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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1966, p. 8

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The Canulai State.mun EowuimnvW., Ian. 8, 110 SPORTopucs Dy Frunk moisti ov*#*ow4mj 6234234 ,AM TO WORK IIow was your Chrlstmas - New Yoar's holiday? Oura *oja ust great - but now lt's baci tot work, in tact w. »have already startod. There was the Genermi' gamne Stur- 4Wand lait night's Czochosiovakla Jr. A Al-Star battis a* the Gardens. 0f course al aur local sports will swing é* Into action, thon there fi Sweden playing Canad', $ in i Toronto and a couple more Jr. "A" attractions, But while Bowmanville participants were enjoying a ,-Wortî break, General Motors decided ta give most of their *ccountmng staff a lengthy holiday - in tact weo nly worked tour days out of 17. .Sa you see why we had such an enjayable time - during Christmas wo grabbed a stack of magazines and headed iorth ta relax completely. Didn't manage ta read them all, *nd roused ourselves long enough toi fat, apen preienti, Wateh those football games on TV, and get this - even went to uee an opera - Carmen It was - but enough about that. (We had trouble undemstanding the damn thing), By New Year's we were aimait back in motion again. Ceiebrmted the regulan ove a littie eanly - lait Wednesday right, and thon decided wo xight au weil live fi up a littie on Dec. 3lat also. Not waniing ta play favorites, the oid scribe taok in his first ballot too! Il was the Nutcracker - mainly for kida they say - guess ibat's why we liked it. Our only regret was miasing the Canadien. - Loafs battis - ki looked 1k. a dandy on TV - but we gai angry thinking of the Iack-lustme affair. we had atonded - and now for a top attraction aur tst remamned vacant. Oh well, we gat aut for a very interoîting skate, watched about hall a dozen football games (via television af course) ,and took In a tremendous Jr. "A" conteit at the Civic Auditorium. *Ater aur Christmas relaxation, CKLB helped us ta shakeoaur letbmngy by rousing yours truly in time ta give five sportscaits. i. i. . i. i CARL BREWER - "TO PLAY OR NOT TO PLAY" We went for a skate wiib Carl Bnewer an Thusday. Always wanted ta play for the Toronto Maple Leafs ever ince I was a youngster. No - Carl hasn'i returned and the Leafs baven'i gaita the paint et needing speedstens lke we. But we couidn't help ihinking - hore was one of the N.H.L.s top defencemen, niaking himseif a preiiy fair buck, who had quit at the age of 27. And here was me, slightly aven 27 (ahem) and we banely managed ta play juvenile hockey. 1Mast detencemen don't really mnake it in the big urne until a comparative later age than' the forwmrds, nmorn f ivhom stop right it the, bague from Jr. "A",, simply because ihey can usumlly gel away with a mitake while the blue-liners cannai. Brewer did make the big leap ai 10 ycans af age, and bas been ail-star calibre ever ince. 0 Tbrough the delermined efforts of recreation manager1 Bud Fanning, Carl waî hore for iwo dayî lait week, spcnd-0 '\Ipg. some seven houri each turne, on the les instructing1 dP*manville's Young hockey playors.1 1Sa you sec we were fan tram alone for aur whirl1 arovnd the ice. It's just thai the only way ta gain an inter-1 vléw was ta don the blades. Even on anc of his infrequent b"4a<sCarl was besciged by autograph seekera.1 1 IansWcr ta aur question of why ho left the team, Pgerreplied, "I loti far persanal neasons. If I told you fie auldn't be pensonal any marc." Ho told us that ho "Mmk-ingbis timo at the University of Toronto, but still beiag in the liinelight, daesn't allow hlm as much freedam as mnat students. Carl was happy ta have the opportunity to spcnd mare turne ai home with bis farnily. Ho tuther pointed oui that1 b. naw gels a good night's sleep, which largely duc ta Worry, was somthing ho didn't acconiplish when ho played hockey. We kiddingly poinled oui that until his dematian tè> Rochester and subiequent recaîl ta the Loafs, Eddie Shack *as pnobably the only real canefree guy on the team. The ~iwer: "He wamies tao." IlWe discovered thai neither "King" Clancy nom Harold Nulard have miade any direct appnaach as yet about a retumn to the club. We asked if money had anylhing ta do with a4~ decision and were iurprlsed ta leamn that it hadn'i even bteon discussed Up till the trne cf hi. departure. 0f course the big question evemyone is asking is will àe came back, and 'wifl. it be this yemr. "'Nai likely," said Prewer. We menlianed ta Carl that ho sounded as if be *ould like ta, but msa as if ho enjayod his lite ai prosent. lie simply nodded, but we dan't know if it was fn agreernent .Or not. We askcd how bis wife toit about his early relirement sid if shse hmd anything ta do with it. "She left the decision 'èntlrely up ta me and was very disappointed when I quit." lumaniages ta watch the odd gaine on TV, but in busy ~~dying mucb cf the time. Bewer in&iîcated that ho would probabiy return ta U. T. ta furthen bis education ater camplcting bis B.A. épura. ibis year, with the prospect of oventually teaching "for a few years et bast." One final question - "-Do you fiel any animosiiy towarda any members of the Leal angani- zétion?" The answem - "No." This reporter, aiong wilh mmny, many hockey fans wouid MEMORIAL ARENA 50 WIRAN VILL PUBUC SKATING iF*IAY, JAN. 7*1, &,*10 PM. $UWPMAJAN. 9th 2 4 M 'y ýJAN. Utb - TM IsKATING ~ 4~kU -ONLY SU Nearly 450 Youngsters of Many Ages Benefit from Hockey Clinic During the Christmas holidays, the Arena was extremely busy witih the Recreation Department's annuel Hockey Clinic, attended by nearly 450 youngslers of varying ages. Expert instruction was given by former Toronto Maple Leaf star defenceman Carl BrewÈr and a number of assistants who put the boys through their paces and taught them the fundamentals of skating, stopping, stick-hand- ling and other skills connected with Canada's main winter sport. J. . This photo shows one group, surrounding Brewer as he prepares them for another energetic workout. Additional excitement was added to the clinic when cameramen from the CBC took films of sonne of the activitieg for viewing later on television. Recreation Dir,-ctor T. A. Fanning, was highly pleased with this year's clinic, and with the help given him by Mr. Brewer and several volunteers from this area. ______________ Ni ght Hawks Town League Hockey Bowling M cNuit y'.s Upset Robson's Dcc. 28/65 Tea Standi__ Olympias Down Crystal 4. Hodgsan _____- 3 Sbeaee ________ 32 i. Sedman ______24ToCoeL aesî a *Wright 14T ls ea esi a Fligb Triple-B. Wilbur - 749 300 Games B. Wilbur ------------ 333 ZOO Games B. Wilbur 253, J. Rowe 241, D. Sallows 232, L. Woodcock 228, J. Sheaner 203, 218; E. Coombes 209, B. Mîlls 202. Robson Matons saw tibeir pickkiig up the lane Dainy Joc Belson and Ray Crombie winning ways stymied as tail- mai-ken. notched the others. end McNulty's Sports handed McNulty's, trailing 4-2 et- Gary MeCullougli pott.ed a theffn a 10-6 setback, and ici- twe peiods, napped in pain for Robson's, singles go- Olympia Restaurant movcd cight goals in the final Vwen- ing ta Terry Black, Bill Cmos- witi thi-ce points of Rab- ty minutes te joli thc Matons sey, Paul McCulloughn and son's, downing Crystai Dairyci-cw, and move out «! the Gary Akcy. 4-1 in Town Leaigue hoclkeyi-oelar ai the expense of Ci-y-TeiStnng action, Tuesday niglil. 'itay Deii-y. Ten tnig TI the otoener. Rayep '<,,etv TDon Masters led the win- W . T.Pi Averagea West and Alex 'Wismmn each ners with live - oals, ÎdieRobsos J. Sheaner 209 triggered a pain o! goals to Bob Sleep contributed a bat- Olympia B. Wilbun __ 185 eccaunt for ail the Olymrpia trick and "Anchie" Crossey MéNulty' MX Hodgsan 183 scoring, wi'dh Jim Clarke added halt-a-dozen assists. Crystel M. Sedman ___-183 K. Campbell 177 J. *Woodlock -_____176 J. Rowe - _ 74 Recreation Revii C. Sangunsan 173 B. Miii ._____ 169 Canoelled - The Ladies' a 2 ta 1 score. The1 G. Scot*.____ 163 Gym Class sciseduled ta ne- The Amenicana opened the scaing D. Sallaws-- 163 Openl on Thui-sday, Jan. 6tb, scoing on a geai by Allan the ti-st W. McNeil 162 lias been canceled, but will Wotten ai the 9:48 nmai-kai Wayne F. Land-___ ___ 161 reopon on Tbursday, Jan. 13, tbe tiret period. Then et thc MikeB J. Mains _______ 160 ai 7:30 pin. 13:15 mark, Tom Nowlan made it I. Wright 160 Hockey News soored unassised ta make il mai-k of C. Adams .~__ 156 Tyke Hockey: 2 ta 0. At the 11:35 mark o! a goal1 K. Ralston _____ 155 In thc gaine played Deccin- the second period thse Rayais Hornets D. -Mutton 155 ber 27th, thc Royalsa deféated narrowed thc gap on a goal ai the1 M. Firtbh.- -- 152 thc Bombera 2 ta 1. The Roy-. by Ian Wiléox assistcd by ond pexi A. Lonussa -_ _ 150 ais goals weme sconed by Joey Burns and Billy Leaman. aid Bru B. Beers 149 Wayne Hicks wbile Joey The final period saw ne scor- score in D. Cochranc 147 Cbnristl pcked up oine esis. ng by ecuber leain. though L. MtIon__ ____ 146 The Bombons goal was scor- In thse second game tise their go J. Harnesa .- - 145 cd by Bobby Story aasisted Bombons defeated the Hrainets minute E. Coambes_ _ _- 140 by L.MyCyin 2 tai 1.1 attacker. V. Bai-hlet --. 139 The second gai. saw the of danc: D.Dewell~ _ _ 139 Indiens defeat the Heomeeby NEW O IL olaowei A. Perfect ___- 127 stone scored two goals andMi. I. Turnbull 1- - 23 one assist for tac Indians, Mn. andM M. Alfred Red- bersIa L. Burgess 121 wieth teswn cndk'nap and Douglas, Oshawa, Hal r T, O. Moffat-___ 121 by Ted Puk. Randy Philips and Mn.. Rowe-Sleeman ofan n J. Gibncm 118 and Barry Shackleton. The Toronto e re isios on ndgain M. Neil .--..- 109 assist wonîta Bar- Bruni, Chrietana Eve witb Mr. and Atn i Glenn Martlin and Enian Mar- Mms. F. Gifrrer. Aet Tnd tin Sunday dinnen guests lstGodT Mtdgets B eat goals wenoj wcek et Mn. S. ILancaster'. and Mn M idge s Bea scored by Steve Noris anc included Mn. and Mrs. W.1 goal and ancea"sit, Rick Leckhani, Niagara F'alls, N.Y., Thiele ane goal, Ralph ci-y- Mr. an~d Mme. I. Munday, Mn., A iax to 3derman anc goal, and Brad and Mn.. S. Butcry, Mn. and, Freelhv ance ssisi. Mxs. Weleb, af Bowmnanvilie,l On Wednesday, Decemnber Atam Hockey: Mr. Chard of Newcastle. 129, the locel Midget teain hock In th irstsigae played on Mn. and Mn.. R. Bruce were, a n a strong Ajax teain in the Dec. 28ib tthe Bais defeated dinnen guesla lait Sunday Brooklin A ena. This is tac the Indians by a 4 ta 2 count. wîtb Mr. and Mrs. G. Turney tinst lime this season ibat The Rame goals wenc sooned adMauibor a Tenon 1 these toanis have clasbcd. The by Rory Gibbs wiih îwa goals Miss Inez and Mn. Ed.S- Ajax teain i. big and fut. and iwo assista, Brian Fengu- mons of Morish, With Mn. Bowrnanville .oared îwice son one goal, Doug Bragg one and Mms. F. Glmen, were in theoi t i t hw uee more in goal and two assists, whlle Tuesday evening d i n n e r thse second peried, wIile Ajax Jetf Hôdgs<>i picked up on guesta witih Mr. and Mns. S. gai iwo goals in tbe second asist. Rowe. end ane in thse tliird. The Indiesgas wene Mr. and Mms. A. Wade saored by Mark gveiy and were suppen guesti on Mon- The local teamn's gowo- DorMis Brocene wIlue John day with Mr. and Mmi. e ers i n oier weceDvit MacDonadmid ons amit. Watts, Port Hope. Peters, Qyber, Ggihooly and Ina theseicoond gaine bbc Two U.C.W. Unit. sponsor- ROgers. Assista went te Rog- Banans deteis'd tise Rayais 1 cd 8 card! party in thse Coin- ens, Gybon., Foi.Oy, Finn-ey, ta 0. The Barons Ion@ goal fluulby Hali WednesduY even- t Peters. Taylor, Webb adwswrd Pt latin. lig, wiseme15 tables were ln 't Deviti. Tnt. Hockey: play, winners as tollows: hlgh Por the tirs ai pnd and In th f re garn playd lady. Jaxnet Paeden. hlgh man, easly patfitthi econ=d, BOW- MandaY, Jan. 3Td, the. Ameni- Wilis Farrow; dnaws, Elaine manv ll oetroled the Play, cana dteaCItir e Royals by Caswell, Wallace Bougben. thon Ajex startedti ta it ban- ----- Mn. andi Mr&. Carence Pee- der and skte tester ta mace tien aof Michigan bave been pu gie a nemi conbest. Doug vislting Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Rayes plaiyed en cutstending 1 wfli lou Fou Paeden, bers. am inl net for Nownianviile Mr. and Mrs. UkeGmogom to holdAjax ta thzee goals. up <o Jones Mni faily, Bulin<lon,~ In te tird eriti, ow-wore reent callors ai Mr. C. la tb le ied p ixti, Baw- $50000 M. Jones' and Mrs. Alice tiés and A Max only two, but at a reasonabis rate Mmes.aniMsAnod a aur bc" sare goting btter aIl Mr. and i. viros In ghe ie, klllng off pesialties et luteresi n rn er iiosl and et Uesemne time. are OdIur. 1 hureday, w+th Mr. dergprous on tihe attaci. Te emoedsate jour - and Mns. R. Ma*. ReSmnt vites e t th. manse This condu g aturday, Jan, bils er fer amy eth1 weoe: Mr.' ad MUs. Robert 8t*i, Ajax come ntô mia fo Tutton. VirgInia ant Carolyn, a ritérn *n.neisb. Cmns. wertlwbile puTpos -anti Mm. A. Preston, of Ten- on ouitflu% and ose. twagood 1ot;ý-adUi .Cye toumln ctin. Ie jmelMr. and Mm . red Norris, art Ju-e gp. lm. * PSby 7U ~ Mrs.. I. luwe. et Roseoatis; a Juicnle Su e 9 p . WU C. Steweit, Un. A. Dob- 1'bis W ne4, Jus. Sthq , 51. 8 euieeIMdsé Pm &aWd . Pormer ret go te etUI4??TIOU to N. ta _ ivl. wu e as niouin les . ,tMit à là -PortAtPtenny. as or eglar~mulity muai* about 50 local, 9 3 O 18 7 4 1 15 n 4 8 O 8 3 8 i '1 fainiiy, Mn. aind Mn.. Couison and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. BillI Trima nd tarnily, Mr. and Mns. Raymond Trirn, Mr. and Mz-. Ed. Roawe, Mn. and Mrs. Char- lie Trirn. Mrt Mn. Bill Wade's home, M.and Mns. J. Meneiiicy of Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. F.1 Tufford, Newcastle, Mir. and Mrs. T. Henjderson, Mr. and Mn.s. J. Caswcll and Mn. and Mrs. P. Gilmer were amang the guesis. At Mr. George Elliitt's: Mr. and Mrs. M. Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Har-old Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Mr. and Mi-.. Don Ellioti were aTnong those present. Mn. and Mir. J. C. Moore of Hamilton werc wcckend' guests et Mr. C. H. Lene'.. Mr. and Mms. W. Lawlor a! Belleville spent the holiday, weokend with b-er parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reid. Mrs. Bourgenie spent New: Year's Day wilib Mr. and Ms.. Allen Meadows in Oshawa. With Mr. and Mns. M. Samis on New Year's Day were Mis. Prouse and Chanlie, Miss Nor- een Prouse, Toronto, Mr. Del- bort Fishiey, Mr. and Mn.. O. Edgerton, Mn. end Mrs.. Morley Robinson and tenuîly. Mr. and Mrs. Carrolil Nich- ais and fminiii with Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster andI Dorcîla. Mr. and Mns. W. Whittaer and fannily, Toronto, wiib Mn. and Mi-.. E. Walkey and tam- £iy. MT. Ken Siapleton, Toronto, .Mn. and Mns. Traoey Enibieyl and family, Newcastle, Mn. and Mms. J. Fari-ester and farnily, Orono, wi'th Mn. and Mns. H. Stapleton and famiuly. Miss Beniha Thonpsion, Tor- enta, withb Misses Anne and Allie Nesbiti. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Simip- son, Port Hope, Mr. and Mr&. Wray Saules, Toi-enta, wiibl Mr. and M . Jack Ellioti and i Dorolby. sMr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. à Mr. and Mrs. R. Trirn, Mr.! -and Mrs. RaisBrown with Mn. and Mrs. Trueman Hen- iderson and feniily..1 5* Mr. and Mrs. Miton Kirn-i rball. Mr. and Mns. Jack Kini-' wd F. Gilmen aniong the guesis with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gra- ham and farnuly, Newcastlte. Mrs. Jean Cochrane and Gardon, Mr-. Jack Wede and Douglas, Mr-. and Mrs. H. Wade wit-h Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade end boys. Mr. and Mrs. George Hen- derson, Part HxYpe, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Henderson, Peter and Carol. Mrs. C. Walkey with M.1 and Mrs. A. W'ade and Grant. Mrs. C. Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle with Mr.l and Mm. Eari MoEwen and family in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Joncs, Douglas and Diane, rcturned ta their home in Edmnonton on Sunday, alfter sipending the h-olid-ay scason here. Miýss Dorothy Sta-pleton ne- turned ta Kingston, Sunday, efter holidaying bore with be- parents. In hockey, Sunday after- noon at Pont Hope, Newton- ville team ontinued their' winning ways in the Mercan- tile League, defeating Eldos 16-5. Sorry w. b'aven't a more detailed account, yet. Mr. Ben Fonsyth, Oehawa, visited. the Geo. Stapletons on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staple. ton and Doratby were dinneon gucats of Mr. and Mi-.. Alec Mae-in, Newcastle, Monday evening.1 Mr. and Mi-.. Gea. Staple- ton were among the dinner guesis ai Mr-. W!m. Tamblyn's, Orono, lest Thursday evening. Mr. Harmy Stewart, King- stan, was a New Year's gueit ai Geo. Stapletan'. Appreciate Help from OId Timers by Howard Corden The challenge gaines nick- namied "ITbe David anid Go-à liath Mabch" iumned oui ta b. a real comeback for thse O.M. H.A. graduates, wba wan bath gaimes hiandily. Perbaps we sbauld concentirate on toirn- ing themin mi aaiod ashion- cd Iiakeghoe lnterrnedia't teain, witii beach itrength tram the Midgets and Juve- nules. But, ail due respect and admiration ta these genté. men, who ton thse love of the sport, and feeling tisai al help should be given ta the. boys coming alang, took the lime and trouble t talc. the skates oui of motbbells, and donate $50 tram their club funds, plus ane dollar per nman towards theie ce payaient. The paid gai., necopte wen, $56 so, linancially, the Mid- get-Juvenile Aasociation gain. cd. Wc could, haweven, gain. far mare if the public could b. the saine kind of!sports au tiiese gentlenen are and caine outi uhy Saturdaor nlght ai seven or nine ta cheen on the home club. I'm pOSItiva' you won't b. disappxfned. ' Again oldtimers, thenkEa lot. You earned theplauffits,4 and the linfiment. ý t SPECIAL 1/a PRICE PASS ~* FRIDÂY, JAN. 7 KINSMEN SUPER CAR et the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ovR $7,500 IN PRIZES liceludins New 1966 specified car frein:doaler of yquV eé.eoce or $2,000 Cash; $1,000 HI-Le Gaine;.00 Bit Snowbail (54 nos.); $600 Smail Snowball (50 no.)*, $600 regular gamnet. $450 Ipeoili gamnet. Don't forgetet buy the economy pack for value and save mouey. Pin. 4 Early Bird Gaines (Mars the Wealtb) Starthg ut 7:30 p.m. Many Free and Valuable Door Prime NOTICE 0F, ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeti ng of the Memori*al Hospital Corporation wiII be held on T H U-R SieJANe.2IOth 1966 at the hour of 8:30 p.m. in the GYMNASUUM of ONTARIO STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL for'the purpos. of h.aring reports and the ELETION 0F FOUR DI1WETORS FOR A TERM 0F TWO TSARS ai ter this mting, a meeting of the Directors wlflb. h.ld to .1.ct a Pwsdeat andVic-Predeu#L %orlOS R. J. DLIG $.cetmr-Tresur. SPORTOPICS GENERALS IN A SLUMP? After gaing six games withaut a lons, lncluding clutch victories right in Niagara Falla end Peterborough, Oùmawu Generals suddeniy drapped two, tralght lait week. Thurs. day night, U{amilton Red Wingil, unleauhed a treniendogu third period onslaught to down Oshawa 4-2. 8Saturday, a t different Manlie team than we had scen thia ueuzon, han d Generals a 5-3 setback. That New Year's night attraction fine hy game a. Marîbaros built up a 3-0 lead and Omhswa«cn back ta trail 4-3 with only a minute left. Everyone has been saying that Bobby Orr eau do eVer thing except play in goal. Saturday ho did just that. 1Wi Ian Young out for a ixth attacker, four Marlies brait. away with only Gmr back. Bobby made a gnou usave on Jim McKenny, but Jim scored on the ensuing penalty ehot Referee Frank Siota asked for police protection ta louve the ice, but he was absolutely correct in the cali. Although we thought ho might have handed out a few more penalties, Siota let both sides away wlth Infractions and 1t dldn't geon to hurt the gamne a bit. Most Jr. "A" officiais seeni ta thinit they have ta hand penaities out if one player looki et anothor this year - and the action han îuffered. The mnotor city crew got a big break when Wmngg downed the Petes 7-5 right in Peterborough, Sunday atter- noon. That kept Oshawa ali alone In tinst place by two points, but they face tough opposition in their next gamhe - Friday night in Niagara Falls. Those high-.ting Red Wing. who have now won fivo straight wiil b. at the Auditorium Saturday night. It looks like a real battle tram here on as the Jr. "A" clubs move into the second hall of their schedule. Genemals have only dropped two in a row once betome, 0 welook for coach "Bep" Guidolin to have them flying for the Frlday and Saturday contests. ' 1 ý i r-Nao "@mM-,Ne

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