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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 13

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ai WEJ &U 'm1* j * a ~Owen Sound. and Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Baruick, ColIn- o u-bnear'tiuweIc 'i i:~t~ Ii I1'Z1 ù' i agistra le s C uWo(ed for last week Lc s. rpa*rurandt i MsW.Penwarden w Mrs. H. Trver. wt r n r.C _-Coming Events 1'Coming Events Auction Sales rleld in DQwmanviIIe . adM.ErPewdn ~(- anc. Sothvew Glf lub and fainily were Sunday sup.1 Mr. Da'vid Geo dbi Dan 7 c.Souaiwl esfa l IOuSCANALWEEKLT iper guests of Mrs. Kelly,, grundanother Ms.RGeo Chsc ev wUbhli uly 1-ck ts caal 23294 O SU RDA VNING L VET C SA S JuIy 6th, 1965 i for three months an March ed the accused cross the centre: Orano. motored to Picto etTit- tZo uc',Jl ii cl 62-94 o AU AYEEIG25th, following conviction forlline _________________forcing_____________________ 6 5 .2-;1Traffic tickets: (Corpora he iefrigac Ms .Wlim.M.addY i.Gxwl xetd1:0am 0, pleaded DiurhataCaufetminutes Aaer heEcame wth Mr. andFrankRye Gib- 965 ~ O Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30p..oyJue3tsein Oran Eugene Crouse, aged I east shaulder. HIe added that i'Alderwood, ÈS p eritu Bechîve Rebekah Lodge will 1OA AR SlU ores-Ctte.Sw , huvy 41. 70 meie nghorn6 ossio fhqoover a knoll in the highway Su a behc.lgtheir annual Pennyi W CLON ATLE lres, Maag wie ig y4.7 iers. oril6èBurketon,siUEEN Motor Salesiafw ints atrhecat r.a Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A.Redi* ad oLllegal ay. y sn Sale et Lions Centre. Sept. 24.! E C SL Son, Salens Msanargfeeraxs. -May 221ld. lie was fined $25 land came upon the two wreck- Synîpathv of the comrnur Tickets navi on sale. 27-11 I NE (Corporal E. J. Crough, OPP). adcssMr1 as.e asfloigth rs. t setnddt r n r.o 26-2 Francis Ferrier, failing ta stop adcss r10Ry.obcrsfloigte rs. t seteCnetr. and fMrls 19KN.S.E Dof'sclthng ndbae ffetie uî îîh 96 Te udesine autinerfor a stop sign, $10 and cost, Chief B. R. Kitney testif ied Mr. Paret appeared inoert C aohrmbea af the B219AKING sale. St. Andrews Presby- Effectseve by public auc96on o or five days. (Constable J. that the car was checked be-,on crutches. . ~M.Heb a-Athr dRmlrDae terin Curc. Bwmavile, ersns ahertha emrgecie Saurdy, uly 7, he ous-,Shuthe PPI EmrsonWmScaueuotanhe reart AIEagitraeoBrge dimîs- eon ho pase awy a1 m.. g oEn 1 Friday, Dec. .3 at 2 p.m. 27-1iland those admitted early in hold effects for the estate of ýHelmar, May 2 1si. impraper search revealed a quantity of 1 ed the charge, saying there1 Monday ati shwa Ge ULYA- - ____. . .the marning and discharged the late Mrs. Robert Preston 1 passing an Highway 115, $10 'beer and a part quart of gin. Iwas insufficient evidence pro-* H l nri j LiLRA I The Truil Farnîly Picnecthe same day, must check in at her late residence, Mapleland caosts, or five days; Barry Wiebe Vandergaast, care-iduced by the Crown.Tieeavhndsor f will be held on Sunday, July1tO Memorial Hospital, Baw- IGrave. List af articles Th atn t fJnn icnetkro nxShopeae rfi ikt:(os.b e lst J tunemto rav-f 1-l et the picnic grounds at:manville, flot later than 3 p.m. nxMIMatndayoun, oliec1965erofKoxSRAMBLERed1Trff tikesA(ontblBAt odaDue 8tprv th Are Rsturnt 3p.. hi dciio hs ee mdeweek's paper. Sale at 1:30. plates for trailer, $10 and guilty of failing ta yield the a Sih9Ptrc6Bn5se d RbeaAMI bdon.~ 27-1w in the interests of iniprovedZCiff Pethick, auctioneer. 27-1 lcosts, or five days. 1right of way, May lthaCnmi2th) sPeediklng ninthe r ed ib.soa's arm due.rint g NiE adf EMN4RA-1 service and better patient care.Joyce Watts. 140 Earlscourtlvictioli braught a fine of SiS Street, $15 and costs, or 10 thle severe lightning, tbeir 6- Coiec4-r,2D.Hrtosad onrilea ulvcan etrptetcr.Avenue, Toronto, was charg-i and casts, or 10 days. 'days; Glen Luxton, June, lia yvear-old mare ,Molly" was, the new 6 cyl.o y.egns ByNwadSv$$ Monster - Bingo, Thursday j Signed: Board of Directors. The undersîgned auctioneerýe ihfiigt rdc he .R inysae rvrslcne 1 n otsrc n iId uigti night at 8 o'clock. sponsored! ____26-3 îwill seli by public auction the! ed itlî e faing ta pdce nlCa he B.R. tîe statddriver as lcne 1 n otsre îdkled uigti i- ne oia ae by the Junior Chamber of'---- - -farm implements and cattleevidenCeo ns uran H.Co, PJ unetatoheacugSretad driven o r as. B. axe193A Commrce Re Bar, Nrth Auction Sales 'the praperty of Nicholas 5h . osal .CoOPotot cggSretfa aitaeR B atr16 CDA Commere, Re BarnShert stated be bad checked the car'the sclîool and collided witb a hehd juvenile and family caurt. Oshawa. -tf--- Autian -- -Iba, '12 mile west of Hampton on its way ta the P1ayer's 200 northbound car driven by 'tion (Hope Township)1 CONVERTIBL lsi 60 -R Acinsale of furniture, and ane mile south, Lot 17, at Mosport. H1eliad laid alPeari Lorraine Dayes, Cart- i 6 cyl., automaterasi-6ylwtsanrdrn- Bac, Dance, AI Foster's, ýantiques, etc., the praperty of Con. 4, Darlington Township, ýsecond charge of illegal pos-Iwright. lie added that noVAITT Mr. end Mrsm. C. Meneilîcyl Sion, power tp utm msin mauae Kendal, July 10, featuring Bob !Leonard Mc MeNeil will be sald ship on Friday, Juhy 9. Two ssino iur aitaehiurwsivlebt as LONG ZIULT ietSaudyeenn ih rdo hrptnwt Adas ad te BueRiver an Saturday, July 17 at 1 p.m. Holstein cows due July 23,1J. D. Burger dismissed bath1 were insured, and his estimate Mr. anid Mrs. J. Merel, matching luxulus96 RA LE Boys. Admission $1-00; 9- 12;by public auction on the prem- Holstein cows, calves at side; carges. 'of damage was $400. The ladies of Club 50 aieý Port Hope. interior.4-R - ~ ~ ~ ---Mc McNeil, Pontyoo Terms cow, due August: two Holstein1 Lutz Dietrich Ecker, 80 Mary, Raymond Paret, Kendal, .odt iivr~r r.adMs Ca.R y Came anc, corne ail, ta Ken- caho rsrv.R .hifrdeAgut eeodStrect, Barrie. was charged,,was charged December 3hst plcnic ibis comîîîg Sunday.- 1960 PONTIC6cl, uottc rnms dael, Juhy 14, Street Fair and P ayh.Neauonreerv. R27-I heifer, due Ocgtoe; Horeftrin Mas' l9th with using licence with drunk driving followînglJuly 1hth. I is for ahI mcm-, FINE QUALIT? -R ADO in odda Dance, featuring Gary Priceayne, _______ . 2-1 heifer, bred; tr velstesn, pae nol issucd for bi- a fatal accident on Higbway ber and their families, and is MONUMENTS AND 2-Re aprauo bie of CXLB, Oshawa. Entertain- 12 liens, 150 bales liay, hîeevelcle. Conviction brought 35. soutlî of Pontypol e hi tCatrgtPrMARKERS ment for the entire family. Auction sale, 60 cattle, 8 adsoloehy,10usesa fie of $10 and costs, or f ive! was def ended by E. C. Wild- kea. Bpr ta bat p. 199aLs-4-R 27-2 :sows. 16 shoats, team aof hors- odoflsehy15bues m an. kt uprt ea ..W I 15 M codniot aetin3-rra pla, M.- o n stal .R ~Cnsal .F rdn Mr. and Mms. Rye Gi pson 92 M AOUItî rasmsso - es, 200 pullets, Int. 300 tractar, odin oats, Case tractar, g oab e visiteds, bsoCnstblîLîF.Drde,: 9f 1-TON PICKUIihpwrbae n The annual Griffin picnic Farmaîl H tractar, New Hal- H. an rubber; tractor dise, said hie liad cbeckcd a north "OPP, presented pbatograpbs M. and herdagiter PFFRD Hr~ elwr es.sern.Gn encr will be beld at Orono Park on ýland baler, in excellent con- cutvtr -.sraetw on okwgno ih d îad taken showing the ad a N ormniavs Sunday, July 11, commencinglidition: side delivery rake, Case dum rvollr, 3 spret o rbay11und lsfgon h the mage ta the two vehicles adfml, Pontypool, on, BROS. LTD. j Contact Oec u oreu aemn at 2:30; supper ait.5, no meat combine, New Holland mawer, rows, Cockshutt mower, ail! plates being used were forte and their location oni the nn g r. R. FgSaes ange Y' bththeenbighwa. se. Constablethr'scaJ.m Mc,- eMr. aîî Mrs. r. Gasn. Auhorzeî Jerry Kean RyMre a ere povidoed ti caster otrice. ndga ui oneoftucm arey ah ienw .H ed cue' ahr a. M Donald. OPP, stated that bis sei udywt r.Cnein1ntesptLwCs iacn paspoeduniltutbr otce.Dogeon-tn ruklagedrill, M.-H-. binder, rubber-Eckcr bad admittcd they wcre ivstgtinshwd-h a-Mm'. J. R. Parkinson and farn- i 27-1 quantity of lumber, 1,500 bales trdwgnhrergg cf-being used ta transport the ivc tginscd , th a- ly, Col rgCwer a35b SfiirmDriRr --of bay, property of Percy tr agnchirsedîigrom slkwaciffrm Brr e useasouthbound, bid swerv- urg wh r 35j Woadview Community Centre fwerry Estate, Lot 6, Con. 5,tle and chairs, dnn roking[Pct erb ro m Barie c d across the centre line and wedding annivesr inStfodB th s -Monster B i n g o. Twenty i Township of Darlingtan, one- cal, ckn eeroog.colided bead-on with a nortb- was held ini honor of Mr. and'LMIE gams-twenty dollars; fiveilîalf mile west, haîf-mile nortîîchairs, sewîng machine, rang-! Tleodore Richard, R.R. ' on okwgi.Te~ Mrs. Glen Pugsley, TorontaoSERICE SATIO games-thirty dollars: $150 'of Acres Restaurant off the ette, space beater, Renfrew Newcastle, plcaded guilty- to pact lied turncd the Voîkswag- Mr. Wm. Kivell, Owenî Open frJ ..uti 2mdîh jacpa, ndtwo jackpots at Tauntan Road, on Saturday, scls n opee bd ulcitxcation in the v'il- en completcly around and driv-I Sound, brother ofthie lae $25. oorprzes Nxt ul 1. Sleat 2:0 aclckforks, hoes, chains and many1 lage of Newcastle on June 1 en it back 74 feet. The driv- Mrs. h-icib. Camero.saeBx13 REDEEM Y(U HL A CUOSHR Monay,8 pm.,RedBar, sarp Teesdash Te Jak-othr atices.Far sadcaash9.I. Te fneJaac10ander as îîîd istatîyandTueay ish atthehoe o 181 DudasSt.E. bity.FEE.SHEL TMBLRS Oshaa. 6-t son Te Spncely, ucton-Ito Friday, July 9hane ofateoivhas Mr. Paret in a semi-canisciauslvr and Mrs. Robert Cameron. Phone Whitby wt 3O ot fgs cers. 26-21sl a :0 ,.9 cmscs, Constable K. Ruttaiî, OPP, conditioni was taken to Me- Visiting with them on Wed- MOhawk 8-35.52 ____________________________ _______al a :3 pm Cliff Pctbick,1 said lie liad ile despatchcd "marial Hospital, Bowmanville. nesday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill____________________________ New York and Oakeiîdale Farm-Completc utiner 7-lta he vîlaewhcre he ond nThe officer added Ibat be had \VOR D'S AIR Shorthorn Dispersal-OO head, -TndrW nedcmcelaknlo rgîcd alîcohol on the accus- FIVE DAYS Son, Lot 9, Con. 8, Twp. 0f: --------Countv Jail, Cobourg, addcdI Dr. C. J. Austini said that Hamilton, 10 miles narth of: The iwmanville Public!the officer. ýhe bad examined Mr. Paret in July 31 - August 4 Cobourg, 7 miles east of [Sehoal Board requires tenders:1 Ivanî Bowýscr, R.R. 4, vas the Emergency Department> NO NIGHT TRAVEI, Bewdley, Saturday, July 17. for gahvanized wire link fence1 convicted on two charges of and calhed Dr. Keith Sleman. à ThsSotonhr so*for Lord Elgin Public Sehool Idriving while lus licence wvasithe Paret family doctor. Duc'el O Price $65.00 each Thpeisor tpeand hed i grounds and adjoining tawn lunder suspension. On the ta shock, extensive laceratiorns ify Jncludes transportation by air- cansisting of: 30 caws, withprety Specificatians mav iy ijwsfnc i 1aî îd rcuesIeptin a eonditioned motorcoacbhe, calves at side, 5 cowsdue te be obtained from Stewart Me- casts,- or 30 dlays, aiid an the rcmoved ta Oshawa General tewn Ne~~i' York Tour, Boat - as uiîmCc Sn a wmanTirle p.,adsion 1a ~ds Fe ske r aic nesbtc\S m mr w t United Nations Tour also Up- ý of sale, 15 bred heifers, 15 Taid aainTr op. scîd$5)adcss ra Hospital. There bie was op-, UM Cruise, also ailmission ta berd sire. bull 18 months aIdTenders must be submitted in<for 14 day's ho pa.ý the fines. and given plasma and blood Worid's Fair cligible for govt. grant. This iwritîng by Wednesday, July 21,i Constable L. J. Mahoney, transfusions. Bath doctors herd was establisbed ini 19281[1965, ta S. R. James, Sec'y- OPP, tld Itie Court 110 lad r:tat;,d Ilat thcy bad smellcd, Fer Information contact and this sale presents an op- [Treas.. P.O. Box 1030, Bow- stopped the accused on the alcohol on the accused's breathi portunity for buyers ta acquircmnuîe2- Tidincsin fCake1 but could nat say how mucb! R O\AE good breeding stock. Terms 'Township ont June l4tli and 'had been consumed. TRAVE AGE c as!. sale ai 1 o'clock sharp. I riteundit Ms. v chî rwaý ALidaym rist, David- PORT HOPGENC PDnny.ed Ja ckson d;ifalet odhecutela! POTHP edigr eesJohaRckarn d; l BOWMANVILLE name. He said a chcck show - becu sotithbound and ohserv-! 27-1 Spencehcy, auctioneers. 27-2 M-- . .. .. .d ftie accused's licence had ______________________________________beco suspended in Jui 1963, NE LTO Contractors bei citad.h-ofir Recent visitars with MrsA H R D IE O BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL r.umbcr while on patrol Jue Wesbel weLAM SEALED TENDERS will be 27th and had laid bhe second and Mis. Evcrett Sanderson of At_-..VE AK NLK CGG received by the undersigned, 'charge and iinipoundcd tue car. Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Otto[ utl3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on Joe Victar, counisel for, th(,:Brao nd r.ivîdHle M Tbursday, August 5th, 1965 defeîîce. sadth irm c-roîdMs.Cîfr Ht L f for the Supply and Installation plo.,yîng theîc acuscd as a bull- Fairndviw, Pennwe r.f11 E M III of aco bet eating sstdicozer bad cvsios r E M Ae. M 1 V L M 14 1 utlaoperatar eRELAXdow'eeANDdPLAY Scho: tenlded Decoration Day service Training ShoBwavle i ethsie ac d wold en a i elo Fal I huc Ontario, omavlland îîiat il a jail Ici-m wcre a t ee' nlcnCuc u . f Tender Documents may be ob- hase his job. lie added that Miss Ev'a Wiliams islnSeiiain n moedteacsdwudFnlnFls W H ILE Y O U PA Y ! tane from, or viewed at bis client's wfe ]lad given patient, ii Oshawa General RoPublic , Wo rks atmBokbrt o t idw Hspital a-vaitiiig eve s.ii ýePulioom 663,DEartmeBlokf special kiîîd of milk aîîd1 gei-.Fiensw sh ber îm- ~ ~ . [Parliament Buildings, Toronto that the fallîci- xas on lus way proved healbîh. t eet 2, Ontaro. to bv Ihis hen thepolic'e CongratulationstHebr h We eseve heRigt t LiitQuatitesA $500.00 Bid Band, a 100%7,stoppcîd hm. Vine hpascbiGrdV WeRsev teRgh e îi Qatiis Performance Bond and a 505, Crown Attorilev C,. F., Piano examinatians: *omlN D O W N Payment Bond will be requir- Bonnycastle tbld the acused Alfred Samelîs of Bown .1 BONELESS ed as specified. i that the floutiîîg of the law ville visited on Sundiy wîtbl pT enders w ill n t be consid - ipn th is atter w as ta bc e co ve ien ly io ate o sp ci us 50' x 0 R u d S e k 8" ered unless made on frmis pord. lie advisd M. Bows- Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ot aitVlewLkeo Lk cue. u ib spplid bytheDepartment. er ta bure a taxi air have a,- er-s bave gone with their cabun AM NloatVeL Ro n t a 5 b h oeto ans' tender.frîend drvc him ini future. !Itralrt visit theur so Jerry wintenized; conancls-omtctle not necessarily accepted. Patrick Stacey, 571 Olive at Red Lake and other nor- and septic tank;JhsMnvleabse J. D. MILLAR, Avenue, Oshawa lae theru points. Mrs. Arnoldsdngke antnchiteamiu. BOELSSjDeputy Minister, goiiltv to driving while lis Williams is taking the mal ia 1gHyde lnsaled c DepartmentofPbi Works, licenîce was Linder suspensionri R.R. No. 1. HydDAAInstall lb ~Ontario. o!Pbi 27-21on June 7th. lie was fine Mrs. Alan Wilsonî was bs - v u1[ Steak_____________________7 7______jail. Miss Gloria Sadîcu- who is ta'N Thccsdlîdunpeiosbetaa d>l' 1tii Ns. n f o aveago-cei SWEET. - JLIiLY LUTSP N10"C"ProraceBndadLag.>, yr 2 3'cttage f rea 50edPasymetBn il e spacieus lot convenîentîy îocated at View f r t IlCE 9di edr ilntbcond audLakebCoMrlowake TIimP6ol g 0 ohn-age on O A G S 5 ered unless made on forms Miin keeps painting chore ta a minimum LARGE SIZE jsupplied by the Department. ___ N . . . hydre Installed. Mortgag _________________________________________ A Deposit o! $15.00 Mioney No AL E reor Certified Cheque (UHO E lb. 99 made payable ta the TreasurerSTOM BUILI O E N W O L of Ontario, will be required OuNYCre... u P TO 5Bag 9c per set o ee o cumeyntsNI sAC sow ntdaee FRESH O ýT. GREEN OR WAX good condition witbin tbirty Noted for Quality Craftsmanship shw dy o! e-bove clasing date. obb- 6 wise farfeited. nt3BDRO UGAOSI______________1 The lowest or any tender ______3_____________BUNGALOWS___ own yourctae BEANS 2. D4.3MILLAR, on Large Lots 75" x 200' DeuyMinister, FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING Department o! Public Works. DAILY Ontario. 27.21 from $14,200- $,130 dvown Shop and TA 10E M usic Resuits l'or Appiointment te Inspect Model Home CUTC 1OPN ~~a~ e PHONE ~ Music res ts for p is of CALL C U T C I I E H P I G C N R iiiii A1WAY-3WIN!Mrs. Dav'id Wilson, Nestîcton,, 2-33728-1611 LMTD72841617 ame as llows:6339 Gu IlI Piano - Pass,ECLSVAGN DYKSTRA'S FOOD 1ianne Mfi -vIa - - - - MARKET ~~Grade Il Theory-FAKE AE Pag, EvidG y - rst W. FAN DEAL TTELt. Clas Honaurs, Lorraine Tur. LLLa U~WV~~UA~T II~fIEY 77 King St. N -Bowmanville ner, 100 17- 177 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE 7A. ~bUtOmTMS 1U115 .W WON Grade I Tboory - F'rst Clas I Honours. Grace Smith 100%. _____________ _________ s- -

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