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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 2

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2 The Camdàn Stateuman, nowmanvrnle, Sept. 22, 1063' Celebration Marks Silver Anniversary Orono: On September 16.1 ding Annîversary, and a beau- Bnt evening of relebration wasl tiful bouquet of carnations.ý eTljOYed bv rnanv relatives .wmas presented tiiem with best, Who assmbled et the home ofj wishes of al, Mr. and Mrs. NIT. and Mrs. M. J. Ta.mblyn Tamblvn e ach gracdously, to honour Mr. nnd Mrs. Gar-.- acknowledged tluis token. niet Towns (nee Bernice Stain-1 To complete the program,I ton). Peterborough on theirý Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. 25tih Wedding Anniversarv.1 Russell Ormiston presented' Mr. Gordon T. Werry, Tor-iuMi-. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, onto, ably officjated as Chair-. with a bouquet of carnations man for a brie! program of in bonour o! the 34t.h Anni-' readings, and a congratula- 'versai-v o! their wedding oný tory addré.11 given by Mrs. t his date. Mr. and Mrs. Werry Everton White. Glfts werealso suitablv acknowledgedi *presented to mark this occa- this remembrance. Mton, andc both Gariiet ndý A very happy social time' ,Bernice expresed apprecia- followed, and a bountiful, Cion of the tangible remnem-1lunch was sei-ved under theI brances. Several guests addedi supervision oif Mrs. Wilfrid~ Words oftcongratulaions. Bowman, and Mrs. J. R. Or- Mrs. H. E. Milison extended miston, Enniskillen. *her beit wishes to the couple,ý The Tamb1yn famnily le In-ý then surprisec Mi-. and Mi-s.ý deed 'a verx' cele4rated one, :Miltan Tamblyn by directing.since Mr. and Mrs. J. D. tttn4.onto he- 4thWed.lBromn (nee Nellie Tarnblyn) I haVI reoeivect a few days pre-i viouslv on the occasion o!ý their 6th Wedding Anniver-l! B elln i-ry. _____ Mayor Welcomes New Enterprise ta !lm Main Street $2 nie tued ateth yur thea and evid e les D1c served <IFROM PAGE ONE) a E UfK5 . dhtd Leails go through. However, nio Lloyd -~~~~ chne1ndaln ltk Last Wednesday evening was a gala occasion at Hlobbs extended an officiai greeting and Statesman 21. an Plae i th Bomanill ex K nsiie. the new offices cf Centra] Ontario Trust & Savings photographer was on hand te record the everît. From hrg pace i he omnte iot.Copoatenan-W Frank Real Ete, Kn St. West, left to rih, contractor John Riznek f Courtice, iîdece DDD service ii continuaîly .RMPG N when hundreds cf gLests visited the two places cf Walter Frank, Mayor Hobbs, Central Ontario's Branch eleutec .y begadedtadevnalMrBa--nadcrrd unani- business and marvelled at the amazing improvements Manager Andy Prakken and J. W. Dosweil, President ~Â- lmsttlephone users on the' mously.lmil North Amnerican continent wi]îî Mrs. S. G. Mi-Murter nioved that had been made. They were welcomed by officiais of the corporation. The inew signs have now arrived t~- -be able to place their own longithat the hospital allow thejof both firms who conducted them on tours cf the for the attractive front to complete the renovations. b- Me distance catis without an op-iNorthumberlaiid - DurhambofcsDrn h vnnHsWrhpMyrIa ____s uin h vnng i osipMyrIa and th erator's assistance. It does not Hea1th UnilUs pre-natai classes - -.-- effect long distance rates and'to, be held in the hespitala'tocrlesdivgSeebe vi can only b e sed for stat on- lng as convenient space is! I t h. C or-m vnble c r , ha d e tstto vahsialework. th clas se-o sttdhe Cons abl L io a n a - Mr. I.owrY concluded bv r"ot confli-t with the regular .9ae ewso ar li -sela saying that prior te the iKing Street W., wheuThi he ob-c duction of DDD al customersi onded by Mrs. RudelI, and Mwas - co o u r K n reteWl emliedb! inexte -wil receive detalled informa- 1carried. was.mag etl e tw rukI zes-Baxte1 tion on bow to place their A letter fi-on-r the Ontario Held ti-_ten wtuc 1e-'Bat Own long distance cals. 'HI-ospital Association concern- ed.i B w aIil -îng the presentîng o! reselu- i.Sals hcihd T-a!ctces Clsaoe Itions et tihe coming annual, September 215t, 1965 ing M.Sals lil id Tafetces Ci-a"e 'convention of this organîza-j There wer-e two conurts th"s also veered vei-v sharffly to B. Tiflson, OPP) Rober t ,tio. M-. ell seondd b Mi.'week Magstrte . B Ba..îhe right. Ife added that theG-eorge Long, August 2nd, no EFFECTIVE OCT. 1ST !Barron, moved that this letter ter pi-esided over one, with pavement was wet and slip- lights, five dollars and costs. be eceved an bepi-senediCron Atorcy . F Bony-pery and the tow truck rolledi or three days. (Constable J. MESagain ait the next meeting off castie; Mýagistrate Crawfor vrcieindn nis i<CamrOP aeSm the Hospital Board to be dealt Guest, Teronto, over therîin fiont o! file service station, !mers, Septen-ber 2nd, no with then. This was carried. oer', wt MkrIriu, Steil said lie ran mb to ieiemergenc!y brake, $10 and The Chairman o! the Port Hope, acting for the garage and grabbed a lire e1x-Icosts, or three days. (Consta- Grounds Committee, Mi-. Jose,*Cown. tinguisher which sorneoneible P- DenHoed, OPP) Gar-v N U Sr;eported that the additionall Jaseph D'Angelo, 55 Ws snatehed ont of ]his liands.'daYs; faili-ng te n-otiey the jparking lot, located on Il t:h teteaitn gd4, hnlepoe h ojýj ýa7m fTasoto former Powell property, lbas!2s tet Hmluaed4, hnNepoe olichDeatgeno!. Tdransporto-d -- been marked ont and cui-, was cliarged July 22nd wiîîî, and came out again bsecag f drs, 1ln r urroe~~> put in. n is nwints, i areless driving on Highiwayl people being lhelped irorn iheCss -redy.(esa 'state. Mr. oe tsaidthalte' On the advice o! îîfs tow trurck and fi-on-rthie ied 1 - P. Ballantynie, OPP) Fred- staff a r tosbe comimentthed'counsel, Nicholas Menlti, IIam- car. lie adrnitted that hie dîd' erick Bowers, speeding, 95 WIL NRESEI 'n h creo te runs ilion, lie pîe-adec not guilty. net see t.he driver off bhc .ar mile's an hour, $50 and costs, WILLIMrs. Rud n t elI re sidte gondso!TheDonald Henry Staples testi- until atter the accident. 01, 10 days; John Kochanuk, PRICE TO $10.95 Womens Auxiliary of Mem- lfied that lie was northbound Ieiirv Wa]'keî-, driver of the'sedn 0mlsa er orial Hospital, repte th' at 'rric-exs Corners when lie tow truck, still imping badlIV, $10and costs, or thi-ce days; OR MORE! tîr-ee bursaries given by the noticed a southibound red car, from liii ' urie.s silstained !fi Ile: miles anl ler p$2eadng 80s 1 cr&ýfioni-, $20 and costsg auxitiary have been awarded' attemptI11g te Pa.';s a fiue of 1iassidh -a oirirng ory. BUY NOW & SAVE! te students wlio ar-e planlning; sorthbound cars. Ie said thatffrom Willowdale on a cal]î Cli aiJ-s. C.Hre a hospital career, Miss Jane only by veering ont ott thef Lakefield andd baU veered asMaoutbe P C.1are Oliver, Bowmanville fl-igh'l east shonulder was lie able Ioe tar i-lit as iecoud n oder1MXwell, OPP) Peter- Brown, Scob, n MssRbeta void a collision -wheir the bo avuiýd lire red car. lie liadl speediiig, 80 miles an fhour, * NOW Cooko and Mis% Esther Annel red car w-cnt into a skid. been stunnied and did flot >,5ae.c -, rfiedas »95 IRosevear, bath off Courtice' Martin Stell, a service sta- the éther- driver al'ter the à c- (Constable H. R. Corne]], ONLY High Sch-ool. Hion attendant at the DX sta-!cideiit. lie added. OPP) Samuel Campbell, ~ ~s 9 Pair MnCwnharnn!teleld the court lie was Cosal Joseph Sinier-- ad:ss o LIMITED QUANTITY repor-t stated that the budget; er wbeit lic heard the car wvas off duty standiti.g by-t le pond, OPP) Samuel Buffam, adonly $7,890 bsben s e ethe 'ed car strike ailadtescreecl ires B Oden. ee dyWle n t - te date. The donation et thie;floilhbotind tow truLck fohIow-,saw the red car- attempting te, Eudnseding, $15 and purcîrase price oet the Ultra- 'pass at loo îîigî-r a rate off costs, or tlîree days. thr. b theBowanvlleýsped fo -te slippry et JIrving Buckler, Oron o, ther bytheBowanvile e seedfor ue lipery Nilill, July 23rd, no license Kinsmen Cu will enable thi L e pave-ment. He had net ialedý plate, $10 and ot rthe Ll y li committee te boy other neces- te the driver aller, eîtheî- cosde giýto al gtee sery equipment, lie seid. 8 oristable L. R. James., O PleddgitPoa'igt Th,- Chairman off tire By- lnvestigating efficer, bold tire Yield haîf o! the highway teC n r lO t Laws Committce, Mr-. Stutt, cour-t biat the skid markçs a'pProa.rhinýg CetraflicOHetaa Sh esreperted that two meetings <PROM PAGE ONE) i were ovej- 63 feet in lenýrthrepresented by Terence Kelly, 49 King Street West 1ee t ere 23 Ki ngS'ba be mde bt tappearsý ai-as closed to hunting. pasengers in lie DAngeloý t- Eidne x we d tiret o VILI that it will require about This organization h is îy .car- besides the driverad: ven sodth n BOWMANVILLE ~three more meetings';te cern-' for those huniter-s wlio live itihat he liad interviewed ofe u rS 9i h Bclrvl Augîîst 29h wtIi e sBul'r ohi plete the work. iBowmanville and who have' et thein, Gtierinio Cupide, in'ewihwsesbndo _________Mr. Cowan rnoved titattire1 htnted hîcre. Tire prrPOs.e Of Enlghisli. lligih11way 2, just west o! 11-lý- tclub is to give Bownîman- - The Crown called .- CLl- way .35, attenrpted te pass an- -41/2%/o on Savings accoun Il unei- achaceto -tntpido, wilo insisted lie spoke, othier- east-bound veiricle anil vie utrachnet lnj1 veered inte, the peth of ! a %o hqi acu D eloi te, le n d r, F aWki s & eilsI sig l u a ew Î c oul hi I ali san !I i r-rt ra re erll a m a4geotonthe B uekier cai- wlilroanysingePhutnreculd nlsktanin.&PNlhipCan1ll1jwestbound vehlicie. Estimatdf ree chelquing privifeges wlth whom are now n-erged hel nd waie te ugin-btlide sai d hc- ud n det.n iwa's $250 and to the othiex nm hifilter who. ae juCt eoin--dMaiiant -ate Guest'splacedt.5%% lo nGuaranteed Iv Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. bM;ogi1-stctrhemdln ml, ortitk ibfo- ds-$40.tire alutig afly ho t hndeýmis,;lsajig ha tefione . t $35anecs , 0Longer 1-ours: W. are oi a gun, etctract failed Io identify tire ac-j fleays 35d ganed coteasedt OOl rdyad Chai tered Accountants i TeBowmanville Sports- ctsed as driver o! the car.!twoyseandga tiea cesd o :0o.Fi n mans lu hs eaedmet off Magistrale Gnestcnurd AMontreal Oiihawa Toronto Ilamil(on the First Marsir and lias per-- ai-d di.vni-sSFd tire case. Rand Clifford C-feesniaîî, Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary mission te sigu up tire field 3______________p ee ent iltv to reesi ~ Edmonton Pic ereVnovr oppositethue marslu. This is 5driin Agut lt. The ins PriceGeogeVanouer the hintiiug asi-ca 'w-li will TNEY'RE HERE AGAIN! vestigating eflicer va-s Coni a- be used bi- tle member-s fstbeP Blanye OF Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. the Club onil'. Members have sabldBlanye P, Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 heen de]cgated te visit tire eneonshaTwanc v'arious farnîs in tire area teKelsla. Insure ai-cas for pireasant anoi h fie 4tdta e rebbi liuîing. Tresasser' e e 'as called to tire Hope-Clar-ke '- wilI be presecuted. -'Town-ship Line about 1 a n M" TAKING A The ClLib lias purchased a!'oiissd nth rvn au ekeet trap, se that its mem- on itssdeig heway 401. 11e rd " bei-s cari slierpen up their! ofIaieirl-ady 0. een set i - CHRISTMAS shooting. eut by the Cobourg OP. 1 An . eou-nianx-ille resident," uinwsijreat ~J L I D 4A~ Y? who Ilints of- wishes tO eaui 9 9* b lcr ) t HOLDAY ho IoFiziiie t glli niv j1ied ;Ce rlu stable cn -v tir e tlib. 'l'lie raie.s ai-e rt7i 1qiî e C n tbl alat-i. for tlie , h r 1rerder cd first ilci, riaklngý Y MO U S ýýIl àrsure thre damre. liglirt et tiel _____________________worlziiig anrd tw\u doIliar~s tor cosr\'so --dtr lr~ students over- 14 years off age. - d5Wte- abc e an lt At prescrit thre club is ap- 1e. 5((pre-tot heri. luei anproledt t NE Dpi-xiniatlvx _)3 mnembers tomr laete 5001 N on.Moear eloe.'feet ftrihier cast I1lied lit oniel ,fl ai-e iîiberested, please' o o - tare ar-d vwas just ligliting! clb Officenq are Presidet' *** ubNr-whu1I oied ai RESERV TIONSilptrivrcmbViere.:' 1 SPOrbrS al- wilh nly the clý-i- Kent Williams, Sec.-Treas. >fvrmn t omngt'eu-y fact' Dunc- Ulley f-are for him lwdownl hboard suîpply ear-h membfir-,..<hth so ~ e with a suitable baose lear hind- - - tx - ruc-k and -.sverrrl cars luad oyPraeRdoorWajgu.FI er te keep thir u-reports lui. to7,00-1 eet Lvi ePluseetiecd<r,158tirea ITiswa ecndd yMr Blllte sec if lhe could be o! asq-I- Stu0'oc Y.wGIC.Plusouraato< $2 15 TV w - Thd ri e od ed b M - elsistar-ce and heard tires y G-c.- Pgoa hZ ttW< sti7ào M f1'437 a n d c arrie d. ~~ ~~ ~~sq u e e in g a n d sa w th e sp o rts bo s S o w I w . oe P U W V InJo is report for August, Mr.' car bearing down on them, 1-llden, the Hospital Adouini- siigsdwy u !cn -stretor, stated tiret John Sier- singidwyouofc- hluis, tire Business Manager off, M-. Kelypoitet e trM aned t $,t IouUhe WES EY VILLE n riday and SaturdaY. Don- and o te Plmouh $90.1 WESL YVILE na Ashby took part ini the 4-H accused coenplained of1 exhibvit and Jeamet Nichools kinjury andhIter in hos-1 On this 2Oth day of Septeni- who lives at the NW end o 1,I learned he had a punc. t ber thie weather- is hot enough the coTnmunity, reCeived e- 1d lung."ý for a July dey, but last, <md prize on his calf. obert Owen McCann testi- ' ThursdaY a large flock of wild, hr ee5 tSna that he was westboundl gee3e flev south. Tomatoes.,Tahere wone50 at Sing.dA' ard Bowmanville when he' are t last beginning to ripen 7 o l o u d y m ril. A te tpon the Volkswagn quickly and pcesiebs. ,:Yar-rang~ement of flowers side with a womnal, hIvigGrain ytintevildwllb. os provîddb icjno ~side of the road injur- in danger of being de-troyed 1 boye and girls clam. Cars 1-le said hat he stopped thr cugh gro wt, an s e re offered for trenspo rt - fP tion to the "a%#y t Canton veered onit of cont,.rol, Secofd cutting of hay i. su!- a -h er ing the tow trcw ih ring from the very wet on Prday nîghlt. jVhsr med a Pl.yinouth, which in; mornings. vice was at welcon 1plowed into a Valiant, Quilting continued et WVil- Mrs. Carroll Ni*Uls Was Bd of it. The sports car ow Beachla ]st week. nd solOist t Port Hope United lent with their brake finished on Mondav of! thi, Çhiirch on Sunday mornlng. ts on. The drivers had'week. Mr. and Mrs. Herold Hale ,ed to assist. The gports Manyv frorn the lakeshore were weekenid visitors with ,e vehicle proceeding attended tUic Fort Hope Fair1 Mr. and Mrs. HectarDarke.. at 80 m iles ail h1011. ----__-----_ ;5 and costs." said Magis-i eGuest. 'and -,Olt watch W THT I PC r peed." W THT I PC le Richard Veinot. 2 Con- , n Street, E.. charged N X EK 26th with diriving left of ET W E centre line. was fined $20oO XIIGNW costs, or three days. TheFO XING EW r laving the charge was 0 [card. O closed court 1&~gistrate 3Baxter heard further ence in the case of Char- 1 9 6 'oGughtv, Lindsay, and re-Dde ed Judgmnent until next Crse og ith Hoolev, 62-9 DeaunPlmot mie. Oshawa, aged 90,Vaan cd and the father of two ain ren. Douglas Wannon, 66 à at - AStreet, Oshawa, Eiged id 'Frederick Cobbledj-ck. ýasitle, aged 20.owelle P L ld joint].\,July5th IlwilitP AM E -eit a zýal t. AIl tIvrev ,d trial bý- judxe and O R SA E ,ýo tibis becanie a pre- arv liearing. The fi-st Local authorized dealer namned were representedfo el Cunniugliam, Lindsay, Chrysier, Plyniotth, he by K. Stubington, Dde& ain lente was heard fromiDde& ain o-tor and IThe nurse who 2 in I.F examined thie 'omplain-, Bowmianville id froin the complainant! f. The case continues!i week before MagistraWe 4 he beautiful new Office of io Trust & Savings Corporation at Street Westein Bowmanvî lie. SERVICES nts. Bowmanville's highest rats of interest. ita. You receive your own personalized cheque kit - PLUS iestrnent Certificates. >pen from 9.00 to 6.00 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; &0 .0O to 5:00 on Saturday. Closed Wednesdays. M. Nadbo with @ech $U1 Z.50 kw10OYom) oith euhi $2500--5 Schick Electrlc ToothbrMbiwit$i #600 acount You may choose from many delightful gifts which à@ based on accounts of from $50 to $1 ,000 and Guareffeed ln-* vestment Certificaes of from $100 ta *25,000. , Some of the Giftz Are Illustrated Aboya 10 TRUST & SAVINOS CORPORATIOM Street West Bowmanville Tel. 623-2527 9 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Tel. 723-5221

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