I& £kiersonal i Phone 623-3303 Mr. M. Middup bas rcturn m rnhcr holidays spent a sa Cave, Bigby Neck, Novi J Mr. and Mrn. Bernard Hold On have returned home frar a two-week mator trip te thi 1* Maritimes. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMurtei have been visiting Mr. anc Mnr. George Schmidt, Lorraine t Que., during their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mast. e rs, Lambert Street, enjoyedj very pleasant holiday last wee] et Twelvi Mile Lake, Hali. burtan. Mr. Bob Hendry han return. ed frorm a vacation ta visil relatives ln Edmonton, Alta. returning by 'plane ta Maltor Airport. M.and is. K. A. Smith Mnsn Rlcky, Kingston, were weekend guests of Mrs. Smith'a Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac- Daugal and Miss Mildrec Wilimott spent a week's hall- day et IL.C. Thompson's Lodge, Harlawe. Mr. and Mis. Sydney Ven. ton spent a couple of days lasi week wlth their son and daughtcr-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Venton of Westen. Miss Marilyn Wght, Edmnon. tan, Alta., and Miss Sharon Hammond, Bowmanville, are hdlidaying with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne. M.and Mra. Everett Cale, Transcena, Manitoba, recently v.lsltd with Mr, and Mrs. and other relatives in Oshawa and Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oke, Mr. and Mini. Grant Taylor and son Peter, all ef Montreai, Que., were guests hast weck of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hobbs, Ring St. East. Mrs. Jack L. Reid and sons, David and Drcw, Scugog St., ar" holidaying w!th Mr. Reid's parnts, Mir. and Mrs. J. S. Rerd, at their cottage on Lake Enrie'nt Part Bruce. Miss Larrane Jamieson, town, and Miss Karen Soren- son, Oshawa, have rcturned home after holldaying in NassaU, The Bahamas. and Jamnaica, West Indies. Mr. and Mns. Wayne Purdy %rho have been enjoying a Mater trip, have rcturned to Bowmanville. Whill away they visitcd in Orillia, Md- land and Moonstone, Ont. Mrs. Fred H. Kooy, sons Henry and Freddy and two daughtcrs, Jean and Rosemary, have just~ returncd this past wete a motor trip te Pentecostal (hurch 19 Liberty Ut. B. Paster: Rer. A. Kudra. D.Th. Phone 623-5100 Bear Dr. Charles A. Rats- Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:55 ar. Il a.m. "THE PURPOSE 0F THE GIFTS" 7 p.m. "THE KEY-STONE of CHRISTIANITY Wcd. Aug. lSth, 7:30 p.m. Famlly Night service wlth the H. MICHELSONS in charge. "Wbcre Yeu are neyer a stranger" North-WesternnOntario v tthey visitcd fniends. 1 Mr. and Mmm. J. deughters Jean and on, and son James, M, iLeonard Stevens and !Whelen, enjoyed a pIe weck's vacation et Uic rcottage, Fenelon Falls. 1Mies Nancy Hall and Gail Robertson, Chatham turned borne on Sunday spending a two-week ho witb Mi. and Mra. James Mn. and Mis. Ronald spent Uic weekend with and Mine. James Hall. Mr. and Mir. J. A. Mns. Kennetb Hull, tawn, Mre. George Mcadows, 1 caethe, have returned frc threc-weck vacation tot through the Western Statg Victoria, B.C., returnlng 1. aven the Trans-Canada F. way. Min. Wm. James, deugl Heether and Jennifer, anc Geoffrey, and Terry Jen: Pointe Chaire, Que., were day guests o! Mn. James) n 2r, Mis. Geo. W. Ja Honsey Street. Mises Jeni rcmalned for a holiday hen grandmotbcr. Mn. and Mrs. O. Nicli Liberte> St., have retui borne a!ter spendlng a wee Wasaga with Mir. and Miii Downing and theirà David and Andrew, o! Lan Englend. Min. and Mina. Th ing and boys arc on aj wcck visit with Min. and Nicholas. where DuUy, Shar- leurs. Jack aant Miss I, re- after Hadml Hall. Fry, and New- m a uning ces ta home rters d son ikins, Sun- natb- mes, aLnier with oies trcd ek ln 1. K. Idon, own- live- Mire. Mise Judy Brough là hall- daying witb hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough, et their cottage, Wihliams Point, Lake Scugog. Judy just recently neceived word thet she has been successful in ber flrst- yeer Hamilton Genenal Hos- pital Scbooh a! Nunsing exem- inatione, standing scventh in a class o! 105. Mn. and Mirs. Kees Jansen, the Netherlande, and ber par- ents, Mir. and Mme. Russell Osbornceand James, Newcaethe, were visitons a! Mn. and Mre. H. Hammond and !amly. Min. and Mre. Martin Chcssan and family, Winnipeg, Mien., and Mrs. A. E. Squain, town, weré also visitons with Min. and Mrs. Hammond and femlly. Mn. and Mirs. Harold Hem- mond and femily bave îeturn- cd tram visiting ber sister and brotber-ln-lew, Mn. and Mre. Alex Wight and family, Ed- monton, Alberta. They vislted the Columbia Icefields, Banff Springs Hotel, Jasper, Lake Louise and Rogers Pass. Miss Marilyn Wght and Mis. A. W. Hemmond, Toronto, joincd them. on their neturn and Marilyn Io spcnding Uic rest of the summer here. OBITUÂRY MISS EMIW RENDERM Yelverton :- Mhis conmmur was ebocloed ta learn o! pessing o! a lifeiong resid of our commiuslty on Fri morning, Auguît th, 1965, Memorlal Hoopital, Bowmi ville, ln Uic persan o! iv. Emima Henderu. Bm ndue fie ber ldnd, joi easy going niannen, wes elwi e populair niember of conimunmty. In years bygo hon home at Yelverton v al-ways a hangout for1 younger generation - onc a dozen, you wene always ws oaine. Many a youth down bis hick, out o! a Job on where ta go, found tempora refuge for a day, a week several nmentho under I hospitabie roo! wdth thought o! compensation. A frmier nurse byr prof! sdan, she pouesssd a gn compassion for others' su!!f ing and was always active intierestcd in Red Cross a mLssontry work at home a abroad. Possessing a great love f childiren, she was a wm raother or grandmother many ae dild within and b yond aur commnunity. Hi meoy because o! ber grei huinanity ta not only humai i but a acollection ofaf srtt dumb animaIs will long1 'beld in fond, revenence by wide circle o! friends and ai quaintances. S .ity the lent Iday 1et an- Vfal rays our mie, wu the or. 'el- on no ary on her no et .ely .nd mnd for xmd ta bc- ier eat ans ced be e Rc- Organlst - Mr. Arthur Collisni, Musa, L.R.S.M. ilm.- Morning Worshlp Rev. A. W. Harding will preach ""PREACHING TO THE CONVERTED" Cengregation of St. Paul's United Church will worship with Trinity.J m Rohboth Chu1àian Reformed Church Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 Maranatha Christian Reformed Church ,Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., BD., Minister 4 Telephone 623-3492 S11:00 a.m. - Mlorning Service *7:30 p.n. - Worship Service "Proelaimlng the whole coumet c God- 4 BSack t. God Ifour Broadeast CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, Aug. l5th, ut 9:15 P.m. 1. il Honeymooning in the Pocono Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brooks shown in the above photo are presently honeymooniîig in the Pocono Mountains, Pa., folowing their marriage in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, August 7, 1965, at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Brooks is the former Miss Maria de Haas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack de Ha as, Campbellcrof t, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. When they returri from their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks.will be residing in Oshawa. Photo by Astor Studio The Orono News Mmra John Morris and Mire. Mn. and Mir.Dom Stapieton, Orley Chaprnan spent a pleas- Newtonvilae. ent weekend reoently wlth Mirs. Tran and Blanch of Mr..and Mis. J. W. Bell of Markhani were recent visitons London, Ont. witih Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- Mi'. and Mis. Mimer Hari son. of Scarborough opent thc Mine. Laura Carlson of De- weekend witb Mr. and Mirs, trait, Michigan, visited Mine.1 D. Harness. Oliver Knapp Sr. in thc Me-1 Mrm. and Mirs. Donald Myles morial Hiospital, Bowrnenv'ille, and daughtcrs Faye and Cen- and Mir. and Mire. Ernest dace of Bownmanville visited KnaPP and fanihy and Misse his parents on Miondey. Don L. Kiapp o! Haimpton. 9 Is e patient in the Memonial Mis. Cecil Powers has ne- 1 Hoopital, Bownrenville, this tunned home frein visiting ber week. son anid daughter-in-law, Mr. Congratulations ta Mir. and and Mire. Roy Powers o! Sca!r-1 Mire. oscair Luxton who celc- borough.1 brated their 5th Weddinmg Miss Darlene West le visit-1 Annlversary, Juily 29th, 1905. ing ber aunt and uncle, Mr. Mr. and Mira. Larne Per- end Mrs. Ray Chaimpa et Ira- raWut and fniuly have retuin- quais Felle, Ohio. ed froni a five weekis' motor MU. end Mis. Joseph Markle trip to thc West Coset. . and sons of Oshawa havc tek- Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Wannan en up residence at Orocno of Kirby have purchased the R.R 2.c residence of Dr. and Mirs. R. Congratulations to Debbic J. Taggart on Park Strect, Moore on pessing ber swini-c near the Fai.r grounds. niin tests et Orono Watcsr Mina. Michael Hykawy of Safety Club, hast mantb. t Winnipeg, Maintoba, spent a Mi1s. Orley Chapinan spent few clays witih Mire. F. E. the holiday weekend witb ber Rlhodes and daugbter Dorothy niece, Mis. Wilbur Mr. WIl- lest week. bradfmla'Tutn Miss Mary Bowcn a! Len-buanfalyetTuo. noxville, Quebcc, bas been Mirs. William Thornton o! vlslting ber mothen, Mire Fred Teeswater and Miss Ave Meyr Bowcn, at Miss Alma Wat- Weer o! Adrien, Michigan,h son Rbisn n cousins of Mirs. Wilh Stutt,p Mis. CclRbno n and Miss Ile G.ourley o! Hud-c Mina. John Marris visited with -"on, Michigan, werc wcekend ý caliers with Mis. Stutt. p Mir. and Mine. S. Nanrman t] TYRONE McNally o! obre iie with relatives on Wcdnesdey s Mn. and Mis. Laine Watson, Of hast week. r Orangevihle, vlsit.ed et Uic J. Fifty years &go, Kendai bad b C. Cook's and F. G. Smitb's a girls' basebaîl team. Al aven Uic weekend. original memnbers of that team r Congratulations ta Mn. and are qui-te active stili - al- iw Mm. Ted Bantlett (nec Kay though not, perhaps, in the Davcy) who werc married field o! basebaîl - and thcy A Saturday evenlng In Tyrone have decided ta have a pic- United Church. nie. it will be in the Orono Gled ta report Min. Luther Park on Aug. 14, this Satur- Hoapemr bas returncd homne day, and they wouhd like ell frei Ménmorial Hospital much their old fniends to corne and improved in health, but sorry bring a picnic basket and ta say Mesffs. George Aldread their remidniscences. Look in and Wesley Taylor are etiîl this Issue for thc group pic- patients in Memonikel Hospital. turc that was taken aven 50 Ais. J. C. Cook Sr., cf years ago. Georgetown, wbo is spending Mr. Howard J. (Nibs) Mc- July and August with ber son Conib o! Oshawa, a native o! and famtily, Mir. and Mrs. J. Orono, passed away et the C. Cookc, euffred a sligbt Oslhawa General Hospital on stroke Thuxsday evcning and Monday, August 9th, in bi$ was rusied to Miemonial Hos- 79th year, husband of Mini. pital by ambulance. Glad to Laure Edwards MeComrb. The sey et ture o! writing that f uneral was on Wcdnesday; l.r-. Ci,,.,. .,l iv. i-rnpl-it4 n t ,-,.+Ck»havn,. TUnio n The Canadian Statamn% EewmvlH Aut 11lm S Cemrnetery. Patients from Orono amd district in the Mmoriui Bas- pital am: Mr. C. V. Wilson, Mmr. Bruce Mercer, UM. Car- los Taqrnblyn, Mrs. Wni Mal- ley, Mrs. James Ginn, Mrs. Win. Seymour, Mrs. Hojrry Rowe, Mns. Oliver ICnapp, Mrs. Nellie McCausland, Mirs. Robert Stewart and Mrs. James Richards. Mr. and Mms. Glenn Temb- lyn anid family, Santa Ana, California, are visitlng his Parents, MT. and Mrs. K J. Tamblyn. Mr. and Ms,,.Arttiur Bisiiop, North Bay, vluited on the weekend wit Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Taimblyn. YELVERTON At thc al Ontario (A.A.U.) Ttrack Meet held in Oiobourg on Saturday adternoon, Yel- verton'g Caise Glasbergen re- ceaved further honours by pla-cing third in the discus throwing comtpetition. with 131 feet. A new Ontiario re- cord was set by Mr. Ian Roost of Don Mifll with a startling 148 ft. titrow, with Mr. Don Meroer 01 Don Milis Track Club conilng ini second. Case received a bronze niedaa for hàs achiievenient and miade a particularly fine showing, oonsidering he spent two of iast tlhree weeks in hospital Practising tossing airound no- thing but p~lates and nurses. T'he thirce youths from Lànd- say High lied a comimendabie record, winning four mnedals between theni. MTr. Case Glasbergen has returned home a'fter two wveeks in Toronto. On Sunday, Mr. and Mr$, Aldo Nasato and Louis of Leslie Wright ce Wont 1fr. 0Wr flofagenêrian unele,1Mr, Art Wright of Oshawa, with the agiliity of mind and bMdy that beilhed bis 91 years.. M?&. Robert McGaliey took the Sunday service in the White Ohurch on Sunday. - Several Yelver'tonlan faymo ens, menibers of thie Lindzj, District Co-Operetive, a= ed a memibers meeting at tire Lions Club Auditorium on Thureday niighrt at whilh tirne the membcrship prescrt unanimously approved a nir. ger with the parent organiza.. tion, providing direct mern. bershtp wlth the United Ço< operatives of Ontario. LInd.o say Co-op h anc cf the flrst helf dozen Co-ops ta approve suih a nmerger. Yelverton residents learned with regret of the passing of a Ilelonginiember of this cornunity, Miss Emmei Hen'- dors, at the Mernorial Hospi< taa, Bowniunvifle, on Frlday. F'uneral services to be cone ducted at Port Perry Parlours with interinent et Ye1verton, Cemetery. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Announees the opening of the FALL TERM TUES. SEPT. 7, 1965 Eight Day - Sehool - Career Dipioma, Courses from which to choose 28 years' cxpcricnte lis tralnint youflg people for positions and carcers ln Buuines. Send for free literature Get Facts - then Act! Register at Once! Enrolmient lu Llnrited! Individuel Instruction- Placement service for Graduates. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Dia! 725-3375 Clip and mail coupon for free brochure Name - - Age- Address_____ Telephone ___Graude Exchange Vows in Hampton United Church MI Speials Good Until Aug. l4th KLEENEX 20s FACIAL TISSU ES Super Special 0' 6 BAN Aerosol DEODORANT SPRAY NET by Helene Curtis KOTEX Feminine Napkins - PEPTO » BESMAL Liquid or Tal BUFFERIN TABLETS -__ PEPSODENT Dental Cream Wilkinson Stainless Steel Bladi POLYCOLOR by Richard Hudnut.- 6«12 INSECI REPELLENT Mr. and Mrs. James Statham shawn in the above photo exchanged marriage vows in Hampton United Church on Saturday afternoon, July 24, 1965, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Laouise Terrili, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Terrill, Hampton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Statham cf Oshawa. . Photo by Astor Studio held ber tulle illusion veil, leatuiring a fr ont bow, white WEDDING and sihe carrled a bridai bou- accesories and corsage of quet of ydllow rosebuds and white poxupom 'munis tipped STATHAM - TERRILL whilte ut"phanot1s. wlth pink. She was assisted Hampton United Church, Miss Jane DeCoe, Oshawa, 1)3 the groorn's mother who enhanced witii bouquets of was meid of honor and the wore an epple green sheath of white gladioli and yelJbw bridesmaida were Miss Karen organze over crepe with e shasta daisies, wvas the setting Bakogeorge, Oshawa, end the seif-meaterial rose at Uic for the marniage on Saturday bride's sisters, Miss Donna waistline, beige eccessories afternoon, July 24, 1965, et 3 Ternlà and Miss Brenda Ter- end corsage of white pamporn oclock of Miss Louise Terill, nili, Hampton. Little Miss 'nm tipped with yellow. daughter of Mr. and Mirs. Linda Catto of Hampton was As the couple left on their Clifford Terrill, Hampton, and flower eil. They were ln wedding trip ta Virginia, the Mr. James Statham, son o! Mr. street-Iength dresses o! pale bride was wearing a jade and Mire. Allan Stathain, Osh. green fashion brocade featur- linen sheath tniniened with awa. ing an empire walstline and white lace, white acceseories Rev. Charles Catto offichat- A-Unme skirt. A panel held et and corsage af pink sweet- cd, end the wedding music Uic back by two seif-niaterial heart roses. They will reside Wasp layed by M.r. Douglas rases feU iln soft folds ta thc et 319 Mary St., Oshawa. DewelI o! Hampton. Mr. Rose hernline. They wore wcdding Prior toe er marriage the Metcalf of Hamipton was rinig heeddresses o! the dress bride wes guest of honor et soloist. mnatenlul, with a self-bow several prties. A inen show- The bride, who was given placed et the front, a.nd er wahMàby Misse Kairen in marriage by ber father, ado.ned wlt.h matctalng tulle. Bakogeorge and Jane DeCoe ware a full length. gown ol Their bouquets wcre of yel- in Oshawa, anid Mire. Ronald white faille In empire styling low shasta daisiés. Bryant, Oshawa, gave a kit- and designed with clbow- Mn. Eric McNab o! Oshawa chen shower. length sleeves. The bodice and was best man, and the usiiers A miscellancous Comnxunity aleeves were accented with were Mr. Bob Wiliarnson of sibowcr honored the bride, iinpoeted appliqued lace and Oshawa and Mr. Gordon At- and a similar shower was tiny seed pearis. 'Me gown kins o! Orono. 'Mei bride's held by Mrs. Fred Ashby, !eatured an A-line skirt with brother, Master Jay TerriU, Haimpton. Miss Donna Jer- soft inverted front pleat, and wes ring beaer. mey, Oshawa, was hostess for a chapel train hed by a self- A reception wes beid in Uic a bathirooni shower, and a meterial bow feU setly frorn Christian Education Building, pantry shelf shower was giv- the shoulders. A weddinglHeimpton. The bride's mother en by Mire. J. V. Burridge of ring headoiece of r-natchiniglreceived_ weaning a so!t pink Courtice. Mrs. Tom Lewis ofî material, trirnmed witb ap-1 erepe dren !asiloncd wlth Orono was hosteas for a mis-' pliqued àSc and seed pearisgathered bodice and iml belti cdlineous ahower, - sugg. list 1.39 1.23, -o.,sug.lit1.49119 121s, mugg. list5Me 4d4c - - su«g. llst 1.25 1,.09-, 5015, sugg. list 98e 7 7c Mlets - 69C value 5 9C 3Ys, sugg. list 49c 43c~ -sugg. list 1.95 1.59 -- uugg. list 89c 77c M INERAL OIL Heavy Grade, I.D.A. Brand, 16-oz., reg. 69c 2 for 99c (HLOR TRIPOLON 18"s, sugg. n.st 1.0s9 93 c (ONTAC «,C C-----------.- sugg. list 1.49 1.09ý KLEENEX TOWELS - SPECIAL 47c SCHICK Hot Lather -with 3 FREE Stainlcss Steel Blades 1.49 value 89c: SLUG-A«BUG by Bridgeport -______ sugg. hist 1.69 1.29! ýE VE R EA DY 9-volt BATTERY No. 216 89C value 67c' D E SIT1 N OIN4TMENT wth FREE Dr. Spock Baby Book 1.75Svaluell9 S OLAR (AINE LOTION ...........3oz., sugg. lIst 1.35 1.12. ASTHMANEFRIN AROSOL MIST ...sugg. IIst 3.95329 A&NTIPHLOGISÇTIN.E RUB A-535 FOR CHEST COLDS: Chest or Branchial irritations - simple ore tirroat - ooughm duo t. colds FOR RELIEF 0F: Artritie, neuritic and rheumatlo pains, bursitit, sciatica, lumbagoI neuraîla or mpains, stitf or ore muscles and beadachea. 2-os, tube.2 PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. &. REMEDIES Il TRUNITY UNITED (HURCH ALEX McGREGOR e*DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623 5792 M -- ow 1 i 1 4 PHONE 623 5792 5 KING ST. W.