w*-4~- - Lions Governor Present ~The Canadien States:aBwavleDc ,16 L oen rPee tOBITUARY dcae e bu ee MRS. N. C. YELLOWES M.adM.YUw9 ie Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 98742113 s C l bP'ti u t olowing an illnesso w hi C. Yellowlees occurd aPt o te thCneso sion on top of the hill. W L 1Mernorial HSpital, Bwa-o alntn T wsi cike Joseph Blnd tentrr!svdled ontilnre- Lions Present Cheque for $300 Wstiw eghsonly one. -/1JI I 21 vi, 1965. ovme trmntqteywr q 21, 1965. Hampto et the time of Mr dlown and stayed strongly 1 Newcastle-At the most re- ýmiles south of Parry Sound. Lions of Newcastle are onlv Daughter of the la~eWle elwes et.ad Ms with mny opinion. 7tie govern- cent Lions Club meeting, heldi Mr. Sprague advised that[,successful because of the 100 and Margaret Cation, h o-~el~le oe oBw ment also turned down the on Wednesday evening, Nov.ithe cost of this project . i per cent cooperation they re-'1 mer Mary Lawson Cato a ~vIeaotsxyasao plans, and we now have West. 24th, the local members pre-! $350.000 and that this centre ceive from the local people. born at Brampton, Ot.ad Ms elwes neet view almost completely fllled. sented a cheque for $300 to!provides a training programme Lions Percy Hare andatne arul Within the next two years the Lake Joseph A'djustment !and a summer holiday for 114 Charlie Gilkes are in chare Peel County. OnSptbrfml.Shwaame ero there are needed changes to Training Centre for the Bllnd, persons a day. lof the Sight Conservation and I. 1915, h nridNra t als Uie hrh be made. We need "Planning" bringing total donations to At this same meeting, Dist- Blind Committee, and anyonei Charles Yellowlecswopr-B mnvlad asafr or we'll break Newcastle." 1$1,000. neit Govemnor Lion Herb V. wishing pertinent information Unitredrlog e Mr. Dickinson reported that 1 Lions Presîdent Dick Love-, Wark of Brockville, was pres- regarding Lake St. Joseph, and orhe lonarso e-Cuc a l n ap even with the new lire truck km peetd the cheque toent, making his officiai visita- should contact these two mem- vice t h aain Gr.tnwc eieto hs bougt ths yar, axesdidthe District Chairman of the tion, and presented several bers. Giemvmn.Sewsacs h agtaSna1 nout i ea , a es dd Lake Joseph F'und, Nostrand Perfect Attendance Awards to Also, it was announeed that commissioner of te Gr colcaswiea lai te ol o nraenext Sprague of Trenton. ithe local members, and induct- the Bowmanville Curling Club Guides for more ta 5adwsamrbro h o tliey ould ot inrease Mr. Sprague thanked th ed into the club a new Lion, stili has roomn for a few more years. nc' rsiueal0 e year. He suggested that the ýNewcastle Lions Club and itsi Ruse Robertson. men curlers every Monday: Mrs. McCready was loteautlf.Sewsas laying of hardtop be donelmembers for their fine effortý President Lovekin thanked evening from 9 to 11. Thoseigranddaughter of the frtm1mtbro t alsUCW t,> hroughout the village in 1966.; and support, and showed slides Mn. Sprague and Governor interested in curling are advis-1 dian Agent, Lt. Col. Mccd.'h ecsdi uvvdb Mr. onahangavea lng-of the Training Centre, which Wark for visiting the club, ed to contact Lion Murray'and grandniece of Col ae hc auhes r.Ia thy report on Ganaraska Con-, is located on Highway 69, 24 !and informed them that the Walton at 987-4816. F. Macleod of Nort etElct Jsi) eebr servation Authority and men-' Mounted Police faeadoh. rsErct okda tioned that a survey wu nfoW f ifounider of Fort Mgicled h Nra.H po, M in process nt Willmott Creek :a was a Ilife member fteFai rkt me.Bw a con- ght reelt insancon-Diocesan Women's uiir aniladon o.Dnl servation park area there! St.Auustnes n tlc nh eloweCoofOtawa Ter simiar a tat ropsedfor Tail Walt the Dog? dates for Reeve and five fori presentatives of a ratepayers Sth urçh. n'sA Elizabethville. Nomination rught was held Couneil. The procedure fol- association, lîstened to with On July 2, 1917, semrNipreesdhn JFrancis Jose stated he hadn't, in Newcastle last Friday, lowed may or may not have sincerity. nied S. T. H. (Herb)M- h uea evc a 'made Up his mmnd to run, butI November 26th, 1965, in the been legally correct but for Voters united in a common Cready, widely-known.en-Chape1 omnflo assured everyone that he was' Council Chamber. The meoet- the average ratepayer at- cause will result in "a grow- ýda'v Let'hbridge dr-uggt h interested in village affairsj ing following the fra tending the meeting there ie îng, prosperous conimunity, iwnW etrm wanllTsd' oem r23.ad and would give thought to' nomination meeting w a s no doubt that there were where control and planning Ont.TrnroS.PalsUte running. chaired by the Village Clerk many questions left un- eliminates needless waste Bsdshnhsad~ei~Cuc. Itretwei Mns. Jean Steeves explain-' whose nomination to ehar asee in his mmnd. The ad expense'. survived by two sonsm aodHnno ceev ed that as she was interestedý of such subsequent meeting Clerk appanently had i n- areyo inretdF. Emnon ToasH, Plbrrs ertreso- in education ehe wished to was moved and seeonded byi formation whieh would pre- E. H. F. Ltrde; wo duhrsinaErnestHckav rueolsho bad two incumbent members of vent the new candidates I _______________d Ju orhn Rick ard .otdt Council, no vote was taken running for office. Why Mrs. By'ron (Margaret a-Fak Wih.Ia liot tax one gong or cholsiand no funther nomination wenen't the pbi oi-soe omnilOtadtogad.os rn rgt is o py te tachrs.Thi for a ehairman was called fonmed? Why was theOB U RYMsDoad Rm)Msnoal Elit;adane for. A questionable pro- Chairman of the meeting not Tont; nestr, r.W.pw.L snCain eardt he s a , extr wte eh cedure at best, but this was properly elected? W hy didn't MRS. S. T. H. M CREA Y E. Ncr) E es n L t- A i ng he b a iul fo l er and soonee said,1we wiI need 10 teachers in ail, and only the beginning. As a the other candidates forbrdean h rdcirn.tiuseidc o tee- two extra roonns. The base- funther insult to the intel- Council state their views on Passed away on Tuesday, The funeral service( eete nwihtedcae 'met rom hatje avig t0~ligence of the assembled planned progress for our j November 9, 1965. Muriel held in St. Augustin.esAgi-wa hed wee hoefo bentused wüa s ractiyn- for e1ratepayers, the candidates eommunity? Why did the1 Mar.garet, beloved wife Of Mr. can Church, Lethbnigo or t. taa aa '~ / demned by te inspeetor for these important offices Chairman read one candi .T H. McCready, 509 25th Frida, November 12, wihda Paes. ul;t.au' the ast dditon we buît.reand from typed sheets, fin - date's letter of consent and S.Suth, Lethbridge, Alta. Canon Douglas A. Fod fi-UCW;H ptnFedsad the ake osep Adustmnt Taînng Cntreforthe lindwhe Preiden E.the village every day, this, ports. They gave no indica If you object to -the man- McCreadv was a ver.y welL family plot, MountainVe eeas aet h er meas mrestuens, oc thslion of how they plannedt ner in which our affaire are kr-- ormunity worker Cemetery. ___Pud R. Lovekin, right, presented a cheque for $300 to District chairman Nostrand means edîîcation.Education' conduet our affairs over the bighade beg ddby the Couneil _____________________________________________ ~prgueof renon ___ i imortnt next year, they asked for no and Clerk or is it the Clerk .I would commend theý opinions from the people and Council, if you would teachers at the Newcastle 1 they sought to represent, like the answers to saime o? mU B I ulieSeholandtheSeholwith one exception. Coun- the aforementioned questions old Electionublie>c hool, DO ard tr," he sad.hoer ol cillor Bob Wallon stood be- -you are too late! The Boltyare, he ad " veroal-J fore the people and told of former Couneil has been ne- H old lect on fo Sch ol B o rd fel thy ar thebest vl1 the problems faeing us, o? turned by acclamation; but e1ý p OU JOC able, and th-@ sehool inspec-, how planning and controls itle n ot too late ta form a werenecesar if e ar ta R a t e p a y e r s Association, Ac lim d R ev ,Co clPU.c hoet have the Mon- avod osl n uncesar which would be in a position A ccl îm e R ee £è, Cou icitague Scholarship brought! expense in the near future, ta watch dog the Council. baek ta Newcastle grade 13, He warned the citizens that Even sincere, Councillors Newcastle:- There will be Nominations for R ee v e turned aven to Clerk Pilgeon pu.pils. The area board tried while he favoured progrees tend to grow lax and adopt an election for School Board Council Sehool Board andý who acted as chairman for'to use it for anyone in eny and development. he would. a couldn't care less attitude In this village on Mondav ýP.UC were held from 7:30 the next order of busines. area, but the Newcastle Pub- insist on pîanned progress when they are not held ac- Dec. 6th, but the incumbent p m to 8:30 p.m. in the Coun- Reeve Cunningham thankedi lic Sehool and Newcastle with the subdividers paying countable for their actions, Reeve eand ail Councillorscil Chambers. the citizens of Newcastle fan Council objected. Alex Car- the cost o? services and but ratepayers associations AFSM were returned by acclama- Among the 40 citizens ne- the pleasure of serving them ruthers, M.P.P., has gîveii roads. This wes the man in other eommunities have 11W tion, *as was the former mem- presenting the village of the peet eîght year as reeve, great co-operation on thej nominateci to run ia op- done wonders for improvingmamntfl ber of the Public Utîlîties, Newcastle, il o? these were: and praîsed the lerk for the matter. He was at lest able position to the present 1 the performance of its Commission. Candidates for candidates, and the village great job he has done in to bring the High Sehool Rteeve. Counicillors. Small delega- School Board are I. J. McCul- clerk who was in charge Of brnging in taxes for the year1 Board and Public Sehool When the chairman of the tione of citizens which ord- lough, John Rickard and the proeeedings. A little dis-'and those in arrears. Before oatth rd oeter to Itrihtn eeîn dsmse" )RaFymyjutrcev Jane Parke Orange or eo e.Pie ah5eSV 0 Douglas G. Walton, former heartening to those who have1 calling on the clerk for a ne- ottepolm twl lW public there were two candi- polite heaning are, as ne- 2O W memers an necoer rs. ben i ofic an sekin.n-1 port on the taxes, hie wished be brought before theCobourg, Jean Steeves. election, or to those seeking, everyone the best for the Court in Decemiber, and wej taytm e CHIFFON Cr~ A report of the iainelection. coigsaon oeti wl iihthar- mt an indWe Par-Janoe ParkerRe.P-. ofs-SAED netngonFId veig When nominations closed, emngsaoneoeis wl iih h r- tollow. the names of candidates were M.Pdgo he ae 1 e "With no reflection on thUbuiced hèecak fo- ra oth l r reevelion o? the members of eoun- ned thedfuate, et eciv-ji1lew cas t/e Brea2- r nOrBREAD CaieiVlet2-zIa o roie'SPled out b Cek forank B. pol, ntat lthimte co-oera ew candidalt I hae receoi-1 .-.a, 2s,oM dur'Monar'ch (10 Vmieti..es]C D. J. Cunningham and R. W.cl' nbldhm tosv from present board eb 11 Y wish to solicit the support Wallon; for Council, R.Ra 1: ge aeo hat terieIt bothers me that members.i - 10sa ics o~ f .. a-CAI(E M IXES mop4c1a i, 9 of the electors o? the Village;' Waîton, F. G. CouchRose ili av a ta be spent ta build again, but we cen go, S ocialWNte Swan (Wht. oi-ai o? Newcastle in the forthcom-. Dickinson, H. C. Bonathan. endn nyasbfre nbn as swa a up this lime, andi wh.ile I k-..54Wht, ing election on Dec. 6, 1965, for'Francis Jase; for Board o? A 1C l yar efre have heard it said it will cost 2-z R Public Sehool Trustee. If E duc at ion, (Mrs.) Jean opee eotan c s$70,000, it shouldn't cost Master Stewart Tilîsan is' Bernar-d, Mis. Ida Blanford, in~~~rt thigcaaris t thlbet DuglspGbWaton-ndJoh TO LErT IS IE Mo7o s7 elected I will continue to serve Steeves, Irvin McCullough, crt iue ilb le- lygv1tte nmofte ore than $45,000. And ili'& visiting his aunt and uncle, !Mn. Hilliard Brown, Mr. John in tnestapao? the c hemunity DoRglard;.Waforn..Can Jra- year. lygvna h n ft something we will have tol Mr. and Mns. Hughie Mac- Davis, Mrs. Marie Gartshore, A P m d. -- "' "' " ' Intrettheth cmabsencei of; orP..C, ta Ga.1 do," concluded Mr. Rickard. 1Leod. and grandfathen Mn. C. ýMrs. Violet Harrison, Mrîs.I Y7 d« 1UIWUWVS'D1fimt d~ W~Da ~ W5W Sincerely, hem. ouhitws xpindt Ir v McCull.ough felt that: E. Tilîson, in Hamilton. i Marion Ha.te.'Maxwell, Mr. Irvin J. McCullough. Reeve Douglas Cunninghaîn a letter had been re ivdwîth 16 or 17 years on the!:Plie November meeting o? Rose Hnckin, Mrs. Louise IU V 48-11 tmoveci that the meeting be fromn him that lie wouî ecaivad board, lie was experienced i the Northumberland and Dur- Hodson. Mn. AI? Perrin, Mr.q. FRESH K iw agaîn, enougli to rua again. hem Firefighters AssocciationiJtîne Pitt, Mn. Ernest Rinch, 1 ru fr ouci tisyen.His' Stan Graham announced was lield on Thunsday, No-' Mr. Richard Roscoe, Mrs. raologies and eor,twee that he had hoped to have vember 25th, et, Cobourg.) Gerce Sheppard. Mr. Ed'ward TO THE ELECTORS 0F NEWCASTLE:ra yM.Pden Det more namnes nominated for Meimbers o? the Newcastle! Smith and Mn. Bruce Tillscn.> onther obligations 1 am absent P.U.C., but as thene were none Dept. atteinding t'he meeting ___________ from thi.s meeting. 1 have but his own lie would try were A. S. Naylor, Erie Nay-, AsapaetofPblcSholae hlden nvrbefore missed a nomi- again ta serve the public to Iono and Doug Miller. Fireman W SE V TTPCIKN(T Asa arntofPulc cholag cir n ati'îon night and have been, the best o? hie ability. ",We Nayln,e sezretary of longý E L Y IL education and the need of it is of interest only once absent frnm a coun-, trv agv o yr tessadnwa., again elected to nie. cil mee pting m i v a . a and do our beet," he said. skecretary for the year 1966, Ahiv en Da fo te The report sent in from He le aleco training officer forý 4-H Clubs, wa.s lieldi at Oronô budget of $1.000 wa,,%dravn Sho or ebe g h onie.BbGoy o on Saturday evening, Nov. I arn a candidate this year, running for up and money' was spent on: sG.Walonwa not read, bour*g, as agi electeci as 27th. and local familles were LEG tnimring nd tee ,but said lie would run again president, and Frank Syr pre.sent ta cemnbr e SCHOOL TRUSTEE, and 1 ask for your support. movel, the cutting of weeds if nominated. 1 as elected for vice president. evthe w ren.and s.Wm and levelliag mad g.ading the w ethe wr: rewards. mn pak n esviw eilis. Promiptly At nine-bhirty' 'Ple training comnittee con-ý T I l Mý1_ p-m.athe meetingviaw ad-ghiets-o? Aga--- illps, PortAshbv o? Port Bnritain ith+1' Mr. Walten hdn't decided tri2-C FE V2& & Di Nsstj nônt h fer ea5 t uda'm AO n * ~ ~ ~ ~~~rn for either rounicil or reeve Thursday Nîglit League- Cuba of Newcastle,.a« Akela. SchôOl arn Sunday niora, C8EEA E6 O F5A EO A at hi fu e , but stateci that 200 and oven - Ken Witney There are til a few tic- 'vith Ruthi Nichais as orgar J o n l*t time, 'a n ouiil ex 59, Alice Kupery 257, Ruse kets 4vgilabl@ for the Artifi. and Sandra Payne réa . L __. -Y ie wtesonri un cargexotf Powell 224, Mabel Lewis 208,lciel ITeeDance- Act now if e orning ecripture. hte il'1 sideal nd roade; rgc oMary McGregor 200. Yeui want to have ni gcod im ilsevcwl b hld n Jo 265, RutC K a r 257r.themanin Irk a ___________: Mr.lDArVthe ADLES - ARRloValE DA IL ~'OE ad EECTdon,"t hel Gwcn Ford had chargeB A IA ilS don, h rpotel."AredýHzpdo 29,Stn lln225,JTendam 28 Gary Fre 1,o? Pearl and MarieAutn e survev lies liean made for Churelservice was ut ZMon sewrsan th ton L*misMarilyn Couch 221, Myrt1lMikc White 212. swradtheton dpearce 220. Stan Powell 217,ý Newtonville Ladies . 17.5 andi will lie in this ciurdh on em A ew room or two Anneka Venbeck 217, Tracy.and aven - Nancy Gaines 22 Decemrber .5th. wIl lie needed for the pulic Embley 213, George, Zweir'Jean Hall 220, L. Williams 211,,Mnr. andi Mrs. Clarenice Nicli- D ou las G . alt n ischal;we have a new ie 24 Wallace aic 0Hzl AnCoe Q.s were in Toronto on Sun-: truek, and no hall to keep tiMay Munro 202. Thursday Night Leatue -- day ta s.ec Mr. Andersoin, Mrs.' ODNYLO n.Top bowlers for the week 20l0 and over - June Pi tts 292 Nicliols' fether. wloio l In Ter- ON DEC. 6th, 1965, FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE "Il am not egainst pnogress ending Novemben 27th, are MrlnCuc 3,AtDu:otfrey rgy.l one bit, aoc! if there ant thosei the following: beau 223. Mr. and M.as. Harold Aus-NO GADc ofs'ou who think IRM n. Ladies - 200 and over -, Friday Niglit League --- 200 tin, Pearl, Valenie, and Mn$. Having served on the Newcastle Scheol defeat me this election,*. ne Joan Ard 296, Marion McMack- , nd aoven - Tracy Emnbley 271, Will Tufford visited with Mn. Bor fr1 yas el av h eprîno continued. Th l iesbd'v%-nn in 258, Berniece Pantner 256,!Albert Pearce 26 6, Ruth Couch and Mrs. L. Howarth in Ton- Boar fo 10 ear 1 eel hae te exerince needed a better roaci befrre we Eleine Dost 248, Mary Foster 257, Evelyn Embley 252, Mari- onto on Sunday. MNUS. Tuf- that is needed in our ever 'growing schooil. took if over. Tlie town %Vas 217, Dorothy Mercer 208, Betty lyn Coucli 233, Doreen Nesbitt fond i% spending this part e? paid $750 and hlas easily paid Majer 2()., Minnie Taylor 205,1237, George Kupery 239, Ben'the itrwtiteAsin.ALfua NTI Thanking you for your support. ou 20 led . EevJanet McCraken 204. ýHoogkamp 233, Ben Madjl 225,' Mr. and Mrs. }Harold Bar- sADGA NTE tire ne hus gos p, e ts eaiue - 225 and'Kay Powell 223, George Kim.- rowclough visited with Art I II there ar ear needed tô aven - Lloyd Taylor 284,1ball 222, Laura Hazeldon 220,1Maekay, Stankville, on Sun- Miji 1I 1UO Compliments of the the rnari. Moore rame. into George Kimbhail 276, RonlMerril Henry 218, Stan Pow- day aftennoon. AU A, this tnwn to mnake monne\ . hut'Good 2q1, Larry Peance 267, cIl 209, Wallace Coiucl 26. Mrs. Elizabeth andi Mrs. Ida DCME .1e Holiday Season To Al. lie isn't gainr triro ' mt Me-rnil Her'r 245. -T- n'*n Ted Hoar 2n@, .im Dean 206. Toppir, o? Toronto celled on o? Neweasle. 23.1 Jack Holmes 205. Ruth Bona- fniende în the coîn=iunit>.~ ..l wu againit te *ubdLi- 1 Junior League - 200 and - than 200, Stan Allia 200. during the week. t I