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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 12

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DEADLINE Births_ InMemoriam l rice for Sale 1 Articleis for Sale Livestock For Sale Teachers Wanted !Real Estate for Sale Real Estat o aeRalEtt ae PVEFFER-Otto and Helen BISHOP-In loing memory 1W ATER for sale and delivered, j WATER for sale and delivered. PALAMINO gelding, quiet. BOARD oC Educatio_0n-for CHOICE building lots, suitableJckRcdGereByee <fnee Allun> happily announce of a dear father who passed .24 hour service. Cali 623-5756.!Cali Clijf Pethick 263-2131. lPhone 623-3961. 28-1 * To-.,.nship of Ca rt wr i gh t, o u-ijin nBa the arrivai of their daughter away.,,JuIy 8, 1961. r 9-tf i134-LEG ---- rgier d andBlackstock, req uires for Sep-'stock. FrdvTrewin Bla8- JackTO Susn Mchlle 6lbs 1 oz..Youreflo frgote. dd. BALED hay. Ralph Giaspell. CASE combine, 5% power take-i grade cows and heifers, fresh- tember one teacher for Juno REALTRPoe6350 etOshawa Hospital. Mondav.. Nc.r ever shali yoi be. R.R. 4. Bowmanville. 263-2547. off, good condition. Phone jening snon. Phone 623-2212 GeMd ernol. Salary chd- ! elrKwaJ. 99 King St. E.,Bwavle Bwavle nfe e .11V1,16.2R-i1ýAs long as life and memorv 28-1*263.240f) 27- 98.1* 623-2503 lo lest.' 12- 1-6 . - - -s- - __[ Stanciard 1, minimum $3,30f,)cudd wel ultan kp P"ýWELL- To Mr. and Mrct. We shall remember thee. OUTBOARD motor for sale, FRIGIDAIRE rerrigerator, ini HOLSTEIN hieifers, treshening maximum $5.000 StnadRATR am -erom bikbnao .iaugliter (stihîborn), on Thurz- land riaughter-in-law, Don and 1 hone 623-34 -59.___ 28-1 *- 623-3228. _ 28-1 * Blackstock. Phone 986-4737. St. ndard No. 3, $3.900, maxi- MemcroOhaw&Dsti ec' Ample wtrspl.T oe n xr hwr day. July Rth,. 1965. 28-1 Betty and famil.v. '8- lf 16-FOOT boat and 25 h.p. ONE set of steel bunk beds -26-4 mumi $5.600. Cumulative sick 1mRr of Oshawea &Drd lAfsn1.00wtlo.owCseo hos.Aknrc --.Johnson motor; trailer and ac- and mattress, $15. Telephone-- leave plan. Apply in writi1ng1 onpyet SERMWIN - Laiirenier andiBlSHOP-In dearest memory cessories. Phone 263-2151. 623-3152. 28-1 ~ For Rent to tlie Principal, Mis. Dorothv l.2 King St. W. 6233-4533'amnt 1,0 wt usanilaw Glenda (niee Cowan) are proud of a loving husband, John 28-1 CAE et 2f.x1 f. AG ernni rven nBlackstock. '28-1 Bow~man'ille $500crefarmnea ecsl.BwavheWs n n to announice the birth of theix' Charles, who passed away sud- G ENDRON baby carniage, two rooms. ike ne-, $7.5. home. Phone 623-.3939. 28-1* _28--1e ou down pymnGodoidhewihatinnwakgdsacero te FrWatrRs,6Is12osdenlv on Jîily 8, 1961. vvanteaNine bis rckhom inSot ea.3' 0'ban.Godcetr o tw erboan3 ~on Walter Ross.6 lbs. 12 OZS.ýlarge crib, double bed. tar- Phone 987-4386. 28-1 AATET n1lmtn ~ on Saurda oia . Ju v 10 w96 .a tl Fo dly o ed a d e pl pa2ie. Ph n163- 73 . TR A ILER S - _ Tent trailers, only abstainers need apply. 1 --LO W ard. 1-ias m odern furnace, 3- w ater supply. $ 80 0 e r o r m u g l w o Memonia28Ho11ital, Boofan- mourned.1 m iss r84 cabin trailers for sale or rent. 'Phone 263-2200. 28-11 W ANTED -- Serviceable age Ipiece bath. etc. Asking $9,000) $5000 dow n. 1 0 s e i a e nd e s o h a. A k vIle. 28-1k Heant o f m ' bear 13.000 PR U N ED Scotch Pine, A uth nized Parts, Service.1C O T G fo - r n a d H ereford o r- Shorthorn b ll. "! ih 1 .0 0 d w r w a acres near Tyr on . H u e h s î g p ic 1 . 0 i h $ , 0 Engagement Offertmv darling, mv teais nine years nid. Phone Vernoi Miller, 9 Tudor St., Harwood ibeach, hot and cold water; -_________2_3-267,5. _ 81cn.oiafrd. auiu ii Cec] ils.MaleGrve flow: !Peacock. Garden Hill 106J11. N., Ajax 942-3491. 25-4 ot.Pon 2-45 28-1~ LIVE poultry, nid feathr r 2-Stoime.y home on Duike St. veniences. Gond( r.Ee-$100cs.Gv sa MIr. Cc!Mls MpeG e1Dimming your p i c turer 28-1* USED washer parts, l h.p. ba -tPAhTMe63245T. fiMve roomsBeh n iecodtin icl ý'_ foig t - tiks. . Flti, .R. theehengagenmeenndiion.Nicey de- flwing strimveAski g ofer ~nnoîncs te enageentwhere'er 1 go: !QUANTJTY of gond quality mntors. Complete unl fsl otined.uofnshd any. Phone 7 r 13 collîcit oratec lbroughout. Oil heal- $22.000.NaiHgwy15:3e- bis ciaughtcr Barbara Aileen.!Tîsý sari but true. I will abidelbaled bay iin the field. M. L. Beatty, Thor and Crosley a_ disol. hn ecsl .,81ing ag o. sig$5 0 Irom rik enerspitlee in Mr. Richard MePhaden, son0i'Unfil some day we']l be sideClemens. Hampton 263-2026. pliances. P a d dv's Ma-,eaut nv.PoeNwateTerrns arria nged. omnllHmebugo. Macredon of Vrs, Daiss McPharlen, Bnw- hv side. 987- _2- amtn 6324. 12t 14514. 2-1OLO DCanadian Coins. pav to Rom2-slîe rckhoe3 roo unaowwtycr cn. hshoemutbese naivillir. The marriage to' Always remnembemed y ite COTTAGE, t wo bedmooms ic.. ihl pm in~iimcîaecniin ls takeý place on Satcrday, .luly Freda. 2,8.15'00 -SCOTCH Pine ChniïstmasINSULATION, blowing meth- ihydro, boat. beach flotsfe o Apply 10 Div;ision Si. S_. Bo\v- soean rols l port. Rec. ronm tn ie.t eapecae.Akn 31IsI al 12 noon in Maple Grove l trees on stump. To be eut this od, wîth rock xvool. Work- clmandreolgondlishnm.-pfiîý num0 aninplandetorLarOge UntdCuch 81 ear. Phone Cavan 944-5438. manship figuaranPheee,.iFre -niVemynscenic 10 acre lots withing Uie hrh2-1BURGESS-Memory's loving 28-. estimates. Harr\ L. Wade, Orono- 371. - _ 27-2*!FIP.ST caif Hîti efr hae.Pie ih t ~ sprt îigro.Mrc -548.manhi guratee. ree-Hlstinheierhelei. ried igt a $1,00.ively landscapedplsice Mi. and Mrs. Colin Darrach Norman Oison who died July KEYS et tom1tically while ,an automaically whileor'orrwithout Phstream.h 14, 193. youwaitPt MeMllen Hrd- 38-if furnishied, separate entrance.Davis, 263-2284. B 16-tf 'homeblicbeuttu hm ofNewcp.stle annouince the en-14 63yowatatcMlerdI.- abstainr'rs, adluits 16'il- P ln ice location. Living finishing touchecmptd niO75x20.Ain gagement of their daughtry ftle garden of rest. wa re, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ISOFA, uinfolds to double bed lage of Hlampton. Telephone B s and dining room facîng south.1aIl yoi ]ave to d smv rc 270 ieu m Nancy, to, Mr. Ron Thompson,I No worry or pain. ville. 3-tflsize, $25: desk, modern, ma- 263-2979. Business Oi iîate'd. Storms and serpens. land en.ioy il . Ako 1.0 of son of Mm. and Mrs. Frank!God bless you Norm dea r, PASSANT'-_G-adin- --- n- hogany, $30; kitchen chrome adofcnel.Tvata Trs.12- Thompson of Bowmanville. 1Till we meet again. eut loweS, conaier a dtable and four chairs to -match, APARTMENT, two rooms adi Opportunity ;Pleirv f clses.TI a____Tems The wedding f0 take place ionl Lovingly ,remembei'ed Iby 623-3527,cntaner ____11 Satuday ,JIy 2, 165 I St* ~i Kments. Calil6233 ange1"$25. Ail articles iin excellent; complete bath. ideal foi one hîe $13.000 is the fI rc o Pauls UitedChuch, ow-. -28 I' Duke SI.. condition. Phone 623-5233. person, furnisbed. bcated; ner MEN and women wanted foi' Cottage 3 bcdmroom, brand ibis 3 bedroombuglwo Tedr Pal', 28-1 urh Bvýfrig and stove, free parking, part tm r 1l im iet c ihorietolt o- Dumbam St. This oewl H alntn Twsî manîle.2 ~cock 2-1MALO-.I îvig emmyBABY caragsalciEt-Tyetleionarial. Aply Sates csriin, Immediate profits and muting distance. No dlown kep, home is onaquesd-PbcSholruistner large cmib,.,p'ay penosmal28_1man Office. Bowmanville.yopeningcrfor advanpeme, mt.lpayFICE.EAcfpatiOn eypd-loteclose toruptowncanditoiiedecoratt.tActmalmsnce iVr ndMs.JakdeHasof idear wife and mother, tble, stove, sewing machine. wcatrs,acheue wnsiters, dfpie'_manOffice,_BowmvnvitleaI 8 mPdnlot, close Sh tr n r.Jc eHa AnsKte h asda hn 2-!a 'rtrs, caddescsiers, dupi-, 27-tf Meci. wifh Mr.L. JonstonPronerties Urzentlv Reutired yvet handy to al shos ot ori ule c of Carnpbe!lcroft are pleased Jjil, 11, 1964. Bb -.1811.Iuntue W uy d, eI.tnRn oratPrhHl eeaton Tnigs- ric bnglo.WaItwalAE.hirfer5pmTe- t noccthe engagement dymissed and o Brl NGor selling furniture jservice. Largest stock. budget .ntd ioom. LTbeRtDSST.S3 bedmoomIN For information, contacti Ii off lîcîr daughter Maria, to Mm. F appîld i' laenc ad tNGcal Elmer, terrms. New and used. iow - ïiouevl.LmctyS.SBw .(d--------65biadomilvngomadpoe72659Tnercos ai a p p li a n c e s, T Wo p r c e , B ll o oîr)i t h eet f b e d r o o m5 . a u -6 ;a b d r o r a EMr.oksdof BomarvieycJaThs' residence 263-2695. 6-tf Hamilton, Raglan (Nortb Phone 623-.1604. 2 -3: T6128- oom with bîlliar al.ToEnikle.2. MmrookndoMrs. Harvie'.Jamef, f1PI a elp Warxted 1baths. Asking $1890-trs %vedding Nvill take place atlMK -In l loving niemoi-y 'PCK your nwn strawbermies. Oshawa). '4 Jlhbt hita eomdWilfred S. McKay who assdlf Nwovleadnr f'T STBowm2nvibreck-efhome.bTF passedO itit Rfrmd y tlv6 15.Newton.vCale and-220 orth 09LAT THREE DAYS'wOwandby eachrerabmoving -f - Ph-nue 26_-256-b Uif Ovvi ilck home. Ch btros Sho or eqie edr Churcli. Bowni\illc,. 28-1,1Wa-Jmîly 6--954.-Nn. 2.-aîl 78-2202. 2715..2 peay erise1FEMALE switehiboard operal- P.E.,%LTO0R Q' fiae loe% igS. o avnzd ieln ec Augdobf1ot WriteaAdvcctaseraj- 12.9f10 -$2,000don'frLdEgiPulcSho ____ W do îlt nee a speiai dy lIRETRACTABLE (fo 1 d inrg) 1THtJRSI)A Y FRII>AY 636, c/o Catnadian Statesmani, iOr. Apply in writing to Box Bowmianville - 14 FrAnk ,St. KN T .AATETIronsadajiigtw DeftsToi biing voi ta oour' mindtî'aileî bitch (heavy dufy, $7: J.18, )AV P.O. Bx _f) Bo12nviKING38ST. E.n 1 RWi. emer Vrn .oFor fbbe davs we do tnot tbink metal ice chest, $7: power 1 .25-4 IOYS. 15-17, for pmuningPhe6395 DG5pexovryatc-Seiiatnsmy RE\'I. *erertVene naf yoit moweir. $5: (niceds repaiir). for M T R opl _jl -q it Chrislinas trees: $1 an boum. DA,,11R Y F'ARM. 2:36 acliets PIS Ive lot near Libett n andfn twr c MATURE couipt with uietae $5,00 yr. A king T vish,5anadia Tire orpn. 'R~-A VitoiuHs ia, ot- Ai 'ey had o fiid aU 6 33 0(.28 C ow an E q u ip m en t snaill dog, \islh 10 rent (,,- Pho nt, th y 5 6 r î11 a w.n 1$45,0wih050he d- Terris, rea1 on Wdcd'.me3.rAlwavs remcmbered bv sis- ofChumcstStn. Bowmanviule l96-. lerbert Verine Tre\rjin.brAieM.Bug n WHITE enamnel cook stove fumnisbed one or- two bedmooni 2- o Hîti cti.FliUne o? r 1new nmachincur. Tenders mîst be sumitted iF dcf 2 23 3 raeside Avenue, faniilies.;eectrc wshidumahinx, ond ilk CRO KED REE . 3 cd- wniing y W dnedayJufo21 Cer.AloCc M.Bdtplex. apnartment nr EXPERIandCEDefniaav for.OP- 1contracl. Good buildings. Ask- 'room bungalow o ce 95 oS .Jms e'. b'r.lo'. d I1i.sband of Gretta ' .theerir wansheif: maie.smnall bouse mu Bowmnanville erating farini machinery Of' lingo 6.5.0 0. Terms. 'beside the school. nv$50TesP o MInoivad ad der fthe ofsuitable for~ cottage. Black- A P P L I AN CE ifoi ALIgust 14. Appliance r c,îstom work. Phone 728-6865 ý DA - 'j-.. .. ox TernBs. Wodadar erlte fMURRAY. Roberl li \i loviu stock 986-4283. 28- upeiuesnil laeatr9pm - M\rs G. Young (Belli), Margolmroi ofa -i - ----:, -_D- A I R y MOAERNM WILD- Temsamanilae 7 and Shirley, alI o? Ottawa; eom f ea cmbndI - 8i q mipd ns2ni6.P1a-24729)i..- U TA2O ER8UID-W:av n m ero gn lcoesoofMr;LIland father, who passcd awa' ~XU~CL EA R A NCE oe2327.2- WAITRESSES, part and fulliINGS. Large Toronto mil'kibuilding lots inlonfo tcloved son o? Mrs~~~~~. H. E. JtLI' 15. 1961. TV iTOWERS Eouh inue,. gond wages. substantialcoratSblcenesppI50 ' ewvn and bbc late DMmt. Treiv- 'NFRE! notg"TIDE' to do \AJrkr1ra7i-eri+or.r . .Stbelar, pie1$,500- $3.000ER in boterofMeleTrw.n othing cati ever take a wa v $50 li' - tips. ApJy Donald Cox, Coacli ulne milkers, silo finloader,'- BadoEdctn The loxre a beaft Merledeai!DULL boniofaîeo' necessarv tmed>Four eslturant, Highiwav'et(,. Len BISSELI, 2320 Calfoî nia: Mrs. W. K. Beatbi o eoie ýTelv es lgr eear. OS; .,2-ton oflaîîndmywith the- - Townhip of CrtwFour (MNarie) of Cobourmg. Rested sels, isligreer S AW uchs f115.Phn ro10r9. DIYFR,,5ace s day(hseofWe sharpemu saw.s hiseone". ono 1(1 r 19 al. 315se nd leod S Cetre.Raelacekes îiiTV SUPPLY LTD. Deluxe Kelvinator puunmng shI e a i s, scîssors, I1..7-2 aD.oiRY FAnRM, 15(1 acreas Etlf e LEAS. 2-51 Chpl 1 .WLo tet eerbac ep ii'knivcs. F. Crowe, 1(12 Elgin MEN-Eamn extra mnniey iii of Holsteini cattie. Located! 81 ADIE.WE ~eric Saurax îpm.n- near. î:61 Gibbon St. Dial 728-8180 WshrSf.. Rowmnanville. 247 spame lime - shoîîld make$3as ofNcste Asig, 6PSEGRBU forment emembercd bymewife.Day or Night - Bill Leask, Prop. Rglr$7,5 .BAABS per boum depermding on ability$4.0.Tms JPv kfl1P** Rt:8eeril and fanuily.28-1 411-tfNOW ON IY toe mn.Write, 005 R awhleugh DAIRY FARM . 1501 Acr~es, Â U L ' L UL JQUýM n 5 ie e a uCio als RII'ADSNb neov f BENJAMIN - MOORE. $13900 Plurnbing & Heatingýst.. si. Hent-Y, Montreal. 28-1 illgs, 50 head af Holstein cattle.' II DTptir-140-1, 4005Richieiecu as a ging cocern. ond biihd-rdsonEDTenderIn wrlln0 1 - T h c î î n d e r s m g n e d a u c t i o n e r .1a mNyl si c S ids o m mmwh oi X C E L L E N T P I O R T U N I T V M a c hi i n e r v . A s k i n g $ 4 8 . 0 0 0 . 1 1 7 7 C h u r e h S t . . ~ w a v I eW L E V I H wll I1 by public auction on awav Jtll1ýr17. 1963. pssdLATEX - OUTSIDE wtitae3 esnS. Rwavle r o ncveiglde em.6339 .*~ o Sat ir a'. .lml~ 24 Ih b us- ' v ips ca nof (cl h w iis ~ U ~ T~~ P A N T R N E P D~ ~ T with 15 o ucrs a week available RR 2 L1t-9 0 cr s bold cffct~ for the estfe o? h m. .L"J .../Ui~j I T J' ~ j LJ~ L~JI~± finie Io train ini their wn ter- AI R FAr h me, l o dAe s M ember Oshawa a d D src' o r b fr ~ uy 9 Ille ale' Russel Aiinger. al My lhcairt cnnot.teIl whal îo at I IeiViator Dg PIUNMB1NG & HEATING 'ritoiies. Big demand foi-eneiene ag , e-' Enniskilleni. List o? articl1es, . .say: C .'Po 6334 'vn hit a n ith brnick homae, ilnodern-Reai Estate ot pae.CIVId:n ln nwshw1ms; cMVULLELN 1 14 u ft. 2-Door Phna2-,4 AiisCrsmsln f ized barni. Peterborough milk 300 Acre stock fr npv îwîx'es aer lifi .o aoe îow o Jms:ifm TTT IP.O. Box 15.9q meichandise. Higlb houmrly! conbtrpcf. Large liein bouse. ced moadl near Pnyol lna ahomne Ihat tîs lonesot-ne AR WA ERef riqerator- 79 <)ntarin St., ]Bowmanvlilleemig.Afc emtresAkn 4.00 em. uonm house with alct o OMN1L H A R D W A R naw op n. Phon 725969 . - r 0 Acres wih 7 oo mPd ven ences. Large ba n S ri g LVE L o dag y .rm m ee Phone 623-5408 Freezer C ontract C arpentr vr 28)'9-I1omne, ar. Asking price Owne in U.S.A. M s esl IJIVESTOCK $ALES5hî %if Zlma ifred ac, 36 King St. E. Bowmanville NW , RPAR CBNTSCAEAE 1 mnl nt $.0.a oc toi 2.0 500 O'f, - - - -.or- iifyUnt- $750nn;t D O Net nI et Duîrham Cnunty Sales Arena and cbildmcn. 28-18- 1. WOL EAIS - CBN d Church, full time, duties cati ýi 5 Acres with bouse, barn. idown.Hetn Orono - Ever.v Thurs.,7$0279.0-ICHthesDONmiionSPENCER 1c(ommence August 1; bouse îo aae sma.fgwi - 7 cesoc 9elling Horses, Cattie, Swine. SMlTH --I loving nucmory Of stecl. David Brown grain witli trade 623-3411 Boxpp1i0d. Apply Iillewrittii cation. Asking $11,500. Tcrms.ibrick home smurmmddb' '..oiat bS .-tf-in4 qumalifications, agie, etc 'grg,;itd a n,2sus k. Son, Sale% Managers. l-tf nway July 21. 1962. drive beIt, saw trame with two rior ta Monday, .luly 26/65- 2 barnis and 10 acre lake. Ask- igrgpto b aviewthEADTNER wlb r *s Co - hut 7 t. ol bah S TICTANK r -in â50.Tr, - . - Sdly iflssea an ever r- saws Corkshtt 7 ft nil bah ~ ~!For mfore information contact u 1 5(.Trs ls O;ýkendaIp Farm-Comiplefenembered hy the family. binder with new canvases.iRne P MIGDon McGmregor. telephonce 1a10 Acr-es with bouse, haruu aube1,e odmnae.rcie yteudrind .S.hoithorn Dispersai -100 Caha anigmiiwb sanges Askin Asking oly$35,000 Trs ni :0pm EDT)o pmoperty - ' - r ~~~- $ 2,000. Terris. 30 Acre chicken a m i mle T us a , A g s 5t, 18 prpyofJohn F. Leaiu & .bagger, 2,000 lb. Renfrew1 FROM WHITEWASHING STABLES !MEN om wnmen, ifvon canrof Salon. o . 10Coen. 8,thpof'l'RY. oin emr1fjc,$c17mt a 2by9.00 BERT TOMPKINS find 50 god customners in'PONTYPOOL. 3 cottages fon omnil.MdmfrteSpl n ntlaiî Hailon 0 ilsnotho;a dearIlLhcsbaud amnd fatherrînader, Cockshutt single pîow., $17 rombungalwiag opeeha:gsse you3cobedroom the Greewnhouselot w atbatrtheinBoys Cobourg, î miles east Of William Termy who passed No. 21; 3 horse collars, set o? wlth trade' Phone Newtonville 786-2552'orrcnmuiywewlshwsnlot $,50iTh ertnoinnne.chieken bouse. Alfr riigShoBwavle Bewdle, ,Satumday. .luly17. a way Jul1v l2th. 1950. double barness. Phone Charlesi* *Cl ole ltYthwesl o a mkeoAkîg 8,50.Teni. equipment include a 2600 naro Thi Shmtornhed saToday recails sad meniories Gay, Orono. 2 i 9 eveningsi 60 onthly. Join the largest HAMPTON, .3 Acre ltib -$6,000 down.Pln. pcfiaos n rifpermor type anîd buccdin. 0f our dear onc gone ta rest,[aftl. 6:30. 98-1~ Kelvinator I B N BIK aIl Canadian entemprise i)lismal! barniin village. Askîngl 100 Acre stockfa eaTndrDcmtsaybo- conisins os31 tow, iih.A d bc ne wditrnecft'. I'bc iret eli fgfiedl Wrte $6.00 Esy eris.Ne tavile. liroo buse tindrroilosviwe a calvns al sicc 5cows duc tre hbu tadayCON-A-VAP RfieaosTrenching oqealsadctlou1 APT' omc îu-Barn 30' x 100'. StamOw-om660 Dprmeto a? sale. 1,5 bred beifers, 17,Areflue ones wbho loved hum "Dont he Btgged" by Fliesj AS 1W1 AS S'EPTIC TANK 'ai1 . 160 Dlrmir ao Ilh tabdgrgc nvn oUSA1nyPblc Wrs atBok yearling heu fers. 2 yoting buLîs.' best. Montr- - 27-8 on I acre iet. Small bar~n. Ask- .sîBooo - $5,000 doi .Prim n uligTrni herd sire, bull 18'mootbs aid, -Sad]\, misscd anid ever uc- "imagine! No more messy $ 179.00 INSTAL~LATION C A RETA K ER -Wn1td - Th ing $12,900. Ternis. 72 Acre cash cropfi na'2 Otrn chîgibie for- govt. grant. This 'embercd by wife Imene and jspraying or bombing. Yoi . BET1-ANY, 8 Roomied borne bed asesabîhc ii 92fai ~ ~ 281*.s~pyplug the Con-A-VaÎ<.-lmtn 6-27 owniamîville Public School e etnil. s nrd Ibis sal preents1an8op- - uit in;oHaptondyeec263-2270. ~~~ rBar euie acmtae on 5i2 acre lot. Highway 0etnvleSramadA$00idBda00 24-tf' y1 oad Elgi ebool. Dties o tor i Akig$ .500 0ithpond, 2 cottages, lregen nomneBn n 0 an ti aepeet no- --Ui noayhnyeetiaý Cerneo 4t Lard Ehanse.c3 tobaccoikilns.cation.00.itgPayment wBondEwil. betrequir- portunify for bnycns toacaqtmire iWOODCOC nîvn e utiet then relax! Con-A-Vap, i. lo1w clow n pavmieaf.Trm.easpcied gond breeding stock. Terinis mt, fRgr h does the rest! GarntedKelvinator Drer C R T, N TRY ' Tnd comCîJe 3rdofAmgu.te 196 !PORT PERRY, 8 Raomed Tedrwiiotbcos- cash, sale at 1 o'clock sharp. mr fRgr h let tushrîs Humans, House-1...resaî mcuecmlt ae 116 Acre dairy fr îa isudcdeoiNJuly 14, 1964. odPtanLisok.O-SAEIPT REPAIRS - AlýTERAT'IONS taki!og of bmuilding aind o0ýhome with double garage. AliBwnvle10rmhoeed nes mdenfom 00 Rh'ILT-JhnIN cUPBOifn ; uit CLitr RaDSa )grotnds Apply in writing to rnmndenuî conveniences. Nc barn 35' x 75'. ShIpigik upîdbthDeatet Den.nv. Tedhoe ewtn-].lackson. Ted .i diig an Spenyebe'. 'iJancks. 27-2 Wbem'lc'te enfle bree-,zes vile 786-2541. Mrs. Webster.' $75.00'SR. aeSeecy-Trea- . sîmngandinside al newl pe ,ef\27-21 blow 2-I ' * * FLAXIVn -. - l10 sa a ar .Monuments -Flat Mfrkers 1~'1~ 'I'lir 1i1îdersigned auicIrou-ce in designs for any need rn ivul SrIl b'.-puiblic aluctuauî oun15? Sîmee st.s. Oshawa Saturday, .fuly 17 tbbc bo""se- 7310 -72 62T O L hold effecîs of flic esqtafe of 2-02 -7862'O Il bbc 'ale Mi-S. Robert Preston1 Office Eeig 8 Cu. n-f Maple Grave. Norge fi'idpe, __---___ Finiax'4-buiner edccirie oics - 15 Cu. slaove ýkitchen table and two N tie chairs, kitciicn) stool. Siniger iDr. -W. M. Rudell's ofiicl20cu. SrewîIn uactîinc. 3-piece bed-î wili be closed Jtuly 10 to Ang- 125 cu. raomn sutetc 2 hall racks. elec- îst 2ad. inclusive. 27-2 I triefi pan elctre mo. dc- - - -- rLOW Il tri f 'v pn.elctrc ro. eec -Dr. Keith Slemou's office i ND 1 lime grill. elecfnic floor polislh- will be closed from July 10 ta er. 2 vashstands. cliest o? Angust 1 inclusive. 97-3> dirauuers. '2'radias, 3 1sniall - - -- -I tables 9' x1Io'uug, roning . Dr. Allan B. Sylvester's or-I (.;OOl board. Lazvý-boy chair. cheste-iýfice wvill be ciosed from iul;', iueld chair, add chairs. floor 112 taAmgust 2 inclusive. '26-4 lamVps. pats anîd pans. Frost- jDm. E. L. Ewcnt's office wilî! mnasterr decp freeze. Sale a! be closed for holidays froci 1 30) No reserve. Ternis jJuIv lst 10 July 25th inclusive. cashi Clifford Pebhick. auc- fianer - - - 28i -Would the parîx' wbo 264 LICENSED kin helped themself f0 a Cut, Wrap long red window box with' No N~ursing Home petunias from lawn on Martin THELOGE'Nusin HmeRoad, please return. 28-1 BO\W in Highway 2. Lîoensed. Ac- 1I. James Kent WiIiiams,2 FIG irouimodabion available. Kind Concession St., Bowmanville. rare. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitors iwiIl no longer bc responsible, 4 welcoine Phone -Mr$. Wm ifor aay debts contracted in I i. Westover, Newca.stle 9M-4252 n;m ' -ame. %witbout mv written nbo 24-Uf permission, 27-2 EEZERS for 1965 ft - $189.001, ,ft. 1f t.- . $209.00! - $229.0 - $249.00i TERMS TO SUIT 4) STEER SIDES 51c lb. Fi1 I DS 63c lb. RON T 9 39c lb. pped and Fast Frozen Extra Charge VMAN VILLE rID LOCKER SYSTEM ne 623-5578 Sm ý. m, '"b r V1 ru e on -- codiio. hoe 23346. Mai[ Address : ~i-Woman or (irlfor ing $7,90(0. Ternis. I e Homesatosatheecralyte - 281 *P.O. Box .543. Ra avl- c OOK'S HEL'PFt R ' . Liberty Street :1 bcd- at the Ontario TrainingSchaol, 1957CHE. f cyl, sandrd. ACKEMANNo xpeienr neessry Il mdemlIXv 1r on bungalow, 2 bathrooms, Bowmnanville. Ontario. .1957chanic6ly on, sradNo 'nrno $ a. ýl mrrr oneiec recreation moomn, double gar- Plans, Specificatjons and or best affer. Phone 723-6279. EXCAVATING 30.00 in rtweek CIn $165m.melrood. Akn age, large lot. $15,500 - Terms. Tender Documents may be 28- !LADIG -TRNCHN Aplyinwrlingonl ta '$6.50. erns.Modern 3 bedroom brick obtained from, or viewed ait WRIGHTWAY r aDndG - lTpI n rniGl n Af ber boums - Cali: bungalow, 1 year old, $16,350. Boomn T704 (Tawer) Depart. WRG T A iîll Delivered i Cutr lb Donald Mountjoy 62,3-3715 .HAmoTrst . erombikBlock, Parliament Buildings, MOTORS 24-Hour WATER SERVICE CutyCu Guv LeBllane -623-3715 .A. rs. T Works, Eaubric _____ BWANIL _______28IIdobungalow, rextton ras. N2 o.ono365-1079>3 (eleh 179 ing ,, 6357easonable Rates BOX 839. BOWMANVILLE Is Wiersma Orono 1649 N aa~ce~îrro,2o.onto Ontarlo (Te 17_KngW.________-________281_ argaag. an etrs A $1,OO.(./Bid Bond,- a Bowmanville Ho elnotin~- Iger Jorgensen 987-4491 $19.500 - N.H.A. - Terms. 100% Performgjice Bn 'H m eoa io Repairs Lorne C. Duff 723-2728 Very central on corner lota5%PamnBodil Ca nrIPhyllis MRbi 2-196 66 la omhm DPyetBnd U 623-2301GU ANEDIesoanMcoie-637586x66den6oohm. required as specîîied. 1985 Olds, New Floor and WVall ('overing rdirsr ice alal makes. Ross Davidson - Bethany 30r3 $17,000 - full price. Tneswl ltb oad TILF. Moaic n gseraniTeevsoervice C.Poe ___28-i Frederick Ave. - 3 bedroom ered unless made on form*t 1965 Co-t e Ph oe N wastlCera 623-3883. ___ervice-tf -ho-eranch bungalow, lot 75 x 175. supplied by the Department. Phone Newcastl Personal Many extras. $22.900 - $5.900 A Deposît of $15.00 Monoy - -- -'T--i- dowîî. Ordev, or Certfld Cheque 16 T-id987-4247 Refrigeration IÎYGENfC supplies-(Éub ber 27 Acres near Courtice, level nmade payable to the Treasurer ý1963 Chev Convert. 29-1' and goods) maiied postpaid inl garden land, $7.200 - Terms. Of Ontario, will be required Wansealed envelope with per set of tender documents, 191 he-$95 ýBA NE -&ËYAM ppliance Service ýpi., list. Six samnples 25c,j Cali 623-3393 which will be refunded if 196 lEvoy-p083O PLUMBING & HEATING Commercial and Domestie i*, samples $1.00. Mail Order jAfter 9 dodcumntionrewithlnethlrt We have 35 cars from whieh' SALES & SERVICE - Mllk Cooler ipt -8.Nv-Rbe o., j Forder a* 855-3853 24eHOUReers on Bx 91, Hamilton,_Ont. 1-52 Hoar days of above closing date, oth* (o choose 2-HURPhone BERT SYER Kn - __23555_wefofitd Salesmen - il unr erie Days -6235774 Lt is urgentil' requested thatKeHekn * 6305erieoried Ilarley Haye.s 62.1-721811 une erieMrs. Eileen Newton, mother Jack Whltemnan - 623-3818 The lowest or any tender Gerald Hayes 623-34231 SEPTIC TANKS AND Nghts- 623-3177 of Ernest George Newton, or 1,at yeo - - W *,Z-aMi not necessarily accepted. Dan Kearney f;823-3801 TILE BEDS 1 i ~anynne knnwing her where- Broskl * 796-2202 J D. MILAR, NO DOWN PAYMENT PHONE ,Lner Harwae abouts, write 230 Walton St., D anieputy Minister, 36 Months to Pay r HJAMPTON 263-2=18 and ELECTRIC 'Port Hope, Ont aria, or tele- _Herb Cooper 6 23-3393 Departinent ef Publie W.rki 28- 1 TYRONE 263-Z650 38-t..'ohone 416 - 885-2421. 28-3 28-1l Ontario, - 574

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