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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 7

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belng Mrs. Eurgeso Mrs. !all,f Miss Beech of Maple Grave, e sita t ris anid Mrs. James, with Mr. N w A ssa t P is 'Moffatt as principal. Mr. Mof- cso a tý/ . (7 ,rs nal fait and Mrs. James are new; I Phon 623-3 03 irachers this vear, having re-' Doug Okp has cornmenced the affluaI convention of thei o ecera orie his first year et the UniversitY Dry Cleaners Institute held at Ail of Grade Six is being af Toronto. the Royal York Hotel. Toron-1Itaken bv bus to Maple Grove Gwenjéuddahee is takîng a to. last weekend. He was; West School to relieve the secretartU& course at Oshawa elected to the Board of Gov-, crowded condition at Hamp-, Business 'PUn1legp. ernors. ton School. Mr. and Mss. Stanley Corden Wengcedtmnio f Douglas Dewell. son of Mr. SPent last week at their cot- last week's accounit of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell. ig at-1 tage. Fenelon Falls. Herb Rogers' holiday in Cali- tending Teachers' College in Larry Jamieson has com-frnatht ewa accom-, Peterborough this year. mienced second year studies at panied on bis trip home by Esther Rosevear hae suc- the University of Torontn. M.adMs.W.Mrion, <esul completeti Grade 13. Miss Virginia Osmond isat lChrchSt., hoinha enei a. and is now in training for a tending the Paul Pogue School Eoor nClfri.nrse at Oshaw'a General Hos-ý of laairdressing in Toronto. Miss Loretto Kilgannon andipital......... Gdrd. Burnham, formerly of hm s. .L.weretrnd Mr. and Mrs. Prime's son hnpls ekfom an on- Rnalhslf o aelo Bowmanville, is attonding jyheildyhlda.Te Rnalhs etfr1aelo Queen's University, Kingston. trOaeledahy 'pla ThPor Lutheran Universitv. H e willý he mizsed by his menv friendsl Miss Jean Cole has returned.Arthur and then by' train to at Bowmanville Batt to the University of Western ýStratton, Ont. While in the Churcb \vhý,reb" w.,as a faith-i Ontario for 2nd year Genoral, North they visited other near- fImmerrl isn centres. Sundfay Mrs. T. K. Stewart spent a Mr. Brian Saunderr of Also leaving from the Prime! couple of days ]ast woek with Southampton. England, who oels ndywsM. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowman, Bal- attcnding Newcastle-on -Tyne prime's unclo, Mr. Stanley timore. University, and has spent the C'o bo wo h y'ben Mr. Walter Frank and Mr. sumrncr at Bathurst, NB., 0spending th wîtheen Joe Barnoski are in Edmon- prosperting. was a visitor witbth se Pim' the eurned wth ton this week attending a bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and'his home in Nortih Carolina. Real Estate Convention. Mrs. A. Saunders, Waverle:.'-feav redsi h Mrs. C. W. Varene reventl,,d. at ek Hampton area wlhoorry1 spent several days in Cobourg Mr. Sydney Venton has .iust to hear of Mrs. Georgina Nid-' with ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. receiveci word that bis older derv's 1o0urnin mn G. W. Hircock. hrothcr, Jack, age 8.3 years, vil jeoura n Hospia Sh The Rev. C. L. Hickson is the new asssitant pries Eric Shackleton, Salem, has Passeci awav a werk ago. 1-le as been there for the past at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Liberty Stree returned for 2nd v'ear polit- anti bis wife werc able to t,,o months. South. Father Hickson was born in Peterborough, anc ical science at Carleton Uni-_('elebrate their Golden Wed- Th oe' ntttcinreivd isaly duto nta iynd hr Versity, Ottawa. ding last April witb a small Te Women insal tigst udrcied ahSt.Per euainryindhton, On he family dinner at Plymouth, mnpiterFalmeig tde tS.PtrsSmnrLnoOt He wa Mr. and Mrs. JIack Goheen Devon, England. on Tuesday, Sept. 14. They ordained by the Most Reverend B. I. Webster, Bishor accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ns are planning a bits trip for o eebruh nMv2t,16,addrn h Harry Akey on a six-day motnr, .. bSaron Leach, hav1ng fPeebOctober. 2t, 95,ad uin h trip to Lake Superior îast spenr the last two wecks at- HmtnM.aîýsrmrwssaindatLkfed week. tentiing the V.C.F. training H--o----es r ni umrwa ttonda akfed camp on Fairvirw Island, LakeMr.Wtnadfmiv hn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey of Bays, bas returneti to Vic- bave recentiy moveti oitl attended the wedding of their toria Callege. University or from Bowmanville. Tbev nowý nephew, Mr. Maurice Wind- Toronto. to commence lier live on Temperance Street ie O on N w aven, andi Miss Carol Uens in fourth anti final vear in Rio- having purrhaseti their humeý The O o o N w Strathcona last Saturday. oia and Medical Science. from Mr. anti Mrs ..John Car- MsJaeE.Rcrddio Miss Karen Morrison, dtigh- Jane Meeks left last wcek tn rigan. The' Carrigins have Ms ae .RcadEio ter of Mr. andi Mrs. Stan Mor- omnehr2t rG- moveti to Oshawa wbere John Lasi Satîîrtiay evening j.aie Miss Clara Page at Ennis- . omnehr n erGn s eîos-r t ngMr. ad r. hale l n til o il-i rison, has accepted a position leral Arts at New College, obswr.-niMs haleGavll 1fklfn with the Bell Telephone Co.,o orno at e Belateti congratulations are ,.Newcastle held a family Jack Mr. anti Mrs .Jim Mititle- Torotoas Srvie Reres brothnier, ter.f Torfto, cndtl'i extended to M.r. and Mrs. Bort and JilI sbower at their rot-iton visited Mr. anti Mrs. Stew- etie. or st earHoricutur atSteenqwho obsenveti their tage near Bcývtilpy for Mr. anti art Tweedie at Locuist Hill on Mrs. N. Wootiley, Wrlling- the UJniversity of Guelph. 62nd weýdingY anniversarv. LtMrs. Terrance Shortt of Osha- Suntiay. ton St., attendeti the funeralThevý are the dtaughter anti son was also Mnr. Stevens' binth- wa. the' for-mer Miss Roma Ms .E ilo fTrn of her sister-in-law, Mr.o Mr. anti Mrs. George Meeks, daY. Man *v wishes to a Glanville of Orono. ini bonor an Ir V. e Mr.îson ofTr- Hicks. Harristoni, Ont., anti East Beach. hel opceicul. o hi eetmrig. ns of Gien Ewen, Sask.: Mrs. spent the weekend witb fiends Mr. anti Mrs. Douglas Nich- Mr. anti Mrs. Sam MeReelis Among the' guests were Mr. An Mffî o owavil et Gorrie. ols, Kingston, spent Tutiav n os ar n il aeCclCret fNwateAlnMfato omni ant sos, -iarv nt Bi. hve cci Crveb o Necasleanti Mrs. Ivan Farrow visited Mr. anti Mrs. J. Newman. with bis father, Mr. L. B. moveti froni this areaIn Osh-, who sbowrt e\ neesigMs ely onra on Sîlver St., town, have return- , Nichols. who is a patient în awa. Mns. McReclis was ver 'v'slitirs: Mrs. Brayton Stinson Pleasant on Monia.v. eti home from Parry SouintiMemorial Hospital. Mr. Nich- roiniunity-mjnded anti wa.JOf Callendta r.M. anti Mrs. C. Unit Seven of Orono Uniteti wherie they attendeti the fujn-; ols celebrateti bis 78tb birth- a.lwa'«v:' a ready* vbclp to tht' Ritchie, Mr. anti Mrs. Drewv Cbîrch helti their September eral Of thoir son-in-law,, Mr. day on September 14 in bos- different groups in tbhis town. McKay of Oshawa; Mr. andi meeting at the home of Mrs. Gerald Beynon. pita! anti greatly enjoved a Quite a numher of Haimp- Mrs. Matt Harrison of Bow- Crl Billings o usa Mr.* anti Mrs. A. Plumblev, hirthday cake matie bY bis, ton people attetieti tecora-ýma;nvilef, Mis. John Lavery of afternonn. o usa Rlingwood, Hampshire, Eng- ister-in-law, Mrs. Les Nichols. ,tion services ai Bethestia Torono, Mrs.ComnkuTiomson landi, recently spont a week Among relatives anti frientis Çtmetery rercentîy hie ser- Mr. anti Mrr. Wm. Muir and Wold-WîOtiommunion o vire was taken bv Rev. N- dtigliter Valerie of Scar- Sniy roe 3d as guests of Mr. anti Mrs. E. who were recent guests at the. thcv of the Tyrono circuit. horough, Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Clamp, 53 Liberty Street Soutb,. homo of Mr. anti Mrs. Clinton Glanville, Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Clapp Is Mrs. Plumbley's Forguson, Libcrty St. North, Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer Wilbur Glanville anti son Jark, Mr. u iu R aunt. r. Joh ýare away on a motor trip i O IU Mn. Eti. Leslie or Bowman- Crawford. Hamilton; Mr. and tbrougb tbe s'outhenn States a ntiMs rdGavleat vile loaen Ld. ttndti rs Aroli ergso. ing-,We il h fne~esod barMr. anti Mrs. Robt. Lewis of MONA IL. RUNDLFE villeCleaers Ld. atend.d:ý rs. rnol FergsonKine- We ill e IneNewtcasItlea!NMr.a anti M. Masd.rRoRot. to;Berniece Camphelli, 5Scar- ail about it w'ben thev return.. Glanville, Mrs. Harry Lewis The' funeral of thte lete ~iborougb Mr anti Mrs. J. L.1 Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Torp-îanti taughter Faye, Mrs. Har- Mona H-. Riiodle, wbo dieti jSmith, Montreal, Que.; M. stra have moved to Quebec.j,"0v Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Septemher 11, 1965, al Ton-, anti Mrs. Louis Forguson and transfenreti there by General: Glànvi lie, Mr. anti Mrs. Ross onto. was brîti in Brighton on' Mnir anti Mrs. Reg Fergutson, Motos-s. Glanvilie, Mr. anti Mrs. Emil Mondax' afternoon. Septomber DOWflnynille lal of Cobourg. AIl attentieti Miss D)arlene Hall was 11os- Schmnit anti tighters Fiaine 1,3 1h. ai the funeral service for the late tt'ss for a sbower in honour anti Laurie of Orono. She wa- the dtiughter of the ,nto*J Gortion Fergutsoo. Mrs. Craw- of Miss BrAntia Stewart of Mr. anti Mrs. Carman B3ru- [aie Dr. anti Mns. H. C. Run- Pe teos ford (Mateilnet. Arnoldi Fer-I Countire. Guests weré al fôr riaIt of Lontion recvntly visit. tlt of Brigbton. (h rc guson, eprnicet Campbe, J mer Higlh School students rti Mr. anti Mrs. Pprry Mon- Surviving are two brothors, and Reg. are sisters ant brotb-, Mn. ant ivMns. A. W. Prosrot ano1omri*eDiv. .L .eigbton Rundle of Brigh- 18 lbrty~. ~ ers of the tieceaseti. lanti Mn. A. L. Prescott wero Mn. anti Mrs. Francis Hall ton antiD.r. Howard B. Run- 75 Lbery St 9.Congatuatio.,; Io M., untiaY dînner guest-s with f Agincourt are visiting Mrs. dît' of Bowmanvjlle. Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra. B.Th. Cnrtlain o Mis rL. an.d Mrs. Jobn Carrigan ýCecil Robinson anti Mn. anti Tbe Rev. C. A. McLaren of Phono MOO Etiith Weekes, 8 Duke Si. wboObaaSutaeenn cal: Mrs. Wm. Robinson. TiiyS.Ade' ntt Phne62-500 1 Ohwa Sndy vein clebrates ber PCth birtbtiayi rnitle.AdewsUie totayWetnesavS1pem erns at the Presrott home Mr. anti Mrs. E. G. Hay ant i Cburch, Brigh.ton, conducteti toda, Wdneday S(ptebrrwene Mr. and Mrs. Wilbent son Bill of Lakeshore, New-ithe ftînpal service fnom tjhe Sundy Srvies: 2nt. Mss t'eks ws brn:Smi.b and Mr. anti Mrs. Ross tonville:: Mr. anti Mrs. R. E.IK Snîien Funes-al Home. In- in N,,ntreal, coming to Bow- Smith anti chiltinen, Oshawa. Logan, Mr. anti Mns. Norman 1 terment wai in Mount Hope SunaySebol parents, the' late Mn. anti Mrs 1~-~- ~Au tt agbe hrnjCm<oy Hanry Weekes. She was th'vsîeioSnay itre-- n am.eldiest of six ebiltiren anti sheHAYDON tiv.sa10 Twee. C has. G.Poul l i iLt L KiC an ber sister, Miss Ida F . of Nottingham, Englanti, art'ý BL C ST C "REMIOVE NOT THE Weekes, %with wbom she ne,- Havrdon Tbankoffening Ser-ý-pnfntreweswt i OL AD AK" s.des, are the only surviving vire Suntiay eve)ning ai 7-3il pntiîg reefinM. .G'(nenelfrl weeks ih i OL AD AK" members of the famil.Ti .p.m:M. :le ColctîOt rm reni n L . (nefente orlaing e'ke earlier yoars she was active ini organist for the service.ForMGe'atMr.cG.Smefth yngppe 6:45 p.m. the Womoen'. Institute anti tht': particulars set' Coming Ev-' ViFitors witb Mrs. Marshall fcom this area wbo are rSm-; Orgn ndPino Red Cross, the latter especialy! entq. Chatterton were Mrs. Moltonnien,,cing new duties or corn-, tiuning Wnld War 1. Miss Mn. anti Mrs. Walter BIack- of Perth, Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley mecn fnhr with the Kudras Weekes is an enthusiast 0f butrn anti familv. Don Milîs. Chatterton of Niagara Falis, fMargaret Hooey is teaching: teeie aealanti hockey'Miss Estella B]akunBw N. .1sebool in Gnavenburst; Cheryli toleviseti basebail!fMetcalf bas entereti Oshawa! 7:00 p.m. anti follows the gamos witb manville, were Stntiav tea ,Mn. anti Mrz. Evereit Staple-GneaHsptlotria! Evngliti Srvce keen interest. fcuests o -Nf t Ms îbr o ni osHwrdat o n ebrato.l ehooit ay t t j dl nu S p MssJolson, Mn. Tomrlioson anti tam- tor:LHnCo rge. t aml 9:30> Junior, Intormediate and Senior Mr. anti Mns.Liens-v Dane- ily. RF. 2. Orono. tnClee 11:2 a.. -Priary nd indrgatnk'as. F'reso, Calif.. are spenti- Congnatîîlations in Mrs. Fred A veniY olcearant atte-non 11:0 a.m . - Prin nary nd Ki de gnte-m a few iays with M rq. Tamhlyn on er 84th birtbtay, -as sp nt Saturtay when the' 11:0 .n. Bgines ant-ks'brothr.Mr. Arthur Sept m rs.j. C..GAmey ican cStinaav Srhooi held Alice, Creeper psdaa iie nBchr eet N. Park, Caesarea. Swimmning,a on Fritay at Toronto after a, Mrs. Cecil Powers with Mr, trasure huni anti peanut, R e o o hfth l neh ms a d.a ias en on a Sc M an d 1ough ses-ambl e s , lm a d Re o ohCreepen of Tyrone. Service'Mrs. Grant Powers, Wentyces udeitai eeioi a wasz helti at chape]l(cf Bothes- anti Daviti aI Peterborough. 'a pfl7. for winning the most: R etrin d L urc ti n Mntix',lu- Clarke Township teachers, points., V'vcit present torment Rethestia CemeterN. beldti ieir Septemben meeting receiveti a 5jft AI] netunneti %ev. John i4. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minîster Mn. anti Mrs. Lloyd A.qhton at Bnown's Scbool on Monday'anto tht' PanihHllfr, Supen Teehoe63-03attendeti the 2,51h wedding atternoon. aent of. thu Su penin-ool Teehn 2-03annivoi-sary celebration of Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Cotter j edn ftoSna eol anti Mrs. Garnot Towns, Pet- have solti thein home on Cobb presenteti awands to Janicel eroouh whicb was belti at Hill to Mn. and Mns. Ronal CfodadJh dg, M aranatna the homo of Mn. anti Mrs. ,Taylor anti Mn. anti Mrs. Wrn wbo had perfect attendance;' Milton Tamblyn, Orono. Irwin bave solti their home JonWlfe, Brion Wolfe, Keni Christian Reformed Church . erg eru n soutKennedyOraof a atMrs. nefrsunratndce Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Minîster awa. Mns. Richard Bond of Toron- at church. Denise Etigenton. Tht' combineti service of ta visiteti Mns. Ivan Farrow School pupils anti teachers' Telephone 623-3492 Suntiav School Rally anti anti togethor attended the fun- got onganizeti and fahl terni churcb service was 'er 'v well oral of Mns. Wm. Wa tterson studios commenredti Iis pasti 11:00 arn. - Morning Service attendeti on Sunday. Rov. Non- (the former Pearl Farrow) inweek. In the Public School' they hed the Sunday School Wellandi. the enrolment is 411, an în-' 7:30 p.m. - Worship Service Ichiltiren taking part et the Mrs. Jack Arnot etunneti crease of 60 over June enrol-' serVice. Bible roading was home fnom the Memonial Hos- ment. Four new class rooms "IProclaiming the whole counsel of God" reati by Mary Potis anti Kyhei pital, Bowmanville, on Mon- andi a gZeneral pu-pose romn Graham,. the prayer. Supt. W. day. have been undei- c-ostructioen Blackburn readtihie scriptiîne. Mr;. ,Ja mes E. Richards visit- 'during the sunnner but are j Back t. God Hour Broadcast Miss Alie Jones reati a verv eot in the' Colborne-Brighton not completeti yet. so they1 CKLB Oshawa - Sunday. Sept. 26th, et 9:15 p.i n ince stor-v Rex-. Nnrthev told district on Wednesday of hast have been forcedti holà a etny to the childi-en anti week anti was a dinnen guest 'school on shifts. 'th ault. on Saturday of Mis. Etta Page i Attendî,£ rom 9 a.m. ta M Là "j 3:30 15mi. are: Kindergartesi., rde 8, M&. Edwinî ChallIs,! The Canedien Statesman, Egowmanville. Sert. 22, 1985 7 MAll Anne Werry, Solina. tee-, Betheny. teacher: Music Sup- cher; Grade 1. Miss Donna, ervisor Mrs. Carol Wonnacott,Sardveiîn teco-JuySa.Snor-M th MeLaughlin, Nestieton, tea- Bownianville. Stra vnn h ls;uySen eir-Mrh chMa rad Jb. e n 2. Mssý Teaching staff nt the High eeonies of Laurel Lawrence, Bih Thompson, Bob Marlon JGradeb. Fenelon aîs, School- Mn. Gor-don Paisley, Brook Park were held. . Kyte. Mrs. Shirley Turner tegar; Grade 2. M Br. Mar- Principal, andti e a c h i n g Awands were given to those' was in6ltructress th is sumnmer teacher; Grade *3, Mrs. Ma-i French, English anti Latin; w'ho passeti their swimning: and gave a trophy ta the best gart MGil, JnetilI, ta-Miss Judith Matiy from Wind- tests, a-, follows: Beginnens - ail round swimnmer, Martha gciet MGide3Jand 4.h, tea sor. teaching E.nglish. History: Barbara Welts, Bnian Sleop, Lawrence. Mn. Wilined Vine caer;GGrade 3hand 4. Mrs. anti Shirley Turner. Rlackstock, Grs hsca dcto; Wane Hoton. Bill Shot-,donatoti trophioes fiorgbest pro- teacher; Grade 4, M rs b r Mrs. Joyce Taylor (half tume),: ritge. Michelle R o b i n s onr, gr s in s i iig h thy Venning, Blcs o ota: teaching Typinîg, Latin andi Wendy Loee. Jack Guinter were won by: Senior, Bob cher antiin calo ta-Geographv: Mn. R.oy Ashton, Floyd Assoîstine. Mrs. Peari K'yte. Intermediate, Bob Mc- Assistant.PrMs-s.aRuoh school:ltoaching *Matherneîtics in ail Tait. Ma-s. Norma Van CamplLaughlin: Junior. Joanne Wil. Janetville; Grade 5. M n.!M . S ds-u t, a d M-s im rie u - s n Beginner, W endy Lee. 'Winnipeg, teaching Science inior - Kathy Guntor, ElainelThis was considereti a most Phyllis Mitchell, Pontypool, aIl grades: Mn. Jîi Shivas,;Metcalf. G or don Malcolm, ! successful season's work, 62 teacher.; Cobourg, teacbing Historv,,Gary Mountjoy, David Adanms,j pupils took lessons. Tc) top Attentiing fnorn 1:30 p.m. ýGeographv andi Boys' Physiral'Na ncy Ann Argue, Dianejoff the ovoniflg Mr. Vine had until 8:30 p.m. - Grade 6, Ms-s.'1Educaýtion'- Mrs. Yvonne Chris- Guest, Joanne Wilson, Ms, a corn and hot dog rast and Ivan Thompson. Blackztock îie Port 'Perrv, <part tinie), Helen Vine, Janet Turner,! firewonks for thbe parents. teacher; Grade 7, Ms-. Grant jteaching English andi is in Neil McLaugblin and Grant1 pupils and afl season ticket Campbell, Nestleton, teacheri change Mt the Guidance de-j MeLaughlin. Intermediate - holders. ail froe. Grateful Grades 7 anti 8, Mn. Richard'1 partmeqît. There are 86 stu- Lorraine Turner, H er be r t appreciatian was tendeîred Holden, Levac, Ont., teacher;1dents en-oled. - Vine, Bob McLaughlin anti Wilfred. stop Shop 'n Save at I.D11,~ Special Prices Good Until September 25 Economy Brand 5 pounds, sugg. list 49c Bath Epsom Saits 39C si et id M Is p te n e d t i DIPPITY - DO Hair Setting Gel sugg. list 1. 69 CON FIDETSsuglst.8 The Sanitary NapIkin 1.*49- New HA LO For doublequick relief of pain tk SHAMPOO for Dry Hair BUFFERIN with Di-Alminate famnily size 1.19 value .....-8 8 C sugg it 79c SPECIAL 6 3 C General Electric AG.1 or AM-18 carton of 12 FLASHBULBS SPECIAL 1.49 NEW LOW PRICES! IVITA LIS with V7 P E PSOD E NT Keepsyor ar neat ail day . . . DENTAL CREAM witout rae rvnsdyes $1.09 value 7 ounces, sugg. list 1.07 SPECIAL 79c .SPECIAL 88c 5-oz., sugg. Iist 1.29 RIGHT GUARD 99EIA Spray Deodorant by Gillette99 New JOHNSON'S Baby Soap witFi Hexachloropliene mild, long-Iasting antibacterial protection for your oniy 23C 1Prescriptions - - I.D.A. Remedies McGREGOR P- n 62RUGS9 5 King St. W. Phone 623-5795 I., ALEX un DRUGS 5 King St. W. - 1 LAVORIS Mouthwash & Gargie ..............8-oz., sugg. list 70c59 CHLOR-TRIPOLON for Hay Fever ........................sugg. list 1.09 87c EVEREADY 9-Volt Transistor BATTERY ................ .. 89c value 66C FACELLE ROYALE Bathroom Tissue.......................4 for5 O NEO-SYNEPHRINE H.C.L. Anthistamine Solution " c 20e.e SECRET Roll - On DEODORANT .......................sugg. Iist 95C ( sugg. li 1 st 1.25 99C 1 r ý.eî,

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