JThe Canadien Statesman, Eownmvffl, Sept. là, 1983 IISPORTOPICS j<ILAD TO DO IT Tihe aid scribe got back Into the swing the hard way liaft week as the various ieagues havre started their bowling 1sictivities for the coming atson. We diucovered we couidn't bowl an aur regular night the firit two weeks, uo went .down to Liberty Bowl and toused six gamne.t l succession. 5lhat'a too much! Our loyal reporters wili b. bard at work again, writing tip their resuits for us, while aur telephone brigade will b. phoning in the scores. We're glad ta write up any and 4il leagues, and certaily appreciate the assistance w. re- ceive. So let's hear from you bowling enthusiasts. We'Il do 'eur beat to get your scores in print. As sparts editor we're subjeet ta the odd beef, so perhaps j"You'll forgive us if we air one of aur own. Several times 4remendaus 400 games and 900 triples have been missed ini thus coiumn, while others have been reported. Anyone wha bowls this weil deserves credit, but we must know about it. t. i.t f t t FUELS SHOW CLASS A tip of the bat from this corner ta Stephen Fuels Who won tht Town League ofibaîl championship, defeating Iramp's Furniture 3-0 last week. While we're eongratulating tht Fuels, hawever, Kramp's deserve a lot of credit for belping produce a fine final stries. After the first four gaines, il was al fyen as every content went right down to tht final batler. Slephen's ran t. p a huge 8-0 bulge after two Inninga ta wrap up the fifth tncounter, setling tht stage for last Tuesday's championship win. Kramps out-hit tht Fuels 10.4 in the game, as pitcher .Bob Foster lest a hearl-breaker. The Furniture crtw had runners on base in every lnning, including tht seventh with second and third accupied and tht tying run aI tht plate. Allhaugh they were getting their hils, the champions showed their fieling class, coupled with George Stephen's clulch pitching ta stay in front. George, who announced bis annual intention of retiring was a major reason for Fuels' title, winning cight of ten playoff enceunters. We had picked Stephen as the key ta tht stries. Ht was the main pitcher, while Kramp's had a pair of front- line hurlers. If tht Furniture boys had unlimbered their big bats lhey were winners, but the veleran mound performer heid them in check and when they did threaten he bore down harder. In pîtchers' baIlles, which five of tht six were, the teani thal makes tht fewest mistakes usually will win, and In tht final analysis, Stephen's fielded better and their hitting. was surprisingiy strong. Stili remaining i. the big season-ending banquet, Ihisi Saturday night at tht Lions' Centre. t t t t t YOUTH BOWLING STARTS SATURDAY Bowling supervisor Harold Bennett phoned to remind that youth bowling starts this Saturday aflernoon with juniors starting at ont o'clock and tht bmntam girls and seniors get underway at 2:30. Harold was gratified ta dis- caover Ihat ont new instructor has corne forward, but he etill needs more assistance. As far as tht leagues go, junior boys are ail tilied up and there are enough senior girls. But mort senior boys are needed, ages 13 and over and lhe junior girls stili have a few vacancies. Tht largest opening txists in tht bantaml Anyone for Fish Steaks?1 COF BowlingI 'The C.O. B Iowln eague g ai off ta g od sart oni Friday night with a total of ten teains cc>mpeting for the F traphies Uiis yeatr.9 Ron Brock had the men's ýg hîgu biple oft 729, andi Carol 14c Roberts had the ladies' high C triple of 559. e1 Over 600 triples were bowl- ed by Heivy Snowden and Ev. ti Kirxg - bath with 815. a] A total of 15 iernacn ague Rq garies were bawied, but due gi ta the long surmer iay-off weTi' wiil flot list naines for the aE fioest night.B Team Standings K Pins Pts. e. Snowden.. *......... 2533 7 th Prout ...... 2458 7 bEdNab .....- 2304 7 s' B. Westlake -*...»2634 5 tv Sedman.........« 2346 5 Ci Brock ........... **'"2554 2 7T Allen ........ .... "** 2275 2 al Dakin . .........2308 0, Mentle ............ 2106 0 New iville-Starkville Bowling League ~ ~ t200 Gamet O ~ '~> Marie Trim 237, Edna El- lihott 236, Ina Brown 229, Mar- j. lent Stacey 219, Marg Mc- Don-ald 218, Marion Harte- Maxwell 211, Mary Kirkton ~t"" 200. Averages Edna Elliott ............. 19, Marg. McDonald .......... 183 . Ina Brown . ............... 177 Mary Skelding . .......... 176 Marion Hatrte-Maxwell .. 174 Marg Wade ................ 170 Marie Trim ...............166 Marion Kirkton............ 158 Sharon Brown ............. 138 Marient Stacty............ 158 Shirley Wood .-.......... .. 156 Olive Henderson .........155 Ivan Wannamaker of Sunsel Rd., Bowmanville, Grace Farrow ............. 15, should have plenty of f ish on hand for his winter Dorothy Stark ............. 145 meals. Over the weekend, he caught this big lake Jennie Rypstra............ 144 trou tht weghe 20 pouds nd as 32" long. Mili Porter............... 142 trot ha wiged204 puns nd Boh f Hem oyenSinclair ............. 141 Earlier, he had hauied in a 14 pounder. Boho te sye&cey .........140 came out of Lake Joseph near Parry Sound and wereBernieve He*nderson ...... 124 caught on wobblers, using minnows for bait and a,!Annette Savery............ 104 steel line. The big one took about a haif hour to net.lMeda Staplebn............. 92 Men's Majo League, Mixed League -11---- 1 - .-l Bowling girls division, wnere about a dozen mare young ladies are! Htllo dere- Frank Mohun .... 3 210: required. Alfter President Bob Wil- Ron Maynard...... 3 2101 M t t t t t ilim officially welcxmed aIilHoward Bromeli .... 3 208 star A WAY WITH HORSES lseason the boys starttd to hitýRon MoLean........ 3 204 and Mary Ruth Osborne, who did se well at Blackstock the pins tht saine as they did! Frank Samis -......3 204 the a couple af weeks back was atiti again on tht past wetk- at the end of last season. Hap Palrner......... 3 204 the r Larry Piper started whereý Bob Richards . .. 3 203 OthE iezat at Orono Fair. She earned a firat in tht English Saddle hie left off with a big 785 tri. TamSaniged b 'élass on "Duke'", owned by Dave Brent, then added a second pie. Piper's ganes were 229-Ilea'tadigPerfl wilh "Amber Caunt" in tht Ladies' Drivers section. A pair 265-291. AI Osborne was next Teani W. L. Pins Pts.j Glan faurlh places in the Pardead W lser Clase uded having 759 (331); ClarenceI.G.A. 3 0 3284 3 Eltoi p e aean tura aitaroneOke 758 (263-298); Ernie Per- Hed Prou *u amiht in prfrmne.fet 48(84; {edy Mot'rs 2 1 3312 2 Di, futa igtyfie erormnc. ec 78 28);Ted BagnellIPepsi Cola 2 1 3286 2 te Ken Flint's "Tens" won tht Yearling Carniage Class, 746 (311); Karl Piper 730" Jury & Loveil 2 1 3172 2 3ied whiie lie judges picked Carroile Orme's "Pride" as another (318); Ed Leslie 724 (282-267);-, de rw. 2 0 3 16,& yearling winner. Carolyn Piper was second in the English Bud Henning 720 (315-278); Beaver Lumb. 2 1 3056 2Me Saddle Class, astride "Rocky", owned by Blain Flint. 4r oe79ad h o ieî Bw.i239 .~. ~ single gaine of the evensng1 Frank's Var. . 1 2 3179 1ak oke 07(58. Kel Mns d >JTINL OCE ITESanie real good single gamesj We ar -I 2 3161 1 247 'NATIONL SOCCE TITLwere recorded by Russ Ha]] - Dvkstra's Fond 1 2 3069 1I4 * Oshawa Is a real centre of Canadian sparting activities man 307, Don Oke 307, Franký Selbv Grant wvilh the Minta Cup playoffs currently underway and an- Blunt 290, Malt Harrison 272. Heating .i 2 3062 I êther big Dominion final slated for Saturday, Seplember Laurence Leaman 270, Dr. H. Nels Osborne 1 GdM 5t.B. Rundle 268, Harold Michel- Ins.,,- 0 3 2749 0'MO son 264 and Jack Bond 260.!-- Welh- Oshawa Italia wen tht Eastern Canadian Amateur soccer We neariy missed Lowel] Broc] championship In Halifax lasI weekend, defeating Lachine, Macflougal 266. Wrig Quebec 6-4 Saturday and Halifax 4-0, Sunday aflernoon. Our lifelinie hero GarfENo Tht Canadian tille will be on tht uine at Kinme Cak assara tYen~Il~E' smntht limelight, this lime wit-hi LUIDiLUl a E " V" Étadium in a sudden-dealh clash betwetn Italia and cîther tht îow triple of tht season, I Wilc( Z;ew Westminster RayaIs or Vancouver Fire-Fighters. If tht 441. John Oke had low singleý Benn 44ew Westminster club in the one heading cast, il wilî give 15 hl Jc adrhadl Harrt that city of 35,000 three teams in national finals - and Fran's arîly torrha thal' quil a reord.the hiugh single teain score Italia coach Frank Maiawy might sel an enviable mark 1251, while capl. Larry Piper biniseif, possibly being a member of two Dominion title. and lis Htndry Motors leani tiolders in the sanie year - or same wtek ta, be precise. hda31 rpe IFrank is aiso Green Gatîs' tramner. Tht Bownianville I.GA. o tt t t t team started thieseason with SALMONBELLIES DOWN GAELS 9-6 tht lead in tht teani standing. i Oshawa Green Gatîs lest their firsl game at home Tht Neis Osborne insurance Wl: ince June lst, 1963, as New Westminster Salmonbellies teaTni is on tht botltom with- àefeated tht Gatîs 9-6 in the Minto Cup apener of a best out a win ta their credit. -4ifl tii President Bob Williams wel-Caa of seven stries, at Oshawa Civice Auditorium, Monday night. comned three new bowiers laffa Gatis took tht iead tiret times but tht visiters came the league, namély George! back te lie il up and as they picked up momentum, grabbed Stephens, Don Bishop and Jiis a, 5-3 second period margin. Oshawa ciosed tht gap te a Callan Jr.thC singe tlly efoe te sesio ened, ut ew estmnstr mOne of the aId timers of the sinletaiy efre htsesio eded bt Nw esminte Mjor League is missing this' Bob Hesketh ISA'ns poured in three straight In tie first five minutes of the year, Bert Engiey. who ha' Sand: third ta wrap il up. been a member for a long - Peggy Oshawa had mail of tht play in tht firsî half of thetîlme, was lransferred by Gen- il un gane bt rmedes ol-enin y onWals ep lteral Mlotors le their Quebec Thie gae utteedosgaltnig yDn alsketteplant. Bert wilI be mussed.' front, winners in tht game. Once Sainionbellies took the lead lhey John Gould is not bowlingifL third neyer looked back, and coatch Keilli Jackson viewed Wayne due tea broken legi, but John! K E Judy Gais' goal while playing short-handed as the game's turning wîll be back as soon as il is: gi paint. Il Save the westerners a 5-3 lead et thetlime. m;ed Ed flaeeedNF R ED amIl ouie Gos. was injurcd in tht third perîod, alter laking a Frtht edue Kre bard check from Don Stinson, but was rtported ta be okay,ý Averages single ýfterthe gme.i A SORT 0F NEWS SHISKABOSI trude Gaths will b. dressing Biliy Armeur fer lonight's (Wed.) Lar Piper......... 3 262 eo'fnd mo the0ff 1h. nws nd gamne as they attempt to even tht stries, but they wili aed AIQOborne........ 3 3 , adsmtawh of.t inan ýelier shoîsng and better baii-hawking ta prevent lie Clarence Oke...... 3 9-5 Hesketh's twice daily news-win Westerners tram going twa up. Ted Bagnelli....... 3caîs9n9CRBMon ay lo *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lh as o sdt eigGtsls, iai elzdEnePret- 3 29through Frldey at 1:00 and Y> KriePier........ 49 5:00 p.rn.; on Saturdays 1150 liedsi that Jin Bisliep's statement liaI Salmonbeilies wcre a Ed iLeslie ..3 241 ban 5:5 ipn.Hatisphlsaphy pec jough club was true. And at that - Jackson claims bis Bud Htnning....... 3 240, l aout nepela etati shuldn'ste Pin( qlub wi, be even sîronger as the stries continues. Art Rawe 3 240 alasgvlopepetculea t p Jack Paker......~ 6 and, like a shlskabob, should irt Wayne Bellwood fired tireetot pace the winners withDo Ok3 have mettof many differont feat, ,poss and Ken Henry tach â1addng a pair. Ranjit Dillon and Russ Halman **..... 231 kina. fve fi terry Balton gaI the athers. Kani Biekeli...... *. 3 22.9 _____________ Tay] Gaylord Pawless and Don Stinsan cach scared twice Bob Gianville....- 3 229'______ a Inipl OhwwtJonDvsadBinTopo dngGeorge Stephen ... 3 228 Spene .~ Obaa wthJhnDai ad rinThmpa adigFrank Blunt 3 228 colileci Ztth ndo1lefii, amo-Harold Michelson'* .3 226 /'HUy5'%IE Tht teais were lied 1-1 e h n ftefrt amn Si Trewin...... 3 226 I~ r LLZ> single, L.Uies led 5.4 alter two and out-scored Oshawa 4-2 in lie Nori Henning ....3 2,1 and T &MatI Harrison .... 3 22,I h1 ~ ~ ~ pct *ilSSif.Dr. H. Rundle ... 3 21711j Canadi Bath coaches look for a long suites. It doesn't appear Mauritz Anneant 3 2 13i000Sc eI elther teani wIllb. able to win easlly. Jackson tbougnt1 Don Bagnell 3.. I2! 5 e opener would bave been closer and both be and Bishop Davt McKnight ....I 214, ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION tback ta Wednesda>r'a *ane as posbly he eciin George Bebte 3 214 _ __________led. P BobKen .3 214ý iae uvM )se oérley and Onie Etcher rted tht 1965 9cheduit off the ri-ght foot, bowling 799 1682 respectiveiy, ta, gel jump on high average ini ruin's and ladies' divisions.1 ir big ttals Wene register-ý by Gord Wîlcox 720, Dick 'fect 688, AI Lobb 686, Bob nville 666, Joe Nowlan 66.1, n Brock 662 and Vinceý Ilt 660. ick Perfect a.nd AI Lobbl for high single honors aI ,followed by Marley Et-, r305, FÂton Brock 286,1 1ey Elcier 279, Gord Wii-1 274. Bob Glanville 271, eEtcher, again leading the'l es with 256, Mary Wilcoxl and Audrey Osmond 241. Teain Standings Pts. rville ........ . ............7 ý Etcher .................. à shi -----.. ................ 5 k . . ....................4.ý gh ....................»'*»'41 ian .-.................41 t ... -................ loic............................. iet .. ................2 ,Icher.......................21 rison . ...... . .. ........ 'hitby Downsý uitby soroed single runs' le fourth and seventh inn-1 ta defeat Bowmanville idian Tire 5-3 in tht ,r o! a besl ac! seven Dur- Ladies sofîbail final ser- last Wednesday night at: Centrai School diarnond. single by Rat Nichais and [y Tay)lor',s triple sent- 1y On top in the fi.rst, but1 ,y Hnlynes' home nun tied1 lie botton haif. se vistors again forged in *sconing twice in tht on a walk and singles b y Spencer, Tylr andj eTlirower. flownianviile! ,ed back in their turn at! )ate ta even tht score as1 ýn White do.ubled, afler es by Haynes anid Ger- !Cale. igles by Ruth Fidwards,! Spencer prod-uced tht' ing tally, with lie insur- manker coming after nr and Debbie Majaher singled. encer tossed an Il hitter,' ýd four and wailked ont ick up the win. Betty tll, tagged with tht de- gave Uip tffl aleties, koui elgit and lssued fre passez. irno led tht winn.rs wilh de andi two singles, while ,er added heir own cause, ting a pair of singles. es beltd a haines- and' ýCale added two singles 'heiteli anid Whitte echt d up a two.bagger for tan Tire. end gane was played ay in Whithy, instcad o! vas previousiy sciiedul- Future conteste wiii be d Wedneadays here and a»la Wh1ttby. Lacrouse News Laat Tueaday evening ai 'ranclln Park the Mineor Mid- get Lacrosse Stries playoffs gat under way with the Yel. cw Jackets deféating the Gaels 8 ta 6 ini a liard fought nd exciting game. Berry Virtue picked up tree goals for the winners nd assisted on Larry Devitt's goal. Ken Tabb -netted two goals and Ron McMulilen and rm Puk one taohl. Tom Puk assisted on two goals, ane by Berry Virtue and the other by Ken Tibb. Larry Devitt scor- 2d ont . goal andi picked up àrte assists. DoUg Sleep led the G-aels' ;oring with three goals and tw assists, whie Francis o-wles scored one goal and rerry Devitt hît for two goals ind twa assis ts. In tht second game of tht lidget Minor Lacrosse Series , mi-fina1s piayed ai Franklin ark on Wednesday evenîng, he Yeilow Jackets made it Wo straight by defeating the xaeis 5 to 1 in an exciting ~id wtitlayed gaine. Larry Devitt blasttd in four lals ta lead the wînners' :oring, wdiile Barry Virtue ýsisted on two of Devitt's pals and Tom Puk picked up vo assiats on goals by Larry tevitt; and Barry Virtue. Ken rabb assisted on Devitt's ourth goal. This is a best of five series, ith the Yeilow Jackets nttd- g ont More garne to clinch .e series. In the first game of the Jinor Lacrosse Pte Wtt Ser- ýs semni-finals played at 'anklin Park last ni.ght, the inthers trouinced tht Cubs 6to 0. [Mlurray Cawker led tht win- ers with six goals. and as- sted on two other goals. ,n Cowlt banged in six ails while Mark Johnson bit :r two goals. Arch Grahamn etted two goals and essisted n three goals. Bill H-oekstra, the Panther oai tender, was kept quite usv in goal despite the score. Tht next gaine in this ser- ýwill be played on Thurs- y evening at Franklin Park, îrting ï615pm Girls Softball News t Ini the second gamne of a -besta« five stries for tht 3Bantara Girls Softball Tit.le, Roaary wenTt two Up onl their estries with Muttan's Masonry o n Saturday at Central Grounds by tdgimg Muttons >14 ta le. 6 Judy Allison, Jane Cowle, sUhonda Kavanough, Janet )Large and Vieki Terry were 1the big guns for the winaiers, wchile Debbie Sellers, Joanne Therteki, Diant Cowlle, Kathy rMimner piayed well for the lasers. Hockey Registratian Minor Hockey Registrations (Recreation Hockey) wil b. 1accepted an Ivonday, Tuesday, ;Wednesday a nd Thursday 1from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sept. 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th, at the Recreation Office, 26 Beech Avenue. Applications will be distri- buted ini tht Bowrnanville and District schocils during tht week of Sept. 20th ta tht 24th. Further information regard- ing9 Hockey will be in tht paper next week. Touch Football There are stili openingis in tht Touch Football League for boys Ilita 15 years of aige. Boys inttrested, may regis- ter at tht Recreation Office on Beecih Avenue. Tht schedule will start this Saturday wîth two gaines,1 9:00 a.m. and 10:30. Teains art as follows:E Alouettes - Capt. La r r y Devitt, Rick Woltncr, MurrayE O'Brien, Jeroime Bilittt, Si- mon Vandtnburg, Alan Mur- dock. John Westover, Jo. Vanderveer. Forty-Niners - Capt. Greg Adanms, Danny Nowlan, Barry Virtue, Allen Myers, Paul1 Siemon, Ohr!sMcTavish, Todd Hovey, Doug Firth.1 Blue Bonibers - Capt. Bruceg Wedsh, Randy Donoghue, Mike Giîhooly. Chris Seel, Allan Crago, Garry Chisholin, Der- 1 rul Osmuond.2 Tiger Cats - Capt. Jack1 Vandtrburg, Gerry Barker, Wayne McRoberts, Ken Tabb,t Bruce Simpson, Ralph Char- I m(n, Dave Coweli.2 Football Sehedule "Heip the Service Club MIL ) Work Don. by Members of Bowmanville Rotary Club 8:00 - 11:00 arn. 1:00 -4 Paul Andru. Foreman Ted Ma Dave Higgon Tickets Gien Hi Bill Thiesburger Keith Ji A.lf Allun Tom Pi O. Dairymple Ross StI Tom Relider George Wilf McMechan Merrill Garnet Rickard Harry V. Stu McTavish John Ve Rex Walter5 et AI WitherspoonKeh Tht followlng is a liât cf Boy Scouts Under A.S.M. Dont Reynolds, A.SM. Ren Martin John Morris Bob Ellis Don Blake Deug Sieep Mike Regan Deug Evans Ren Syme Glen McNeil Doug Bickell Wns New Golf Faujoment .f Emnierson Ellis, 93 King St. West, doesn't plan ta use this beautiful golf outfit this year, he'll open next season with a flourish when the Goodyear League gets underway. He won the $300 outfit on Labor Day at Bowmanville Golf Club with ticket gaine, 10:00 a.m. Sept. 18 - lat gaine, Alou- ettes vs Tiger Cats; 2nd game, 'orty-Niners vs Blue Bonib- e t. 25-ltgre i r Set. 25s- otgame, Tiger Cats, vsu omt-iers ve2lou gettus.es sAlu ct. 2-Itgae lute v Ot 2-Nltine, Moudaette vsge CaorlvsNBers2ndgaes Tierts -lueoBe BOct. 9-vslotygaine, Blued BombTer v s s Alouiets. n gie, Tieals s Muen tes Scoei-Fi-als Sudde eath plcte 17a - lgane, 2nd; pld ace ern st pletea vs 2nrdgaelt place tea ni v Finapla tSenDah) c Final 24Suddeneath), Oc- Nober124a-Winner o Ganeo 2. vsWneo!GmN. Crssfo hmpos. resîs foe rnce 10p00ndhip up ta $5,000.00 at a reasonable rate To consolidate your bis or for any other worthwhlle purpose . . . providint Fou are steadlly employed and have good credit. Telephon. 723-4631 4:00 pin. 10:30 - 1:30 p.m. 3:30 inn - Foreman Howard Rundie Foreman AI Sy lughes- Tickets Forbes Heyland - Tickets Rick 1 'ackson Don Morris Keith lnier Tom Cowan Jim S rike Jack Bryson Bob S Vice Ted Samuel Waltei Brown Bill Coggins Herb, ïan Bellt Art Ribey AI Str erbrugge Eric Wliyte Walei Ieman Mel DaleMat Bill Rudel Mrî tramn the Ist Dcwmanville Troop who wl b. assisttng Bruce Hendry and Steve ,leftery who are: Mike Bedford Ron Shackleton Randy Anderson Taom Puk Brian Evans Don Bickel Richard Cowies Wayne Hunt John Gebatro Tom G. Barrie Les Van Driel Randy Blakt John Henderson Mark Rowe Reid Allia Proceeds for Rotary Park Development - 6.00 pi.. 'Ivester Foreman Rlckaby -Tickets iBiliett Speers Stevens er DeGeer Fraser trke er Reynolds YMartin 1wlth the car wash Doug Parker Francis Cawles Junior Tennant Chris McTavish Recreation Reviews1 0 0 .that Heips Others !## BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB ' BRINÛS TO BOWMANVILLE AND DISYRICT FOR THE SIXTH YEAR THE ROTARY TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM ]ROTARY$~ 00 CLUB MEMBERS 2 Ea. SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 8 arn. to 6 p.m. - at 6ROBSON MOTORS LTD. 16Kingi St. E. Enter Robson's Lane off Brown Street Bom vil "HELP THE CLUB . . . THAT HELPS 0TH'w±m - ROTARY MEMBERS ON DUTY -THiS iè« 4 a] lu JE 'al ;tr vi le: si 1 ý»AImM ý --