--, . - , 'rr -,- r.,.lý ý -Z , = - ý ., ý Th-e--na-iantat-st--n, Bo-- 11U, JulyF21. 1963 Th wa Sr "B" Gale White, author of a no-hitteri f Lune a hich meets a last week, and bowling star b i Town t M 1arcil e'sRg ik- ue this Saturday, Top short-stop Ralph Davis:, b i lrei h orta op night at the Lions Carnival, currently hittin over .5(), **1 Frank's VaAoudthiase sghould provide formidable op- detective "Red" McDermaidl the play ffhuntlatTye n JmCyofegu-adg Position. and ex Oshawa General Ter -- - ight, handing W li hewsasadu John Oarnwith, co-owner Vail are others on the roster. . - - -- _g yesU - o h inr olc L chsmorb tngcamp hebphtointfinalsead e Mre nd akrs.o the wekYoung Ang erS Strike Pay Di rt wth"U',F.spoms.g a wek hr w ast ist r ee a wvitih ex-Bowmanvillite Bob the city of Oshawa. are on holidays, going to theRony Iwn it Hen ea.o Fr k'-ht sge Gallagher his assistant. No local line-up was avail- Gilmer cottage at Kennisis fori Wick, attended the Volks-ý Franks, leading -,boeeg tak On th mun ae eg aleatprsstiethe weekend and bringing Miss wagen Picnic at Musselman's loose for fourrusi thdK msoDnB- ---------- eg aleatr- ---------.-Diane Gilmer back with them. Lake, on Saturday. fourth, against loigpthro1n en ae de b y e This week they all leave for Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs Dick Stata. Jerr al al nls Sharbot Lake. visited Mr. W. G. Rodmnan, loped a home run o h e o WyeDc tt W e ser S irling Miss Barbara Staplo was! Lindsay on Sunday.' blow. The Varietyce rv aae api fhtwt home over Sunday and Mr. Mis MWhytes dizzy witarshosmes ca ed b Bin e F" i g 5 f Bruce Donnelley of Port Hope and Mrs. arieLambekEnnisk bnsierir nteinig-annA IVeS t Ø TO ranK S il a" "visitor at Mr. Dn len, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb:t The losers madi - hn -- - St atn's.Mrs. Wilfred Wood and 1 .AllB il ay andofthe xU.twAI were visitors in Oshawa, Sun- family, Bowmanville. Mr. and borne with aR inl, ndA MS IneV OWO lllS day, with Mrs. Leta Fice. Mrs. Lionel Hickey, Hatn Farrow's three bge r. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliot, were Sundaypcncgesso duced the Upholseyce' . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb's fnltw us by Jimn Clarke plair of singles for the wmn- Peter and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Mr.ThedvictoryofordFranks was Hare Wbstners. Ken Baker, Bob Mc- Bert Tompkins al] attendedý blett ndaw, M rs. Howar Gm-ai mportant one noe wiHavbig pirtech ame pManus, Steve Burns, Ron Mr- the Pinecrest races on SaturM.an wre a s ttem ninto a tiewihCat wiance glas t resdy Jul 13th-Lean and erry Baker a'il had day night. - KM.adMs o cil rans for the last plyf1brh , . •s ue a, uy 3tsmngles. One of the longest Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Clarence as Frank's Variety upset Ellisldrives of the vear came on a Bruce were weekend guests! Stainton and family were SUnTh s S me hewi ws-ebte.s bynuosel ,Tro Ms CaleWt- day evening callensat M.ndAkPeW e idd u o ra eee e Gr a intherfido Mr ad M n arle Wau k aetond Ms Ce 1 RbnRe'skpr orm kei fThe i (3-1) took t e rlos' e d Leveck wB b a llis'tan-yeWs, otla e of. o m n ila h rp w r u dy sp e hragnks t ook d3efead! hleJm Col nd Jh bruh.M thge foHnock t add ' ed in fles Mr. and Mrs. Hreg.dMcColey. ll an Mrs. C lc] ae c oy eitee n h e supp ul ato- nn pl er-î FrGrdaks, asortha deafor te-of an onglswe gu e udy sn Jh rw r SnayW eeaebl egu r e th p f r et n T ifid er ht'hndCataunery ons a r intona'drenna eaa it hRsdapoveint ft 2 r o r s a n d J o n K i l p a t r i c 's B a k e r i nt hei i e p .M a d M r . a F re d Tu f f r dB r o k v il l , M r . a r h A m l p r t a o u m s h e u r y RDETE safEice(3fly. A smghe tlly - - 4Orihap Mr. andaysMrs. H Pr intebomothhuh h a e u third ber ws lls guvý ests with BoMr. an M s. Mcil, w re un A .e: m ra :0pm teeshemn ct ran'sl a ETO NVILLE ht%,ýhir otae n etr'guests of Mr. and Mrs. ; eRSc to nk 3 2. k Ji mn -g itwho o n wMr. and M rsoy Hlland a n f m u l r ur.onnat r ei s. ClterreO e HAYDON ACA TIO tigeh crd fe eeCharnehkavde retunedsho Mrome nofMradMs. Reg eoeti. rHnr mt, rvn out, oinga mfeld rro rl. ' frm t hei or t rip toforthe Shfino eld, Oshwa.onSundayi visiMrs Jihm ats. and amiy hurst, Mo rs Dert ye Fraks scored thngeirufin anet c adstn hev trous h ftenoo t M. ln ondo Sie Mr t es C ortey Ornwrsuday callersa two frstin ttop f ithe t d he U.S M GyBron' rhm ot Pry, Ms r n Ms .Pts sixh. hev manged thi .r. and Mrs. Harry WuforalGrldKly ou blns,Mfrs. M.andu'Mmr seldnD Ejo odwrdch m ron anwid Jthnirdstrik woOtawar e c nt ent i siosnl hi snTryad*Black k, haveM bee r eh cen i st or t t heDeeeMhme.R RW or Viyu ers adafie f igle hoc.hee h e se, isMi-ca Hnero hmezancllrsat Mr.F.nTomrs. M. ss Coral DgeranPM.arkroouh es6 Elhs picked u.p their final two - t fMrwantMs.Mrak.HllaandMs. hedon Deee ithf e b t er infthe ls iior og the wek arawek chlda. shw, were Sunday vstor e reSnaauprget f- - - - - - ofthe s ixth, bcut FaikSled t N r eW orge StaLEon's.Sa nd ra aera ean Lo tM.adMs . oln'.M.ad r.J oe n fe wt asnge utws y onyan rg.o Nw n w tehr.und erupr aghthih-pudhanbwtrumaeheGoder a , ferdzesofaulsonto eksfoldysi te MrendMs.R Omstnaml v t ndo a a oi dheo all eMu te ra.ye CMre andMrs. Roer Halliend Mastr Flytooienhdbentyigfr ek t rngi i.A paetytefih arue teie un so ale R wn n n ynostf rad r rat.Cls b utln itec sin g th ig. le Webste r o e Mrs.ve ryt dhel o A me r n r of o bertryn u hi e osadres Mr. andMrCns. an Wr ight and stonan .Demly.well wm u n e oeu llsdoninde nohnFaevil; raadMr.Ro yug__ ety wr Snayta ust njoe atrk d eeaxaon h as ning Br fi all fNwcslopolfaebs pcighapi--a rland Mrs. Jim ulleý ro er's tey n erc slnidadbace f1aeHr two rns inthe eberries at homMr.roOuchferrlony' Osham ot Pbr, Ms r.an Mrs. Wate1%urysVstt Around the B ae m r.Sand Mr. Bl hm-s artndthis. HMond rilGeawa elyCoands lMrs. an har p'sit-, tmc5nrypoe ln wiHoary etebooted hsoMand Chicaob ere viios ooedt ay. DOW en nOu e a S-"nív eLaugOrcadn-dys. atDougas oint At estMontosw verag to .70, ollecing here last week ithiaM.Stngns.A MssRhna orisnsOh-crs Otaioslat emiin cvee Lwtast Wednesday t s o 40 IrlacksCtock. erry picnicatBlck et> itrm andteant idorciiDamdteOdeol hn Î*ems n fedrm hi e bersf thhe local WMe ns Mss uthPetickhasre-andspet tehweked. f Ktchner Institute, and friends, charter- 1 O /\ tullrned omerF oms ,dyig Mas rga e g e Br dtesasa tafr n Eli pike p hirfna wone ndll ambstrptoTrntaevd Icavn O uat Gr.as Ms OhiotrlandM trn. eldet Wnd g er a 83 at eTi the reI a ior wek hLace Peb DvdGhe sowstemancgiOhsKnsM nsW arcletdW hses, Berer ron avsrba ra i h avig beB r ynge o u aepe m s of W btri h a t inee pe trormace tthe i M e playea r an Lino n W dedy Juy 4,a tw dobe lys pr rm d her un -tw ah-in t.an dwthM s s Betty d's M .DicvrLnoO tr'sfuh O'eee entrthieeheBsn onay evnigthbVncntMaseaShol n w spaa e nnins.H r-thrd.furheonrsxtgin-Wrgh. r.JilGahm ndso, aresactydwthit mden hos.n othrs entshppig, etun- s t r utn ncdMrCu e8on-. ra p's ur niure eet ed'rv flied he al l to Bob gs Smeeokte us ens Mr. and Mrs. eLVaern aBom vil le ald o i dlgtu trbokGres t scrng homvc oeedte ere .aou at in p. m., w ell an ber n scd nn e' M nW a y ascr M rerisn at scod h M n s ear achieed oldond Rao f Hnts villers. pre ntM .adMseleFnhae neVlaenfpco ple iihasnle u as e donywith th ofe- esday- i I Mave a b ne tte d hree of 7 t 6. o ndran wtrw t inf.theGouts arhdambe attrbtd o s ome ad Jim Te oty an hrstper ram n Satrdasvnn.Un.riycmps hnvsifeuiu %ie ou tscn hnlfillMrs. icto r tidwSeabile, goasTim BrybrWods rm ed"Ba ndv" for sta tedgoo f the fiirst bpasemn, dt ng on h earosdthof soe D rytnMa er.w and rsl y dshtoan iMcag in PonPeNtoaPrk Otro' 4 itelerDonMe urtr rl tod lreturnd aho fro Porýthegoand lnfo unk cidandt he g a e rs K en's Mghitoth iren'sD:veWery ay fse rrw sA n ero ana, Y Bvrok-M lss Walrb stoy g ihsotermsttp il sngl by ohn Ha o pe hors pa n Tur sdMary. Kvi Ten ndantwer e r eite War u t a da have he in K r ad's aFurn ite was l ed ie no ues in nte tg a e li Mr. E and rson avRMam n h MKih opd Andl nu mbae fnheeat ted.wt aasssnec teoeonrnnn foaBbinth irtinig y Ra wreJonFolr ih w be cllr a r.ad r. . ndMs.RssAhtn ou amSycnanoyrpAvntr ed the Street Fair in Kendaln-.-._____ '.__oWilliams K heramp's c ollce r b lie wo drov n t wo.B.ai.anidRay Combi. et . rgtJ.oa ily, Mr. and Mr.Vc on fmangadlstg Wednesday evening.twelve hitsiffrte;two it.rns..o R..I. arr Sno den r. W yne eck t and . Ashton and Rnlan eoie nOtai' ouhe Mr.h andg. W l)teH pp Mrs. r oss Cthatter-• • chrs. ot hewining pile er and h sh u:d e h hrobeaue f Mr. Lawd renc E Wi r oi r.W ury atne h duticuoad elmi gu 4Els o ni rdri Faes rid; .a dit M upeds A as Foteuw o en al y'Htr' ptcesweellu- he K n' M n' W arcoldSpy', ocser , N .aY . ' aue t eBleack tck o atra. u retSutws Mrs. . Brue . n eTwaro eawn.ge wth isurin reulriy aveinrese thirled n Mr. and Mr. N., E. W rht MMrs.yd Ahton -s .O tai detr tes t hingsg, Mrs.f Nwcal.' Robbiwes inFr ougster s oeane'd"ons,' d n** Osheanwa. andheh e wo he gMe av etrndho efrmhoi Omitn Inv MsaW lerVaaioSoohi 2 St» n heBss ra d forse. ekedBfthiK'lF e a inng. 'enhew s ele- nasofrtithe well played dayMgi th tva rhir daughtr Muay clenM .adM s pgsi ulclu Ouarey Web tMr. Bud JnofChco e rie eefed H ntre - dBo W llam hld te al h awas-las1veyMi Marguerite gt aknd Fak W ryadMs lr Freaetc 30,cletn ýhrd a eeg t jinMissHrh r d y rm sFriueaeso anMioamnmuifrnsimsepriiats i n Studyte ttne neWrry. --- ---- --. ,, wife and amily at hismoth - game.the Werry pieme at Black- Syýrmahy sexn dd t piceeoti withm ers O neSuday thyo l 4 Tear il - c 1stock. aMr. KennetheHry n er ep.ofTuis nfra let for the oihclttagena's etw e a baeaMiss F.uA. Pae, H onolulu, ald adrel adivsnth pa - PramnBudngoo 95 y O u r reac t t a nd r e e ds char iter P St n s ndhure s v a o li ay n rm eone edailystpetSaTrayo, evg F b 8t H l K aD t adlGe, MaleGrOhove wer unayaftg ennChrhvctn. BANK OFhs s ofMr. anda cisdces as vYrl9 SOnah BarbaNam M O N T R E A L " "d :w30 a.e m.tTlirwee Ia MrucFand th aares op, hs t ereiitives in triM annsaM . W rightol ecwwei kbet, IdFridav , aeve hurcmil ta ve fton no a d y orhe edinaseb tchinud . ae li, by JamiClarkee h r aoube RickLay era n ii th eei r rn o T h i s e d ayn ih Ms e F I . s aa qeston ndaswe er od t vojr.a dweerTruean en- n ht nan, all linc, M Vseso n Mlansho Senday vani n saand Denigs.u - basem n, J C arkdropa D N'T MIS THErXCgTtN dters nB o pBrnag i, orial Plan br, Th rd 11 mghtn d c'sared Chartran'sF g frme'thWaresulteed m tol n a rHnsilMsBw avle a Dn olas adbonnie ..,we e lat o i p..ana..densW arintteor en'splyrreFnntnsoarMr. n mvenFrnk i pl8aC8 Whitby ips dn iseonree Rtribted nF A ST Bm GahamLoG A M Ed theandapush te losers.from thre w so n colleng trsa-r.hd ecently and deserve plenty of Iwhi plyof scee. n aditin toties Ro McLanKen1akefceldit fo therpgrt odispl ay toM .ad Ms Ry Ms a i l a Ter C X Tra Innin his ed Ras i.g"blowrns nrteglv tesm cKight bal had esr.Cngauatost Mrs Vctr eid wa alegoas. Ti B ayboadd t ed a airof sngls. oacth-mgars. dsonoF anesn n h rn ro -Baktc ,i o 8n reun oebrm otboe olTheAa Jn Vad arietyclor Kncs e an Catrndept baig rtoMnaboodspor te and .E, all .Sndro hv r.adMr yo p A n ni a l l en St h ns a l ess in t h frsR t tw o i ni n g s , W e r sh o t h a ndd o r h s p im - 1off t h e d et e rm in t ed ch ll e n eihiepl a e rs , f o r o m e re a Ti e iis p hostto Whtn e hird nning on fou vice of teir rgularhard-m thefield as thy com itted The J. Mens.Leaue reu- VS by at the Cent ral School d - a th an an sterr. B wm n- httngcahr , Bnnn foob McMa fr innus. · ar.Bschedule cncludslthi LO W C OS o d M n nn ca a nns tie r rs, at Eli sro g g i u n B w m n vi l e ayis* S o be p i th . B O W MA'.N V a il L E L L - STrR FE NS R DL A S extahnnngwomeretet fourntn 1meupillan. Kaps cllce rMbEM wO RIAL PARK yte's Up.hlstr.ay offs M. Wyn ekt Aho n Wednesdaning wih back o back enis u fivnthat -rn s .w 1 cornenhe et ws f r rneek.gt GAho.ME TIW.Mu -r 6:0 P.M Both.tadmr s h d .w r- hmrsbvchreyBocendm is.Tay he w mond, suchr nth gMN.,AlUG. Next weekouwel ave th e - .finalieiewh ton of rVirgna Far eyhiadepin-vied10histo pwo et s evl idy cE DAiLY swe lag ue tan ngs nsWad com- f',Rohstr N .a Ure s o fton he P uft Florida we !ýBo centre id. eth wia gao h i .ge ih subist fiv defeas. 2 ND 8 PM. e e a gstatiics. r ad M s.N .Wrgt Mr.Loy s S parta n ds . . ob ws idn tho fith nnngstwht by g e . i amsin evte r t inn ,ivit, e e ws ei\ýn lé o h elpae aig wt hi agtrM ra aldo sh te s te myfr h ween.o thaeKra;m p 'c Funte i-ed o WliashldtebalheawyspayM.Bu oeNNISKILL.e fel. HaryvE isO WaguOitO Vrghled ra. Wrrn sn thtsim igpol ue* wis hnaddd vy ester (3-3)took toEmiimo" ustmeh atiae n o°uaudyte ttne neWr bt two nng tojo i n he siTh uon a yipeth da tfo Furn s, all sow-torternOnari toNipgo y B tty Theteldan Pe gy ll win on fre p ss. A jt. hgha y and returning , onlck- Sym at y e Hayes.The aded ne n try en'oWer.cewMellbe-theLak SueriraRute On the seventh alibon ba s n ball hind 5-1Aafterefourofram s,,Mr. andnMrs.lLtoydsAil lgfor rrr Th heCrns cottae atclini at enl ark p Mr, nd Ms. ECdreadan andg fMaxiney your~~~ , Tyronenfo k' oi ,Tusdy uy 2d ro l, Ms lr ae o-ee ý tetonlw.kto ey 7 e tnonlwltoBtyTe-shae Frank's margin to5- were Sundaya guests at A tel] (highest batting average) soigtieiMh tpoEh pM.an r.F ekt'.M O R IA L PA RK . ~~~~~to tie the game 6-6. fifth and added a single tallyAMranMs.Lneam Whitby s9cored a run on alin the sixth total -vere visitors on Sunday at single to Pat Nichols and twol Frank's bounced back with r n r. aodOms bases on balt iv them a pair in the bottom, to take ton's, Courtice. the win. ýa comnmending 7-4 lead and Mrln r.Go rwin, AUDY W'e talking atout fl iet ualiy oos withbdepng n g u w s he appeared to have things sew. IN G Mr. anda M ;·s, sell GiletN O V EL B O O T H S F O RA LL idown? By usmng galvamized steel that won-t rust, corrode, çeven strike-outs, eight walks Burns MacMillan, however, os Mr. and Mrs. T Smithn crack. warp, or rot. By bridge-type construction, prefabri and no hits. Shirley Brock-, clouted hi's big triple in the CýMr. and Mrs. Jak mithndy BINGO- REFRESHMEN- RDE cated at the factory. Yes. mss production keeps costs way, the relief pither, had seven top of the seventh, to climax Mr. B band Ms. A Wm. Finlteya- D AS FR way down s eautiful vmnyl mntentor never needs paintmng. strike-outs, six wvalks and:a terrific four run spree byBobcageon the nrighce at..DheW 5 F scraping nr refmnishmng. Guaranteed 10 years. Easy financing. three hits. the winners. Sullivantended wa th e srvie at thei- ve years to pay. Come in and see why Spartan Pools art Bowmanville C a n a dl i a n sFranks down in orde in tse Kwrh e Bile ACn- you - 1 s GALVANIED S EEL POOLS H p , whicl sould prve to urnst -INfRC 5 fng a 1Doer c and MDsna rl ^ tnde1 6 HVOE EA A R N S E E R E VE a r a h il r t r u d° 1 , .2 o n n o t e à a f m l a h r n n eun day1 9 "' E L E C T R O H O M E T VS E ARE DS ELPHONSE IE 62-308 es frtuate to in tiisve hercsennna bloa A MAL.r.\liatnd retu ed hoewi- TICKETS FOR 1BEATLE HO PHONE 623-3058 ~assummng both teamsa win shot to deep left field. Gart h AULTs $1.30 - CiLfREN i.00the Trwnsfraek'v- P.O. OX 199 - BOWMANVILLE, ONT. their next gamne and their, Linton and Terry Baker eac eevecae a xa cation.·wnsfrawe a FU O H NIEFML m"e ""* gamnsihad a pair of safeties o Mrs. Austm Brownridge LionS ,Carnival Fans To See T op Bail T eam -in Action Saturday Frank's Hand Whyte's CoStly 6-3 Drubbing