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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 9

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tecomv Iln Peterborough ho The _____________ __________ pital thi wek. f -K e nThe snaianStatTnin, owmavi1e, YU5».4,1;6 is w is h e d tn M r . G e n . P a g e o f a n d o v e r . D o n l l n 7 y . 1 n o ~ s o e v n b e Shaw's School FieId Day AnIpnPmacnh~lh-;k Race: ~no.ele~n r~h.h,~ Bethonv who is currentIy in DMileSiii Peterborough hospital. Ili Ii r I -LegM Rc:Jun 0r ral Field DAy was held al Martin Barrett and Randy Anger. KeIWi Rarrett anid Our communitv w as repre- BriI s~M ~ L uce Gable DnyTyo:atCeigta a ~tha 's P bli Seh ol n Mo - M er. R odney Greenley and Pm nk Lom bardo, S t à ie L ' ented at the P ontypo l Gar- WIR y n a l n e th Pr And kpen intereet pre- kin and Frmnk Gallello: Wheel. 1,Race, Stanley LOTie, Bab Mil- ing. liv Skinner. Mhomers. Runhastsendl Save.rv andrr vail'ng. Cnmpetition wa.s hig, barrow Race. Rlckey Lovekin'1er, Roy Anger: Basebal iisBliofsmnaKen', tihreatobnedta gel the On the whole. the gme Debbie Millr ad hl Atr.Eiaehilci ln Ail rlass;es but moat prev'a- and Frank GalleUo:, Rodney T1hrow. Stephen Barrie, Weil- Callers at Malconia this Bl' !]adq f ieOPtving run buit jusi couldnt wAs wefl, played. ronsicieringilips: Senior, vnSnnroedahidynWshgt, lent in the Sr. Girls division Greenley and Russell WaLsh. ter Friedrich. Roy Anger. week included Mr. and Mrs.. Iy-plaved game 5 to 4 over h p s eom hta gt a run Prioss. al] the wet patches And the: Donnie Vivian whplre ..the rurnnerç-up, Pat Guy Gut.hrie and Ernest Prie- Senior Girls: APot Credt: .and LMrs orK nM 'sWearchtoVlno n t v Rfh l*.q and oldnhvi e n s t nrkfildonapîtohv Rd Plue1nl gnd Charlotte Drinkle drich: Sack Race, RieeckevncnPort Ctr eetoincraMe.hoandof f'îs.o wiîchNlhqha,.;eye Kck: unir. onyîJuliltlnRth' Whte euKicth Il d with 12 points each Lovekin. Rodney Greenley. Running Race. Pat R d lW r% and soroiy of fou., Bills BiIIards worn thi gam e ' M C lo g a n ~ Sme notables i tiisay B lo r S o Du a e T'îr a d , Arin o . em t y And ~JMct nue point behind the Frank Gallello; B a s e haà Il Diane Lesaie, Cathy Ange'r, of Sault Ste. Marie. the Ralpn behind the four-hit pitohing caught that long fly bail, V were Garry McCullaugh. Tonn!nister, BruceGol.\iBrtTrnMr odn wvinner. Diane Lesage. who Throw. Frank Gatillo.n Randy Running Broad Jump, Dian, Malcolms of Scarborough. ofMlBxeu hqfow jptS the time, Bils had two men IPearson and Ted Dadon. Ladies' Srno ik zr n r.Ewl ted IAid 13 points. Winnerm in the Miller. Riekey Lovekin. Lesage, Charlotte Drinkie, Pat Ha.'îîng operations h a V E Mel Burgess r n the wins col- Gibbs, dalnnshwrfrMs nther groups wyee: Jr. G~:irs ntermediate Girls.dl: Standing Bioad .lump, been going o full force thi umn with one w n and T alnFisi saals s kpy Lovekin: Int. Girls, Carol Running Race, Carol Love- Kathy Lovekin: Basketball Y R O N E i]' oIce alrerfve- ~AV'JT~ re 9crepancy on vening at Mrs.l' eoletedaithhmr i. Loei; n.Bos tehnkm. Ca roi Wighit, Linda. Throw.Dae eieSTARiiua~/LJ~J.jjj~ Barri: Sr. Boys, STBie. n ric, uni Brw.Jmp ote Dine LoyegeDr-ini' Idulfarms. ranging fror-n runs in the first two iflfljfl.-. The l'yron e Home andv pi/e. Banriecr ods, we re rie.Crol Lveknin, Lrnd Rr o tteThree-legge JoRce riK eh average or better to very poor. trom key hits and some had School mpmbors held the an- G î abaa Hl; i Dbo.aln %t MavrcrsweeboenCao oei, id rc. he-egdtae ah ielding by the Ken's Men*s fu]seolpirnic at O>rono 6-7 . TnuHal:law A D enci several othprs were equal- Sandra Patterson: Standing: Lovekin and Diane Lesage. Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Sae-Wa ea.Tnswsdu uak os -,Bli anv:Gil e sse. r.R.toer.Cs p ts were as tollowsq: Linde Brock, Sandra Patter-' Greenley and Mary Galleloeral of Fred's uncle. Mr. Atist- and second bae. nteeri se. Robhie Anderson: Girls îo-11î, in Manitoba. luweor Girlsa: son: Basketball Throw. San-'and Put Rudel (lied), Cathy tn Brown, interred at Nestie- Ken's didn't catch BilîS Unl- hre AinRygaBos M.Pr. Idca Patterson and Doreen Mc-'Anger and Charlotte DrinkIe; ton. tith hr nigwe ae hre n eeg:By i ec arw i hog Running Race, Janet Love-i Master (tied). Carol Wight: Wheelbarrow Race, Cathy An-' Messrs. Bia Wlsn ndKeshae t l i ndachen- r-sooRaTm cser .103. Joaln lur: Go s 12-3, Weniesyeen tls kmn. Wendy Ayre. Maxine Bra isnad1nçcmet ieadahe- P0e.ein:TmMR)e -t..1. aG al: urpyGs 12-3,, ienlemoilHodtavSTATE Thomas: Riun n i ng Broadi Three-Legged Race, Ca ro iger and Charlotte Drinkle.,perry Malcolm enjoyed a 4H ed four runs. Ted "Baldy' Margaret Hall. Ail the littlre Bnyd Jewehl: Girls 14 and'iweek. Miss 'MarlnFlsW5oe6330 Jurp.Jant ovein WedyLovekin and Linda Br .ociç, Lenona Harper and JOYM us tripin Guîelph this wrpek Hoar led this attack with a one., that. entered receîved a over, Lynii Skinner; Boys 141gues! ot honora îcl Ayre. Mxine Thmes:,Sa rolWight and Cindy Ayre,iGreenley. Mary Gallello and ___________ in ro ad Jn To-es J anetLv-! Poîlitî;Patterâon and Kathy Pst Rudeil; Sack Race, Kabhy; il kinMaxne Toma, Wndyolltt:Wheelbarrow Race.,Levekçin, Pat Rudeli, Charlotteý km, M axinet lTho,Weny1Carol Lovekin and Lindal Drinkie; Baaeball T h row.;ý dyAv re. AsehalTrwWn rock. Carol Wight and Cindy: MxneTomsarlotte Drinkie, Diane Le-' Thrpp ' lcgged Race. Maxinei Ayre, Sandra Patterson and -sage, Mary Gallello. Thomas And Wendy Ayre Kat.hy Pollitt: Sack Race,, Senior Cindy ,Antger and Brend aoo Lovekin, Carol Wight, o. Brork, Judy Wood and Doreen;Sandra Patterson: Basebail Running Race, Johin Wight. .Jan t L vek n an Sh ronC arol Lovekin . oreen M - R unning B road Jurnp, Erici Pen MeMaster, Cindy Anger Intermediate Boys: Bri;Sadn ra up1 and ren a B ock Sar Ra e. unnTom Barrie, Eric Patterson, Jas. Broen BrckMaxi ebhom rie, Roy Anger, Walter Fried-!Thr-ow, Tom Barrie. Paul~ ASh rw ndy Agr , Jtîdcbal' rieh: Running Bread JUMP..Crago. GeneMeMaster; Three-' Wood.Jane Lovkin.Stephe n Barrie, Roy Anger,!Legged Race, Erie Pattersoný Won. JaetLoekn.Walter Friedrich: Standin:g and Tom Barrie, Allen Bra-gý Junior Boys: Brad Jump, Stephen Barrie,; and John Wight, John Lane; Running Race, RandyMRy Anger. Walter Friedrich:!and Paul Crago; Wheelbarrow! r. Ricke.N.Lovekin, Frank'Basketbl Throw, Gery Rob-! Race, Allen Bragg and JohnW' Gallello; R un n ing Broan: inson. Roy Anger. Douglaýs1Wight, Eric Patterson andý Jump. Randy Miller, Rîcke Wood and Stephein Ba9rrieTon, Barrie (lied). Waynel ' Lovekin, Frank G a llello: (tied): Wheelbarrow Ra ce, Taylor and Gene MeMaster,l Standing Brad Jump, Rickey' Stepihen Barrie and Roy An-, John Lane and Pau] Crago;1 Lovekin. Frank Gallello, Mar- ger, Keith Banî-ett and Frank Sack Race, John Lane, Jotni lin Barrctt: Basketbba-11 Thcow, Lombardo, Stianley Lane andý Wigiht, Tom Barrie; Basebaliý Rodnev Gneenley RIc k e v Bob Miller; Tbree-Legged; Throw, Tom Barrie, Ecic Pat-ý E Canadian Tire GirlsPNTPL W allop Cou rtice 841 and he sn ritis~it,~ hi: ON 0F SH W S Columbia who have spent the1 41coring twice eacb in the fir.M Bannie Simmon' s single and'tain have returned to Canada Sta rts twn innings and adding four, a triple by Karen Essery. Both landt are spending a week wîthl more in the sixth, wvallopedi players aIea coilected îàgeýred here. Mr. Frank Ham- o u n Cotîrtire 8-1 in a Diirharn La- ta accounit fon ail four safe-1ilton 8cm h:0Wst Cost u >lis cutball attraction. last ties off winning hurler Brock.' also visiting bere. Frank, aiFSB L Moniday night al the Central Thee errors oaded thIeveteran of World War 1 lived 4iUf E M Grti-de Cale smshed a PrnPtlY LIflladed a sixth years. home run, following a single inning thcee-bagger to put the * M PVf hKaren White ta get hlegamne on ice. Virpnla Fair- Dr. Hamilton studied so<cial 1E - Iocals off to a big start. in ey*'; single eompted tbewokadok a Fei]owship the s-,econd ShirleyLBock pIlat- »cOing. with the Dept. of National1 cri îwo ruus on a triple to aid Janet Esseî- and Susan Gav .Heaith and Welfare. He took' the, ownî pitciiing cauise. who tank avec in thethtir-d bis Doctorate in L iverpool, C -rie pcd up hir comnbined ta permit .even!Universîty in the Dept. oti bits, while walking Severi AndtSocial Science. During bis clairing a single .trike-o.ut holidayq he visited 20 difierent 1 Wfii an 705 two and walked a pair to aearn'tain <'ountries). Ending up inB OMNI LL OS li nthe derisinn. Spain bis wife and sons spent considerable time there. The' Canadian Tire BsUntIng children tank< cocrespondence I AV.rageacourses sent over fromn Britisho Columbia. The family trav- atj qnhf.rat@ A.R. Hits Avg.!elled in a motor cai-avan whictu .41' nhia hie Annabel they lhave with tem and Nvill *.j. rpt te.1~ .500 bc laking witb them when Rety Thprtplil 1, 7 .412 they leave for Vancouver on j Tn roinsolidate youîr AnMGiv4.6 JuIy 19th. Dr. Hamilton wil Ann cGuy Il4 .164be taking a position as Assisi- hilix or for any other Sarh ille 15% 5 .333 ant Professor al the Schoal or, worhw i-poq Shirley Patfield 3 1 .311 Social Work at Vaneouver. H-e Di Oe :Peggy Haynes ý 21 6 .286 spoke bighJs' of the kindness; Lenoe Smtîh 6 7 269of the people in ail of the providing you are Hee ihosn R2 20euntries he visited. Theue is Hipln Nchoson 2 250ta bc a gothering nf air his stealdilveMPlOyP.d and Rea Ou-mistan 28 fi .217;friends bere on Sunday« . .uly haegn cei. Karen White 29 0; .207 1tb ai the home of h is cousin, hav rod redt. Virginia Fairey* v 1I 3 1,,,Mr. RosF Hamilton. Tolephone 723-4631 Shirley Bock 12 2 .167: L.O.BA. 1314 and L..L. 2 - 'Pr Battle of the Boyne in Peter- ________Delores Davéy 20 2 U)() borough on Saturdav. Head,,ed by the smart Fallis Line Flute, j a Band the ladgee Made a fine - S at nshowing and received consid!- I IE eh es the4 myth on - L- ral aprse b te mnvILI IEaoeIF DMfm, lhT@mUR PHONI 82.1-30M5 Mr. and- M-r:. Wiibert'Mal- P(>. BOX 1499 - OWMAN VILLE. ONT. coun and their familieit were Friday guests ai Mr. and Mrs. ~StânIeY Malcolm et their ent-tUIJI' K~~~~ N l~~~îage in Caesarea. Wfi~__________ Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Archer ~ , RINGTM$ ofn Brighton were guests this week with Mrs. Annie Me-! SPECIAL 1/ PRICE PASS Quade and Mr. and Mrs. David te the îWilson. On Sundav the Muirrav Malcolms altendeci the Me- 1 aglnPaer.utICartwright THE BIG DRAW a KI SM N S P R CAkR Miss qDaciene acl &etH R SY U C AN ET KIYSMEN SUpER CAR ~few days thix week with ETH...19 5 CV LipM. Duffirneur Burketnn. B 1 N O m MGlad ta report that Miss iAnnie Rowan ha: been e- wl bed a nf r t etth ý lessed from bospital. I O O T PETEBOROGH3 Miss Sharon McMahon ;s PEEBRUHMEMORIAL CENTRE Mspending a couple nf weeks8Drw -2TiktEchra IN TOONTOCarnival OVR$,0 NPRSicnit Gray. TICKETS 25c tc fr$0 "'n 45apcfld arfem PIZSinlîdig Missâ Mitzi Ma&Icolm enter- - TICKETS - -- 50Oc each _________________________________ New00196S ; n .0 I -Le Gcar tram0fgSnwal cîsmîe gr ninst daîCr of your eholce or tainec a half dozen ot hem ______________________ <57 noa.l; S U M II 8Sms0whaiI (52 nos.); $6001 pyjama paty this week on the P C A D A O t reguiar Damteu. sIN speilainaes occasion of hem 12th birthdav. S EforDR W i>oat fnd . bo tie COnOnv Prk or sineand Miss Karen Malcaolm of Scar- Al Poe d 1)0*t ur9t 1 buY te meue. akfrvlead borough s t àfew days this A iPo e d o itis 4 EarIl' Bird Gaines (Share the Wealthi h r nan aido ,t snPat jin Oilla Mn Sunda., I KE S2 Nianyreo snd Valuabî, DoeanPritesaiternoon. lar aM :3 sathuTeArt Clans cRohî n, n Lions Community Work TCES ---- 2cec o 1O derwM1, a aucces3ful tonail-,

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