Mr. and Mrt. 0Os nd i e h n ie t r land, Suni .Mî <1.4. 9'ulepuu & .d rivsitF. Frienab,' Being D istributedIn uncD o b e rd.t F. F. A.E.n MacPor Brue ilso, d,,rPhn.98.413 few days last week with Mr.iB u and Mrs. Glenn Larmr and, Naines makp e n's as thev double check your personal Case to Powe tv'~Mr.eanLonsiPlanuce Mount. of the néwisîest iterms of thei bers against the new drc e s E 5 5 5 Los s C se o P we M o er Lio s lanjovspet nnd,,,to ri ay ad Ifonhts wthe ae o ]îst of Mr. Lry."nu hoiaigat Wood ord, residents this week. maeçgn ensqe whenyotmn naugnicnthne lfinrnecopne av Ladies Nlght Charlton, C<crane, ononee,, p.think <of the number of wrong'icrae Newcastlc The farmand Bho i nd ther dauhe1965 edtiao the YOf ay -a bers ta teropn y ilsracehnded heau home of Lion and Lionette lier. Ms.Bev. Dealy, at a cot- Cbourg and surrouding send out on request.inrae Rod and Helen Carveth will tage niear Markdale for the territory telephone directnry. "Rrisidents should rnt.nb¶bmoetn 0prcn. be the scene for the inext weekend. J. W. Lowry, Bell manager: record the numbers for lire planned meeting oif the local Mrs. Cecil1-Hill and Mr. Ro for the area, reports there are ' police And dortor on the in Lions. who arc kni this Ferguson attends the Prettv- -1,900 copies of the directorv Side front cover but shnulr o~to hwta tti n another Ladies Night, and will Ferguson wedding iniPr- en en omanvill' 'ai.';" heck the informatinri<fît4 5.0 epewr treat thecir ladies to a steak wood 1n)dCurh o residents this Yenr, compared pagesq." said the manager."Amp<yd n amistti' barbecue. Milîs, Seturday, and &peot the10 1964's figure of 3,631. Tr few minutes spent now mighý Preparing. for the e\ent and weekend wvith Rev. and M rs.,al.' 105,481 copies of Lihe di-,ican the difference betweer getting things set ip duringlF. M. Ferguson. rectory are slated for delivrry, effective action and hopeles, isrne cmais on 15,331 more than Iast year. fumbling in an emeirle.i h edofcsc h the afternoon, arc Lions Mur- Congratulations tn M i S 5 Hundréds nf hours are put A sketch of Ontario Count. npne Cnd.ýh1 ray Pa terson1, Ray Goode,' Mavis Shemelt and Mr. Bob in by Bell emplovees, adding, Court Houst n dinsr.terciin ,10wr ~ Frank Hoar Howad Qunney ell ho wee nirried b Stdpîetng ad bringing the listsi tion Officiels, W hitb , is featur. td n th co p is' r n h >. and Harold. The clean up John's Churob Saturday after-Ofi naines and number pt do hsya' oewhc f7e m- oc oeQt S committee arc made Up of iloon. dtelTismapsth bole tn th er dr's c toiNticîde hs iu Charle Gilke, Robet a r.batbd Mrs. Elmier Arc(her.;One nt the world"s best ref- Io be printed by the Bell Tele r 2.if brnh m agr and Eric Foshay. Depeuding, and Mr. and Mr.ý.erenre texs hn hs iriilb iid o~rfel uevsr adEi ohy eeiigWilbert Archere visited fri-!"lslwys godide bro is gg care.mainlvcen on how %well things do get set eîItds ilwtoc M ndnn area on pergnnnrl who aree up and cleaned up, the ladiesi Sgagrrl n uiIes rather tha ~t ~ may have new help for their Suonda'adated Decor.i dnnsraî. .ik spig and fal] cleaning. CtoiDa er'v iceb ngldyounce N w R¶ates*V-io addt te A buddv\ systemn lias been Cmtc.o!ae110fîltm î; adopted this year in order 10 Mr. and Mca. Elmer LlIyd ,rncuatvewîo eru- trv and have perfect attend-, a d M a ut n l v l ,I o ~ r a ec u r r M t e co e n meeinspent Tue.ay and ,mIrOSrQG It w s su g g ested th at a fine d a -y as R u es t Or M s s E th e l' ;, , Wxiîe 'e iea'n laj rît ?of $50 be imposed to the bud-Tom on Tuesda.v evening Tfj aiu egt<f ac'sad ~ o ieisr dy lacking the information as! canin Tom-1 T l V 1in è iv ill be 22pinstotoeardoo aul-nev- to he herabots f hs a- .on entectained Mr. and Mc.' Oltis br h cloîsrt~î hre~pa toa sent budlinbtt the20ipounda.Donal Thori Unie fMr. arr lrmip %atlli se t ud y. bu t en il xv a on ld T h mî s.Ic.ann T he H n oui r able R ene T re m . In d ies G reat B r ta în and th ,c< ri w e ight l m t i b e n i i î u a r a h sodcided tb reduce Ibis cot. Mra. Ia TopanlM a b fie cnts Evn a that lowý, Ethel Tbompson, Mr. id rs v'y Postmaster General, an- Commonw ealth, eule<feaî eon~d aiu îro'r ruabn rt ie, bcomutU fteeLodadMa uto.ipsaertst te o-albcns.uint ad r.,1ries, ler sent Unionre nounce today several changes lrelan France ond SpaînTi egtî h nvra ot1 Oî~eCndt~oea are too manY absent and floti Mr. and Mca. Fran k Ja oonltr<anadan lrfetiur enough information. 1Beavecbon. were W Cok,% triqyffctve st .nuarvph,ý -sirface mrinswill be %Ilb-l Tinmakingth nioem taurro Te next bulletin will have, 1visitOr.s with Mr. a nd Ms! 96,ilanued wt te or- Jptfl nWraede 0cetste nnu Wtheneidy 1966,to foice wtbe bbc ca om rthe a r rate afd10 cents b:bc Houa bl eeTrm -ît 0iaou ,t mit". hs s nerstn ti r ad p. oh elllgiholstCovgetioof the Uni- fractil thern(of. The rate for ipos t cai r rii i et ah~-to~ il uevs the public as well as 10 the. ad Mc. anîd Mca. Cciil Ham-lversaI Postal Union. postiard.a vill be 6 cents eacb , to acl ccres bc ffasorioel n1 .0 ultm members. for maniy icsn.lton -;pent bbcli weekend atI An increase in these rates tno For printe matter ad'eoeefcieo a Jnî iî The public do tcy and givP Camp Eagle Eye on t;he Trent'certain courie is neccssarv IsAmpî a new raterlof n 24 c ents ay ncth esi hr isrrcetîxc their help and co-oprration as River. 'aI Ibis time, Mc, Trembla 'y ex- toc t l ii f t wo sometimes is needed byb 'vte -- -plaincd, in order to comnu 1 en1 r a wo iounce twindl2 enaenb d r n nla-13t~r. aain local club, jusb as ilwrs ns eo0udtoal rw- e, fceraadtinl tinemadfcforfomar pr hrepo o i reversin. sate o adtin transport-îa.ounces or fraction t wilî rate revrs. __o charges ai-d mail handliîîg ipptly tri other counitries with 'the introductor f<eA bsta re-cr fieptsn ~~I.JbJ±L'LI.LUin1th international serv- Ille exceptioni of countries of Lime will be priuaî'rii c a nrac y4 ice. Countries bandling mail Norîi Centra n oî vnetfrvstr o aaa eubtteaon f1f L A C K ST O C K M~ K~îid Mca. .Jaa.L~ wr et, in transit from other cou nitrie.i A mnerir a na-d Spain to whieh *W orid Fair, E p 7 t t e u~î n e h n l d b' V e BL C S OK MrlaAnne and olrYat assess charges set by Universai the domestic printed malter present tumepacadsetb ha rsrdb17prcnt !teîded he eddig Of Miss; Postal Union agreement on the rate of 3 cents for the first two ýair bave to b rpi ItetIi ~este donse n St. John's W. A. "let.iin thiIFrances Orton, daughter of counîtry of origin. A substaîî- oujncra, and 1 cent foc encb ad- regular air mi etrrt.ccac ylt e et a Parish H-lI August l9th, witli Dr. T. 1. Octon and Mrs. Oc- tial increase in these charges ditional two ounces and bbc For example otadt h îumî< eeîspî the pcesideîît. Mca. H. E. Ash- ýton oif Oshawa, t Mc. fDaniel goes ino effect on lI Jaiîuarv. 'dornestir sample rate of 4 "Australia or Jpnwih0wpI<hleabsicesdb more0, presidiiîg. Me e t in gAdarns, also of Oshawa, On There will be no change in !cents for bbe first twill requires 25cet psae 57pr en.Aec sas opened wvith bue W. A. hymn,iSattitrdav evening. the rates on letters and post- and 1 cent for each additional .will be ppid o' fed~c'c esne "The Love of Christ Con- lvMr. and wu5. Johnbosns o? crsto tme United States, its LwOn lurices wîllcontinue to iHe emci edtabbpe-inrsrts31pecntî straiuicth Us." The president Toronto are visiting Mr. and tercitories and possessions, oth- 'appl'y. lent 8 cent aij alrt o h sm cid hl h gaetheecdevotioni and read' Mrs. Jas. Lawrence and fai- er countries of North, Cenitral In addition, surface pareel ýcarda to bbth e d ttsadanîlaoîî<fIsisr the prayers. Plans werc made ily. anîd South America, the Wcst:post rates undergo an adjust- lits possessionsr ilcniîe rc irbsdîoe w.od for the 1Soe emisr- Frienîds will be pleased to tion hin Novembcir. Treasureri.1rt repoî-ted a vcry successfuiloweac that MaNesoandMrc- Lawer . ~ "ick Loeki o Necaslemayhav wo mny ase 1bake sale. Soc'tarprRobert Freer are ail now - Lawyr E.R. "ick"Lovein o Necaste ma hav wonmanycase ilMrs. Davey hospiîalized wth!home from on itl court but h. certain]y lbut a battie last. week when he tangled with a power a brokeîî lip. The church pic- hor.pnd tal. Cak Ineiwer and wenbta ohospital for sevet-al dil With a couple of mangled fingers. lc it eh lCactswrhilMc.and M car.ak F'rom th@ appearance oif his clean plate at the Liberal picnic on Saturday, the akSpI itFlasweeWliamds, M. and Mad ______ ceain hospita didn'î hrt bis apptite any.made for the aîîuual echiekenPalandaiyadMc d ______lre et nhsialdd',huthsapeieay pie supper. Tic presidenit Mca. A'rnold Williams and fami- read ai- interesting article ci-i-1lY ail enioyed a weekend boli- v Tilso let n Tesayfor a% tit-led -Paî-kiston Patchwork ":day aI Chandos Lake wiîb fibe trip ta Buffalo. As this la bo'telling otel uc a-i e-Ron ald Wlam ameilv. Jain, be a shoppinîg spcee more thanl pie tliere. Meeting closed witî r n aiyaehldvn a holiday, Iheir bushanda lia' prayer ai-d refreshmnents werethere in the George Bowers'î tes some g rocery money.1 Mc. ai-d Mrs. Fred Dys r and Mca. Bill Wood, orf * I ~ ~thocse n M moil Hspial îeturned W ednesday from i !a: ronto visited is parents, ýths %ec ar: rs.Mai Al-very pleasant tbcee, weeks' Mr. and Mca. Ernest Wood. S c a a a! Pe s n i dread, Mrs. Evelyn Bachard)Itrip toHullYokshreayes Mr. R. Neimnanan w Yorkshiredre fTrnt aebe b oh rand ais- staying with Mca. R. Freer10 Newcastle __ Mca. Francis, village have proudly atinouine- jEdward Hodgc. Mrs. Myrtle 1cer, nieces an-d nephews. ýwhile Bob was in hospitAl. bryden and Stephen have ce-,ed bbhe arrival of their new Nayl or, Mca. Hilda Pari-r c.My -dMis. .JhotnMca. Ernest Freer, and grand- turned from their trip ta and much awaited fire truck. Erneat Rincli, Mr. Edwvard r n r.J .Jhso tngan. Soig BcknghniTheariva bougita probler m VI MeleoMql lft Friday with Mr. and îrM- chldrefl Jeffey and Terry don wax wonderful, dlaims oId fine hall would flot accamn- Wind, and Mus. Judy Wood-: Belleville for R si 'iin bOak-ei odaerctae Young Stephen. modale the new equipmerut. ltbebck.' ville ai-d Tillbury. 'Mc. and Mca. Eli Mains spent ehilren Jonthanlnd Mar tint answer a s Lbe en fund .Lawyec E. R. Lovekii vb' Mr. and Mirs. Carl i ghl holiday with M c. and Mrs. Dr. nd rs.E. ove nd hatanser bs ben oun who ndMr.andMrs.Noran e- ud Victue at their Lake ehldenJnaha ndMayt te rblm.ýwas bospitalized last week sla a-dM n i.Nra c Joseph cottage. have returned to their centurv abcpolm now able ta be at home. ai-d, Naly, Coîborne, ceturned Fri- èld country hee Harris Our local Scouts ai-d tikeir even back aI work. We hopeda'eei fo awek Ms (Rv) MBie o Lod ge", afiter spending a yeac leaders returned ta the village thoe in.iury ta bis liaid is flot visitiuig friends and siglît-see- Sudbury la apeuiding some Lime1 In England. Dr. Love was on:during the weckend. Some ar- oaserlous. We undecstand ig a hslv uko Wt e agtradbs sabhatical leave fromn the Uni- cived Saturday following tbc that Mr. Lovekiiî badly cut thc Varnîa and Oakville. band Mc. and Mca. Alex Inglis vily o! Toronto, and studied bail game ici wbieh they fingers of bis lcft liand wbile Joauî and Katby Samelîs, -ndbayr on et the British Museuim, Lon- played and lost at Frank ford. working with thie lawn mower. Bowm-aiixillc, are hiolidayi-ng Mc and Mca. Bruce Ticas- eon. After spending several Others, nat an bbe team, came Mr. and Mcas. Ioward %vitlh theiir grancdparents, Mc. - atendd faili gatber- * tvepkmi bere in the village, home an Sunray From alI ce-ý,, rPe An ud fumil, XMc. a-id and Mca. Keinth qSamrilz in g a the home of Mc. andi Ga rdj, ýe,o f St n d 'tns.ta aIl. Dancing-bth0 Bailcv and visiting lunch brought the pleasant he tier relatives. eveniiig ta a close. BANDAID PlaticStris 6's,98cvalue 9 4 Mi-. Leslie Kr-rr Devitt, Tor-, Fiiends ofrs Ronald Ad- BAN -AI Plsti Stips ------ ov, o e 9 oit. xisited bis aunit, Mca. dison gatheced at bbc home ni ~ S(I(K Shae Cram - agg.Davcid Hill last week, and er parents Mr. and M. Wm, Iug ist 1.00 Mrs. HlilI spont the weckeîîd Steel on Sunday afternonn tri SCORE air C eam 4~ oza, sugg lut 09 7 Bo ad Ms. 1arry Ladehr wosos, After severil- a ', . . I I I YU- SCOR Hai Crem 4!2-0Z.. Sgg. igt .09 9c ýlria. Goidon ox u ,on Tuesdlay morning b.~ ur'v Nancv and Wavne. train foc Vancouver, then via F A 'N l~1 U SPRAY ET@-z.nroolti, eg.ia se 3dG* iOhio. visibed Mca. air 10 their homne inSydney, Ru a. e Crawford and Mr. adAsrla ~Z v1242 ozs., sugg. lis( 9eMr and Mrs. Gardon Stcong, Mary Philp and daughter, Mc. àd'lg cn sn 1.10 ayPowder 73c M!r « ni r.ý. azaoo Mcand'hMrs. PHoward eue, BY ra ig a d u ig WN D Ke and Mc. and Mu-s. FA. Part Peccy: Mc. and Mca. Bill -----------------. -sug. iat1.1Lcwý;on. Xelvcrtan, attended Bcadlcy. Bawmanvilie; Mr. 93C the ~Bruce î'ejunion ai the home. and Mca. Richard Rowan andDoyukwofi aera tshpri j > LISTER IN E ----------------- 14-oz., ugg. list 98c 7 7 c 4 MBruefamlunnskile; M. miDo youknow of an ce walyout o s p l si ? h n u m k q is Aileen Van Canîp uc- and Lynda, Mcs. James Raw- orWn d i o ospaeyu dadwi RIhIrEam 1Afu'ncd honme SatiucdaY from an and Miss Ai-nie Rowan o! uvrrL tU100%,.. sugg. st1.89 hoia d \in HaGaii YLrn er tnce s wece gi e 10Ala a Ii~t hod Hawai. ,Yelecîon.Small rmembecfor the phono to ring (and ring it wiIl), or sit back n no edn *DAAAA f~UTY~n ' d h ted Mr. ai-d Mrs. And'ew -and a purge of money i.WnAdtophnfranponmn os hedvtid UU~EfV LLLE --------~---- un.lit ,0 an ho\,; Neatle, Sun- 10 Margaret.phon Toranheir manyt daOMaîELd R c1daW'.ii o friends join in god withes for Items. Want Ads do the work - and qulcklyl WATCH FOR THIS EACH WEEK Rovmanviile. wece Saturda' vaejunyc. 4 ge o! Mr. and Mca. 0r oI the cucrent year !amily ROWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE Venni ng.allawances wili cost $600,000,. JAC SONS D UG TOR 44 J W i and Bi-ai Wolfe have'00, the ad age security Pn JOJINSONS DUG STORE nent two weeks at Ont. Pio- smo $1.145,000,00, federal-Th C na an S ten a i ALE Ucî« OR, D UCS RONOLake eur Prt Sidey., and $,200,000,Oo, unemployment ALEXNcGEGO, DUGSOKOO oneel their parenfx, Mr. and in.surance $400,0f0,1100; total ~ wLVL TITSPIRAYMca,. Gen. Wotnfr. h attend- cost of heultb and wlaeCA SFE ET H N JcdrLTL TTTSPANC i Caniarfuan Kêeswick Cnter. programa, ont ineluding theCLSIID DP. H NE 23-30 .à_g. _- _ _ erejt Ferndale. Muskcka. Canada Pension Plan, will be -~ ~ . . àâL. . Mr. ~ and Mrs. Russel Moutfl-, about $5,000,00O0.0