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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1966, p. 1

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-f k 4te~mU4 N ew Councillors Attend Inaugural Meeting- ThdIcip*ctiye loc atien; of a$:MrsCémrent ~~~~ ýonpam lan irlingtôn- Tonl, otfr'rm <~o*~oeiile, was M iiig of Bow- i narwiffleTown ouxclonMonday-.evening. Deput- Pee0Xç. WesleY Fie statèd that he had visited W#V.".Isutch,. plants and f ounx4that.dust. was.flot- a Iprobîem, and pintedotta h etcnrlmeth-, Ô& iresult in98s.8 dust f re operation. Acwanvl1e Bette r Development Coàmmittee ~epu cton èonsiâtIng f ak dexté peidit ýmd GSth Gî pini 'the secretarry, ap peared' b0fore t lander declared that there'is a qjro 1w- -un'dingpssible resuits of the proposed ç ement plant in the adjoining township. ~e ~s~et1hât the Bowmanville Planning BodefbeI *agcam reaestd 'to present ils f indings on this matter to. council and that the Town Clerk'be instructed to* request -a postponement of the Ontario Municipal '!oardHearing regarding the cernent plant's location. <TURN To PAGE TWO) Donates $0 To Lirary Bd The: KlwanlaClub recent- lypréseýntai $100 te the LlbiMuar dete help pur- ehage t he uew furuit-ure re- The members of the board :h he that eariy lu the new Year sufficient funis wli b.avallable toe ale thbe board t. purchase chairs, etc., lu eider't-bat full une eau be, maie of our uew, fitr -nd. ot-er equi»- met ,e dbefore thé %UUII n- wibe able te 4yoraulzatlon or lu- dkvidàa, wlshint te bell, shbouIA, geUilst aur member *f ef litebrary board, or nend their contributions te 1:brry Board, Box 1300, Bewmanville. Li onettes Advised That 5 5 Baby Sitters W.ili Graduate Jan. 12 The Christmas meeting of one boy wrotc the test paper, the Lionettes took place on and 55 werc succcessful. The Tucsday, Dec. 2lst, with Presi- graduation will take -place on dent Bea Vanstone . chairing Wcdnesday, Jan. l2th et an the meeting. open meeting. ýThe commit- The dinner tables wcre dec- tee for this course consisted cf cated for thc holiday season Lionettes Ruth Evans, Molly with poinsettia urns, made by Kent, Eva Hockin, Carol Birt- Ede Cale, at cach place setting wistle,' Ellenor Frampton, as favours for the, Lionettes. Marie Moses and Ede Cole. Three 'guests. werc .wclcoméd The Christmas., Tree draw id -the meeting by President was made by Lionette ,Evelyn Begp. Clifton and was won, by Irene The treasurer's.rpr , Roberts, Mill Street, New- gven by iEae Cale,, ana ît was announccd that the Santa, Parade, bottles lied been col- lected by Lionette volunteers. A report on thc Baby Sittig Course stated that 67 girls and- 'Office Ispç, Making Town For Mail Delivery Issue Permits For Building Total $1611802 Thereprtof the Welfiare "Th lnnit'oe, R. J. Welsh, for Depexnber whidx was sub- rnitted. to thc meeting of Bow- inanville Towni Council held en Momdey evendng in the Council Chainher, showed tihat there were 118 recipients of wefMre and supplementary (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Pest Olfice Inspectors start- cd Uic surveyr fou Lietter Car- rier Dclivery l-n Bowmnianville on Tuesday, Janujary 4th. During thle next several weeks the men will be work- img out t-he detailis rcquired for tic cstabliehmcnt of thc serviice in Bowmianville. Thc foilowing boundairies have been set-: Scugog Street ta nurnber 212; Libert-y Street North to 248 aind 249; Con- cession Street East ta the corner of Ba'adshaw and Con- cession. Mic people living on Bradshîaw wi]l receive their mail in e group box at thc corner of Bradelaw and Con- cession. bver., injured tin a collision in heavy ldntgbt on'Thway tin an accident Way a short distancé west of Solin a dent ivoIved two vehicles, one car ýe., Spwow, "..3, Bowm4nville, and î coïncidence, was -dut-ven by ht-s iSoW.11ÉI d Bowmanville's Town Cbuncil held'It first meeting of'196 on1 Monday evening with several new rheihbs, plus a new Clerk. The1 photo includes, from lef t to ight, Towl-!Ž Clerk Robert L. Byron,1 Councillors Edward J. Rundie, Glenhoiruqjughes, Mrs. Annie Oke,c Hospital by t-le Bowmanville Area Ambulance Ser- vice. They bot-h reoeived t-ueat-zent t-le Emeugency Departmeu4t as eut-patienta, Mu. S arrow for facial Iacerationd and Mus. Sparrow fourniou injuries. Bot-h cars involved sustained s e damage. The investigaing officer was Constable. W. Cartwuight-, His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Reeve Sidney Little,' Deputy-Reeve Wesley Fice, Councillors Kenneth Nicks, Paul Chant and James Bourke. Councillors Bourke, Nicks and Oke are the new niembers of council elected ini the December voting. Reduced to 100.17 Mayor Stresse-s Low Per Capita Tax Levy During Inaugural Address to Town Council Capt. H. Fraser In Hospital 'For Check Up citzt.le .-Salvatian Army Capt. Herb Lianette Thelma Leslie was Fraser won't be around this warnily welcomcd when she Friday for the monthly Rum- arrivcd ta adjouun tIc meet- mage Sale at thc Citadel. He ing. Thc remainder o! thc went ta hospital early this <TURN Tro PAGE TWO) weck fou a check up, but lis - ~many helpers -o! the ,HaMe )~ teîr- %npat.fxt 'Volunteeï 11~~¶2flnTagSae*e ýdè- cfvelop i nto quite a projcct. ctê~>rs bring i ild clthgfoot o rs Peopleifum ail aet-le areao weau, bcds, highchairs and a h LU UWUDUW wîde variety of at-heu used ~ ~u irv -~v items that can be useful ta WWury WJ others who possibly cannat afford ta purchase thc items fuom any at-her source. The Home League membeus put Sr#ervlie the articles in 'slape for re- sale and usually dispose of them at ridiculous puices of Ring Street East ta number between loc and $1.00, de- 292; King Street West to 199. pending on thc condition o! Weverly RoacI ta nuanbeu thc article. The sales are held 57. The balance of Waverly the first Friday o! ecd mont-h Road wrnll e scrved by a fram 9 ta 12 noon and are wcll group b~ox opposite nume patronized. 57 Waverly Road. Funds raised by thc sales are usezd ta pay for transients' There will be no dijange ln meals, or can be devoted ta as- Uic mail service fou thIose sisting citizens who have been patrons living sou-th of thc burned out or have suffercd 401 Highwaty or on Martin other tragedies. Road. Now would be e good time Letter Carrier Service wil for auca citizens ta clear out not be establislied until 80% those uscd articles for which of the patrons have installcd they have no use. They slould e letter slot or mail box. The be braught ta thc Army on co-aperatioe of t-le public in Mondays, if passible, whcn installing letter boxes in their there will be someone on hand hoimes wiil le epprcciated. ta receive Uiem. TheIirst meeting of the Councillor Paul Chant, Coun- 1966-Î7 Bownienville Town cillor E. J. Rundle, and Coun- Couneil was held -in the cillor Glenholme Hughes on Counicil .Chambor on, Monday their -re-election, and ta Uic evening. His «Worship Mayor n ew members, Coundillor Ivan ýHobbs,* who gave the James Bourke, Counciflor Ken inaugurgladdress, also thank- Nicks, and Councillor Annie cd the ReV..Abraham Kudra Oke on their election. H-e for invoking theDivine Bless- paintcd out that the latter two in _a ý.~work of council had scrvcd on previous. coun- during th':fncxt two years. cils. Mayor itolbs congratulated The increase in asscssment Reeve SidiÏe Littie an lis re- here in 1965 over 1964 was clection by, acclamation, and $297,773, Mr. Hobbs stated. He Dcputy Re' Wesley Fice on said that the 1965 residential Ihis election - this office. asscssment was $6,150,095, and SCongratul"«tions were also thecocmmerclal-industrial- as- ex.tended by ý,-Hs Worship ta (TURN TO PAGE TWO) S.,, a na' f/ecesH RESOLUTION - Aft-er a rat-heu hectic year of major t-ypographie errors, including a try at- bring- ing standard time back a week early, and closing the federal election pails an hour ear1y, we at The Statesman resolve that in 1966 we shail check everything mare closely to prevent inaccuracies. Whether we'1l make it or not is another matter, because there are times of stress just before press time when speed takes precedence over everything else.- i. i. . i. i RECORD - To set the record straight as we open another year, two items were fouled up last week in this column. Harold Muir is the Deputy Reeve of Darlington, NOT the Reeve, and Chaulie, Pen- warden is not the former, but t-le foreman cf Dr. Gill's Tyrone farm. There, that- clears aur con- science for last year. i. t i. i.t i. FIXING UP - Peter Kowal is having an attrac- tive front installed on lis King St. West Real Estate office and Whyt-e Brothers ljpholst-ery, wliere Harry Allun operated his Corner Guocery for more than haif a century-, is undergoing con- siderable out-side renovation. No action lias been noticed at Stanley's Restaurant that was burned out several weeks ago, but this will probably get underway within the next few weeks. t t t t t RECOGNITION - Former area residents have been recognized by two newspapeus in communi- ties wheue they are making worthwhile contribu- tions. Mr. and Mus. W. J. Uancock, formerly cf thle Newtonville area, celebrated their 60t-h wed- ding anniversary on Dec. 2th, the event complete with a photo being featuued in the Peterborough Examiner. School Inspector Allan A. Martin, brother of Gordon Martin,' Concession St., was t-le 'Personalit-y Profile of the Week' in the Dec. 29th Port Credit- Weekly. We hope to obtain photos t-o accompany the stories for next week. t tt t FOLLIES - Word lias just corne t-hrough that t-he famous "Ice Follies of 1966" will visit- Touant-o from February lst ta 6th at Maple Leaf Gardens. Oshawa's Donald Jackson is one of the star peu- formers and t-leue are 17 other Canadians i-n the cast, including Bowmanville's own Yvonne Anoni- chuk. No doubt many from this community will be among the dheering spectators. t t t t t MOTHER - The> annual searcli for. the Flouists Transworld Delivery Association "Mother of t-le Year" is undeuway. Anyone can nominate a mot-ler wlio is an outstanding perran and, if she wins the title, t-le rewauds are quit-e something. Sie t-s brought t-o Ottawa and treated like rayalt-y. If you can think of a mot-heu who sliould be honered, send her~ naine to The Stat-esman, along witli usas- ans for the choice, and we shall be pleased t-o forward t-le nomination. t t. '1t t t NEAR TRAGEDY - On Sunday, t-wo local skaters went tlirougl t-l itce' at Vanst-one's pond and found themselves t-n tcy wat-er that- was aveu their heads. Deug Caverly and Bob Stocker Jr., laid a plank and hockey sticks on t-le t-lin ice unt-i they could reacli t-le lads. Tliey pulled t-hem eut and t-ook t-he shivert-ng Vict-ims home te grateiul par- qents, pueventing whagt could have been a ieal holiday -ugdy. PeÏsons using t-le pond would be V el1l adied te stay t-n t-he shullow itreus unt-il they know for certain that theliece ia t-hick enout-f te hold t-hem in the channel section and nearth Graduates, i Miss Tins Rofstede recently graduated from the Ontario Department of Health Nursing Assistant Centre, Tor- onto, following a ten-month' course. The graduation took place on Wednesday, Decem- ber 29th. Miss Hofstedc is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hofstede, R.R, 3, Bowmanville. The threat of olod4pgthe, Tyrone , ommni#yi.à' l, Suniay evenlng- (Igau. t appreàtmately '25~a~e shewei ývp st the Annua General Meetlng, to dluouu the future ofthte hall. - it wus thke lveilest bail bomd meeting ln a long tiùme- Elections were heM guid the feliowlng were, chommi as .memibera ortht~e hll board: Chairman - Di vIvian; Hlmanmager--Toil Doida; Membera - .>milrma Yeo, -John Vanerk, mal Newton, EalPh Bowers Ail attivities planned 'for the hall wlI continue as usual, starting this FrIday wlth the weekly cari Party. Award Cntract For. FederalBIdg. In Port Hope Russell C. Haney, M.P., ln. formed the Canadian, States., man from Ottawa at faon te- day that the contract. wau awarded this mornlng for the new Federal Building in port Hope to Chemong Congtraew, tion, Limlted, Peterboroughi. The contract price is,$377,90à;t and the completion date'jé%I this bulding was set àt 10ý months from today, Mir. Honeel isaid. Stili Time to Send în, Essential Donations For Christmas Sea-ls, The cxciting pue-rush days before Christmas are gone, and sa tao are thc satisfying, re- Pease laxing days of Christmas itself. Perhaps anc hears ahl too T aften cf post-holiday "JletThose down" into a normal every- day round. There must be, L hawevcr, so many thlngs Ltters, fi whidh have been shclved and reaer& liTeý thAsç_.quiçt, lays ecut. tIil ik.. time ta get them ldw lie. IZ - tu e t andt-bey ai There is still time of course ne mat-ter If ta send off your contribution isagree wl fou the Christmas Seals which point ef vlew servcd thc two-fold purpose We now i of brightening up aur mail, iu the efflci and even more important that who bave go. of assisting thc extensive and able effortt vital pragram o! research but, unfortuiý ncccssary, if wc are ta eradi- sineî 'teiri cate tuberculasis, not only If you are from aur own area, province MditerO la and country, but froin ic rhee world. naie te t-he know If 701 Published records of t-le your namnej Northumberland and Durhani rau wouli HealtI Unit show that there Peu naine fo wcue 365 on their case register sons. But, ' at the end of November 50 the namle ef that we are a long way frain bas wrltten. the eradication o! TB. letter wlll no S ign rilPage . are sppreoae Ithey ipe p h our eitru have two -letters, ce freont people, roe te> censider-. te write. thean, Mately, have net > ames. 0 wrltug, t. th* 'se aigu -yFur eletter. ltactDu u wluh teý have 'or Persoual rea-Y we mut kuow . the person wh. Otherwlse, the tot be publbgmed Fred C. Tippins New Kiwanis President Making Inaugural Address--t lDetails Club' s Objectives The new officers for 1966 took office at thc dinner meeting of t-le Bownianville Kiwanis Clb held at thle Fly- ing Dutcbnian Motor Hat-el on Mondey evening. President F. C. Tippine presided. The other o!! iomr for t-lis year arc lst Vice President Robert Carruthers, 2nd Vice President W. J. Cobban. The dIrect-ors for 1966 are Jimn CaUisa, Bruce Colwdl, Ross Jackman, Neil Metcalfe, John Mouton, Robert Cook, Don Mountjoy and Robert Colwell. 1966 laundhes t-li Kiwanis oirganizatlon on its 51st year, Puesident Tipquins stat-ed as he started lis addres on what t-lis yeau will hold for thle Kiwaniens. "The 1966 Kiwanis tileme, A Call To Leadership, is tiely, partioularly for us' lieue in Bawmanviile. It drives home thc point t-la-t Kiwanis is a great deal more t-han t-le club tînt nicets here every Monday nigît. Spealving o! the magnitude o! Kiwania, Presideiit Tippins sad tInt le was extr-eincly proud ta le a niember o! t-lis great orgaxidzation. Hie added that he was certain thet le can count on eveuy meauber of t-le Bowmanville Kiwanis Club t-o accept thle challenge ini Uic ciglit objectives of Ki- wanis fou 1966, and ta buing theni ta ful!llmnent t-lis year. Thfese objectives were list-I cd by Puesident Tippins as Lcadership for God, Peace, Frecdom, Country, Govern- ment, Youtl, FYce En-terprise, and Kiwanis. Leadersblp Fer Goi Puesident .TIPPIniourged~ Kinsmen See Films On* Convention HeId ln Timmins in 1965 As It was thle Bowmanville Ktnsmen Clubs lat Vice- Preuldent's Nlght t-he dinner meeting held et t-le Flying Dut-chman Mat-or liot-el oni Tuesday evening was presided over by lot Vide-Presldent Howard Corden. President B. Stothart of t-le Port Hope Kinamen Club, and R. MeBricle a charter member of t-bat club, were gu«st. 'Jack a'ns seconded by John GedIes, moved tuiet t-he B3owmanviUe Kinsmen's an- Mui Fat-ber, Son, snd Daugh- t-er Banquet b. beld at thbe Acres Restaurant on 8at-urday e-tasbtbi was cax'nied. Mr. Geddes end Alex Wise- manxi weîe appointed as a commit-tee to arrange for a fslgt-rip t-o Pins Tics Loge, and June 4t-b wuaset as a tentative dat-e for t-bis event. President Bill Klptrcl showed mostînt-erest-ing motion pictures be hd tken a! t-he lait National K ne Convention held lun --&-- riano, Iset summ er. Bi Mryn, played a tape record- lng mnade by t-he New Z*aland Rouind Table, an afillite' 01 ýt-b Kinsmen or tc thtou«h Ui, Wp4U Fred C. Tipplu thet ecdi memnbw t egI lis belief tin GO& sOZ a =à4 bonor t-o is IuClut- t-le Unplunentat-moo1.upl$ ual as weflas, hunan V*>Of Int-o daily livis4 . "L O pai re-atflum noui dofiat-ta ~ world peece l>y law u#d standi'ng, and St-at-esexemple," heo . LýeaderàJlp Fer -Vnuodm [sonal herentgo fie ih vblclifrné r --. - r K ~ .<, ,.**~ Clerk Husband's Car Collides with Wife's in Fog kl-,. -.L

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