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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1965, p. 5

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Loyalist. Home Restored Marysburg Museum lRecilis Pioneer Days El ect New County Milk Commitlee Edltor's note: The foIIow- seum ocrupies, part, has beeni homes. Isg article from The Kingston continually occupied by mem- Succeedinig display boards il- Whig - Standard mentions bers of thf0 Rose family since lustrate the w'ork of various ]Mrs. Ruth Calver, daughter the building was first erected, tradesmen of the pioncer per- ef Mr. and Mms. Frankc about the year 1820. iod. Samples of thc black- X eOntario St., Bow- A popular feature of this smiths' work illustrate not ville.unique museum is thc way the only skill but a sense cf de- second floor has been deliber- sign. Tools of the early master IPICTON (Staff) - A tale cf ately left unfinished 50 visitors painters were mainlv a red and simple pieneer living is told cao see the original construc- Yellow ochres, mixed with lin- without words at the Mary- lion. Rough wide boards, some seed oil for varinus effects. burgh museum about thrce UP te two fret across. form Cabinct makers and potters miles east ef Waupoos near the planking across heavv aIýra formcd part cf the local here. beams, still shnwing the marks tradesmen as illustratecd in the Although this is its second of the adze. One single beam displh. year ef operation, the museum is about 30 feet long and eight The b. oý of itior.rant, housed in an original pioncer* inches square. preacher Almon Perry Lyons, homestead, was only officially A simple but impressive sec- help illustrate tie vork cf opened last June during tie lion on the second floor is on- shormakers. Another panel Ontario Historical Society con- titled "a story cf pioncer life." tells how the shipping industry.... .. vention here. arranged by Roy Stevens cf îsprang up and schooners wore Athoughi t is located in Waupoos. tAunched. North Marysburgi township, The simple heading -tiey Succeeding panels show the the title "Marysburgh mus- took up ]and" opens tie dis- work cf caril'yvweavers and cuni" is significant in thatplay, with copies cf an earlv such everydav activities as when the first land in Princc.deed. A second board shows a kitchen uitensils, education and Edwamd County was survcycd map pinpointing the locations amusements. for settlement, Marysburgh cf milîs in the Maryshuirgh Under each descriptive head- was the title given ta a tract area under the heading ,~milis ing are only enougb samples, Meeting with G. R. McLaughlin, Chairman of the covering practically the entire'sprang up.' to illustrate the title, perhaPS Ontario Milk Marketing Board, are ncwly elected 1 eastern hait ef tic county. "Carpenters built houses" is onlY one or Iwo articles. ThID, a onyMîkCm itcEectvs ett The original Rose family another heading supported by visiter tonds to become more uhrConyMlCm iteEx uivsLf o1 liomestead, cf which the mu- photos cf some of lie area's: engrossed in thc story being right, Carias Tamblyn,__Secrctary; Mr. McLaughiin, todthan ah laoking at numer-__ cus antique articles.c oto a smal but functionalv u 7.pioncer bcdroom. An carix For Chistmasrore bed is covered first by aa fahrmtrs.Aross the - l topi on ilwknowx as i ~il lows lie atop that. BeautifuilyI bîser".arTic e atiwer nre;erert ae fie~irIxxrcn ubu'tî tiis îhappy occasion shetsan banet and they wcre tic recipients Mr.s. H'arry Van Reek is, A iand-made bedside table !cf many beautiful gifts. 1Takiflc satîsfactory progress fealures a hard-made candle-Wewrpead scour after having surgory in Civic iolc1ci, snuffors and a Bible. nwves Mr. and Mr1 aptl Peterborough, re- Ticsîrw udebedingfo Charlie Cooper, out ta church, cently. lie iand-wovrn carpet ln tie . ' Sunday morning. Tiey were Mr. Alvin Mitchell bas; re- living rocm gives tie impres- .tic guests of their daughtcr, turned homneatter a few days sion of walkîing on an nci-ý Mrs. Jack Stapîcton. srtav in hespita]. thick rug in a plusi hotel. The altndat, rs.Rut Caver ýSSunda was Remembrance; Mrs. Verdun Lethangue bas "s i uda hegottcwrd alsa returned hm te n said thie straw also helped sup-n ytruhttewol.omefru- pîy warmth. Rcv. R. C. White conducted a. dergoing surgery. Tic furni3hings are simple, meditation on rermembering I a M glja d t.o ,Rv' bat MN, aur forefathers who built p in knýcping wîîh tic class and u wieismiprvd atter period cf theo home. Many Ôf aur wonderful country and tic having a two day setbarkl tie articles are tic products ' many soldiers ofthle two wars rccently. Suhe wîll bc 10 weeksý cf local craftsmen. cthers, who tought and died te keee in bespital on Thursday, Nov. hand-made. safe the comforts and plenty Ilh iA built-in china cupinard we now bave in aur country. Everyone was saddened ta Jsprtsantquechia wre.He also read the thougits ex- hear of the sudden prassinge. aBstntiqu er"ina w are pressed by a number cf Higi M,. Harold Stinson of Yelver-ý jd ecorated finish is typical cf ISool students on Rcmem- ton. Deccascd was stricken: somne items cf turniture tie 1). T. ryarLbean A. E. Smith brance Day. Tic choir sang witi a heart attack wicn re-' ,oarly Loyalists brougit w't. "Faiti et Our Fatiers" with turnîng f-cm our ehurci sup-1 liheni when they lett the "rcbel Th v appcintment of D. T. witi lie Company. Until bis Mrs. A. Foster at tie organ. per on Tiursday evening. We' colonies.'"raean as Western Region.rctireme.nt, Mr. Smith will Thc U.C.W. meeting was extcnd our sympatby te, those' Tic simple story cf pioncer Manager, Industrial Productsi continue In serve Goodyear as ield Thursday evcning at tic Wîho Moumni. life ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D s'l o*el Tclvua ij;oi'he Goodyear TireiSpecial Consultant. Western home ofthti President, Mrs. Orads iieM.B- a visitor miglit aînuosî epet nd Riiîhir Company cf Can-jRegion,wihhaqrts inE.Eltt The Bible reading, bert H.loa,9, ssedn b mcct00e otlie i me~ ada, Limitcd ha; icent an-J Winnipeg. Mr. MacLean join- MatI. 8 1-18 was read by Mrs. afwalrn 4 ssedn giin nibitasne f thehoe hall- dhv D C. Ward.,tec Goodyear in 1946 and priorýEddie Couroux. Plans werea e days with us again and .va. v.Divýýsicin's Sale; Manager. Mr.lto hus new appointment was;made for tic Christmas bazaar va otri ubt oil boti alen * * * MacLean sticrccdsz A. E. Smiti, Assistant Manager, Western and atternoon tea and ticoe r norpolo day.! A secil ratre t ie u-who liad ield the post since: Reginri. H-is ieadquarters are ladies cf tic cornmunity are Thie Orange Hall was filled, sm for lis e an clsxma- 19.52 and vho %vil] be rctiring in Calgary. asked ta corne and help with ta eapacity on Saturday wieni a ý;pccial risplY cf crji;iancxt , Yar atter ncarly 50 vears dntonsetarticles. etc. A tredsforad ngiornai paintirgs bv Charles I. Gibbox r§" fîig'pl;cctd' in' ticernefor Mand resetaiena nd~ bons cf earlv sîips, boti sail ~ L kitchen for articles ot uscd r.Ilatin andslam E--clothing te be sent overseas Dwyer and Mr. and Mrs. Don1- an ba.K N D nie LaForge. Mrs. Dwycr and, Gibhons was a firemnan on a (na bats, purses or sîces, i aorea tug oui cf Toronto and -,va Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellîcît Mrs. Vance Allen visited herplese) Nyon tocingmare daugiters] known b10 h10 ben Illve as cf Toronto were guests cf Mr. mother. Mrs. Wm. Mercer on: also be tumned in to go îo cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cbap-. laie a3 1920. Mrs. Calver said and Mm;. Reg Elliott, Monday. Tiursday evening. ;Korea. Mrs. G. Calicart gave Man. At midnigbt tie twa, man ~sior;hae crsnaîv Satumday atternoon Ms ae atn itro a talk on part cf tic chapter, COUPles were brougit la tic' rocailrd seme of tic siips pn01.'Mms. Allen Foster altended tic Norman Patton and tic latei God in Hîstory, fmom tic study pafr.wt Mm.Ciford travvd in Gihbons' paintings. Silver Wedding Annivcrsary John Patton, iad tiec mi,,-ibock, God and His Purpose Fli edng tc ades Theic mýim is sreral mile; celebraticu cf Mr. and Mr';.,fortune ta fal and break beriMrs. W. Mercer gave an ac- They were each prcsented! off lhe mainshmeam cof Picion Ciarlie Miller at, their home'hip althti Golden Plow Lodgecocunt. cf lie lite et L. M. witi a purse of moncy anrdi lraffic. on a eonuIs road, \,et near Kirhy. ýand is now in tic bespital at iMontgemery, the authar of tic caci groom thanked the giv-' tic. number cf visitors at tht' Mrs. Lorme Martincîl andiCobourg. Annue and Emnily books who crs and cernmittee for their' imuscuim scems Io be growingMrs. Bob Brooks spent Wed- r Garry Moore and Miss Pat 'lived for 15 years at Leask- knns. M.Lsi ar woekIy. "It. is surprising tie ncsdav wîth lie former's Bain, Toronto, spent tic. weok-J dale on tic circuit adjoining hurst and Mr. Dave Masters nurober cf toiîrists whon fiud moier, Mrs. Mary Ltîxon edwt r. di oru theirs wien sic, Mrs, Mercer, stipplied good music for tie' ti(, place," said Mrs. Calver. A number cf Kendal folks and Ray.. was growing up. She was a occasion. Lunch was scmved Tlhe gucst 'Oz shows 0ejnnvd eSbOens- Ms ahrne Steatt Presbyterian minister's wife, by tic commitîce and a gond coupnle tramn Paris. France. aS day cvcingi and enjoyed their'tended a eception for Mr. Mrs. Ewan MacDonald, and a tirtie was had by al. wolas prople tram many tur kex supper. 'and Mm;. G. E. Lofîhouse of plaque was placed a esk ihte tre yoe parts cf Canada and thic Unit- dale ast summer in h~er me- - eaonfr deer opcnîng Mon- ed States. J mory. A tasty lunch was pro-1 day, November tb. il is hop- - -----CKLB is having a "What Is Happiness?" Contest .vided by aur hostess. Mrs. cd fiaIticheutmast care and, ElliolI. Mm;. Luxan and Mrs. precaution be taken by aIlý OBJTUÀIRY I)oug Crysdale - 6.30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. each day Downs. A hearty vote cf hunters. Most evcry' troc, lhanks was extcndcd te Mrs., plantation bas warkers cut-' Albert (Cherry) F. iWood Ross Giibson - 6 p.m. News each day ýElliott for her bospitality. J fing, loading, baling, etc.. and Eddie Couroux, Martin Man- we hope ne semieus accident FollowÀing an illuers c f one ders and their gang left Sat- oceurs. vo ar, tic deaili c'f Albert 1-ere is our definition' urday mcmning for their hunt- Pentypool ehieken supper (Chery) E Wood Tyrnv. ng grounds ncam Algonquin was well attcndcd and enjo.l- (Cherry>E. We ornt 'iGnei Park. A number cf hunters! cd by ail on Tiursdýay even- Hostl on i<uridaH ap piness got ieady frtic hunting here! rî. e oplned frma n yeer, a p n s and Wcdnesday.1 real success. A variety con- A so cfticlaieMm.andDonald Walsh wcnt bunting cert wcnt over big in tice Nlrý Fredi Wood,.the deased with bis gang tram VittoriaJý Orange Hall atter tic supper.1 wsborri ai Soutiborourh, and Mrs. Walsh, Annette an d:Those attcnding tic Anniver-'1 Kent. En2lpnd. He reeeived 1Kelly are Vpittoria. eek uis educatien alithe Ciurch U ra visiting alttra of England, Si. Peler;.Souhh- IJ l\l thIIl your Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bamsy bereugi. On April 2'. 193.9, of Campbcllcroft were dînneri bc Mrric th forýr Elnaguesls, Sunday. wili Mrm and Creoiwosurvives.. fMrs. aceFotr Mr. Wood came to tht; pmea o e is af an froro England in 192-1. and id . s A riumph of modern diamond ring design! This totaliy dîffprent solitaire style sparklpý more frrn P-vpry anleI Resisti t - if yoii can. 11% ucthe ggesi style ut of 1964! Try it an yoîîr tinger lomorrnw. Fsy lcrms, of course. SURF STAR SET Eml9cgQ"'of $200.00 bride's Cirelet.... $ 17.S0 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY Bowmanville . . . . . . . .r.c.r. . . . . . . WINTER FOOTWEAR Ar$D SKATES MEN'S IBBER I, INSULATED BOOTS $1 1.95 to $13.95 GREB INSULATED BOOTS Water Repellant $22.95 KAUFMAN INSULATED BOOTS with vulcanized sole -- --.-- $17.95 1 Childrsn's Strappers Red, White, Brown $3.95 SKATES by SAMSON MEN'S ]HOCKEY SKATES $1 1-95 to $29.95 BOYS' $8.95 ta $14.95 WOMEN'S FIGURE SKATES $10.95 to $15.95 GIRLS' $9.95 Trade-Ins Accepted on New Skates SECOND HAND SKATES FOR SALE FULL LuNE 0F MEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S WINTE R FOOT WEAR Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE STORE.WIDE SALE 3 pie. Bedroom Suite ine uu17, Rokrase bed, triple dresser M 11h full plate mirror. and chest of drawers Francis W., Chairnian. Orono last Jose, Chairman and Harvey Graham, Vice-ý They were elected at a county meeting in' week. Osbawa on the occasion of family in the losg% of their' their Silver Wedding Anni- father. versary. It was held at the Mrs. Rabert Wrigi t of hoeme et their daughter, Mr.I Janetville and Lloyd Heaslip and Mrs. Bryant Brown of 10fOtw iio r n Wiitby. Over 100 relatives,' Mrs. George Heaslip. and friends from Osha wa, Toronto, Peterborough, West-!I on, Oakville, Port Credit andi P N Y Ripley called ta ielp them PO T POOL resided a t Tyrone rfor 1.5 \'r'ars. At the time of his dcath he had becen imploYed at the Ontario Tiraîitiii ,School for i Boys, Bowmanville, for seven years, and was farm super- visar. Before joining the staff at the Training Sehool, he ,wa s emplo.ycd for sevc'ral years on the farin of Forbes *Thp dvcca 4cd \vas an adher- * ont of the United Cliiiich, and was a membrof thr Royal Canadi;ïn Lo-ýon Branch 178. He ser' od four vears with the Royat Canadian Air Forre. Mr, Wood was presîdent, for the past N. ar, of Tvronp Home and Sohool A'so;ociation and %vas a former member or the çchool hoard. At one timv ho was trpasur2r of the Tyrone Communit.v Hall Board. Surviving besides his x ife, Edna, are a daughtpr, MrF. Merton Mavin (Auidre.%,) f Oshawa. and two sons, Ted and Johnt, both of T vronr. aliso one grandson. Brenton Mavin. Aira survivjnir are two brotheri; and three s is t ers, Gertie (Mrs. Colin Ta ' lor> of Bawmanville. Henry of Osh- awa, Mrs. J. Wcston (Bertha) of Australia, Miss Mlav Wood and Jae, both residing in England. Among th:-. brautitul floral trihutcs, evidence of thoe ;- tepem n which the diceased waq hcld. wpre those fr-im the Raya ýiCanadian Lrgion.Bos Training School Staff. Hearts and Flowvers Club, relatives, friends and neighbour.r Dona- tionr to the. Ontario Heart i'oundatioa were also received.L NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davi- son and Mr. and Mm;. Carl Elliot and family attendcd Leaskdale fowl supper. Mms. Jas. Ferrier of Perth spent several days with her motier, Mms. Nelson Marlow. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson and! Mms. Arthur Hyland attendedI tic Wcmen's Institute Area Convention in Teronto. Kitchener Burton spcn?.tiche rpast weck visitin1g bis nicces, ! Mm. and Mrs. Harlcy Deveau and famUly. Toranto, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bishep and: family, Aurora. Mrs. Wilfrcd Vine is homei atter having surgery in Mc-ý imorial Hospital, Bowm an - ville. Hefrbert and Ciriste-ý pier stayed with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgeý Bowers, and Laurel with Mr., and Mrs. Arnold Williams. Joseph Forder is again, a patient in Community Hos- ýpifaI, Port, Pcrry, and fricnds, ýwisi hem improed healfh. Mr. and Mrs. Adeibert Bea- conck held a successful farm, sale on Saturday. A large crowd attcnded theý furkey supper in Nestleton Presbytcmian Church on Sat-I urday evening. Miss Martiaý Lawrence danccd and theî Ballyduff Sunday School pre- sentcd a nc-acf Irish comedy, MollY Malone. which was muci enjoyed. Several loc-al folk visitedý flic funeral home in Lindsav: w-herc Mm, Harold Stinson lay.ý Synmpathyy extended to thei rThe Canadian Stateamom. Ewmmnvvn!e, iVo,. 10, 1985 15 COMP Harvey Dance Academy have TwirIig Camp entered competitions lni Wat- 'Twirlingerîo, ]Buffalo. Port lHuron. .W i Il Be HeId boogadteC ain dNo doubt you have read in the iThis eeken Oshawa Tmes and Canadian On Saturday, Nevember 6, by the Tartan Twirlers and the Motor City Baton N.B.T.O. others. This year many new sanctioned contest was held groups are takînf part, such under the direction cf Irenie as the Bowmanville Sailorette Harvey, with the Oshawa Corps under direction of Mau. ýMajorette Parents' Aux. as reen Martin and the new Sail- hostesses, in O'Neill Collegiate, omette Team under director Simeoe St. North, Oshawa. Patsy Blake, trom the Bow- Qualified National B ate nimanville Recreatien Studio. judges from out of town ad- AIso the "Dianettes" Novice judicated. Entries were re- Corps from Oshawa under ceived from maîny parts et ýDirector Dianne Shaw. Ontario. 1Raton twirling la becomlng During the last five yearsimore popular in our district local Majorettes frem theiand its virtues are many. To Ikeep our young people busy, sary Service on Sunday en- to gain good posture, pleasant joyed a fine service of sang personality, s h 0w na nship. under the direction of Mrs. . good sportsmanship te take Jasa Piercy. TPhis choir is known or gain gzracefully, ta be loyal as the Ga]lery Choir of Pete.r- to the troupe, ail leave their borough. The Reverend Gar-, mark in the future lite of a vis Black of Smniths Falls wasitwirler and help make themn the guest preacher.: good citizens. We don't think we will be able to give you tihe Electianý INTERNATIONAL UNICEF' iResuits in time for this week'si (United Nations Children's J paper but thîs is how Pontyý-1Fund) works for the develop- pool votedi in 1963: Couttesîment cf "the whole child" - (N.D.P.) 6, Crandali (S.C.) l.1his health, welfare and educa- Heney (Lib.) 87, Rickardition - particularly in less de- DID YOU KNOW Thot.. Joe 's Shoe Repair iO KING ST. W. - BOWMANVILLE HAS ÀA... " TROPICAL FISH SUPPLY " CANARIES - BUDGIES - FINCHES " SEED - GRAVEL - FOUNTAINS * BIRD CAGES AND STANDS " HAMSTER.- HAMSTER CAGES.- FOOD " DOG COLLARS - DOG DISHES " DOG LEASHES - ETC. .Also Rubber Boots, Work Boots and Work Shoes JOES SHOE REPAIR 50 KING ST. W. - BOWMANVILLE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. I1l 12.- 13 "Beach Blanket Bingo!" In Color Starring Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello SPECIAL STAGE SHOW ATTRACTION THURSDAY NITE ONLY, NOV, 11 In Person WaIIy and the Shandeils The Rockin' Rivieras Beach Bingo nt 7:30 p.m. Stage Show at 9:00 ADMISSION -$1.50 Sunday to Wednesday- Nov. 14 - 17 One Complete Show at 7:30 P.M. "What's New Pussycat?" In Color Starring Peter Sellers, Peter O'Toole, Capucine Roniy Schneider and Woody Allen 0' ADMISSION -$1.00 623-5589 BOWMANVILLE I A MoRE§ CLEARANCE OF MANY DISCQNTINUED LINES INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR *NFlots * Glass * Semni-Gloss Il~ c * Latex * White and Colors7J CLEARING AS LOW AS ............... .QT. hBUY NOW FOR SPRING DECORATING PAND SAVE $$ PAINTS & jkAbernethy S WALLPAPERS 33King St. W. o anll L . lq I Ç q q Vlr I . . working for you! The folkç ai Central Ontario Trust know ail about IIAPPINESS and they are proud te bc able te spread it through the bright and modern atmosphere of their office facilities in Oshawa and Bowmanville. And thry do so with assurance because every deposit with Central Ontario Trust ls matched dollar for dollar by Governmeni Bonds and quality FinIt Mortgages.-. and GUARANTEED! HAPPINESS ls the frlnpr bene- fils your savîngs produce. ton . . . lnterest at 412% - paid quarterly. Longer heurs - lncluding Friday inights and ail day Saturday. And a draw for free Oshawa Generals Hockey Tickets every Monday for new.% deposîtnrs. HAPPINESS la dealingr with people you know and trust . . . and putting your savings te work locally. And it's knowing that the month of Nov ember ls the ideal tîme te switch without losingr any interest. When you stop te think about il, ian't HAPPINESS really CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST? CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Oshawa 19 Simncoe St. N., î23-5221 FOUNTAINHEAD 0F SERVICE Bowmanville 23 King St. W. 623-25Z7 1 R OYA L

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