Hundrecis Visit. Floral Paraclise In Solina Area The recent frasts have pretty well wrecked the beautifui floral gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Tink, R.R. 1, Hampton for this year, but the hundreds Who visited this showplace thraughout the summer will stili be talking about the gargeous flowers. Fortu- riately, The Statesman photagrapher called just in time ta catch some of the magnificent bloom on film. ilveea Tor txpansion in Secondary Industries Stressed ut Rotary Club The need of expansion in a ur ever increasing warký- Canadian secondai-y manufac-' force," he pointed out. turing industries was em- "he Department of Econa- phasized by J. J. Graham, mies and Development, par- T~roneoto, in bis address at the ticla.rly the Trade and Indus- Ijunheon meeting o! the Bow- try Branch, is vit'ally concern- tnmnille Rotar-y Club heid at ed with the economic develop- the flying Dufchn-an Motor ment of this province. We Illotel on Frida'i. istudy and work in many eca-j ,Glenholme IÎ Ihes, who i- lnomic areas. We have 400j xoduced the flest speaker, me n and women, miostly pro-1 1)lid the RotaILnsý- that Mr.1 fessional people. Iraiam Is Chie! of tie Mai-- "On a department basis wel ~eting Division of the Trade have inforumution services, ie- 1dldsr rnho h gional development services, 'ntario Dge,7tmePjt-Uf rEcOnO- -area, work, the Ontario De-- unie an rOTIlnt. velopment Agency, loans ta Mi-. Grahami said that every- manufacturer.,, the Economnics one sh<ould be concerned about Brandi, the Ontario Economiic building a strong Canada. Counc-il, industry studies, fin- 'Every activity which gives ancial research, bond and Canadian industry a further money iai-ket work, the On- opportunity to increase i tarjo Housing Corporation, Attend Reception For Governor General Nomination Speaker The Mayor and Mrs. Ivan Parkwoad. I{obbs were guests at'the civic At the luncheon, Mayor i luncheon held at the Genosha Lyman Gifford of Oshawa ini- o.MthlSar Hotel on Thursday during the treduced Governor - General Ho.Mthl1hr official visit of Their Excel- Vanier, who referred ta the IlMnister of Trade and Com- lencies, the Gavernor-General deep concern Col. McLaughlin mnerce, will be the guest o! C an a da Major-General has for the welfare and hap- speaker at the Liberal Namin- tÇeorges Vanier, D.S.O., M.C., piness of his fellow citizens.,Iation Meeting to be held iný C.D., and Madame Van ier tu The civie luncheon was held Bowmanville High School Oshawa, and at the receptionlin recognition o! Col. M-[Auditorium at 8:3(0 p.m. on gî Colonel R. S. Mc-ILaughlin's recent 94th birth-lWednesday evening, October Lughlin at his residence,_day. 16th. Heads Town's P.C. Organization . 'r. (Tom) Rehder of Bowmanville Foundry was unanirnaus1y elected PresideM 01o the Bowmanville Porssv-osevtv meeting at thieir or- ganization meeting hast week at Bowman-ville Hotel. He is shawn at heft being eongratulated by federal candidate for the party Gai-net B. Rickard. Other of- ficers are lst Vice Keith Shackleton, 2nd Vice Mi-s. Walter Oke, 3rd Vice Ken McQuarrie, 4th Vice Howard Corden, Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Fred Cole. Directers are A. A. H. Strike, M. S. Dale, Ernest Bradley, Gary Cole, Dave Maguire, Peter Kowal,.HaroIdt Hamnmond and Douglas Taylor. VOLUME 111 18 Pages BOWMANVI!LLE. ONTARIO. WEDFSD.I~gAV vF .PRP96mn r - Lions Check on Building Cosîs 0f New Swim Pool On Monday evening 'at the Finance Committee jointly dinner meeting of the Bow- present ta the club within six nianville Lions Club held at weeks firm figures on the cost the Lions Community Centreio! the construction of such a the possibiity of building a pool, and plans for the raising swiniming pool as a club pro- of the necessary money. This ject was discussed. was seconded by Cliff Samis Jack Brougli, chalrman of and carried. the Swirnming Pool Commit- A new member, Robert Law- tee, presented a report. He ton, rtew manager of the aiso introduced Ken Betz, a Toronto-Dominion Bank here, member of the Stouffville (TURN TM PAGE TWO) Lions Club, and the owner o! Betz Pools, Limited. A A knowledgeabîe talk on Wy/i nS Sterea * the building;, operation and maintenance o! swimmingI I <. pools was given by Mr-. Betz, In CereD rai who aiso answered questions fromn the floor.p On behaîf of the local Lions P Iy D a Past President Laurence God- dard thanked Mr. Betz for presenting valuable informa- e ythe nnual ra a syr tien to the club. President c yteCrba as Ed. Leslie also expressed his Parent Council for Crlppled personal appreciation n Chiidren was held during gift was presented ta Mr. Betz tefrtfi 0tbeccr Pat tMemorial Park on Colin Birtwistle moved that Tuesday, Sept. 2lst. The Tinks specialîze in rnany varieties of dahlias and the club build a $50,000 eut- Winner o! the Philips chrysanthemnums as an enjoyable hobby and have had d9or swimming pool with pro~- Stereo HI-Fi was Robert C. so anyadmrin guststht tey avestateda vvsris in the plansfrisGraham, 4 Summerfld sa mny dmîingguets hatthe hae sartd aevetual conversion te an in- Court, Bowmanvilie, wlth guest book. They'1l be back on the job next year and door swimming pool. This ticket number 3145. in the meantîme wviI1 be spending the rest of the fali wvas seconded by Jim Frank. Net proceeds were ap- and intr a th reularfaringchoes.Laurence Goddard moved proximately $620 that will and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ îr witra h eua amn hrs namendment that the Swimn- be used te asslst ln the op- ming Pool Coimittee and the eration of Simcoe Hall Crip-1 pIed Children's School andt O IlTpamntlt--Q 'I'..4... cente--C-- St E., Oshawa. Mrs. Mlarg Jeffery, Presi- dent of the Memorial Park Assn. drew the winning ticket. Appointment CANDIDATES - It would now appear that the federal election will be fought by four candidates in thîs constituency. Part Hope high school teacher Wilbur Crandail was nomînated for the Social Credit party ]ast week and on Monday, in Port Hope, the NDP will choose their standard bearer. Gai-net Rickard was norninated in April for the Conservatives and the Liberals will almost cer- tainlv nominate Russell Honey next Wednesday in Bowrnanville. t t t t t POTATO - The Editor's desk is graced this week with a weird-looking potato brought in by Russell Gimblett, IR.R. 3. It grew on one root; but has 50 tubers. Somebody mnust have been feeding it hor- mones that we hear se much about in multiple births. ý9ôûTffp '- In ast w eek's issue, the gremlins played another trick by having Mayor Hobbs shaking hands with left hand at the Central On- tario Trust Co. opening. The photo was right, but somehow it was reversed during the engraving process an d not noticed until the paper was printed. His Worship is really right-handed, except when greeting Boy Scouts. TAXI - An advertisement next week will give details of new taxi fares golng into effect in this SANTA - It wouhd appear that efforts are being made to see if there is sufficient interest in con- tînuing the annual Santa Claus parade here. The. Chamber of Commerce will meet tomorrow, Thursday, at 8 p.m. at the Lions Centre with the parade cammittee and, it is hoped, representatives of service clubs and any other intereçted citizens. t t 1- t t FILLED UP - The Red Cross sponsored Home Nursing course is once more filled to capacity, inchuding one maie who registered. These have proven extrem ely populgr and worthwhule. 1 t t t f COLOR TOUR - If yout are a Senior Citizen and haven't registered for the area tour on Sunday, Oct. 3rd, contact Bill Kihpatrick as soon as possible, phease, at 3-3613. The Kinsmen Club is sponsoring this Cavalcade of Color. Columnist, Forester, Golf Course maintenance expert Ed Youngman xii be the tour guide and cammentator. WAGON - Anothier cavered wagon wvent through town Ihis afternoon on its way ta Halifax from Calgary. Unfortunately, the staff wvas se busy putting the paper ta bed that nobody teok time ta find out any details. Horses and wagons are certainhy caming back into their own again. t t t t t WINNERS - Congratulations ta Bowmanville's Canadian Tire ladies softball team who are neck and neck again with Whitby, after beating them on Tuesday. Final game will be here on Saturday afternoon. t . i.t t t t KILCOO - Former Kiicoo campers, of whom there are several fi-rn this area, will be interested to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Plewman of Toronto wvho founded the Haiburton camp cele- brated their gol]den wedding anniversary recently. APPLE TOUR - Irwin Colwill of Newcastle and Harold Bonter of Carrying Place will be guides on an apple tour of the area on October 4th and 51h. Ontario fruit and vegetable specialists Morley Webster and Walter Rutherford will also be along to explain ta newsmen and others ail about the apple business in this section of the country. t il t t t 1 STUDENTS - If you are a B.H.S. student in grade 11, 12 or 13 and planning te attend univer- sitv on graduation, The Flying Dutchman Motor Hate] has a program of financial help that may be of interest. Applications for part time work as bus boys or waitresses during the winter and full time summer employment are now being re-1 ceived. The Dutchman has financially asuisted atr least 10 university students who have now grad-i uated and at present is helping five in first and 1 second year.6 Donate $500 to Recreation Dept. Following their Stag Night on Saturday evening at Bowmanville Legion Hall, the Legion's5 Special Events Chairman W. A. Kilpatrick, right, presented the branch's annual $500 donation to Bowmanville Recreation Dept. Secretary Paul Chant is shown accepting it with thanks. Winners at the Stag Night were Jack Bryson, a Legian 10 group, George Jacobi, Bill Smith and J. Murpphy. The Ladies Auxiliary served a delicious roast beef dinner under convenorship of Mrs. JackKnight._________ P. C. Candidate Claims Prime Minister Blundered In Caling Nov. 8th Vote Carnet B. Rickard, Prog- third election in as many years!-- ressive Conservative candidat,- could be justified. for Durham riding in the Mr. Riekard said the i-e eWsW i forhcmig edra eecio, uitngofth Cnsrv Pi e e V (e ~ says Prime Mînister Pearson Party - such persans as B t r ts blundered in calling the Nov. George Hees and Davie Fulton 8 election. ~~meso h coming back into the f old -B t r ts Speaking o nmesfth is an example of witnessing l Cartwright Progressive Con- what bas been going on for A1nd Bail Gýa me servative Association in Black- the past two years and seeing stock Friday night, Mr. Rick- it is time for honest and sin- Bowmanvjlle's L e g i ô n- ard said the Prime Minister cere government. sponsored Pee Wee Ail Stars M ..had said he would carry on He said Mr. Pearson is i-g- bail team le right back in with a minority government ing national unity as a key the fight. and nothing would stop him election issue. On Saturda.y. the protest fi-rn bringing in new legisia- "This was neyer mentloned that was Ilodged by Bow- tion. in any previaus election," saîd manville concernlng a game. "Now we find he is sa ying Mr. Rickard. "Therefore, the with Perth was upheld, and we must have a majority gOv- fault for any lack o! national the gamte was ordered re- James J. Bourke, B.A. ernment." unity must lie with the Lib- played in Belleville on Sun- general manager o! The Fly- The Conservative candidate eral Party." day. Bowmanvllle won 10-6 ng Dutchman Moter Hotel, saîd he dîd flot knaw how a Mr-. Riekard announced he te enter the Ontario final. Vice-President o! Roadside - will be attending the PC rally They wlll play Tilîson. Developments Ltd., has been INVESTMENT W NNER in Varsity Stadium, Toi-ento, burg there on Satnrday at appointed Campaign Manager Winner o! the first $50 In next Friday night for the 2 p.m., wlth the return game for the Bowmanville Vote the current series of the Kin party's campaign kiekoff. of tie best-of-three serles "Yes" Comrnittee foi- the liquor lnvestment draw was John The Cartwright PC Associa- here the following Saturday plebiscite te be held Thur- Lyons, with ticket number tion re-elected John Hamilton at the same time, et Mem. day, October 2st 1965. 2 . ____a Blackstock as- presdent. nal Park. __________ Set Nine New Records at Training School Field Day Contestants in the Ontario Training School for determine who can send it the longest distance. la Boys annual Field Day here last Wednesday set fine addition te' the' regular track events, the lads wem new records and tied another as they participated timed running around the bases of the bail diamond. in the 52 events for various age groups. The above they threw the football for distance and took part in photos show the start of the junior 880 yard race )ther unusual events. mand a comparatively new leature. shooting a Duck ta NUMBER 39 . . . . - - - r-- - --- '7 - - - .. , . , . , 1 . . ý . 1 1 . . -. , - , , . . , . 1 ý . . . f *~w r-i'- f .'~t . e v r '~ 10c Per Copy .du 9)ieces -Sits and