10 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville. Aug. 18, 1965 bons and Mrs. Ruth Taylor, *gond progress àn sal aWkm.Kna a led Toronto, were Thursday tea eet rooi h guests of Mrs. N. Wotten and I L e home agam ftrabu sxpjy rancis.Ir. wnd weeks in the ho sptl fs S e t I\Ievv S ch e.clndu lesveretfSpirs WanMre sorry to lose Mr. ing to the school report in visiting her brother, M .an aaInei vstighe ee trip to the West Coast. 'ornihuhodadchurch. school and the Juniors of the !seems slightly improved. mnho uut isMr Miss Sharon Spires has re- They have moved to their new !Sixth Line are to be taken tn Able Seamnan Danny O'Con- Foster of St. CahrnseftirdRogey nd rd lcirke ~~:*jff,~~ ~~fiirj >Q f5 turned home after spending home in Bowmanvlle on the!Orono. Looks like K~endalinor and Mrs. O'Connohr (Jen- Saturday*to spenda~~k ra-rncide l~~i Ethel Sutton. Oshawa, who was Gerardais Taisma and their; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux 'speiid a couple of weeks with. 'Mr and Mrs. JryBes~e e lc aln x The Clarke Township Pub- The busing is expected to agreement that Grades 1 and convalescing front a recent op-,five children will soion be Marie adwarbricknd wereir thetsMreanre forid the vi;i lic Sdihool Area Board heldenable the Board to carry out 2 should continue w'xth the eration.. moving to the Gay' farm. 'Carl e and Lyn. r and M s.lied r arentsll Mr. Siand Mlrsn in iie ihk their reguler monthly meet-' policy which they intlend to same houns as the rest of thel Mr. and Mrs. E .Spires \'isit- About 75 attendied the Linc M.angMs affan fMerly an-d Frs.ank Mîller. sus a Miler, parentsM.adMs ewr Mr. and M~ u ing last week in the Leskard lesta blsh for the coming year. school. Funthen discussion is ed with Mn. and Mrs. Raylhl Strayi rooP r. oydan Mrngs. Dve Mercer en-(rs.inev is), foras been 'sre. Sand Mrachrdrsnsos .eh by the 1915 girls* bail team iLake Kushog. Mnl. Frank Miller's brother. staff and a revstngoirznalh ash,~~ Burley Bus Lines and Mn.1 the foliowing: time when the bus schedfules Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- from the Sixth Line. when ail'M n r odnLn 'Fred Miller of Austra liavstdfml rsn(e er Jack Carscadden in connec<! (1) Transport students who are submitted. lake, Gordon, Shirley and t1he team with ages varyinglstaff and familv and Mr. and ed with them two weeks ago. hnsse.Ms ono tteSxhLn a1ta' e tion wth buing otwouîd have atend ~ Grade n Sinlair w s ask d to K vîn vsîted ith R v. and fro4i66 to pwere prese t M rM,; ArtAFt î*ow ettir ed Stî Mn a d MSsieorgeM.Benned SpingsGeichgg n. uni n: MforndaM s. Gr nt an - s chool children within theýIII in Kendal to the Ononolhave the grass eut at sorte of Mns. Fred Reed, Lake Dal- iwith the exception of tlhein da,,ev~ening frn thei camp- ýset T ih oi fdays tinweToroenofLektro nd r.an s~h1 aea or 96566 School. rympJunio thady also spent er ackw naîaer, Mn. Henry, who has ix ta.ii hthe north. near Mn. and Mrs. Russell Rusk. Sardy asb]dyonMsBi YogadOtof ten schoo s o n io rd the schooieiep irs r Wao n t thend d ihM. n .teHarvey Jackoeeoiabsaa will be educated in Onono. h asahamed of some orf venden, Hay Bay. ;was indeed enjoyed. I under-' h oac esni nDnl rie oePr (2) Oak school to be closedth olvrlaewe M r. a n Mrs. Frks t- tadpitueuadalul c- swing agaîn and most Wheelîng, West Virginia, on ;pla-yed by the Kna n fOsaato hreo h i__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d th e o h o ol y a r d a p p eaw n cs wreC l r ec e n t vsito n dit c o u t w ill b e fo u n d e lse - 1 fo k s a re v e ny b u s y . W e h a v e W n s a ndd i ite f r o a c e, el p a y d a m w s at Kirbv and Enterprise. 'It was Iearned that a tender Vernon at Pleasant Point. whene. been b ' uxin te fcwe menesay a vs. i t e b er tie nios wih th.eriehe1an-poeo (.1) AntLoch schooi closed of $84,500.00 had been accept- MnadMs.D alTyo r M. and Mt-S. Melvin White. have had no sumrmer this year mee, Sunday. Roy returned Ralph Kennedyptcdthonofhebsfisceur 2 1 Y R w th students being educaýted ed for the construction of two and family visited with M Ln s. adMn.Cr.s b t te 0 d ge e dn s o e wt h a mne and had 19 s ik - us e an e ss.c or a g at Orono. new ciassnooms and a utiiity and Mrs. Abernethy, Manila Smich of Buffalo visited Thurs- over the weekend have shown Mrs. Varice Allen visited inheehtiigsBb obTe (4) Grades 7 and 8 students room to the Newtonville Pub WllamandVaene aylo with their cousin, Mrs. js ;t cati get hot. The hot lher mother, Mrs. irene Mercer, 'inson was Walle n a Wse ntcLm"wt j O I.DUnon t th' c hool It was fomery1remamled for some holidays. W r 'eahr will celipripen up Monday eveningand Mrs. Tedbrou ght in home an r 7v eaellx (5 Sarvileara tuen.ýwul cstinth nigbor-gisspent the weekend at!Seventh Lirie, to the north of lookirig good except for sme1 Kenny, and Vaierie White This was the f irst aeo h fCbug Who att nded Ke dal la - hood f $70,00. Ban roft. ý el WilinstailedomiPeelW ees lost w iout togrothe W el- M iss seC.erW.SStewartavoand IM rs. (6) In put on. havee a lev)nled themct down sas anmeairpconditionerg tii webis stoon. acornevlteam.hTheren wasn aimix-diAlvar iwarbrickr corne etm.see ered by your parents' 'ge ua te ntePn r received from the Departmen-tl ACI le Fraser, CamplSenior Roomn still lias n hm these. hot days. the first gamewihWcoeMsSanik ltrdid Hospital Insu rance. by schooi, with grades 1, 2., of Education. 'Bresetth ekn tteacher and school timeis Mr.W.Mce was inri Lt is good to report that 1bad to be forfeitedt hms n petteeeigwt aoke nueyuýnd 8 receiving their educa- The Board memrbers a]so home. rapidly approaching. Accord- 'Uxbridge a few days this week Ralph Greenwood hias__made Kendal lost thepayfstMiaSe r. To kep i sured YOU tion at the Newtonvilie Scbool learned that they would not_____________________ ____________________________ must tk u ni and grades 5 and 6 wil bneceive provincial grants on vidual membership educated in the Starkville the total expendîture of $84,- withn 3 day. Gt seool TheLakshor scool500.00. The Departmnent, b wihn3 dy.Gt will be closed while the letter, informed the Board your application form Starkville sebool wilI be open- that they would pay grants at a bank, a hospital, ed temporarily until sucb on total expenditure oft $60,000 S9P ECIA Z A T TRIA C TO or from the Commis- time as the new Newtonville for the two c]assrooms and addition is com'pleted. the utility room. The local sion. In the mutual agreement, Board wili carry the ful _________________Mnr. Jack Carscadden is to bus amount of the edditional student.s in the Oak, Kirby, $24,500.00. Enterprise set-up along with When tihe Newtonville addi- LI~AI~Ibusing students from Antioch tion is completed both the %T HE O MMO D O R E to Orono and Clarke Union to Port Gran'by and Starkville N E W LY Lesikard. Burley Bus Lines Schools will be closed and are t.o look after the resti of those who wilI be attending the bsing.these schools wiil be educated The two busing interests in the Newtonvîlle chool. W ED*B? aretkiruate their routes -Times LINDSAY KIN'SMEN BAN and again meet witb the. Board or membens of the The 'lamilO Hospital Board Bra Insurance premium Mn.* Wn'i. Wannan stated 'r a Records must now be paid to that he did flot want students cvrhusband andi dropped off at schools at eight For Salso NOAL UI O o clock and that reasonable wife. Notify your liours wouid have to be es-, 'group' without de- ýtablished. Mr. Buriey said iCars, Trucks U I G T ENIREVI G Iay R, i youbothpay may be desirable to establishý Cay ORsi o n. bus y !sort dule. ofnNortb Amenican c l premiums direct, notW openings to organize a goodý An al timie record for sales, --- The Board at a previoustrucks in the month of Juy- WNR OL OU L special meeting set a -policy the siXtb monthly record in a for busing students in whichi row--tun been established bv policy the Boar-d is to payý General Motors dealers across busing costs of certain stuJ- Canada. N E W dents providing bath of twol Car and truck sales totaliing condtion ar: wih 2,60. inJuly of last (1) That the etudent at-I year. Passeriger car sales i v e .? terided a scbool that was clos- ireached 21,252, up from 19,086.' J0 13 3? d by the Board or was one lin the same month a year ago. being transferred from one! Truck S'aies iast month were To keep insured foillow school to another. 4,320 compared with 4,517 in! the instructions on the (2) That the student lived July, 1964. Hosptal nsurnce more than one mile walking Certificate of Payment were ta attend.i êForm 104' that your Parents of childreri who areý SOLINA tbe shifted fnom their regu-' present employer is Ian achool to another this yean n0On Tbursday evening 1 required to give you are to be informed of the number af the Sauina W.I. on eavng.mox'e. memibers attended the Fayer - on lavin.. Bruinsma wedding and necep- The Clarke Township Area i inheeootChsia Public School Board is stillii! n i h eoot hita iieed of a teaeher. A vacanev Reformed Church, Bowman. our isiil exists at Kendai andi .an Ms.Gdn You, f rom comxnents at the meet-' Mcandro Grdn eay S ing, no leads are at present dinri'o dugh ereWdns O NTARIO A~7 Mrs. Preston lias been ' iteMs aoy ls hrdto cm tetestaff iitixsaaHsia n HO P T L Brown's school. * worth is receiving ramn HOSPITAL ~~The secretary-treasurer. Mn. I.Ve sincereîy oes wl H. Best, reported a banik bal-hoese il N<Fance of some $78,000.00 plus' oo be able to be out around I NSURAiiiv iE another sum of $3000.0. ili ýr and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, were passed at the meeti»ngthe Charles Langmaids, the planl amouniting to $10 .040.70. ýLloyd Prestons, Bowmanviile, vA discussion Was oPenedýenjoyed a picnic on Suna Ontario Hospital !ver Junior Grades being dis-iwitli Mn. anid Mrs. Orville, ( ) Services Commission mînssed bafore the rest &f theTtini and family, of Peter-a A Tornt 7 Otaia sehool. Although the Boardiborough. sei oplc i hsie Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- ____ there appeaned a general gomeny Mr.-AdMs rc or e I w p r c r. Montgome ry a t - , KIDIL R SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS and Phyllis, Whitby, were Sat- FOR THE KIDD E urday evenirig callers with the Murray Vices%. Mises athsanandSuNOVEL BOOTH $1195 95Vice with Mn. and Mrs. Dud- 1ev1 Wilson, Whitby, holiday- $17îng with BINGO ad ay COMPLEE iTH FRAME, SSAN AEWilson. LENES ND ASEMn. and Mrs. Clarience VicG, Ti MCr is the aie&t addition ta our line, of beautifuliy tyled Mn. and Mns. Russell Vice, Mn. ladies' tramnes. The 6otî luxiaricus colors hlendint from 'dork t Everett Vice attended the Vice ilh a u n tae ould. family picnic a evetnREFRESHM ENT n te oeýfare, oupedwith the lattering, matching îastWednsday tones, niake it a joy té behold--a tbrili to wear. atW de ay 65 OHERSTYLS,'SHAPS &COLOS YMr. and Mrs. Francis Johns- 65 OIIERSTYES, HAPE & OLOR TOton anid David enjoyed a picnic CHOOSEFROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE at Cartwight Park, Sunday. Fun For the E tr Prescription Sunglasses at Sanie Lou, Price Mn. and Mns. Wes. Werry, a ROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPL&CED WHILE YOU WAIT 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcaif OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLE: AT sA.mE 1.W PRICES Camp at Mink Lake on Tues- Fam ily NOAPPOINTMENT NECESSAUT dav. TICKETS - - - - - - - - 25e each 5 for $100 * Mr. and Mrs. Tomi Baker. James and Catherine spent a week at a cottage at Pigeon_________ SPECIAL SKILL BO01M. Rives Helen Baker and Mn Ir A U I F R *I ýu RonaldBae are spendiîng a OR TUE TEEfl few ciays at Hall's Lake. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Burney Hooey,: HOUS:Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spires, ELECTRIC BLANKET DRAW R W HOUStREas Mrs. Gordoni Edye and Francis, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. F le" ' 2dFor9 a.nx to 5 p.m. Daily Alexander and family, Court- FISH PON -P'LU OOT - REFESEEUJENTS Closci Ail Day Wed. ice,' spent the weekend at Buckhorn Lake. Oshawa, Ont. Phone: 728-1261 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe asvisited with Mn. and Mrs.' LB SEVC John Leger, Oshawa. PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN CLB EVIE ROJECTS iMrs. Nelson Chapin, Long I ilsland, N.Y.; miss Vera Gib-