The Orono Mrs. James E. UtS. . 4r.Ma ';m Fae io M.a r.Jinu icdi >ie. flue E!. MlcssShe: li~ctS ca' Elain~ auand or (;o~ x-in lkeMirlr]cto)n adf lqndinZ. on ýhr;r imar: ' M u. J, tn~rcot'aea :cr Fle O on uii+rl ('iuirch rfl La k e ea l oi ;lý:cPark. R C vt j a. . J u u . 1 . " u ' " X i . C o h ur'i 1 d k h .,- Rev.BasiI E .nîî îffu a e-rturiî.ci homueî RPrefflion -as hflci Pt Go'crsax'cr:cih I-aîdM. Landing. R] l ,oh'i and a: R Mu. and Mrs.A-e ;i' l.'î ,n ai M.r. and Mus.x vail Lo'c, "'.. M.anîd ?., Ben D~ i-i * Mu. Clarence A :n' of RpR .Oroin. hclc a fi'l th rigr Loc(izgeParade i nauete 'iCa*,tcirhom Pp"ýlu h on ot.ý In l 'ndr' i-i îoior of "1i". Mu. aiîd Ms xce - riio îi.?T..Wîii.- Of Santa Rauhara vxisiied l~d'er-or o0,' Tnonç. 7:rd birti - - I M .M i fredSi . dx'( OM~ eleFur qoilJooolîn w"ho cpeerai 'ci hieu 7'st h:tiA' 'mong 'l cmýoi' ftoxxn g:c '::xec I. Cet Your Price aic iVi-. Eaî Aîles.Mi. &lici 17\11. Orx :11 Cous. L'- For Your Lives!ock Mr. nd DhXthrug Wil'reci J'e!'gusi). Gordoni ancd S T A T ES NI A N l-aroîd. Mu. an- Alberi'i C 1, A S S 1 F 1 E D S PrtewI-cîî. Sandr'a andiS ai" Phone 623i-3,103 of Toi'oni:n.Mu. andiNr.Sâ Pelcr.ý. lx'Žîn sancid n )f', if SelingmOut 0F SUMMER MERCHAI - AT - WIDEMAN'S Clearing Shift Dresses SIZES 10 TO 241'................ ... Richbards'. r-z oyPttnMr. and Mrs. E.1 I4dews with her parents. Mu. Mak 5t1A ni N e w sMus James Robinson. and other relatives in Smith's Editor Brueswk. na use. w Mu.and Mus. Ewait Bragg Dui'ham Cou, Bruswik.entertaîned st a mont enjoy- Honev, xw ho Mu. and Mus. Everett Cain able At Home on Saturday at in the Canadia Oshawa. of Santa Barbara, Cali founia,, their residence. 20 Parkwav The table wi Unit 2 of Pie Ororio L'itcdý were giiests of their former Cuescent, in ceiebrat2ion of the* heetee C'h rch Wrn heid theïr neighbors, Mr. and Mus. Wm. 9 seAnn e ar o thei r eihdeed 'z l mnucr meeting on Tuiesd,,. Daw.son, Mu. Wilfued Hawke wedding. Duu-ing the aiter- Moulev Tennai aferoo .JuFh 6th. in n'cad agteouien01 and evening, relatives, iced in w'hite Ur'>pper Chr-ist:aniu ducation Mus. Wm. Mitchell spent neîghbous. and a great num- with sucver ai Audltouium. Their next meet- Sundav wl th Mu. and Mrs.' ber aof riends from Bowmani!ýr- u'ountded at 'sgi. planiîed for October. Buirns Kittmer and sans at ville and district and ail parts guaceful siver MofDan ibu f a-S.Mi'.a Durham Count.,, au, well as spersed withr couver. B.C.. »,. visiting lier Miss Doroî.hx- Dunlop has, fromn Oshawa and ather cen- table 'vas iigf parents. Mu. and Mus. Ross retuuned home trom the Me- tues. ca.lled to extend best white and sil Gilbai-. prior to lier marriage marial Hospital, Bowmaîuvjlle.1wishes and congratulations ta crystal candies ini August. Susan Brown of Welland is the happy Silver Wedding snow ' v heirloci Mus. Gertie .Etweli anîd Mr. ciziting Mrs. W.Mthl elbat.waaned bo] Gpo. Couirtne.v of Starkville this wfeek. Dougie and Debbie, Mu. andapikrbn with Mu. and Mus. Rov Pattotu Ron Smith of Gi'avenuurst Mî's. Bragg's twinls, were in with 2)5 in laij were in Petei-hor-ougli fou the is sta 'ving with his grand- charge ai the guest book. eials. Orange Lod.ze Parade. mother. Mrs. D. N. Myles, and Mus. Brag.g looked loveilv in a DuVin1g tilk M:'~.Harr Hodson f 15 assisting with the swim-' becomin-g gown 0-f blue ndBa'smle Necv\ cas:!e was a supper gnes-t nming lessons at the Orono silver metlaise, and heu cor'- Br'agg, and Miý of Mu. anci Mus. Jini Middle- Pool in the Park. sage was of mhite carnations. Su., Tyrone. r toin . Saturda.-. Patients tram Onono and Gorgeous flor'al arrange- Bragg, pi'esided ,Jiss EienBo isspn- district ini the Memoial Hos-ý ments and bouqueLq enhanced tua.s. Those w ilig *îis veeck ith lier mother pital. Bowmanvile, are: Muýs. the attractive rooms. Amolg: sei,\ing ini the and farnîii*%-at Welland. Aluther Baurabal. Mî's. Hari-c themn weue beautîll.1 flaWer's:Mus. Lloyd SI The S(,11;o1 Citiý,ens aîîa Rowe Murs. Wmi. Malle '. ,Murs., iom Mu. and Mî's, Ross Mus A riiîuo 1i oinie .cas helc ini Cobotiug;Jamies Ginn, Mus. Neilie Mc-' Bt'agg, a bouquet of red rse- Tauîutoiî. Mus. Park on Wediesda',.' Causlani, Mus. lio.vel Row- buds fuomn the Bowv.manvil'lI Miss Judv We Miss MailYn Tamblinh ad u.Olci np.RR Ladies Auxiliauv Vo thle Royal Whiite, Mae lin v'itîng in A'i-vida, Que- -", MI~S. Robt. Stewart. Mî's. Canadiaju Leg ionu. beauitif-iBreoda Bragg. Ww__ James Richards. Mrs. LaUr-' ued roses from Mu. and Mrs.,Bragg. anud tii ence Silerwîn, Mu-. Edwai'd!Ar't Coveuiy. and a lovelY and Lee Skiiuni Boîhe.Mu.Loune Bowmns. bouquet of sweetpeas from n Tothe ecpiiiii Walte-Wood. R.R. in1taud Mus. The Si'lveu Wedding cele- Woodwau'd preei Nun Bamauvilants akso ueceived a large'tea anîd coffee1 S o le g s Ho~~ait r nechisiiiStathvle..nhuabro iegfso ivri h vnn Mi'. and Mî's. Peî'cy Tamb-n'imbuafiegtsa leri h Peigi îun of Newcastle. cryst-al. Th.eY weî'e alsa tel, Par'k Ji'., Nur~ng o attrude Musthe recipiente ai mor'e than' Ross Br'agg.Mi va.Re o Newmarket, Mr"fl100 cards in honoai'ofitiheir Briag.g, MissE NDISE Kenr Wîhers of Peteboroughu. 5 th Arniversary including a'shwM.L Bowmanciile .cere among the frm u. ax a 4 301 geststhe ussel C. Holley, M.P. for White. LADI ES' WEAR M Goldenu Wedding Aniiiersarc I48 KING ST. E. of MerikvilleM. G . iutM r. and r .Ie A 099 " n cnedc.Jne2, Celebrate Their Si ___ jOBJTUÂRY Wedding with At I cups Sering Mi' aîud Mirs. Miller î'eceic- wee Ms. Wal- ed a great unny Silver Wed- T~ oîe, _M s. iîg Ca ds fom fiends urs. William .1. thrutghoit Ontario. T h P y Donna Bragg, were aso made the .ecioieut-s Lati'îe Stapl-_ ai a large îumbeî' oi beauti- id lMis. Te-d fui gifts rom tiends and re- latives. They re-ceived a spe- -cial inessage and card of con- gratulationîs and best wismhes ier fromuRussell C. ilemp % ill e ýieoi' )nîham Coliiuty, aiud M is. Hoîey, woaire vacationing i Iver in Western Canada wilh their childreti. Amoîg the relatives îîe- G~~~CeraId (lifford Tomnpkn5 M.adM.TeIVieî,pplrMngroNihiMleuOhaaM' 3 0 ý0D i sou' I' Sleep Weaet r eeTedaedileý PPla ange f ihosMiller. shaa r P' iii. 011 on il S iîerai servi(' f-Pice Stret, con-te the Motor Sales. father. S. McKnight, Home, Frankford. on Saturr- Mdrn nSandd ih Mdud f opi lei ier. Cobonr NURSE WMIT HOSE -3. 7al 2 p.m.. for Gel-dlgtuy arrange d At ed the reception to offer theirMuanMr.Pe 5c pr dayWHITE H 3. delightfully nîkieand aunt, Dou aid Clifford Tornpkins, R.R. .3 Home held at, the Lion% Corn- best %viheS anld Congratula- ]el', Mu. and aMuis. rD, j Bowrnavjile, ~'ho died ilun Centre during the af- tionsto1wS er edngc. ouis adM C EARi ALL U I 0RMDo'manviile Mernorial Ho.spi lernoon and vngwh. CLEA ING LL U IFOR S tl on Wednesdlav. June aou0th hev received their man\ fri- aficu a iengthy iilness. Mi'. ends, i-elatives, and neighbors.ý By '\White Cross" 11rompkins was in bis 42nid .Mis. Milieu, iooked üharm-ý in an attractive dress with' _ __ __ __ ___ __ __ T B o r n in i F r a n k fo d . M r . a b e ig e s i k îe s e y b o d ic e a n d ý :, l u eTomnpk.ii.s; was a ,;on of John tapeztuv) skiut. She wore pale' _____________Discount_______on___ ail____ Blouse__________ pkýins and the late Flo- green gloves and ber crae ence '1-mpin r -l a sd was of matohing green car- ed in Bowmanviiie for one nations. Mu. Miller is the, COMPLETE CLEARiNn'G SUMMER STOCK .ycar. SUr.iving are his wife, 0F B TTER DRES ES jne-,and fouruchilduenLy nnri HAYDONTABLERITE f l 1 thome. The Explorers held their HATS, Coloured - - Clearing $ 3.00 Mr. T'fo ns ws trcklas meting fr te SI Me CANADA'S FINEST member of the United Church, whioh time they entertajned RED OR BLUE COT ON RES ES - - $89 and th e Roy~al Canadian Lcg- thei' mothers. The meeting BRAND BEEF CO T Nn'D ES E 8.8 in rnh 8.opened with the opening _______________ - ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL - .4 et, as in Frank- purpose, motto and hyxn a0e H ~ e ndchildl'en "This is My Fatlher's World.'* ar n embersor St. Jcoseph's'Marv EIlen Chistensen read __________Ch , ____ - - - .Psal i 21. The leader's, Missi Rejia Guahaîn and M's. Larn Chuistensen. %eue puesented* 91wýith a cup and saucer fuom ihe gi rls. The Ceremony of the Star-.% was foliowed hv the husiness, and these stars weue O W INSTO C Kpresented to the girls by Mus.ý Potts. eetig closed and lunch wae served. Miq Rena Gr'aham and Mus.. for IMMEDIATE DELIVERYI Crsïne took the Explorer' ci i Park o audYatron U... will be held Dn Wednsdayevening. July 21,s,: al, he omeof Mus. G. Tabb. ot 6 5 Ms. Cameron's program. V rO IL -r. and Rs eesaanai ater twhi th sn ta nterÀÀ eivein wii M. and Mr. .Jla Csaamand fmrs.M - prior ta their moviniz 10 Val- ixtra Lean c EVERY] -W Barrv Garard spent a weekg Be flbF with lus grandparents, Mr. Aor pprn- IiPeC Î.and Mus. Charlie Garrard. -9 I Mî's. K. Cowling visijted 5 , w a X. ~~:Mus. Kat-]Cofbaux', Bowmn- izPe * * Ville, on Tuesday'. Shii r]ey Tabb seta fe w TA~TH VK days witih Mu. and Mus. Stan XR TPSTISW; ood S Cowling. Salem. Receiv'e an Extra 'dO «O lTape wiith Size .. Severai ehildren fi'o a-SLA RSIGMa.Whlp4 don are attending VacationR3SSING Ji' ~ ,~, . >.* School ivhich is being held al 25c ait w,îh Free 35C CouponPrd o us. F. Denbv and Mus. R. ReeP a Br S.O'aeh iire ender zol SAFEGUARD SOAP ...un............Te SALTINES Walk.r s1 bpk. Corn or * * ~~~on Thursday. Rchea t Mr. and Mi's Lionel Tille SP GHETTI1 Hein. in Tom.lo S..uce an. No. 1 Chev riflct întrior invittc you tii discov'er just lowit)\, ixtirious ilt'ar'cati be . . . cumfortable and famiiy moved last week 2 15 oz. tins I ad~ <iffootoorn hiprorn îid ead oom.toays Ridges. Receiv'e an Extra $2.00 'rape with l i. Mu. and Mus. Arthur Trewiný Haddock & Batter 14hln. Foz. kn hîîmt.t ofl olor . . . AvaîiabIe ini 4-I)r., 2-I)r. anid Hardtops and William ettended t.he Tue- NE POTATOESOn1 Buo Ig iitsF family picnic which was r hib EcGrou d eIcoî * BICAYN * BL AR * MPAL Sud ay the Solina* Hall on' MINCED BEEF Pkon. N C (i r S(~ enins -Staîdu dorAulînaitTrasmss.nsMus.. W. Martin is holidlay- En.c fi or8 cy. enines - Stndardor Aitoiiati Trasmissonswithwth Mus.. eFerguson, _ Frst iF rstKi A.d....t...it69C 4 oz si. aV.Pkg. of 100 Doubles NoxemaS CovneREADY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Mr. and Mis. J. Jones, Tom J. & J. BANDAIDS ..... 99C iFamiiy six. Convenient ~~~~~~~~ad Sandy, x'iited Mu. andLreAk ltr.....63CesTo Mr. Wm. Roberts. Buechin., iaSlzr 6cCetT Mu. and Mî's. Roberts accom-, TERý6 MotS UL EQUIPPED Clauls Village. Sna Aylmer Fancy 49 z FULLY arsMu. Jack Hised and Bau- fME2l~ TinsM bara, L'Original, Ont., visited WUUM WUMW UI TRADE 'N TRAVEL TIME - IS TIME TO BUY! Mu. and Mus. J. Potts on Mon-! da,, Beef or Irish 5 . ROY NICHOLS MOTO R Solo ColouredTins and Mus. LIoyd Ashton. O K sE s 49 Toironto. -4pent the weekend. xith Mus. J. Aikenhead atM RG RIEeuk5 SA LES LTD . F85 c0oUIrs. frene Mur'rayToraoA GAto ~ 5 SALES LTD* ~M and Mrs. R. Ormnistan iinuIAImwa Enniskilen, Mu. and MrcF CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CHEVYII, CORVAIR, OLDSMOBILE F5Ray~ were Sundav dne OLDSOBIE 8, DETA TARIREguesîs of Mu. and Mirs. Ross OLSOBL 8,DET SAFIEAshton and emiiy. Bow m anv ll COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623-2556 onhunday.sevNrieyat1:0 plu .%e *having churchph servi.ce- -1- ---- dur: - _W wei'e v11% Mrs'. Au.', 's. Miller's 1,Mus. Iso- 7an aunt, ter' Miller', )uglas Mil- )avid Mi- iss Carol- 1 - - - mov U INI Special $199,95 Prîces effective Jîîly 14, 15, 16 and Werserve the right to lmit quantities. ..... . ... ..... 692 .A.(,an. No. I1(Grade ndén Kernels mnthe Cob5 -39c 1Gr. Garden Freçh ('risp :e 2 heads 29C 'Iav'our Qt. Box ARINES 39C Skin Cream .... 73c KETCHUP 2 45fl Neme Pack %trawber, 242a~* 9 AYLMER JAM 2 8 S Sunkist Frozen Whitp or Pink C LEMONADE 10 Tins : IGA Foodliner M1AN VILLE - Gerhers (JIunior) BABY FOOD Instant Coffee Jarii 79C 4 'avoirqs tai'fo rds m 17. i I 6 4-11o fbý69c 1107-69c "S'NEEi' TOOTH SPE('lALS" Lemon Maringue Pie 55C Hompitaiiy 2Pkqý.,'I B6 ENGLISH MUFFINS ..... 49c Dempsiers SLICED SCONE LOAF 27c Chocolat. Chip I lh. PIq. WALKER'S COOKIES ...39c Bionched 4c off 13 et. Pkq. YORK PEANUTS .......41c relehrant-q. Mi," Peni.v Lee!The Canadien Stafetnian, I;nwmanv!ile, M'uy 14, 1965 B r g !j W e ,,-t l a k e w a s in c h a r g e o f b hW_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guest book, and Mrs. Rayv Weý(-tlake ushered. Ami Hansen, al of To>ront,,Hickerqn. Cobourg, Mr. and 'ersa ry Many beautiful bouquet.,'ý Mr. and Mz3. Bob Pews, Léa-' Mrs. Alf. icke.l, an atnt, ai. tih git. aifuind, aorndlmington, cousinq, Mr. atiqnd r annePhew and his wife, the gipacious uaam. Thdoe M.adM'.Ray Westlake, ity. and M s te -)aiu o m h per-1 Mrs. Norval Cuter, brotlher-1aî hi hkie o n n are vacaîionîng fcl poitdtbewas î-awadsir iM'.MbMicvhelle, cousIns. an wesî. entred with a three tieredlerMr. and Mrs. Neil Knight. A oî u aiv f'ed as centred wiîlî wedding cake iced in ht!sa , also a brother-in-lavv mn tl' 'a- f i wedding cake with silver and white decoaa-l and sister of Mr. Miller. Mu.,,AIo atended fromn out of ,n m ade bv M ~ I o. T e c k a l n and M rs. M urray M ile , M .1 t0.w ' w er'e thse fu m T r 'iit. This cake, b'. daint.v pastel colored' and Ms. Jan Mi ler and dan- aito, Ohawa, Cnhourg. Peter- and decorated sweetpeas auanged iin two ghter Be, M. and Ms. jolin 1brugh, and Prt Hpe. I d w hite, was cYStal brandy snifters. and Biît, m iss, Pa mn M ile . M r.' The cnfe d U h~ (hi c the base ,&itil the table was ighted with tal;aid Ms. Philip Mileu, cou- Wemeîî caered foi' the At î'r tulle inter- wh.lite tapeus in silver canidie-si, ail 1 of Oshawa, Mr. ad Hm.O ucu u n edross.Tiuesticks. An exquisite bouquet Mrs. Ross es.ak. îotte -Mus. Wîlf. Scattergood, Osh- hte wth aî ai25u'e toses, the git oainj-îaw and sister of Mîs. Mii- awa, entertaiiued at dininei' iri iver tapers i RaO' W. NichaIs. elso adornedi1er, and heu ather brother-mn- hoiuor ai Mu. and Mrs. Tedi sticks. and tîue the table.I law- and sistei'. Mu. and Mus. E. Miller. in liien loth Thse î%ho presided veu îi the sides with the tea and coffee cuýps wereý garland cented Ms. Alice Bickeill. Ms. Ross 1 go siler num- Westake. Ms. Neil Knighij aîud Mus. Narval Cutler. bathi aternîoonî M . a Oshawa. M s. R lýph Kellyv,1 1. Mi's. Eva T.'Mus. Bill Buugess. Mus. Wilf.! s. Walter Park Scattergod, Oshawa. tnothei' f M us.' M Assistiîg iin serving weie Id oveî' the teaMs. John Bint. Miss Pam' Aho assisted in Mile. Miss Bey Milleu, al ai Rteînooîu were O.ha\w\a. M.s. Bernard R. Kit- kinier. Tvone nec. Ms. Ed. Leslie, Mu. d G eishînguer* Bernard Hoden, and Ms. Art Co\,eric .' PPilp Miller, Oshawa. elhMr.Ted The Suver- Wedding celc- RED TA SA LE Goe. Miss baîts, M. and Ms. Miller. Miss Norma eitertaiied et. a family' dinnei' Ce Misses Lxn parts' with 23 guests at their. ier. uesideîuce. Prince Steet, b-'ý S L R 2 p eS lrie 119 i-S.joseh t.een the afternoýon and ev- îg MiS. JomscplePing î'eceptioîus at the Lions Nut M'.JnIes- Centre. Davenc sui- 'il h 1l i