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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1965, p. 8

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9The Canad1an Stateoimmn. BovnnanvilIe, July 14, 1110 SSPORTropICs i' SBy l'tank Mobtun 62.7234 GLIDOLIN NEW COAC'H When it was announced last wPek that "Bep" Guidnlin. 8 ten year veferan of the N.H.L. wars wa-, the npw coach of Oshawa Generahi, the switch came as little surprise 1o0 mnost Jr. "A" supporters. It was ohvious lait season that the cluib wasnt lmprov-. tng under Jim Cherry. He wagn*t tenching the players ton. niuch, arnd this wa.s the mari reason why the parent Bruins: w-ere dissatisfied with bis work. Althoiîgh Jiîm was lacking in ibis ait important requis-'; Ite, he dicd havi onle tremendous quality and that was thei ability to inspire ithe club to greater he.ights. Originallyl Cherry took over Che team in the 1963-8i4 sepson and led: themn into thr playnfs. Last spason, in .spie of numernus! regular schedulfc injuriesa to top pertormers. Gpnerals fln-' ished fourth. li the playnffs Oshawa extended Memnriali Cup champion Niagara Falir Flyers In six games, and their two victories was more thr.n ROy other club managed. If Guidolin van combine Cherrys leadership with quai- fties the management is ]ooking for, Generals should have, qutitp an ahle coach. Incidenta lly "Bep"ý was the younigestl player, a! sî,xteen. te ever mapke the N-IL. t t t S031E DIDN'T MARE IT Unfortunately several games last week didnt quijte; mnake it to mir sports pages, while we were away on hoIu-I days. ard wPve been ht-aring about it since ntur return. 1 Firstly, however, we wotld like te mention that thel Towivn League Softball statistirs were about as complete record as we have ever sepn. So here's a big tip of the hati to 'Tam" Cox m-ho must have spent many hours compilingi, thern. Now tbj3 i iti-ri lefi the score-hnok unavailable for ourý romplarement David Goheen, therefore n games were re- ported. Nevertheless the uindaunted Mr. Goheen will see bisj -write-ups in print this week, and will probably continue tej cover the TowNn League softhall scene for the remainder o! i the srasol., Thp. hoîday ou Thursdlay waçt Iargely responsible for ý Frg Willatts- ladies softball reports not gettingi. Therel 'ntn ough tuine o process them. We shoîild like te thank, Peg fou- bis efforts and hope for better resuits ilext time. 1 BALL CLINIC --iThe Toronto Maple Leaf Basebai Club; urill condujrt a Baseball Chi R a Memorial Park on Thurs- rlay, July 22nd. 1965, f rom 11:00 arnm. te 1:00 p.m. Thie Base'-> hall1 Chiic part of the flepartment* <of Recreation Sumrmer Playgrotindî Programme. More oformation on this clinic in flext weeks Statesman. L~S MX Yankees Beat Dodgers ta Win Atom Titie and Bill Mutton Memorial Trophy i i i i T Thefinal game of Ilte Becreation Depi pnsoedAiom NEW 'YORK 'I ague took place on1 Fridav aflernioun ai I\eniorial Park, wben the Dodgers went down te a 23-6 defeit al, the bauds of IlleYaiikees. UnfrA Following the game, the winnfei's were awaded i beuiw Bill Muituin Lasc tm ure niveup in fhe' biz ity. o'ne of the huliglMmra trophy donaied hythie Menmoi'ial Park Assio. 'lbe late Mr. ~ycu couldntf help rtoticing w;r.s the Ulnited Nations. But that'Mutton sponsored and coachied manu' yhaill ieas iii thue iiiuîir was from the outside, and We alWaYS wanted In see what ýleagiies, most of thom plaving titeir borne ganres ai, Memorial Park. the interior was like. 'he winners aise eeve LiteCI-esîs fîrn lic Reciration DcpI. Tti k qiiibe. easy in attend a LLN. meeting, and surpris-- irglv interestitig Inn! Speeches are simuttaneously interpret- j' - ecl in Chinrese, English, Fretich, Russian and Spanish. Ear- Canadian Tire Go g e c phones, -wured info a elephone dial systemn are provided at Go g e c', re'ch seatr, and althouigb wae otild only ~understand Russian, IGirI5 Defeat I 0 u-e couldo'tt resiat listening in on the other languages, find-1(~ I I ïbn Englbsh nuite interesting. 0f course ynti cari lisien in the N uIý*n i ~ - f v r r r speah-er:sw-thouit bothering with the interpretation sbould'Newcastle -2 9 - Io r Tours conduicted byv girls from the varunus natin aed.efdNecsl - ua' hyIDavid (;nhdoemî hîil:-'î- i lir ~t~.~wihougbthe reniaining assemnbly rnrms fiwhjch the!DLirlham Ladies' ,softbailli-. ii Ocnia'ecîîm ii-pcîVîll r- pi.blir, ii adrnlbed, It is a gond idea to visit the U. . n htri'ction ai Crtii rai Sibool f;, SIýi hcn uels s un 1 is, pu F,( ,d nLi-h ir thdiamond. heu-e. Mondaeiyight. \qcî., isVs"îucr l n s;q hîî.s ell niorninc sri yoiî cenhRve dinner in the delegates dining' i uheSrii room, ît'hich round% out a pretty fair visit. Afier Bowmiaivillr f h a 4ici isin i i licVm<'il. - h ns' i ' openeci the scouing on the fitsi, eSiinciîîid.'h h"xrs Quen Elizabeth Newcastle tied if w;itb a à gl ihe<'rCil iz l X's iXi ii p~i Luckulythie Queen Elizabeth war, hi port andl we were riin in tbe second ie "hee .- le o-ill Iii i"'in j li mi eie In secwhaf the world'% largest liner. 1.0.11 feet j In'irncaI thoîued aoss hf a dI ing f <' cpiieii'mi' forX lengbh, was luke. Before wP even gof around 1in this columiu, uo- h otmlaf sFîkmi.u ~Delores Davev triplec i sd u litri,(, i. cii1'Sir- itii iî wewre sked how many people could he accommodal.ed.lT3etty Tlîeitell anîd- Kaien pheil was tlie u uîcruhilu' v/cri,' î'iiiit "here is cabin space for 2,233 -- 17 first class, 660 cabbirrWhite added singles. Tled "Bald.v linaýr took t'lie trsn'k inîtil fic~ w clasanard -756 onirist. While first class accommodation was' Caniadiaru TFire uoîîliaicd 10 mss Sri on r ftlic Juxurious, we wuere surprbsed at the smallness of the tourist 'other' in tbe bird aud woîii d Bob Ahuîî, liee, duj i l--Fiîl< l. rrîîî il: ta bu'up iheir seoring wiib fwn fift!h uinnîng talles as faver' uni- The Qucen Elizabeth ha>, a comrpile hospital, swimm-' lecterd hec secondthe-agr ing pool. ttirkish bath, theatre and ntumeronis louinges. If Newcagles final ruin came. in the acoreahwegiug16ins ixmle f apt hrey Boîeld bn h i-S ix ! h In nin gq ou are satistically minded, the ship weighs 83,673 Ions, bas th leentb çtnd requimes; a staff of 1,200. Food supplies requuiu-ed for a nOts wib h a itriple Inid iu Gti es Wh'e ýsunlgles itb Mus. Dauu's u lve 'ol 1/ 1 ound trip voyage inChuldP 70,000 lhs. <of Meat, 30 tons oif fîsh, triples adding bib e bip damy- six tons of sugar and .9,000 quarts <nf milk. age.A Boat Trio Vicki Gra iseolkei-dlt) ; onu' Af -i rLM Undoubtedly thp. cheapest bnRt trip. (or for that matter Of singles And Jeaîî W'agar .vy means of travel> You cao take in New York is a five duldfo b osi.Tc rle jaunt on the Staten Island ferry- - for a nickel. On 1te11bosed ioebitîci- lu'rnh return voyage Yoit get quite a view of the sky-scrapers oin ivinig tp eigbt safebies ftoai the soritherui tmp of Manhattan. cep> bbhe s. Although il is more expensi'e. PorcIn he exact, another- shorter boat tude to the Statue of Liberty iii a must for anY n tourist. An eevator takes you In tbe base of the stature. And Ya nkee VW in _iu can -ivalk to the clown, but wp didn't hother. and fuom reports Ilisn't. worthwhjle. Atorn Series The Statue of Liberty, a gift from France, m eas rces M "ie152-e ); rda f feet in heiglitl, includiuug the 42 foot up-stretched armn. TIhe IllîrYn eson FridaX- Sfa pedestal is 150 feet high-. pbceio o rlaeMcrlminaIllParo Other visitors iniformed unms ttai airele tour arnund picthed ip nueorouind iiiifoi Manhattan hv boia! as excellent. but afier the two ahove 23-iriui oiitbiir'st agaitisi tlc voyýage,, c didn't nulle make ib. Dodgers bo x-in bhc Atomîî itlc. ----Entertainment 'l'lie Dodgers* pickcd ip ticirr lat t woruis inIllbe lasto Theatres. nighît-clubs. sports evenbs. television shows,,the fluth on a walk ruo Gûor,-, ruovies, heaches, famous restaurants arid bars, broadway, .Bowen t auci a triple by'\ Do:ig Harlein. Chinatowru, Greenwich Village. Wall Street. in ad-_ Bragg >0 top off their six riin.. dution toi attractions, we've already mentioned this week and, Top bitters fori-be Yankeesi last-- thb's ew ~ork.were Bobby Preston witlu thiuc last-- hatm Ner Yrkhitçfs iifive trips Io bIule plate Chinatown -- we had SPeur PreviOuISly' and having rnot including two grand slair hepn ton imprcsqed then didn't venture back. Harlem- we home rrrns, andc Peter NoXlail ttaw from the street marking itm southerri boundary, Not with twn singles and bIîre w alIks. ivatifing In he bhe ooly whîtes On a btus, and with the taxi 'Tie top hiuteu- for- the l)od- siruke makirug that Imans of transportation tough Io cornie gens w as Douz Br'apg XX\ho bu-, vwe vere content Io get as close as we had. Fuom oui '-ohlecbted hotu of the Dndgc s' vanbage pointb flic benemeruts seemed b bhouse an tiver- bits in a lnsing cause. »bunctance Of PeopIef- ntot the best place to live. MEMORIAL ARENA S RO WMAN VILLE N. Telephone 623-5728 s' PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, JULY 16th - AND - WEDNESDAVD JULY 21st Uine Scou-es: Y A! ke esu. 23 i nus off oui lv -7 l nud 231 hases 0oubi hal'. For îuîc Doud- gens il wuas fi rums off 2 lu i u ani 6 free passes. The Reciearioru Cniiuiîecc wouîld like to extend thelu- sin- cere thauîks icithie followuuîg i meut for a job XelIdone iii coachîing tiese boys: sauin Snowdeuu, Johuu Jo.skoski. .Jav; Nesbibt. Bad Peufer-t. Llovd Forsey, David Trimble. Geg Oudshoorn, Doitu. Fecris: uni- pires, Guy Parks. Teurv Baker and Dorug McFeeter-s, anîd special thanks to Cecil Mi foi and fhi.Mernuoial Paru-k Association for their co-opr.- tion in donating the beautufuLi Menuorial Pau-k Troplîx ';n mnemory of tue lafe n.' Bih, ýMutton. a wrell kuoXun ansd iwell iked su pporfer or0f iiot baseball in the towîi of Bow- 'manville. and f0th le Kiwauuis Club who pLirchased sweaters 'fthe team.also apprccia- excellent supervision uof the Baseball League, As1 i ney t5eat, bv .Iinà (Lii I.uý t d Buirii~iii î-ii i - i ti iuiri X c s i'(. e 'u O X C' li ai ' usf c u r oi \oi of ýýcC'rud plaýe. i i tlic .J r. tIen - r rugi" <t :Iu fi. 111'ir han' hiuv î'i.nsxc k grX xi~ uuul- nl; lit-. 'X 'iil- anri wilaîkcd l i eu'. lii- ilitI X~ ii ii IX' li, flfl lu-.'- 'f t1lu- 'eri - rut 'i Six '. %ilus. !hoglî- l 'ie for ta)c Mcrs Wcsr.l ili. "Siil- graiutccî Iluevi- ii 'uiî Iuiicuicls. hui tirer of I ivcni we'ec lui-ruiis. île wlîi ffed Lacrosse News, Miduiet Series: Yeîloue Jscce:s aund Cruel b-alcId fo a six-ail tic lin s 1MAidgc sees a-oue grne nIa'e cdat Firuuikliu Psu-k S! goals nIonhre ' linue lackrc'in XX i'~ an"t'cXiii <oud o gol"silrr a-.î-'d ed XXitI' vu'.'o a.-. i *ts \ lukECooper' or fle YelnuueIsekets hiickeCu"11 s -oal sud tXXo an'Sist.-. Johni Kranip alsopssisfec! ,oui onr of Lacer' Dcuiit- ui. Terre Dcrv.: "s-o: -cd l guoas ýfor:*,!ifGa'el<. ,ulSs. a- .Sssucu îuîîDo;ug Sleep's gnil. F:-a ui s' erle nIu ifor tXen gioals asid wo ss,:.Douig Sicm usi.-.'ed on tun f 'Dr- Pee Wep Senies: Resus uwoî. ou ce Cu'u 170In4 .a Pec We--ariie plsXcd at Fr-anklinu Parki- ast -;'eek .Alari Abenefhr-scored fnixir goals for lie Xu'Xuuîîeus. wbhle tcsuî mate David Tabb 'ncnrcdé tbrer' goals. Doug Croumgh côl-ý lected Ihree assist. For !lue losers, Plaruzer s-eor- cd Iwo goals. whilr Dotug Hen- uuing scored a goal snd aitas- 'nist Stepien' iDarru ollecccd ole goual for the los.. I'na momeunes iclfrded, front ru, l eft tlu right, .1Jetf Boss. pRohbie EubPeteowlau Dai-r-l Luuinev~ and Jambe Per-fect.; back row I)avid FaeCoacb Bud Prfct anux' Leemaui, Ceci! JIM ufttonr, X'iiPi'eseuîel(d thbe ti-opbxiNi otearn Cantajinu 'ohl-w pu-on1~~~~ liv ,Joe Kenn BIacl RUndle lef",Was s Fu( ýve,,r K o thii r uiii. Ile lir' omr, ln. Kiivnl-c mh c' 1i' in s('( ii t di *i f f<'lu i ' c tC;heu 2-Ruri Sully Chalks Up 6th Win As Chartran's Dump Frank's I)ens Stillivan elbalked up !Ken Baker in the fourth. afier bus sixth win in the Junior Ibuilding up a 7-n lead. Baker MAn's League last. Thursday 'ý(1-5), was tagged for seven iiiglit. as Chartran's dumped ihits while fanning Iwo andi Frank's Variety 9-2. "Suîlly", lwalking one during 'h;< three (6-4), allowed the Variety jfuil frames. 1{arvey Webstpr gang seven hits, fanned two tossed the remainin 1ý4Lhree and %valked only mie. ]-le was linnin gs f or Frank's, giurg 11P supported by errorless de- 'Iwo more rmus on three hils. fence by his mates. Dec nis Sullivan, coas-t ung Chartran's, winning their jalong wull an 8-0) Iead through lbudstraight. chased starter ýfive innings, appeared on his 'Way. to a shublotit. Jerry Falls' rotnd-trippeu' in the top ot ,th sithfinllybrke the runi Shoemen Down othe ks gohfinllyeggs. a Chartran'S added a final LUI Uphoisterers in the bottorn of the six! to F take a 9-1 lecd, %wtl Sullivan rloiing' a tr-iple. Hits by Don Last T esday MeMlirtrr and Renn ' Baker Lat u sd y pio\idrd Frauk-Xs \wùi hp hy Jim <'arke ,ster im n hetp f h 'led Leveck wpsiu bis thir-d Arnuund thE' Bas"s *gaineof the season last Tues- .lîm Claýkr. Ci i ' ait.~ dav night, (.ily 61bh,. as Ellis G;en,-p Michelsoni and Du'nnîs Shîoe,ý downed WhYles' Up- 'Sulivlîan liaci uwo hits rach. in bliie6-1. Leve ck. willî lead Châîanraîs itaick. Fonr t reendotis defeiîsive support. Frank's, B3ob MrMauuuiq..Ir .limited the losers to jusi six Falis anîd Han-v\ Webster bits, while fanning one and pickro up fiwu bits rAcbi. walkinig one. lit addit ion ino Sulliva'a u AI *Coon" Osbone took the sawî top pitchiiîg effort, loss (1i-3) and gave wav to Cha ut ran's vame un with a DicîK Stata iin the third. "Ellk shai p ficldui- <'floi. lu lubd"Coon" for, aIl six Clat-h-. atib îisecond bse posi nad fivebits. Stataw as espec.iale bu (nforthie blankeci El] s on a br-illiant re- winnei-s. fiptuii'iRin eigbî put- lief chore for- the lasit 4 2/3 in-- muls. nhi gs. He gave up only a- ,bunif single, fanned three andi ;walked two. A drivie by Fulisl !Glord Wallace got away from a Branilev ini the fiirst apid tbree LS E HERE: runs scored. Bruve Adais and Jim Coyle had walked. prior In Wallace's dr-ive. The wiiiners took a 5-1) lead iii the second. witb 'DoC Adais banging a two-run Isingle. Osborne gave uip a douIble to Wallace, a single to Kilpaîrjck anîd a walk to Mr- Knight, loading the sacks i the Ibir-d. Stata took over at1 *ibis point and got Ted Leveck on an infjeld pop, for the sec- I oud out. He forýced in Bulis' sixhl!uru n t hougbi, 'wen lie walkcd John Connors. Randell faiined, In end the inniug. Dick Stata singled in the bol- ;loin of the tbird, scoring Steve Bnîî wtbWhte nlymn Gordon Sinclair of the game. Whyt&'s managed ha<k-to- back bits in the sixth by AI Farrow and Gord Burnbani. buit failed Io scorýe. Leveck gotirK E Burîîs on a pop-up, with two INFORMED a a ai Some people disagree witts' "Sinc", flot many miss hi. twice daily assault on injustice. hypocrisy and anything elses that cornes into the sites of his news blunderbuss. Like theb best baseball umpire, Sinclair ca Ils 'em as he sees 'em anci if toes are trod o. wel that's life. Te cq~etyt he4r most about S leilr is "0 can't afford ta miss 'himn be. cause 1 neyer know what he's going to do next." He's heard at 11:50 arn. and 5:50 p.m. (as if you didn 't know) - and with his "Let's Be Personal" at 11:45 a.m. and "Show Busi- ness" at 5-.45 p.m. ONTARIO'S, FAMILY STATIOIq -- -.- - " 1 ' , s"."-e'j Around the Bases 'ut, u'pîseufugt Recueal ion Depi.. Mike Orme, t-li uruîed in oune o! their auid Bobbly Stu-ik e. TMemorial Par'k Pu-esidenit. r Marg finesl fielding displays this also pu-eseuit and helped to distrihute the cresfs. se;(ason1. Wray Randeil, their flîird baseman, came up witb a couple of outstanding grabs.' John Connors also made a key wbei Whtescolleced txwo catchl on a drive by Bill Bates ruuushuî foui lits, to lcsd 4-2, ini the third. Fllis led 5-1 at e lers to ed t iiua e nîîU lihe tlime and the bases wei-e DoM i 'lcrtopudfGod Walace shook a habtiiug e ii 'sfiMe ni. rapiec lhi-n. WhXandSl1up, paciuig Ellis alt h lie i h s!o ic- sîxth, "'Adamns, Jim Coyle,; tskiig a 6-4 ls AI" 'oi John Kilpatrick and Ted Le-ý 'niue n <ui had fl'idi ii, Osbornîe starircd ib off.XCii a vecl< added singles. cii 0ueP, alrî ofsnini uOTfieci n usingle aîîd rýacerl uIoid Whvte.s bits were slîared by: p on cu ci the Menl";V/eau XX'lCO'Ierrv Bakcr- hooled ihr SteX'e Burnis, Dick Staba, Brian' le~ui bah AI Fî'i'Xe popeclOU .- 'alv Denîîis Tierney, AU~ hid Keîu Bskeri- lossed ruîiil Fai i-ow ad Gond Bumnbam. 1"iiet ii<iX mou rliot Os uefo"!«grcuiiid hall XXild v B31Il Bales, despibe a helnw fîstplie'eh eus .Sor Illg Osboriie. GCoud Burn- Pa" sea.son ai the plate (.237), War. eig tehuîikenlain ealked sud fic-k Stlaacont inues uis fancy glove oeei~~~~ ~ a.ptiig edrwîhsdd il ,-11îu auseP 'aku' okalthird hase for Wyes au R B.I single. îounplcuîangBilli who capfrired the batting fie-e XXmis aud olPlu.. li suis (Onig.(iow inru1964 wifb a .469 mark Sciîciîibl, ci tle ( s Aouc bcRae: c sbell ing sonie gond cdrives,' M lc i n a I(z oiV es r teni l' u e a so d B thaei Brades:- lîsd IÀXG- lbut som eorue s alw ays there, Ragiiel wi lli'tl h rehi ee bus, La r îIlit-u each for 'l r Wcn Xilb h -- -- iii-- Pipcr reili te o iit- and Ted steve Bui-uî'. A] Oshounie. [)en- GET CASH TODAY 1-na . \ t o r it lu i kh a"(! s uigî s. or FO R O L D A P P L IA N C E S Fralkr n i Mi iiter XC5S through ficir hiZ clourîci'. pickii titiSTIATESMAN i o m r tw\\o sinugles sud(ia double. Bob CLASSIFIEDS Falsa idsîuîgls. Tlpoe6330 Une Kun Lclge Ehcir rans 6-5 pif, n" s i liii 'i lie"P -0 <" \ II t"' il )IOX cd (i ila lin uic i' <U % d -iigica suid Bull fBa- le'I oli bcd a l)iniIluuîî 'I'I sui're c 'uma iî d i-l1at ru nu t il1 (',cid BuruIaI-iii1 1 n erl ri a 1tXX ( 1-i X ii îou d-t îip- in r. î n fuebo foui 0flhie (iurii1vi's -.Iiii:ii'icri siatru'" loi ah fuîîî <if, iieiri' ts, ;' Arfluind the ~Bases: K r' t lin' top o'cil rr tii îu ii î i o e iii Vleus litleup. fu i- fX- rrWimrf icu'i ruil i O n ieu" 'nle-u itak- airfi lll i ii' 'r ithie fiirrtlî. (Coi Buu'îilrui. bl.luicuIr ii ie(iît'inuiogi to h- icîriIgaille. Iîadflic bigp 5~4. .St(,er cliussud .AIl F'nr - hllnu. uuill i iI Bates anîd AI Osbhi'iui ilsnu siiplu'iug homei- nom1111 unr iioiXitioul Steve Buuit-n. Diu'k St rît r,.Bîn, uic( Piikar'd. Bi'iii Bu aieu vAI Farou aund DcuXiis Tîci-urur aI1lia1us-i- ~l nfor ' tlin ruiiu rs. icuuu BaiseuJll-iold Kcîîtîp1 anid D u llivanu voilec ted,( Chlai tuauu s feebie touaI of four safcet i ceS seiu aI una is 'erclsu eplai foi' Vu îu e iihfli tffion Bu iau Siiîîtlî 'ntuai d gru nd s'n..s Whytes Down Variety Team Fra 4uilit ' vBiy oit a late model used Chev. - Olds. Cadillac - SEE - KEITH SMITH aIt1 OSHIAWA Business - î'25-6504 1 Residcnce - 728-695Z Over 100 Cars to Choose Froiîi luy .IinW (larkp If bod a suxibiîiuuinig finuis- iing kick bu' Wlytrs Upbols;t- ere to dipose of Frariks Van- ic-ty 6i-4 lsst Moodar-, Jul',' Sth. ('eum uug. Tue '.euiuers prîsheci asu-c's t XXo cliils iin tb(, sixu h fi'au'ic'. fo bi'crap a 4-4 Stnruggîe. 'l'ue Va riey rc-ewsccarnblirîg tocîi: th a play'cff ber-fb, piu. n p a grept I ght. Deîrms Su- livalaîrid Terre Bake- of ('brn an*s, XX Cepressed luito th(e Inn-eu-s sbn:-tluaîded liiietip. Ic ii'StataXwon i s fuftb mamne foc flic Uphoîstrees.besting Kenu Bakerini a fuie pitching batlle. Stata (5-3). allowed jusu six buts. fauîned six aud uvslkcd two. Ilandlruck Kenny Bakr- (1-4). pitched well, gue- ing up îuiue bits. fauuning four snd walkiuîg Iwo. Frarink's ook a '--0 fit-st imi- iuug lead. brut XVhîvtes bled il rip iii the scrond. Baker haci bis roughet mnnoug mn the third, For the FIRST TIME a .in BOWMANVILLE A COMFORTSERVICE AVAILABLE TO ALL! *FREE Oil Burner Technical Services *NEW Oil Fired Heatîng Units *Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers *Air Conditioning " Electronic Air Cleaners ((;OT AN ALLERGY?... HERE'S THE ANSI,%ER:) " Parts Replacement Programme " Dual Air Kit COURTESY CREDIT SERVICE Pay for your Fuel Oil in equal monthly payments . .... No more big fuel bis. . . no interest or service charges. ALL THIS AVAILABLE AT S»tephen Fuels e - PHONE -623-5410 OFFICE: CNR YARDS 80 WMAN VI LLE I A k. 1 COMPLETE HOME BOWMANVILLE

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