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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 14

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14 'fie-Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvllle, .Tuly 7T, 1963 Many Decoraled Bicycles Entere d in Legion Carnival Parade 'The judges had a busy time trying to sort out the dozens of bicycles and riders who took part in the Legion's annuai carnivai parade on Friday evening. The Statesman photographer finally decided to this resuit. The Orono- News include as many as possible in one photograph wi Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. *.1 *Chas. Wood. VYiIls Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Man-! ning and ehildren, Mr. a n S Mrs. Robt. Garnott, Toronto;, HodsI Mrs. James E. Richards,, Editor Ellis, Oshýawa, 'Zlidon Mrs. TPhe Wilkins family pic James Bail on Sunday. was held on June l9th 1 rs. Francis Hall, Agin- Courtice on the spacious la Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooeyvisited his parents over the of Waterdown, Miss Agnes court, with Mrs. Cecil Robin- of Mr. and Mrs. Ormn Rob( of Toronto spent the long weekend., Ferguson of Rochester, N.Y., son calied on Airs. Fred Brimra- sOfl. The weather was icý weekend with her parents, Mr., Mrs. Charles Wood attend-i visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- combe and found her very 'D he attendanee not as la and Mrs. Horace Best. ed the Baker-Purdy wedding son. Ibright and chcer.v. as usual, but everyone enjcý Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall at St. Paui's Church, Bown- Mr. an~d Mrs. Sterlin~g Math-' Pupils from Enterprise and.bin ogthr of Agincourt visited Mrs. Cecil ville on June 26th. er and Patsy spent thewekKib Shosenodabu chatted until supper Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn with ;end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur trip to Niagara Falls last1 ready and aIl sat down t( Robinson last week. IMr. and Mrs. Russell Van IMather at Wilberforce. i week. dlcospci upr Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Walk- Homne of Whitby visited Mrs. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose of The children ùhen had ra( er of Toronto visited her fath- John Wilkinson at hier cot-; Larry Miller, Mr. Wayne Mill- ý Newcastle visited her aunt, a peanut andi candy scraml er Mrs. Chas. V. Cooper on tage near Carnarvon. ier with Mr. and Mrs. Russelll Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Sun- Mr. Ernest Foley was theo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham- Van Homne of Whitby enjoyed day. est membe.r on the gro-u Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor' berlain of Toronto, Mrs. Arth - a atrp last Wednesday to Mid-: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tre- and was remembered with end children of Scarborough. ur Falls of Bowmanville eall- land and visited the Martyrs' gunna and family moved into littie gift. ed on Mr. and Mrs. Harny Shrine and the beautiful gar-1the Lantz property on Mili A vote of thanks was tei iMencen of Orono on Decorationi dens. Street that they recently pur- i ered Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson'chased. Mrs. -Tregunfla is a, and Carol for thein hospital fl mU O. Chapman, Mr. and spent a recent weekcnd with'daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' and loveiy tinie enjoyed COS TU M E S . Mrs. Wm. Reid recently at- 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Hogg and Orville Challice. al. tended the 25th wedding an-1children of Peterhorough. Miss Sandra Mercer, nurse-, Friends were present fi niversarv of Mr. and Mrs. I Visitors with Mrs. William in-training at St. Joseph's Hos-: Oshawa, Hamilton, Bownî Robt. Hendry. Bowmanviile. iMitchell were Mr. and Mrs.1pital, P&terhorough, spent the ville. FUK RENT Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.i Burns Kittmer and sons, St., weekend with her parents, Mr., -M. J. Tamblyn at noon dinner 'Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Mrs. Ross Mercer. 1 Dean and the son of Mrs.1 on Decoration Sunda were Mitchell and family, Oshawa;, Mrs. R. R. Waddell attended'Dean and the late Mn. Dean FOR ALL ýDr. F. A. Knox, Kingston; Mrs. IMiss Brenda Mitchell, Keene: ýthe Carscadden famuly picnic;Orono, passed away at Hur S. R. Caldwell and Mrs. Fredi Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mitchell near Barrie, ber Memora optl OCCSINSFote PrtHoeand Mr.' and baby, Mr. Simon Kld8stra Visitors with Mns. D. G. ton, on Sunday, July 4t and Mrs. John Leishman,' of Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs.;Hooper were Mr. Harold Awde,1 Funerai service xvas in Ne) Alil Sizes - Oshawa. 'Colin Taylor, Bowmanville;'Mr. Donald Awde, Rev. andi castie United Church on We Mr. Hubert Cobbledick of Miss Margaret Mitchell. !Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews of nesdav. Interment 0 r or Leamington who is manking1 Mrs. Chas. Wood spent Sun- 'Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cemetery. C ALL exani papers in Toronto spent day xith lier daughter, Mrs.l Hodgson, Ajax; Mrs. Gordon' Mr. and Mrs. Geraid the weekend with his mother,, George Crowther, Newcastle. Berry, Peterborough; Mr. and1 Brian and family of Toron Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick and Mr.I Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaekin Mrs. Aldin Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. ' spent the wveekend with X M.Hutchinson ln Mrs. Lorne Thonipson of and son are spending tne 'Raymond Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Mencer ar Blackstock spent Sunday with summer in Kingston wherelAibert His, Tyrone; Mr. Vie-i!famil. 623-3489 her mother. :Mr. McMackin is taking a toc Hooper, Orillia; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robins( Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples' summer course at Queen's: Mrs. Geo. White, Bowmian- spent a couple of days necn fromn 3 p.m. to 7 p.i. land children have returned Univensity. !'ville. ;ly with Mr. and Mrs. Wiifc] home from Baptiste Lake. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and I Mr. Kenneth Dean, New- Sandenson of Enniskillen. _________________Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson'Sandra of Lakefield spent castie. husband of Bessie Bearýý Oven 50 of the Virtue Clî _______________ _ - had a get-together in ti Orono Park on Sunday. A 'enjoved the ideal weathcr an are looking forward to neý yea r. Patients in the Memor:, Hospital, Bowmanviile, froe NO W IN STO CK Orono and district are: Mr 'Howell Rowland, Mcs. Annc Shewchuk, R.R. 1: Mr,. Harr Rowe, Mrs. Jlames Ginn, Mr: Luther Barcabaîl, Mrs. Wn for IMMtLIAIt ucLoEvcKî ;Malle, Mrs. Nellie McCaus land, R.R. North; Mrs. Rob, Stewart, Mrs. Oliver Knap Sr.. Mrs. James Richards,F R. 2; Master Michael Carmar son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cal man; Mrs. Jean Wood, an( Mrs. Walter Couch in Strathav en Nursing Homne, Bowman CHEVROLT- CEVELE C.EV WRAIR COVME ville. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE the difference is drarnafic! HVOE.HVL.HVnCRVI.OVI_______ . .. .. .. .. . . . . ..... ......OBITUARY SAMUEL F,. OLVER Foilowing en illness of thrp, weeks, the death of Sanue Edward Olver occurreda - - -----Memorial Hospital, Bowman ville, on Mondav. lune2 -------- 1965. H-e was in his 88th year _Son of the late Elijah 01\(v and Mary Ann Evans, hie wa born in Victoria Countv neii Fenelon Falls, whcre he at lil tended scihooi. On January 20 1910, lie marricd the foirme K ýViolet Catharine Barker, wh( survives. He wAas a membci of the Pentecostal ChurCh. Mr. Olver moved to Bnw. mav 1l 7 vears ago frotr Fenelon Falls where hce haé resided for 50 years. Befotc comng 9to Bowmanville hr. operated a farin, and upon h* ------ --------------------ar-rival here was emploved --- ----------- ----for a brief period. at th(, ...... -------Goodyean Tire & Rubhc, Company plant. He laten hc- Economy was neyer this luxurious . . . or came a mail driver, carrying i the mail on No. 1 route for Iuxury so econornicalI1 over 20 years and on No.4 route for about five years. li Chevrolet interiors invite you to discover just how luxuriotis a car can he . . . c0omfortable retired between 10 and15 load of ootoomhiprornand eadrnm.Years ago. Duning the years Ioad offooroo, hprom ad Bowmaxîyille lhe alis hada Choie o Coor vailblein -Dr, 2-r. nd ardopsmarket garden and carried on Choie o Coor . A'~ilaIe ii -Dr, 2-r. nd ardop~this enterprise until his re- tirement. After retirement he continued to work his garden 0BISCAYNE* BEL AIR* IMPALA asurhobiyg asura ho bby. s i wf 6 or 8 cyl. engines - Standard or Automatie Transmissions are two daughters and on< son, Mns. Alvin Dowson (Pan- sy). Douglas and Mrs. Way- Corne in today . . . Chevrolet value is at an ail-timne hur Adams (Noreen), al o L'LadTae'nTae ieI TeTm oBy Bowmanville. There are six nlgnandTrae 'nTrael ime s Ti. irneTo uyIgrandchildren and one great- grandchild. Among the lovely flonal tnibutes, evidence of the es- teem in which the deceasec was held, were those froni the ROY N CHOLS MOTORPentecostal Church and the ;Family Reunion 'th nie at kwn ent- eal. ied XaS ble. )d- nds 1a on 1i t v Mln 'fi- of il- h. 10 C. ito [r., nd O n it-: rd1 le! d, ct il n ie n. p c MRS. A. BICKELL SHOP ITH ONFIDNCEI BOMANVLLE. ONT. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. BOWMANVILLE. ONT. SH PM O FDNE(Won $113.64) Recelved $26.32 Received $26.32 _____________ISPETED Gua ran tee d Q ua lily Me ats MRS. K. LEMON MRS. J. COLVILLE S' IV LAMB in a BASKET LOIN LAMB CHOPS1 ÎNRS. A. PFLANZF.R BOIN7MANVILLE, ONT. (Won $113.64) WIENERS 3IPc 59b ELLIOTT'S TASTY STEAK PIES COLE SLAW 9f c 35 Deep Cul Specials NEW PACK ST. WILLIAMS FIRM AND TENDER LYNN VALLEY STD. STRAWBERRY 24-oz. il cl GREENO5, t JAM Jar 49 7 PEAS 9j il LEAN TASTY Ki LUNCHEON MEAT 12-oz. Tin SLICED OR HALVES 4 5cHE STOCK UP THE COTTAGE LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS HILL AND SERVE 5 DOMINO FANCY TOMATO JUICE 28-z. Tini TENDER TASTY WAX BEANS 3 SILVER RIBBON TREAT THE FAMILY FUN TIME MIX BISCUITS 24-1.b. Pkg. Fresh Prociuce Specials SOUTH AFRICAN SWEET NAVEL DRANGES 4 CALIFORNIA No. 1 RIPE ED HAVEN PEACHES ROZEN FOOD PECIAL Qt. Box ONTARI GROWNNo.1 forZQ.c 3 5c PEPPERS333C YORK - 4 VARIETIE ME.AT IES 4 8-oz. Pkos. Allnierchandise is guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Values Effective Until Closing Time, Saturday, July 10, 1965S. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 P.M. KING ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (HighWay No. 2, East) 't' 1 1 1-111 P4 1 1 j 1 CARVED TO YOUR LIKING Lamb Fronts KENT FANCY U.S. No. 1 FRESH :AM

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