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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 10

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10The Canadian Statesran, Bowmanville, Juiy 7, 1965 Mutual Aid Firemen Jour Goodyear Piani TIUySday. July 8th - 7:301 Canadian National Ontario S pzn. - Durham 4-H Forestry IDairy Princess Competitions Club meeting, Orono Forestry 'Exhibition, Toronto. Station, Orono. 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, August 25t.h- Smithfleld Expen i mn e n tai1 2:00 p.m. - Interviews re schol- Farm, special meeting of On-! arship applications for E. A. tario Institute of Profession al Summers Scbolansbips, KA.S., *Agrologists. Ladies welco>me.:and Oshawa and District Real Visit Iab. Estate Board Scholanships. 1 Tuesday, July l3th - Dur- August 27th-28tb - Black-! Iioirn ounty 4-H Judging stock Far and Centennial: Comipetîtion, O ron o Fair:Celebration - Durham 4-H' G'ou.nds. 'Poultry, Beef Caif and Swine July l2th-l6ith - University Club Achievement Days. . of Guelph, Provincial 4-H Tuesday, August 3lst - Final .. Leadership Week. meeting and achi ev e m e n t Wednesday, July l4th - Beef night for Durham 4-H Elec- Field Day, University of fric Club. Guelph, sponsored by the On-' Wednesday, September 8th- taTia Beef Improvement As- East Central Ont.ario District saciation. Soil and Cnop Improvementý Thur-sday, July lSth - 7:00o Association Silage Day - Farmn .m- Durham and Northumn- of Robent Jackson, Peterbor- terland Dainy Pincess Com-! ough. petition, Newcastle. SpeciaÈ September 9-l0-llth - Orono doon prizes; Orono Band, spe- Fair. cial attractions; free mnilk. Wednesday, Septemben lSth, Saturdiay, JuIy l7th - Jun- 8 p.m. - Orono Fair Grounds, lor Farmer District Field Day, Count.v Safety Night, sponsor-1 Morrow Park, Peterborough. ed by Durham Safety Council, *Fiday, July 23rd - 7:00 p.m. an*d Durham Junior Farmens, Durham County Holstein ClubAssociations. Twilight Meeting, Sauina Hall', September l7th-l8th - Portý Hope Fair. Saturday, July 24th - 12:00 -: Fniday, October 22nd- 4-H! Durham and Victoria Counties, necu opttos Ui Saiorthorn Club Beef Barbe-,IntrlbCmeitos-Ui cue and Field Day, eemrevnîy o ul Note: Slow Moving Vehicle: Yar (G B Rikan). Signs are available naw, :' 23 - 24 - 2.i- Durham through Durham County Jun-: County Junior Farmen ex-, ion Farmens A&sociation. The' change visit ta Haldimand -Junior Farmens have a supply County. on hand at the Agicultunal August 2nd - Deadline forý Office, 14 Frank Street, Bow-! application ta E. A. Summers,1 manville, Ontario. L. K.A.S,and Oshawa:n Dis-f1 trict Real Estate Board Scho- t ion contact A. O. Daîrymple,l KEDRON Box 730, Bowmanville. ' A fine year bas just been' rTuesday, August 3rd - Dur-: conluded ýby the 21,st Oshava bam 4-H Electnîc Club Month- Scout Troop, who meet in the, ly Meeting, Kedron Community Hall. Dur-: Wednesday, August Ilth- ing the yean the followingi "Junior Day", Peterborough' badges wene presented: Metal' Exhibition. Worker's badge: Dourg Pascoe,i About 60 firemen from the 14 -departments in Saturday, August l4th - 1:00i Bob Smith, Bian Denshar the Mutuai Aid Assn. of Northumberland and Durham p.m. - Provincial Junior Fan- and Donald Werny; Reader'si mer Field Day, University of badge: Bill Elliott,-Brian Den- met here on Thursday, June 24th, and spent several Guelph. ýsham and Donald Werry;. hours touring the Goodyear plant where they saw August lSth - 2lst - Annual'Aquarist badge: Peter Atkin- ,how the hases they use are manufactured. Afterwards, Junior Farmen Bu-' Tour, son; Stockmans- badge: Don-lthey held a brief meeting at Bowmanville's f ire hall. County Delegate - James Crv: 1aId Werny; Farmers badge:1 poo- o If angtScntr-raue derman, Kingston, Mantreàl!Dýonald Wenry; Silver Stage of10op poo rmlf orgt ertr-rau Quebec City, Ottawa. the First Aider Badge: Douglbert Naylor of Newcastle, President Robert Goody August 21 - September 2 - Pascoe, Paul James, Bobof Cobourg, Co-ordinator Bob Fitzgibbon, Cobourg - - ~Fire Cbief and Bow-xxmanrvilic, '. i,, rpCipf Tnm T.xri m m - " Ternis up le 10 years a No brokerage fees " No hldderi charges a*Alorprtcan ho prepsid et any " No hantises time without notice orpenafty For a FREE brochure on SUPER/OR moitgages, wtite phone or visit the SUPER/OR office nearest you THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPEn'x-7RIOR CREDIT CORPORATION LTD. 17 Sinicoe St. OSHAWA 725-6541 Dally to 5;30 p.m.; Fiday Io 8.00 p.m.t Other evemnrgs by appointment. 31 8UPERIOR offices ta serve you IHOWTO B A FARM Bu' THAT WILL TIME R. Stel Beaver Building Rep. at Your Service A good mnan to know, the Beaver Building *'Rep" has the answers .. . Phone hlm today and begin planning your buildings. Planning help and estimates are ail .part of the service. AND h FIRST YOU ...figure out what you wvai way of reducing your costs an phone the Beaver Building 1 carefully engineered farm buill experience to plan with you ti job. Re also can show you Bi so you can see for yourself building you expect frn Beai PHC 623- ONE JOB AND ON A farm building today ha. one help you get better production speelal fanm tool laid out te ni more efficient. The Beaver Bu] from planning to completion. P ENGINEERED FARM BUILDINGS B TO SUIT YOUR NI BEAVER LI Friendly Dependabie fLower photo shows a portion of the firemen attend- ing the meeting, including two Orono firernen sport- ing colorful crested jackets. Secretany Naylor reported that fires in May were more numerous than in any previaus month. There were 112 fines reported and answered by the departments. Sa fan, in June thcre were 45 fines. Inter-depariment radio communication was also discussed, but no funthen progress was indi- cated. Smith, Bill Elliott, Larry Wat- and shoe-find contet DlBob Dale, DonaldWe- Jno lucky winner ofalrgjr ry, Peter Atkinson; Al Round Junor F rmesI Ne sIIunduII cnd fr are a Cerd yellofancgree): for ~gucssing the A Cod (ello an gren):closest to the right number in 1 Donald Werry. by Wm. J. Tomlinson Date of tihe competition isithe jar. Mrs. Walsh won the' Twenty-three of the 24 boys rmSet it195 oSp.rliginos i hebnd attended the Carnporee thisl Weil here it is girls, the fo et s,16,t et oln i os ntebid year, making four parois. cmptio fheear! Tellî 3, 1966. Entries must be madeJ foldraeMs Thomas and Three patrols came home with me, how mnany of you live in previous to Sept. lst, 1965.: cou1le ith Doreen and Gor- i an A award. this situation: "I']l do it later, iJudging wi.ll be done fromldon Blarrije in second place. Miany of tihe boys are plan- I don't have time to do At Sept. 6th to Oct. 15th, for the1 An egg-throwing contest ning to spend the week of IImenhe ds't hae im first visit. The final visdit and!eue ra da fmri August 7th to August l4th ait n eo& hv m ment and several "accidents" Haliburton Adventure base, t plant the flo'wers, weed the j udging will be between Aug- i but final winners were Mrs. and they are also looking for-' carrots. paint the window ust 22nd and Sept. 3rd, 1966f Patterson and Ross Lane. wr oati oWlelyframes, trim the hedge and* f * * This brought the pienic to a, ward o a np toWellsleygrass, dean out the woodshedý If there is suffîcient interest coeadi asmc noe Island in early Septemer for alsnddi asmc ejyd the second tiekarage. the pi-ize money wiil be based by ait present. tthe mnn se rvice ate Well, wliat would the old. on three levels, township, - _ i Atedrn ni e hrvice a man say if you offered him county, and provincial. If an K rn Uefn eiemed rs a ahundred dollars for cleaning adeut mbrneafis wre n recfd no th e r.up those odd jobs? I would uaeum renraist* laerge eevditth hr be widling to bet he would pize winner could win up ta Joining the chu.rch by certifi- have junior or the girls out $635, plus the pride of hisý cate of transfer were Mrs. ther okn in half an hour. own achievement. Entry forms! Ross Brown, Mn. and Mrs. r okn William Coe, Mrs. R. Corve- Here's how it works. Theimay be obtained from thel att, Mrs. Frank Hancock, iïs Junior Farmers of Durham Depanrtment of Agriculture,: Glen Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. County with the assistance OfiBowmavle hr hud Ronald Norrman, Mr. and Mns. the Ontario Government and! avhe hr hud * GantP'acoe Mr J'seph Sa-some other farmn organizations1 be in tîhe near future s:ne i koski. are planning to have a Farm-I one in youn township aroundA Joining the church by pro- stead Improvement Compei1t all on you. So, tili then,' fession of faith wene Alexis tion. The objective is to en-l ee îi'am~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Ie, Elit rIn accpoetyi rprto clv',',. Bremner, Janet Bremnen Mn. courage farmers to clean up,l i en and Mrs. Wildiam Elliott, wiI- dress up and paint up theirf 11fa. Eliiot Jr, ln Hacor, prpety i prparaionfor' Mrs. John Lewis, Douglas Pas- Canada's Centennial. SHJAWS coe, John Rose, Rober Smith, Mn. and iVEs. Eugene Van de, W SE IL The annual picnic of the U Walkr an Donld Wnry!Home and School Club wasi held at the Cream of Barley (Intended for last week) Park on Friday afternoon,1 T j busy ones for aIl and especially1 children gathered for a bounti- ** I '~exciting for students, neaningfipcicspe1onee y U IL, and also daysofMs W. Rudel, Mrs. E.ý arranging summer activities Boe adMs A od Sharon Thorndyke leaves this Boe Mr s.A od weekend for camp Hurontario'l M. and Mrs. Dick Lovekin ford of Port Hope, she wilL excellent program of games SEE eg wonk as waitress. Linda and contests for aIl age groups. IL O IN G Thorndyke leaves next week A hearty vote of thanks ils due frChuta Aux Outardes, Que, themn for the time spent in' where she will be living with planning such an interesting Ea French-Canadîan family to evening and purchasing the R Ilbecome better acquainted and intniguing variety of prizes to Dlimprove ber French. Most of please the winners. S A V E the boys in the community [ Dick Lovekin acted as mas- Forthepubieschool chiid- ýand Mrs. E. Gilibank. gret hage Ivprosof a, Following are the winners W grat cang. Initatonshave lin the various classes. gone out from the teacher and boisthis school xiii be clos- ones xvho participated.. Girls, *d and pupils transported by 8 yrs., Janet Lovekin, Hleath- t the building to do in the bus to another school. er Barrie; boys, 6-8 yns., Frank d raising Your profits. Then This is Wesleyville's third Galieleo, Rickie Lovekin; girls, Repesnttie. e asth ischool building, the first one f 9-il yrs., Carol Wight, Canol5 Reprsenativ. H hasthe being on a sideroad hall a: Lovekin; boys, 9-11 yrs., Stev- lding plans and the Dractica 'mile east. Most of its story ýen Barrie, Barry Bragg; girls, the exact building to do the will be told at the time of the Il2-14 yrs., Pat Rudeli, Kathy ýeaver buildings ini the area reunion. Lovekin; boys, 12-14 years, the workmanship of good MisRseal the school Eric Patterson, John Wight. iver Lumber. children and some adults went 3~g by bus ta Toronto on Thurs- Girls'3lge races: 6-8 day and visited Toronto Island, yrs., Heather Barrie, Sandra i Casa Lomna, museum and the: Patterson, Maxine Thnomas LUnew airport. Janet Lovekin; 9-11 yrs., Carol Bill Barrowclough, Kempt-, Wight and Carol Lovekin )N E ;ville, and Carol Greenway Sandra Patterson and Heath Kingston, spent the weeken er Barrie; 12-15 yrs., Kathy~ with Harold Barnowclouhs Loveki n and Joyce Greenley,1 Bih iilbe ttedin sumerPat Rudeli and Mary Gallelea.' 3 38 chlinKingston during the Boys' 3-legged races ::-8j holidays.yrs., ik Lovekin andFrn Gloia Jon nd ut Nih-Galleleo, Russel Walsh and NE JOB ONLYt is. accampanied by their Rodney Greenley; 9-11 yrs, rnather. Mrs. Carrol Nichols. Steven Barrie and Barry Job and one job only ... to iprovided musical numbers at Bragg, Frank Lombardo andg n at the îowest cost. ltfs a iUnited Church U.C.W.nieet.. Roy Drinkle; 12-15 yrs,Erie I akewor fater eaierand evening; and Barbara Dinner 'John Lane and Allan Bragg. lilding 'Rep" can help you r ied a vocal examinationi Phone today Coboung on Tuesday with Dr. Grs akrae - r. Ochterlony of Torointo as ad- 'Janet Lovekin, Maxine Thom- BUIT B BAVE . . judicator.f as; 9-11 yrs., Carol Lovekin, ~UIL BYBEAVR . Miss Bessie Halbert, Toron- Carol Wight; 12-15 yrs., Pat on RudelI, Joyce Greenley . / EEDS! ta, called at Wilfrid Bee's this Bos1akrce - r. past week when she was down ýBY'sc ae - r. with a Timothy Eaton church Rodney Greenley, Rickie Love-' choir for their annual picnicikin; 9-Il yrs., St.anley Lane, i Il B R at Dr. Ochterîony's farrm in Frank Lombardo; 12-15 yrs., UB Rthis district. Tom Barrie, Eric Patterson. e Srvcespent a couple of daNs last part in a peanut scramble and - week with ber friend, 'Valerie nther grades participated in Austin. balloon blawing, orange race' ZION (Intended for last week) 70, and most attractiveîy ar- Sorry for the delay in a .ranged. with decorations made complete report concenning the'by the members. Explorer Mother and Daugh-ý A delicious supper of scal- ter banquet held in the Sun-,loped potatoes, ham, pickles, day Schoal rooms of Zion rails. topped off by assorted United Church. May 29th. pics with ice creamn and tea This annual event i, a for the aIder guests, freshie for momentous occasion, looked the juniors, preceded the' eagenly forward ta by these mnomentous occasion when the girls. and thoroughly enjoyed 'girls receivcd their stars and by the guests, tao. Under -thc pins. The excitement and guidance and with help from happiness mirrored in their the three leaders, Mrs. Ruth laces, had "Moms" in the same Stainton, Mrs. Cathy Recd and state - plus the pnide that is Mrs. Amy Watson, tables werefelt in their ccomplishmcnts. set up ta accommodate aboutand thankfulness to the lead- ers whose intcrcst has made Il ~ AIl his training possible. I deai vveathert At the head table were seat- cd Ch'ef Explorer Nlaurcon Fo io acsleid and Mrs. Reid; CGIT for wo R ces'leaders Miss Joan MeMaster and Mrs. Mae Eddy; U.C.W. ClUb ,eilnt Mrs. Paul Sobil, ýBy Pigeon obe Club Pre::. Mrs. H DousberClub Pres. Mr. Whans and daughten. Hampton, ne- The Bowmanville Racing pnesenting Mrs. Catto. Pigeon Club staged twa races Girls receiving îst Red Star, on Saturday, June l9th, 1965,. Mary-Lau Barlow, Wendy Har- aonc from Foleyet, Ont., a ris: girls receiving 2nd Rcd 'distance of 350 miles; the oth- Star. Sandra Hircock. Brenda er fromn Nakina. Ont., our 600 Benton, Toni den Ouden, Cath% mile station. The wcather Warnnn, Nancy Head, Lynda was ideal for flying with Pingle. northwcst wind and dlean' Girls rccciving Isi Blue Star, which resulted in two good Nancy Dart, Donna Henir, races.,MayChown: girls nrcci' Resuilts or the Fnlryet race 12nd Blue Star. Apnil Shcwrîng. in yards per minute arc as Karen Larmer, Cathy McMil- follows: Mavin Bras., 1460.30; Ian, Chris Skucc, Chris Nemnis, L. Richards. 1440.23; Brown:Patsy Clarke. Denise Scott. Bras., 1433.61: Ralph Luke. Patricia Bottreli. 1419.77: Ron Luke. 1297.18: Girls recciving lst Gold A. & E. Luke, 1293.80: D. & Star, Jackie Rout, Janicc B. Stainton, 1292.02: G. Bot- Adair. Diane Thompson: girls troul & Son, 1276.84, recciving 2nd Gold Star. Edith Results of the Nakina race Dant. Susie Rccd. Phy, lis in yards per minute: Brown Nebit. Berniece L a r mer, Bras., 1181.50: Ron Luke, Sheila Williams, Cathy Brynz- 1178.69; D. & B. Stainton son. Lynda Hazelton. 1144.15: L. Richards, 1030.99; Red Stars -%vere presented ,Ralph Luke 1025.80; A. & E. by Gail l-ircock, Blue Stars b%~ ýLuke, 743.26: Mavin Bras.. no'Mrs. Cathy Reed and Gold report. Stars by Mrs. Amy Watson. The first three birds were Six girls received the high- home the samne day and thelest award, an E-pin, namelv:'ý other three eanly the second Launie Stainton, TammY Scott, day. This is the first time the Kathy Brynzson. Mauren Bowmanville Club lias ever Reed, Jo-Anne den Ouden, had birds home the same day Janice Peeling. Eleven girls from Nakina. Congratula- graduated into C.G.I.T. tions ta the three members on TwVG leaders nesigned, Mrs.; a fine effort by their birds. Ruth Stainton, after eight years as chief leader and Mm. Amy Watson, after seven ,vears. Each was "giited" by the girls, in appreciation of the helpfulness and happiness received under their leader- ship. The U.C.W. bazaar held on June 9th had a somewhat smallen attendance than in past years. but the many and 'carious contributions '~isplay. ed for purchasers ha 'it de- creased. It had beelkhoed the new C. E. building would have' bcen far enough on, in construction. ta be used - but dela.\ in delivery of roofing requirements %made this im- possible. By June 23rd when oui- strawbcerry social took place, this building was well underway in being completed, and we. joyfully. were able to set up tables in it. This latter evpnt catered to a large crowd. With more room and better seating conditions, work was made much casier. and our thanks go out to the building committee who are responsibie for the erection of this new THE STATESMAN SOLD RY THESE DEALERs: W. Reid, Bethany Johnson Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle Newcastle Taxi S. Bnown, Newtonville Portcn's Store, Newtonville C. Prthick, Enniskillen J. Il. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone H. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey. Burketan H. L. Martyn Store, Blackstock '<eith Bradley, Pontypoal Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendai [-lnderson Book Store, Oshawa Mike's Place, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville - Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" Frank's Variety Store Jack's SmoRce Shop Goheen's Handy Store Brvson's Smoke Sbop Jury & Lovel Oke's Smoke Shop The Flying Dutcbman Newcastle I JIM WRIGHT Newcastle IRY AND -f -.for Sprayer Sales J Phone 9872K,5 NIGHT NEWCASTLE ARENA s-day,'i 7: 00 P.M. JulyÀ 15 "Dairy Cattie being milked " Elizabeth Crawford, Ontarîo Daiiry Princess ", Display of modern milking equipment " Milk display with free sam pies for everyone - FREE ADMISSION- Special Attraction... Choosing and Crowning of Dairy Princess FROM EAUTIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND ýî AND DURHAM COUNTIES -DOOR PRIZES - IFREE MILK ... Chocolate or Placin for everyone ORONO BAND IN ATTENDANÇE COURTESY 0F C rystal, Gen Rae and Maple Grove Daies, Bowmanville, Orono Dairy, d~Cobourg, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Toronto MiIk Producers, Northumberland and Durham Cream Producers, Crow Bay, Hoards, Warkworth and Minnie Chees. Factories Durhamn Jersey and Holstein Clubs, Hampton and Harwood Creameries FOR PARTS & SERVICE Ir .ý m .ý a Announcing . JOHN BEAN SPRAYERS are pleased to announce thte appointment cf BERNARD'S GARAGE

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