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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 3

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Recently Married in Trenton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald James Gay, shnwn in the above photo, exchanged mnarriRge vows in Grace United Church, Trenton, on Saturda ' , August 28th, 1965. The hride is the former Miss Gloria Jean Mansfield, daughter of Mr~. and Mrs. A. L. Mlansfield of Trenton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gay of Bowmanville. Photo by A. G. Austin WEIL S3- NoLLDrGEI r Baskets of white ada and blue 'munis effectively- decarated Foxboro United Churc~h when Mise Joyce Marga-ret Hollinger. daugtiter' of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hol- 1 li nger, Foxbon. and Mr., Ronald William Welsh were' united in marriage on Satur-1 day afternon. Septemnber Il,: 1965, at 2:30 &'clock. The' bridegryoq is the son of Mr.l and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, R.R. 4,! l1ey. C. Dugan of Frankfard nffiçiated. assisted bv Bey. C. Gilbert of Fax'boro. The wed- ding music was played hv J Mrs. R. Skinner, and Mrs. Ella Satiundeurs was soloist. The bride, who was eiven In marriage bv ber father, wore a formai lengzth gown "f white organza over rayon taffeta styled- with long lily- pointed sleeves and high- lighted by lace applique flow- ers. A train falling fram the shoulders featiured n'atching lace applique flowers Rnd heur elbow length, bouffant veil 1was caught to a headpiere of Iwhite rayon roses ec'cented hy see perîs, and leaves of white sequins. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses, 1white stephanotis and ivy trails. Mise Barbara G;ray', Mrs. Robert AuLmeil, bath of Otta- wa, Missq Requa Owen and! Miss Luba Bfivs, both of Kirig-i ston. were the bridai attend-, ants in floo-r-length white: crIepe with white lace jackets designed with elbow-length slerves They wore matching la ce rosette headpieces with lace vrils. and carried nase- zayvq of blue carnations and ýwhite 'mims. Mr. Glen Blackhurni, a couj- sin of the groomn, was best' manî, and the u.shers were the. grorni's brothers, Mr. Don WcIlsli and Mr, Larryý Welsh,' and another couisin of the gzroomn, Mr. Bob BlackburrîI al] of Bowmnanvillc. The receptin was held i thcv Chuirch Hall, Foxhoro.1. 111e, on Saturday1a-te-nn,-S-.1e.1 r-11-196. a :0o'lr ie ride1j is thie brides mother wlio wore Ihp former Miss Carol Irene CON, daughter of MVr. and Mrs W. T. CON Of Bow- Mrs.ý. W. T. Cox was honsiess, a two-pierc turquoise and sil-i manville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. BrueF. Elliott, Newton- for R trousseau tra on Str ver brocade suit. mati-bin2 il.PoohyIeaî td day, Augeust 28, and tie bride accessories and oi.aeof h lrltr-t..r wa.s;also honnrc'd witb sev- white carnations. To assust. rral othrr pirtits priin t lir the groom's mother worea W eddings JQMrs. R. ,ocr, Roxvmanvillc. reathler bat in autuimu to)ne;.ý gave a communit 'v shower hr-o\wn accessories and corgage wli the bride \vas piesentréd of bronz7e *mums. wilh miscrîlancous items and Befo-re leav'iniz fo r their a living-i-nom chlair. lînucymoonuAt Rigwin Inn. The hride'sý r-rcisaI- Lake Muskr>ka. the bride don- tendedi a preseotation shower ned hier travelling ensemble held bv Mirs, P. Whi iugton, nt. a muishi-onin. Pree-piece O.hawa. Mi-s. G. Elliott, Mrs. suit, pink bat, brown acces- D. Elliott and Mi-s. R. Eîliott, sorirs. and corsage of pink Newtnvilewei-e ro-loste5rs- carnations. Tbey will residle GAY MANSFIELD la blite silk shatuing res es for a lineti shower. Sever-al at 55 Ercreston Drive, Tom- MissGloia ean aiiofil- blue, bat, white acce'ssorieýs friends ofithe bride qttiîded onto, Ont. Mis GlriaIan auîfiedand a corsage at white 'muins. a dinner party- followed by a The bride, whro attended daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.: The groom's mnother assisted'personal shower, given by' Quinte Higb Si-hool and L. Mansfield. Trenton, and wea.rin-g a floral silk sbeatb Mis.s Marie Foster at Spruce Kemptville Agi-i c u1 1 t u r a 1 o!M-. oand JmsCai-lesoE with matching thi-ce-quarter villa, Whith\ .Si-bool. bas been food spr o-ayMr.owanvil.Chawresunitýcoat, white accessories and a Co-workers of flic, bi-id,- visnr at Hotel Dieu Hospital_ Gay Bwmnvlle wreunt-corsage ai pink 'muins. groom at the Parts Dept. Kingston. for two years. She, ed i mainageon Stur a Fr the wedding trip to, Gener-l Motor,t pre.en1eds a member of 4-H4 and Juin- August 28tb, 1965, in Grai-e Lake Placid and points east.:lim witb a ean'-ing set and! or Pai-mers Clubs. Tlie groomi United Churbî,Tret on. The the bride ch-as-e a tuirquoise cuttinlg board. is a Farin Eqtiipmt-tît Adjus,ý- Rev. Jamne ~yt.non aficiated.'des., witb white accessorirs - -!terci- Commercial Credit Cor- The <'bu i was decorated and a corsage -nt white gajr-ý poration, Toronto: 15 a 4-H %vith stp dacs of gadioli:denias. On their return, the HUSSE.Y -LESNIK Club leader and an atv Tand Mm. Donld Burke pl'ayed, bride and groom wilil reside rmembnr of Juniior Farmrer".l traditHonul1 wedding muwsi-. at 86 Blyron St., Trentoni. I Revercld I. A. Mcllotv I-le attended S&lem Public Soloist for tîbe ceremenv waq Out-oi-town gzuest.s were orficiated w'hen Zosia L.esnik Si-bonI, Rowme-nville, Hizli Miss Marilyn Mr D on a 1 d, fmrom Sudbury, Toronto, Row-' was unitedi in mirriage to Si-bhoI ni d Kemptville Azri- Bowmanville. manville. Cobourg, 'rgtoWayne LlOydN lse i utia eol The bride, iv n u m - Fr n f d. B l ile Napa- ereremony' in Nortlm inisr - riage by ber fathe-i-. wore a nee arnd the Trenton area. Uie hîc.'lcbiesW n es ______the daîgliter of Mi-. and Mr. white peau de soie gonDvio ,nk Nwovne id with abel-.baed kit. he ELLIOTT - (OX and the bridegroom is the son fitted bodice had a high of Mm. and Mms. Carl Hussey, rounded neckline and fily - Stanîdards (I white aodc pink Cornwall.AtO o F i point sdleeves. Her elbow» carnations and 'muis fommed Thbe soloist. Mrs. Grorg-'~ O o o F i Iength v'eil was caugbt up tO an attractive setting in St. Liznick, Iroqulois Falls. On- Wionens of draw s aI A.L. awedding-ring bat, trimmed patîl's Uie Cuc,0o-taiaj'uii fthP d, Wearn Texaco d isp1a v ai bih ow. Slie carried a manville, wben Miss Carol was accompanied bv Mrs. Orono Faim were as oos bouquet, of roses intcrmingled'li-ene Cox and Mi-. Bruce Ar- John Tremble, Osihawa th ir o stoffu with stephanotis and green'thur Elloît were united in Given in mai-nrage bvber-'ci-mo tumblors were: Shir- fero. ~~~~mariage on Saturdav aiter- father, the bride woîre a fo'- l Hn~ RR ,Ooo The maid of honor. Miss noon, September 4, 196-5, at'mal gown of white satin. Th P ri ecRR ,Hmtn Diane Hoskin. and the brides- 3:30 o'clock. The bride is tlhe fitted bodice hd llypitDoris E. His, R.R. 1, Ennis- maid Mis Nny Jane Poste., daugbter ai Mi-. and Mes. W. sîceeves and a w efthcartklInIrsMta.6tLne were dres.sed alike in blue T. Cox, Bowmianville, and tbhe nec-kline eulîaiîced with a Oroîîo; Helen Baker, R.R. 1, ensemble matrliing t-le hride's bridegronin is the son of Mi-r. floral applique encx-ustod wii Hampton: Ml-s. John Trimble, and they carried bouquets of and Mrs. Bruce F. Elliott of seed pearîs. The fîtli Skrt Pr d . o-avle shasta diaisies. Newtonville. tell froin the w'aistliîîe ,in 5 M.Waler Davis, R.R. 2,ý The groom wa.s attended hv Given inma-ae ybruprse pet.Hrauoa Oshawa, Ont. bis brther, m. Ros Gay,-father, the bride wore a (o-- b<ceaIis headid-mcsof Fi-cth Lde'gadpiz lrdy Kenal.wbie tbe she wa lcgthgown of silk organza lace Icaves and seed ipearî-ls A set of fouir thermon u-i-hers Mm. John Bates of Port Hope. over tafieta wîtb fittedl bodice., held six tiers or shoulder and ire bucket, Mrs. .Toan, The reception was held ùin semi-scoop neckline andr long iengtb tulle voilunZ and slip Rail-sberY~, R.B. 2, Orono, Ont.: the ehburch basement and iily-pointed sleevrs. The. bell -A rrîed a bouquet of pink Mcn's prize, a grease gun and MadMs o;l ila e har-s ni ll hv ht olv catemed by the United Churci sbaped ski-t was enhaîîced hy sweetlieant roses and fesfihe"- <-iton of cartriciges, Mi-. G. M n r.Rnl ila es ie~oî nteaoepooflo' W-amen. The hiides mother an overlaY of Alencon la1ce. ed carnations.-L. Kelloigg. R.R. 1, Port Hope.! ing their mnarria-v in Foxhboro Unlilperi Churc'h on Satlurdav\ afternoon, Septem- received the guests wearing And lier bouffant foin-li er,i The matrnu of Ninr S\u-d%',grndprze a ber 11, 1965, at 2:30 nrclork. The bride is; the former Miss lovre Margaret ;hotiler-lenth tlle \-il \A a.,;:rr. Lar\.Aston: Hollingerryngapaihtedriof *Mr.llandrMrs.htBeoftMarandHoll BngarrHFoxhoroF Ont., Ont.,dndthh caugbî to a floral headdmess ;.qmaid eeMs oi îvMris. M. Trarbsler, R.R. I. embncidered witb seed pearîs. niuka, Nwewtîiil Miss i n I rY_ ampton; Men's prize, 1 caýse groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsb, R.R. 4. Bowmanville, S'le caried a cascade hou- da Kuia. Hamiltoni. anîd Miisr Havoline oil, A, J. Wery, En-PhtbyW..Rly quel of white crinations, deep Nanc ' Trick. Millh-nok. Th\,lici -________-Photo________E.______ ~IL I~flT fl Pink swectbeart roses and w'ere dncssed alike in foi-mal FI G R T P Miss Mre oer i I-stal orga osa oven taffca ;l-'-~~' ~ --i""-~ Catharines was maid oft boior. anîd carried cascades,;tif whitr 4ge - Hem floor-lengetb sbeatb gown carnations. The flnwer girls \ ,. ii. was of aqua peau de soie with wene nicces of the bride, Miss ' A*ýt mati-bine o v eris k i rt. er Anîgela Lcsnick And Miss Dar- ~v matching bcadpiecc -As a, lene Lesnick. bouh ofNe quins and adou-ned with veil- d r ess es in filic sanie colon aand LAing. ai-d suie carried a piuîk niatenial witb full skirts and W N oy and wbite bouquet of carna- rtrvina baskets of sintuila: tions anîd i-oes. flawei-s. LA W N B O Y Mir. Robert Elliott, Newton- The buidegnuxin's brother. - - ville. was best man for bis Mr. Lar.' Httjsse.\. was the ~ brother. and tlhe sher w-as best mari and the tiushi'rs %\-'C g 19" M1odel the biide,'.s biother. Mn. Gary Mi-,Iarry Wells. Os;ha\va. Mi-. CoofKitchener.lai-k Si-oIt. Montrea']. auîd iMn. ReglarS93,>OThe receptinvas held au Rohert Anderson, Toronto. END-OFSEAOthie Flying Duthmar, Moto"r The, ecphonias hepld ai CL-OEA N Hotel where the brides,,;mr- Dnînrn Hlweetuehe -le' CERNEther iecived un a dIress iý-f niother receîved î\veariuîz a -- - , beige ni-ganza ni-er peau de slieatliof punk en-broiderecu-------d - -~ -/ - soie wth mati-bing coat. Lgreeui organza over taffeta, floral ~- '/~ ~ &~~eu -ust -W -i $79-95accessories and corsage of yel- pink liat and white accessories low eweetheamt roses, and wvitli a corsage of wvhite car- oi-ai carnAtions. Slip was Ra- nationssprayed xwith i nk. sisted by the grooms mother The bridieginoom's moîber as- who chose pink bro-ade witl sisted. wearnig a derp rose matchiog thnee-quarter lengtiî .heatb vilhî R train flotving S T t i-nt. white arccssories anîd (rom the lous hacl, uuckline. corsage of white carnationîs black àacssorie. and A coi-- E U A E ~ .. and dark pink sweetheart sage of w'bite carnaions tup-- roses. Il. ~~~ped witli ros-HU S A P EPM B R 2 r A.s the couple lefi foi- the;i' As the couple IrcO on Ibrr Shoneymnon iii Bermud a the lhoncymoon in Moutrral anî bride %vas wvearing hie" tmvel- Quebci- Citv. the bride xv-az __ L A l g ensem ble ni a th i-e-piec e w earnig foir trv l ifg. a - accessonies and corsage of vel1- shrath witli mati-bing jai-kei, S Icvw sweethea-t i-oses. Tbey wîth tliree-qliat-rer ?engh L. o06 wiIl reside un Np\x-ionville,. ileevesP,. hiack arso-e and The bride. w-ho us a clemk- a corsage ni pink suweetheart Iypiçt et Generai ',otors. et- roses. On thîeir nturn, MnrTM.NWO tended Bnwmanville H igli and Mrs. I-uss-eY iil residieITM OO NS PA LM ER Pfr Hope High School And is awa. wi1h the Parts, DepI. oi Gen- Gurtss wrr e rscril (fin M OTO SA eSaiMotor.. owmanville. 1 1nv Ie, M OT R ALE 1Out-ol-town ites w e ne Millbrook, Ciwl.Mon- o nresent froîn Kitchener, St tre-al Toironte. Hamilîton, Lon- 5 K IN STLE ' o 20 King St. E. Cath-armnes. Tnoon te. Belle- don. Rel1e. L K. Port Hope B u ~~~ville. Port 1Hop NewtnvtieIroî.-FaltNe1c3lp a- o m Setting Was St. PauI's United Church Mir. and Mis. Bruce Arthur E]liott are shown iri the ahovc photo as they sign ,e register following their marriage in St. Paul's UJnited Church, Bowman- rhe Canadian Statesman. Bownmaville. Sept. 22, 19653 BASE LUNE On Saturday. Sept. llth. Octcber. Mrs. A. Bernes. MissGrace, Mr. and Ms.K. C. Hopkin Bernes and Miss Erna Litz. no e e eal d F fta e Oshawa. attended a trousseau eiydsvridy ftae tea given bY Mrs. W. J. New-'last week during Mr. Hop- ton, Whitb>-. in honor of her kine holiday time. Tey visit- daughter Catherine. i M Port Burwell, Port Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. R(v Vn Port Dover, and other points Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of intercs'. Sno>wden. Mapfle Grove. and On Fridav evening Mrs, Mrs'. %rn Snowden, O)shawa.1 George Coombs unfortunately spent several davs laet week sustained a fal down the at the Van Camp cottage onsters in her home: a ut ini Mink Lake. Mrs. Van Camp'her head required several returned home fot feeling stithes and she Nwas quite ver-v -111 and we ,minrerflylbadly bru ised. He r neighbors hope she will qsoon be betitpr. lare sor'ry for this accident Mrs. Fred Wright is a pa-!which occurred to her. tient inBomn-ie Memor-, Miss Graca Barnes was a il Hosputal. Her many friends guesî Ma the w-edding of Miss are wishing she will'soon bl'Catherine New,ýton te Mr. Ro- Weil again. heri Dail Iwhiieh took plae The Rase Line Good Ne-igh-:in St. Mark's United Church. bour Club met at, the homef ofi Whitbv, Ont., on Saturday, Miss Phyllis Hoît on Wedneq. 'Sept. lRth. dav afternoon. Th%- presiden-1, O auça vnnBs Mrs. C. Wilson was in charge j1necmunt er ot ofthe, mhee theandcue to, at ea resentation part-v held the. Fred rihtofMise Anne lrýin Tsp Line No. 3 school- Hot red Wth tMis* ni hotise in honor of Mr. nd Hol rnd heminutes end the, Mr,. Donald Boywers.; Belle- fînancial statement. Folln>w- urngth eenngth ing a shori, business period, Diileurhe eening wthea Miss Phvllis Holt dehlghted -îft fmrm the roinmunity. the ladies with a rronî,,d MrS. Saim Van Camin and Mr,% reading and condurted A <-'n- Alvin Meteaif were Ca-eon. test. Mrs E. Price end .Mrs-U-enore of the event. A. Ramnes tied as wînners of the contest and Mrs. A. UGb-: son was the proud prssessor, of the likv cup. Miss HIli NOW! wîth her sîster Anne to Fissist served thpi ladies wîth sanri- FALSE uTEEri iiches, relîshes, farts and tpaý FIT BEAUTIFULLY 'for a gorial half hour. The1 next meeting will be held at Relined end made 11hP home of Mrs. F. Prire in, anug as a dentiet'. old with CUSHION 3R1P* 1.. *' Unique dental dis- covery. (dor n oc as on deal ,; pt scause tome aand Irri. 20 Albert Street, Toronto 1, Ont., Dear Mr. ,James: !-- N o u r t h a t t h e 1 9 8 5 R e d P L A TE__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shield Campaign in your CUSHION GRIP coats roUgh area is nearing comnpletion, spots with a cigar, Pliable on behif of the National ratiner (odorlessa and Office it j.,;rny pleasuire tsIins express our gratetul thanks for the fine assista n-e 3'oU have given ag Chairman 0 the Campaign thîs year. Tne National Centeni lai CUSHION GRIP matches mouth Canipaign commnemoratîne naturai holding power. stops Irri- as it doies '1010 years of tation. service to God and rnan le throughout t he world prom- top i be the liest on rec- etus$' 'U"I ord and when aIl the> re- turnsr have bern receivelliPLT we are- hopeful that. the National Maintenance Quota One simple application teste for of $3,257.568,00 will be over- waeks, aven with nightly dean. subscrihed. ing! NI mixing, no measurig. Ask your druggist for CUSHION Again t hanking youi for GRP ail your active support of - the Campaign, which is we SAVE 73JTRIALTUSE believe, but an evidence of ReguIr Wf-i5ze, ON.Y 2è. adesire In help others, es- Jutcmlt oco.Ecoe20 prrially the less fortunate Pointe Clare ue.1 racOg. throughout the nation. Norn@ ... Cordially youirs, Ades.- ý Liut. Colonel Pe ...- ........ National Campaign Dirertor.' - ~7ùry C/canters C/,ucUe DEFINITIONS - VOTING A process of rushing to the poils after vrork, standing In Une for the opportunity to help decide whlch Party wIll @pend vour inoney. CLOTRES tARE rnNT: Carrnents% Arp Ruinpd b,,- pressing at home. Pu-oper eqnlp: ment Is ncsayta do good pressing. Bring them ta your local drycleaner for expert care. REBEKAH Lions Centre LOOGE PENNY SALE - Friday, Sept. 24th

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