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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 11

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-T- I - i- - Zrne WlcozNelsean Me- CaUley.Th ac Bob Darrach, Bob Pnrtsmith, S pecials' Feafure Te CndinSttemn Bwavil, uy ,195 lA. IVeucadi.) John Henry, Gerald Herber down to40mlsahurra. Bail throw-Bob Portsmih Speae charg. Jim Wright, Andy Krummen-1 In passingjdmntMRs Mii. Drue. Tillson, Editor Phone 987-4213 acker. Newea.,tle:- The June meet- 'rti tically and elach wap whRlt trate J. I.: re eake an hsavcRR 3 Bean bag-Bob Portsmith, ing of the Pioneer Buttonl culd be termed a "Surprise- that if the cue a enPwanil.ýa ersne Bob Darrach, Ken Miller, Andy ýClub vwas held at the home of Card. One was miade 'thtkn Phnbrbtlfr1by .J.Mph.Ohw.A Krummenacker, Gerald Herb- iMrs. Leslie, Masson Street, sma-1l colorcd glass buttons î ;YC8S, ashe sid he utA..SrieTonhpoc. l r e C o d A t n s e.lOshiawa, on Monday, June 29., eit-cular pattern representingnO t e eieni a hntr akdfrcnito e Large Crow d A ttends e~~~road jump-Bob Portsmith, Nine members end one visitor! a colored glass window. An-Itake n obnain ihcas M.Calai a Bob Darrach, Harik Tendam, were present from Toronto,, obher was ain arrangement aloho.pidof uidn emtt U n t d C u c i n il a hrpns castie, Oshawa and Pickering. buttons in diamond deliin :Donald Hanh.Cotal .acbiltagag srutr Fiel DayChamînne Onie car of buttons for One very interesting card Evans), May2tipoe ~t ag or hc ol ~~" aud1 ~ c leNewcastle Unit-iArlene May Munro. thIGi Is--Age 7, Carolyn White displav was Mirror Buttons was an assortment of Marian passing on Hgwv41we eue h rcîgbs cOC<cii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Church Sunday School andý Mr. Tracy Embley wonfl eI points; age 8, Mary Grant, sind these were of various Weeber's buttons of fruit, lane not elar ndcisor es.Nasra congregation picnic was held 'man's shoe kick. '13 points; age 9, Joanne Mick- shapes and sizes. Apparently: vegetables, flowers, clocks;. three daysJakCmertrindhm l0 nd .6 at Waltona Park recentiy, The wheelbarrow race prov- elsý 15 points: age 10, a tie,, the ladies in days gone by did, cars and shi Anotiher card May 12thoehalgtms-css r1 as On Monday evrnitir, Juriie On Wednesday aftcrtnon, with one of the largest turn- ed quite exciting as one by Shirley NIcLeaii and Jenniferinot roil'v on the mirror on the; was ail anchor buttons, haigigaltogehr,5ad otor DiIs Lne Buktn 21st, the Llonettes entertained members and families of Dur- out lever of children. Swim- 'anc the wheel would drop, and Gray, cach %with 15 points; age , Wall when they asked -'Mir- a ag odclrdaco he dy.wgragdwî trn n théir daughterç at a barbecue ham Chapter, O .E.S., Bow - m ing w as the m ain attraction 1the final w inners w ere D arrell 11 Su a n aot m t larog ir r on th w l, w o ih te s'hip coQue e n chEl i th St aly S te h n , 2 i e t ,c ki 1 a g i e ta supper hield at the home of ýmanville, held their annual 'until game time, with Beth iDarling and David Shearer. 1 agele 2,Agl.r4 î o~; tIdta Lion and Lionette Mr. and picnic at Waltona Park. jPowell, Bcverly Rickard and The peanut scabl wa points: ag 2 noaChardi is the fairest of us ail?" Thev. beth- of the Cunard Whitelsti-eet S., peddgit er'tquî 18 points, age 13, Leanine Hoar, watetd mîirror; Mn their cosi-;Star, Line in the centre, sur- failing ta îl h ih f togx nti Mrs. Rod Carveth. The dRugh-. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brereton Candy Starks taking charge of divided inta twa age graups 18 Points, and age 14. Brenda t umes so Vhey could ask, Mir-' rounded hx anchois in the Iway, May th Tefiew uhr adhttepuoe ters enjoyed horse back rid- and Miss Irene Ash of Cobourg, the races. and the little people found it Rogerson with 17 points, ri-, minr-r on my dress %vho' sky and sea. and a sailor boy $0adcss r11dy. - fpann orý'a oke ingovr te arg are f spent Sunday in Minden. Thes--g 7ini, boyer andil gir theta uhfn asn wy1 pit;ae8 fairest; v ou mev guless." 1on guard ea<.h slde of the ship. iCorporal K reh odteigdpemtdh utsc land, A 'Phone cali vas received! or the twa and three year aid their peanuts as catching thern, -f Boy Agee magi Alber ra On Moîmday evenii, JiiflC rrmUceJry a ce were Carol Seîbýey Bill I the bamiih. 13oig o,1 points; had s8, iagic th meplY Some time was spent sel-court hie ws aedtinsi-inihlwrksbngea. recentîv race owing 'Pary [nid9 ha been -You are. there ing, exchanging or giving gate an accieta h on ihdnx or eaiun Lions Club and their wives winr ersnig Nw inr ftefu n iefirst with water, and the trick ithMlinh 2pit;aee fC enjoyedl a lo)velyI evening at castie Day ta go to Buffalo on year aid race was Nancy Allun.:westa atch hev aloon e or- f1 1, akTion,1 pouints- prou lad in icgo ad CLIPe aMr daîtyluchHi hwa f.H ttdta ~gx r aea pot the Peterborough Fireside. Saturday., July 24th. The show, Jennifer Munra and Mary get; wet. 1evr, found Whhee a8e Ilh Joeic Bc'ubik vr \avs anTh cnex ofeetii Mr. Stphn ha1enpo vt îcnmn~p-pr 'With a large nuiher attend- will be ýtaped-anid the children!Parker placed lst and 2nd inedmc or ae hn ons g i2 Mkk White 18 T emer'. rota < i. las Th nt M ectiii iýawqn tIOedn at n oldd Mns eI hr ocs ing. the evening was a great: taking part will be able to 'the girls, six, seven and eight ebtwovrsu-Pis;a 1,Kn cCc- va.Inhswy d;W ihWlq success. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ va *-,wt hewnicessful and dry people, thusien, 15 points. and age 14, Bob the x'a.I h~wxeoc.lutiand will be a noon 1easthound. MSehn ad'r~eîgtesneb-a On Salimrdâ%. .June 27th, Mr. com hoeT a nd Si hmsv s bradwtetewnînnelae hewneswr Ptsep ihlapits bton er arnedvr lnîemiehewsblne y h unadar- ande a qallnt Sel Dugla andrdadDebe Rununciirs-up xvcrc, girls, age IS _ had failed tasctiohrcr ftet enu i ad Brenton Rirkard, George, Bey- August 15th. SnaLo'rn Allun, Drig-ada en g ;Jn perforn ond TVic onov bo LongSepe DoulRik r 7-acr *aa ;Jn Donald KihHnae Aee Ca Jani dove to Los Summer playgî-ouid starts- Girls, 9, 101 and Il were won' Follawing a gi-cat round of nifer Munro, age 9; Diane wais r ctw Co u ý25, 23 Smer tet.Rwaî ard Dugas ndRoinwiiî on Monday, July l2th. Those by Patty Parker and Jennifer races, the picnic supper was:,Depacpc: age lit, Shirley Mc- ville, pieaddgulytileaM mo alH ptl arly Douglahs anuda Robcin who weren't registered on the GraY. The boys were Kim enjo'ved, after which childrenlLean and Jenuifer Gray; tied, June 29th, 1965 -a $75 aind $77 costs, or 30possonoacolad the reofv the anîily. t- t th ot July are asked ta reg- Storks and Robbie Scott. 1l.ined up for ice creani cones.,and xx cre placed in first pla Wlia le aF dys iencepssess-p idringJuth on- -Rickardq arc atteriding ,a Lions ister xvith the leaders in the Girls 12. 13 and 14 were wo>n While sanie cleared awav aiîy togctheî; îge 11, Arlie May iia m Slren Lalrr 344 d~ fo-toxer o iction onth fis IyR pr convention in Lus Angeles. park. Childrcn must be five hy Judy Powell and Karen food that was left over, ailiers Mcro age 1 , Pcggv DarîachRbigeSret Peterborough, waP e ended bo er eerohtafeaf$5nlcss Coming hack. those who flew% veai-s aînd uip. Trhc leaders this Parker; winning boys were went ta the diarnond for a age 13, Joan Kimbail; age 14,:pleaded flot guilty ta a care-, Kelly, Oshawa. or rive daysvn!ntescn ort~x-e iJn 8 down wîll drive hack; that year. are Gil Guides froni Harold Powell and Doug Rick- game of bail. No winners Edith Selhmid. les rvngcagtaihpi $0adc way sanie of the scenery canoaur local Comny Debbic ard. were declared here, as the Boys. AgHSehmiSl- -le argued his own case John B. Crowlev, a Peter S50eve acstoandiioa tl4nluie and-Ag wo, horoughi Seru, dr north- sesen das.HslcnewsAmiî~ 3 beenjoyrd. Darling, Frances Hoar and Girls, 13 aind lover was won game was called an account Of by; age 8, Brian Forget; agocn wn borud onuc i ~19Mx upnedfosimnhs ---Janice Rickard. bx' Beverly Rickard, while a very sudden rain that ended 9, Perrv Meadoxvs; age 10, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wide- itsid hie saw teacsâ CrO Mr. and Mis. Wm. White the winning boy wesq Rick the picnîc. :Kinm Storks; age il, Norrnnia Aylmer, Quehec, told -arsth od His Worshipta î oeDs-a and familv attecied the lst Pea rce. Sunday School lias elosedTilîsoli: age 1", Brian Ander- lhe court thev were driving iiaging acoe h rn Poe W ee Girls ofJl. Pa'rade and band cnm- Tvhe ladies' shoe kick was now unt il the rail, whcn ut is son age 13, Jim Darrach; ageMrm LaFer th fortan eidhn. npsigheb e îro Tweialoot and behid hrin so passîng theSha ben rivn orho pttoinPrHoean ewo yMrs. KAy Powell, haped that everyane will re- '14 'Bob Dai-rach Mr..~e cntu int foa sharpl th !Smerte Stetwc h arMjroeaioa.... Set New Record part that it was samething The tlîîýee-legg'ed race was turo tn keep their record at-, Winners of the Lions Club paionsw dps theni, 1owtuk was fredkn off an i wrc oth e 1:sclîe io cprtos....2 wonderful. , shat~~~~lder. î-ekn the ha obeith , an Elagn aEn Se e ecrvodefl on by Gladys Allin and tendance. ________AwardrBvsadil an'te pas the a n T er bfaling.a Te trc d iver Roe a rw tet n mreiyteiins. 4 ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Over Ail Chanmpions --Suzanne, sairl they were travellinîg 6() saîd ttafwminutes laterofie sm sdaicktfic.TcVstndmus38pmdiy UMEiiiIu~~~~inahJIIU lA ie f ~~~~Portsmithi with lighest points,"mlsa oredtre whcn lie passed the car, con-,ofcrsi r oeseld W i19, 2 1 ie and o utmt ida u ser cendtre as ý taiîîing two other youths, Mar- ,Of alcohol anstgresih- Ii- WhiteiII~i A n lthe servwin n e rs New -a. tle -oui local b s- wt oalpit f18cd, op Constable Jorcion. O f rsoulid and was sittin be lov ecmrtmn ida Mik Wîie ying first Place: Newcastle aîîd 'phoned thersî îdpuldofat the ,.Teewa eri h Poe Wirr train memberq aie -PP Cosal Jodn fP dong thc, r best ta staŽ. on top P bIThe Clianpiomi Bail Teaîîî Whitby Detachment, stated lhe 'liinidthe whieelod.rinking from unopened caeitebakea o-e wiiise thisgn pamsi.aer week Ae e o cas ay are, ch ard ie o th srength:1i1g sUnper at the Busy Bee ed that thefochabenr I ' J~1I J< JI - ~ I;,~the s-cod to 1--t da of ccSt3rgii hi hccue ontiiîued Crowîey peii-ed aod h a odr On Tuesdab lcceSihg, playrdg schooî, anîd flie plavers ae'of Mr. Widemi"poecal he di-ove ontaadPee-prof r.H efonafe \Velcome at Newcastle, tlîe New( a ;tle Thi yr-ai New- Boean h)ag-Joatiie M ckiles, Bean bag Leaine Hoar Joani Kinbîl El i z a leth M.LFer h perdbiouhaî etswteMr o ok boy oî 6 ta . th w i ii g astla ý P u li Sc hool held i I D bbie D be aui R uth P eter ýG lend J oahnson, M an P a t P earce, Na cee Isote a nd M c a l x w es fi c an-h c u e i -! l e t pitcher h img Mvike White and a nu ai sports da y recely o n, Diaxîne Tend ani sm th, Joan Kimbaîl Carolyi Stisati W alton. .srîene Y in Ul u n on a id aIlr t o etfy lii g ri on ba u siet down the Hý 1 n verma n iy M ls 2 the catcher Tîmmyi Waltn. Pupils practserl daiîy compet- Cris, ge l0 runnng ace --Major. R- kd Citcg Fo i-gh ay hidd e shad heen postcdi n -s ic n h cîse y et Sre, O hw . w On Thmliirsrla\', cveuîîmg, theiîmg ta become tops in races. Sirley MacLean, Jennifer Brnad jump -Lecoie floar', Card sty Wih n ii ad ho was drivJng siue. ýlicence was ne useso game to stant al 6:30) didn't get jumpin g and hall throwing. Grav, Beverly Chistie, Lynda 'Carolyn Major, Jean Ki îl Gerl :ilbera 60) miles an haur and had'caf I under xvaY uintil 8:00. Nexx'- The fiime for th e big daý was Barnes, Kathy Wrighit. Karen Parker, Susan Cuffe, îmu rs imîn r :lxe n-m ol eas James Coîlindsai P te orgh au 0f tw rgs asau castle \\-as; in moet Blackstocl. finally licrec and the following Ba]t w 8 lvM DnGrs 1,rnii a e b Artaîr, Sanidra G;ou!d,ltrafficý impeded bis progress. - 'a'soi-acp i The Blackstnck cuach got hl is a î ist of those takng lst, Ga le Adair, L iode Parkin, Brenda Bag ersa . EihGeorg- Gray, 1,ce Amine Hoan, Magistr-ate. J. D. P3urger Corn- risom-ir t-a pass h e nd nianded% 6hi in cîsoy ni dateý mnixen i p. andi brouglît cid, 3rd, 4th and lbt Pla ce Charlotte Brereton, Kareli Schm d Eleanor Staui aa Gleîîda JoMhn.omi, Joami K<inihal, mrnted fliat Higliway 40 s arfo a ed <-ut iharply w1ert po rt. . hstaitNetsî. ftr Manv names appean quite a Peel crarrcti hrlwn several 'phone raIls. the Black- rnbZ--eifi GaLee Ferguson, Margaret Wlîite-Crln ao.Hnl o-'i place ln play gaie ani of n îlek nirglt he hshu l, hie.R iti~ tt stock~ ~ -.n ial aeý boys and gil wone qite a C ayle Adair, Ruth Yates, SUS- sonEenr tuMraeMCakc BlMCuoghnmb hs Ba]trw-rnl xrýSm, Eeanor StaubMagae McCnackeun Bihl McCulloug othe goeýti an soesuthd overit bauod onKn Sre, ue bacwhon l aie hour tiingrîl finis ofothe day Brons te ani upSily-M htIoel ere dt andasbebeeere Patnic- Walten. aans nd omeruthwestdu, 22d efun MMls cd on th ace ofi bicss (-il fiiho h a.Bodj]pS yM- 1Satichmidr.or dt Wit o lacruii af aitnew- Girls, age sevemi. ruiling Lean, Susan Barber, Jennifor,ýcmd ad i,) odit h et I. 2 H castle loakeni pi-etty von out î-ace--Sandna Kean. Canolyn;Gi-ay,,. Linda Parkin, Lynda Beaui bag--Istilelle Peai-ce,, Aaei warsae 8 ageLkna Bo-iMgrt .D Burger licence lad ensupne atba, ii hefisiI re îa-White. Linde IenrY, Valerie Bre.Yvonne Guey, Editl Scîmini, Wiimneîs oif the Dr. amnd i-s. <-aygeoîî, and emplaye 0gnedtccusi31dysa last rfel end n ewd I erswcr sî-mî- r-t ii îd r iget, Vicki Usebert. Girls, agc 11, rnîning.rc Brenda Hogerson, MargaretilMiklos Aw\an-ds, fori- -eWstly a cnite f pav lis fine. cifaddta I a a eHigreheic u i re. zlfl'hte 5 dlaîgermmsdrixing. The fine, *unfit for thcmd-00o l * Blar-kstock's <urri ai bat ncttecl :Bell throw -Jeanette Wager, Ar-lie May Mtînro, SueieWie Standing ii lune, 1965 are: - ___ Keilli Charles Lerrio, Steph-;wnth c cnI 5yas tbc tnc rmn 1 bc hiniCarolyn White, Judy Part-, Portsmitli, Mary Grace Peter- Broan ijump--B.i-etida Rogc- Graide 1, Jolliliy Krummcn- iwors ersnRa saa wsCfh0 oie h., inning il as lie gaine r-f suuth, Cindy Fosley. Vieki'son, Gladys Allun, Patty Park- son, Eleanore Steub, Edlth ecker: Gracde 2, gui ami boy, i vu-ted of imparireni dýîving] 11(mîi li, 'le last of the Usebeit. er. 'Sdîmi, Yvonne Guey, Mar-,Bnenda Nes-hutt enni Robin Fri~ LJiv I\ VI:MercI 21st andc finci $1010 and' Constable G vuOP a rlNw îe e iha Ba bag--Ciiîdv Yoshay, Bail throw--Suzanne Part-aetWtc shcy: Grade 3, girl anni boy, css r1 ics i iec tali thc couth Wa len 117Boys, age 7, races--Stephen Ja1îice Woodlandamîd Lanforf w a ore~~Ben ofad 4,- bonys, KeenI an Lind Henry 3,th ArlBayMnoDbw oir \li~roe ir Barbara MacLean, Sarah Le-'bic Chiristie, Dianne EmbleySy, Dan SBod AciberîîBCCîî; 'Grant Gradeovr a4,eoboys.yJohny aields Dladge' rniian-Kruspendenih for P t reatice hof Magrtils lT nmothprn -,sly andy Keitl Miaterson. montls.on R.Rer 3,Bwmnîle edstn yuar ddes * Broani juimp--Carolyn Whîite, Bean bag--Suzanne Part- Timn Yates, Gae5grs Atnd IAeey told île court lie had stoppcd .lowing an aleeasui i 2Tesre ubr asy om pui<hn l eîaimmg Mai-y Parker, Valerie Farget, sniith. Arlie May Muiro,, Balt!w-le- ann d 6 roi ne boiAlne Mrade*Leo weAbut M eenn Hih a d hpe foi wt e okan tetaeopso Bra nesn ir a-Jeaiiette Wager, Nelli Vander- Marcia White, Debbie Chrste,,~ 16nv~ , il a ~a line bosr Grde sa 0 hrl fe . aun lst id Msqut 40 toort, afier ahiel. anniu r adWi neck swollenaibrseiA bo nu eaarm t to va;cacrro hi am.stre.Dren litff 1 o;Grade NeWccastle ,C lbs. Of 1st New-:founci le smellei strangly afi'soarcha I eiec niC o uiesbok ut Clny tpe eon avný7 ir n oAgl Clian castle B Pack were thc guiegts' aloolantggrd e ewoe rahbnitebts Thceils Pec Wee teanae GrF eMay Gi-cdc, 8,nin fc Cuhmste Mrs,-uznn Eni-A n Neshitti 'wd thgeruer. Hen wah uousfu tnl f- nmefay beague, havitp s-o fa fr- oi-ci, Rosemarie Gilmour, Kini Miiro, Gladys Allin, Mary1 Ben g-- Calvin Ailin,igiî-l, Edith Schinid. ann be sitn î-,Buie1 i apyh s - -uc evenv Raif> tlîev pacmns The- riSsnMliih rcePtro.JhnKumiaketpl'TeGae8aa go ta Tilîson, on Mada ce in . 'ficgrauica Lor -el Bowanvll Girls tIc 1c2,is 3unn City Siown orffr village, Mndy ve gamo lest week agis e- Bl h ae-Edull Schmuid. Wilmot Gr-ld Jont, 28t1, wliîil tIc box-sý Laird Fred May, ageni 37 eni aprni, aeot mi adps oninue corne %Vas qometi of a n- ranJc oclîd pî igl Cad eg arcGran ady Medial; tile Musih Prir. ta were niriven ta Mrs. Nesbitt'sl Geniraini Street, Toronto, a hniabege Cosll cord, Mns. Mnganet Rrem-cton, Coud,. Ainice Breneton. Blanche McCeuley, Susan Wel- Broani jumnp-Johniuy Kr-tîîn-IGeI(,ida Johnison; Eîmglish Pil-zc,!Ihome for outdoor gaies, hotigarlage collector, wcs fined ievassini at hî ews poicto codl orIlegiltai r- Beau loag -Janice Wood- tan, Kelly Des Roches, marreeker, Albert aitn e Anne 110cr; Science Prise,!dogs andl coîni drinks. ý$100 and casts, or 10) deys, foakn Mille portlz <lii lier teani xvii oven ri. MayG-n.PtvL- Bi lnw Agl hiCli ln i aeRe dithî Schmui and George' As this was ta ho tlîe Jast 'impaiî-ed dniving May 22n.,enMîlta<onierh 4 ornmead ou Welom 6-l). îtsniluGîersley, Denlse 1'uffarcl, Lunie Peggy; Darnacl, Janie Whit- likey Gianville, Gray; Historv Prize, Eduth 'get-togellier until tIhflble}i ici- a supndr f i crm iln nisrc 62-10. Wtfl a score likr tIat, Danling. ney, Delbie Adair, Kathy Des' Boys, 8, races--John Eard- ýScliid, aund Public Sprcking boys wene alsa presenteni with ýsix rooiths. He was defondodoîie castccet opeeadesi h the~ otiiut lax lienta Bî-oad i ui) p- Ma ry Granut, Rloches. ba Ktyloy, RalpI Ponismith, Robhi!Prize, Geor-ge G i-n:tc Mua-itIc badges canneni tle last by E. C. Wildien, Milîs' previu eod a- uprif onr <n-h connpetition. JeifrMînSilyH- BenDsFleoadTisnBian'ro Prize la K<en McCrackeîî 1 few inopths. Receiving tliiî- Constable Kienawbic, Whit- ing heck ta 91 nlueicr W a hnt <unr Ladiic<1 illouî. Susani Meikiwidli L ruie Roches, Debhie Anéir Anigele Forget. -un Suda (oîc;Bs.- -finst cye weî-c sixers Markihy Detacmn Pseo l heft, tlieftaf any ro Soffhall gais-------e kuîaw Darlîing. Cha-n, Susan Wallon. Blanche Bail throw -RaIpl Port- haved. Studicent, Haroldi Powvell. Tîlison, and iii the absence of bchd fiwn I cuc o milk bottles eifiiRt e youire nIIiig luw ablit giv- Girls, age nune. ruuuiiing raceMcCauloy. Smith, Bniaii Forget, Art Pacey, DrilDarling, Tracy Embley *hall a mile, in which distance main at bbhenain c- ing tlIe haie people a chance Diane Depaepe, Ruth Patecu-- Bu-oci juri AneaCad o ihoLryBa.accepteni lis, 'lie ci-osseni thc centre line four dent. as wella ubra ta ieari nu vani are doîmîg - ksoe, i Janne Me- Katlîy DosRoches, Peggy Dan- Bean bag-Rager Cobble-, VP1P1TlM Recciving badges w le re tusand praceedeni at. 40 !convictions frlqo fecs haxv ~ ilos Woon eanne Mic--a, Susan Wallon, Canal dîck, Bnian Forget, Sammyý E V R O Kenîîy Nesbitt, Pet and Ga-i 'miles ail haur on 1iba I cuen imn i i CEJT C,,SH TODAY Bali thio-oyLilv W<un, Jo- Halls. Glenville, Larry Bean, Joc 1 nesBd;GrtHed- 1. es al ble IMmgMv by l s aico akd s FOR OLD APPLIANCES Pin- Mickilcs, Debbie Dubeati, Girls, 13, 1rnng race- Dai-racl. (nedc folst ek) Toymake-s Badge; Donald Till- was unsteaiy on bis feet, bis 1'that hé be seni aMmc ab Delibie Pankin, Lily Woo, Ruth Joan Kimbîl Leanne Hoar, Broani jump-Bob Landry, Mns. Chai-les Zieroth (nec son, Swimmcrs, Gerdeners speech was slurrei and' bis i"inieni out". throtigh Pars-ou. Ursula StomoncI Carolyn Major, Karen Parkio, Raiph Portsmith, Joe Derradli, Gladys Evans) of Burnaby, and Houisekceping B adc gle; breath suelleni ai alcohol. ClarenceGol,11Dueiu Ï1.11, SMA Bu-oaci juîp ---Diane De- Sharon Cuffe. -Donald Tilîson, Art Pacey, B.C.; Mi. auci Mns. Glemnn Mairk Tilîson, Iwmcs o- Cosa .n Hoed, OPPA 'Steet W---y 4a canvicte ~ Lsteine AniseticIl-z. Itg. 8e 4'ickard, L>cncy IJubeau, Garyîwill be stalioneci at ni.. Listrin Anisepic 4-o., Rg. 8c 7c ail th row - Gi-cg G ray, thîree yeai-s oun this cha;rgef, 01 DvidShearer, Jae Bezubiak, have xVOII thpc respet and cf-1 D oryDbeeu, Doug Rickard, fecinmn of nmîr commuuîîîy cou-î BAY R A PIRN ----------------- 10's Re. 9C 77cBe'an bag -Jae Bezubiak, flic lest xisles of thrir ianv j~BA ER AS IiN10's Rg 9c 7c 4Grog G,.x-. Norman Tillson, fensgo wvifh thenin hi 1"BAN Aerosol Deodorant----- 3 oz., Reg. 99c 7r7c 41 roei jump-Nornan Till- Ivan Cor-k anmd famil - wi le aid Sheamen, Darex- Duubeau. a ti oing pas on-ik PoieI D nue Cene - -- ---Rg 89c 7c Boy* s, 12, races-Mike White, axer tle duties of tbis change.1 NiA Jamie Crom-tîes, Bnian Anîd- Mn. anl Mrs. Fred Stan-ev e rson, Tii Wallon, Jet-ny col fanîily cnl Mr-. aiâ MrS. ~Brlceem Har resin RBaile77 thî-ow-Mike White, tendel a famnily picîîic and rc-1 Rogse.el ri R ger alnýui Mon cufaîixet AQUA VELVA --------------------- -- i-li-oz., Reg. 98c 77c 4Greg Forget, Mark Alireai. Mn. aind Mus. Noi-man Le- 4 Bean bag-Brian Anderson, may anni Ken visiteni this m r Fred lRabbs, Mikc Whitc. ýweekenl witli 1Mrs adnm r Je& e A Y OW ER-------- Reg. 98C À I Grog Farget, Ricky Barber-. Robinson and thc R1 -j J.~~~~7 9q J.oa BAB P WD R ------- Wh-ite, insons. Tousi ulceasuly with ao -- eg.89cBnian Anderson, Ernie Rager- Sclools hlu 11cm animal Field "OFF"' nsect R pellent89c 77C son. Dcv ou the spaciaus gruids et C m e c & t m tc 1 >_WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH W j Boys, 13, races--Ken Me- Yeix-crton Public Sclooi onCo m r e A tatc S v gs P n VV~~~~ ' Cracken, Jini Darracî, Emnie Friday aflennoon. Thc tht-ce Just teII us how- much you'd ie to save each month.Tew'lmk i h 4 Wulcax, Davidi Grant, Nelson top scîr-ols iii aggregate BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE McCauiev. points were Pouity>pool, South necpe-saiî / trmnl;fpr3 froîn your chequîng to your saving~acut hr' ocs """~~""'~ DEUG STORE Ball throw--Kei McCrack- Jancîx-ilie arnd Lifford (lut oint to sou. Thousands of our customers have found this siml lnhlste ae Ni' ON5IIIDIC STOR JGHRNSON'S DEUG STORE le n, Jîm Darrach, Ernie Wilcox, iiec-ess-cnily bu thIt orderu with À j David Grant, Dax-id Miller. X'elvrrîon coîinp forth in CANADIAN IMPERSI AUX NGREGR, BUGS BONOqq 1BeAn hag-Guide Kruîmmrii- JaunIh position. Ma.ster Marti ALE NcIEG R, IUG O N!Acker, Nelson McCauilex, Jim Malcolu (tIeRts our boy) wa3 BANK 0F COMMERC JURY & LOVE aLL STUTT'S PHàaRJ(ACY :Errec Will MCuiogh he top scho tmito Ouer 1300CX branches to serve Mrood lump Ken McC'rack- .ing 12 af hi& scbiool's 184 "M ~ ~ ~ -~ - en, Jim l5arrach, Davlid Grant, j points,11_ _

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