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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 6

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The Canadien Statesnian, Bowmanvile, July 14, 1965 1 Sunday guests of Mr. and!B o Ashton spent Saturday ih Mm alc alwatterB o kburnst m rIua! their grandparents, Mr.itnd e .Turn r ~ oga tpeo;bi c o t t a g e , C a e s a r e a , w e r e M r .M s l y s t n n D V a i s a r i g o i e o fa y a r r e. r. a d M s f aLlaoydsp onsehdten.e and rs.Ewat LaskandReu lonMiss Shirley Tabb is holi- St PauI's Sunday School HA oU AÀnnual neoIg iMr.Ju ne C.ue etLMre udhe John Mariow and family, Sa olrg aem Liey r n r.Ia'The a n n u a 1 Blackburn- i Ladies' PUrse Race: Gloria Misses Beth and Barbaaigwih fala egt **M D ~ ~ Topo ndfml, r n Hardy Ail De, Picnic was Cornish and M3 rt]e Wilson. Ashton are holidayingwihL se 55 bs pnnars atreEhl and1i. held on mur- adY, JUIy st,l Men's Shoe Kick: Jack their grandparents. Mr. andS aw dr p î g coh s pn H o ld s Picnic a! W att Mrs. Murniel Hainstock, Tor- Hrlland school grounds, with ,Mxxed Spot Race: Esther! Mr-. and Mrs. Ress Ashton their monthly oileeig tpeoi St. Poui's United Qiurc*i finish line, and Mrs. Donald ces Henning, Anne and Bob onto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.15 sn. Wilson and Fred Hardy. :and failly attended the Me- !June 29iliat the in ete'Mrc udhe ,esn3. .Annual Picnic was held on Kennedy, Mrs. Wilfrid Carra- Cuthbertson. 'Albert Wright and the Fred,1 Oficers for 1966: Past Pre-' Mixed Wheelbarrow* Race:. Laughlin »picnic et the Cart-1 0f the Club's4mebsfety aigx. vre WednddeysJuey3OhutnWa-3thrsndaMt.Wlex eGrgorralloandowinsgrls:Su- Mewns.eidets.Bal.anoorn.BarkAlla Coe aniPetr:Lentjs.wri-tPar on unda. 2dwer prsentforahndrown StpiMan.k tone Park, Newcastle, and was reoerded the winners and pre- sanne Graham, Judy Sellers. i Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gra- Cornish; Hon. Presidents M JMxe1hre-eae ac'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison'ing of our monhlquc.MnDrpngctesis d M F'îl huh i-setd h rim11 ie Tre L t' d ance:lOsaa BvryTrerrcie h n bol Jc ehrt qulte aeesuarhuhat etdtepie.Balloon Blowing, boys: San-' ham, llbrook, vigited MT. and rs. FarewellBlackburn;iJanClead eere n des, M m. W.Bertrm and ainilr pan d it ftecuwt usn gho oe tendance was not as good as Follrwing the ffports pro- dy Kemp, Kerry Horsien. ! and Mrs. Mervyn Graham on Mr. end Mrs. Harvey Hardy; Anne Hard: and Sheila Smale. Wnsr iie Mrs. W.Èrr M . Berl-puits 'olb. itloe o UeCaleSaltn usual due to the holiday fl- gram, everyone sat down to Ladies' Ball in a Basket:'Sunday. Presi;dents, Mr. and .Mirs. Ar- LaiW heKik entimndramii]y o StrdayM her queen rebeigeir htceitv frxet~a lowing on the next day. a really fine picnie supper Judy Sellers, Sandre, Bryson. jMr. and Mr5. Will Forder, thur Knight: ist Vice Presi1CLaes"heKc:Ja rn and ShirleyonJohnston.'M Sunday School students met prepared by Mrs. H. A. Tur- Men's Bail in a Basket: Kený'MvIss Joyce and Mr. Clint dents.- Mr. and Mrs. Weslev' Mixed Sfhoe Scramble: Al- aster Jnmie Bertrim. Wifld'.>x hich she %wear,,tec cx s a~ rsdn.O~il at thre church at 2 p.m. and neranhrcaalcomt-BagAICuheso. B'W'viiefrndinK-D n;2 iePridns an oe and Shircaeableohn- r" staBagdfor.a holiday. xngBroor the monîh of licin'Krn-xgn Hcnch use'. Presdent, Johntve fra oidy were transferred by Burley tee. The Rev. H. A. Turner ________ cadine and Tiverton end en- Mr. and Mrs. Paul AllUn; 3rdI5to,, Jean Cole and PeteriVctin Shool fvii b plsa"Sinderla or ClbSa: sVers.For Bus Lies. Secretar K. E. saÉd Gxiace. MIss Margaret 'joyed a trip around Port El- Vice Pfrsidents, Mr. and Mrs.lLeentjes held in Salem ihol'fo sa.adars nabdLm> n iePe. lr lha uI hreo rn-Werry won the "lucky plate" BA KT C gin, Owen Sound, and nuiner- Gordon H a r d v: Secretary, Me'JBulyrw obr 12-23, from' 1:30 p.m. t0 vase. Mxt:Scy ooh tpe ous other points over the Mrs. Arthur Thompson; Asst. a _________Orquepo'TcCdahe.a n The atternoon up to 4:30 Atrspe r aeWr weekend. Secretarr-. Mrs. Roy lac;rrit and Farewell Blackburn.Ou enf wuoatxin swtteeng(Intended for last week) M- n r. J . J h - Tesrr is Ll ngt Special Prizes. Oldest lady 'Mary A nni Richars -cie ad e nt aSi nngald ry of the Sports j attendM.ind rs J AgJhn-ssasre, issLea-niht misce laeos games. At 4:30 organized a soiftbail gam'e There was a good attend -! ston, Mr. Earl Dorreil and1 Races were as follows: ackundgpc: ,Ms sel in mr prn. ail aoeembled for a pro- wiher a number of the Sun- ance at all services in the!Mx-. Harry Sanderson werej Girl's Race, 4~-7 yrs.: K<athy Backur. ldst gentleman OBITUARY ý,carf, for lier 5 l.wih os cr1 h ls udyr gaofrcsadother tests day School and congregation village. Sunday aet 10 a.m. in supper guests with Mr. Sam Hardy andI Mary Corni-sh. ttetiding picnic. Mr-. Weslev JAMES ARCHER The social ecigece u; we ehp o cd sk1i and aecuracy. Super- showed tlheir athietic skill. the United Ohurch. Mrs. Lorne Gibson, Edmonton, Mrs. V. Boy's Race, 4-7 yrs.: Jamesj ýflin:. Youn-est baby attend - wt eih Intendent Alex MeGregor act- Activities ceased when the Thompson sang a solo, -oh Nagent, Sudbury, and Mrs. J. Hardy and Bruce Snoxvden. i ng pienie, Lisa Alun. daugh-, The death of James Archer,luncli served by he fhe___ edd as recorirec hetrogambfscamheocairfogthast- fr adosrswlRacehTee8 Ganes tetby afMxMranGalndRac. 8toPaul. tx- f x-,andMrsPa9 AI agd 1 yers.occrre atmemers (I Moîrs f Cna Ken Bragg as starter. Past dentseat 8 p.m. Recv. Merrili Ferguson, Tor- Mrs. Jim 1H1anna'h's and Rose Debbie Hariy end Karon1 li*n: Person attending most1 Hamilton General Hospital on a uprnedn lTi a-onto, took charge of the ser- Ellen's home in Hampton on Slck. pienis. Isaac Hardy: Pers.on, Sudayý, July . 1965. 1eha liers Wrhrag o ruk ruflhers acted as judge at the It was a beautiful day fer vice and preached from fle Sunday. Boy's Raee-' 8 Io 10 yrs.:icomniig tefrtSo NI.J«Wbe n o Mx-.and Mýr twCharlc%-s r e ..rO a f-x3!0lh.u5,00bs 'a picale and the outinig was subject "Have You Receivedý Mrs. L. Bradley, Bownman- George Pearce. i owOn IRoland, Man,; Lucky aSoi, ofxMr.eandf tîausmissLins thoroughly enjoyed by every- the Holy Spirit?" The regu- ý ville, visited Mrs. Harold GirIls Race, il to 14 yrs.: draw. Minnie Hardy,. Archer, Courtice. the dececqs-At H n er n i tl cfe îs one. ~ lar service and the admninis- Crawýford, Thursday. Mary Pearce and Darlene Relatives were present fromýed altencied Couî'tice Ju1c List of prize winners fol- tration of H-oly Communion Mrs. R. Stinson, Bowman- Thompson. ýSudbury,. Lindsaýv. Peterbor-1SchooI and Boxymanville H-ighAt H n -q ul lows: in the Anglican Church t Il ville, visited Mrs. Pery Van Bov's Race, 11-14 'rs.' John ough, Boivman xill]e, OshuiawaS hool. He is su-vived bx' is Runnng Race, fire years a.m. was conducted by CanoniCanmp, Thursday, and Mr-. and Lodge end Michael Smale, j Toronto. N ev Toronto. Port wvifc, thie former Helen Curtis.I p ~~~a d d r: R ussel C r o keS , A shm o e w ho also delvered ; M rs. O sm ond W right, Sunda y. 0 ?ir's 'Race, 14 ' s. auCr di, i a . n irond- M - r h r h d r s d d i~ lmy P c S1rl ,.-i t n a n d jC r i f , .t ii f . A r2, c e o i , . . i3, E L E C T P C a m iT N David Fank, Jefery Broks. afine semon.eMr.liolbrt Archt e ove: Shirli tohsion an' i119 n/ AST 6UAR AOINSTTHE Running Race, six years and At 7:30 p.m. the membersi spending thi *s week with re- Dianne Cornish. eal!d~r.df- a x'r. Bxaivile e as i nn-xvaîertee vs to 6A AASTTE under Kirk Kem'p, Joe Dal- Of *the Loyal Orange Orderj latives et Minden. Single Men, 14 yrs and enjoyable cdai togethex- andbr f Hute' Unted ha c. nd-i e at the inu\,vp ber ofer:tRote-rtUnited CndBrianhendanceiaT the uni.. a~~ rymnPle, Eric Burns. and Ladies Benevolent Asso- usn . c Orv ere.obertAlnadBin xoitho sec one and al] The deceased piayed juno fHe edroî(a SA ! ciation gathered at the lodge Earle_________________uiiu.__rof__'lie_________ andunde igRkep, E li a-rs oims andI, led by Blackstock Buies£rcoyin senior soccer for Courtice'Orono Park on Jun 7 TSltETLS and unnmR: ac e , E l izars and B also pla ed hiky n There were f mi es ho - MiftH5 or IFSv eawndefu DoLn G O laktîn 'w-in il.froox varions prsc h beh ee, flso Wls. Church xvhere Canon Ash- ACCO Un an0CYN Surviving besicies bis x vifeipl.ov-iî.e but tho( hocm Running RacYegJt distaor ceiverd awo Mu.u OF OMEOWNING and u(IntendeKepdSnforanelarmon eek) ervceM hW.erTaAcoumyntandtndJimorTes,.ekAlsorasur-s WaBlccburus.amJaancJimL.AiIh sudtad ackd _____________________dy KrrK obemps Or.anguselsterngfe rerce, Chr ccontret Th SudvSchool Anni-] Dale ind Neil1 and Mrs. Cow-vvn r1 îtr huet. aml'to ugsvle eu ~"N T L Runnng ace bos ane o prad on il ourstretsof 23-861vers-ary Services were held inling attended the Foley picnic and brothers, Bi'], Bob Woorl.31ock. 'YWv probably asked yowr- eleven: Kerry Horslen, Trac- the village. ___ the ehurcix shed, June 27th. 1 vioh \vas lield at the Dar- and Don, al] ai home. Tineo- f meetingxa ialr sel' hee ueting Wat~.ey Emnbley. Promotion exercises were LONARD JAMES BROOKS The platform was nice'ly dec- 1 hington Provinciil 'Park on The funeral servixce ,as 1lor ..3o noonan atea Running Race, boys and held i i e United Church' hree conat ioratedj wit-h streamiers, flags, Sa turday. ýlîeld fuomi the \îox'ris Funer,1l suniptuonus diinuernavo- ome ee fais n m p ope ty girls, nine to eleven: Janet Sc o oi S n ay m orning. Sev-' r s e a a k u îy and lovelv flow ers. The w ea- j M r. aid-id M s. Ross Ashton, iC h a pe , B owmjj an viîîle, o e t e e e j y d and s es m c .. W at ifniy H rsie , Marlyn Sackauk. eal ineresing sories 0f.S ite 2 5W 72 -995' the' hei g id al, a largeerow ' Shex-l alrl oth tok Gln, W dnesd y Jul' 7t, ao- xx-a Owi g 1ail-cihçiic ol te I home is burglarized .. . What Running Race, boys, tweîve work covered during the year Ohw hpigCnr attended thie afternoon, and AshtOfl and Donald Trexvxu b ou ducted by Rex'. John Ro- Sceav DorotivSaltn ta fourteen : KrYHsln eetl ytecide. W-M. J.-H. COGGINS- evening services. special mxu- the Qu;ii-Mo-Lace Camp, Mai- meril Of *Courtice Utiiced thrioughl illiiess. Msr.Jh ______________ If ltr lavs e it taRs a Open Surxdav School will Chartered Accountant sic was provided by the un,,-idc,. On Satîuda'y, andl on their IChurhad e.xjpm-!i\,an oCu fo nd ton f i f m ld rng Ru nin acgirls, twelve b ed tr u h u h un e o d Fo rday Scool, assiÀsted in the af-j v 0ld on B y u a Wo f S. Jo ns gia ulPie.i nt O uvlrNc -c- E i I L ~ . ~ ashes? The answer to these to fourteen: Frances Heaning, mer. rie programi is varied[ New Library Building terr'noon hy Mrs. Lloyd Ayre.'and Mr. Jiun Dugan ai. Frank-1 Charoli, Botvýmýanvil-ie. Inte-ou i thtesot uga sud mny mre WAT w Susanne Graham. with filin strips and record-I Cor, King & Temperance Sts. Bowm'anvilte, and ini the evjod nir x. andl Mrs. Gar- ment was in Bownianville The winners ofteraiu admnmoeWA IF Young Men's Open Running ings and speakers. Mr. oj Phone 23-3612 ening b' the Euniskillen Dou.- don Wight, 1Millhrook. Cemetei-y.eetus xxere as folos16T M E A EST - omeowner'apackage policy. Cullibertson. speak on July 25th, and Missj Chartered Accountants ternooin Bey. Dugan's me.ssqage!StLiimex course ou Monday atj Jack Archer, Dan Archer, ie-f, Peter Lenrd;-o W cm gLaie' pe RnangRac: orenVa CmpAu. 2n. 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. was Io the children, "The Oakwood Cofllgiate, Toronîio.IjGeralci Black, HoxvaudLo, ikug Tc e Lulart Naonii fiisien, Susanne Gra- - Congratulations to LorrainciPartners: PreaehiOng Pin," In the ex-en- -Barara sfitn an Alln Me f______ad____ Beaty._____________et(ý ictailsm. 'Turner who received 100% j - Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ing Rex'. Dugari's message was ___ Wheelbarrow Race, (boyslon heu Grade 2 Theox-v ex-i G. Edm-onil Burrows, C.A "Do Tt Yourself Religion," and girls): Bob Cuthbertson' amin-ations. Seec:full report,__ Phone 728-7554 niesrVsto: and Neil Cuthbertson. Anne1of the pupils of Mrs. Rutuj1 hniersaxE.C. Viiton rs RetaF O Cuthbertson and Sandra Bry- Wilson eisew-hereini this HALL, PERKIN CO Rodn-an, Oshawa, Mr. and son. paper.e Chartered Accotîntants Ms odnBeh al Armlock Race, (boys and Glad to report Mr. Wiil!Klng Street - Newcastle Gî'ove. xvere tea. guesîs of1 i'. girls): Judy Sellers and Fran- Hooey i improving, although 987-4240 Ohw and Ms. Ross Ashton.J. l, a fLm JAMES ~~~~~~~~slowly, in Port Perry Hospital. ý36ý/ King St. E.Re.C Dga. x-Jm ' (rJ Linda Mountjoy, Lorraine I 725-6539 DuIgan, Tyrone, Mi'. ai-id Mrs. -- UA IfA Re lGtt et Cash T aday TuCria ne. o Lr e r,'Ma l Wivilan . Ha-la, B.Co mnj.-i,,C.A. RoFss Pooley, Oshawa, Mx.-S I OA T Ii f VL tfl Dl nce - eal Eu ateY ar agh u, Gorll M a co m' D avid G . P ex-kin, C .A . M elxville G iffin, B ackstock, .14P.T For Id A pliacesanil Brian LEe are altendiug--.--- Mr. andl Mrs. Alfredl Garrard,ý King Si. E. Bowmanvilîs camps et Quin-Mo-Lec Ihis > . Baux- andl Lori-Ann were throngbj week. Chi r oprac c Snday tea gu ests of Mr. and Office Residence T A T E 8 M A N M -s. Ruby Ramsey Ro se jN E " K L E ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __P hone 623-3303 P ort P e xry, and M xs. C ecil I C hi xopractor bert, M rs. S tella B eech , M x-r.'g p i e 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H a m i l t o n c a l l e d o n M r s . d a 1 O f f i c e : h a r l i e H o n e . B w m n x î l- 1 i1 - o . A r o l B m Taylor, Thursday. 115 Elgin St. cor. of 11onýey St.we Sda eenncles Sunday visitors 'virAi Mrs.1 Phone 623-509 Garards.%ae34 lcOf 1ad -o. a BSTBY'Save1e'Saa Dcs Alma Fowler xveue IMx. a fieHoux-s: By appointm-ent Mrs. C. Rice. Bow nanv île C-Saean abr 34n!1jeOffiake at Ja 12-oz. Jare k6l S Mrs.Geore Ruherfrd, sh-iMrs. T. 'vountjoy, Hampton,ý awa, Mx-. and Mrs. Morley1 JD e n fa1 were Sunday supper guest t Anderson and Mr-. and M-._ -~ Mx-. and Mrýs. D . Cameon's.iI S A T C F E 9 - I A L f_ t iNI COFEE s, MIRACL WIII Ruer ,Ber, w 'ille. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Mx. and Mrs. Arvhur Tre-! c - Mrs. Fowlerretunwithte7 igS.E omnil in and William andl Kyle - Save 6e! Detergent 24-0z. Giant Size -~~~ Byers for a few days. lOffice Houxs. Graîham wex-r teà guests ati( T Ifhu~~ BEST BUE! Save 7c! AYLE Mss Rolande Martel ofl 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily MT- and Mrsq. L. Graham's on! UN IGHT LII4UID 53 Stoke Centre, Quebex-, is guest'Closed Saturday and Sunday anniversa.ry Sunday. eta e of Miss Lamna Wrigh t lasti Office Phone - 623-5790 Mx-. au-d Muts. GordonSave 19c! Sunspun itBck SUPERI andthi wAk.Thin1tes BrickewasteVege461tabler adSoup CI 3t 37ct SUekPdthERe.ThnRs hoeNwatl 8-21 eM-OaiRr.Clyo o Lorna xill go home with her 1 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Reail. Robert and Steven, E DI0 c BS UISv e for two weeks. This is anl E C E M4 fr89 ETBVSv e intr-roincalstden c- Kig t.Office Boxvmanivill-. \vere supper! intr-povicil sudet e7 5 Kng t.E. Bowmanville guests of Mr. andI Mxs. A.' Save 6c - Club Des Millionares change. Office Houxs:. Read and Lyniie. fi SE O DMr. andl Mrs. Fred Motton 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 'Mr'. and Mrs. Oxville Ash- andI family, Wiilowdalc, Ms lsdStra nISna ton and Charles, Mr. and Mx-s. SARDINES___________________ Ferne Ritchie, x.' Mr s. a-e and M-mr' j elephone : Office 623-5459 B.n Ormiston, Mr. anativMus. ETBY M ORTIIASES MeSrer nd Mwr, armeryî Iv. .SISan Sharp, Linde and Janet,'[IEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS! ET U ave 1c evein vsitrswil- Mr adýgustsofMr ad Ms.Llyd NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 79 e Ternis up te 10 yegas*eNo brokerage fees MrG len Beacock en o s.th10 LibOfer in StN.hovmanville Ashton, Ronald and Ray. @ No hidden charges 0*A//orprt can b. prepald at any the Mottons and Robert Mot- Phone 623-5604 M- n r.Tom Smithj Rg 19PiieJgMalaOfrFalySz oNobonuses lime wthout noc or penalty ton stayed with Gardon Bea- Office Houxs: and Elcanor, Stouffville., at-j CREST TOOTH PASTE ... $1.02 BEST BUY! Save 60!CloBa f5 icock for a wcck's holidy 1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiiy tendeil thc Anrîiversa-y ser tv.,.RyTurnerx', osed Wdnesday .Sunday Vvices andwretagsFR EN ODSy->1 Mx-. andil Mr..aRoyeda teeCl MUE of FROZENIFaOs F or FR E b o h u # , SU PE / O mo , gg rt e , p o e L orrain eic and girls attende il -' x. n1M s J on s aii , Save 6 e O ld South Suprenie T enderr i mu e PIIteCPROofIeesyuthe wedding of a niece of M-. J n s u r a n c e famnly. idMrs. F. Blackburn ORANGE JUICE GREEN PEAS P l a d THE REALTY DIVISION oF Turner in Cardinal, Saturday,'...M- n r.GcadSakle6-zutnr-l.BaET U! ae12 HEsH _C TPiilr"%»É-"" % mm Juy3rd. DONALD A. MacGrEOR V-tn ' Msf eam , Sakle Misss -h . RVp nrxt _ i- r Stu was born and raised on the Crago lani -__ Res. 623-55,53 like bt.hffank @Il who helperf E A In l Providenee on the Town Lice between Dar- ERIHARD LlEI n any wax' ta meke aur S. S.PT A 1* F llngton and Clarke townships. After bis school- B.A., LL.B. Anniversarv a sulccess.ALPUP S <Indury dforeerlys obte formjininfarm the srtafPoe 9874633icitanorMrs LlEdWAhPo 0f Gen Re l Jun, 158. inc the hebas een Hox-s: 9-530 - Wed, Sa., - 1 T e H n ead Shoo ntClub movtng to Bowvmanvillie wbere be worked ln King St. W. Newcastle %vas Sunday dinner gue t of lnusr frseealyer bfreJinngte tfNPonares Pbli-s4633gon sonthm 2hon. of then monilna befe 9t.he tore are o ent W. R. -53 Stie, Q. . 1June Fort-le adow to COOIJFU ST Stu serves the Bowmanvilie Beach area, early A. A. H. Strike, B.A. elldntbefrspe-DSO weenthehour of7 ad 10a.m youivii fnd Ewar C. ildan, after whieh sports wex-c en J wentehuso n 0am o dB.A., LL.B. joycd by both young and old.I joe we Clfr hlm somewbere along Bowmanville's front street 4 King Stil]-Bomav1j On June 23x-d, the scl-iool 0*Reinforced '5 ~servlna' the stores and restaurants. Stu then pro- Teehn12591 ctlue ni ece x' aojusable s/rap way from Newcastle ta Elliott's Garage, eaut of ejyed a bus trip ta, Pioneer "fpe r Newtonville, includina' the builit up area ih M ior t gteylat Stu a Ph ne 1 r 16M rs. T hom pson w e -e M r . andI -1 9 adhnaboy and a girl, and they reside at à First Mortgage Funds Mrs. H. Pellow, Mr. andI Mrs. 15 Prince St., Bowmanvîlle, Residence - Fax-ms Har-oldI Niee Tox-onto, Mrs y 9 1 *SP A&N ISH O Nf O S 9 ____________________________Business__ Properties R. D. Thompson, Hampton. - PHONE 63 54 FOR HOME DELIVERY p 1o M t r Y Sleighthoîm, Whltby, Mrs. B. - KEIFTU A. BILETT. 0.D. Mrs. M. Bertrim, Jean and' Mcoad omnil.:MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITEMpeGrv '14 Optometrist Birdie attended te Post-Gage 113 St. E. Bowmanville wedding at Thornhill on 'OfficejIours: By appointment Thux-sday, July 151. Telphoe 63-352 Mîrs, M. Bertrim, Jean, Bî r %ion. - Tues. - Thurs, - Frl. die and John andI Mr, andIR D & W I E*.C r n KnStW.Bwavî.9 aan. to 5 p.m. MVrs. Wesley Bextrir and fam P CK S R D 6 H T KingSt. . Boman h urday venigs i visited Mx-. andI Mrs. lo 'ed. andI Sat. - 9 - 12 Morni.son, Oshawa, on Friday.I 4 . ' a lui

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