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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 10

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Rare Tandem Appears in Parade UGG. LIST $0O.95 OUR $9.15 'RICE GAL. McGregor Hardware One 4)f iuose UnUStFIa tandem bicycles, owned bv Shîrly lForscv, 196dKing St. E., clrew much comment, froam spectators al. the recent Lergion KFiddips Par- 95 KING ST, W, IAMITED PHONE 6231-5211, ads-. The' two clowns who hanidled the- tricky machine like vsp-rs ais- Nota ________________________________________Rab,\, fr-ont. and Julie Fagan hringing up the rear. Thp hespe-ckled rider ai. for ______________________________lefi could not be identified. HAS ONE MILLION FEET IN STOCK 0F USED BOARDS Good for shectking, flooring, sidng, patch-up worlr for house onci barni, etc. Ail lumber is and free of ia ils. #hi@ Is esic*Iy a pick-up et Our yard prit., FOR THE HANDY MAN Uncleaned USED BOARDS 25-00 per thousanci Cheaper bv the. Trurklood" tax on Used Building Materials" Announcing.. JOHN BEAN SPRJ are pI.ased to announce the appoini IBERNARDS GAR, FOR PARTS& SERV Newcastle JIM WRIGHT - for Spral Newcastle seys% on Saturday, Mr. M Yis' welcomed hern and peiý1I-nnt ~r i g o o n i ted them to touIr bis fiower, gardens, a touir well worth rln t C u c lVi&s Darleiie'hicksoii Tor- Dari hngton T'ownsh ip Cour-- îuîîî a docision oit the Boa id onto. left by air on Saturdavcil me-t in the Municipal Build-;to ihe Ontario Municipal for- Jamaica where she will ing ori luly 2nd, Reeve Blan-ý Board if snjch an appeal shoutd speîîd two ws-eks with Mjýsc ard presiding, Deputy Reeve occîil,., :Annette Clou.ghi. a past. room- Muir, Councillors Gibbs and'Mvdh onilî îh mate of Darl1ene's at, univer- Down pt-ssent. aod bow n t l e Clerk he gity. Mr. Rober-t Westheuserl Movs-d by CouInCillors Down -insttrîîcted to retain E. R. and Miss Su7anîîc Thickson and Gibbs that ibis Counicil vei b îprsn th ook her to the Malton airPOrt endorse a Resohîtion o h Township in matteî-s in which Mr~. and Mrs. Ken Trew'Town of Whitby rigarin...Tonsip Sliitrhe bave bs-en entertaining fris-mis costs of education and lat clines to set bricause of' pos- tram Westminster, B.C., Mr..the Town of' Whitbyv be sa in- sible conflict of inters-st. Jean McKay and fouir childi- foi'red- ren. Mrs. MeKay is a daugh-1 Moved bv Deputv Reevei Moi'ed bN' Countcillor 'Gihhs, ter oi' Vs-a Ti-esi a former IViiir and CoLincillor Down arnd Deputy Reepve Miir that resident of Oak Hill. and a'that the resignation ot L. D. ,thiz meeting ad.ioujr î. nis-eai' Ken Trew. Mr. and'urnn be accepted with regret,; iMrs. Len Smi th anrid fa m ily and that the Clerk write Mr. ais-o visits-d.1 Dunni expressing Counils ivsg- mi,. sncf M-.Cae rt ai his leaving and Rppre-1 Reatty, Doris and Evelynn. ciation of hisq past servi.es5. 1 and Mrs. White look in thel Movs-d by Counrilîneus Dowsn Twe1fth ceslebrations ai Peler-: and Gibbs th-it payment for bnrnugh on Satuî'da.y. Several wages, and saiaries for the, others attended froro bers-. period during which an, em-, Roger Challîs,Mitro<PoYe is an vacation rnay he,ý had the misfortune to fat] offmade in advance nof stîc vara-; a bicycle hers- on Saturdav tionopsriod and that the Reeve, and is in the hospital with an Treasîîrer are herebvý badly cut leg. 'authorized ta issue cheques in' Sympthis ae etens-d payment thereof on the lastî Sympaties ae extnded 0'working day previnus to % Mis. Brooks in the ds-ath 0f î;acation peîiod. the late A. Brooks. Several oe y Dpuy Reeo attnd-cfth fuerl.Satu- ,Muir and Councillor Gibbs!;' diiv. 'that the Clerk be atîthorizedý - to retain [tha Township Solici-' tr to represeni Dariington. YELVERTON ýPanning Board in an appealt 10 The Canadjan Statesmnan. Bowmranv-tl1e. JuIv 14, 1965' ELIZABETH VILLE Ohuirch servicpe were helct are with Mr. an<l M". V. hem-; Sunday schffl hefore Peacock. Chu rOh. Sacrament services Bible Schnol is being heid Were al." hele at the êchool for the next two1 Mr. and Mr-.. Jackson p<>a- weeks. Mis-s Suzanne Thick-l eock and boys. Kapuskaising. iOn and Mrs. M. White arel arrived for the blimmer holi- helping froro this area. days last week. Mr. Peacock The 4-H Clubs of Morrish, la~ attending a sîrminer tour',P.Rossmnount and here, along, en Principalmanship at King- with the present leaders and' Moan. Mrs. Peaeock and bo.ysi pas t leaders, visiÀted Mr. Mas-; r THIS FIRST QUALITY LOWE BROS PLAN TO ATTEND DAIR y NIGKTm IN NEWCASTLE ARENA JuIy STARTS 7: 00 P. M. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS - 0 FREE ADMISSION CHOOSING AND CROWNING 0F 1965 DAIRY PRINCESS MILK DISPLAY WITH FREE SAMPLES FOR ALL! 10- 2-LB. LOTS 0F BUTTER 8- 5-LB. LOTS 0F CHEESE 2 DRAWS FOR A WEEK'S SUPPLY 0F MILK PROVIDED BY MAPLE GROVE OR GLEN RAE DAIRY. (COURTETSY OF: Crystal, Gien Rae andi Mapie Grove Dairies. BowmanviIIe, bruinn Dairi-: Cobourg, Oshawa. Bowmanville, Toronto MiIk Prodiicers; Northumnberlandi & Durham Cream Producers; Crow Bay', Hoards, Warkwnrth andtiMinni%> Cheese Factories, Durham Jersey andi Holstein Clubs; Hampton andi Bar- wood Creameries. 2 out of 3 new Ambassador buyers switched from ther m Mi. Sani Moultoiî hadl the imisfortune to tai] wh-n aIJ r. Gard ne s A mif D work and break a bone in h rd ner 1 nkle and wilt be sporting a n usý. j casi for several week.. I Oh B uTip to ilMr. [van Cook took hi,. firlsi service ait the White C'hur i-che t ou on Suniday. On Tns-sday ev- munity took advantage of tthe ïbïa sn 7 ebi onpprtunitv to ms-et outr rew or the Orono Junior Gardenes-u mninister, his wife andf famil;1viand friends journeyed ta the ai a specia:. ervice hs-ld at Serpent Motinds Park on .]anetviile. Ttîesday. hl y 5th. Mis. Rnv- Rohinsoiiî 5 tak- Alter thev a rî ivedi the i,.~5' inr, a surrnier <ourSe AI [j hidsn -îyed swimming ' a a Hi,,h School on Elemen- bsfoie their lunch. During the tary Gtiidaincs. Miss Elizq-,atteinoon an inspection of beth Rowan iF takinz a sum-îthe Mouînds was enjoyed, fol- Mier course ayn Frenc.h at lnwed. by races which were in .. ."... Oiillia. charge of Mrs. T. Fait-brother Misý Cindy N'lac 1nim af, and MIr. and Mrs;. L. Astett. Sc-ar«oornî.îgh spent this wcek i Winners of the differen1 races with bs-r cousin, Miss Itidyiws-re as follows: Robinson. Pums- Ralph Mql-' First race .speciaI for al - colms spent the ws-ekend wi.ýh girls ove, 12 years, ti'easurei reiatives in the vicinity. hujnt, won by Julie Schmid, a Mr. and Mrs. Roy W6crYlbsach bag donated by Cora. and girls of Sauilt Ste Maiieiish's Red & White Store...... IMr. and Nb~s. Aida Nasato and Hopping race, girls 6 ta 10Io~ ýLouis aof Port Ci-edit. weî,eiyrsS slt.Hate c iSLindav visitors ai Malcon ia.; GiH . Charmaine Newman. Th tory Tifl b nloifl Hopping race, boys 6 ta 10.... The Wilson farnilies eruioyed yrs.-- Paul Staples, Jonathan a tRniily picnic on Suiday ai Sta pIes, Tommy Lowery. the Carl Smnith cottage nj, Girls, 1 1 yrs. Andf ove- G(av: For thousands ofpopewoadaasbe Lake Scugog. Quidn. alvS ls Jli makes, 1965 was the year of the big switch.. The 10)0 pcer<s-nt use of' Boys t 1 yrs. and river backs on cars they'd always bought and d moye safsty glasses in aIl its plants'Chris. Asieti. Wayne Couvier,. o a e hymsthv a oepet a insttte1y959 Cn-Pe Lre. bet disfllusionment was one of themn. (When:y inl99.Balance the candy, 6i-tO girls _Dale Evans, Kathy Grady,! rust, rattles and repair biRs year after year, yo Janet Schoenmaker.1 if you reaity have to!) iBoys -Norman May, To'(mmy Btw hn h e masdrisl a ILov,7ey. Paul StapleF. Btw hn h e maSdrisl a Girls, Il yrs. anîd ae- reasonL This year's Ambassador is the bigges Bannie Hirlow, Evelene ever b0ilt-more solid Ramb4er quality desigr Brown, Donna Challice. car bo)yer. And the Ambassador offers moreo SBoys Il yrs. and over- f veyhn rom bucket seats te p r disct Aà Y ERS Aslett, Peter Larsen, Way e ver1~ ment ofFairbrother. tmn fBalloon race, girl -l-S. anStesa, Sue Aslett, Yvonne 'A G E Schoenmaker. 1Boys, 6-10-Paul Staples, Â G E iTommy Lowery, H-arold Stesa. iGirls, Il yrs. and aver--Sali rIIE Si.aples, Evelene Brown. Julie Phone 987 -4756 Schmid. Boys. 1l yrs. and over- Wayne Conivier, Peter Obrist ____________SeUsofRm..ôa, ABCcolcin- Dale MEEI MOT R Evans, Paul Stapies, Donna yer Sales ~Challice, D n nna Williams,McUE O O YvneSchnenmnaker, Bonnie Phone 987 -4728 Yvornw. Nancy Barrabal 21 9KING STREET EAST Chris Asie tt-Times. anufacturers this year. isador sales up 211%) m loyal t'O the Ottier -They turned theïr med to Ambassador. ygood reasons. We y"ou've put up with iu start wortdering the most rrnportant: st, most kzxurious ,ned for the lager optionls this yea r- brakes. mpPofed performance, too-including the new 232 ct1ýi. n Torquc Corî. mand Six, the most powerful, smoothest-ridr-ng six om the rocfd, and a mighty 32 7 cu. n. V8. Of course, Ambassador's trtrly out- standing interior must have sold qtute a few peopte (or was it th-e big car Fuxury at a medium price that did the selling?). No matter what their reasoos were, you can probably think of sorne of your own to go Amnbassador. Who kriows-mnaybe, the famnous Rambler features (Deep Dip Rustproofrng Dou lIe Safety Brakes, Ceramic*Armoured Muffler, rattle-free Sing 4rnt Con- struction) are beginning to make a ltot f sense ta yd. Tf>ey'v- already male a lot of sense to thousands af people who were in the çanie boat. Ambassador Se i uizeUJassc ê fl d uJmwxmAmbasao4 at oRaebsrd SALES LTD335 À4~p~ UOTO~ lc..a~aq.,w,.18 Ë«sr's4t Phone 623-3356 syGardens at Canton on Fn- 1 Congratulations to BannIe W ES L E V IL L EMrs.F. Hoskin were with thei Jean Malcolmr who Dassed ~ L Y V I L L E roup which had thelGrade 111 Music History and OnSaturday evening, JulJ gft which iricluded ome nor privilege of' visiting the Mas-113arry Malcolm who recei-ed Oalarge number of friends 1lo0vely blue niauntain pottery'day. Ist Class Honour- in (;rade VI gathered at Wesleyville Church from the choir, Marie thanked Suzanne Eyden who has 'pianoI. hl ohonor prospective bride, all ner friends and the girls been in Port Hope hospital for:ý Mr.' and Mrs. Ciharir-, Tiavie MreAustin. A large table lin charge served tea. coffee a couple of weeks is hoping t10land Karen of Toronto N-qitrd wspiled with parcels wrap- 'and other îîsual refreshments. be home some time this week.lytr. and Mrs. Grant Thornpson, ped in gay colors, man *v trim- ýPearI Austin, Wanda Ford, Another neighbor, Mrs. Gladys' Mr. and Mrs. Brucr Hraslio med with real flowers'. The Sharon Thorndvke. G w e nBrooking, is there also. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Law- butterfles on the table cover-lFord, Barbara Dinner, Vaierie, Mrs. E. Barrowclough re-1son. ing were repeated in larger Austin, as well as Mrs. Hoskin;turned from Scarborough lastý Friends are ws iimpi ni. size, suspended from the ceil-land the three Nichols sistersiThursday where she was stay-led health to Mrq. William Strl ing where 1 hey glittered with!'were responsible for this happy ing with her granddauighteriwh i a patient in >i Perry bright decoration. Pa rt.y. uintîl Melody*s mother return Hoptl Marie was escorted to the There were 56 at Sîînda 'v ed from hospital. li-i Hop il - ii i r table by girl friends and re-:St:hDoo on Sundav mornin~ Nelson Barrowclough of Sur'foar L- a 1 ý% ~ ,ceveda ovev fowr crsae.with SuperintendentGere %e, PC.. is visiting his gran-sm okatGnrlltr i ceved a l vel fl wercorage.i n Ge rge re- n(- 1 M i. a nd M r,. Phlp La- 'Gloria. Joan and Ruth Nichols Tufford in charge, on JîîlY Il. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bar. 'Chanice or roroto pî,rciiase'd sang "Ail the best things in JmsNco was the organrologh the 7A Grill frorn John Cif h- life are free", accompanied bvist for the closing hymn. carl some time ago, Tlrv lhave their mother, Mrs. Carroll'Friends 0of last year wer,-EST TnI een îenovating lhr piemrisýes Nichols. Mrs. Fred Hoskin con happy to welcome a stu ident N and have noiv opeored an tip- ducted a gamne called 'Maries from Nigeria who is spend- Miss Eva Williams is pron-'to-date eatinig housv honeymoon suitcase*", which ing the second summer in thc. gressing favourahlv in Osha-; Sundav lstoswith l lr. xvas surely weil packed. Mrs. neîghborhood and who ilw Hospital fOllowinR and Mrs. Grant Thom-p,ýoin Hoskin also read the address tell the Stinday School some- strgerv. were Dr. and Mrs . Jac k 'X - of appreciation and good wish-thnofiscnrvexSu- M and Mrs. John Veale aind 10w. John. tane and flot Mia es to Marie expressing recog- day. Church ser-vice was a, son .John of Sault Ste. Marie of l.ivelv, Mr. and Mr,ý Nr1 nition of her rnany services Zion, and will be in WesleY- spent a few days with Mr. andWr, Carot and Larrv. Mlr. giveni for the benefit of the ville next Sunday. Mrs. Charles Fallis. and Mrs. Neil Raile1v and lio%\ - commîînity, and pleasLîre that Mrs. A. Thorýnd.yke, Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Dick flavisoni aid. Mr. and Mra. .\le,.\lil' she would still ha ns-ar. Thorndyke, Vals-rie- Austin, left for a holiday in Western i'and Mr. aid Mis. 1ilLiard. After opening thie 2maiy Donna Ashby, Gws-n Ford anrd Can;-da. !Millardi of Wh1ilhvN. HOUSE PAINT " Full gloss -oil base -house paint " Flows on easily end evenly si " Stretches the y-e-a-r-s be- C tween painting P " Endorseti by leading painters everywhere Thursday, - - 77-- - - - - . . - 1 T GET MORE FOR YOUR PAINT DOLLAR A] lm-,R-*LVS JL 0 0 0 15 ;Q .,-

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