad witha: Telephone 623-3492 %)summary of its future possi- * iiies. The meeting~ closed, Worsbip Service - il a.m. with a lunch of cookies and Worship service - 7:30 p.m. 18 girls took a "Meat and Menu" course, achievement "Proclaiming the ivhoie counsel of God" da tPrHoe nSt. June l9th when Gwenneth Back to God Hour Broadcast I Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lee, received herý CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, JuIy 4th, at 9:15 p.m. ý:county honours. Other girls, got their silver spoons. The' __________________________________________way to tenderize meat was demnonstrated by Esther Cry. derman, Susan VanCamp, B V ILLEThey eeacmaidb HC Lee, Mrs. D. K. Whitney. Mrs. l"I M ýA R L~~~ee, Mrs. GurMsDol BAPTIT CHU CH 'r. Jim Cryderman, offered their cars, Mrs. Doyle remain- Nelson near Liberty ing ahI day with the leaders. Pastor Elmore Boomer - Phone 623-3844 They mrill be notified when the next 4-H course starts on Sunday Schooi wiII be beid each Sunday morning 'How~ to be weîî dressed and, at ten minutes to ten tbroughout the summier \well groomed." months. Closing meeting of theI Guides was held on June 22nd! Worship Topics for July ýat Mrs. Whitney's with a bar-1 b-q. AIl plans were complet- Sunday, JuIy 4 - 11 a.nî. - An Earilest cd for camp to be from Julyl Lxpectation - 2rd to July lth, 1965. Romans 8:18-23 We welcome Mr. and Mrs.' 7 p.ti. - The Blessed Man !Johnson (nee Carol Cooney)l Psaim 1to our community. They are~ Psalm 'living just south of the Final Sundy, uly l -il .nî.- APatint opeGas Station. Sundy, uly l -11 am. A Ptiet Hoe ýCongratulations to Mr. Ed-1 Romans 8:24-28 ward White on obtaining hîs 7 ..-The Raging Nations B .A. Degree from the Univer- p.m. - e 2 sity of B.C. and Mr. John Psalm 2Twist on successfulîy getting I'is second year at Queen's Sunday, JuIy 18 - Il a.m. - If God Be For U.s.. University, at Kingston. Their Romans 8:29-34 mothers were former Maple 7 p.nî. - The God of Grove girls, (nee Maple Stev.ý Saliatio Psam ~ ens and Iva Foley). Salvtion- Pslm 3 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowson, Sunday dly 25 - i1 arn. - More Than and son Paul, was here last1 week to attend the funeral of! Conquerors - the former's grandfather, Mr. Romans 8:35-39 ýSamuel Oliver. Tbey also, visited her sister and husband,I 7 p.m. - Safety, Certainty Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. and Enjoyment Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow. Psalm -1 den. Miss Betty Lou Snowden, spent a fewv days hast week Sunday School and Morning Worship wiII con- with his sister and husband, tinue to be held each Sunday morning in Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Newcastle in the basement of South Haven eat their cottage on Mink Lake. Nursing Home at 10 and il o'clock respectively i Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jef- fery attended the 5th wed- under the leadership of Pastor Desmond McCurry. ding anniversary dimier and reception of Mr. and Mrs. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Charles Skipper of Tilbury: - over the weekend. Mrs. Paul, Newcastle - 2:00- 4:30 p.m. Monday, JuIy l9tb Richardson of Tucson, Arizona. tbrough Friday, Juiy 23rd wvas a Friday dinner guest of her cousin, Mrs. L. C. Snow-i Bowmanvilie - 9:30 - 11:30 a.nî. Monday, JuIy 26th den. through Friday, JuIy 3th Several from here attendedi for fturerefernce)the reception held at Ebenezer1 (Please clipfofuuereen) on Sunday for the new assist-1 "TUE CHURCU THAT CARES"1 ant nminister for Courticef Charge, Rev. and Nirs. Der-ýý mott Arscott and lamlly, from. Jarnalca. Several from liere M- On the way home they met tendeci the aniversary services th Quen otL lizbet G at Haydon. ber way to Toronto, so thb.O N andMrs Gafied ~ children were ahle to see her Monday mornlng, June 14, r.Gril tp as ber car was drivIng very dawned brlght and early for ley, Trenton, spent the week- slowly. Several mothers &C- our sciioë clilldren as once end with the latter's daughter companied the children along again it had corne lime for and husband, Mr. and Mrs. with their teachers. thefr yearly trip no this year Ken Kuhnke, and Miss Betty The Souch's held a fanily accompanied by their teacher, Ellen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. picnic at the home of Mr. and Mr. Butler and everal parents Robert Stapley and family, of Mirs. M. Burgess, when around and grandparents, they enjay- Whitby, also spent Sunday 30 gathered. An enjoyable ed a traintrip from Burketon with the Kuhnke's. time was spent by ail. They to Toronto vlsïing the zoo, Mr. . P Sallwcame from Toronto, Oshawa, numeumn and several large Mr.andMn.C. . SallwShaws, Ebenezer. Supper wam stresand ini the aiternoon on Sunday afternoon, isited held outside. went ta the theatre to see Mr. Willard Stevens, and "Mary Poppins,"1 before board- daughter, Miss Alma Stevens, Mr. Ken Brooks attended img the train for their home Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, the International Barber Shop trip atter 'a new experience Toronto. On Sunday evening Convention held et Boston for nearly ail. On Jtrne 24, the their callers were Mr. and lest week.conuîychlanelp- Mrs. Ed Johnston, Kemble; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping, ncmwatshl n he spc-u Mrs. Wm. Sprackling, Toronto, and sons, Toronto, were Sun.- lawn of C. W. and J. Woodley and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, day visitors with ber parents, wlth about 60 prement. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens- Games and races were welI Grades 1, 2, and 3, from Mr. Jim Topping remalned for orgranized and prizes were won Maple Grave East School tookB Visit. by the foilowing: Pre achoolera a bus trip to Toronto onj Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brooks Garry Baker, G rades 1 and 2, Thursday last and visited OId and family, spent the weekend Mary CornMa and Susan Pieu-Il Fort York and Riverdale Zoo. et Harcourt Park. ance. Grades 3, 4, and 5. Bruce S~ UA~I hm. - coAnma P«*whhm sm ibng hum toeyr i& n s 1 l *1 sby n «ui u à MA baccis ut ,oled mtm. 6 Uy e SAULT 4Goble, Grade67 and 8, Don- r na Glover. turelegged race, eHarey and Donna Glover; rWheel Barrow, Wade Pen- * warden and Bruce Goble. Sack ýRace, Harvey Glover. Ladies' sShoe Klcking, Mrs. Marjonie 1.Glover; Men's Shoe Kicklng, cRobert Cameron. 4Then came time to eat so ewefl laden tables were set on the mheltered lawn beneath the distinctive Canadien flag, and ail enjoyed a lavely supper. Then it waa chore ie for many so everyone left for home at the end of a very en- Joyable day. At this time the school children premented their leech- er, Mn. Butler wlth a beautiful pair of honse boolcenda. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Brooklln spent a couple of days ;;à h ie parnts, Mr. and IMn.. G. Baker. Clnnrutltitns ta MÉl &. ., e. Mrz. Harry Baker (nee Linda Purdy) wio were married ln St. Paul'# TUnited Church, Bowmanville, Saturday ater- noon. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Miss Jane Raaphorst and Mr. Robert Smiith, Bownienviile, wene Sundey vîsitors with Mn. and F. G. Smith ehd Grace. Mr. and Mrs Tom Baker,' Ottawa were Saturdey caliers of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker andi were guests af the Baker-1 Purdy wedding.1 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kay-1 acs and Mr. and Mns. Harold Murphy were among the nty guesta attending the Baker- Purdy wedding and neception held in Bowmanville Satur- day atternoon and evening. 4 Margo and Trevor Murphyi attended the General Motors1 picnlc Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooksi and Chnis, Oshawa., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hl.e Murphy. Mns. Kenneth Miler and Kath.rine, Swift Current, Sealc, Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Crai& Dollie and Barry Phillips, Salem were Sunday dlniiei guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Craig. For the year ending ac 31, 1966. the cost of salÎariesc membens of the House of Coié mons will be $3,211,000, et* pense allowances $1,590,00%, transportation expenses $360e 000, gQverniment's contnibu. tion to members' pension fund $200,000. ý' Capital requirements for iý vestment by business and in« dustry in Canada in 1965 are estimated at $3,419 million f03 new construction, $3,951 mi1a lion for nev machinery an equipment, $693 million for repair construction, and $ 1,878 million for repain of machiin. ery and equipment. Aà SHOP and SAVE at I.D.A. B ROMO SELIER 77CI I1.09 value Super Special......... Right Guard Deodorant by Gilett. __uUgg. liai 1.29 1.0 9 Green Cross Insect Blaster _____-. . li1.69 1.46 Pepsodent Dental Creaim 1.09 vlue79c Old Spice Shave Bomb by Shulton 2.00 value 99C Dyna-Pan Roll Film 127 or 620 - speoiaî3 for 99c Coppertone Suntan Lotion- 4-ow., mugg. lnet 1.7, 1.49 Micrin Oral Antiseptic - ui. 'tut 1.10 8 9c Milk of Magnesia B.À rand, 16-ox., Reg. 59@ 47C Evereadly No. 216 TRANSISTOR BATTERY - mg. jetso@ 69c ,Spray Net by Helen. Curtis_______ -s.. sum 1W 8077C SULM-MINT GUM -. ugg, liai 1.98 1.77 ugg. limi 3.983.49 Stopette Aerosol Deodorant - @-oz., sug.Hit 990 77C Head & Shoulders Cý e U Étiffl in à IuvIrv On. dandruff shanipo fliat really works. Medium jar, sugg. list 1.19 SPECIAL 99 C FITS ALL DOUBLE EDGE RAZORS -STAINLISS SCHI' C STEEL BLADES 518 - su». 11st 75C PECIAL 6 3c U t; WAMPOLE Magno.lax Genti., pleasant, effective laxative. 20 ounces sugg. 1sf 1.50 SPECIAL 1.23 SPECIAL OFFER Rtegular 2-oz. Tube DESITIN OINTMENT wlth Dr. Spock Baby and Child Car. Book. 2 <'musto"' for mothers and young chlldrn. 1.75 value SPECIAL 1.33 Ilat 2.891 dO SPECIAL 1.09 WELL KNOWN BABY OINTMENT Gives speedy relief te rash on body or face, eaused by diapers, feedlng, cha.fing, windburn, teething and heat. sugg. list 1.82 ~* lYezO 1g SE Iis 1.25 (almitol for anything that itches Relief for Poison Ivy, Insect Bites, Eczema, Chafing and Miner Sunburn. I ÇPECTACULAR SPRING VALUE FROM REVLONI1 GIANT SIZE "Satin Set" Nf rs. Speclal Offer 2.50 value fer 1.49 .............1.29 keeps worklng betwe.n shampoos eug.Iit 5< SPECIAL only 6 7C GENERAL ELECTRIC FLASHBULBS< AG.1 or AO-18 sugg. lsf 1M80SPECIAL 1.59 M2 or M28 lug. tt 1.92 SPECIAL 1.69 Sunburn Pain Spray SOLARCAINE Orne quick spray . . . eneathetie benzocaine ptt out pain! Antiaeîptlc action aids healing, Cools soothes en contact! Handy SPRAY for "no-touch" application! Als. ln Lotion and Cream fonin. SBig 4-o«. <a 1.69 i 1IuIIuII 1 UU 1 tULMKILH Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. IRevIon's New "Hi and DRI" Deordorant Spray Croetd spocilIly for women. Completely cool, but never cold, a new deodorant N that gives full 24-1w. protection. Creted in the world's most renowned cosnsetlc laboratorles, new R i and Dri stops odor, controla perspiration, yet is Agenile t. the skiai. Ughtly ucented. 4 ou iCES 1.25 rire A" COUBL«ivuv 9^=« SCH CK . 1 1 SPECIAL 1,331 SPECIAL lë'23 1 1.069

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