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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 14, 1965 a motor ftrip Intlithe Trenton ladies also tried out the chair! ____ - ~district, Sunday afternoon. lift down and up themonID A N E W T O N V IL L Ron Robin--on have returnedî was' spent at Wasaga Beach. Mrr.BbSaltna&ti h eto h feno r u a e e ev s Ut Ihm fo their Western tour.I The JuIv meeting of the M '"~- Mr. Murray Barrie was a last weck. He was accOmpan - Mr. and Mms T. Hendersoni. I.C.W. was beld on Wednes- recent visiter in Dundas with cd by his two cousins from oga n one oktei a vriga h oeo his uncle and aunt. Mr. and England, -Mrs. Tai' and M- on BillY and Terrv Worrall Mirs. Tom Stevens. De-pite Mr.SdHge.Harrison. who were interested oSanr.nSndy, where adverse weather conditions an Ms.Chrts oaen seeing sanne of the country ;hev will Spend a week at a we had a very good attend- Mr. ad Mm Chares M aseo weil known ta their uncle. boy-,s' camp. neInteasceoou ofu isday with is isit rspecially the church, inth Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce at- secretary. Miss C. W. Stewart, - building af which he played tended the christenring service Mrs. G. Catbcart acted in that G.W. nipratpr.~ of Andrea Heath, infant dtau- capacity. A motion was Pas- 3 ~ ~ Babr Ovens a8nd Rev. R. C. Whte so aptIv re~tro i n r.Go asn donation ta Jeon aea Mr. Torot, t akdonkinghnh, et. tS. onsAnglican unM-a Camp and Plans Tonareal inToont, akiemade mention of their vst Chnrch. Bowi-anville, on Sun- %were made for catering to Mthe T hor'mas Joun who alays think of this churci -a morning. Linida Turnexv Carol Little~s wedding. Mrs. was nTPot s H oe sitlfr a being a true memorial t( n. tphanie Heath returned Stevens introduced lier guest Bey.inTomt HoelHoseial forwitb them for a feu speaker, Mrs. Wright frn several weeks, is now stayîn g i's i Toronto, who gave us a verv with her daughter and son-n-, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stapie- Eal-, arl EMc%,en aj s- incere talk on putting God Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. Eîiott. ton. Douglas. Timothy a!nc 1 , ,1 1ao Bu irtii u lvs n avn S Mrs. Fred Saunders and her, Mark, of Orono, wvere Satur- nf Peterborough, visited Mr uiet moments of meditatian sister, Mrs. Jeffrey. of Tor-! day supper guests at NMc. Dil Cc- nlvo Sna te Later we ail sat dlown ta onto, spent a few days ere S tapieton's. ~o nw l a e a l f t s y f o las wek a th frme's1 Mr. Dn Vnk r.M and Mrs. Clinton Brow, Our August meeting is to b home. ýwere Saturday evenifig gue.ý- were Snday visitors at MI, held at the home or Miss C Grace HoIstege, Ellen Har-iof Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell. Jack Payne's, Pontypool. W. Stewart in thie Io rinof ar ness, Dènise, Cathy and Cindy Bowmanville., MradMu.KnSflftroneandniqei- Elliott are some of thie ioca'JMs.H rniset og and Mc. Aif. Grahamn of Tor- tOlaY. Eacb member was a sk - girls taking swimming ùi- days last week, in Oshawa. onto were Surîday visitors :il cd ta bring a triend......... etructions at the Newcastie! Miss Bertha Thompson al- Mr. Wîlfred Wood's.Heret ypgviexaoloueFsonhres dwdWie ~oo1 thi sumer.tended the funeral I br r1ad r. onSapett e ta Ms. Mtcalfande x aCareolfLomie ltrbol on uChars. Chare White a Mool, and sMmrs. FakGle1CUIIMs laTomnler- .and fmiywre onSnay sonp. amlyoute Mrsudden and unl .4 reaciiedr'Colieerbrouivighe ae sres\(t~ gipent Friday in Barrie. son, iniToronto, Saturda. e gytsa M.EvrttSami]Yecthe psi nd ie us- h tahoa o h-)aarieM.Ceivedl s B.W hiteal Mi-. W H Jo es was a u. nd Mrs R Br ce ai- pl ton s, Oro, G ilbert R oss M etcalf ýical E d cati n and Iealth. U niversity of B ritish C olm m guest at the .Hicks-Merrill terided the Orange Paade at Mr. and Mrs. Ton, Ton a n,-'tiflus home on the Sixth Liic At present she is attending bia, VaîucILouver, this Spring w edding in W arkw ortb Pres-i M r. and M rs. Reid W ood Clarence of Ne c sl.e1W d e d y n g t J l . l u m r C u s i M Ma - E vi o tn e bs su i ~ y t r i a G u r c o n ~ e r e V i s t o s , a t u d . y e e n - v i i t o s o S r î d y w t b M c c a v s o u r am a l c h i l di r e n e r U n i v e r s i t v . a n d il ) t h e f a i t t h i s S e p t e m b e r a t U n i t e d T h e - affenoon in, xvth u. ad Ms. Cti.and -Mrs. A. Ton. Roseanîîa, David, Diane arn.'l etahn cio-oovClee cilUî Mrs. W. C. Robb was a!Reld, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mr's. Ros roxv Dany. Srvic wasbeldfronuigh eIi t y Ml)%-coluteal.Gl Ui weekend guest of Mr. and' Mr. and Mus. Wallace 13oi- and familv were Sunda.v visi- the Barlow Funeral Hom"C arol s th- da Mlîtr niiVir Mrs. Bennett of Port Credit,! gben*attended the silver wed- toi'.- ai Mr. Bil MrnlFiay Cl , t2pi. wt omlrs .,Es theti, Bn i and with thein, attended the ding celebration in BO a Perry'town-I. intermeîît in Oono Cemnetery' manlv ile. ~risi n e Festival in Stratford. vile, on Saturday evening, Mi'. and t\rs. C.1.laicHis- wife was the former Irie Mr. George Wallace of Belle- for Mr. anîd Mrs. Tom Wilson. were suppe, Sg esî, SuîdavKoropatdes. ville, son of a former miniserl Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kim- at Mr. Charles Gravy.iiBw Cuci a'ieda uul1 ~ on this charge. Rev. Trhos.lbail accornpanied Mr. and Mrs. manville. Little Shelley GcaV Suîîday onîgw Rev. B IYd IN. Wallace, was. in -.-t he.- village Aif. Graham of Newcastle o lis stavi nc here wit1 ler . Wbite ing th plpi. R. grandparcnts white lier par- spk rM the i3tb Cliapter crus are awav on, lîolidavs. of Corinthajî ntev1~ Delitt, Pendr, askns SeisWliei Mu. 'Victor Beid -and of Christian Love - the lave Delotte Pleder Hakins& Silsfamîilv retuîrned tram bei'ry- thaï, neyer faileth. The choir ' with whom are now merged pickiîîg, yesteî-day mning, sang "That'sý why 1 love Him thev rounîd Mus. Beid lying sa," with Mrs. A. Foster at Monteith, Riehl, VWaters & Co. unconscions on tile floor. Sle flie organ. Cbnrciu again al ivas removed b.y ambulance to 11:15 liext Stinday mrnung.. port Hope Hosqpital, but sol We were pleased ta sec the Char-tered Accouintants lfar thue cause of tlis sLddenllbolidaYers f- nKî-a- ilhes i nt nown. 1 Hils Camp ont. . Montreal Oshatva Toronto Hamilton Mu. and M"S. Arthîur Red- Mr. and Mrs. Jini Engis Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary ka.Ms. Bradley and Mr. aîud Jili spent Sunday wiffb ýChester, or Oshîawa. were bi, bec parents, M.adMs r Edmonton Prince Grorge Vancouver thevilagendnav eenuigArtw calingaOn friends. A otumber of chludreuî froill Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. Btirt R. Waters, (.. Mu. and Mus. Pari DemnovKendal are attending tht', 7Os-hawaadfanulvNewcatlewere weeks course e sof nmîî Oshawa Oshawva Shopping Centre î8-52 calr.Snua-tM.P.o-lessnOrio stege's. MI'. and Ms. WAes. Jobnson Mr. anîd Mus. Mor Iev Robiji- or Beruien Springs,Mihgn snad amy, takviile. were î'erent guests with ber1 ),nl(;e- weue SUPPer guests on Sunda"-mîîîher. Mus. Rov Vernuon. and 1 .)nad ir- wit'I Mr, and Mu "'aî.e ise -is.GardonLofiGb-n Burine, Md.,is 1)11e(if ...g... Miss Cheryl Vernion went. . ' enubris ssfountPrn home with 'them fou a x'isit. St oig rs-onr The first Barn Dance of the M'iss Loraine 1). Tay lor nilneî's who xiii pairticipale fE~tfi s suminer iniaau experiment season was held in Allen Foýs-isiîcc-ssfuIîlv xxrote eamn a- hue Andes nuuuîîtains of Ca tchfer»s barn when the go0d mI-'tions 5iii Apt-il and rcniv e- Peru. as a researchu pi'oject. i -sic bY Bob Adanîs and theireived lierCei'tificate as a'.ieg- Vs li tfle '18 Olynupics slated UtBlue River -Boys was enjoved. isteued Medical i abu y f lexîuu Cit-v. about 7,5001 Mrs. M.E. Foster li a sbeeni Teclinologistoi Ile anad above flic re, rctýs.M PAGE ONEI visiting hieu daughter, Mrs.' ian Societv oi I aboi-ato i,\ uts nf tlîis projeci uuay lielp 1-aw > lir pont of heel fustra-George Buso iaBuffalo, anid'pe(Iiluuoislt. . i -z s, layloricU.S1. Olnpic team turo !n b <ie oit o siec hi05Wa-returuîed home with Mc. and' who is thue édaugirn u etr efrac " - , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ilions vibee a d 0 largfut u. Rus, w o a e be n a d M rs. Douglas R. Talor*,, nited States Arnv xiii also I qi ba e le r a ut visiting the Fostes liee hsThuird Si., trained in s axa be iuuferesfed in lflue reSuIIs, Of s ~~La r On edes da13, of uorn oi . w c dGe uei'al i lospital i cx bue sue is the Penin Stalt rîuuuueus t a i- f L~~~"ascte Forb ge " 1 , oa T ro to M . uudM s. H tc ei F r-iow a member of Itle iospitaî ing al al, altitude of about '~~se~ xvas the lîucky anglei', aidcd by fer and family.enjoyed a get-istaff. P oo b' A tr 1,0 rt x'îr le o y e Il avi Red, 0, ou f OW- togetiier and pienir supper oui conutentf is about 58 percent of I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~Mal vi le's T o xw n C e ik , w h o nî th e larg e law ri of M . an d M rs .Kt at a se - x i. D n l il 1g~ \ uelis benx'siiug.Bob Carrutheus' home at, Box-- BLACKSTOC thIle son) of 1Virs. llaurr W.ý ui lii ~~~~~~ B th of tlem acqui'ed iexvmaiville, Sn day.' ue g nd Iu lto C p. H d a îî re l s a ou ple ai M . and M rs. K eitli C 'o k- ( T tended fo u ast w evk > W , G egg, an d gra udqon of' I '/'~~~~~~~~~~otidfiagoien, o gut ot,i a rd, Mu. and Mu.%.Allen Ta.ý- T e U utd Cuucu pc i u' n is duiS ap I ~ oudlu>'teîu n t10mto ,lcand Mrs. Veima Taylor of 1 't'li nied Cont lVfondav ev r)- andîsieu. AaiSap I III iig, using simple luooks and j Sarnia came Saturday m f,- H xvarois. Lari' hooked tue ~~i iug tavisit lheir sister, Ms. îg vro u vs la p' t 1ru nd D vd ju p d i r ' o V r o .01, ida h v stay home and see the mnLarnur , eu.G urdon Bu'a s. 1 H / ~ 111 \ ii Icd if s ho e w .euglPOUnd : pouM s on u a dr xvr-i gîîThe pCnes- j jjio girls, r ed ils eiglit i threepauudds'1iMr. nd V tnon, hcld ' tuiesdav ,eveuuuuuig, .illlie:llealfiuet-I)ouicll, Leslie Wrighit. appeara iricsupeutia efo' sutPprk, Ateu- ilS ac 'ae1 finx' ut eu' v appy aff D nyandd tD opank a d p u a e u ai fi a uii u raî e : i l ba r a e proîîd We hope tielu photos -lareai ro graun at q s pots Gala u uio1B0n e Wul esmnMrkndMs.Alex wn a s mn - offe wightthue followîuîol Miîons enj y dahu i n n i su its Do cc i bopp iîg: ad i-c j o r- ae D i îd W î'g s d D Rex' v, bu Ct, hierv h pp th pls o u ebîu î cl o s n Cu pl. uus uu -i pleasruîe af cscotir phlictwoMa :h(Luusa (eute)are Biuofi th5-6y ros ihaï-t uus-iie:iŽi-he1buitr:\&,lrgge, nil ere oh tUi Bee. Tonai s olsa lfPrgain oRurux: irae [ni ufaMnJo>' ande eiaBrd fNewc Gradice 6 Piat: o rtls reuug l l l;h ieryl \igluhsud taceuu a au> sýgh ad en R . R . W ie lasIl -on, OfP L ils Yofunm au. Je annnucrll s Vc anC amphu . ie ]ouuug l ul e u plezabeihofrdens.tiluugthng.O iahfnn(Lidflywce-tue)ppyniliue, E6uuglalud, ont ts: sec aur : ic e or filSat R v. T hom as ra de 4 Pis:areo: H onou s.. P g bo sp "a 8t cxac B î e - î L i î M couut s L u d A bra do n eeze s fte B uer ie G o r ss eW ah llacerEliadb e Hacrrison i agel.L i iii Mu. Fred hnmpso uG raudeM72 Piau o: P hîo,uour, I Rcum -rboxîîiRigeI (wh rp f a be an) We r Bne ras ii go' a y P t B aderrDee ix' , rl W -g ul t, 1 ,- aTh(re wsauu, e u s rniec l p r o f u si o n d at Er n au u f e w a d T o - 1 . * u w n d n of l e , u-i g '0 ho e c M i 'sof T euam s tle and' Grade 6 Piano: Honoti's3, Md R cai au ocoî slza p ray if, mist fl ii ol m rrAu-uu- annM'spGyC t11a't S ut VOn-. ran w l-, c e îoWig tîn le a c n 'v srrî et foi- Oui Suuu d fue' anout o s HonP ý1 iours, Gait ard. J a ie Mlar ices duIdlle u b y ild r ls- Ruse fra ran e r-Iis s d rram o f s n!mBine GlGrsse 4 P ianT-uonîpoon su d A cîbtir Wt'oysC-C ai u bi gl î, i ui cn D ocei la firua st o r s e v ru w l e c e.t ao u c g h o e c u h s. B î c- Gt ra d e 4M i nh e ll; P a s s, a-f o r u u c k al e Jol, Dî ier. li lul s M on rc n - l b)li as bming f e now ai xvaso G oss ý h aîîllcl d iss MeBr ide . uucs MGe iil. fa l' -,ý -11 L 1Fuia-' eingMM-'s. Ted i G al a i dates w i'e u- i Ok . M1 I-1- 1- . P j p ie s- nie Sceni(' Caves. smof h'Mc'AIllin (o.) i mue h radio. Here iVa"cu- foinu'avU.cîîc 6tuan dsltsu()ce - ~Barcluard, Roddy Cauveth, 1nu ical holiday trauisPorta- of :174 'ie.hxa ia jCathux-Damanut, Susanne Ger- i tioui. da] xxil lîesxxîns tam ler Usparb ,er, Patsy Gibsouu, Wendy dâ 195 raceidsfrm hp Gibsom. Grant Kent, Kathy! 1.58 C UEV BEL AI southli xvbirb resulid il-i a iard ME M ORIAL H OSPIT AL Lempemu omyL x'er, 2-DR. 1AIRDTOP 'HahM aeoîl y. itmtetasi-muîî-aen ohit .ru Mus. Barbara lngrahaîuî, sion, pnîier %ste'illg. Gond aud 10.1 ,Buoxuu co Pn AÀ liiirteacher, running car. 1)1 i 1.G B cn ZR ' 1 DU'~VVMINù-~V ILLt Senior Room ;rade 4 to 5 - -Ireie« Allun (hant.), David Damant, Law- rence Grozelle, Wayne Hazel- den (hon.), Virginia Laing (hon.), Kay Martin (hon.>, Michael Obrist. Grade 6 to 7-Debie Car- veth (hon.), Guy Gibson. Kar- en lRarte -Maxwell, Doreený 'Hazelden (han.), Chris. Jorg-; ensen (hon.), Gina Loweryi (hon.). Peter Obrist, Marilyný West (hon.) Grade 7 to 8-Nick Bonne- ma (lion.). Janet Gibson, Carol Harte-Maxwell, Barry Hazel- den (hon.>, David MacDonald, I Steven West. Grade 8 ta 9-Arlene Allun (hon.), Lois Barchard (hon.),; Rosemary Gibson. Danny; Harte-Maxwell, Brent Kent,! Sandra Laing, Steven May, Elaine Parks (hon.), 'Barry Western (hon.). Mrs. Gladys Greenwood, principal. 1955 CHRYSLER 4-DR. 8 cYl.. autornatic transmis- sion. Local trade-in. This car is ;n top condition. SALES AND SERVICE for I AWN BOY MOWERS anîd JOHN SON OUTBOARD '%OTORS PALMER Motor Sales Local Aiîthorized Dealer for Plymouth - Dodge - Valiant Dodge Trucks Cities Service Cas, Oil, Lubricants !0 KING ST. F. BO WMAN VIL LE 982.87, D. & B. Stainfon 943.68, Bon Luke 933.57, Maix'în Bros. 853.45,, -aph Liuke 803.09. The second 503 mile rae,--- m'as flow n on Satu rday, JuIyl :;rd frînn Hilispnrt . Ont'.. whieli k urwd ou t to be a ra disasler with onlf' thrce brd ciocked in in the tineliîm it. Orilv, one bird got home the' sanie daly and two the second da.v Resulîs in ards per mninte- L. Richards 975.47, same day.1 Sma Brown Bros. 764.80, second. dav; Lk Richard.s 758.35, second just d v.YDo COrn (h'nral Moors of Canada Su offers a free, special training program tr high school auta- UPOr Motive mc'chanics teachers, corducted at six of its 10 per- manent service training centres across Canada. The course con- tains a high proportion of theor atd helps update auto shpirc(hers in general auito- motive ýiCrn'cing principles, PERSONS TO BE ADMITTED MUST REPORT BY 3 P.M. Effective Il Juhy 1965, persons, <thcr than cuuîrgecce.sanîd those admitted early in the mnorning and discharged the saine day, mnust check in flot later than 3 p.m. This decision has been nmade in the interesis tof iinuprovcd service and better patient rare. BUARI) 0F DIRECTORS THE MODERN WALL COVERING! SELF ADHFSIVF . . EASY TO APPLY DURABL,. IASiIABLE SURFACE , STAIN-PROOF . . . (REASE-PROOF IDEAI, FOR ANI' ROOIM IN HOUSE FILI.1 RANGE OF' COLORS AND PATTERNS COME AND SEE IT TODAY! Eaolsrn tr lds Pictnic Menibers of Durham Chap- ter O.E.S., with their familles. enjoyed another of their annual picnics recently at Waltona Park, Newcastle. Some of the very young children enjoycd splashing around ini the creek,, while older ones took ad- vantage of the pool, whi<h proved mm,-t inviting onl a hot day. Followitng the siîpper, D'f and games were pirovided bv. Mrs. Annabelle Rickard and Mrs. Dorothy Mercer. These were enjoyed by those taking' part and by those who watchi-, ed. Once the races and gamesî viere over for the younger folk, contests were lield for the aid- er anes, proving a fuil evening for ever.yone. As darkness begain to set in,! familles said goodbye, eachî being wished a happy holidaYj by the Worthy Matron Mr:;. Velma Sutton and the' Worthy Patron, MVr. HRrv -YFreenman. ALAL'PAINT & Abernethy'sWALLPAPER 33 KING ST. W. Bowmanviile on OU! (Get that anywhere.) and secuif I (Get that here) ma TORONTO-DOMINIOInllm Whcre pçIpIe make the dLffererice îrt savers know that the interest 4t pays is And one mcwe thi«g-tbe tri.dqMar', the f irst of the good thi ngs about a Toronto- warmth ao .w peop4e. You approci»Uj&.ruj 'union Savirtgs Account. You also get the time you use one aofacm 27 vaiambleeé nplete security of dealing with people whose services. And isn~t it ni* kmw IW a4ftsii nd financial practices have bujit success avia4 oyu tayoeoc )n solid success for more than 109 years. Dropinto.the one neies you R. G. LAWTON, 'Matiaget 1/' -'J I r' 4 Bowmanville '>1 a':l KING ST. W. Bowmanville ENDonna SamIs, Laura Bowman;South Rhodes.a, tudants a rot; ane-year pins fa Peter companied Bruce Bowmi (Intended fou last week) Schwirtz, Robert Schwirtz, home for the Dozminion Day Sunday Sehool was well at- Suisan Cotton, Luanne Cafton, holiday. The Franklin Tamb- tended on Sunday for the an- Linda Lloyd: six-month pins-jllns. Stoney Creek, were also nua Grduaio Exrcies ndMka Cftaon. Petra Sch%%irtz, weekend guests of the Bow- nua Grduaion Execuss a d Garth Davcy. Chris. Lloyd, mans. Linda and Patsy re- presentation of attendance1 Judith Lee:' beginners' pins, mained for a week's holidays. pins. TIiose welcomed b]' fheir. Keith Lee, David Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saznis nexv heacheus as thcy passed tîî'a Love. Todd Cummons and family attended Columnbus thrughthegats w're roin and Alex Smith. Those e-lAnnivesary and were gues~ thr ugb th gaesmainiug fou church. found 11- of M . and M us. i1 S mx Kîuîdeugarten ta Prîmar>', feresting anud iuspiing BRey,,. i Ms.H r Oen d f Elaine Davey, Dianne Prescof t, Mary Daughertv's emn lrnton rOen ix~ PethchieKel inp i 1051h Psalnî. the fiu'st in Iweek with the R. B.% topons. son: fuom Primauy to Junior, the series of sunîmer serinons; Karen Oke, Katiîcvn Oke. on flic psaînis.Ms aeAbcl n Janice Pces coat t, P et e t M' au u. .W.MihriJoan, Joliette, Illinois, are Schwirtz, Malcolm Simpsoun; joîîîîeud Kareing hec mother, Mrs. L. from Junior ta Iutermediate n n aeGeorgetownïlvsiîpol weue Sunda>- diuineu guests o 1Co~ngraîtulationus oMs Linda Lloyd, Jinu Oke and M r. a nîd M rs R. B .Simp onBe vly Sta M i s cc s a l Stuart Samis. Attendance pins aundele Smian ucesful weucrrcived by the fallow- d ail.compieting the 4-year Com- ing: 3-year bars- Elaine Congratulai jlis to Mrs. Ger- mercial Course at Courtice Davex', Dianne Prescoît, Kelly aldinie Wiscuîeu and Mu. Elmer High School and our best Simpson, Karen Oke, Kathryn Bahult xxha weuc mauu'icd bylwislues go with heu inl. bei Oke, Janîce Prescott, Malcoînu the Rex'. Mary A. Dougheuty1 position ini the office 4pu- Simpson, David Prescott, Jim un Enfieid United Clîurrh on1jplate, Oshawa. Oke, Marionu Prescoît, Stusurt Satcurday. W'e wclconie Mr. lMu. and Mus. C. G. Bowmnan Samis, Mark Simpsonî, Erie Baliot aund daLnghters to aur, are spending several days with Bawmaîu, Roland Bowmatn, communit>'. IhL- sister and her husband, Albert. Samis. Bex'eulcv Saîuîis, Messrs. Gary Keuîyouu, \Mat- 'Mu. and Mus. Harold Weir, eron adilri.-Renls iodn nte 8 p st mi ,ýi on

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