Large Crowd Attends Durham C entrai Fair at Orono Orono's fanous brass band leads parade at official opening of fair on Saturdaý The Canadlaa Statesma, 3owmvije Sept.15, 1985 13 CFRB heliçopter takes off on return journey tb Toronto, with pilot 'SmittY' Pruner at the controis and announcer Eddie Luther in the rear seat, after delivering Asst. Deputy Minister of Agriculture K. E. Lantz i w'ho opened the fair Lloyd Cochrane and this team take first prize in Carniage Class Average incornes c f non- farni famiips in Canada iri 1961 varie.d fanu $5.869 in On.- lario ta $3,67:3 in Newfound. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ _______ :81 Urne O~t trie 19~1 censi -M _______________________________________________________________ _____ ______ was $5.449, cornpar~dto $2.367 s, m o 'z STRUCTIO COURTICE EX TEND S CON CR5 TUZA TIONS to W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. and CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION the Openîng of their New * * Offices in Bowman ville * Specializing in Commercial and Indus trial Buildings * * * - 1849 - - 1965 -I1 ONTARIO On BLACKSTOCK b (Intended for la weak) Monday % 91ng August 31% n ver 30 members ci the Fer- guson relatives gathered Inj the Communjty Hall ta upendi a social evening with Mrs. T. .S. Ferguson of Nelson, B.C., *who onlY had two days te visit in this area and Mr. Samn Gîb4 son and Miss IvY Withers ~ aVov, Sask. Mr. Gibson has ~:had a nice visit wlth the rela. tives but his grandaughterf Miss Withers just arrived a week 8go and they have left for home now. A very pleas. ant eVening was mpent. Thos. ~.from outa;ide Cartwright were Mr. and Mrs. W. Di. Ferguson~ ~$Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Everard r:Sandierson, Gait; Mr. and Mrs. * Bruce Montgomery, Enniskil. Slen; Mr. andc Mrs. Jim Han. nah and Rose Ellen, Hampton. Mr. And Mrq. Harold Swain, Jim and Helen, and Miss Susan Wparn, Enniskillen, Ewerp supper guests of Mr. and * Mrs. Jack Swain, Oshawa, * Suoday*. Augusi 219th. * Rev. and Mrs. Miltnn- San- dcerson and Roy, Toronto, visit- 1Ped the Swain relatives last Sunday An-d Mr-. Weir Swairî called oni thernal]. Tuesday. flev. andi Mrs. Milton San- dpi-son andr Mr. ind Mrs. Tm StwrToronto, were Mon- daY gue'sts of the Harold Swalin s. Miss Joan Suggitt entertain. ed a otîmber of friends teaa corni roast Thursda.v evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everard San.- derson, Gait, were Moridev night guPests of Mrs. C. Hill. Miss- Edra Lai-mer is visif- îing her hrotlier Walt, and nephew, Bruce, Toronto, whîle jMrs. WA. Lai-mer visits her sis. ter in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mirs. Ian Stewart, Hefather and Duncan. Mont- real And Miss Gail Woodward, Poinite au B-il were recent 911Psts of Mr. and Mrs. S. Van lMr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, are awa y on. a trip te the Western provinres. Mrs. T. J. S. Fergusan, Nel- s.on. B.C.,' was Monday to Wedý nesdAY guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smnith and called on severn! friendz. Miss Beth Dunsmomr spent last week with friends at. Ash. b u r n Mr. And Mis. Ali Khan and famiI moveci ta Lively, ont. on Friday whPpe h.iei engaged te teach in High Schoal, jMr-. Paul Rahmn went ti Peterborough Wednesday where he entered St. Joseph*o Hospital ta train for a male us, 1 r