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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 1

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*be VOLUME l 16 Pages $5OOOO Enumerators Hard at Work aThose who feel that sports car racing is ail glam. cur, and excitement, with beautiful girls wrapped around your neck are very much mistaken. It's wor] and long hours with constant checking of vehicles to make certain they are in top condition. This wee] England's John Surtees, the 31year-oid World's Driv- ing Champion in 1964 and his crew of top mechanic, have taken over part of Hendry Motors garage where his Lola T 70 is being tomn apart and put together again following his win Saturday at Quebec. They will be working day and night to have the car ready by Thursday and Surtees as shown here will be right in the middle of the labor. That checkered winning flag on Saturday won't corne easy for any of the driv- ers. With them, it's serious business, flot a playboy's hobby. Hospital Board E Thanks to KinSME ~ForGenerous Doi [(s-~--1 Accontsont n n i ,;lR- *.i A mazed Golfer Swallows Tee On Tuesday evening at Bowxnanville Golf & Curl- ing Club, one of the players who remnaîns unldentifled ' had a most pecullar acci- dent. 375.11 were passed for pay- ment at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Mcm- orial Hospital held in the Board Room at the hospital last Wednesday evening. This was moved by James Bell, seconded by Maurice Prout. Those present at the meet- ing were Glenholme Htighes, the Board Chairman, James Stutt, Mr. Bell, Mr. Prout, Dr. H. B. Rundie, Mrs. S. G. He was playing lu a four- ry Jyýose, Newcastle, Mrs. W smre and as many gofr M. Rudeli, H. A. Barron, Dar- do. had one of those 114" inLr.,, u'ç r n INil qw M-M- W 1w 'iVote ws M3LiçM Enumeration throughout ad onSaturday the enumer- Durhiam County started on 1atonrsnwilil prepare their lists. Monday morning Mor tecozà Revision wifl be on October iing federal eliection to be eid2lst, 22nd, and 23rd, and the Son NOVember 8th. It wiil con- Revising Officer wiil deal tinue thmrughout this week, with any objections on Octo- ber 26th. tIn Bowmanville there are Liberas Pla two enumerators for each No iainpolling division as flos Bo'wmanviile Poil 1. Mrs. Ron Nomin tionParker, Mrs. Fred Cole; 2. ForMrs. H. R. Moses, Mrs. E. Oct ber . Highfield; 4. r.Rbt jDurham County Liberal Hilitah Ross Grant; 5. Mrs. Association Pr e s ide nt, C. G. Anderson, Mrs. R. Mut- Harry Wade, announced to- t on; 6. Mrs. Donald W. Allun, day that the Nominating Mrs. Jack Coole; 7. Mrs. Wil- Convention for Durham liam Corden, Mrs. L. McFeet- Riding will be held in Boiv- ers: 8. Mrs. R. Stainton, Mrs. ýd manville on October 6th. William Mairs; 9. Mrs. Mur- k Guest speaker will be the ray Bate, Mrs. C. Bradley; Honourable Mitchell Sharp, 10. Mrs. Leonard Dodds, Mrs. !s Minister of Trade and Com- F. Alloway; il. Mrs. Dennis k merce.Severn, Mrs. W. Bird; 12. r_ In acrac with the Mrs. Cecil Mutton, Mrs. G. constitution of the Durham Cliarke; 13. Mrs. Glen 'Fry, sCountY Liheral Association Mrs. L. Goddard; 14. Mrs. R. e each Poil in the Riding wiln M. Hayneis, Mrs. H. Powell. r be accredited wvlth five vot- Dariington Poil 1. Mrs. lng delegates. Credentials Ethel Goble; 2. Mrs. Sam y lbe golng out shortly to Turner; 3. Mrs. Edward Foley; y h w ll s. ae 4. Mrs. W. H. Brown; 5. Mrs. tsaid. John Morris; 6. Mrs. Edith ItI0gnrll1 petdCiemens; 7. Mrs. H.arold Ash- that Russell C. Ho1ney, M.P. ton; S. Mrs. William Ashton; for Durham In the Past 9. Mrs. Norma McMaster; i10.p sParliament will be the can- Mrs. Betty McGregor;, il. Mrs.b i didte arin. 1Myrtie Barnard; 12. Mrs. Mar-b didteaga- 1 tha Perifound; 13. Mrs. Mae Cutting.b v Cartwright Poli 1. Mrs.h Cecil Gibson; 2. r.Hcob x rDe ss s Shrr ; 3. Mrs. ent Gilbank; 4. Mrs. Mlo ih ~N E er; 5. Ectward Williamns. ~ Clarke Poil i. Mrs. Maurice. cin lu bO'Nell;2. Mrs. Marjorie dl CowI-ardl: 3. Mrs. Marie Pied-j weil; 4. Mrs. Dorothy Mercer;11 5. Carlos Tamblyn; 6. Mrs. t nation m aser;8 r.Jc -Hope poil 1. -Mng. Gordon STIRLING MOSS COMING Austin; 2. Mrs. Hector Darke; Latest word is that worId 3Gwes nest; 5 . famous raclng driver Stiri- Camp Be; 6. Mrs. Gardon Ing Moss will be attendlng Cmpbl,6 r.Gro the~ ~ ~ i Grn rxatMsot ercer; 7. Mms. Clarence Mer- oh n d Satrday. osprtcer. on Satrday.Newcastle Poli 1. Mrs. Em- He won't be drlving, but erson Fisher; 2. Mrs. Rhea bis mere presence wiIl cer- Gray,- 3. Mrs. Ross Cobble- tainly be a great attraction dick. because his name is stili the Mivllbrook Poil 1. Arnoldý greatest in the business. Amstrong, 2. Samuel Felds. New Sportsmen 's Club Lls wooden tees in b.isamouth, McKenzie, Mrs. W. H. Gib- Instead of returning It to his son, Clarke Township, A. M.L e se i s a s pocket. One of the other Thompson, R. J. Dilling, the L a e i s a s golfers made qulte a spec- Secretary-Treasurer, and Ber- Hunters of Bowmanville, the wrong. Thus they spoil tacular shot that hadl the nard Holden, the Hospital Ad- t" uksao sis rudhnig frohr. Pbi rest of them gulplng ln uksao susarndhtigfr tes.Pbc amaemet. r. own mvedtha athe co)rner. Places to hunt are hunting areas, as well as far- Next thing this poor chap letter of thanks be sent to the bcmn cre ahya es ils r indu knew hehadswalowe th BowanvlleKinsen lubbecause farmers and the Dept. and hunting is not allowedi. tee. There were nu imme- for its generous donation of of Lands an.d Forests are clos- This Year something new diate after effects, but he $1,324.50 for the purchase of ing their fields and hunting has been intr&çuced to Bow- Was planning to cheek wlth an Ultrathermn for the hospi- areas. Xhy? Many hunterslmanville, The Bowmanviile -ils doctor the lasi we saw tal's Physio-Therapy Depart- are thoughtless, careies pe - Sportsmnan Club. This ha.s of hm. olfnt ertinl met. hiswassecnde byple. They damage property, been formed so that the ai- bfas G llg ctll ment. ard. T his wO AsGEcTodd 'and at the same time do ot ready mentioned probems liasman haard. (TRN O PGE WO) stop to tbýnik thiat they are in (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Trans - Canadla Cavalcade Visits Hiere The Salvation Army's Trans-!panyîng the Cavalcade, Major clusion will be in Vancouver'the trip across Canada. Canada Cavalcade visited Bow-lWilliam Leslie and Capta n on November lth. Major Leslie told the gath-1 inanville on Tuesday. This Bruce Robertson.H Cavalcade marks the Salva- Representatives of Bowman- He explained that the Trans- ering of his work in the Sal-1 tionArm's entenia Yerwile ownCouncil, Bowman.ICanadaCalcd highlights vation Arnv,%s Hro i ti65n19r5y's Centenniaf Year, ville Tontra Association,1,the Salvation Army's activities Proj ect in Vancouver, which1 vice to God and man. Pictur-land the local service clubs success in evangelism, and thý fhas been successful in the re-, cd bov atthecenenay!wre uess a th cetenryamelioration of the needs of habilitation of thousands of1 ed aboveat the entmenr1womengeand chihedre;people. breakfast held in the av- breakfast. Grace was said by dad cilre tion Armny Citadel, Division!Rev. A. Kudra. -'uring the last 100 years. Captain Robertson, who hasý Stret fom ef t i an exceptionally good voc Stret frm eftIoright are,' In his address Brigadier A feature of the Trans-. sang '"It Is No Secret hi Captain Herbe~rt Fraser, Brig- Hawkes said that the Salva-;Canada Cavalcade is the huge:God Can Do." and two inspir-. adier Wi!fred Hawkes, Belle- tion Army's Trans-Canada;illummnated scroll. which xvas ing spirituals. B r i gadi er ville, Divisional Commander: Cavalcade was launched byfirst signed by Prime Minister Hawkes thanked Mrs. Fraser for Mid-Ontario, Reeve Sid- jCommissioner Edgar Grinstedj Pearson, and is being signed and the other Salvation Army' ney Little sîgning the seroil, on August l8th in St. John'siby leading municipal, provin-1 Ladies for preparing and serv- «dt the twe oicr *ccom.i Newtoun<ijand, end it& COU-Jcial. and ioderai authorities onling the dehcious breakfasti BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1965 10e Per Conv NUX LOSS INý Shortly after 6 o'clock Sunday morning, IR. Ben Brown, R.R. 3, jone 'of this areas rnost highly regarded dairy farmers, suffered between $40,000 and $50,000 loss when his barn caught fire and burned to the ground. They had just begun milking when the blaze broke out. The loss included eight Holstein cows, a bull that had to be killed because of burns, 4,000 bushels of grain, 7,000 bales of hay, 2,000 bales of straw and four young calves, as well as many pieces of equipment. Mr. Brown was loud ini his praise ACTION - There is so much going on around the town these days, it is difficult to keep up to aIl the changes. On Tuesday morning, wreck- ers were starting to tear down the old Osborne residence next to St. Paui's United Church, pre- paratory to the future construction of a church ad- dition. Across the street, the Durhamn County Dis- trict High School offices were being set up inl the former W. Frank Real Estate location. On Queen Street, excavators were hard at work preparing the site of the new Odd Fellows Hall. There is one place where some action wouid be appreciat- ed, especially by residents of the north section of town. We refer to the CPR bridge on Elgin St. that was burned some time ago. So far, there has been no replacement under construction. COURSES - This faîl seems to be a great time for courses. Recently, a Baby Sitters Course started and quite a large number of young people en- rolled. Now, the Red Cross is about to start another Home Nursing Course for 13 weeks. These have proved popular in the past and prob- ably will be well received again this year. ADVANCE- If Sou are planning ta attend the Canadian Grand Prix thîs Friday and Saturday at Mosport, you'1l save a bit of money and time by obtaining advance tickets at Frank's or Bryson's Smoke Shops. Due ta the "No Camping" regu- lation f or thîs race, enterprising citizens with property along the route ta the park should be able ta pick up a few dollars by putting up signs advising race fans that they will allow camping on their premises. It's just an idea! On Saturday morning, with about 40,000 fans ail trying to get. into the park, ail roads should be packed tight. t Ttt VOLUNTEERS - If you are not attending the Grand Prix on Saturday af ternoon, the Memoriai Park Assn. can use your help. The town bas pro- vided snow fence f or the south end of the park, but erectors, complete with their own shovels are sorely needed. Just report to the park at 1 p.m. i.t t t WEATHER - After a chilly August, summer now appears ta have corne at last. But, it cer- tainly is confusîng Mother Nature. This week, on Bill Bragg's farm at Providence, a Gravenstein apple tree had a fair load of fruit, but it was blossoming at the same tirne. t t t CONGRATULATIONS - At Zion United Church on Sunday afternoon, there was an interesting cerernony following the church service when the building committee officially handed over the keys of the new Christian Education Centre. Unfortunately, a shortage of space this week makes it necessary to hold over the photos of the event. To make amends, we mention that dona- tions to help wipe off the balance would be wel- comed or you could help by buying tickets for a concert there this Friday cvening. and1 fPieces ELECTION - A big political fight is shaping Up in Northumberland riding where the Liberal incumbent Dr. Pauline Jewett was nominated on Monday and former Trade Minîster George Hees was nominated on Tuesday in his bid to get back into federal politics. Should be a rnost interesting campaign because bath of them are energetic and able. Incidentally, Tom Rehder was elected President of the Bowmanville PC party on Monday evening. A complete list of officers and photo will appui,~ next week. B ARN r¶~.fl an FIRE of Bowmanville firemen and police who rushed to the scene through the dense fog that had cut visibility to only a few yards. He was also most appreciative of the help received from neighbors who assisted in removing implements from the danger area and whe have offered every assistance since the tragedy. On Tuesday, he stated that he would be having a dispersal sale of cattle at the Hays barn in Oakville on October l9th rather than purchase feed ail xvinter. Bell Plans bo Introduce Dîrecj.Ai stance Dialing To Bowman ville Exchange Direct Distance Dialing America split the continent MIDGETS TRY-OUT (DDD) will be introduced in into areas, each with a dis- Aýny midgets interested in the Bowmanville exchange tinctive code. Since no two tryilng out with Midget Ai within the next 18 months, J. telephones have the same Star Team be at the arena W. Lowry, Bell Telephone number within an area, each Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. Company of Canada manager telephone number, when link. for this area announced today. ed with its Area Code, i LACOSS FIALS At the same time Oshawa, unique. This"ikes it possible LACOSS FIALS Ajax - Pickering, Blackstock, for the DDD witching equip. Pee Wee Lacrosse Finals Brookiin, Hampton, Port Per ett ik « t any specifie ýwill start on Thursday, Sep- ry and Whitby wili also re- telephone. tember 23rd, at 6:30, between ceive the service. As the first step in intre- the Panthers and the Bears. Under the system peopie duing DDD in the area, Mr. The finals will continue on here will be able to reach Lowry said that beginning the foliowing dates: Wednes- any one of some 95,000,000 September 20 people in Osh- day, Sept. 29th, Thursday, telephones in Canada and the awa -dialing other telephones Sept. 30th, and Monday Oct. United States with a maximum in Oshawa would have to dial 4th. This is a besçt 3 out of 5 of Il turns of the dial. Tothe fuil seven digits of the Final for the Pee Wee Lia- make this possible the majpr number to make c!rtain their crosse Championship. telephone companies in Northi (TURN TO PAGE TWO) "Miss Grand Prix" for 1965 is pretty Sandy Leigh of Weston, Ontario. h. will be one of mnany sidelight attractioons at Canada': longest andmost exciting sports car race ta be held at Mosport Park, on Saturday, September 25. The race has attracted internationally-famous drivers from around the world Who, will compete for $40,000 in prize and starting money and the Pepsi-Cola Tropily.,, Officials of the British Empire Motor Club, the race organizers, expect a crowd of 40,000. MBER 38 9 «-»" 1 ent Voters 11 .Silts

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