..........................................................................................,-'- * -. e-. rr.w-.-.i---- The Canadian Stateanian, Bawmanville, Aug. 25, 1965 International, 30, (ed ea alesTa ot n- i proce sn thwotPrr!utonanStrdymtr exchange in our district that $6526,(eea alsTxalnupr ione of 34 districts chosen M n e s wp ocil nti lddCawan Equip-1 Perry baebi e s ipse fhsfri Ito participate in tis aProgramn. met Ca., $,76s0ureerl Helusrvv R o tair>y G c vern ,r L irg es Early next surnxer a group (Intended for last week). tail the proposed extension at Sales Tax included);- Elgin a SSIIO ybswf rvie o niuswt of six, plus a Rotarian will The regular monthly counicil Fenelan Falls High School. Mtr a,$,6.8 F der terormrAude oe: ayiesfo h omn f, < > f C f 1> t A I la ~ ~~~~~cone froan District. 280 in meeting for August was held Moved by Deputy Reeve ýSales Teax agher oa, n alit Acio. xelen rie ID ~~AustralLia. The foilowing Yea.r on Aug. 3rd with ail members porter and seconded by Coun- Moved by Payne, seconded Rdey. ohriesatiig mr L o c l lu W Aa l zNIf we will send six, plus a Ro- present and Reeve Lewis Me. cillor Heaslip that the Munici- by Strong, that the Clerk try Also survivingaetremdrt rcs taant htcuty.Mr ilpeiig pality of the Township or to have an officiai from the, sisters, Mrs. E end okhsbe rg~sn wiil be heard later about tis The following correspond- avr prvoftepliDp.ofHgwycm oth(MofU a st ~ ~ cincl fijt ~,re f >f~~j ~ 5 rowe bavifie to sany ndecewa eciedan eacation for the issuing of de- Township Hall at Bethany tai McDonald (lawnofWl -vsrcetydtoed i. ictosreia Coundisrict: bentu res to mec t the cost ot discuss thetrc tenders re- dale. and Miss VlaMGl naon ealvoe teln s and Theld igSchol rea oaDstrcthe Fenelon Falls High School ceived and ta bring informa. of Toronto, anda rthr Rlesaeasbn om Rotar-y District Governor wlfe, Vice Prres. Bob and Jean sanie nwnbers yea.r miter year. natol uende and. b e addition ta Fenelon Falls High extension and agree ta pay its tion about a 3-ton truck. In Gerald McGiIIoYl vet.ighr eety eudr Jack W. Hughes of Willowdale Stevene, Zone Représentative In tjia oennection, we must amodunrt ai ing.TheSchool; a building addition ta proper sharThe funeral servithee was Zelmaa meicngacdsonheMr. Ray Pud his officiel visit te Bow- Forbes and Mosie Heyland. meet the challenge of dieng- is up to eadlx Rotaran, G ver- Sc go ; ott e on L & Aks- th nt e C nst ofthe ro nd fthe bee , arrrl e 5a t e~Ind a te er motP n- B wisa d M.Jo ayh v mni le Rotar-y Club on Fni- As there were no Retarlans Ing tirnes. There are thous- nor Hughes declared. sociates Ltd., re pipe ac ation of the County of Victoria Cnt and Counc. Heaslip shaH baer Fnert Cap2 Prtbensod day, August 13th, and ex- wi birthdayste honvir, Mr$. ands ai Roain who kraw ne speke mentioned the arhbe requested ta raise the said be a conlmittee ta go ta PortPrr t2p.Agutlh.Te Pebooh Hyo prestid deligbt in being wel- Mel Dale (Gladys) received a fiheir own clubs well wlho e ¶ee uîvert; C.P.R. and Board of sm equired in tean n fHo eta h et fHgwy nemn a conied flot just by Ratarions, gft £romn President Morris know faer leua about their awn Interact program of working Transport Commissioners re ismrst e auoflisa eur the aDt. anigbwaysry Pin d IntermentHe wasedinhPithe Graveg oallntteam Stook$ 2te0firsty of parently,lit was the first visit she wus celebrating her birtjh aouywat hapesi eg 821 clubs with over 20,000 tion; Dept. of Municipal Af-tdbnue.Cric.frainrqie rgriglcl-nSna vnn ee boys ave now been orgeniz- faire re taxes o a d n On motion of C unicillrs utke mat e f prhsnd. e Bar yr ice he had made with the Rotary day. Rotarlans et the marie boring districts and nouidng ed.Tere are now three Manvers Township owned by Panean H aslpaspecialtuc 'arîe.ket heloa Annes in attendance. table contribui td ethe club's et al about Rotary Interna- d. Th n lnds in an an Hel îruN YP O L -Âters undiý Presden Do Morisin-cofers as le tîhe cuin tional and lits worldwide ac- suclh clubs in district 707 and D.H.O. which are surplus; meeting is ta lie held at an Moe by t r ong, steolwne otaI im Rcado troduced the distinguished Viaiting Roteiojns were In. tivtes.' To i ifprove thi. w a e w I n G elph.îHî esrbedor h-qMag fsrte 22,B e ning arly ate tain iew a ditchna by Pat e th Ianh e llw ,Iminger ohn J. b b n o t frt b s o gucet and bis wife. Following trodiuced by Ja.ck Brnn ation we have foimeda new tis rgana necletvr hr ffnsfrJn avr tto.Cri dump caretaker, $41.66; Road 'weekend with friensi hsdy aleoodfee e en lnsplrlng address, Past Governor Hugihes, In bis dstrict eommInttee oft $hree unpr toi,agai xclenv e rshar* 9 etotfMiin fo n m osttion.of Caryie d Account, Road Voucher No. 8, ýarea.antesmevnngbtw President Rex Walter expres- opening renarks a, ha past governora wbo wil en.- ves by workn with boys fairs' re disposition of early Porter, a protest is ta be reg- g-c8~Trot We were unis r htaMilro ee vWst. Other head table guests his service and assistance ta club Rotai-y information of a n not frten iigmncplrcrs et fitrdwt h .P..edTown of Lindsay, charge-back tlvso esnlt irocluded Past Dist. Governor President Morris and te pre_ wrldwide acope, te raise themnaryelae 1.5 Ri' trtonhp h ebeRsota ucprpoomblcaelfreutfre cnr-siong er o! rort gteCois-wlae 12;Ri' toeprhsd poet nou ewr eypesdt 'Walter and Edna DeGeer, sent the message of Intern- level et knowledge of Rotary G v ro ug e hod al ui fome c re; re uestfoc aron t hi- s on post i the clsigwefare accunt, $60,00: Ge:an tion ip nW ie cndcig bv a u uss1o 0dy M a-e. M orris the President's tional Rotary President C. P. w Govternor Huhe s ag iso tdeat bt i son am lacksto k and s vir; of The P o unt l Ril w aySh ta-e Vzinowe lar e ag C co uptp$50;, ni Mllro k rewRck a d Da ny WhtEe H. "Sput" Teenhtsia a pihysi- OBITU IS ovention in March and the eral accaunts. pwe saw aseriersan wbo sans$9033f Mr. and Mca.le c i a n e n d m e m e r a t h R o u A i . c ~ c n j ~ s e v i c t a r e m a n a $ 9 . 3 3 B l a c k s t ac k F a ir , n, A f te r th e s a le w o t c e clanendmembr o theRo-Intrnatona conenton t be Artur Rwan Manersit closelyent ndheueoS1000;________of_________an__ofir tar-y Club of Hilversumi in ERNEST SPICER b.eld in Denver, Colorado. He Township Representative on the station building is a neces- îist of transfers, $8.25; Harvey that it was he. Febspr Th ehrad.Ernest Spicer, a 38-year emn- concluded bis address by cit- the Victoria County District sity as a Waitiflg room. Car- Malcolm, sheep claim, $30.00.chsdtePrrtamote Lest yeas-, Rotai-y celebrat- pveetGealMtorsaoai mg fUr requiremenits of a High Schoal Board, called on lricd. _______the_______ eits sixtietih aLueg ,a Canada LLmnited who retired Rotai-y club: "Fellowship, a the Cuncil ta explain in de-i On motion of Porter and, corner o! 35 Highwyadte .rl, ULEiME occasion that caused Rota'ry leist June 1, dIed suddenly Project, good balanced weekly Srna$00 rn st l8hCneso International to look back et Satua-day, August l4tb, 1965, progran-s and a balanced mtona $1000 rat Fisrt OBITUARY 8th Cocoss i ofM anes DONT tme puPtan fo eward nto the inOURTONVOLL the eitandforardint ta inKingston General Hospital. 3rearly pograan"N T NVL E Crie. Baktc ar h future. The outatanding ques- Hewm6.O oino otrad KnehCryeMGl eoeascn STRAIN ws Wier do we stand Mr. Spicer was workbng in Business Direciory Mr. and Mrs. G. Harness Heaslip, tender for the supply. ent alyeMG eOr vilaeca Holwd.IS ST A Nnw"ad"Where ar-e we thc parts and service depart- and family accompanîed by ing af pipe arch culvert an d An emplayee of General tors and buyers rtet o TI4AQ going-" President Sput bas nient et i retirement. Hs A, c c o U n 1 a n C y their niece Miss Nancy Wal-. installation of bridge on 4th Motars for 18 years, Kennetýh VOURased that we build. oui pi-o- iresidence wuai t Flinton, laeo Selkirk, Manitoba, wh'o Concession of Manvers, east Carlyle McGill, 86 Union St., ,youligralm uPOI the 0und'tàOnsnorthof Belevile. Hehad RY J. ILLIN basafen"Corain Armstronaof' farmArstaoPortar PerPryPdied ded uddenlvy of our experienoes and llved Ini Oshawa for 36 years. Chartered Accountant couple o! weeks, took a week- lie apened. Carried. August 10, 1965, following a achievements et the paut, and Mr. Spicer was burled in 93 Church Street end trip recently, ta Upper Only one tendcr reccived, as 'heart attack, ait a cottage at *...ai.... t tac sarne time alm iat fur- Flinton United Chut-oh cerne- 623-3861 Canada Village "nd district fallows: From Deeth & Gar- Bobcaygeon. Hie was in is g> flPL'TDnnI hrgada ors, ta tery August eth foflwing Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswel cski Ltd., knnwn as Mel-Ron 48th year. ther gradel progi-es, FBn- ONARD JAMES BROOKS adfml bv envaa Construction, Whitby, Ont. Toi A son of the late Mr-. an d ~ > q strive for- consolidation on 2 p.m. funeral service at L En Cbartered Accountant tining et S haveboLe foa su pply culvert and instail as Mrs. Rol:and McGill, the de- 623~i-30 ,WSovdtPtnMP> a ee anchan ad o ntoinu ixT he t on y United aiurush Trustee in Bankruptcy couple of weeks. Iper specifications, $8,202.96. cea.scd was box-n at Yelvex-ton ;se1M aQônv yen t a ge p oinas eln alo wing SiX The n ba odymesnTed Te u 25W725-9953 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kimbal On11motion f Payne and and received is education atfo men Pl n ai<m y~~ g poni anaysi wdll elp be Fu era Ho e i Tw ed. Tbe Osawa Shopping _entre wt r. . G a am o e -H aslip, n ction to e taken the Yelverton Public School.f N j the ùmuSnIc protecm<»,, said: "Preserve wliat has service was conducted by Rev. wihMs .Gaa fNw o e ob od icr ilce.WM. J.H. COGGIÏNS castle and Mrs. Gilmer Smith o acpting tender as thel Mný.MGilhdbne- adw e~ omtee uuid ,y w hat lald to suceed. M di- Palbearers were Damon, Chartered Accountant of B wmanville, visited at prce is too igh. Carried. 1ployed in the cuttin.g and sew- . u- ' k fer it by the zob, Just 23 fy what can be imprvied. Ray and Harvey Bryden, Bet Second Floon Mr. S. R. Pethick's, Enniskil- On motion of Payne an d ing of General Motors in su i.~L .70UPaYrori±iaies. Mareand Extcnd wibat merits further Woods, James Freeburn and New Library Building len, on Wednesday atternoon. Heaslip, tenders ta be opencd Oshawa. He was a niember_____________ noecfOurd1îents are finding developircînt. Introduce wbet John Spicen. Cor. King & Temperance Sts. Miss Anne Nesbitt bas bren for the supplying of a new of Port Perr-y ntdCur. Viat t pa 4Vep as new di eplasand wwa ih ona teleeMn ILO &BRRboixshw, h asaoulndsecfcains anid.bena atveprtcaati ~" lu". i~~a~~eetd i tc pet nd Born in Flinton. Mn. Spicer Phone 623-3612 engaged in millinery activitiestukbo ad tas per1 As a young man lie haci1 E PE A C T Ltactivities." You will then end Ms. Solonon Spicer. He Cartered Accountants weeks.1 The following tenders were1 basebal and hockey, being a have establdshed a progranimnied the former Gi-ace 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont.1Mn. and Mrs. A. Ton andIreceived: Americari Ma r s h mernher of the Yelverton of action with al four ave- t.ouelea Airheaa-t. Partners Bart wene on a four-day sight- Pumnps (Canada) Ltd., $6.911.-J Basebaîl Club. He served as! nues et service included, Surviving besides bis wie Ronalsd F. D. Wilson, C.A. seeing trip through Quebecie Governor Hughes declared. arc a d'aughter, Mrs. Stephen G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. and Eastern Ontario, this past_ Hc also deait with the prob. Artyni, et Hamipton, and two Phone 728-7554 week. lem of club membership tat sans, Clarence and Rass, bath . Mrs. C. Robinson and Mrs. AE lied been brmought on by in- et Osaewa. IAL, ERIN & CO* Morris of Orono spent a dayWstnoSnea dustilzation, urbarization Affso survivî.ng ai-e two bra- Chartered Accountants recently with Mn. and Mrs. iS E E N STUARTT IR. % and automation. World wlde thera, James Splcer ot FlIn- King Street - Newcastle, W. StaPleton. ___ A g lF o Rotary in 1963-64 bi-ought i ton,'and Charles SpicerOf9740 Mrs. McLeod o saa 12par cent o! our total as Weiland. There are 10 grand- 36!/2 King St. E. - Oshawa wt Mrs. T. Wilson oif New- JA ESew mernberis and lest 10 per cbidren. 725-6539 castle, calied on Miss B. J M Scent.foTahet fge aiof2ry ihWilliam C. Hall, B.Camm., C.A. son, Friday. cent. These figuresDavîd G PerkînC.A. Mran s.HWden- lnsusrace R eal Estati each country. In somne,Rtay MRS. PF S.BLACK _David__G.___________C.A-. joyeda recent two weeks holi- is boundlng ehead, in others ThetrdeathBraidonand F. S. lKini st. IL Bowmmvlll. standing still, end in StilI Black occurred et Memorial C h i r o P r a c i f laMntoaîangotb others Rotai-y i angHsiaBwavIe nSet- ED N MNDC way of Lake Michigan and theRg.4e Office Reidence ground. This district fis urday, Augs 14, 1965. She US Th reuntp hff sociewhere in thec centre of was in ber 7thyrenha Ofi: Chiropractor made via Trans-Canada High O3-56S~ 628-5493the picture, with many clubs been ill for- one year. wy aln nM.adMs harvlng apprxinetely the A deughter of the lete 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Hl. McLaren of Cartier, en- Se.See-d- au Jae lr n agrf hone 623-5509 route, and enriving home Fi- 1FATL RF Case cf 24 cane - $1.79SpcSectd-Vl.Cek.Ban d Jame Clrk nd argret Office Hours: By apointment day efternoon. E Maud Hewthorn, the former Grece Hosteç visîtcd Irene Cruqsh or Royal CrowvnN Lillie Meud Clark was bornnXmal atwekfr5 at NewtonvDRINKSd 6for49cdROUND fSaEAKaor ber education et Newcastle - ïiDYs7 Mr. and Mca. Boy Hall , O TD I K fr 9 and Pickering. On May 24, DR. W. M. RUDELL, ROASISrad rs .,R ON 1912, she married Fard Sylvar 75 Kinig St. E. BawmanvillecapndM.adMs.D Black who predeceased lber Offic~e Hours : Vinkie on a camping trpic easea em a6p.m al rbtLk vr the SAVE-6c! C'oloured 1-lb. Pkgg. 2c Off Pack O ELS R LE The deceaecd bad rcsidcd in Closed Saturday and Sunday end. Toronto for many years and Office Phone 623-57DO0 Mn. and Mrs. R. Brown and S lM ag rn f 57 befone going ta Toronto hed Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 famnily, with Mr. and Mca. B ____ Bd Nwcaste.rFrr25DR.2CoF57Ai Rum p RAT 8C lie I ewate.Fr 5D. .F.onRAD...Oshawa Fair an Satunday. Save 12c!T ibby's 48-os. Tins p years she was a sales clerk Office Mc. and Mcs. R. Bruce et- lbepl-Gaeri with the T. Eaton Co-, Toron- 75 King St. E. Bowmenville tended the 30th weddîng anni PnapeGaeri Tropical Punch Breu pca!-Bre ln ta. retiring four yeers ega. Office Hours: esr eeato inho B bcu Spil!- u, Mrs. Black was a member o! 9 e.m. ta 6 p.m. daily oferaydeler.L atson ishnoat th UiedCurh addur- Closed Saturday and Sunday the home of Mn. and Mca. G. FR UIT DRINKS 29c G RO U N D C U Kl.55 ing the war was a member Of Telephone : Office 623-5459 Hah omnilStn Ione o! the wamen's service Heth ______eSaur p , A daughter, Mrs. Jack Poli- L.D.S., D.D.S. Mr. and Mca. Jack Elliott and Sî l'(bis2-s is"cnies uePr ryPc ard (Rhona) of South Pae- Office in bis borne Donothy motored ta Toconto, Sliced Crushed - Tld Bits 0 *Terms up te 10 years a No brokerage fées dena, Calit., survives. Also 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Niagara Falls and St. Thomas DL EA~ u * Na kiddon charges *Atr@tabeprepaid at any surviving are thi-ce sisters and Offic e 6350 atwertrighm nB e lf s a No banuses ime witèho notice or penalty one brother, Mrs. Ethel Black Ofc Hours: 6350 Sunday. retunningfor89 Newcastle; Mrs. MV.innie Beg C 9 .m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mcs. Margaret Day of Toron--___________________________________ neli, Oshawa; Mca. Mai-jane Closed Wednesday - Sunday ta was a weekend guest et BEST BUY' Save 19c! 32-oz. ote For ir FREE bro chure on SUPER/OR moligaea, writephon. or Cowîei-d and Mi-. Allen Clark, Msserns inean Bnne lM vstteSPRRofienza o ohoNecsl.MissC.sBDoanes.andPRODUCE THE REALTY DIVISION OF The funeral service was held _______________ Gilmen 0f inAsay wece îsi-11t0Eloi Oir ~~from the chapel of the North- DONALD A-Î. eCGREGOR tors on Satuirday wîh hin kLM 'ne ownlnyile dltric.ne as bora ln Hamp- E. RICHARLà o ViEKiN - Mrs. R. Brown, Mry ad K d & Wi e C f e 7 _ E PR f r 5 tO owmnvllebeorehestate wok.Barrister - Solicitor Mr. and Mr. R. Chatterton te Bw anil eoele uatd wr.King St. W. Newcastle ai Peterborough. were Sun- e h t o e 7 Phions 987-4633 day supper guests et Mi- R.jFOE ODISV 8!ChleldPte 8o.Tn Glen Rsae Dafry ln Mardi, 1965. Bruce hau devoted Mn. an d Mrs. C. M. Joncsi SAVE 16c! Sau-Sea4o.Jr b rucf e e a our tme u b e n m a e, JInngMe r s :3 e , Slctrs -i re uce ays. f t . s wi1 dellvering bread and selling building material.. Notaries Public McBddMn.ChsMos ~1 h e li e te ssrv ng t e pu lic i B o m anv llaS R I a < T R I E wr nd r . ay v sit o s îth S H R IM P C O C K T A I L 3 fo r 9 c Ce rs Bruce and hl& wite elen have three girls, A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Miss Anne end Mr. J. Nes- ?-Ib. Economy Bat I-z.Tn realding at 46 Brown Street. They arc members ldward C. Wildman, bitt, Mi-. and Mrs. F. Gle SUPREME BRAND FRENCH FRIES ....... 53C SV i'3Faer lagod tadigcith ppua suae insB.A., LL.B. wene supper guests, Sunday, crou "Te Singng low." e srve th seth 0 Kng t. . -Bow anvllwith Mr-. and Mns. M. Inwin. trop Th SwngngBow.1 H seveetelepho4 K nge623.-579mn1 Churcli service next Sun- PICKLING NEEDSI edo oanUelthdititformerly 1gageSdy onn ilb ncag'Cat Food us'iBos6 s served by Mr. Elton Drock. dormof r. i wllStie, of chargeSmalI edu sndetfloninvIleIntheditrit Or ig g 5 cfMani-Allen tie.fBw MASON JARS, doz, $1.43; doz. $1.69 RGLR7c Brc-ae oaedtome m nbd Miss Diene Kimbaîl is spend- SUPREME PICKLING SPICE 3-es. Cello Bags 19C RGLR7e 14m a being the tiret driver to load in the morning an Phone 1 r 16 Mi.1dMs .KmalCROLQI . O.u. j R(sidence - Ferma Stapletan's: Mn. and Mns. SIFTO PICKLING SALT .......3.b. Bag 23cN xz naSiCea59 ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ usin sa i-o e m - ies George Shea and M . and M rs. 0 Lyail McMahon, Bowmnanville PHONE 62344- FOR HOME DELIVERY Oiome r y and M. F. B. Nickel, Bn- M P E G O E R D HT KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Mr. and Mrs. George Staple! Optometrist ton and Dorotby wene dirnnar O N S R DWH T 143 Kiq St. E. - Bow m-anvîîe guests on W dnsdy ai Mr. Office coure: By appointmen't and Mrs. Gardon Mari-tn, Bow- G le Re a ryTelephone 623-3252 manville.i Vo.T ues. , TMurs. - fFlrMi. and Mrs. George Staple-1 Kig t WBowmianville 9 a.mn. toi 5 p.m. ton and family were dînner E K E H T Tbursday evenings gusts, Sunday, o rLouise