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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 13

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F i I J I ..~'~--'/4'JfSîxi\' ccIl a rm ,a Ille.le E-Pc- n(Mru. Edwartd Gingel]>,' tb ci~addaugbtenz, Yuvonne (rx. Rbn Parr), Richmond IHill; .Ioan (MNrs. Barry Dales), Calgarv, Alla., and P5atricia (Mns. ,John Rurrowsî, WnIlow- ask or i hy am e ale.. and tbrAe great-grand- ask fo i by na e cbilditnn.Reid andSan fParr and Ian Dale_. INI N 1Alsa sunviving arp two AT w hAmuT fln mlii. l Ibrothens, Howard Weesp n flN IIJIIVIiIIJ IJvuiu iii lviiWIedeea osme, Onast. She ventilation system caled 'Refreshaire'. R circulates eoors, tabtics and Patternsfashkimed bya Ueadng session in theprkgIc.Sdeaos av Iva'lietbîvant,(r Compare our rates Thue funeral service was' . . anise iii arer n b hcid fnunuu the Marris Funeral winOOWS and extracts smake througb exhaust potsin Waflt more retresWment? ib. new Skxieaker Se, Jo a refreshing expemnoxe,ds&M Uu bm*h-ci- Chapel, Bownnanviiie, on Wed- thle tail-lights. 'Refreshaire' supplements Studebakem"s cornes delivered wth more standard equapment and beWamr 66 Studebaker. nesday, September 8th, and reliable Clirnatizer, thus providrng the next besttf#Mg satety features atno extra cotum ycii..h.. agnnedIê was couîducted by- Rev. A. W. to air conditoning .. and at no extra cost baker in ts over 100 year histoe-y. Examples rtfled Harding. Intenment- was in: For abreattiof fresh air up front, see Studebakers amrgadfama*Wzdrstrob 9pg Baalie e m eeiMer. *inetional new 5-piece grille, which permits a greater padedst vsosdul ysemsatety brakes, tmio- Lorne Allun, George Cawker, air flow for much' improved enigine coaling. speed eiectric wndshield wipers and wmndshield ' CANADA'S OWN CAR Ros;s Stevens, Bob Wi1liams, And wait t-ilü you get a breath of those interiors. washers. J DEALDRtS JM NOWTK ..ERZC4 70 511 !7M John Buurows and Robert Parr. Arnouug tbe lovel3' floa a tributes wcas amie from the 'Pre. icent and Direct-ors of t-be T. Eatan Ca. RAY GIBBS GRAHAM'S GARAGE lIce a n id rivens ofEB K R A ES&SE VC STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE C'anadca; ver an anea of 2q1.- P O E6330 57 qarmle-;,an area18 KNGH NE 63 50 co iea1-langer hntat11KN ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE HAYDON- PHONE 263-=2 of the province of Alberta. car, a boat or out-board niotor, or even finance a vacation--be sure to see your Toronto-Dominion Manager for the rnoney you need. He can arrange a f ow-cost, life- instîred Personal loan for you, quickly and easily. Borrow your money t-be "good business" way; frorn the "people wvho rnake the difterence"I at Toronto-Dominibn. rMONTHLY INSTALMIENT NEPAYMENT CHANT i~ 18 ~ 30 O 36 1,000 87-911 600 46.1l7 F37.83 32.28 Ï.,0-00 175.81 120.14 92.34 175.6 64.56 3, 000 263.72 180.21 138.511 113.4 96.84 Ali charges inciuded in monthiy payments. c»M . J en rçaymt plu deh.neu 1h bd" TORONTO-DOMINION lihr tpkmake the djff&encs Ad. No. T1-3019 R. G. LAWTON, Manager, Bowmanville - '-.' ,, -,' - - - , - .- .- - were Su3day guesta of Mr. tlP em h >UrtÉ l aalnsa FO rS e ka oayand Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, ways seesned sole red-shjrt at a supper party for à future fil wa coer*gà mnnummpore brd nd groom. Mr.iRob~ert Guideu»g * nie News ItheDMaf1d lv s 'WI s iuthi Four Brownie Packs anid one! Centre. ing s harci lnth a l the Nigua e S co u ts T el! o f C a n o e T n pr. and rsOO Carenc Eng- Guide Company will be op- 2nd Pack Brownies headed, Mr. Brunt. the coach, divid- penches and fourdte paigwt h p lish. Mrs. Edith Stainton, erating mn Bowmanville this:by Brown Owl Mrs. F. Marri- ed his squad into two evenly 1rather scarce cammoiyti ti esn Bowmanvil]e, were Sunday:year, with Guides starting son, meet Mondays after znatched telrs As it turned*year, also expensiie afternoon ratiers at Mr. and Tuesday night, Oct. 5th, ait school in the gym at Lard o~ut, he lied too many jo ttechrhbardet M rs. F. Beckett's. 7 o'clock in the girls' gy mn at'Elgin School. fello '5 on one tea'm 'or the At___the___ ____ ____ ___ T h ro u g h A lg o n q u in P a rk Congratulations tn Miss the high school. . 3rd Park Boothe ndr r team %vas missilg keying, Tulevvnrge Th wmanvilîp Roarv of the il tBowmanvillp BoytBursal'ie(623..5445) at thedcide transversed. Suen-id uray'63545 ade u. r.aid, ml n h enra!ign ntm ntegame. was eded t horo Clbhd rguest %pAako-r'. Scnut Trroop.which is spon- .spoke of the mnterestigandtouwards hrsuisJn rw ak Tedynights. b- of ýthe players fromîtnugmnetp Êt its l ho etngo oe'~th oa aayvariedxerne fthtp University, Peterborough. of Guides. Na mare Guides ginning Sept. 2lst, from 7 un- la,,t year's tpami are barkenuhmnytpytins[ Friday the Flvingz Dutcr1i Club. and fxf the heautv of the lakes. M . and Mrs. Clarence, will be accepted for 1965-66 ý tii 8:30. playing footbell for the High ed that the average wel x Mlan Motôor Hol .Sroutmas Mr. D.axes stated that ',lie Doug Evans who ba.3oniv Stainton and girls were Sun-îafter October 26th, with the!5hPc Bone. mdrScho1 .These players willpes is about $60wil nl U ter Bob ])avies and ScoLO-Is thrce Scnuts who had acc'om- two more badges to go beforeëdYatron alr i Mr.,exception oftoewo ,lb Brown Owl Mrs. T. Wes.-tavcr,!nwhv pie oe ens- ToD k ougEas ge oopan d i nieet etingwoldteil 0flc gaemiga h urou S co t.vdand Mrs. Lorenzo Trull's,ltaking the Baby Sitters course. meet Tuesdlays after sehool at perience as they have had one, velop30 and clecion hu D1g auns ogate an nlertnp (anee t n o ell oythe lstaccoR unt m h oro mand - idCaesarea. :They may john Guides at the thLinCerenteScout season of football last year we are fRlling belidbd efljoyed bv t o he catneoripan- oe tipanvill e . lste uing ampf the resufltant Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton at_.CompletiOt of thrir course.. Hall. t h ak flaesand with thii expenience canSome max have _the itkn We o un2 Ven Boy Scoue It Tno - th oand the clb orth e in cmpanores sltnttended a party at the home ofýReason for the restriction isi help Bowianiville w'fl ome idea that the Elliott lgc a o'en ogrcv vile oyScot rflp e-thnkd te lu for hefin cors.Mr, and Mrs. Milton Tamblynjdile ta the shortage of leaders and qualified assistants, 7'- gameés aeinst the tough op- igo for the minister aar cil ilncia1 help that had made this Doug Sloop. a Leader o! a Ornnio, in honor of, Mr. and and the large number of! year-olds will not be accepted position thev face this year. chifotheas*jst ee yyurp ets Prýdent Don Morri.a.- tnip possible. He also expres- Senior Patrol, told the n-Mr.s. Garnet Towns'Sle Gie1hows aenal hilcr On Tbursdav. Sfptember 23, interest. It bas airaybe optlIsrne fllsted bv four Past Presýidcnts sed! gratitude for the generous tarians alf the foodl arrange- wedding anfn iv e r s ar Y Of Brownien n wt either Brownie onan lexhbiio[gmehai t used uip in i of the cluib. Rex Walters, Dr. as7istance of Stewart McTav- ments for the trip, and the Thursday evening. An1e n erested eho asmt Banvhiitî iongh Wila haI t ufxn pte T ke srd G. Edwi.n Manin. Divid Hic- i.-h, Chairman of the Youthi benelits of carrying provis-ý Miss Ruby Virtue, oot. lst Park Brownies under Guide shoulrd 'phne the Guide 1:Hr Street iii WitbN,, and; churcb, and we stilihete1 m ttaeo d. To on o.B row n O w l M r. M . StoutthC aptain or B row n O w l in y au . fn t se . o g m tovi ohatei n g hi le N w i u l m m e s gon. -aed Drt eth in tfSurvicedConinitte wo aifn fmdm ntn'fod.s taHe aswihM.admeet Mondays affer school inidistrict. Anmybeppwill beagainst Courtîce on Spptemher tonvl'le bas ail and Sia a ih Offiiatd a th inucton f .sppled anos. addes lH even gave a sanuple of a Mrs. R. Virtue and Judy. ýthe Scout Hall at the Lions'greatly appreciated._____ - t Bow\malnvillp Higb lchehaig à new me m-br, insurance prescivers, and ce ok i ng da *'\s menus: breakfast, eg,s,1 Mrs. Fred Toms. accampan- S h osatn f :0 l crch ai g agent Don MacGrezion. equipment for the Scouts' pancakes, Frenchi toast, bis- ied Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hrohhs - Pl Thiîol staninvi~tation Un' ata bank, a hospitai The birtlhda, ys of Rex Wal- trip, and had also arnangcdcuits, apple.sauce, le'monade,to visit Mrs. Hobbs' matherl __ L parents to cnent anîd Stewart, Fridlay. wer n ad£p ters, Wlfred Mt-Mechan and transportation for the boys orangeade or hot chocolate; Mrs. Rodiman and alsa r. Lotenbospaigentn Mrs. R . remnofRns- o po LeeUli Ca'pte-in Herb Fraser were fronu Bowmanville to Algon- lunch, x'arious types or soups Ethel Haydon at the Newcastle B eH imS0N W Sflieotbl n o rthextietnp wbiRC e aran . n jf celehrate<î bv their fellow quin Park, and back. and stews, instant puddingl, Lodge Home.fotalndorhi uettnwieonSud Rotarianr. Mant Martin was The Scoutmasten told the chocolate milk, and biscuits; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pagel, b anySaAwwlonaIltbe hopinorts it. -- t cornSSe O t ariwthafr . and rn nd ar the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b wiRr fte otbl luyht o PkSn xallupemcaoi nwhles Alng tho pin or ito une oAtlaclasses, rie, M .and rs.wnler the w e o h Foblencoutt o than exbi -S o cien mconimcnd spaghetti Stephen and Valenie, SlnaThe srhool ypar opr'ned with of lis are pîîîing for the senior,- .Clarke. and Mn. ad r cho-minspghetiMr. O. Beckett and AvlaC siletuis.Eeý-fnbl ln\Shiet Guests at, the luii- Patrol and will soon beconue or Spanish rice, and biscut.Bennil, M. Emron sa nhsam vr o tbaltam. Mr. Bruint hbas"lnyShprMr d L'tl omnil, M. Emroe hustling and bustîing been pushing the boys pntvK N AMagret, ad ithloWr.v îst d t e n m e t n g e r e R o e n t a Q e e 's c o u . o u l b e t h A I t h e e o f h e c o T h t o n p s o n , M e a fo r d , M . a n d ' a b o u t t y in g t a g e t s it u a t e d . li a i-cl t h s y e a r . s t a s c w t h n .L fL Trhies.burger, R.R. 1, Tyrone. first speaker. pnessed their gratitude to thec Mns. Gary Beckett, Hampton, Cliurch 'vas hirlastia Lyall Creighton, To r on to, Scout Tom Puk spoke of Bownuanvile Rotav Club, Miss Pat Goyiîe, Courtice, Mr. It seems ta be the gerceraI close last yearlu le waîuts to be 'ieoi utalrggop nay t evE .Pency Manuel, Fred Watts, the start of the canoe trip, and ta Mr. McTarish for tile Wayne Beckett, Guelph O.A.C.! opinion that the Grade Nines1sure of succcss this season. The fnmho i e a ange gîîpSnd as, wistheRe. R »ouglas Courtne " and C. Mly- and of the boys' two pet ra- help given tliem in regard to enjoyed a turkey supper on;are getting smaller eveny!backfield is the same this*year bch ore go îng ta l-figb aing aso bi, s thee'T Kn ers, ail cf Oshawa. coons that accomnanied thenu. their memacable canae trip. Sunday ta celebrate Wayneiyean. This may be, but this -aîud ey promising. p can't 'colti ~'nToegig o fGd steMs no Captain Fraser, a nicinher There xvas anxietv for a short Tom Rehder w-ho lias becii and Ganys coming birthdays. wluld indicate an increase in belp but be, with players like to Clarke in .Grade 9 are:,Jesis., and the Mesae(o the sholastie abilitY of the'Don McMurter, Gerald Harn-'Wilm a Tîransky, Marie Cu- nan". The Kingdomo d Cornm ittee, intraduced Scout- becanue lost in the brushi, and work for the Scouts. r,'ý n -Mat r, B owmanville, spent things nli nn and M raA e : e o e i s c m l master Davies. fle said that of the joY and relief when ed the following trophics:!tho weekend with their cou-1tinscame in small packages, Simpson, Ron Simpson ~T-n.Jlan and Maget 3ilMri ria Ade Fo- hefn iis l--bfrpe. it5urac pem m Mr. Davies was bnrn and c-d- this pet nas found, lhe said. Doug Sleep, t.he mast verss Miss Judy Virtue, Mr n. ý they say. euatbc Pete Werry', tr Bih Merch er obyoS-iriviual beoleit is tn Urated in Austu-alia, and that We trax'elled fairly quick- tule camper', Tom Ptik, tlb' Mrýs. Bari Masters, Bowman- There has been a sizeahle is aur Ihope that the situdentstan,' Bob G tte , rn ark vit ecsai. t is thbnebfreImstnw epad lie came to Oshawa in 1959, ]v an the lange lakes, but best ficst year, campe,anud ville, were Sunday callens atl]ncrease in the B.H.S. staff. bod.y wiil give fuill support ta o erfgn rd 9 *ot A otrphydfrte1ev î and tn Briwnanviîîe two years hionusan Lake wa.s rough and Doug Evan.s, the best al round the Virtue's. Iti en sehlyi h h en hsya.Hop.G de 0,CI k -AnNotire.y you rn Inter. hîad a strong wind against us. canoo nuan. M.adMs ly lmnEngîish departments. This iýs!Thuis yean's Students' Cour-oe a 0 neAoce brh ad Sîdx M n. la vi .s a n c m b c of T h e e x t a y e m a e a o n g B ill T h ie s h il'g f er i io v ec d a s ud fa ty il y H a y d o n , w e e t o c o m p e n sa te fo r t -e a b s e n c e c il e x pe u ti xe p o s itio n s a re f ui - _ .T r. m yP o t- e , G r ak ýex t Sc b o t i II eas s ayt 1 : 5' gop i hu e the staff Of. the Ottario Train- portage, 2,100) yard.s. At one vote of t-hanks to Mn. Davis udyvsioswt n.F. af Mn. Scott and Misq Bnyd. od hv Jim Groon, president; Il M F ing School for ovs bre, but place we bad to cross a og and ta ) the thnee Scouts i nda , om s it r it r .It is rumoured that xve arr!Nril Richards, lst vice: Ruth Th npsi i, n ian Fo tor L rdnn er uest W . S un ,%wt Grade argaretTom. S n er Miss C W.Steatuanpdusdrct o in the nenr future is bcing bridge and some of Our gnoup ýsideîît Morris algo cxprresscd M.eci î,ad by nn ahv eolpapper. lIoffman, 21ld vice; Randy'Thm i ra otr o- tra sf rr d t t e iag cs il e s ip ed and fe o f i to th bi p is nal ap re~ ia io b M pr. GroveM nl s. M an d d oy s ur o e if t his i ie w a io s l d i e hr s - e raille T hr rteli, B ruce, D orot by M rs. E dna D obson a t n . h o m s i n Training Scbhf>rl whcrre John mud. thenu.andrl u i*eeuo n~ n ee Ml-iVlRYsciui, sertary. and Kathy and Shirley Mrcen. Clarke, lville._______________ peecdaOPMran r.CetrTwist, treastîen.Grade 12 Katbryn Timansky., Mr. anîd MsManin ote tain. Nue imnuediate Past Pro- Ilictold or lmw the.,- left Off "Scveiu Paîus To Pcacc" t-ia and Dcbbie, Oshawa, Mn. and:C DM Si Ti ndy i h ngPart* Hope, Grade 12, Conu- visited! ber'parents,Mnan m gident or the Bowmanvilîe Ro- thuein packs at t-he end of the Mn. Davies as a ,souvenir of Mns. KeitTis Crydermanhe ann tenen. Cptin raer ai to gt -hen anos nd an grls, Zin, Mn. an r.Roaaaindniitondyan mercual, Jovre ,Elliott. Baw-!Mns. Awde at JarvisSndy tary Clobe and family, Prince AI-a(Intenaed for iaett eek) addition ta'Ottee1cland g2rlsanvilleMGraded12rsCoRoy and went onntawsne onetMidgett trtenet ate rsuc erfulwok ried the ant-e stancerr,-;antn niht n t eel rlasmtawopîe d din otah e. 3and<o12KemRnler Nlad Hop ad amly Pine l-t1udents t-be 12D 4 yacore rpiai- Shirley Patton. play at Cayugja. tcfjt Mn. th tulearkider thuat -bey h d trul ENeSKtENDavid SNiîser<Enihit-nt-be hoeoflaMis. Cenil Frg idouiswllb llwdMiss June Geaàchi is in Toron- IVIr. and Mrs. RusselSn iss Binthe iniite. Ahi in al, this erlisBrh eleEnsilt omofM.CclFrp- ta laking a centified nurses' and Mr. and Mns. IrvieS Ioen xisited Mr. and Mns. Leon-, son, Newcastle, fan t-be UC a lot in store. ea ad tnaininîg cour~se. don of Lanîgton visitd vi Sanor.adMs ith wav but when thev ret-urned Sept. 8th. 11M1,emoîl;al Holspital experts wouut on ta Pet-erborog Staietou, ere. Csirpris Wed o i nth e asneo h rs- yDvdGh., t tr nae9wetinliWodnay - i n. e n * O B E V N N L S E taîntoîî, a cMn an ed e u p r re d o M s e t, s . GMayton ied the: lsd G oheen g. v s ninSt.M rs. BEGINING OCTO ER ITH, 965and Mrs. Elwyn Dickcy, Bw-Stintoeuinhonrflefr brs. dmeng ht he . . Gay On 1be ri t-le finst pnc-sea.son foot-. Mn. and Mrs. Bihl Jackson pital on Sunday. p Ho-< nt BE INN CO E 2H 95matuvillhlo aiatteuudcd a ciay. u na !hn ithfolwd wih t hymn l game played esdayse h vekn tPn--Mn. and Mrs. EddiieCiroi, Hsta I srac family diibe pry giveuu by Mn. and Mirs. R. J. Oýmis',-l'Come, Let Us Siig of aWoiud-!Septemben 1.5, on t-be back'broke visiting their daugbter Marie, Lynnéaod Ray, n is CtUiaeo amr BOWMANVJLLE HIGH SCHOOL Mn. and Mrs. Ganet Towuus, ton, attcnded the panty at Mnl. enfui Love". Mns. Mary Mc- campus of Bowmanville Higlu Kay, Mns. Tom Davis, Tom Donuna Wiibur spnt thewe WILL CONDUCT EVENING CLASSES INeerborghi oiî Sbat ftndayand Mrs.' Milton Tambiyn'sq, Kee led in prayer. Schrnl, W-rry's Redmeiu de- ai-id thein two daughters. enud at their cottageanLk F-m 14thtou ART TPE RIING SWIGsilver anniversany oft-ei 0ono. iin honor af Mn. and The devotional was givoli by feat-ed Park's Greennueru byý Miss Jane Poster took Mrs. Kushog. WOODWORKING n. and Mrs. tuant LaoibMrs. Gannet Towns', Silven Mrs. F. Gray, '"Lessons Prom t-be lop-sided score of 26-0. Kerslake t-olhon home and Mns. Mn. and Mis. GoorgClr pes tem oyri AR, YPW ITNG EWNG Ms 'ILaýtLabwedding annivensany aon The Lakes". Hynun "Breat-he1 Don McMunten was t-be lead-: Marlatt ta visit hier sister, Mrs. spent the wepke'nd tter eurdtogv W O W R IGMn. anîd Mns. Ralph Lamb, at- Tluunsday evening. On Me, Bieath of God" was -iuig sconer with t-wa touch- Cowie at- Teeswat-er last week. srie oehr.01Iaig and ACADEMIC SUBJECTS tne h ivrauiesr Pleased t-o repart Mrs. S. R. sung, 'followed with t-be' own-s while Geraid Harness On Moîuday, Sept. 20, Miss Mn. ai-d Mns. Job n a-______________ If egitraionis uffciet.o! Mn. and Mns. Carnet- Toxvns Petbick is bomne from BOW'ltheme.1 and Dennhs McFeeters eacb Jane Poster, R.N., is taking up cbuk, Toronto, weredwnt afrgsrto i ufcet n Sat-urday evening at Peter- manville Hospital. 1Rail caîl was auîswered with sca.ned one. Two att-empted'ber duties as a nuurse in Me- t-hein summen home o u. MisLorstouugihated- Mn-s. J. E. Richards, Orano,soehnonmsin.cnet eemsebu wralHspa, wavIe.d. Registration wili take place nt the Misb oisAshtoetnn, o musionsnday convents were missed ut t-wonmariaiersspiyiofBWesanvilOe- Yog Row anvlleHig Scool in Unvenityo! estrn n- as Saturdax' evening caller Mrs. Jean Stinsan introdue-1 passing cauverts wene coin-- She and Miss Glenda Mercen M4rs. Alva Swanbric it- atMrs. E. Page. ed Miss Luke, t-be President o! pleted. This rotunded out t-he a! Elizabethlvilie, who is teachu- e in Oshawa last wee t taria, London. Mr and Mns. Wiibur TomsOsawa Presbyt-ery. M i ss scaning for t-be red teanu. ing In Bowmanville, are shar-W'M. and Mns. Wiifned RuhN A I WEDNESDAY, OCT. fth 7t a.Ms Laura Bownuan, Euu- Mrs Crte Grahamu, Purple'Luke gave a very int-eîcsting The red t-earni dominat-ed ing an apant-nent there. ley. Mui'n y Masbali Bo ill, were recent visitos atitak on mary of the different most of.the gam e with so mne: t is "Cet- arouud in a! The fari-nos have b e n I v THURSDAY, OCT. 7th 7- Gep m adM rray Srdaeve -Mns. P. Tonus. 'fields o! missianary woi'k great- play calliig and run-lhustle" these mornings if you ing a diffîcuit timegt-ORO ~ i L - h Fa-$5o n inne gucas fM.ayvnîd Mr. anmd Mrq. O. C. Asht-on donehenngb i ns. C. ery and orf.ay. ne istosdionMe. C' in places araudt-ecin yquarterback Petenýwant- ta have yaur lettens go't-hein t-hnesh ig done îhs Th-Fi-$500W erevi-c-. wih OshuaE.. Rd wrld, using t-he map t-a show Wenry and with headsup ý ut. The mail ladies get here much drîzzly weatheF at IS u lm w- ____ Mn. an Mrs. AllanAshtorn and Mrs. S. Romn' teepae.baki by t-le middle a! theiabout 10 a.m. However, welweek. Sunday tuîrned( i - ---Mn.--aad Mr's. DonaldWe Lambawa Minutes of the last uuceting offensive line leiped GenaIdýunderst-and t-be mail gaes an'be a laveiy hot- day itth Ua UW 0:.and Mihy Baîheonol, mwere rend and aprurverl. YiHarnn7s; and Don MieMirteriotit and is niot held aven initempenatune hene tmp i l a__Snd aly, isitons at- L. Lamb Tr asuner and fruiît a n o some extira fleeded!Newîanoiville n ,sa should go go's fan t-be first t-mme i e Mn.AlxThistnfPn lanhwen report-s were gi'ven. yanrda gr. abouti as soon as if posted t-be tember. - FI lex d astnFendays Correspondienrp. was neadi. Wh l- i tu eire tean did previauîs aftrrtnon. A.number o! Keoidalxon Falitb Mn. nditgafwy Mrs. L. Tamls lhtanked Mrq. get t-be hall t-bey bad a bardý Articles danated ta t-be Kax'- foli went by bus traorooSihsCnî.a n e e a a r o a n .?Mn. and Mrs. Ray Prestonýpergiîîsn and a lavely lunch lime ncuinning aga inet- tbe'aruaugh family may also be ta Cayuga for t-bepa f Tammy nd Timt-hy, u'8 "rved by t-be gnaup in truiali defensivp line of tbe left at Tunansy' store, also!a rmebetwee-n OroMdgt Tmand wre tavisions -arge. - md tram, Wheon t-bey did at-iany cash donations. and t-he Six Nation Iida t ýat Mn. and Mrs. A. Bnunt-'s. j_ - miss Diane Donnan, Mr Robent Wright-, Tarant-o, %rere weekend visitons with Mr.i ~ - Herbent Wright and girls. -/ Miss Elsie Oke attendled thi: fnrlof t-be late Mns. Ethil- (Woodley) Hicks on SRturday T e 1 6 t de ae,# - at Harniston. T e1 6 t d b k 'Mrs Elia Creightan, r. SMay Slemon, Mr. And Mns.î c RvKnox accamnp.nie-d Mn. 1c aîud Mrs. John Shemon on a moortrptoBacof o.a breath of fresh airii 1 mot-n tri a anrfta -~~~~lrÉ 'l'îedethafl'unlao

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