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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1965, p. 10

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The Canadien Staegman, I§owinanville, sept. 13. 1985 Glenna Cleinent. Grade «- (mnap)-Leann. Dorreli and H nh naf a fetd Wendy Forest, Gary Phayre,!3d esed Arc) eh n y C John Wolfe. Trixy Buma. JuyFltd,(fca Be'iy Cr p serdruhan opon CARIWRIHT ENTE NIA FAR PIZE ISICrat. unsmore and LrieGbk;es, >ay o Grade 4-Darlene Malcolm, dladhnyirdcn rp i Kennth Cawfod, Ch e 1 1965 Ethel Brant Monturethnetew eks (B3, Mis. Olira HIi) Allan Bailey. English saddle ard Van Camp, Harold Swain ber picture-Mrs. Reg. Sut- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith. Gradker5R thWayneScot (om- Esychols tin -Moutjo More ole accrîgt e-mre oa N.Igae Parade Clans -David Brent, Blayne Flint, and Dorrel Bros. Grain cornition and Mrs. Don Cameron.l Public Sehool Exhibit my Turtie), Debbie Thomp-2dLran unr r a-kee~poesr hlsl s]~e rdsaeue o Deoae las-okn~Linda Luke. Western saddle,; cobs)-Don Frew and Sons, Artificial table centre-Mrs. L. 42dLrrieThre, JJa'epr, rcso Detor e Tt d OF ., s- N s tle-s Bruce Lonsberry, Judith Kel-iJohn Bonsm a, Harold Swain. F. Bryant, M rs. M . Co ae Printing son. Grade 6-Elaine M etcalf, e h c îla e u ner. ers a d r tîe s T î a t e u p s s t i v ia l ae.Janet Cburchill, Linda rev.ajed atuacrecelmeetingnlin Turned.andndiquid forms IloeItadCOFNsl-lar and Pat Milne. Cartwrighti Fruit and Vegetabies ýCracked marbie .ewelry-Vî- Gae1- e PsAnn'agln ua isn risadVgtbe L~ n 2 n . p ~ î a - S d d e o n e s u n e r E a l y p o a t e s F r n k B a i- 'l e t S k e r a t .M a r lo w , T e r r y R b in s o n ,. o f th e O n ta r io F o o d o n î , W l h g v m o h î e t x DecraedAutos - Ralph 146". Paid S2 each te show- 1 ley, Alan Bailey, Don Cam- I Bakiig Cindy McCall. Grade 2-Cathy, Open Class St. Lawrence apples-Don- when reports were gvnta uecem oe~ vl Cochrane, Burketon, and Linda 'Cheryl McCoy, Joan Horton, leron. Late potatoes-Larry Fruit ]oaf- Mabel Dayes 'Hart, Michael Van Gestel,ý Grade 4 -Ricky Wilson, aid Wright, Harold Wright. sales have increase nrrmm la fcyI o Venning, BaksocGirls-David Adams, Betty Stinson, Mackie, Harry Van Camp,iMrs. F. Whitfield, Mrs. R. St-!Nancy Wygerde, Cindy Van Ricky Mappin, Ruth Mander- Early potatoes-Hether Dor- than one third bove atyamn ots ecrtd Bks G irls -. pnpn casFan aly Tbetrn uo.Wht radMs Camp. Grade 3-Wendy Leson, Seward Hopkins. Grades rel, Janis Dorrel, Beth Duns- in many outets. A boltcle -oe Wygie r 2ndbos, Td ar- l-Earl Durward, Cheryl Mc- I-Keith Van Camp and Larry Sutton, Mrs. Mabel Dayes, iMichelle Robinson, Terry Peck, cradop 's now ReJac-cmoees is available freee 0f 195 cr ettyrdLO2nM; boys, TKeuMan- sofl.(Graham Duff, Douglas potatoes-Hether Dorrell, Beth available, and, althog n1hrefnmteOtroFo ty Tt ndLaryWery2n.Coy, Lloyd Barnes, Beake.Crot-aryMc-W rihLorwubed Hudson), (Valerie Frew, Mar- 'Dunsmore, Paul Larmer, Janis fortunately, honey poutoCucl alaetBidns 'Stinson and MDavidsFuaon. kie, Don Cameron, Allan Bai- Mrs. R. Sutton, Mrs. Mabel Atlcah Malcolm). 4th Eleanor Dorrell. Squash-Tom Wot-- 'gtyMcArthur 2nd. oyCas: Brood mare ley. Cabbage-Vernon Mal- Dayes, Mrs. Howard Lee. Buns, Grade 1-Rosemary Oakes, Wright. Grades 5 and 6 (sil- ten. Carrots-Beth Dunsmore, Bety-Pat. Mimne, Keith Van Camp, colin. Squash-Ivan Mount- '/ý doz.-Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs.i Ann Marie MacDonald, Erie1 houettes) Marleah Malcolm, Norma Wotten, Harold Wright, Boys' Bike Race, 12-15 yrs.- Earl Durward. One-year-old joy. Pumpkin-Ivan Mount- Ken Gray, Gladys Thompson. IPost. Terry Robinson. Grade'Ean eclSsnMCll id onjy oaos lnis Roenil lst, Davin3d Fal--Lorne Hoskin, Earl Dur- joy Allan Bailey. Table beets Chelsea buns-Irene Moore, f 2-Cindy Van Camp, Cathy ýElanor Wright. Grades 4, 5 Guy Bonnetta, Beth Duns- Bys 2nd ilenue n 13rd. wt B a rd olPt inE -Don Cameron, Allan Bailey, Wilma Van Camp, Mabel 'Hart, Michael Van Gestel. Hal and 6 (scrap book)-Dian Van- more, Brian Lee, Tom Wotten. *~~ Bosudr1'r.ltBarDurward, Keith Van Camp. Frank Bailey. Onions (Dutch Dayes. Coffee ring-Irene! MeMahon. Grade 3-Michelle derheul, Janet Turner, Eleanor iTable corn-Norma Wotten, Martyn; Kejo Kinnunen, NeilI Single in harness-Doug Ter- Sets)-Ivan Mountjoy, Sharon Moore, Gladys Thompson. Ban-1 Robinson, C h e r y 1 -Wright, Wright, Marleah Malcolm. Dale Van Camp, David Larm- McLaughlin, Murray Carnagh- Iwillegar, Ethel Gobie, Earl Larmer. Table corn -Allan ana layer cake-Lois Wright,' Kathy Gunter. Barbara Wells. Grades 7, 8 (scrap book, cur- er, Paul Larmer. Beets-Paul - an, George Keuning, HenryiDurward. Baîley, Vernon Malcolm, Percv Irene Moore, Mrs. F. Whit- Cat et-oneHpis onaLreLnaMutoLs GWyerde ihr n a ke Catte - Beef Van Camp. Best collection f field. Chocolate chiffon cake' G a e 1 A u M re M c wan ao er, B v re lie W right, David Larmer. ai -Ms .unter. r.lGrd - n,,Mre a- wan aolWry Bvre *Iarness Races - Classfied- Shorthorn-Prizes won inal vegetables - Mae Shortridge, -Mrs.lJ. CarnagJckan, Mrs. Doîown Watermelon - Tom Wotten, ~Ownr-Dives-R Brwn, F. jclasses by Garnet Riekard of Frank Bailey, Allan Bie:.Edith MeLaughlin, Mr - adCro acsnCnd ron Owner-Drvers-R.cakeilMrs.Ly. 'MeCal Jack Gunter. G rade Grades 7, 8 (scrap book, gen- Norma Wotten. * McNally, H. Smith, A. Mc-IBwanil and Frances Vegetable spectacular (oddjGray. Angel aeMsLF.'Te ua ei a-ea vns-on î, U E Quad ad B Hoey.Riekard of Newcastle, Sheila shapes) - Vernon Malcol iryant, Mrs. Putnam, Irene 2Te Bua Dni Ml-frie ntDo a Swan Flowers Invitation Trot (two heats) Slater of Orono, 3rd and 4th Harry Van Camp, W. Wright. 1More. Girl's birthday cake Coamp. G art,3 C idy llVan f Pa u rapnrryewn Giant Asters - Kenneth -Lorne Hoskin, BillRid on heifer caîf. Beef steer, any Ladies' Dept. - Chldren'i WerenMrs Ken Gray, Janice Byers, o aisnTryWPig hrrde al LarmerBl LodCcanLeonardbreed-Garnet Rickard, Ron Baby's knitted woolWea-rene Moore. Chocolate layer nsonigDaiLre. E O ý»Ught and Ivan Cochrane. Baker, Ken Wilson, Brian Wil- Kathenine Foreman, I renelcake-Mrs. R. MeLaughlinPcBabr Wet.IGde -Lna uty, Dahlia (pompom) - Graham Claa onss Drft son. Moore. Baby's crochetied set- Irene Moore and Lamna Wright. Open Class 'Marja Kinnunen. Judy Fel- DufBrnaYloee In '71ydesdale - Yeld mare-' Cattle - Dairy Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. R. Put- Fruit loaf (3 varieties)-Irene Grade i-Jack Gunter. Shel- stead.y orill. Graeoe 8ne'NraWttn i O Hebr Dwnof rokli, ît uerse: Cw i mlk-ra. Bby' sortdrss-rsMoore, Mrs. Frank Whitfield, iy McMahon, Wanda Coolcd BvclyBrwn CerM cC !,Dahlia (cactus) - Lorrainc! Rebe Don ofBroklin Is Guense : Cw i mil- Iam. abys shrt gesMrMarth a Lawrence, L in d a Turner, Linda Mauntjoy, Paul and 2nd. ;Larmier Brothers. Dry cow-IV. Skerratt, Mrs. M. Coates. Mac Shortridge. Four ways to f Diane Phayre. Grade 2-Doug- Rhmr Percheron-Perey Mountjoy DeJong Brothers. Five class-IBaby doîl pyjîamas - Irene sre gs-a ShtidelsJhnonAdrwvisser, 1 won ail classes No. 6 through les of females-Larmer Broth- Moore, Violet Skerratt. Child's Six fancy cup cakes-Mrs. Ken ýElaine Jackson, Kathiv lart. Art -LoarTrer, Janet Turner. Phioxtv 1 No. 9. Hunter McQuigge, Yeld f ers. Senior heifer calf-Larm- gingham dress-Irene Moore, Gray, Irene Moore. Five but- ' Grade 3 -Michelle Robinson1 Grade 7 (]andscape) -Maria Turner, Marilyn Duff, Graham No hiddon chares AIoorca epeidtan Mare. ýer Brothers, DeJong Brothers. Violet Skerratt. Little girls' ter tarts-Mrs. Jean Mahaffy, jCheryl Wright. Terry Peck. Kinnunen, Donna Swain, Garry Duff. Snapdragon -- Janice e No bonuses tm ihu oieo eat Belgian lass - Clarence 'Junior Heifer Calf-DeJong pop-top and shorts - Irene Dorothy Le n ldy id anetl ohrer, Judy Fclstead. Crawford, Kenneth Crawford, Buckley, ail sections of this i Brothers and Lammer Brothers. Moore and Violet Skerratt Thompson. Six bran muffinsI Writing Crafts 'Lorrie Turner, Joanne Ballin- class. Clyde teams-Heber 'Guernsey herd-Larmer Bras. Child's jodpurs-Marîlyn Bai- -Elva Van Camp, Wilma Van Gadf Cery Wak r ad -oad Wih,'al eui-id on- Fr FE rcueo UE/Rmrggs rt.poe Down, of Brooklin. Belgian iwon the Eaton's af Canada iey, Mlrs. L. F. Bryant. Child'_ Camp, Mrs. R. Sutton. Six f rd -hry WleLinda, Carol Werry, joy, Janet Turner, Brian Lee, Visi 1e UERO ffctnhes o teams-Clarence Buckley, of 'Special - Silver Waiter. f sweater ceaat and sox-Mrs. M.r plain biscuits-Gladys Thamp-B, aaWheeDeieE- Gale Hart. Grade 8 (plaque) Paul Lammer. Marigolds - TERAT IIIN0 ]Lindsay. Percheron teams- SepCae n Ms .Pta. Irene Moore. Pumpkin n enKhCafr.,-arlWotn a in-,'Brian Lee, Wendy Lee, Jane t I îpCots ndMr.R.Puna.Grade 5---Debbic Thompson, T Hlunier McQuigge of Whitby. Leicester and Cotswald - Child's Pyjamas - Mr G 'pie-Wilma Van Camp, . . e ilMLnhineey i nunen, Wayne HopkinsDon Turner, Paul Larmer. Cos- ~ P R [ R CEI Commercial singles - Earl!Prizes spiit bctween Dorreil Brown and Violet Skeratt.~ oe r.KnGa.Rii nunen, Sharon Gra .Gade" I îh a-oran unr e and Russell Cochrane afI Bras. and Russell Dow. Hamp- Child's bulky knit sweater- pie-Mabel Dayes, Wilma Van r Open Glass ;Dunsmorc, Janet Turner, Bill coRP R TONLl Burketcn. Four-horse hitchesishire and Oxford-Prizes ta Violet Skematt and Katherinel p SrthuseaApe WndyFcCls Tr ilsoBuma Grades 7 and 8 (snaps) - , Shortridge. Zinnias-Lorraine 17 Simcoe st.OSA A2561 -Heber Down, Russ Cochrane, B3oyd Ayre, R. Dow, Harald Foreman. Child's knitted mo- pie-Wilma Van Camp, Dora- fSuanMeArt usnWisn.fJoanne Ballingaîl, Beth Duns- ITurner, N c il MeLaughlin, Clarence Buckley. f Skinner. Suffolk and N.C. hair cardigan - Katherine thy Lee, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. irt more. Grades 7 and 8 (note-1 Grant McLaughlin, David Lar- Light Horse« :Cheviot-Boyd Ayre, Skinner, Foreman and Violet Skerratt.1 Cherry pie - Irene Moore,! Grade 4-Barbara WheclIer,: book) -Linda Mountjoy, Carol mier. Child's arrangement - Daiiyi :0pm;Fdyî8O.m *Dorothy Lee, Mrs. Reg. Sut- lKcnneth Crawford, Ricky ,Wotten, Beverly Brown, Don- 'Lorraine Turner, Dale Van cteseg yaprtet O ver 15M , r ads er in g e- orm ils and B ye s, as. C he i- adi s' earton. L em on pie--M rs. K en M appin, B a r b a r a R ohrer. na S w ain. G rades 7 and 8 !C am p, L inda M ountjoy, B ren- 31 S U P E O R o ic a t r e y u Leonard Blight, Garnet Coch- lat and Southdown-B. Ayre, Mother and daughter hait Gray, Mabel Dayes, Jean Ma- Grade 5-Dc'bbie Thompson,! (w.ood collection)-Harry She- ýda Yellowlees. Leaf Colece. reine, Ivan Cochrane. Under 'Dorrell Bras. Dorset and aprons-Violet Skcrratt and 'haffy. Fresh fruit arrange- Darlene Brirn, B3ettyý, Keul, miii. David Gray. Grade 7tion-Paul and Daviïd Larmer.i 15%, roadster single -Ivan Shropshire-R. Dow, Skinner.Mr..Cots Mrs. M otsMranMs.ment-Mac Shortridge. Pine- -- ~ __________________________________ __________ Cochrane. Leonard Blight, Market Iamb (any breed)-H.Arn Ms L .Byt. app le upside dow____-Ma Lerne Hoskin and Garnet iSkinncr, Dorreli Bras., B. Ayme. Lady's mohair cardigan-Via- Shortridge, Mabel Dayes, Irene -Cochrane. Carniage single, f Lamb shown by child - Dow, let Skerratt and Mrs. G.,Moore. TV dinner for one-- under 151/ -Ralph Sadler, Skinner, Byers and Dorrell. Brown. Lady's pop-top and'Mae Shortridge. Four ways U ruce Lawson, Wilson Vivian. Best flock on grounds-Ayre, shorts-Irene Moore and Mrs. lotringtoaoe-IM.J earriagc single, over 15/-!fSkinner and Dow. Champion M. Coates. Lady's linen dre s aervng teoaties-Mrs. J Wilson Vivian and Ralph Sad- ram-Skinner. Champion ewe i-Irene Moore and Nancy iCamher, Manc ortrid e rs lier. Carniage teams-Wilson 'J Byers. Staniland. Lady's pyjamas- coWitfJic.FanyrunaTe aaPes .'Vivian and Ralph Sadler. Road Swine Ms.M. Cat and I cookWies-JanicemBye rLorna tadBight, GoarneCochrne classeshtirer rthe r nms x-More . oate's ndton .H anCmMeSot end Lorne Hoskin. Brood cept gilt class, R. Suggtt lst 'Moore. Lady's 2-piece suit-,rîdge, Lma WJhnrîght.Egg &rd B-ivh aneChra n asen- orshi re rhers e Mos M. La's ndtgIrene rid H. Vanampracgh ort- i d b e i e f i mnare-David Brent and Earl and Larmer Bras 2nd (aver 6 Janice Byers and Irene Moore Sawh Cs ohnarnShhan- Durward. Two - year -old- f month). Gilt class-R. Long- lLad's shift dress - îrne 'ralph Coch bwnrane, Mac Short- (roadster)-Gamnet Cochrane,ly car Ist and Larmer Brothers 'Moore and Mrs. M. Coates. a i ild aph Ccrae WîlonViian AanBailey. 2nd, (under6 months) Herd Ld' Cardigan, bulky knit- Fv Roses white bread-Mrs. 'Two-year-old - (carniage) -pieta Lammer Bras. Cham- !Violet Skerratt, Mrs. G. Brw.Fv !Lerne Hoskin, Bruce Lawson pion Boar, Lammer Bras. Tam-!fLady's stole-Vialet Ske Rea W g t.n, MaelDaeslayr wid Earl Durward. Yearling worth: Prizes retained by Les-1 Mrs. L. F. Bryant. Lady's W. W-rght.MFiveRass.laye -David Brent and Wilson ýlie and Fred Taylor, Burketon. Idress hat-Mrs. G. Brown and Whitfield, Lamna Wright. Five Vivian. Foal-David Brent 1 Grains and Grasses IMrs. W. Wright. Lady's an- Rases pie-Wilma Van Camp, end Earl Durward. 1 No grain having been harv- 'tique underwear-Mrs. Larmy îrene Moore, Mrs. F. Whitfic'ld. *Gents' turnout - Leanard, ested, hay (baled) was shown. 1 Mekie, Mrs. P. Van Camp. r-abycholtspil ~light, David Brent and Earl Fîrst'cutting, lst prize LameMn er ee ryoCadbu r s.hocle peci eurward. Ladies' Turnout- Thompson, Ralph Cochrane, S Mn'shit Woea rr -IMrsen Moay .NelWmy *Mrs. D. Brent, Mrs. Wilson John Bonsma. Second cutting, Srt shiF. rVoltSkPyatt m s.PKantGrayd. Ie Vial Durwrd Soie nd tre- anpize D PelBrnerySane suit -Violet S kerratt, Mrs. G. Asters - Mrs. G. Brown, Z'al t hrne, *Thops (andPeeyf)-Rih-Brown. Men's fine sox-Mrs. Ma1;rilyn Bailey, Mrs. Harry >erols Gant ohrnEnsilage corn (ha)RhL. F. Bryant, Violet Skerratt. Van Camp Dahlias- Mrs f Men's heavy work sox-Mrs. inm. Axio-rd, Mrs. J. Camemon, L. F. Bryant, Mrs. G. Brown. Mrs. G. Brown. Zinnia (pom- ITeisjft, B ELMen's gloves-Vioet Skerratt, l '>1)Irn Moore, Norma the Canada Pen&ion Pa Mseat Cr-Mm s. G. Bro an Camp. Zinnia (conimon) fl do forpe lefk o __ wae--ýrs .BonadýMarilyn Baîley, Mrs. J. Cam- Mr.R. Putnam. cwatran, Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy. a 52year-oId unmarried labue -"J...............coat (bulky)-Vîolet Skerrat*,f Sweet peas-Mrs. Elva Van Mr. G. row. leeele Camp, Mrs. Richard Van rs. G.Bon leeeswho earns $50 a week. vest -Janice Byems and Mar-'Camp Sndags- ee' N En aiei Moore, Mrs. G. Brown, Elva, Llvingroom Aceessories Van Camp. Double petunlas - Cîîshîon crewel work --Mms. Mari lyn Bailey, Elva Van by John W. Lowry M. Coates, Mrs. L. F. Bryant. Camp, Mrs. G. Brown. Rumfed your telephone Skeratt, Ms G. Brown. An- ýMarilyn Bailey, Aima Du if. tique sampler-Mrs. Harry Marigolds-Mrs. G. Brown manager Van Camp, Irene Moore. Doily Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. H. - cutwomk (mounted) - Violet Van Camp. Bowl of roses- Skerratt, Mrs. G. Brown.,Irene Moore, Mms. J. Carn- MEASLES AND THE TELEPHONX Doily crochet (maunted)- 'aghan. Glads - spîke-White, Violet Skerratt, L. F. Bryant.!Don Cameron, Ivan Mountjoy, Everybody knnws that measles bring spots, but Afghan (wool)-Mrs. Bryant,lfMrs. J. Carnaghan; yellow,i how many people know that messies broîîght the Mrs. Putnam. Embroidered 'Dan Cameron, Mrs. G. Brown,f centrepiece-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Marilyn Bailey; pink-Don. tirst telephone nunibers Into use? Putnam. Lunchean cloth Cameron, Br u ce Mountjoy,] Way back In 1979, when a measies epidemie hit Violet Skermatt, Irene Moore. 'Dorathy Lee; red, Don Camer f the town of LoweII. Massachusetts. a local physician yusadMt n r.H a ap ooh Hooked, yarn - Katherine Lee; mauve.,Don Cameron, named Dr. Mornes Greelv Parker realized that If the Foreman, Mrs. C. Brown.!,Mrs. H. Van Camp, Dorothy a town's four operators came down with the measies Hooked, materiai - Mrs. R. Lee. Floral cup-saucer ar- ~ telehon sevic wold ont toa hit.Putnam, Mrs. L. F. Bryant. 'rangement-Mrs. Wm. Axford tBedroooieAscrvsoeieo Mrso.1. Ca naghan, Wilma Dr. arkr sugesed hat uinber he ise Besjdç ma (baide> Ms. an1Cmp.Minatur arang suiit--Výiolet Skermatt, Mrs. W. Sharon Larmer, Camai Werry. 'from yaur telephone service. And that's a pretty Wright. Tatting-Violet Sker- ýFancy wrap Christmas git- goed reason for using them! natt, Mrs. G. Brown. Oven ýJanice Byers, Sharon Larmer. mitts---Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. ;Cup and saurer arrangement * * * *Murray Coates. Tea towels--- ai fresh flowers-Sharon Lar- Mrs. L. P. Bryant, Mrs. M. mer, Margaret Carnaghan. Coates. Fancy handkerchieis !Special prize ta top score prize _________ TYCOON-TO-BE --Phyllis Hamilton, Mms. G. winner-Janice Byers._____ Brown. Pot holders-Mms. M. Womnen's Institutes If Joe continues to work fulil ime months of low or no earnings de Al beneits under the Plan wili Ti dctsmn soeo flere'. a little %tory that shonld warm tfichîart Coates, Elva Van Camp. Hot Exhibîts or displays ai nine until age 65 he can look forward nlot affect the amounit of the maintain their value. The actual! sre hc eae reo h of any Bowmanville businessman: dish mat-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. ýantique articles 60 ta 100 years te retiring with a monthly pension. beneflîs payable will probably ipratbnfî ~ h G. Brown. Tea cosy-Mrs. G. aId with write-up oi details of pebocf$416fo h 3 higher than thsegve hr amall-town bey went into the neighbourhond Browvn, Mac Shortnidge. Six historv. pinceibeeflfs w54.be6indviduahe drugsore t une he pa phoe. Th drucrist nuld scenir pictures. mounted - Exhýibitors - Sauina WlT., Canada Pension Plan and $75 If Joe wishes to continue adjusîed circumstanccs.uste net help overhearing the lad's aide of the conver- Violet Skerratt, Iene Moore.,Honcydale W.I., St. John's W. from Old Age Secuiy-a total workcing between 65 and 70 and teomeet changes in living costs and nation. and 1* was a model of smooth salesmanship. Dressed dol-Kathenine Fore- iA., Blackstock; Nestieton U.C. man, Irene Moore. Men's W., Nestleton Presbyterian L: of $ 129.16. That's almost 60%~ earns higher wages than in wagc levels before they arc **Dr. Jones? Deetor. do you need a hardworking barbecue - Violet Skeratt, A. Nestleton WlI., Shirley WlI., of what he was earning. previously he can improve his paid and changes in living Costa boy te take cire of your lawn? Oh, you already Irene Moore. Giit parcel, 601h .Blackstock W.. Blackstock pension. For example, if he after they becomet payable. [ - anniv.-Mrs. Irene Moore, Jan- .C.W. Bowmanvillc W.I. have a boy. la he tond . . . 1 mean does he really ice Byers. Gingham luncheon Port Perry Catholjc W.L.' If he is ill or out of work for works until age 69 and earns know bis Job? Are you satisfied with his work? cloth and apron-Mrs. Put- Centennial Speciais I as long as two years, or if his $3,600 a year, bis pension wîll be What will the Plan cost yOU? sudy Yom are? OK then . . . thanks anyway." nain, Elva Van Camp. ýBlackstock Centennial Fair '65 earnings for a peniod of up te îwo $6 1.74 a mont.h instead of $54.16. aîoiyc4 h iitro Arts and Crafts W. Wright Special-Antique If von, like Joe Costello, are The druggist eouldn't help expressing his regret. Decarated spice cake-Irene art ai axe crait - chop-off con- years are below hîs regular wage, -Tue bad, Jim. Sonry Yem didn't get the Job." Moore. Homemade candle- 'test.* Winners: Champion, Ger- he will receive the samc pension If Joc becormes disabled aller emnployed and have earnings of ainlHathadWlae "OhI areay hve bc ob,"~ te col nswr. iolet Skcmratt, Mac Short- >aId Kelly, Brooklin; runners- at age 65. This is hecause under 1970, having contributed for ai $2.600 .spread e'venly over theCnaa -O,1nrayhv h ob"wsteeo nwr idgc. Thanksgiving arrange- up: Joe Stevenson, Burketon; h lnacran ubro es yearhwîIgtayr, you wiIl pay ai the rate of h oorbe uyLMrh "I wu just ehecking np en myself!" ment-Mrs. L. F. Bryant, Mrs. Richard Van Camp, Nestîcton;' tePa eti ubro Iat5yas ewl e J. Cameron. Three kinds of Raiph Larmer, Nestîcton. dsblt pension of $65.62 a69a S YueWyrwl j, ams--Mae Shortnidge, Mrs. H ,S. G. Saywcll Special - An- isabiliîy he «sboth bis 69pa thek. m mployerwi Van Camp. Attractive giit tque couple (dress). Winners:, rettrirment and Ofd Age S, r display- Katherine Fareman, Linda Venning and Paul *6 Mrs. W. WVright. Driitwood Rahm. Runners-up: Mr. and pensions at age 65. article--Mrs. G. Brown. Mrs. iMrs. J. R. Hamilton, Elaine* L. P. Bryant. Paint by num- iBaiiey and Aileen van camp,'

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