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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 5

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Si Iver Wedding Beils Ring Loud and Clear For Newcastle Couple 1OnJ 1. I.fl,4 Jean Eve- accompanied by Mrs. Evereti *-ynpýnucncc. diaughter of Mr. Brown. Orana. Arlene May adW. William Clemence Munro, daughter of Mr. and and Jack Charles Holmes, son Mrs. Ron Munro, Newcastle, of Mr. and Mes. Wallace pcrformcd a ballet dance, "The Holmes, were united in mar- Gyns'. Messages of congratu.ý niage by Rev. Morton at the ations and reminiscenses wcre, home of the bride. given by Prof. Gordon Ashton,i A very happy event took Guelph, cousin of the bride,ý place on Saturday, June 5, at Mn. Charlie Clemence, Ottawa,ý the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, brother of the bride and a wben relatives, fricnds and friend Mr. Noray Goheen 0fý neigbbours met together ta Port Hope. celebrate the twcnty -fifth Mn. Gardon Martin read the wedding annivcrsarv of Mr. address cxtalling virtues of and Mrs. JacK Holmes, New-,bride and grocm and offercd castie. good wishes for continued Mr. and Mrs. (Mabel) Ray health and happiness. Goode cntertained Jean and On behaîf of ail those who Jack at dnner at the Flying had been invited, the commit- Dutchman, Bowmanvulle. An tee - Mr. and Mrs. Austin cil painting of Clear LakeTrnr M..n Ms.Rs Haliburton wherc Jack has had Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. V/m. some inter'esting experiences Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goode, hunting and fishing xvas pre-,Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clarke,, sented ta there, from Jean's presented the gifts of two wal-: brothers and sisters. nut end tables, coffee table,, UponarrvaiaI he alltwo table lamps and a veryý tbey wer melt the brides pretty tea set, silver trim oný theywer me by hrbries-china inscribed with 25th an- maid Mary (Mrs. Wes. Graham, niversary. Pontiac, Michigan, U.S.A.) and Mrs. Robert Shupak, (Jean best man Bob Hendry, Bow- Holmes), Toronto, was in manville of twenty-five years chaigeoftegs bk. ago whr escorted them ta Guests were present frorn Tor- their appointcd places in theýot, Sresil, Gep, room attractively decorated i krinto, ttsviwa,Prtuoe,' green and silver to the wed- PCkeorg, Butfala, Potiop, ding music played by their Cbug ufl, Pnic niec Nany Grham.Corsges(Michigan. U.S.A.), Ncwcastle,ý were pinned on the bride and AowmanvilleluOshwa. le groom and rdaughter. Betty A wdlinca eunh amleve Jean, by Susan Goode, Ann bwithewcddigcaeassreds Clark and Gary Shupak. Twobytecm teendrids sons Bob and Don complcted the famnily group.H M T N Ev'eryane m-as especially HA P O pleased that Jacks father, Mr. Wallace Holmes, Streetsvilie, Congratulations to Mrs. Olga was able 10 be present. Tompkins w-ho is a patient in: Mr. Austin Tu.rner, master the Memorial Hospital. Bow- cf ceremonies. wclcomed the manville, and celebrates her guests and prescntedi the fol- 82nd irthday an Thursday,' lowing program. IVrs. Ken- JuJly 8th, neth Werrv who xvas the solo- Warder. A. L. Blanchard and 1sf at the %Aedding 25 years Mrs. Blanchard attended thce ego contributcd two solos, "ýA Maya*rs and Reeves Conven-, Basket of O]d Fashioned Roses" lion which was hcld et theý and "Give Me Your Srmile," CoronPt Motel at Kitchener, lest week. Mr. and Mes. Wm. Rae. Mis.s Y our Savings e dy it r adMs THappy Little FeIIow s!e t '1ue c renl TYRONE f Te canadian stateaman, owmanvile,zuIy 7,19'tu you re coeuplete v ved in i one part, it's hard te set the' Mr. Will Kiveil Sr., Mr. Shackleton attended the i Littie and famlly, Picton, on wtho1e thing in perspective.l1Kitchener Kiveil, Mr. and Mrs.BlBckbuITÎ - Hardy picnie atISunday. You're on the inside lookinglWilliam Kiveli, Owen Sound,:<>lina on JuIy 1. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. outif ou nowwhat 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Barwick,ý Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and!Msr.Rnan ar es rnean." Collingwood, attended the fun-ifamilY, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald were Sunday supper guests o~ eral of their sister and aunt, Shackl eton and family, Mr., Mr. and Mrs. B. Hollinger, "I have te understudy AlU!Mrs. H. Cameron. and Mrs. E. Twist and family'Foxboro. tthe gr'parts (four dit-e- r betWo i apedtr nddteFamly cnied1aitug coeans the havuedtehrow off Mr.anwd Ms arolwith be trli Wn. Allip TA TE MA te tiri fteotr er- Mors. H .vttat eton. and M ry hnlli, K it 'Cet ashIFIEda formers. Oh. I work, Mr.kaedjoyed a cpmcnîc t eQu'inl hn 2330 juar ud. B oys onwllasn gTt.'Pin wt M. n Ms.Brol ________A.__ sl-ie plysen otrs ralole'MiLa ti wSÀLEMOl ppin the pra1 oduon t ' . ler oo s pnd1MradflOWe Sak cnauses hlping wthrops ou ng ew dMinist, e. Daidrb r n r.W.Ai sheting te otmtesae r H.theyt urareon hand andf afld k SandayMre hopenh willen hr ays atte a inh. ois Phnistry2on3thi thet es n as ntge roedAnme foLee ted inth podctontthes o inucioLErvc o or k, C ada.the 0 -r- T ere wile ad vawecatone sist:~ ol ancouta ersnger, ancehilr e MistrRv.D id rad omnd ited nne. "iga ork dayhool heSlem Plin hand i utothe ee ina fim SholJulsy 2 t 23chfrome1.3 S~ ~ as tret ndi g WASb elcmerto atted.ttnd "Y' ~~~~~~"*' . ~ ~ "Itnc e vui~enc pefomRecnl ru ersetiW IG R W S E ...du nk an apodcio ngev haNre ofTyrone hswhol have w aseor akdhm .At99 onamilton, Tyrone.tohnu SPCA ~~"~~' .-.'.. ~sagwo hrkey admithe 2cyaerevC ua ndM.J u bl acue igr acrTere wil evcafrthirn* * ...............bwthing rohe seinE lm Scewhome in 12te3Frfor.1Mr. 'N ~ wela nsae h a nt H4apm ltonred a dress -l chuiooutsta the a eelg 0fteapp asiendc..E RO M SUT ..' ...~~~~"..* Vanstcouerinig lb hl ioswaaehddndgRv r ndMs rseChsPnlB durien tda.She bs oncwee orrpt se he eav- BxSrn n if andlvisiond a rcosuactining bteouhrgbesoft wisheg, ~M~ ~~ ~ as some ptrphi md-wiHathem for thlem futturevIMtrs SPCL . ~ in lliC. Dugnowasetresnted with -.e fuuh Yo a' ompeceof Muga.and re-'*Ar*t defîely Iave ta o otwthaRnsnlgbendMs ....on....n.... hin - lara ilon (Ante Cla ra) re- th ilono.enad." ca earigstRe.CDun In te mantineoneo e nd. . Dugan bothJ.cD- Clrk t nfamiy wei Noecas teu owmcthyadn- areawho ili ,e lin forcd tere assoiatiore etPHN 2330 the as ecibs te air s nwhform e rney rcMr of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hi irtbitdy nApinisEicHny ystAretsth o o rHn amiholetond aJl ' à ":es Mrs Tny yktr. 7Chpe Stee, own ad ranso f M. ndMrsH.itethu ienatryCaecinellnhwastsevhdanpy associal Dyktr, ibetySt Nrth Twn ad M. ndMrs G Vs f BllvVaeOnt couidveaviy un hig timeenjoyhae d drng Pht y so tui nenseld dowaIloffienjgbr. Dand Minrs. . lakrnW r n r.Desr hsPnlBd . . s.o .snce .diîn.. ndM. a.i Mr. er.t A. L. Blanchard. Earn Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Revnolds, 1 unes of communIcationan Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. La- ihu hs o cannot ffl- p.g T a " U d rt d ven /eenMr ndMrs fi his purpose for us. Theý 5 '/2 /% Ron Clemens and family werèiblasphemner scts a poor ex-ý Sunday visitors with Mr. andlamiPle in his home and com-ý On 5YeorMrs. A. L. Blanchard at theirmTunity and values least of ail cottage, Williams Point. the humen soul. We must noti ~II fl kIrr~ On Sunday morning th,' bc so foolish. We must put! GU RA TED ongregatii and choir joined away those things that threa- I NESMETStogether in the singingof sev-'ten the Saviour of our souls. INVEST ENTS ral gspel sngs jst pror to At the Officiai Board meet-ý .... the actual worship service. jing on Sunda-, evening. the I~YA~iIMany people commented on question of church services muv IC O [ how mtîch they enjoyed these, during August was discussed.ý * 1fcwm' inutes. The sermon Anvone hav'ing an opinion on;« m u~ anddeait xVith the Third Coïn- this subjeci mighit mention it an G EY mandment. "Thou shaht not. tn their Eider when he calis - S T take the narne of the Lord this week. Holy Communion iRu thy God in vain." Rev. Ghar- service will bc held next Sun- T R S T les Catto said that swcaring; da. is a syrnptom of a more sern- ous taking of the Lord's name Mr.s. Robert Boy'le, Toronto D0N~ LD . i vai. B' searig w ar and Mr. A. R. Baker and son DON LD Ae ýbetraying the namne of auir Gardon, Si. Huhert's, Quebec, Pfl~ftftcreator and his purpose for: were recent callers with Mrs.ý our lives. We are betravîng' A. E. Billett. MaCUKE~~IUK hiý; love for us and ouî oe M..A.E ilt a INSURANCE for him. The basic dishonesty!Sutnday dinner guest of Mrs.! .of professing ta be a Christian, W. S. Staples, Bowmanviile. 1 Phone 623-5962 :and yet still swcaring affects Mr. and Mrs. William Mur- 9% i/s ng St. E. Bowmanville everything cise in our lives. phy and Mrs. Sykes were Sat- ..:...... __________We will gradual]y eut offthe urday evening supper guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox. MODERN AS TO MOROW /R On Monday morning, June . ,i. ~~ 7 ~28, a verv plIeasant tinie was .'... - r enjoycd at the home of Mrs.ý MAGNESIUM LUGGAGE Raiph Ballard where approxi-R mately thirty neîghbars gath- -- >Rich beautiful interiors ered ta honour Mrs. Rhoda Truli and Mrs. Arlene Yeo.: give more pa cking Regret was expressed that _________________ --space. they were leaving our midst.. 1 with the hope that they would from $29.50 ifind happiness- and content-, ~ !ment in their new homes.. hre Mlie Corsages and gîifts were pre- SilyM lne Makes alilo h er ~- sented ta the honoured guests. Mr,,. Allan Clark, R.R. 2, lady who la happy ta sit in lugageaidfohoedl__---Each rcceîved a brass convexi Newcastle, was quite excàted the wings while other per- luggge 1 fahioediwall mirrar and bubbie glass, recently to iearn that her formers caper in the warm .perfume bottie with atomizer. nec Shirley Milliner of Van- glow of the spotlight and reap .................'. .. .Good wishes werc conveyedicouver, B.C. was in Toronto the applause. She expiains in verse and the recipients cx- as an understudy for the her reason for taking this ob-; /7 rcssed their appreciation. satîrical review 'Spring Thaw'. scure role this way: Co-hostesses Mrs. Euna Kil- c(oopers q e e l ri i ,mrs. Margaret Barry,ý According to a feature arti-! "This need to adapt your-ý C>L Mrs. Emma Widdecombe and icleien Weekend Magazine that self to several different styles Mrs. Muriel Truil served a'also used her photo, in color,1 is ter.rific experience and! 29 King S t. E. Bowmanville' dainty lunch of strawberryaon the front caver, Shirley isimakes you versatile. Anotherý _________________________________________shortcake and coffer. apretty and talented young1thing, it puts you on the out- rent a new superfast Cascade 40 for only 7,5ca month The Cascade 40 electric water heater can supply ail the hot water you'll ever need. a Two elernents produce hot water fast 0 Large tank keeps 40 gallons of hot water on tap 0 Needs no flue-can be in. stalled anywhere 6 Flainelesa-so safé and clean 0 For more information ask ,your hydro LIVE BE TTER ELECTRICALLY Bowmanville Public Utilities Commision 19 Kinq St. W. Bowniaville Phono 62M.471 ÀAT HOT PRICES Prices effective JuIy 7, I, 9 and le. We reserve the rlght to limit quantities. "RED HOT"" FEATURE A PKG. 0F HOSPITALITY FREE!1 WIENER ROLLS WITH THE PURCHASE 0F A 1-LB. Swif t E at the Premium W IEERS reg. price Lean, %lld, Cured Sweet Piekled - Whole or Haif COTTAGE ROLLS lb. d49c TableRite Mac. and Cheese - Bologna - Dutch - Plekie and Pimento Chicken Loaf - Pkg. Sliced COOKED MEATS 19c Lean and Meaty Fresh SIDE SPARE RIBS lb. 65c Leamington Grown Ontario New Crop 10b99 Sweet Julcy Valencias Doz. Size 138'o SUNKIST ORANGES 2 for 89c Prod. cf U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade Jumbo Size 45'u CANTALOUPES - 2 for 49c Prod. of S. Africa Canada No. i Grade Granny Smith APPLES 6 for 39c WHITE SUGAR White or Caloured Twln Pack WHITE SWAN TISSUE ....2 for 49c Caramel Wafers or Fancy Asst'd "so,. PICOB GRAY DUNN BISCUITS... 2for 55c Bayer Pkq. of 100 ASPIRIN TABLETS.......... ... 69c Maclean Economy asue TOOTHPASTE .................79c lîoopitality Pkq. of 6 BRAN MUFFINS ...............35c English Style 9-ox. Pkqs. LICORICE ASSORTED .... 2 for 49c SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS OR EATON MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES Receive an Extra $6.00 Bonus Tape wlth MIR Liquid Detergent 2 Six Receive an Extra $4.00 Bonus Tape with Kelloggs Special ""K," 1r-s. zq Javex Liquid Bleach ix"z Recelve an Extra $2.00 Bonus Tape wlth IGA Evaporated MiIk Tn Frozen Fish & Chips 2r4-cz. Pkq St* White or Colored 8-ox. OId ,neese Si Black Diamond Sliced Side Bacon 1/2ableRte ineu CELLO TOMATOES PCon. o . 1 rT Granulated 10-lb. Bai i75c DILbby Deep Brown4 9 Beans & d~Po~EVrk 15-o:. Tins R7 MARGARI NE M Golden Dew 1-lb. Pkgs. Stone's StrawsPkg.of -.2ot9c* Bowmanvillie IGA Foodliner - 10 WMAN VILLE- Fruit, Grape. Orange. OId South Frozen 6-o:. Orange-Pineapple 48-o:. $ Orange Juice 5 Tins $ HI-C DRINK 3 Tins IGA Canned "Buy a Case of 24 Welchade 2 32-oz.6f Soft Drinks lO-oz. Grape Drink2Sîze 69c for only $1.57 12 Tins 79c nrange-Cberry rsik Mies a Pg.Lemon-Lime, Grape 12-o:. D r eguarxe 10 kg49C Nestle's Keen Jar 49C ,'55c

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