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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 5

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MAPLE «otratulations to %Ir. an. ?4r Robt. Smith. nee Jane ?rahorst. on their recent rnarriage. Syni~thy toMrs. Wrr " u de yn am in the sud- dlenpiigo husband and fateadas to aIl other relatives. Thisunmunity was shock- 1 - were Sundav supper guests with his sist er and husband, Rally Dav was held at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Budd, ýchurch on Sunday. A Junior Cobourg, and attended theichoir pravided an anthem. centennial church services at Mr. Gerald Shackleton, th& Bethesda church. Sunday school] superintendent,j Mrs. Stanlev May. Sun- as.zzisted Rev. D. Northey with dde.Mrs. E. Ashton, O.qh- the service. Scripture lessoný awa, Mr. and Mrs. Austin xva3 read by Murray Twist. Larmer, Bowmanville, wel*e! Praver was given by Kathyý Sunday visitors with Mr. and Twist, and Susan Craig readl Gardon Beech, Janice, the chi1dren's story. Rev.1 and Bonnie. Northey's message was alIso' Mr. and Mrs. Harr -v Snow- for t.he children. den and daughter Pattv, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Farewell manville, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Blackburn and Brian spenti Taylor and granddaughte&- the weekend with Mr. and' Susan, Oshawa, were Sunday. Mrs. C. Vanstone at their cot- cal1c'rs al die former's mn)-itage at Haliburton. 1w nwlwlw www £LargestcSeectio n of 5fra1Itiona/cSo/as and1 Chairs Here's Great Value in Classic Elegance in ITALIAN PROVINCIAL- FRENCH PROVINCIAL Pillowed Back with Valance COMFORTORC CNTUTO SA steel pan base wdth special con- cealed torque springs, automnaticafly adjust the pitch of each seat area ta the height and weiqht of the persan sitting on lit. fI provides pro per seai pitch and back support and elimnates the tendency for persans of dii ferent weight to slide togeiher when sittinq on settees or sofas. Double Cushioning: a hua yant foundation is created by a base cushion of Beautyrest cols which rest on the comfortorc unit freely adjusts with it, which griîves you . . . (a) Superb Coi fort (b) Construction whch can be pulled apari for easy cleaning and retrievinq lost ob)ects (c) No webbinq ta rot or replace - vrtually indestructible (d) Easy Io slip caver and re-uphoister. Available in a large selection ai Linens, Matelasse, Slks. Velvets, Tweeds - Choose your style and then your fabric! 2-Pc.. KROEHLER ENGLISH LOUNGE STYLE HI-baek. semi-attached cushions, cover- by R EH R cd I NFon ateass, srin-filed Deep w.mi-attached pillowed back, cuhIn yon Maelasspigfild spring-fiiled T cushions covered In In Tweed, a reai floral multi-colored Boucle Colonial. $ 9 Ili Matelasse. 88" Sofa and 'i-Pc.. for $39hair $4 19.50 2-Pc.. BRAEMORE 2-Pce. SKLAR In '"Ceiachrome*" the latest upholstery Itallan Provincial. hand-tuffed baek yarn, seaicd in colors. manv Nears oif wlth solid foam ecushions, show winod servi!ce.è1 In Acorn $3 easily cleaned.r Sofa and Chair$3 7 f 5 Sofa and Chair$ 8 * 5t GIVES LONGER WEAR 1' WE WlL L FABRI-COATE f h any suite purchased ini nextr 10 dai s, value $299 or moretI ABSOLUTELY FREE! cA REPEILS STAiN -RETARDS SODIL * Resists Wrinkiing a, * Keeps fabrie new-Iooking hl *Fabrics stay soft, luxurious h t] F. A. KRAMP Ltd. cv 3 Floors of Fine Furnitur. 37-41 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-7071 ti rwo, Sizeable Donations $100 Up O ut standing Diamond Value by JI50pers JEWELLERY Atra holiday througb. the;TY held tihetr September meetingý at the home of Mrs. A. Wade, Mc. and Mu. Lionel Byani with a splendid attendance of have returned frai on enjoy-, 24. able trip ta the West Coast." President Mrs. 'N. Sarnis Thev visited friends and rela-ý welcomed those present, and tives including Mr. and Mrs. opened the meeting with theAlex Staples of Brandon, Man. WÀ. I. Ode, Mai-'v Stewart Col- and Mrs. Atkinson, the fao-mer lect. and prayer. Maud Virtue of Tyrone. Sec.-Treasurer Mrs. T. Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mii-ý derson read the minutes, fin-! 1er and familv, Agincourt. and ancial report., and correspan- Mrs. Maud Miller, Peterbor- donce. It wâs dpeidcd ta ar- ouigh, wverr recent visitors of rept an invitation ta meet Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller .vîth the Solina W. 1. in Oc- and attended Decocatian Ser- aober. Mrs. A. Wade s ta be vices at Bethesda. our deleg.dte ta the area con- Mrs. Elmer Farrell. Tor- vention in Torornto. Plans for onto, visiited friends in the uthers ta attend for one day vilage. will be discussed ai the next Mc. Oliver Beckettt. Baw- meeting. m-anville, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. Lancaster. canvenor Lloyd Aldread. for Agriculture, then intro- Mrs. Otto Virtue, Carson- duced the guest speaker, Mrs.,ville, Mich., with Mc. and Mrs. J. Rickard. wha told us about Lionel Byam and renewing the "Shorthorn Lassies," a aId Tyrone acquaintances. f ie grnup of zirls we aIl Mrs. Myrtle Victue visited need ta hear marr abouit..Mrs. Harry Mercer and Mrs. They were #>rganized in On- Dave Hooper, Oran. taria onlv five years aga, ;n Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vurtue connection with the Shorthorn visited Mr. and Mrs. Fallo- Association. The standards; down of Burl.ington et their cre high. as each girl must'cottage at McArthur Mills. be froin a famiiy with Short-, Rev. Harold Stainton called horn cattie. a 4-H girl who on Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Byarn has shown a caîf for twa and Mrs. Otto Virtue. ears. be able ta handle cal- A pleasant evening was le, and ta be interviewed by spent in Tyrone Hall recently laders of other graups. Nine' when newlyweds Mc. and Mrs. iris are chosen, and theirl Ted Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. niform i the kilt, plaid' Lionel Byam were presentedi socks. whitie blouse and'with gifts frorn the communi-ý Scatch cap. They show et, ty. Everyone hed a very en- fairs and are entectained for! joyable evening with dancingý iree days at the Royal where and a delicious lunch. they present prizes tn other Sorry ta bear Tom Barr, vinnevrs. A new *"Queen"' is Albert Woodl and Sidney Re- ýhosen each vear, and she and yenga are in thie haspital. We au alternate wear a velvet wish t.hem a âpeedy recovery. . aL Monarch Cnioured Parehment MARGARINE2 FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Old South Frozen ORANGE JUICE5is 9 5C " rD. The Canadian Statesman, EownianvMle, Sept. 22, 1968 Mrs. T. Jennings expresed a.nd lunch. the thanks of the group ta tihei The October meeting will hoetess Mrs. Nels, to the' be held at the home of Mrs. guest speaker and ail who had Emory Smith and will Meature iaît*isted with the program 1Education. G R O V E ther. Mrs. Allan Sinowden. J G RO V E4-H Unit <being well dres- sed and well grooxed) wililP lc s n a e id ed on Sunday morning when commence on Saturday, Sep-ý ie it was learned that the barn tember 25th. at 9 a.m. in the, t and contents belonging ta Mr. Cbristian Education H a l.ý R. B. Brown was burned in Girls eligible for this unit the early morning. Mr. Browvn must be 12 years or over on -was in tie stable rilking the September lst, 1965. dj cOwF. He lost six milking Mr. Brian Bradley left on !r cows, some calves. and the Mondlay to attend Kemptville bull ad t be estryed. A. C. for a course in agricul- - Attention boys of Maple tue. Grave, age 12 ta 19 yearz Scouting has started' again. Boys who would like to joinS L M in onth fun and adventureSA E of Scouting are asked ta con- tact Scoutrnaster Ha r o 1d Salem U.C.W. held their' Welsh or Mr. M. Goodmurphv. September meeting at t he Wev between the church. Mrs. John Come 14frte and her group were in charge. ~ Scout troGp, boys 1.5 ta 16 for MrS. Coanibes opened the! the Senior Patrol (Adventur- mfeeting with caîl ta worship. .. ers), and boys between 16 and Several hyrnns were sung. *... 19 for Rovers. Many exciting Mrs. M. Marchant gave the i, activities are planned for this Bible reading. Mrs. Coombes t.. .« year. Cali, or attend the read the meditation and gave «*.~ ~ .. meetings, corne any Wednes- the prayer. Our guest speak- ~ . . . . .. day night. er was Mr. Ron Whyte, Bow- i-Y .. .. Mr.andMrs Lsli Colamanville, who bas spent the cuttwer Suday eveinglast two years in Nigeria, callers on his sister and hus- Africa. He showed pictures bad r.adand told us about bis work......N band.Mr. nd Ms. Athurthere. It was very interesting ..~ Bo.RnavlleTane and informative. Mrs. But- i Mr. ad Mrs Raip Tan er e-, our president, conductedi and family, Marysville, and the business.Wediddt Miss dthBoks oman- cater to a weclding in Novemn- vilewee un.a vsitarsý ber and to hold aur bazaari with the latter's brother and ervi eebr eea wife, Mc4. and Mrs. Don tharik-you letters were read. Broos an famly.Lunch was served and a soc- ' Authorized by Iaw for the investment of Trust Funds. INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY OR MAY BE LEFT TO ACCUMULATE AND COMPOUND HALF-YEARLY. Ask for our Guaranteed investment folder ~JCTORIAAND GF TOUT lESTABI.ISHED 1889 OWEN SOUND MEAFORD ORILLIA CANNINGTON LINDSAY PETEBOROUGE WRITBY BELLEVILLE KINOSTON 308 DUNDAS, WEST i Bowmanville Police Association sponsored a Reta Junkin, president of the Hockey Mothers and icircus here recently and this week presented the net SecreLaiy John Bird handing over a cheque for $100 'returns ta the Hockey Mothers Assn. and, the Memn- ta Mrs. Marg Jeffery, president of the Memarial Park eorial Park Assn. Photo shows Police Assn. President Assn., for the use of the grounds. ýLes Ricard,_lef t, presenting a cheque for $250 ta Mrs. also planning ta attend, sent ta Mrs. Vercie Strong, Members wîll join with the Who lost ber home in the vil-' 'Manvers Branch of the Cana- lage through fire last week. R e o tcrrnl ian Red uro&sSociety a r.Toa ennsgv a speaker frorn Toronto will:'of previaus meeting and dealtj address the group on 'Visit-:with the correspondence. W o en I sttu e Senior Citizens at borne Lunch was served by thel Mrs. Harry Rvley reported tor Morton, Mrs. Ina Palmer, MAPLE GROVE M. I. 1. F jacket. 12 girls attending the 4-H- Mrs. Harry Ryley and Mrs. ~~~~~The rorlnhy et h al cail xvas "An ex- Club for this year's course. Ted Spenceley. in fThe W menr s nstitute tperience in hoeing," whichý' Wel Dressed and Wellý Lucky wininers of the two jin oftheWoen' Intittewas weIl answered, with mno.s;t[Groorned". Mrs. John Neals decorated cakes were Mrs. was held in the C. E. Building lyeing well acquainted with a ilbeheastntearjosCradMs. ori on Sept. l3th at 8 p.m. The ýhoe and weeds.. It was also mentioned that alMcGee, O0de was sung and the Lord's' The motta, "Do flot walk. new 4-H grottp had been r Members joined in si.nging; Prayer repeated in unison. th~is year in 1ast year's rut," formed for the Yelverton "'Happy Birthday" ta Mrs. Ina The roll cail, "A Rule for a was di-scussed. bY Mrs. Meu-area.Paercebatngh bt- Happy Marriage" was welIlough, who spoke of ruts in' A gift of money will be day on September l4th. answered. a ur personal lives, the things The business was dealt with a ur W. 1. bas been daing,F in the following way. It was, which bas kept us out of a agreed that we accept an invi- rut, and concluded with aF tatian ta visit Blackstock W. I. poem. "The Solitary Rea-per," on Oct. 6th at 8 p.m. a picture of harvesting as Wt 1The secretary and president was perhaps 150 years ago. are ta try and get a delegate1 Mrs. H. Ormiston hadl a _ -ý ..g.l ta attend the convention. Mrs.! very interesting card cantest, F. Stevens reparted for the withi several simall prizes, the iGood. Neîghbors' Committee". final one being won by Mrs., Mrs. L. C. Snowden report- M. Jones. ,ed an the "Lady Aberdeen The grauýp then served' Scholarshipl" for A.C.W.W. cookies and a cup of tee, and She said that aur biggest pro- 1 ail enjoyed thie social haif igrain at present is fighting a hour. war on hunger ta help the, "1have not" countries through ýagencies such as UNICEF and BETHANY W. L. UNESCO. TeBtayWre' It was announced that aur Th ehnyWmnsIn- ~ Octaber meeting would be on1 stitute menibers were enter- the lBth when Mr. Wmo. Laird i tained at the home of Mrs.I ivould show pictures on a trip George Neals for their meet- out wvest. It was decided ta, ing on Monday nîght, with1 nvite aur men folk and mem-: Mrs. H.arry Ryley presiding1 besof the U.C.W. ta this and welcerniing the membersi meeting. and visitors pre-sent. Mrs. C. Greenharn was in' Mrs. Keith Fairburn off' charge of the program on Peterborough was the guest "Citizenship". speaker, demonstrating cake F-7 The Motta, "Every privilege decoratjng. Duing the even-ý .arries a responsibility" was'ing a small boy's bîrthday given by Mrs. G. Lee. She i cake and a cake suitable for said "that each generation has a brida] pa.rty or shower were Delicloi a chance ta strengthen the, iced and decorated. MFrs. Fair- Royal Guest RIndless 1l.Clf ideals and aims of this country. hur showed bow ta makei SLICED SIDE BACON Pg We can ail work together for! the ntmerous flowers, birds vork together for the good o! etc.. used in ail types of cakeMaeLaf-B thPec our country towards aur cen-: decorations and party favors.' BOLOGNA1b31 ennial.i Mrs K.Surersordof ow- The speaker was introducedi Mrs K Suerfod o Bw-and thanked by Mrs. Hectorl Econonlicai and Nutritinuq nanville and a former mem- _ tn, gop edrfor SLICED PORK LIVER l- Plate of Happiness Around F Canada and "A Woman". She was ac-: Mrs. Thomas Jackson gave ompanied by Mrs. Wrn. Laird Bible quotations to expan aelcTmt BRU t the piano. the prograi motta "A cupi ae 3 Tmtoi-o.. f panel discussion on "What ith'at's full can hold no imore." BtCIIDc<anaA roll cr ll Bti anc Canad b means ta become a Can- Trhe rail cai was nswer9 dian Citizen" was prepared by "A Favorite Recipe". CO( by the "Citizenship"l group On September 29th the1 Save 13e A.yimer Chnice with questions being asked m-embers will take a bustip j ox roduce rom the floor. This was well la Gananoque and a boat tris iven and mast informative. fraim there an the St. Law- The first verse of "O Cana-!ronce River thcough nhe a" was sung as a finish ta! Thousand Islands. 'ar1eBîrt ae 3n interesting prograi. Mrs. ! tit as anneunced that a Ti ns av P.Stevens expressed the lsho)rt course "Chonsing and Tins avid, i 2 5 1anks ta al] taking part. . Using Fabrics" would be held M C The meeting ('1050d with1 at a later date. l 2/39e I arletie9 Campheî j ie repeating of "The Collect" 'Mrs. Earl McQuaid was ap t S fDn.__y favids nunison. Lunch was servedi pointed ae delegate ta atted MR SOU S Tins__ C JeIIy h y grou in carge.the annual W. I. Convention! in Toronto, November DA-4-5,TUR Brown ' NEIVTONVILLE W. 1. with several oter members DAIRYFEATUR (oenanut 13-nz. Pkig. RObin Rlond 7-1b. Bag MOONS 2 for 65c Ail Purpose Rose Brand 48-nu. Jar MaIlows . 2 for 65c ni Serve Pkg. of 10 iPIkCLES...........69C alitY Roîls ..... 29c Shirriff.q 24-o.. Jar 14-oz. Pkg. Gond rMornlng TE RICE ..... 43c MARMALADE .... 29c Plain or Aimond Giant HERSHEY BARS 3- 1.00 Secret Super Spray 5-oz. Size Food Prices Effective, September 22, 23, 24, and 25. We reserve the right to limit quantities. R AI ICALLY 12 VOLUME SET Bowmanville IGA Fodliner - BOWMAN VILLE GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS SNo. 1 Grade .SSEL SPROUTS No. 1 Grade OKING ONIONS WHITBY mý F- ý& A, ÀL I& ÀL ý& 9 'w IV, IV, 'IV Ivr "IF llqr 'IV' "Ir NF 1 1 1/2 CYO

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