Highlights from Canadian Staâtesman *SUSWI 0-beavoon, crested by Mns. Dors Mr. and Mn. William Nich. Holdaway of Hewdley as a lmon, u Beach Bowman. fitting rprsetave ci ths VM14,J are the proucl parents of area. it la suppcsecd to b. a Ibo tfrnt baby born this ywa combination of a beaver and J& MOMOrial Hospital, Bow. a ra=0n. niaRville. M a r i a Joanne Januais' 20- lholaon arrived at 4-.49 a.m., Reeve A. L. Blanchard of X yesr' Day, with Dr. B. Darlington Township is the ithe attendîng new Warden of the United clan.Counties for 1965. Ne was forMer resident of Bow- elected by Cauntim Council vilMaitland G. Gould, on Tuesday afternoon, defeat- ry, was aniong the ing Reeve Douglas Cunning- Ontario barristers who hamn ai Newcastle and Reeve ,wSte appointed as Queen'. Williamn Ligltle of Hope COwta.1 during the weekend. Township. Powell Chemical moving to The Orange Hall at Garden Toronto - leaves plant empty. Hill was completely detroy- Jepaifer Saunders, 146 Lib- cd by fire early Sunday main- erty St. N., was winner al ing. The hall Wl. erected in the Christmas tableclath draw the 1840's. Loua in estimated F"nnisoed by the Kinette at $10.000. club At the annual Awards Dmn- Januaa7 18-1 ner ci Oshawa and District A federal boan oi $99,216 Real Estate Board, held ini ha been awarded te the pro. Oshawa lait week, a local pesd Eowrnanville Libîary, firm, Walter Frank Resi Towa Clark J. L. Reid safd Estate won top honours as the Yriday. office contributing the mnost At a joint Legion and Aux. ta the Multiple Listing Service lliary installation oi officers in 1964. en Sunday, Keith Ferguson Januar7 27- was Instafled as Legion Presi- Derriolition operations were dent and Mns. Ron (Dorothy) aoing strong today on the Richards as President ci thne bidn îr0ry osn Ladies' Auxiiary. Dave Aldread's Ma ch in e The Great Pine Ridge Tour, Shop, King St. East. Il has lst Council niay have corne been purchased by Cowan Up with samething that wiil Equiprnent. it ih understood becomie as fanious as Canada's that this was ane of the oldest Ookpik. This is called 8 factory buildings In Bowman- ville. Around the turn of the century Durham Rubber Corn- Amome New pany, later talcen over by ~ Goodyear, used this building. Beafng ubSt Ce: The Rev. A. Kudra was ~ *welcomed as a new mnember snrïuàs Pfles by the Bowmanville and Dis- trict Ministerial Association at gmdWvIuqmu,ni b -ouprm«etou- - - ils first meeting of the year banbsldurepmfda» msgdt. an January l9th. Mrs. Mary Rashotte won A rnowned research intituts bhs the $50 Kin Investment draw <mind a unique healing subistance prize last week and lasI night with the abilily ta shrink hernor- Tony Molloy's ticket was rhoids painleusly. It relieves itchin dîawn. an icmoti iue n February 3-- hiian.d~ 'A new taxi firn is In opera- tion here, with several veh- lu cm aater cma. whiIe On~ftly idles te pravide service to cus- reli.ving pam, actual reduction tomners. Owrier is Herber t £nah e> totek pace Knapp, who fôr niany years Meut important af al-rernilte has operated the Base Line werse thorough that thisimprove- ge-age ýand towing service. Ment was maintained over aperiod Maurice Prout, 91 Hi gh St., of many monthe. was sworn in as a nierriber af Ths was accomplished wilh a Town Cauncil last week ta zew heaing sbetanace (Bio-Dyne) f ill the vacancy left by the whlch uiékly help hSl injured tdeath ai Carl J. Leslie . He is «eils:àd timulates growth of new a long term employee ai Good- tissu.. year here. Ian Smith ai NowBi-Dne s ffredm ùu,~Brookdale - Kingsway Nurs- Wiia sudsu ~ farim caed <jeres, who was next in line for reparationK s for it at anl rug the position, failed te qualiiy @taom. Satisfaction or yeuxr maney inth specified tinie. »fideL. tht was announced this week _____ Charles L. Warren of BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITY MAJOR OIL COMPANY R~9Uft~DISTRUBUTOR el GASOLINE -MOTOR OILS - FURNACE FUEL OIL and STOVI.ýOIL in BOWMANVILLE AREA WVrite: Advertiser 672, c/o Canadian Statesrn, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. AVMJLABLE AT E%&.& PHONE Hampton, has been appointed1 Building Inspector for the1 Township oi Daulington. He1 will replace the labo Ernest Lard.1 February 10- Without any particular fan-9 foge, wcîk commenced tht. morniag on Bowmanville's new1 Llbritry at the cast end ofitlb. Museum properly. A .I..t stornu, Tuesday nght clo.ed aiea ichools and turnnd aide rcads int glane !ce. MB. L. Durk was clected President of the Chamber of Commerce for 1965 at bbc annual dinner meeting held on Wednesday evening. Bowmanville Midgets had 1he firsI league final p layafi gamne igbtl n their lap. with ouly 50 seconds la goa lait night, wben Ajax lied il up aI 2-aIll There was no score ln overtime sa thc game will go as ne contait. Town's asiessment increas- cd durng '84 nearly hall a million - now aven $8.692,285. February 1- Heart Fund returns expect- cd ta excecd lait year's amount - now stand at $1,336 *69. Harry Wade, Ncwlenville, was elected president af the Durham Counly Liberal As- sociation ab the annual meet- ing held at the Lions Centre, Port Hope, on Friday evening. Lait week, citizens ai the Village ai Orano learncd that bhe caît ai their water systemn installation will be approx- imalely $3,000 above the original estimate. Two new menubers, John Seto aud Eugcne Bethune, were inducted at the dinner meeting oi the Bowmanville Lions Club held last week. Febîuary 24- Rev. Fred Swann, who bas been the miniÉter ai St. Andrew's Presbytenian Church1 bore for four years, is leaving next Manday for Brantford, Ont. He has accepted a cali fir omiK n ox Presbyterian1 Church, Brantford. Elien Million ai Orono Pub- lic Scbool and daughter of Mr. and Mng. Edward Milîson, Oronio, was chosen top public speaker in Durhami during the1 caunty finals in the United Chuîcb, Orono, an Tuesday evening. Marie Yeo of Anti- och Public School was award- cd seccand prize. Last week Harold Skinner ai Tyrane was elected Presi- dent ai the Canadian Sheep Breedens AMin., during their annual meeting la Toronto. A fox, suspected bo be suf- fering fromn rabies, attacked a sumill dag an the verandah ai a home at 14 Milt Lane on Monday. The attacked dog will be in quanantine for some weeks. Fortunately, it has been înnoculated for rabies. March 3- Bawmanville Town Councill at the meeting held in the Council Chamber on Monday evenlng accepted the tender of the Baik-of 4*otr.l o« $46,875 ta purchase bbc Public Lîbrary Building, Ring and Tempenance Streets. There werc 256 members present at tbe meeting oi Local 189 ai the Unitad Rubber Workers Union beld in the Legion Hall an Sunday alter- naon, aud 99.6 per cent voted in favar of strike action. There wene 255 "yes" votas, and only anc "no" vote. During bbc annual Fourth Cub .,Pack Parents Night on Saturday at Memoial Park, thon. was a special presenta- tien by the Group Cornmittee to Mn. and Mrs. Doug Carter ln appreciation ai their serv- ices at camp aven an eighb year periad. Match 10- At tic regular nuonthly meeting ai 1he. Bowmanville Recreallon Conumittee held at the Lions Centre on Thursday, March 4tb, Don G"ihoaly was elected Chairnuan of the Rec- raallon Conumittee. Ted Fairey is Vice Chgirman, Councillor Paul Chant la thc Sccretary, and Mis. Jean DevitI, Trea- a tnemendeus effort- on be- bal! cf the Heurt Foundatian recently. Nol including Orono and Newcastle a grand ttal of $437.55 was callected, some- tbing oi a record. Three-year-aid Helen Nash, 'daugihter ofMi. amd Mis. Charles Nash, 27 Church St., was acclaimed as Bowman- ville Rotary Club's "Miss Timmuy for 1965" on Friday. March 24- Bowmanville's tax rate 10w- er ior '65 b $7 a bouse. Newcatles centennlal pro- fett, the conversion cf a roorn n tbe Commumlty Hall has been approvcd, according toas report rmieved Wedinesday framn Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. IAt the last meeting of Oiha- wa Presbytery aofIthelUnited Church hejd ilAaux, Mr. John Twist, cl l. and Mis. E. 0. Twist Mdle Roed, wu, eivcd as a candidate for un uaitryof Wosd and Bsosmt& Mu. Twista t oII3AV graduate et Dèwman- ! vlgh 14 School isa la bis second ycar at Queen's Uni-c verjjity, Kingston.t March si-à Bowmanville Branch 178 ai the Royal Canadian Legian was, again honored on FridayE evenlng by having anc cf its1 past presiden ts, James Wood-y ward, elected Zone Commnand- er. Miss Lynda Martin wase crowned Queen ai Courticet High School on Friday at their ' s pring prom. Miss Martin is the daughter cf Mr. and Mus.. Gardon A. Martin cf MapleM Grave. Three area students of the ballet were succesaful in pais-c Ing the Royal Academy- Bal- let examinations held rccently. They are Jennifer Munro, 8, daughter af Mr. and Mis. lion Munro, Newcastle; Dale Pol- lard, 10, daughter af Mr. and Mis. Edward Pallard, 71 King St. W., Bewmanville, aing Janice Woodland, 8, daughtert ai Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Wood- land, Newcastle. April 7- Afler 17 years in the bak- ery business here, the Severn farnily bas sold out ta H. "Scotty" Milne and his fam-t Ily of Port Hope. The new owner takes over today. Two pieces of front street property changed hands ne- cently through the offices ai Walter Frank. Builder John Risnek af Countice has ur- chased the old Registry Oeice and has also bought the old IGA store. Congratulations t o Toam and Hap Palmer ai Palmier Motor Sales who recently cam- pleted 20 ycars in business in Bowmanville.t The Welfare Departmenti report for March showed that1 there were 122 recipients. This-J is 47 less than during bhec previous month. April 14- Garnet B. Rickard, Darling- ton Township fariner, was chosen last Wednesday even- irig ta be the Progressive Con- servative candidate in Dur- ham County ln the next fed- eral election. Their many friends will be sorry ta, learn that Mr. and Mns. Roy G. Gropp and famnily will be leaving for_ Tilîson-, I. cepton. Four charter mcm- Public Warka. Ha wus asahat bers, Aloi Mcoiegar, Jira cd by Russell C. Honey, M.P. Mair, Everett Hoar and Stu for Durham. James were present. When Simcoe Hall Crippled ChisUtine Tighe of Bawman-i School aud Trealment Centre ville Xigh School and Char- held *Open Houa."lalut lotte Annis of Caurtice Rlgh week, BOwnuanvllle RclarY's ara attcndiag Queen'a 'Uni-i Crlppled Childien'. CanPiaga verslty this week as dafrgatas Chairman, William Thlesburg- ta the United Nations .Samin- er, on behaif ai local RO- ai. Lloyd Clifbon Jr. of B.K. tartans praeuted the Centre S. t.a attnding a sinilar wilh a chaque'for over $300. event at the University of Il was received by Un.. Ralph Waterloo. Camnpbell. lelà M4ay 19-- auIefoei O ndy John McGulnk, a Grade 10 Bowmanvefexpeiiencerd anc student at Bownanville High Bw ai h e tperctacul onsu ehoal, won the Royal Can-oftems pcauran adiJanLean ntiaPo coîtly fics in ils histoiy, vincIbe wben thc C.P.R. woodeu over- icilChanuponsbip lu hebead bridge on Elgin Street Junior 11gb Sçhoal Category cuh ieadbcrea n Public Speaklag la bbc finalscuh fn dbcaea a held ln Taranto on F7rlday evening.Ag cutr The Bowmanville Brauch ofA g i u t r tlhe Toronto-Dorainion Bank bas a new mnauag er lu bbc eurson ai Robent G. Lawtau. e c placed B . L. Burk whoH p s t Changes have taken place on Dr. J. E. Hcndry's pnapcnýty, l ark T liong btastee Theug ona 4 .1-k w ing I Easîl. The o a- unit apanîment building thal The Township ai Clarke will b. erected on bbc prom- Cauncil beld their final caun- ises tbis sumuner. ;cil meeting for the year on The Salvation Arniy's Red December lSth. At this time Sbield Campaigu will continue they handled yeanend business fan the balance aifbthenionth, and asa rcceved a number ai but already financlal returns delegatians. have exceeded $3.500. Messrs. Donald Staples and May 26- George Carson, îepreseutlng Donna Rogers, 17-year-old the Durhami Central Agnicul- daughter ai Mr. and Mns. turai Society asked Council if Ivan Rogers, Horscy St., was any decision bad been made chosen Teen Town Queen at fon thc disposition oi lb. aid the annual prom Fniday even- Township Garage sud yards ini in bbe Lions Centre. Hon south ai the fair grounds in Princesses wene Cathy Hoar, Orano. Tbey alsa asked if Ibis Jane Oliver, Mcnidy Hately pîoperty sud building could be and Diana McMullen. reuted or acquined by tbe Sa- Bill Kilpatrick was elected ciety. President ai Uic Bawmanville ev Stn ifomdh' Kinsmen Club for 1965-66 aI eee tone ininMD.IBen the dinner meeting lasI week . dLeg, ation th nat . u r-wn Ho wili take oifice lu Sepîem- vyof.She was peang aur- ber. vya h ad n htuo Girl Guide Susan Etcher .receivîng the plans, Councîl was nesnte wit anAilwould bo giving funthen con- Round rtd on TuesaynoA- sideration ai the disposing ai Round Diviion T Commis- v.the lands. Ho also said that ening by Dvso oms Council would considen th. Iu- sioner Mns. W. M. Rudoîll She tenoît ai h. Society. i the daughter ai Mn.an Mns. Arnolg Etcher. burg sometime in the near June 2- future. Mn. Gnopp, manager Ray Dudley, a native cl of the Canadian Imperial Bowmanville, sud Professai ci Bank ai Commerce bnancb Piano at the University cl here for neanly three years, Cincinnatti Coilege Conserva- received word ai bis Iransfer tory, tbnilled the large auidi- over tbc weekond. ence in Tinity United Cburch Mis. Marilyn Nash, 27 on Friday cverîlug with hii Church Street, won the bonor mastory rendition ai a coni of. being crowned Ontario plex musical pragnani on th£ Queen ai TOPS Clubs, at the piano. Provincial Convention ai Over 200 youngsters boal TOPS (Take Off Pounds part in the mauy events aI lbE Sensibly) Clubs held in Ham- annual district Cub Athîctic ilton on Apnil 9th and 101h. Day beld lasI Saturday at 1hE She achieved a total weight Mapie Grave soccer field Ioss of 105 pouuds In 101/ Stephen Barris, 3rd Bowmanr montbs. ville Pack won tbe B granr Aprît 21- for 10 sud il yesî olds anÉ Fine Chief Tom G. Lyle's Paul Hart, Hillcrest Heighl report for 1964 sbowed a lown Pack In the Zion ares, won thE fire loss ai approxiniately A gnouping for 9 and 10 yeas $17.825. Fine loss in Township olds. of Dalington nniounted ta On Manda, May 31. in thl about $41,600. Legion MTTl,' 'Biàwanvil1t Glenn Richards, Oshawa, Littlo N.H.L. hockey teams son ai Mn. sud Mis. George Afom, Pee Wee audBanbari Richards, High St., was the were honorod aI a banquet t( winncr of the Kin Investment brng ta a close their '64-'6* draw in the surn of $1,000. scason. The dnaw was made by His Art Asher, popular managei Wonsbip Mayor Ivan Hobbs at af the A & P Supermarke- tbe Kinsmren Club's 151h birth- bore, has bnoughl anathei day part-y and the cheque was houai ta Bowmanville. Hi c eetd by Kmn Founder bas been awarded lb. siid ai Rgerswbo atteuded lte for the autslaudiug oçerfonrm party. suce of his store durng A &1 Sbiloh United Church was Managers' Week, 1965, by tht packed ta avenilowing on directons of 1h. A & P. Sunday aiternoon for a special ,îune 9- service. It iucluded tIn-oes otmlurfr h trodctio ofa ne Hamondpast 44 years, F. L. Byam, re organ with Dr. Keith Spicer, tired on May 3lst at lbe ai Ottawa, sud bis sisten, Mns. ai 70. Rice Honeywcll, Toronto, as At Trnity United Chunch or guest organist and vocalist. Tuesday eveniug, the congre Their parents. Mn. and Mns. gation gaîhened ta say fane James Spicer wene raised in well ta their departing mn that general aiea oi Durhami. ister the Rev. Win. K. Hous Alpril 28- lander sud is wife, aud tI Bowmanville Lions Club on bonor theni for Ibeir sevez Monday evening elected Ed- years cf devoted service bere ward Charles Leslie. 47, as its They leave ion a uew pasta: incoming president, succeed- ste in the Hamilton ares late: ing Laurence D. Goddard, who Ibis montb. bas beld office sincc last July. On Saturday the senio On the. lait day cf March, studenîs cifKox Christiai 1965, P.O. Supeintendent Mn. Schaol weîe a busy group a A. D. Fizzell, acting District they rau Ibeir cwn car was] Director ai Toronto District au lbe parking lot ai Rehobol) Postal Service, visited Nestle- Christian Reiornmed ChurcJ ton P.O. to personally present Scugog St. They soaped James Grant Thanupson, Poil- watared sud dried over 10I master, with a 25 year pin, for cars. a quarter century cf falîbint On Friday, Bill Thiesbunj public service in the Cart- ci, Chainman ai Bowmanvill wright Township Commuulty. Roary Club's Basten Sesl The Cana dian Cancer Sa- Committee, p r o se n t e d; ciety's Annual local Blitz re- cheque for $2,755.11 ta Rc: suîted in total receipta, ta Auld, Toronto, Execulive Di date, of $1.963 witb more to rector ai the Ontario Sociel, came. ion Cippled Chlldren. Th, Russell Boit, Hampton, waà cheque waî lu the amnountc elected Presidont ai 1he Can- bah of lte total returus ira adian Club of West Dunharni te local Rotary Eassîc Sesl for the coming year at lte Campaigu. meeting ai the anganization june 1- beld lait night in lte Lions Bawmanville I. aneof i Ibn Centre. amang the 38 tewus in On May 5- tarie, with a population c At thoir seventh annuel At belween 5,000 sud 10,000 lba Home on Fiiday evenlug Miss have been ccnmcnded by th Sheila Tomîachischin was chas- Canadien Higliway S af et en Queen snd han chosen Couricil for huvipg haid sevi Princesses were Misses Dents* fatality free years oul ai th Malcoainsd Linda Gray. lait Mine yeans. Oun Mondy, a bush tire taI ýFolewing church ut SI at Ils heigbt blazed alan g a Peul'i C an ud&y marulg, th mile wide front sending bul- membisaiobte Ca""&i lowing yellaw inuoke bavard Legion lien's Chair vIte ha Pontypool, was halted by gung durlng the smrice, gath about 300 residents ai the ered in the Sunday Schoolt aies wbo joiued fonces ta p ne- boueur their departlng musi vent ils ,pread le lte village. director Murdoch L. Beatte Local 189 of btheUited bis wife sud two daughten Rubber Workers Union, at a Weady sud Jennifer. The speclal membersbip Meeting leave te ta» eUp rasidencei lu the Town Hall on Sunday Flanida the sud of june. morniug by a vote ai 70 peu on Suaday aternoca, a bu cent ai tbe memubers present load ai war Vateraris fror accepled tbe new threse-year Divadale Lodge at Sunnybroo contract negatlated by itz nospttwae1letle Bargaling Couimilise wibb h. gion Hallon Quee Groadyear Tire and Rubber Street by the Ladies' Ai Company, (Canada), Limited. iliary. May 12- 1 une 23., On Ma, 8 a banquet vas on Friday. Jun. la, man 'held in apla Grave United pupils, ex-pupils and fiend Church l#jallto houai Art gathered at Salem Puibl 18#mari w, i ZDrarig- Bhg 1t bonourMins lui ton Towna.'uip Us u dau otf Br« om hem' taachug ratIr t»s Uni d Cowties ot ment. lothumbe>ind and Durtssus.Tbl Inenv ol fic im and Mis. flianchard. casie. n vsoffrla Over14 ~perosar.is.oae o abesl ont Mond y Wb Bewran. G. lte o WIim of N ville oln bsêrvsd the 801 castle, Ns., Purliameutar snulersÏrof the clubs la. secretury te th. MIstsc Files ferno in su amaglngly short tinie. Bruce Colweil recelved a wire lait, week uaylng bis tick- et on the Irish Uospital Derby on Saturday had been drawn. isi herse was Niksar, ap- narently on e of the favorites. hUtenag dldn't corne In the money. he severe electrical storm an Monday evenlng brought niuch needed raim, eifted!W at about two luches firm the d0wpour, tafariners sud adeners ln the area. The 1lhtlg and crashing thund. er 1asted mare than two hours. Two bouses in the towu, the Liberty Bowl, and a fairsi near th. town limita wereastruck by lightning. (Continued next week> il Soc 4%cquire 1). Land Messrs. C. Allin, Wm. Buma and Donald Crago met with! counci] asking ImProvementt in ditching and drainage alang a section of the Clarke.Dar. lington Boundary road. Reeve Stone, in speaking for Coun- cil, stated that this would b. considered by the two coun- cils but could not give assur- ance that the worlc would be completed ini 1966. ÎCouncillor Chater rnoved that Council meet as a whole in committee at some future date to, consider the Clerk'sI request to create a new posi- tion in the Clerlc's office. 1 Councillor Chater was ap-:, Ipointed by resolution ta repre-' sent Clarke Township on thel Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority.1 1A resolution was passed by -Council whereby the Township' solicitor, E. R. Lovekin, was tauthorized ta re-establish cer- tain lands in Lot 16, Conces-i sion 3, baclc to the original i.bl *muim. stateman, EOWMUIVMO. 1 lS owne. Teseparcels of lundi before arnicgila lm i w e oba ed folloi g pie- yolowing -t e rfi l' linnar plns or Sdcon-members of struclion ini tiIat rmabutwibbtise ,ClerIt, Nosd upon îeceiving final engineer- lntcendnthelb Orono 6lc ing plans il bas been found Trustee« sud membars ce tIsaI they are ual needed. Townahlp Armae SdMo A lattai vas relved by were guésb of Mr-. . & M- Cauncil asking Ibat the Elliott manager oi thc Canadian Inie Ceutetery ho assuxncd by tIhe perlaDnk oi Commerc , . Township. This Ih being re- a dinumr s.rved et thse 1 ierred ta the Clarke Cemestury Dutch Oven Rstaurant.. Board and te again cornel-",bsu ISTIARTS NIXT WIUKI PRICES SLASHED 1 ON ALL BOYS' - GIRLS' -MEN'S - WOMEN'S Winter (Iothing SEE OUR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD SUITES. . . BEDROOM SUITES . . . ETC. BUY NOW 1 * à aAND SAVEI1 MULDER'S "Clothing for the Entire Family" 23 King St. E. Bowmanville /. f11i , J/J~Lr E;fm ÇffffIJj ~1 g aftErC àL we bet vou're sed 1> E Why flot squeeze a littie more out of yyour food dollar at PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 5, 6, 7t 8, 1. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IMMT QUANTITIES. :9 Canada No. i Grade Ontario Snow Gem 25-lb. Bag Potatoesi Cauioraia Sunldst si» US'5 Oranges 2doz.79c Canada No. 1 Grade Local Grown 3-lb. EBg Cello O nions -15c Canad- No. 1 Grade Bradford Giown 3S-UlB«e Cello Garrots 25-c Bowmanvlllo IGA Foodhoue - *OWEANVILLI - 1965 Just for a ittie while, The luxury of Tex-Made sheets can be yours atlw WhÎte ale TI MOST PASI-IONAILE 8908 IN CANAAWLR DOMÎNO u~fL OpANY. UMrrd.mtomNTRuAI ONmnLEM ;7i~ -r," Fancy (Save 25c) Aylmer Peas 4 49C Purex Ail Colours TISSUES 43 io89gc eUin <Bave 11) " z>s Junior Foods 6ar1 MGA Fuer (Save Uc) Apple Sauce 2 Ti 29c (hwese Suces 2 ;it.6 3c fflelen Vaa oeuielIjsetd Vatbom COD FILLETS 391b 1. -mi m '. P' 1 / - ýd r e édioz .10 r - 0 - - - -