Report from Queen'-s Park by Alex Carruthers, M.P P. The niembers of the Ontario being hel in Fort Williiamn in this car. Select Cammittee on Aging, taweek. Meetings have been arrang- Under the chairmanship of1 Frani Kenora the conite ed for Cochrane, Tirnmins,. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for will fly ta Moosonee, using New Liskeard, North Bay and Durham, ,sfe on an extended Beaver aircraft s u p p 1 i e d Sudbury. vist tJ IrternOntriotothrough the courtesy ot the The group will arrive back ear t 'iFrshan dnstarith Honourable Kelso Roberts and in Toronto on September 24tb. vearig % and upsteprbess oft the Department of Lands and The canunittee, during the vaging, Iou the rlemta au Forests. An overnight stop past week, has been conduct- :gig, g he reateto urwill be made at Kapuskasing ing a warkshop of its own at northern areas.; on this leg of the journey Queen's Park. A number of The committee flew ta Sault At Moosonce the comrnittee the briefs presented ta the Ste. Marie on September l2th will have an opportunity ta committee have been analyzed and follawing a one-day meet- study Indian Housing for the by. the members and the ing in that city on the 13th, Aged and discuss with church various facts and recammenda- rnaved on ta the Lakehead for officiais and other interested tians listed for further study. live days af meetings in that groups, the peculiar problemas On its return fram Northern area. During this period dis- of aging applicable ta that Ontaria this work will be con- cU~sions will be heid with area. tinued. A number of major variaus groups in Part Arth- Frm oasonee the party briefs are stili ta be heard but tar, Feor iamFr.rni will travel by, the Ontario these should be completed by md enoa.Northland Railway. A sleep- the end of October. The members will also have jing car has been put at the dis- The final report and recom- the opportunity ta participatej posai of the commnittee and on mendations af the committee in the Convention of Ontarioa'the southward journey many will be presented ta the Legis- Homes for the Aging which is lof the meetings will be held lature at the Winter Session. cCetters 13 Elgin Street, Eastj Oshawa, Ont. September 12, 1965 Dear Sir: I wrote you last week re- garding 1,y book now com- ing out very soon. After doing so, 1 a called in by my publisher, ta, be told he was already engagecl on printing of First Edition, and he wanted me ta examine job. W h i 1 e there, Publisher turned out il pages whàle I watc'bed the operation of this new press, directly sent hiln trom Engli-sh manu- ifacturer. I was amazed at the speed af the machine. Publisner sat there just et ease, as I an, typing my manuscript. As he fed the #press, another man proof- read each page and banded Page to me. Publisher was g'reatly surprlsed ta hear that already, before my book is in print, ail copies are sodld, ail being Oshawa people, rnany having kno)wn me over many years, af course; quite fanilliar with both my articles and stories of over 50 years. My Odes, of course, have gone round Vhe world, and are inter- spersed throughout the book, describing the various stories, incidents, etc. in verse. I will arrange ta have my book sold in different book stores in Oshawa, and also Bowmianville and Newcas- tle. To the west, M'Il place themn in Whitby, Ajax and Pickering, and Iikely Scar- borough. So- in case any one does not secure a copy af first edition, 1 will, cf course, try ta get second edition out quickly, to allow tbemn ta get a copy. I would appreciate your passing this news on to al the rnany readers af "LONGBOAT'S" Old Time Odes, as well as rny latest. Eleotion stufi will aiford me unlimited field for my Odes and Commentaries, without any possible doubt. Sineerely yours, LONGE OAT. (Ralph R. To.oley) Note: Titie af my book is "'Laugh Along Witb 'Long- boet" - 100 Years af Laugh- ter", with sub title at lower part of book cover 'Peculiar Pranks «f Pioncer People, Provocative and Preposter- ou s'. -reporng Orono 1 Cone PORT HOPE First, 1I- feel Ai AGRICULTURAL paper pr brought SOCIETYthey are Con and notj ta the pi Edtor ai seemnto putAIRa your own FR1., SAT. SEPT. 17-1 8 jmcorect I a AGRICULTURAL PARK ito a stat PLUSme, and1 PLUS thiasot INDUSTRIAL - RETAIL TRADE FAIR thiholdf jýPETER CAMPBELL ARENA touhde p SMETHINGFOREVERYBODY tesae reference " WESTERN HORSE SHOW - FR1. EVENING Yom~,P, * JUMPING HORSES - SAT. AFTERNOON garding E I did ncl HARNESS RACING SAT. shovld be AMATEUR SHOW --SATURDAY entire o OLD TYME FIDDLERS - SATURDAY smatemrequ tlon. SENFASHION SHOW A h SVNSEAS SHOP - FRIDAY & SATURDAY Trustee gi JITNEY DANCE - -FR1. EVE. voeaar Music by The Imprints et e and ANNUAL CAR RODEO th ep *BR( * j l McGREGOR HARDY members eoncerned wlU stop long enough ta, consIder waie- ther these statements are tact or fiction. I will be only toa glad ta discuss Hydro or Trus- tee business with anyone at any Urne as we are merely representing you and it should be your business to know what is being donc. I think it la time the criti- cisms and cognplaints were taken off the street corners and into the meetings where they cen be answered by those responsible. Yours truly, Douglas SimLpson. OBITUARY MRS. IRENE GIBSON OBITUÂRY FRANK ATKJNSON The servie wau conducted from O'Neill Funeral Home, Stouffville. Sunday afternoon, September 5th, for the late Frank Atkinson, R2R. 2, Mark- ham, who passed away peace- fully at bis home in Ringwaod on September 3rd. He was in his 85th year. He had farmed in this district for the past 20 years. He is survived by his wife, thc former Helen Me- Kenzie, anc daughter, Janet <Mrs. W. Cockwell), Toronto, and a granddaughter Sandra. The Rev. Douglas Davis was in charge af the service, assist- ed by the Rev. Barry Joncs. Interment was mnade in Orono iCemetery, Durham County. On Monday, September 6th, The palibearers were Fred 1965, in New York City, the Steckley, Stewart V a g u e, death occured of Irene Gib- Douglas Parsons, I- e r m a n son, beloved wife of the late Terry, Neil Brittan and James Dr. C. C. Gibson, late of New Ridgeway. York City and formerly of Newcastle, Ont. The funeral service was BETHANY held in South Orange, New Jersey, with internient ifl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jake- Greenwood Cemetery. Brook- man,*Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jake- lyn, New York. ýman have returned froni visit- She is suTrvived by ber ing with frîends at Tivertan daughter, Mrs. D. E. Williams and at the Douglas Point Nu- (Beatrice Irene (Trixie)), of clear Station. South Orange, New Jersey. Dr. R. M. Butler leit on and is the aunt of Harold and Thursday for two weeks bhl- Wallace Gibson of Newcastle, days in England and Scotland, Herb of Bowmanville, and leaving by 'plane from Malton Mrs. Hutten (Dorothy) af Airport. Brampt.on, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wbite, Trenton, spent the weekend NE W ON VLLE with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ry- Ralpb. Rowland, Cal1gary, AI- In aur list of local teachers, 'berta, is visiting this weel ~1 ast week, the narne ai Mrs. with bis mother, Mrs. Walte September 9, 1965 Ina Brown, teaching at Orono, Rowland. Orono, Ont, ýwas ornitted. Mr. and Mrs. John Challici r: i Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow entertained the Bethany Men' king with your Orono with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hender- Softball Team witb a corn ntative, Mrs. Richards, son and Carol, went ta Milton roast on Friday night. 1me to send' the en- last Monday ta view the steam Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Chasi tter ta you. I would ireunion and antique car show. and family spent the weekent te having it printed Mrs. G. Turney oi Trenton with relatives in Kingston anc page carrying the accompanied by Mrs James Gananoque. Fews as I know a great Price af the Goldëi Plow Fire Destroys Bethany Home ano people including Lodge, Cobourg, had dinner read your paper. with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce The home ai Mrs. Vercif Yaurs very truly, on Tuesday, and with the lat- Strong was completely de Douglas Simpson.1tter, attended the funeral in stroyed by fire an Wednesday Letter ta Orono Times Orono ai the late Mr. Marshall A lack af water was partl3 to:Chatterton. responsible for ber borne be. rd e a arice pint IMrs. Milligan and Miss Ber- ing lost wbile a stifi breezi ard t an rti eekn nice Milligan were in Lindsay saved the rest af the village. ,us- paper last wek ast Sunday where they visit- Bethan'y bas a pumper anÉ g a meeting of the ed the former's brother, Mr. base but no organization foi Hydro Comm in. Archie Taylor, in hospitai battling fire. Mrs. Strong'ý would lke ta say 1 there. home caught fire at aboul about tirne the Orono Mrs. C. Walkey spent last 11:15 arn. and burned to thE rinted ail the facts Suniday in Lindsay, at the ground as residents stooc up, at meetings if home ai Mr. and Mrs. A. helpiessly by. Mrs. Strong going ta print any, Blewett. was burning rubbish bebind just wbat looks 900d There are 13 beginners en- ber frame twa-storey bousE >u'dic Yo aSbdtrolled at the local scbool, and bad left the ashes tc and a Comrnissioner names as follows: Robert cultivate her flowers. "1] feel it is alright ta Wood, Phyllis Cox, Rosemary thought the whole thing wazi tements made, intolAdair, Marty Brown, Billy dead"', she said. Witbîn ,n words and thereby iHarness, Veronica Ruegger, minutes, however, fire bad it confusing or in- Sandra McCrorie, Terry Wood, taken hold on the back wal] Teena-Manie Searle, Sharon ai the bouse and in the wood. referring specifically Jaynes, Cindy Brown, Darleneshed. tement attributed ta Elîntt, Wayne Cooper. The general alarrn went oui I quoite "D. Simnpson Mrs. L. Lunew, Scarborougb vrtelcltlpoess îe oinin tat omeand Mrs. R. Hibbard, Stayner, tem and volunteers were on f a certain nature were supper guests at Mr- W. band early, rushing ino thE De ledt unqaid." This Stapleton's last Sunday. 'building ta save the furniture, Dpear thet I amn trying1 Mrs. Tresise af Oshawa basaibuthsterrgrao certain faots, whi.le returned home after several and fr teezerthateregrtoc Diet Iadewpsnion o days' visit here with ber beavy ta carry. They had rinted in paper de autr, Ms.. eckan everytbing out and stacked by Hyre ndwathtMr. eknp n Ms the roadsîde before the Lind- ~Iydo, nd ws, hat Mrs.Rednap nd rs.say Fire Department arrived, >t feel anec Omrnis-IBradley of Osbawa were sup- balf an bour after the fire personal o pisniso n per guests, Wednesday, at Mr. started. De printed in such a M. Kimball's and called on Tefiedprmn wa emake it appear the other friends here.Te i dprmn wa .ommissos opinion. Aiter an absence ai some called by Lindsay Magistrate .can Iink these twa1 five weeks abroad, where he Ian Munro who resides witb its mean thec Sarne visited bis gadret in i uncle, AlnyWtoi lire a great imagina-j Switzerland and East Austria, Bethany, wbose store building M r. Werner Mark returned and borne were threatened. >minority vote in a home on Tbursday. Success- Mrs. Strang's borne is about 30 bn Commrission and fui in passing bis Grade 13, fee t from the brush ta the group I have learned Werner goes ta Toronto this nortb bebind tbe bouse and e wiasted arguing anc week where he wiil be in 40 feet frorn Andy Watson's inst two but I would resîdence at U. ai T., ta con- building. Even with the stiff appreciate an accur- tinue bis studies. breeze blowing, the woad truthful report of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce went moulding on the Watson store zoing an. 1 only hope ta Peterborough, Thursday was beginning ta char before pde who read yaur evening, ta visît Mrs. D. Bruce firemen arrived. id know the three af McArthur's Milîs who is a Mrs. Strong, wbo is 81 years patient in hospital tbere. af age, is presently staying Mr. and Mrs. G. Stapleton with ber son Ronald Strong, attended a 6Oth Wedding An- west of the.village. nîversary celebration in Toron- United Church Women ta, Saturday evening, in bonor The United Church Womnen of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Milner. held their first meeting ai the Mrs. C. Walkey with Mrs. fail season in tbe Sunday AAnderson and Mr. Neal And. School bail witb Mrs. Carl erson ai Morrisb visited Mrs. Porteous presiding and wel- Bowman at Weston an Friday. coming the members aiter Mr. and Mrs. J. Driscoli and summer bolidays. son ai Clinton, were weekend Mrs. Thomas Jackson and Svisitars with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Otto Spencer led the -Brown and family. warship service, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Armnstrong ai Herb Cappins receiving the Toronto were visitors Friday offering. with their daugbtcr, Mrs. D. Early plans were made ta MacDonald and family. bold a Christmas tea. It was Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor af agreed ta donate $200O.00 ta- Bleilvisited ber parents, wards the general church fund. Mr. and Mrs. V. Reid over The ladies were rcquested Sunday. ta arganize a nursery service Mrs. Margaret Day ai Toron- for hbldren under five years VITH ta was a weekend guest ai during the churcb service Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown and hour, also a simular service ta with them attended Orono Fair operate Wednesday mornings on Saturday. when the Farniiy Discussion Among those attending the Group meet. $2V4X will be Fonthil - Kendal bail game donated towards beginning a L ~~ Saturday afternoon, were Mrs. church library. akdt Iand Mrs. A. Wade, Mrs. C. in ail collected coupon labels Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. F. at the October meeting. RA GEHenderson, Peter and Carol, Tbe Faîl Rally ai the Pet- RANGEMrs. J. Elliott and Dorothy, erbaraugb Presbyterial will 'RSSMrs. F. Gilmer. be held at Bancroft and a >RESS Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen number ai members plan to, PE xday, at Mrs. C. Burley's. attend. The Presbyterial will 1PER Xand faniily were vîsitars, Sun- be invited ta came ta Bethany Mr. and Mes. Sîd Brown and for thc Spring Rally. girls visited ber mother, Mes. A cammittee was appointed Wagg, at Markham Rest Home, ta enquire ita the cost ai 8 8Sunday. having the cburch interiar Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Rowe ai walls and ceiling cleaned. Janetville, were Sunday after- Mrs. Florence Johnston gave noon callers on relatives in a talk on "The Bible - the the village. Book That Taiks". "The Bible Mr.8 I eGiler-SmihBow- sral a whole hsbrary or imanille wa a dnnerguet, cllecionof boks ritet IPER BOX Sundiay, witb Mr. and Mrs..P. different tirnes by men wba IGiler nd fmil. herd od'swor inmany Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, ways; a great variety ai writ- Mr. and Mrs. T. Hendersan, ing and re-weiting. It is a Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow, Mr. book ai the Covenants or ,OWN ING and Mes. R. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Testaments. In the O01Id 'F. Henderson, Mr. C. M. Jones Testament through law and MINGTON were arnong those attending praphets, God speaks ta Israel JAR D the Masonic service in the and this remains importantforn ýe ý's -n ;e le ýy ;e d ir l s it e d 9 d ýe 0 1 ýs n d it n e r 0 d y e s e à ri 9 1. 0 e d s to the &ditor