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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1966, p. 11

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lium. res1iiIn, Uditor Sçool Board Dis ~eed for Two Moi' *N"*wStI The. Newcastle Charnian John Rickard, and 1 ~@oES*rd held its eua members Daug Walton antI Irv1 kOSUfl< n Monday evngMCulough were sworn inte it r* iinbei'5 present. Tht office o! uchool trustees for( Minutes cd tire lait meetig another twa year term. Theyt Wereid by secretary, E werc sworn in by Mr. Bar-1 lkard, annd were approved chard, who was also in charge 1 th dr.of nomninations for electian o! Vollowfug the minutes, Boardiofficers. Tht feeling expressed i Holîdays Finîshed Activities Return To NormalI Operation, .Newcastl-With tht Christ-1 tas andI New Year holidays ôver, antI chlcren returningj te school, mothers took adi-; vawtage of the. peece andi quietj to put the bouse back in ord-1 or, and rcturn te the after holiday routine. Among this routine were the meetings andI bowling which are again active andI in full swing. These L at few weeks, league games ve not been reported, but w. are certain ta have up-to- tht-minute results once this tint week of tht new year is eonipieted. Cul>s andI Scouts will return te thelr regular meetings lie ginning Monday, January 10, *hile Brownies, Guides andI Boa Ranger have already be- gutheir meetings. Tht Iangers, we understand, are stilI without a leader, but are fer tht time carrying on under the guidance a! Mrs. Gardon Garred, Jr., who is tht assist- enit. The Hockey Mathers heltI their tirst cf the 1966 meet- Ings on Monday evening. Un- fortunetely this meeting prov- ed rather irnaîl in attendance, blit It was heped as the hockey acason grew active, ma would the mothers e! thus erganiza- tion. Club President Mrs. Ross (»lbledick, welcomed tht Members,, antItht minutes o! thec last meeting were reaci andI approived. Tht new sweat- ers, purchaied by tht Hockey Mathers for the Atom teams hed arrived, andi also tht socks. This would give Atoms and Bentams new sweaters antI socks for tht start o! their games. Three thank you notes were ta lie written by the secretary, and sent te the following: Mr. R. B. Riekard, for bis donation o! tht Bantam sweaters, and ta Dr. andi Mrs. L. Miklos for their donation o! tht Bantani Socks, with tht third note go- ing ta tht Unitedi Church Women, for their donation ta the bazaar recently sponsored by tht Hockey Mothers. Sales of tht items left from the bazaar are still being matIe, andi members <vert re- mindeci ta keep in minci that Mrs. Cobbledick would sel] these items at any time should there be something members or friencis wauld like ta have. It was also tIecided at this meeting ta purchase shoulder pads for goalies on the Ban- tam team. By way o! another praject ta earn money for their club, which gats ta equip these boys' teanis, tht club has agreeci ta take on the refresh- ment booth at tht Memorial Arena this year. A clean-up night bas been set for Monday evening, January lOth at 7:30 o'clock. Asiy andI ail members are welcome ta pitcb in, as there is lots ta be done. This concludeci tht business antI the meeting was adjaurn- ed. /lewcastle 8-q(wa aànci £kers onai here w as no baby boni on W etesDay et the Me- , itmpital, Bowmanville, tcdf January 2nd, a littît iws born, marking ber tht w Tar Baby. Congratula- tions te tht parents, Geargina and PRobert Kimmeirly, o! R. R. 2. Newcastle. Congratulations are aisa in erder to Mr. and Mr.. Charlie Cowan who have recently calebrated their 45th wedding anzlvesary. Christmas guests o! M. and Un'.. d. Nesbltt and family were Mns. Nesbitt's parents, Mr'. and Mrs. G. Hail, and Howard andI Cindy o! Cobo- conk. Mn. Nesbtt's family, Mr. and Mns. C. Nesbitt, Wood- ville, were New Yea's guests. Mrs. George Watkins (Jante singer) of Toranto, visited wth Mr. antI Mrs. Earl Wal- ton tIunlng tht seasanal bai- day. Accempanying lier borne, Mns. Ban Waltos plans ta have a week's holiday. in the Tononte area. Mr. antI ivrs. Sierd De Jong, Mr. andI Mrs. EdmuntI Majer andI fazily were New Year's Day dinnen guests o! Mn. antI Mn.. Peter Lake antI family. Christmas guests e! Mr. and 1frs. John__Voutt were Reception Mi'Ï. and Mrs. Albert -Pèarce wlfl be et home ta friends andi relatives at their home in N<ewcastle, on Saturday, Jan- uary 8th, 1966, fromn 3 ta 5 & .adfromn 7 ta 9 p.m. on1 eocasnd o! their silveri B10in ocaivesay. 1-11 their son andi daughter-in-law, Mr. antI Mrs. Neil Voutt, Wil- lowdale; Mr. Robert Cameron, Toronto; Mr. andI Mrs. L. Cmn cIl, Lindsay, and Mr. antI Mrs. SitI Buckies, Campbellford. Or Sunday folcwing New Year's, tht Veutts were tht guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buckles. We wish ta welcome Mr. andI Mrs. C. P. Blaker, who are new ta Newcastle, anc have taken up residence in the Westview Heigts.-Subdivision. Christmas was a most happy time for thte laker family when their son David, Toron- to, was able ta share the hall- tIays et borne, and their daugb- ter, JutIith, Belleville, ntwly engaged, was also able ta be home, antI with ber, ber fiance Mr. Russell Bateman, also of Belleville. Guests over tht New Year weekend were Mrs. Blaker's mother, Mrs. ,William Kempston, Belleville. Our friends and neigbbor in tht bospital are: Mrs Jenny Bergsma, Mr. Job: Davis, Mr. Lloyd Ellis o! R.R 2; Mrs. Opel Ellis o! King St. Mrs. Mary Foster, Sr., Mrs Marie Gartshort, Mrs. Violei Harrison, Mrs. G. Kimmerly and lier New Year daughter Mr. Edmund Majtr, Mr. Wm Martin, Mr. Cyril Quinney, Mrs. Grace Sheppard, Mr. Ed- ward Smith, Mrs. Margarel Smith, Mr. Joseph Stellar anc ýMrs. June Wilson. Mr. Terry Walton and Mrs John Cunningham bave re. turned ta tht village aftere ýmotor trip and a visit ta Otta. ýGET THIS BOOKIET OF BASIC FACTS ABOUT IDB BUSINESS LOANS Ityo areplanning to sUtrt epand or~ ~uopgiz abu"ainend you requiro a t'i~ anto cary out your plana, w#Wt for thâl descrptive bo<kt or Vtui *an DB OMMes I~I UvINDUS TRIAL OEVI'L OPMEN T SANK PSrUMMNO V'CIS AASCANADAU no m m WMIp* liue u si.:m - Surprise Party, f 423 45th Cople Mmm % .421 1 Newcastle-The immediate familles of ?4r and Mrs. the need for an extra accotn- Charles Cowan. planned and ~ modation la great, but even presented Mr. abid Mrs.. Cowan I 1 % _with this addition, taxes, with a surprise ,party Wednes- -cs e through the Newcastle Public day, December j»th, mnarkingi School need not be raised. their 45th Weddin, anni- S The board bas set a date to versary. 'e R o m et with an architect before At the openin.i of the con- ýe R oS going bêfore council. gratulatory cererneny Mis. Mr. Holmes reported to the Bert Stapleton et Bowman- by board members Mrs. Wil- board that the principal's re- ville pinned a beautiful cor- liam Storks, and Mrs. Samn port of the student attendance sage on the happy and shak- Brereton who moved and sec- Iwas excellent, and he was very ing bride, while the groom onded the motion, was that pleased. stood with the smre pride and the past chairman, John Ric-i Mr. Munro's report for De- happiness beside his bride as kard, who has held the position cember, was as follows: enrol- he did 45 short years ago, and for a number of years, had ment on the last day of school, accepted the carnation pinned done an excellent job in thelthere wvere 279 students. There te his coat by Mrs. Col. Daniel, past and was experienced ta had been two students trans- Oshawa. carry on agaîn. This was car- fer out, with three students Mrs. E. Warburton, Court- ried unanimously. ladmitted. For the year ending ice, read a short address, Mr. Rickard tbanked the 1965, the average daily attend- wbich told the couple of the members for their kind words, ance was 259.37. The daily l'appiness, long life and love stating that he had donc his absence was an average Of wished te tbem by ahl those very best, and adding that if 10.07 with the percent attend- present. they were certain na otherlance for the year 96.26. member would like ta have bis Mr ikrwt he sup- At this time Mrs. E. Gil- position, he would then again port cf the entire board, of- mour, Bowmanville, presented continue in the position. iered bis thanks te the prin- the couple with a parcel con- Mr. Rickard also congratu- cipal, teachers and students taining sapphire crystalerie. lated the members on their for t he excellent two evening Tears misted the honored' work during the past years, performances offered to par- couple as tbey thanked every- and tbanked them for their ents shortly before Christmas. one for this and the many oth- co-operation. He paid special These evenings were much en. er lovely gîfts and cards that tribute ta members Dougjoyed by many. had been received. Pictures Walton and George Chard, Mrs. A. Foy has replaced were taken during the cutting who have been se faithfu in Mr. Munro as school repre- o the cake, memories were re- attending meetings even while sentative on the Librarylcalled wbile a lunch was be- on the night shift. These mem- Board. ing served. bers attend their jobs, but' This seemed to be raise mnake it ta the meeting dur- night, as at this time secre- ing supper break and return tary Ed Barchard approacbed tewr sso as the meet- th b ard nd:sked abotteM r. E. M ajer ingsadjurn.posibilty f araise. It had Through a motion made by been tbree years since Mr.Spe d Vi 1 the Chairman, and seconded by Barchard was given any raise,SpS is iias Irv McCullough, the members and the board approved an 1will carry on their samne pesi- additional $100 a year. 1committees as in the year to look into new and betterWih F m y 9before. Mrs. Storks, Vice equipment te be used in help- Newcastle - Friends and Chairman; Mrs. Br e ret on, ing with chores that the care- neighbors throughout the vil-1 Chairman of Finances, witb taker bas,. lage wiîî be pleased ta learn Mr. Chard as Vice Chairman; There being no further busi- ti at Mr. Edmund Majer, bas- *Mr. Walton, Chairman of ness, the meeting adjourned. âlzdnal ot o Purchasing, with Mrs. Bre- ___________ ied ne alyiadmnth pnw ton and Mr. Chard working siCeiss Dyacidnt, ispen with him. Mr. MeCullough is 'T7D"'J TTtChrsmsaya ngbsa- Chairmàn of Property. ELZIT V ILIJLE ily at the home of Mr. and ofarec Gaines, caretaker Mrs. Sierd De Jong, and was ofthe school, attended the: Church services were held again able to join bis family meeting and asked the board at Garden Hill on Sunday. for a few hours on New Year's tfor their feelings on bis receiv- Sunday Scbool was bere as Day. His family are pleased ing a raise. An addition hadiusual. with bis recovery. Among been added to the school ai-ý After the Cbristmas holiday, the many beautiful Christmas smost two years ago, and ince Mr. and Mrs. Yost cf Ottawa cards received by hlm at the then another additional roorn flew ta Winnipeg where they hospital as well as at home, was being used. Saturday help spent a few days with bis was this poem, written fori had left him long ago, he said relatives. They had s ent bimbyisvrloeyauh in announcing he was no Christmas with Mr. and evrs. ter, Miss Caroline Majer. As longer intending ta. work for R. White. Edmund's gift ta those who speanuts. The Muldrew's of Oshawa bave remembered hlm during s Tbe chairman in turn ad- beld New Year's at Sunnysidelbis lay-up, he shares this poem vised Mr. Gaines that he didn't and had Mrs. J. Muldrew, with you, as a way o! tbank- sfeel eitber, that anyone should Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Smith ing you and expressing bis work for peanuts, or inc1eed as well as Mr. and Mrs. Doný wish for a happy new year. that Mr. Gaines had been Whitbred and girls of Osh- A Christmas Star working for peanuts. "I don't awa. like your attitude, Lawrence," Mr. Tom Wood entertained On every Christmas Eve they said Mr. Rickard. "You should Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, tell, bave gone long ago ta the Miss Sylvia Wood, Mr. and 0f a star that brought the property chairman and told Mrs. Len Shay, Mr. James first Noel. hlm you were without Satur- Nesbitt o! Oshawa and Mrs. This star, tbough small, out- day help, and needing it. you Grace Knox with a New Year's shone the best, say your help neyer let you dinner at Honey Hollow, New- As It led three wisc men te know he was leaving. Hie didn't castle. a stable rest. have ta. Hq needed only ta in-, Mr, and Mrs. E. Fowler had 1fom Mr. Mecdilough. You Mr. and Mrs. Lewko, Garden These three men, iso they say, were the one whe sbould have Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Came from a country fer gone after more belp if you Whitby, Mr. R. Westbeuser, away. needed it, and if it was more Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson and Over the plains, mountains money you wanted, this is the Suzanne on Sunday celebrat- and hills, plcetecme Wa dd o ,ni NewYear's. Led the Little Star, bringing have in mmnd as ta a raise?" Ars. H. Thickson returned Christmnas good will. "$800 at least," replied Mr. home with Darlene ta Toron- Gaines, ta and spent a few days with Then it stopped, and rested "Tbat's too much," repliedber and June, Mrs. Moore. upon, Mrs. Brereton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beat- A stable not far beyond a "That would be paying a ty had Mr, and Mrs. R. Wbite town called Bethlehem. 0caretaker more than the teach- on Saturday for New Year's. The three wise men, although C ers," said Mr. Riekard. «'I Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had surprised, esuggest we hear fro morn oe ail the Rowell family, about New before their eyes, lay the 'o! the other members, and 36, for New Year's. Saviour of aIl mankmnd. Ywork something eut." Most couples celebrated New Y Mr. McCullough asked Mr. Year's Eve. On and on throughout the -Gaines, if, in rainy weather Mr. and Mrs. Quantrill spent 1 nîgbt, -as well as on clear days he New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Shane that little star, ever se would be able ta keep the E. Elliott, Oshawa. brigbt. Y sehool cleaned throughout, ta Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer bad A symbol of peace, a symbol ethe satisfaction of the board, Mr. and Mrs. Fait and child- of love, ýr or besides the raise, wouldýren, for New Year's. A symbol o! loyalty, a sign 1extra help still be needed?" r and Mrs. Joe Lewko' fo aoe ýr Mrs. Breretan stated that and Darrel, flew back ta Cal- fo aoe ethe school is larger than whený gary on Sunday.- -Caroline Maer. 3Mr. Gaines first took it on,I vated stair weîîs to enlarge Wednesday evenlng, Janu- early in December at the two rooms. ary Igtb, et the home of Mr.dac. owte neri At present Grades 7 and 8 and Mis, George Stephenison, donusanc.Nwtht e eing ofi have a total of 52 students; a card Partyv is te be held, hiockyi ilon us, and tefeigo Grades 4, 5 and 6, a total of with the proceeds going ta whocke tle rls everyhs en 115 students; Grades 1, 2 andI the Artifici Ice Association, but in Newcastle, teking ad- 3, a total of 112 students. Pre- Tickets are new being soitI vantage cd figure akai , the schooi cblldren four years aid antI are being bought up ra- neeci for artificiaele ah ould number 41 and Pre-schooi ther quickly, so bt 5Ire ta be clearly spelleci out In front children five years aid, 49, for act test if -you wish te, be in- of ou a total o! 317 students. cludeci ii thilufrlendiy even- We have »th word o! the There are 15 new homes ing, and very worthwhile Association that they will being bulît, and estlmatlng cause. brin.g a gala evenlng's enter- one child per home, this bringa on nt éray h ametFbur nee the figure ta 332 pupils ta be ti~it erey h aiietFbur nee accommodated, . a is Feb. 2nd, the time et the expense of going élue- There are now nine rooms 8:15 p.m., and the place, the 'wberetot enjoy it. Does tutu in use, and one will definltcly Newoastle Mmnrli Arena. not prove they are working ini lie abandoned. At 35 pupils At Iis Ure, through the ail directions on hopes and per room, there are 315 pupil N.A.I.A., an exciting gaine of prayers? Ramn twice ruined p laces in the chooi today. hocky will be presented tfhe carnival pIanned in the Eight rooms plus two ne when the N.H.L. fldtimners suniaer, and now ttiey face roorns, figurmng 35 pupils per take on the Ororio Orphans . . wetuer facto again. Pain we room will give 350 pupil places Or "WIL.L THEYV" They wil, have no centrai over, c we plus a reserve. Whilc two new acOeodng ta Alex Hcndry, cen have controi oves', let's rooms are needed, one room là wbo proises ta brin« these get an the bandwagon and already fully equipped with two teains on the ie wlher kettp aur sports home. Why desks and chairs fromn the lt be Newc4le lc or tIse- travei out of the village for basernent room that is now wfiere.- Th no feuit a! hockey gaimes andI ice falles. being uscd as a make do. Tht Oumi.Tmfo rl very liard We bave the players and tht furnace now used wiil give at theI arena preparing talent riobt itre. and an As- enou4h heat ta fully heat the the rlk. Iythe most saclatios with endicas Mcaul additional roems, and toilet lImvertnt ng lu the tee andr tiveIes until their balj faciities are satisfactory. Thie itseM, al tlsne the ice hm been reached. If you have expense o! new roonmu wW han boën v close to rcdy, any Ideas. dan't keep tiemi not lie near what guesses have but wltli cattrol oves' the to yourself, drpa hit to onef been. Mr. Riekard snld t insdéweat&er, d wtth no ce. dithe mm tand they'Ul spech on nomination eigm, UIl i. tkm ue HERSEY INSTANT Chocolate Drinkc Tin5 9c Household Needs Scotties Facial Tissues WHITE AND ASSORTED' PASTEL SHADES 2Boxes of 400's 6C Floor or Car Mat NON-SKID ASSORTED 18" x 27">77± COLOURS MONiNG BOARD FIBRE GLASS PAD 77c Canadianmtsman, Bowmi I9' r' e ils - Obu* dl.~ SWaK Wqahopçuz hoe s à iba Sh« loISop nt DOWi&YnUnd theSuPr h Su im... ffwy d - X pongDwrki-o vb Y -mSmp«mi@l. akjOd <1.... * ut mn am OPt 10 a omSI mm«Ut gw'gu " 11» Sentu. oke tSu mow IoDon*5or. CuumWs lu fSd m noi mng vimen cewgv n Uyau faourebs.ds .. . Um»8I Ou Oomkdons mm lbrand iool bis 9M. clU t m iaxm i- b0uetDosut,. ,Im... les a« mi W* huassie ~ dm Smm rs CuudhoP stOowàdU do m a 1kRoIoe -fa MM bc'I&.Yonl mmonbOW pu &Z HOME DELIVERY Available ln Bowmanville DOMINION STORE OnIy 35c Deep Cut Features LYNN VALLEY STANDARD Ass.orted Peas 815-Oz.UfO 8Tins.$.0 CLARKS Pork and Beans 6 15-Oz. Tins.$10 ASCOT Strawberry Jam 24-oz.A Jar JC CHUM 2c OFF Cat or Dog Food 10( tins 9 9c SUF 0eOFF POWDERED MR LIQUlD' '% 24-oz.MFF UII CANADA'S FINEST (4#IYBDIIUF RED BRAND 0f r7IF f* STEER BEEF EASY TO CARVE SHORT RIBL'c ROA ST Ib THICK AND MEATY CROSS RIB 63 ROAST 6*i DELICIOUS BLADE STEAKS 69 ' FRESIF GROUND (HU(K CHOICE THIN SLICED BIEF LU VER Ib.49c LUCAS RINDLESS BACON Ibpkg99, 5 l9C I SNOP UNlhCONFciDEc E Fresh Pro duce Features PLORIDA EXTRA LARGE ORANGES 49dÏ 14-oz' . 1t t for29c" Poly Bag 39 Baker y Feature RICHMELLO SCONE ROLLS Pkg. RICHMELLO, BOSTON BROWN BREAD I16-oz. Loaves 35C COUJNTRY GIRL PEACH. PIE 24.oz.c SA 9~ See Your Toronto & Oshawa Papers for Additional Food AUl marchand i s guarat..d t. give 1001o atisfaction... Values Effective Until Closimg, Saturday, Jan. 8, 1966, in BowmanvMel WB RESEEVE TUE IGHT TO LMET QUANTTIM. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 am*, KING ST, AND SIAMONAVENU 11 laContàinesl ff C FLORIDA GROW SCOTT 0TOWELs TOMAT'OES Roll BAHAMA GROW 2 Pkg. 4 C OUAEmINSATCrelucumbers 1 QUKER INSTANT ONTARIO GROWN FANC P.3 3c Mclntosh APPLES in - 1 ýljj 0

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