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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 6

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8 ne candian, sommnviiie, sept. 22, 1983 Arm ,Cara . note fro St Jh'sN ud Cn, dents transferred from Clarke t a l St.Vic oi s, ri ish o ul a n . C a k c Ba dU n ion S cho ol to th e Le kard ý ear I S ØVctnobsrvanceBofthealvmation'School. It was pointed outý Armsenofteal tbiongltMrs. H. Lowery at Clarke The _Septembreeigflstdacrngy fou' nde nnlnd ing 865 by .ro le s nion had lover 30 pupils in Manvers Municia oni qimn oBwavle Wi n e r D s er a i nfudim ooh.Th A . start-865xgrades while a lesser num-was held on Sept.Itwt l 7009:Aeia as Øe SODS Or li ff ed ~inCaam inth 1882 .A. atýber of pupils were registeredi members present n ev upTrno 6670:Sa It is hopd at1there willd i Bu es in fewer grades at Leskard Lewis presided. wyMtrWib,$,1.1 be spretat thebreafstwirk onsiAraHatnbschool. The following cmuia li oos oot,$,7. tgoodprereetation refst,'om Chol ard e Tonhpdra ong but rceived no sec. Board members are to nb- tions were receive n ed 1 hetne fSaa O n R e so s or S eschuderch c i ndsefrvi.m c Sept 13thrin tetdaville Per for his motion. The tamn prices for moving the Canadian Salt C. utto oos hty n. a c ghrup, with atho ri v ign School thih the al artner proposal quoted aý furnace flrom the Antijochion salt supplies:, et fAr-cpesbett h prv th r e , ill uminaited sig crll been temporari y ear nes contract price of $234.50. School to the Enterprise culture, enclosing usd na fteM ncplB d G i e y L c l P y i i n conveyed by the operators of until such time as the new TeCaimn r.Lw cho.I wspitout 195 arble flyepnei h edr o h py the Salvation Army Caravan. addition at Newtonville 1isreneree mpnodsthat e tha b r. Wannan thatli the2. En- themountesof $0.44 ntdigo&hepp rhceta SbY Ed Youngman ;whacked tup a good, sub- the f indings of Dr. Hans Selye completed. It was learnied at seceveal omplains He e-'n terpies choolhd a25 pupil outinseo;.&D ea o-avrieeeoeea Persons namned Ed were quite 'stantial, hot meal for about 50 of Montreal who, when quite a the meeting that work was to romeied on busincHebre-onditio fiscs acrowded ita litin cae: ntdCun olw: oc ealPout rommnent at the Lions Club, members, after which, Ross lyoung man, became interested EEEZRstart on the construction of mmded ththatbuconeatorbe tdent io n at tooxwt tiesrlicaren oaslaeLd, 2461:AmoDan teptember 13th. The Presi-lMetcalf tickled the ivories:in why so many people crack the Newtonville addition thistm ae wih tebuompratsors'thei ts ( hing to sitnextn to yaroarwrekgyrdi g &MtlPrdcso den ws d esie gestwhleTe Mllr ed n sng u fr o vsilereso. utOn September 14t.h, the week. eto ae thsecoplins osiove.coThitwould benManers Tnosip;MgsrtiaaaLd,$,3.0 h speaker was Ed Ewert, wholsong, designed to keep the Dr. Selye found, after pains- U.C.W. Afternon Unitopeng Mrs. Simso•as en rectedM. Wn-npitdot h impssbercnd ta itio edring Baxtreofincl osigMnestnerfAmoDang Was thanked by Ted Miller, 1Lions from becoming too som- 1taking research, on animalse hi etngb igigto su pI at thehas ben hir uMr. Wn a poin e otte wineand that -ei Odthe saeofinesoforJl 95$nMtiPoutswsacpe and the reporter was Ed nolent after their hearty meal. that there seemed to be one hmnrJeus Tou oy pn ,egl ronlybsi o iScool thbussiredrrivig e- e etgsse ol h muto 83;Bado ujc oteapoafte Youngman. Roy Turner did a good job'common factor in all his sub- of Loving Hearts", followedapreg paely basyist oe th e bus shcihedenimefhave tbemstfale or om nte aporictiCommsinrneDetfH wy A ladies' group, known as of introducing the speaker, Dr. jects, regardless of their other by prayer by Mrs. Tubb. etow the fpr mi tal,.Mr.Ly-witr e r s ultthatbuchildren ofthe suns tak."W een toluan- theapplton o f .PR.t theEveingA•uiliry f S. E L.Ewet, ho ntetaied efiienies orluss ad tat M,rs. Charles Found thank- adce r ti e r dm isr ti w eeissng te bus i ck- theruPlchoole.'*"Where wd o e Po n yp oou l ai onp h olwn conswr Andrew's Presbyterian Church dissertation on "Stress". was that, the adrenals, and ked e laes orn thlerir emany a nd erthwertes. ups, h e f e l tanwere beil Ongead e u laexithem?" asked tone pTon sh Pub icSc o lB ad p rve fr p ym n :R d his audience with a splendid , H s remarks were based on ipituitary gland control many inness es urng er re e t ndersfwrmnenp ne d e St ely and th a t i smm emib r st b ed r e Pov lioe a vesT wn o c er N .9,racac u t - ----of the emotions.illness. meeing fr hemaiteanc an s d e t bs 2arrialte.ime Te nx eua etn hpt hr eetr ot$2369:Be et Pitg much oflcontro lig factsarefrs.t l uilting oud beheating systemns. Two tenders A cmlin a l re-the Kirby school. --Timres. Township; adjuse edr efr, 4.0 e.Vz o ~ inthe loo, an to mph size heuld 0h i aptiwer recivedfrobParner cdon stunt ws havig o ---- from the four truc upirwlae 4.9 r.Dre this point, Dr. Ewert used the sluck dinner at lnoon, also the Pu bng ad Hatn ndwi n th ran on M il ret U YAd several ao n ts uphsepNli,,1.0 ~ eamleofa atmochngGeneral Meeting ,will be Sept.from Carman Plumbing and! in ORoonoepatcsa elgatison ihRv.R rasrro Otroisln qetyam long a pat h dnly 30th. Te UC..RginlHeating. 0On motion of B. day. There was, it was said. Rte ao kesmian cle n 5:Ca.ritn ogcnrl coil ong ace t fac e t etigwl eatOooo tehno n M re o-no reason why the bus could M rhalthe council ad u ese ht 91:Rchr ukCsln ~ trubl-sekin do:i me coe2t h, w lbcan issr iel on t he ontd rac la e notbalas m keit pckupi l . Chatterton tecuclbytes alsrp$00: Ia elt, d m tely te tsee fur o;i onedn Stoeens willabn the speakr t amn lmig n rm h rn shoof h nSud. epe b 5 land adjacent t1 h o n aeaer 4.5 she i spiting dfianc an fr bot sessonsHeating..provriding the service ýTelephone corner. Comsplaints 1965, Marshall Wrightrh shpH l on he atbigW i td ostepuc se f Mu[s eayfo cton nohr x The programi wasttur.nediýncluded electrical wo,rk along had also been received on terton passed awar Very Sud- ai the n orely 0feto helt$0.0 A ampe wasa peron chttingover to tihe committee in wýith a twenty-four-hour ser-tanfrrnîfo!oe u t penyat hishomein r on1-01 sa, dtritpu adrefre o amniably and being, without charge and hymn "Fromi vice. The conntract price for'aohrwt uis aigt ewsinhs7tler .a ftrsthe prs of the wanigsapedonte acGreeniland's Icv Mountains"" all the schools, excepting Or- wait alongý side taheroad for The deceased was the son, 'eastn o th e To nshi wan ecing much likenthee was sung and r.K ihOr na oned to $205 Mr the second and even third bus, of the lat.e Joseph and Lizzie:Harl ianfrteeta 4 7 S(R 0 90 4 c~~ ~amstnradtescitre.W. Wannan supported the Mr. Robert Stephenson stat.. Chatterton. He was bo tameorial asdicuse p p Y ~ ~ ~ ~cThesbec a asring M rmendtheose forher amo atnrPubn adehtte busing problems Fort Stewart in Hastin at length, the foloigm-T/ /TTE UN and Dr. Ewjert wmsae it ine rdevotio n rou hose or..erhadt to be straightenled out Counity, where he lived t ti eondew a ase: ovdanh eng to. hist adi n e rueslfnti-ha o r, u Candfthat i-t must be done right purchasing a farm in Clarke 6'ondedoth1,at teor te y h s edtermis ail n de r-wht ou caabui G d. - wa. .On motion Of Stephen- Union school Section in 1.921.N o Lt codn oPa a ~~~sbyei ver agelymn T heea he ersosinson and Taggart the chairman On March 22, 1922, lhe mar- o. 5bcof thVae o eh copld it eouh umur arch of us - the way we sec, C tcnc M.CarcdeYidte omrElsie MaP of $500.00. ur aeda teprc t--- -----ýoupsa t e eryone. t in'our sev s t e w y o r as-R Y J D L A Ctoi have the problems cor- Inwood. They resided at The To.w aried possible in a short report such cae e s, ad te w y Chartered Accountant re. WClarke Unionh unt9,1 w il the sprding d il t wn shaip f Ma v r as this to convey much of the' Jesus sees us, and our lives C3 Church Street Mii r. Wa n, diurionthe o 99we he oe no su e t epni NOW PO ICIS IN 0 NE Doctor's experiments and con- ean h ihrwe esr 623-3861hum prbe dicsinOro-hynpangtshref G T T R Eclusions, but one or tw, render In God, fo>rgetting the qtated thi-at the Board could He is suirvivecd bhv ]is caresdeentre adliees quikie mut sffie, .g. to pat ad pan n wat heLEONARD JAMES BROOKS puirchase at the present time widow. Elsie, a soÓ-i licanesfoMteiorioo EY "'""" much egotismi cani have an ill futuire cani bring. Mrs. Hentrv, Chartered Accouintant 20-passenger second hand a daughiterGwnov (Mrs MaverOs Townsp ha is r N SA E M N effect on a person's life; while, closed with Ithe thoughit, "M Trutiqle m i Bankruptcy huses ai a cost of $700.00. He, W. K. Tavlor, Brampton), choolOp Tonsip Puli ... AND SAVE MONEY! to be altruistic could be bene- adventure, - Ts God". ý'Suite 205WV 725-9953 also said that there would be Four grandchildtren, five bro- \ vrea. iw ficial. Revenge is one of the, The offering- was gahrdOshawa Shopping Centre no problemn in getting- opera- thers and fourr sisters. Thro- m anrsaTownshtpowill worst human s;tresses a;nd could by Mrs. E. Downi and dedicat-ý WM. J. Hl. COGGINS tr odietebss brothecrs predceased hini reenmake apliaov nmt atept A mder pesonl pckge oliy fom he harboring if, while happy Mrs. Ormiston, thenl callri Second Floor ing that the Act stated that ducted by the Rev.B. LozTe dut ROYAL/LONDON & LANCASHIRE, Insurance thoughts could men happy loni Mrs. Arscott wllho spoke on New Library Building io .ublic School student will at the Barlow Funeral Chape].:opeed adjuste tneswr Compamies can save you 10%. hormones, and thus a brighter,! the conditiors in Jamaica. Cor. Kingz & Temperance St S. be picked up before 8 o'clock Intermient was in Orono tenderers who werese h-ippier, longer life. anid said visnio rs nvr seePhone 6231-3612 nflshuld a sudet w lk emeertthn It's a flexible package idea! Your cot- aim t ertbreik in amaici- Imore than one mile to the bus TGerdon I orrrsea Me s ligaitvehange se aka1iEPEAC T by having achange of ace, discilineGondthnhPmwrand G.mEdmonduarrows, C A N I M l x e1 cag D I E aoR E v IE W o ur or saeve n obs, rathe r i ,h ju t m any Ihm es are w ithout a P ho n 28-7,5c el r , i . R e t a l c , R ý B r y rn s e t T e f l oiv nz t t a e , b o t 8 e w ll r y a d u r c n e a d e d1 0 1 bo ine o i th o utd n d e v v yia.. f a t h r v e h r . ouol , w h il.esh w a O t .Sti h ri da v e t o s u D1l0c 'e r i l a m n i e ( i ,e n h insurance pogram. Whynotlcall usto talk tindexrely IfOverclrow 1,!m- HA L L PEKIN CO -anved whyou e ie N Wrborreur edMhi ler t h eanksed lihr e lping oimr ve cond.l7itons Chlartd Accoun A .PAL peaer. T hngte ora 1lsutpirogi ress i , n G.o. T E in S re t -roNewcast prese insranceexpies. cub'sbs essw anuctedtpoplation roblemin l-P 87one 7GARDEN ANTTIM ISA GOD IMsuchEVIWas presenjo wtit n pin fhr aca srowng hctelod 6 Kig t.E.- Oshawa TAi'BAGSf perfect attendance at meel- Falthough there is theic diffrr- 7563 migs; a presentt to the nekwest ; en of People as W(" l lai(.1tl,;Cn ii.,.A10 ocl aICNE papa - Lloyd Clifton: reportsIas different races, their miottoW limC al .o mCA10t el a of committees, etc. is "Oui, of MNyi One Po DvdG ekCA STUA R R. AM ESHerb Goddard initdedPle". 1In closing, Mrs. Arscott - { Genieral Insurance guest Lloyd Davis, a Lions In- asked Ithat the- Womenr of Ja C hîir o p r a c f i c 24 INGSTE. OWMNVILE ernational Councillor, of Iro- maica hb- remmbred in our - quois, Ontario. prayer-s.G.EWNM NDC Office - 623-5681 Residence - 623-5493 Tt was .anniountcedi that a Mrs. K. Ormislon c-losrd hie Chiropractor breakfast will be serv-ed at nmeeting olo 8:15 a.m., September 21st, to jing thec meeting Mrs,. Carl: 15 ElgitiSI., cor. (if IHorsey St. honor the two Salvationists 1Down seired a deliciouis oe 2o9B S B Y Sv 3e ibysFac Qaiy .Tn m c harge of Ithe Salvatnnihiunch. Office Tiours: Ry appo niment @W IMomato Juice 2 o 9e BIEST BI1Y! Save 1c0o.Tn SEPTEMBER isUD All- Jerse ei-T n, 4for -9e SEPTEMER ïs A I I J rse yClos-ed Saturday and Su.1 nday ReOffice Phoneewcst621-7920 BEST BIJT! Save 3!LbysFn1Qult 5oTn D .CTTA.D.D .Fruit Coc tii2 o 9 75 King Si. E. Bowmanville BEFST BUY! Save 8c!Sirf odMrig2-s a C , m. 1ri6pm.dda i1 M A RM A L D 3 Telephone Office 623-549_ BEST BUY! aeS!KatCnda .z ks DR. E. W. SISSON Offceinhs home Sec s 2foÓ c 100 Liberty St. N, Bo vmanvilie BEST BUY! .- NEWi80.Pg Offic,_ Hours at3ra o osSv e h. Cl.-i Wrllrsi;.N,- linayGA INSBU GRI3 BEST BUY! Sae1c iud6 f ak-6-s lsi n surance L. .I".COOKEDCATCHU Missh1'ur r All-erse isaadnIiedlaAblst l.m omnvle SAHTI1.V Btl nwiehm ron N.1e ed a 1 1-9-K.-ng St: W. - Bo wmanville Specially Selected and nutriional goodness. Be ready for your five dollar Phnes :; Office 623-5688 cash 'bonus if Miss All-Jersey calls at your door.~ E. RICHRD LO-5 VEKIN LOIN PORK CHOPS 791 KnBarrt er - Soliio Specially Selected - Tenderloin Portion 3-3½/-lb. Avg. WINN R Sin B WMANVil E Hurs91 PORK LOIN ROAST 59 W INN RS 'on B W M AN ILLEBarristers, Solicitors kNotaries Public. Swift Premium every week day from Sept. 10 to Sept. 30 S.MAKED.PICNICS 49A LISTEN TO CFRB, CKEY, CHFI or CHUM FOR DETAILS AND WINNERS' NAMES 4 ii t .-Bwavl Trend - Mild Cured- Well Streaked 1-1b. Pkg. Somne of the 2% All-Jersey winners to date are: iMrs. M. H. Vanderlinden, 16 Rehder Avenue-;inin T. Yardly, 137 Queen Street; Mrs. J. Gilchrist, 70 Division Street; Mrs. Doug Girard, Box 1,57t lb in colourfulCO N 8 9 1 l Martin Road; Mrs. M. Conway, 138 Scugog Street and 1Mr. Reg. W'illatts, 61 Prospect Street. 8ADIE HMMTn -ѯ RON-9111: SitsPrmu id esni16o.VP ndv ua o hne1r 16 P N ÑIIl' GL N RE A R p f o m e t r y------- ----- -- RED&WHTEBusBy 98 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE :14 OO.Dtis MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITEMa eGrv PHONE 623-544 cron.-TeBy62a3rs- tnin O NS ' E HT rn = = = = = =s a Fri, g PECK'S RED & WHITE. . Ne tnil *

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