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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1965, p. 8

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7lTe Canadian Statesman BowmanvMle. Aut. 25, 1985 BSPORTopICS& ~ ~ By Frank Mohun 623-7234 J bombed Chartran's 14-2Is day. J im Coy] e tossed h MORE ABOUT LAWN BOWLING .nl forsne.wieco You know we always thought that lawn bowling was Adamfusnglerd walac sport you turned t a when y u were too id t a par- ply d ca ts ta eq ie scribe at one time thought the same about golf, a game t opee we should have startcd p]aying soaner and curling, a game - tille last nicht. but aChra We discovered can bc pretty taugh, particularly a bonspiel.'Even Series 2-2 Lead Series 3 to 2 and deciding clash at teM Then we realized that for years we had been extalling--___________ day night. the virtues of badminton, with v'ery little success and those, Who only had playcd it as a pitter-patter form of exerise Nwcsl Bl fsR j v ned C na is LONG SAULT Just cauldn't sec what we were ta]king about.N w a t e Bs s e un t dCnd is Maybe guys like Clarence Oke, Fred Cole and Bob Ms .A oeer Gallagher, who have been trying ta tell us thait ]awn n riilli InE wa-s hostess taour lu bowling is a prett 'y fair sport, have a point after ail. OOAIEwm anD vDiDWWD 9 Ioaa 2 Y Slji.9 0 ladies. Tuesday ecig They tell us that it can be just as absorbing for any, After dropping the first iniiing outburst, alang wit-h 8Rea MrWi n n gW Ags. Mary ewaen opcne age and it 15 somnething you cani continue playing - not'two games, Newcastle posted pair of walks and singles b~ the meeting and cndu like hockey or baseball. At the Balmy* Beach Club where their .ýecond lop-sided win Wagar and Frances Rickard f 1 the business. $1 1.00 wv ,- the provincial finals took place last week men and wamnen over Bowmanville girls, blast- Bowmanvi]le piec k e d up Iote oatoa . n vEMMURE tMUsnglREns nMheTIir uatcd inaem tin]scho ol of al ages, from Quebec ta Flarida, engaged in enthusiastic 1ngOut a 9-2 vcoyt i ige u. ntetîdand E ~ I N D I V ~ I ir held in alemNswoca sthi corptto.the. Durham Ladies semi-final sixth on Shirley Brock'ssinm-: sumrmer. $ 10.00 was givnt cmpti ton.series at two games apiece. gie and Virginia Fairey's home I !Tvrone Manse and a com- Lawn bowling, if ynu didn't know. is like curling witb Playing laz W e dn es da v run. Led by pitcber Betty Ther-i Thertrell checkcd the visitors ineif hits, wilh rclirfer Verai tee of Mesdames W. Va1 k amobile, instead of a fixed target, officially known as the night at Newcastle, the home-I Vera Wright won her se -tell, wha survived sonme shaky ýon s3ix safcties, while colleet- jWright allowing four, while J. Woodlev and Miss G. mt jack, aften referred ta as the cat or kitty. sesoendqikl ihon n am na egthttrtedn in he' aar'iangirîngoa pair. Buntl s n stik-tning twa. wete ist r e ie teaprv first inning run on singles bylBetty Therteil took the Ios Bwavle aada ie'n utapi.Btse a ik yle h iiosspend $25.00 for dishei o If the opposition is building up a big end, stratcgy calhs Joanne Camneron, Jean Wagar,l giving way ta, Brock in ije'ladie', trounced Newcastle 11 -2 a lot nf hclp from the otheri with a double and single, May1 the Manse. A special tin for moving the jIack, which means that the weîght required -Barb Adams and Vera Wright.î sixth, as bath pitchers com- ta take a 3-2 lcad in the bcst 13,B'ianville pitchcr. as Shir- ' Alldread singled twice and r is ta be hcld at Mrs.J.V- lis always changing. Athouch four hits produc-I bined ta permit ten safeties. iof seven Durham Ladics' soft- icv Brock. plaving left field, Adams cracked a tliree-bagger. evk's ta make plansread ed only n al' .h inesiarn Wit etehorall series, Monday night at sockcl a lhomie' rua, triple and iThe series continues tonight in îng falI turkey suîpper i~ On a full green of 128 fret, the variation cani becaswîîededone talslvte Cam-sinKae htaccoute far îfthe Central Sehool diamoinc. single. Karcn White delivered 'Newcastle. with thesvnh ien Ae. or seii mnuch as 44 feet. The law7n bawl which we alwayvs ha& rnt cr tomr auc amniT' ttl aaîhe Canadians broke uip a ail 'mPortanit hamner and ai if needed, gaing Monday night gulet fr tedevnigo hwe thought was weighted, apparently is rint. but shaped. On a' third, as the Canadians had eallected three singles tn Pa e,2-2 lie wvith a single fourth double, w\ith Delares Davey 16:30 p.m. at the Central Sehool us beautîful pirturesofle keen, hard green. a bnwl may curi as much as 12 fetf trouble fielding the hall. Er- the winners, while Cariemn, ,fi th n aaddriin pihe ng uAdillpa rir asinglcs. dia oind, the thbesn p taEngland last sii rors plaved a big part in!and Riekard each collected a' vhffhadaani h abAns rezn ln atHp uteohrsm-Lmnch waser,,.,41 either way. Sounds interesting! !NM,, tl,,, Kin,. 'i'.. ----t ti crn th il ix, ,;,,,, .*.~n- -. LEAVE FARES READ DOWN $4.25 7:15 4.10 7:35 4.00 7:50 3.90 8:10 3.75 8:30 3.50 8:40 Fares include admission ta Exhibition Grounds - Children fAfter losing the first twi fEllhs Shaes carne raaring back in the next three to take th( 1'4e --SleSbu" .xrun 1 ou11ispair. s____ nmewinw n vest' k-0Us'PermitO - d 1iaI, three games ta one.--- MENS FINAL ALL EVEN Judging by the first two caineq in the Menr on rnd Pi'fiiasK cm Down Ste ph n'31 League softball final, it shnuld be quite a series befare 's e]over, or did we say that last week. Stephen Fuels took Sign Texan Jim H all - * the opener 3-2, wiîh Kramp's rebaunding ta, even the best a~fâ 1 ~ , ~ of seven set on a 3-1 %vin ThursdlaY night. The wheels have been puti This will be Hall's si,,h ap-T oIv enI F n a l SEe rNDe s 1 Ironically, bath gamnes wvent right down ta the wire, in motion for another star-,pearance on the winding, 2.5 with the tying ruas on base and close outs at first base'studded international mnotor- mile Mosport circuit and Jim Kramp's Furnittire defeateciinight ta cvvii the hest of sevra1Ilt was thp game*s fielding ending the tbreats. r Part field wvith the announce- 'does nathing to discredit the1 Stephen Fuels 3-I at Vincrent Mu.sTown iLeague final atgem, robbing thic Fuels' sec- men' by officiaIs of the Cain-!Texas legend about men sittingiMassey- diamand Thursday anc gamc apicce.onsakrfatipe According ta the forrn cbarts, Kramp's were suppased adian Grand Prix that Jiro i igh in their saddles. His Rollathtrams ha Ilrtgrýea1t 5('oI, John Stainton's pinch-1hit ta out-hit Stephens, but the Fuelers hold a 15-10 edge, out- Hall. the personable Texan ' foot two inches enables himi 196.1 ta an invitation ta jaîn a 1hitting the Furniture ('rcw in bath games. Although the and Newv Zealand's great Bruce Ita sit high lu the cockpit of iBritisb racing partncrship, ' -, ýapeporaîînities as apssin,, g errandlackt-u snge <tryowe y os a nllabîfdznbaeb eryBakpu1unr first was a clasely-plavcd ganie, errors accouintedi for aîîiMcLareiî will be in the field Ibis Chaparral Il. parîlv aS lened ecoydMass. Hall th Iduelling for the $ll,000 in prize[ Part owner of a petraleîîmdrove foir Ibis group in ait r""'0în ncr îd Sele to eodadtîdm h runs. In the second a fielding gem by Ray Crombie and the Pepsi-Cola praduction firm and a gradu- majior European Grand Prix svaai1wbaruah.Bt ect.Lod -aitnbb the big difference. His bat belpcd too. cana egerHl events. In 1964 he was over- clîîitc h pitchiiîg. aided bv somne!bled Grant Wright's bard Pitching bas bren gond on bath sides. but the bitters! Canada's longest and most is independentîv wealthy. aIl winner of the U.S. top ifilngpasndaac-bonerttidut rib seem ta be finding the range and anytbing cn bp en.s tacular motor race will be People have pondered wby;drivers' champ iouship with 60 ndngcIa 'r dCcîion tUrnrd was aut on a desperatian Th sris oninesTbrsayan Tesav fltwig as staged at Mosport Park, north :anyone with wealth SUCb as pît.H kosteM- ica ar-agtthitn ldebt fmir.IlRase a close ahendreecostnesof Bowmad Tnvily flloveg ami' 9îbis, ar that of Pedr'o Rodriguey s part course's tricky tUrns ilo-;r ctbu mir ae Gsv right's game wbicb is reported elsewbere in The Statesmani. Saturdaly aSeptember 25.ig 5'ie Wcst ovas right onttop of the Saudv epebr2. the young Mexican who won îmaîly ad prved t n uir trphnds thec thescor ýofthi yer heu lie led ftic ing haithe sccond on a sin-le;plThte nded ite me. If necessary, futur'e contests are slated for next Thursriay Rareo Director George Mass' the Grand Prix at Mosport o hi ea Plefuntremn a and Tuesday at Vincent Massey park, starting at 6:30 p.m.:of the sponsor'ing British Em-,last year and a share of the "PI yer's 200- untit the last bv Bob Ahhott ad ,imAIchnetad taterea pire Motor Club made the an- ýSI 1,000 baot, would risk iniury heat when a single lbase boitlnsto dulbu a' thn Hmlon ad Jh tnauunccment that Hallamid Mc-' in sucb headlong, dangerotis farcd lm t pi an los fîst Wlla-e n Dveourt LADIES SEMI-FINAL TIED UP Laî'en had filed their entries pursuit. 'place. s1îr i ietird ta ie' nthwe singld i th toiwa ou Newcastle ladies found the range> last week ta liammer for the fifth amnual Grand Prastease isi aedrco ereMs 1 .P( er t rdInalîo- effh.Cobi a ian Tir Prix. e exprprdd 1 h1rd strikei. .as pitcherpuipos;ely passed and Marjer- Prix. Her f i expressedomavile and"the vieW 'Hall's former partner, theîis confident that Pcdr'o RIlerg tp î eic hrersngrounded to second. dita pir0f ictris a'erBomaoill Cnadan Tirhis veai"s field wouîd be the table-d Stirling Mass. who 'riguez 1wîlI again be on i Bob Foster g ave up nine tying their best nf seven Durhamn Ladies softbail semi-final mas glittering in the shart, caustantîy tells people whoIstarting grid t . ed the a enhî,afc b ba tt tadeemdthe hrtrafcd be, bir,;:hts, fanned tbree and didn't et two games apiece. but exciting. bistory of the try ta emblihtednes rn rxtteli o atalwawl oer h e The fifth game iwas plaved Monday nighî here with Caîîadiaîî Gr'and Prix. "Mre epl gethkle dacnmbgearsaet sGr 6. amdp'sixou t lubtheonrxt cison. as er te the a doe- ~lenex sttedfortongbt(Wed). f asevulhanddecdiug Neihex Hal mor eLaen ig muM tirstpaegepkieedriguz i faed s aeelf lii n iig o aaaseon all, aseniafeie96s3uckoutfou *nnitri eddare strangers to Mosport fans, inmotarsport racinig". heaviest pedal pusbc'h i ue'vCobrs triple, ami liand permitted three bases on *noînerisneddit wiIl be played this Monday at the but HaIt's vibrant, outgaiiig Jim Hall rose ta fame an 'reatm aof motorsport racing. sacrifice flv b% Bob Maî'jerri- halls. Ceta coo imn.pesoaliîv hbas ifted him ta US. racing tracks because of And e relishes racing a t Wallace was the lone win- :a 'rapopularity that is uncom-'bis spiritcd and consistent Mosport because it is alt mis Ray' vCiombip made a great! ner ta collect mare than one SOFBALEs HLUGOF TUREYmoin, even among motarsport driving in bis Chevrolet-pow- fine Bowmativilîe circuit that hack-tîanded stab ofrflan Pal-i bit, witt a pair of singles. SOFBALERSHOD G LF OUREYdex'otees who are tremendous-lered Cliaparral, a car be help- Pedra and success have h ad a Iard's wron-ficld shiot ta lefl!Black and Abbott were the Saturday, aI Southview, wve vere privileged ta be alejly ta ttîeir favorites. eddsg.Hi1bît ldi aito omg adi-a id. , runecrs on second and1 big guns for Stephen's, each, '-ta partîcîpate in the Mens Town League softbalîers* golf - - thîird ta enid the fiftlî fraîrme. claimîmg tbree singles. toumnament. This is one Nve really enjay and certainly appreciate the invitation ta plav. For same af the gtîyS it was their fiî'st golf appearamîce M en s vM a jo r o ln g L a eftesa.bttmas od tvtf asvaf ittball],ns B wlig Lagu CA N A D IA N efthe os ejSbtthe 00daytbgolfau ofbtth llse The Me IViaMajr League- Fallowing is a camplete list No. 5Dkst- sFoad Ma rk- Oh, aIl the shots weren't sa bot. Paul Chant and Jack w Il open ou Wednesday, Sept. of teams and the scbedule as et: Capt B. Heunnug, D Oke, ]Parer ook urn plnkin bals n th pod until they 8th ait7 p.m. sharp at LibertyI relep.sed'byý the Secretary Alan1 L. Wiseman, G. Glanivîle, Y. Parertok ums lukmn hll i te on Bo\wl. H. Osborne. :Samis, C. Waalner. wound up with an even dozen on the par tbree thîrd. The eXecutive members of Pase clip the schedlule out' No. 6-Lander Hardware: The power-packcd duo of John Ford and 'Moe" Richards th e league are lookimîg forward for future refem'ence. Att cap- Cp.H entG.Bbe . EHBTO weren't fan behind .vith a big Il on the eighth. ýta ame of the best seasons n tains are requcsted ta comtact Lander, K. Piper, B. Weish, C. Ted Dadsomî aud Jack "'Red" Mantie came from five the h istory of major league the members of tlîeir team s,,MLItton. bowling. we wiîî have a perfect turri-i Na. 7-Frank's Va riie t y: EHBTO atrokes back with a seconîd round 47 ta win the champion-, The pî'ize list is bigger than out on Wednesday, Sept. 8tb ýCapt. C. Oke, E. Brock, A. uhip with a 98 total. Grant Wright and yaurs truby regis- ever and on opeîîing nigit '1965. IRowe, S. McMurter, J. Callaii tered the days lowest ime. going out in 46, but we had President Bob Williams xvi l1«Sr.. J. Calian Jr. becami hand ta briîîg the bowl-, Men's Major League Teamns No. 8-Jury & LavelI: Capi. aurprolem alertha, indng p n te rnnr-u slters up ta date on ail the new 1965-66 Season R. Oke, V. Vamstane. T. Bag-R IDE at 101. features. The entî'y fee is n el 1, F. Blunt, B. Kent, R. Raye "'Gustîv" West ad George "Generat" Joes had ta the same as last >ear. at .PrecB etaeCaombes. BRE -do some fancy shoot ing on the secand nine ta run up a nic, The business nien of Box- ID agn E ei.ct B. WShotr F No. 9-Beaver Lumber: Capt. ma uville have once a b G. Piper, E. Leslie, J. Band, L. 03for the day's xvorst fine anîd a 119 performance. They agreed tososr h emLIM I'G oe. emn J kG.Hdsn jus mae t toug. ecase"Buch"Coe ad Sam Snw-vvihuew bowling shirts. The Na. 2-Hendry Matais: Capt. No. 10-Selby Grant Hea', ii den were only one stroke better. sparts miuded sponsors are L. Piper, D. McKnight, R. ýing: Capt. F. Cale. M. Anîcart, Tbey didn't ,vin anything, but without a daubt the imost Keri's Men's Wear. Hemidry Maynard, N. Henning, A. Sa-iR. Hately, H. MichlcsonB. Motors, Smith's Beverages mani, B. Adams. jOrme, K. Luxton. clorful pair on the course were Lloyd Hamilton and Danny,"Pepsi-Cola*ý, Libertv BowI,l Na. 3-Pepsi-Cola: Capt. A. No. I l-Bawmaviite I.GA.: Girardi. Who knows that we baven't gat another Sam Snead Dykstra's Food Market, Land- Osborne, M. Harrison, H. , Capt. B. Mimne, B. Halîmian, B. v~ in our midst? The siaminer startcd pla ' ing barefoot, and Cr Hardwvare, Frank's Variet "v Bro mcii, L. McFeeters, B.iiGlanivilte, L. MarDouigal. J. o nDïlfri 'Danny figured thiat was goad enaugh for hlmn ton -- besides Store, Jury & Laveit, Beaver' Williams, R. l\cLean. Parker, G. Clarke. il i mor cofortbteanmd Plîmhimig, Bowmanville M. Richards, Dr. H. Rundle. B. apie: Capf. Si Trexvin, Hf. "Hammy'" figumrd as; lomîg as his parîner hîad bis shoes I.GA, and Nets Osborne's In-,Richards, A. Samelis, G. ';Palmer, R. Barter, M. Murphy, off he may as xveil m'akc uise of the situation. Dan's tee surance. Stepiiens. K. Bickeît. D. Bisbop. H. Akey. shot went-in the pon'd, just ai inch or sr) off shore but!Cmec n inth wtr.'llrnv'drid wsoupîm'oebu i MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE BOWLING SCHEDULEC om ec swung and misserd by a foot. afler much gramsing af course,1 9566SAO Ride on the Bus and avoidworrying a meaning Danietlîhad ta %vade ini and blasî. out. ALL GAMES START 7:00 P.31. SHARP But golf iqn'î the onl'v fhinz on the agemda. If yoîm: ALLEY 1- 2 3- 4 5.-6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 ' r crowding fc haven'î serti the reat football gýame that takes place' n' AEFRTSHDL the afternaon -- its a damîd. . If am\- of the Kramp's amîdiDAEFRTSH UL Stephen's playeis a'e hbbiir aroîud during the finals,ý Sept. 8 1 -2 9-10 11-12 7- 8 3- 4 5- 6 B sswl a eE hbto rud you'll know wliat happeacd.' Sept. 15 10-1l 9- 8 1-12 4- 5 7- 6 2 - 3Bue ilea E hbto Gr nd 1% Other participanîts inith( ieturîamemit iurludý-d Rai Sept. 22 3- 5 12- 2 8-10 9- 7 1-11 fi- 4 ance. Pollard, John Fawtcr, Alex Pmram crvFiark, Rav! Sept. 29 4- 7 5- 1 6- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-1 t Crombie, Dan Masters. Bob Abbotî. Tni Pearson, 'i' Oct. 6 -- ---- 9-10 7- 5 8- 6 1_ .3 2- 4 10-12 Cox and "Archie' Crosscy. Oct. 13 --------------------- 12- 3 4- 9 2- 7 Il- 6 8- 5 I-10- IYFRM There were steaks too! Our comTpliments ta tbe cooks. D A.20------_---Y---------2R OM10 4 5 i-3B2 GAELS, IN ESTERN FINALOct. 20 -------------------------81 7_6 -10 612 5-9 113 4-78La e o m n il :0am 1A __ N E S E N I A c . 2 -- - - - - - - --9- - 13 106 1 - 24- e v s B w a v i l : 0 a m Oshawa Green Gaets unlcash;ed a tremendotis team effort Monday night at tlîe Civic Auditorium ta xwallop Hasings Legiormnaires 22-4 amîd take their besî of five semi-final meries in three straighî games. Gaeîs \will inwmeet Mimiro Mounties in the oprnimîg gamerof Ihe hest orfsc%,rt, Eastera CanadiRr. final at the Aiîdiloriini, Thursdiav night at 8:30o. While Oshawa had an eay ime in the third tilt, Satur- day's contest in H-astings wasn't decidedi until the 7:3,3 mark of sudden-deatb oVertime -xvhen GayIord Powless folind the top corner for the winncr. Hastings ledi 13-9 mid-%way' iii the final perîod but OSlla' rame back ta lie it. Grady Iad a great chance to exen the series as he went in aIl alone but goat-keeper Merv' Marshall inade the save with three seconds remamniag. Legionnaires twice taok the lead iii overtime, onlY ta jhave John Davis send il mbt suddeii-death with a mere 12il seconds lefIta be played. In Monday's attractioni, the Green, Gacis scored twie late in the first ta lead 5-3, then aut-scored Hastings 101-I In the second periad. Davis sîîstained a gmash arounid hms pnose, but affer baving eight stitchies administerert bY team doctnr Bill Rundie, returned ta score on bis first shift. Powless had four goals and lhree assiFts, m.-hile Davis netted the hat-îrick Rlong with four assists ta lead the Gaels. ]Brian Thompson connectedi for four markers. %vith Ken Thompson, Dwtght Davies, Don Stinson and Ross Jones each ,çontributingz a pair. Oshawa had three goals disailowed ton. Hoawever. it w'asý one that wasn't disallnwed on Saturdavý night. that sawl .»asings' coach "Rock" BatleY hlow bis ,;tack. The game, was protested, but the O.L.A. uoheld the referee&s decjslon,j N 0ov. 3 Nov. 10 NoN7. 17 Nov. 24 rr. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 1,5 Dec. 22 ------------6 - 9 ------- -----6 -i ------------ 11-12 2- 3 - -- ------ --- --- 6 - 4 -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- 8 -I l -- -- - ---- - -- -- - -- - 7 - 5 2- 6 1- 7 il- 5 3- 4 7- 6 1il 12- 9 2- 4 12- 5 Il- 2 10- 4 1- 2 4- 5 9- 7 2-10 1- 3 SECOND SCHEDULE Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. N\'aî'ch March March Ma rch March ------------ 12 - 7 -----4- -8 -- ----- -- - - -- - -- - 3 - 9 2 - -- - - - - 9 ------------------ 1 6 ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3 -- - - - - - - - - 5-10 9- 2 1- 2 10-11 - ------------ - 12- .------12- 3 ---- ---------2-8 Apri! 6 - -- -9- 1 April 13 --------------- Il- 4 April 20 ------------------- 6- 9 8-5 5l- 2 12- 2 10- 1 8- 8 4- 9 6-10 il- 6 5- 9 6-12 8- 1 12- 4 3- 7 11-12 2- 3 8-10 6- 3 9-11 2- 7 4- 1 4- 8 3-10 2- 6 12- 5 1- 7 11- 2 8- 1 12- 4 3- 7 5- 6 1-12 9-11 2- 7 4- 1 3-10 12- 5 Il- 2 10- 4 7- 8 4- 5 9- 7 2-10 à- 9 6-12 8- 1 April 27 - JOHN M. JAMES ROLL-OFF FOR TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP April 21-30 - MEN'S MAJOR LEAGIJE TOURNAMENT 10- 7 3- 8 8-12 9-10 9- 8 12- 2 .5- 1 10-12 4- 9 6-10 7-il 2- 6 1- 7 il- 5 3- 4 7- 6 1-11 12- 9 2- 4 8- 5 il- 3 5- 2 10- 7 3- 8 4- 7 7- 8 9- 1 4l- 7 8- 9 812: 2- 6 61- 4 6- 5 12- 6 7-11 6- 9 510 BUSES WILL TRAVEL TO EXHIBITION FROM PLACES SHOWN BELOW ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: AUGUST 25 - AUGUST 26 - AUGUST 30- SEPT. 1 - SEPT. 3 LEAVE READ DOWN 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 Janetville Nestieton Blackstock Burketon Enniskillen Hampton executive and a social limne was had by al]. Miss Grace Smith thanked Miss Akrd for h er love]ly pictures and ta, hostess Mrs. Bosevear for the u;se of her home. Mr. and Mrs. George. Willcs. Tnglewood, Mr. atud Mrs. J.C. DIRECT FROM THE CALGARY STAMPEDE (huck Wagon Races CHARIOT RACES 2 HOURS 0F THRILLS AND SPILLS THRILLING COWBOY ACTS SEE THE 1963 WORLD'S CHAMPION PONY CHUCKWAGON TEAM. . . THE BEST IN THE WORLD! PORT HOPE FAIR GROUNDS WED. SEPT. Ist 6:30 P.M. ADULTS $1.00 - CHILDREN 50e UNDER J4'YEARS SPONSORED BY THE PORT HOPE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY NATIONAL I SPECIL IUSLIMES TrED m Bowmanville August IOth o=t driving in heavy traffic, parking or street cars .5 minutes after grandstand perform- O0WMANVlLLE Arrives Exhibition 10:30 a-. vo games bv lop-sided scoreg, k ta dowri Chartran's Clothing ie lead in their best of seven ;l series. it a 7-5 deision, then really ruesday night and '4. Thurs. fifth game shut-aut, hUowing lecting a pair himsef, Bruce ,Uled home runs in the fast- only an hour and five minutes hocs wvere ouitat capture the ins win wotuld force a seventh ýmoriil Park, 6:30 p.m., Thurs- Mary' and Wendy Codl4ýh s-pent two days last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kristchn and Barbara. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Stindav supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Andy Sutci. 1Iwll ban you up tb $5,000.00 aa reasonable rate of lnterest To consolidate your bis or for any other worhwhlepurpose Providlng You are stcaclily eniployed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631 Millbrook Garden Hill Elizabethville Keridal Kirby Orono FOR INFORMATION PHONE BOWMANVILLE 6=3811 FARES $4.25 4.10> 4.00 3.90 3.75 3.50 .Haif Fare OSHAWA 723-7171 M ýýA r âwmlm- - -- - Ellis Toke Leud Includes admission to OSHAWA 723-7171 'l -1

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