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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1966, p. 6

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I l'a C~ndImaStatemanEowmnvlfl, Ja. 5,1565private Uwn .e iiilelatl@»i were -made.c Mes Ispetin, A MacDuff Ottawa Report Of 9DU animabi nspected by' a veterinarlan durn h More Unifoirm Pricing mn po12wr mwe inUE ES addition12 orticon ere f4ee«ded for Dairy Farmers TeMdclOffieer i Healh atendd atwo-day OTAWA-The minority Lib- crnmcnt vi f4 LII5rt i~E PJ the Aftercare.o! the Psychiat- eral Governinent may neot tttrn - ric Ptient Thisconf etpple i the New Ycar. is not press spSys M a ketiioDU EdLLIby the Canadian Btlwill srl otr rsueo là a statenient released crease in productivity-per- price increases to producers with the co-operation of the won Januaryte18, ande a 1966 loTheffavei 4we=tIy, George R. McLaugh- mari than any other major in- shipping fluid milk to dis Ontario Chapter cf thc Col- hc enstaofrs it e lefice S chairman, Ontario Milk dustry. tributors or dainies in Ontai.8 ee !GecalPatice and in the-way of political jo, b abet klgretig Board, detailed Uic Emphasizing the value o! The ncw regulation will be- the Ontario Public Health As- the Lîberals anc more Zu- a huge bac. ebt,~ need for a morc uni- milk, the Ontarioo1(11k Mark- corme effective January l6th, sociation, was under the chair- nerable than even. bas too me ,%oemi prlcing pallcy in regard etingi Board Chairman men- 1966.mnsio!D.PuChste This i. fnot only because metto 'W Mnispadte Ontario tioncd, that in 1loSone hour'l I ditoiduti superintendent o! Ontario o! their poar showing in the ta tic. 'Or"fresfrmllk. . ei auatrn n I diin nutilmilir Hospita1, Taranto. election, thaugh that is a Fnom the "Baèd n onsan 199 dl-dusrywoud by .6 uats prices are aiso bcing reviewed Thbe Nursing Supervisor at- factor. Mr. Pcarsan's care- session sa "Bséhdaora c ckly wag94 o isr lk. In 1962 i qwu by bythe Ontario Milk Market- tcnded a four and a bal! day less gamble on a majarity ment will b ~ i d avrage wrkns ha e ighf ur soilk. In 1964 w ul u ing Board, with th c alm o! Fal conference at Vineland faled, and-he and is holc Fi st arh oeatsed 54 per cent, while that the saine hour's wark wouldatangamuh edc i-fo sunvaraddrcor government have suffçned a Thronc Spef 1« dâlry farmers bas decreas- buy 9.1 quarts o! milk. crease n income for ail milk o! public health nursing in diminution in stature. lasts cigbt .ed30 rr cent," said Mn. Mc- The producens' problem is producers. Ontania. The principal tapie Non is it because o! the whicb the Luhi.funther aggravated by widc , The endeavaur ta correct was planning for changes In strengtb and ingcnuity o! be assailed W iUmlk bcing such a divergence o! prices betwecn past inequities, by aniving at public bcalth nlursing. the apposition. Thene bas dence matic Vital food it is imperative vaniaus milk markets across more unifonin pnices for dairy be ocag hr.Jh Then at thît we encourage Uic produe- the province. Accondingly, farmers acrass Ontario, could Charlotte M. Horner, Diefenbaker nemains John tunity thec ionfo Grade 'A' milk," be the Ontario Milk -Marketing result in inereases in the cost B.A,, M.D., D.P.H., Diefenbakcr, Tommy Doug- bave ta Akdded. Olt would be tragic Board is cunrently- prcparing a! somýe dairy products in some Medical Officer o! Health' las remains Tommry Douglas, money ta ce indeed, if Ontaria's dairy. out- a regulation pnavlding - -lon imarkets. and Dinecton. and se on. There is no more aperations. * put.were restnicted by dis- and pcrhaps less ta fean have ta sec' cuagfing d a ijr y farming 1 . .L u e O f i j fromt these somewbat uscd moncy spcn tbrough cconomnic inequalities NIortfhmber ln A Durham Sft ndr d~rII7 politicians than there bas Parliament thrb diig ar lbrtae*L been in the atsin ipore profitable idustries". f What will keepteGv- Teop In praising the pnoductivity n a t e ot/~ nm mfjê4iu amour for Lughlin said that, since 1949, Chsiess ire l metnytdepar desite a decrease in the num- The Chirman, es spent 636 bours o! their meI~gnd ami br of farms, Ontario farmens Northumberland-Durham working time in school work.l a e R t sfaICy an adi have incneased thc production Board of Healtb, This includes bealth inspec- À te c co0u nt c spending eE of food by 150 per cent per Cobourg, Ontario tions, vision tests and count- A standard minimum wagc RAT J. DILLING currentfic man. Statistically, the aven- Report for November, 1965 selling o! students, and o! $1.25 an hour for construe- Cbantered Accountant been approi .ge Ontario farmer naw fecds Communicable Disease canfenences with teachens. For tion workers and $1.00 per 93 Cburcb Street In the h1inaclf and 30 other people. O! 71 cases reportcd during each nurse this means a little bour for men and women in ___ 623-3861 Government This represents a greater in- the month, 38 wene cbicken- over a quarter o! ber time. general industny, bateis and LOADJMSBOK inexorably Tlnxcspentin clnics as 37 resturanJAbeEae effctiveant deadlin( pox, 15 mumps as well as Treseti lnc a 7 etuat eaeefcie Cbartered Accountant tinadh Germant measles, red measles, bours. Clinic time is counted througbout Ontario on Mon- Trustee in Bankruptcy tinadb scalet feven and infectious fnon child health conferencesday, December 27tb, it was Suite 205W 725-9953d The repo. hepatitis. and immunization clnes, chest stated by the Hon. H. L. Rown- OshawaShoppingCentre O i n d e Tueclssclinie work and aiso the time tree, Ontario Ministen !- osiens Tueruossused for immunization clinics Labour. WMX. J. H. COGGINS province - At four cbest clinics beld in scbaols. This scbool clinie The Department began in- Chartencd Accountant in the Comi montbly, 75 persans received time is in addition ta tbe timte traduction a! the Act in the Second Floor a!n o January. a fnee cheet X-nay. During the o! 636 baurs spent in scboals. Hamilton - Toronto - Oshawa New Library Buildn Members S mentit, two ncw cases were Home visitîng time, 758 hours, area in June, 1963, and since Cor. King & Temperance Sts have 30 da: ncportcd, anc a! these being is aiso pantîy used in cannec- then bas applied it gnadually - Phone 623-3612' ta abject tc active and tbe othen inactive. tien with scbool cbildren. by regians thnoughaut the WILSON & BUR-ROWS tarai mape Two pensons wene admitted ta sanatorium faliowing diagnosis Audiometry province. The standard mini- Chantened Accountants wrougbt hu at a cheat cdinec. . Of the 740 audiometer tests mum wage bas been in effeet 323 Ring St. W., Osbawa, Ont. almost ever. Xmmunlzation completed duning November, in the Southenn Ontarioarana Pantnens: If any 1i 50 wene on childnen rcpeating known as Zone 1 since Maneb Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Ject ta any a Ut At 37 clinics hcld in Healtb their grade in school. This is 29 a! last year. The anea G. Edmond Bunnaws, C.A. mens debati -C yfse a bo u nit offices and in sebools, 42 the third year this group have affccted an Dec. 27th was the Phone 728-7554 ___tinm t cbildncn completed the initial been donc as a special sunvey. Nortbern Ontario negian or HALL, PE RKINtinms1 k "ow' Insuraincn' senies o! Quad yaccine, and 39 This manth, 12 per cent o! Zone 2. aMLA &CO S received a reinfoncing dose: this group indicated defective The Minimum Wage Act is MhacMILdAcun GO. 456 pensons rezceived a rein- bearing: five bad been recog- designed ta proteet employecs SO hanen Kion t t . a , T~sonud pttaciou~ ~foring dose o! Triad (Dip- nized previously and anc was against low-wage exploitation 725Kn S. .-6539a 14 " » =u tb heni a, tetanus and polio), a ncw defeet. and -aise pnatects employesngst. 72539sle iwtedsu40 trous. Xlu's ' 6hy enus a ooteandos5ebad The remainder o! the 20 fromt unfair campetition bas- 987-4240 àM e yodb tovtaIe dvatag.tetanus ab oor. T her wreaudiognams completed for the cd on the payment o! low Partriers: - ewqeyout201k adpnima et n y bo smapovc-monh ndcaed ou nw c-wages. Prior ta the introdue- William C. Hall, B.Camm., C.A. Â cinations and 280 re-vaccina- fects, thncc retests of previauston!teAcasvyde David G. Penkin, C.A. ~o. otusbelp ySatahv tiens. defeets naw normal and sev e cmincd that approximately J. Grabam MacMillan, C.A. *8 tu pdie dc onte~ In connection witb the previaus defccts still prescrit. 132,000 persans in the negions_______________ 8MOMs tit OW ndi!dm Tuercloss Cotro prg- nvioumnta Saitaion outside o! Toronto-Hamilton mucntsta yOw iidiidd Tbenulois ontai ro- EvirumetaiSantaton and Oshawa weneecanning lcss C hi ro p r a c iic given during the month in cd annually and reported on a as little as 50 cents.G.EWNM NDC secandary sehools. Certificate o! Approval by the The legislation cavens ail Chinopractor Nursing Service medical officer of health. The employeca in any business, Office:It's Vi The total number a! students cmbalming roont, must be cas- trade or wonk exccpt apprent- 15 Elgin St., con. o! Honsey St. SECA enoledInelmetay ndily maintaincd in a sanitarY ices, professional people, camh'one 623-5509 PCA sccndryacoos n orh-mariner and adcquately equi-cuneosfaebdrsrv Office Hours: By appointment umberland - Durham Counties ped. Ten such inspections wenc ants in pnivate residences, this year is 23,899 out o! a made and anc approval with-1 farm b. elp, teachens and jani- . D e1 La thc montb cf November, nurs- Sixteen semi-annual reports made for students employcd DR. W M. DRtDELL> E 111 npasteurization plants wener otl esarnta gn-7 , ÉLt ~~w anll JAN S 9I# I Ge CshCharge o!Fod Contrai in thc term and vacation peniods. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Provincial Dcpartment O! Special provisions are aise Clased Saturday and Sunday For Ct a oa 1 Healtb. AIl sucb inspections made fan the employment o! Office Phone - 623-5790 --fEQINERAL INSURANCE Fo nidAi ine are ta determine the con!anm- handicapped persans. Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 pplanes ity with Regulation 513 unden The Act is administered by D.C .GTRN 1t. E, Bowmanvllle thliuh TePbi ehAt the Labour Standards Brancb Office In preparation for wintcn o! the Depentment. Residence h ouse construction, 64 lots 75_KinSt._.________ll 4p81628-5493 C L A 9 8 1 F 1 E D 9 wene eppraved for pivate Office Hours: Phone 623-3303 water supplies and sewagc dis- Tr9TDV .m. ta 6 p.m. daily IDEAL F __________________________________posai, and 149 inspections of BUf i.uARY Closed Satunday and Sunday 1111 K ~EiTT ~ ....--Telephone: Office 623-5459 M U Us Irreplaceable' AND YET OUR (HEAPEST FOOD 5.6 qts. of milk. s8- qts of milk. a a 9.1 qts. of milk. gase. on constant 1949 dollers, the average wage for the industrial woukerhas 54 P&r cent . . AUD YET DO WE REALIZE 1 The income for dairy farmers was Decreas.d 30 par cent Our dalry farmers art pu4orming a great service they daserve botter consideration 1 OlenRue Dair MRS. WILLIAM F. FICE DR. E. W. SISSON In fillg halthfortheL.D.S., D.D.S. In filig halthforthe Office in his home past year Mrs. William F. Fie ion Liberty St. N., Eowmanville died at Hillsdale Manor, Osha- Phone 623-5604 wa, Dec. 29, 1965. She was Office Hours: in her 78th year. She had liv. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily cd on Albert Street, Oshawa, Closed Wednesday - Sunday for many years._______________ The former Alberta Louise In ra c Kelly, the deceased was a n u a ce daughter of the late William and Sarah Kelly. Born April DONALD A. MacGREGOII 17, 1888, at Leskard, Ont., she Life, Auto, Home had been a resident of Osha- Insurance wa for 50 years. Previously 9% ~King St. E., Bowmanville she had lived in the Bowman- Phone 623-5962 ville area. She was a mem- ber o! the United Church. A. L. HOOEY Predeceased1 by ber bus- Auto, Home, Llabllity band, Dec. 1à, 1955, Mrs. Fice Insurance is survived by a son, M~ilton, 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville four grandchildren and four Phone 62376 great-grandchildren. Ln The funeral service was Ln uvy'I held at 1:30 p.m., Dec. 31, at -- 1 the Mclntosh-Anderson Fun- MERRIILL D. BROWN eral Home. Interment was In P.ENG., O.L.S. Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 Frank Ward, minister o! West- Bus. and Res. Telephone mount United Church, con- 623-7251 ducted the service. _______________ Namne Brunette MSS PA . ODINS Notany Public 'M iss uuaing 14 Fank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. For ire t S ow annisten, Solicitar For reatShowNotary Public Stephanie McLuban, Toron- King St. W. Bawmanvllle ta, a taîl, willawy and attract- P ones : Office 623-5688 ive brunette, bas been namcd Res. 623-5553 "Miss Baating" for 1966 and E. RICHARD LOVEKIN will neigri aven Uic SUa annual B.A.. LL.B. Canadien Boat Show ln the Barnister- Solicitor Automotive Building at Exhi- Xlug St. W. Newcastle bition Park, Toronto, from Phone 987-4735 Febnuary 4 ta 12 next. Houri: 9-5:30 - Wed., St., 9-1 The cute marine queen In a memiben o! the R.C.Y.C. and STRIKE and STRIKE bas a good knowledge o! sea- Barristers, Solicitors manship as well as being pro- Notanies Public fielent in water skling. She in W. R. Strike, Q.C. 5' 7" in height and tipi the A. A. H. Stnîke, B.A. scales et 112 pounds. Othen Edward C. Wildman, vital statistics are 34-22-34. B.A., LL.B. The 1966 Canadien Boat 40 Klng St. W. - Bowmanvill, t Show will featune ani extens- Telephone 623-5791 ivc dlsplay of Uic newest and finestin boats as weasl'n- Mo ri1ga ge s board and autboard englues, -_________ hardware, accesnooies and ail SADIS HAMILTON - ORON#i lother producta made for boat- Poo1r1 ann d teau1r. Uic Tirnt Mortgago Funda Ra sidence - Farmas wludow of Uic boatug i-. 3uiess Propenties dustry" lt will b. nisored __________ as an operation o!f¶the Can- adian National Sportsmen's 0 p 0M e r y Show with Uiecoc-operation a! th~e Canadian Boatlug Federa- KEJTU A. BILi. 0.» tion .and the Allied Boatlng j4 Optometrist Assoiation o! Canada. 13King St. E. - Bowmsnvile lDuring the eight days o! the Office Hiur: By appointment "boatarama" thene wifl b. Telephone 623-3252 sanie lnterestlng features and Mon. - Tues. - heurs. -- F. attractions Including a display 9 tp, 5 p.m. of radlo-cotrolied nmo d e 1 Wed. and Bat. - 9- 1 bt& a.Thuraday venlngi LVII lIME TABLE vulnerable - and in Uic New Ycar iure o! votes, but dwork and o! rnrnment needs ta nt. But it wonIt >because it faces ýklog o! work. It iny deadlines ta many baose ends cmoment Uic new irts, the Goverri- be on the run. ýere will be the ýech debate, wbieh it days, during Goverriment will id by nan-confi- ions. the !irst oppon- Goverriment will seek grants o! arry on its routine And It wili k approval o! the nt during the time was nat in ses- ositian will also ýan eanly oppar- examine gavern- rtmental spending inistration. N o astimates for the cai year bave yct )ved. meantîme, the it will be maving towards import- ies on redistribu- anking. )rts of the 10 in- Sn t redistribution i- anc for each 1will be tabled imars by the end o! Panliament ys within wbich Lo the new elcc- )s which bave age changes in ry riding. 10 members oh- Sreport, a Com- te on the objec- be called within Canada, the cbartercd Monday, February 28. Trans- 15 days. Then Uic report le refenned back ta Uic p noper commission, which wil lbhave the final say on whether or not ta accept Uic objections. Quite a lot o! debate is expected on these matters sa dean te a member's beant. That debate must came eenly in Uic session and will add inevitably to the pressure on Uic time. table. A second important dead- lie bas ta do witb legis- letive action ta permit Cari. eda's cbartered banks ta con- tinue openation. The law requires revision of the Bank Act, end ,a re- newal o! hank charters, every 10 years. This re- vision bas been delayed while a Royal Commission on Banking and Finance studied important changes in the Act. The Rayai Commission re- ported about 18 months ega, but Panliament bas nol yet acted ta nevise the Bank< Act. The bank charters kecp cxpining, and the gav- erriment kecps asking Par- liament ta extcnd the chart- ers. The latest* extension ran out December 31, but sînce Panliament was flot sitting, the charters continue until 60 sitting deys a!ter Panlia- ment next meets. In other wards, some kind o! action on banking must be taken hy this new Parlia- ment within 60 sitting days from January 18. It secms clear that the bank charters will bave to be extcnded again. There would bardly be sufficient time ta carry out the fan- reaching ameridments ta the Bank Act. The amendments will bave ta be studied in commit- tee, and testimony will be beard from the Bank of falue Check'd Lamb Week at Red & White LILY SELECTED "CHOICE PLUMP IMPORTED" 'g0' Lamb FOR BROILING "Choice Juicy - Thick Cut" IN LAMB (HOPS 79b THREE MEALS IN ONE - Roast - Fry - Stew LAMB IN A BASKET 39lb FOR A TASTY TREAT - "Lean - Fresh-Made" Fresh Lamb Patties 49lb Save 32c! Moderne Large Boxes Facelle Tissues 3-73c Save 6e! Jet Spray Aerosol Tin! BonAmi (Ieanser63ct Have 40c! 15e Off Pack Instant Coffee 6-os. Jar (hase & Sanborn 93c Have ge! Fancy Quaiity lialves 15-os. Tins Golden Peaches 3-79( Save 70! Fancy Quality 20-oz. Tins Apple Sauce 2 for 39c Excelsior FROZEN FOODS m Save 12e! Morton'a Tasty Beet 0FQAIY -LO Cikn- TurkeyCA E Meat Pies 5 for $1 CA E Supreme Brand Whole 2-1b. Bag Kernel Corn .53c N A BEST BUY! Save Se! BEAT AND SERVE Kraft Dinners 2127c BEHT BUY! Save 10e! AUNT MARY'8 24-os. toaves SLI(ED, BREAD 51$1s BEST BUY! Have 6c!LIQUI» 4ou. Plastie JAVEX BLEA(H 43c1 BEHT BUYI He BEHT BUY! PEA DEST 1U SUPER WBE ý UttIb» WAA- v WHERE , FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE YOU MORE . Sunshine Fresh Produce Crsp Red MeItohFny .Bset WahdCurly 10-arnL Celle Bat Spinach 2 for.3 9c Ntritions and Economical No. i 8-lb. Poly DBag Carrots each 25c Ontario Yellow No. 1i3-1b. Poly Bat Onions 2 for 39C Have 6c! Fragrant 2-Cup 100 te Pkg. CROWN *TEA BAGS 79c Biscuit Featureni 5 Varieties Fancy Celle Pkbs. SUPREME F8 BISCUITS 3089 Eeg. 39c! Weston or Sanbeam Valley Vlew 2-lb. Sine BreakfastPrunes49c For loy Walks . . . 5-1b. Bize .~Sifto Ice Sait 29c 'l Have 29e! il-esou leotis iz Ketchup 4.87c Save 4e! Red & Wlite Home il-.,. Jar NUT Butter 39C 1 Save 15.! Proet elYoyârFloorg uIT 1-lb.Ti GROVE RED & WHITEMapi. Qroye-s RID &WHITI I a . ln 1950 one hour's wage in manufacturing Industry would buy . . ln 1962 on. hour's wage in Manufacturing indttstry would buy . . . In 1964 the smre'hour's work would buy . s banks, financlal ltituttins potMntefrl a*t economnic experts, and re- banid there deflnltely wI 13resentatives of the prov- be no extension beyond tn in e .date.1> . The simple request ta ex- "The threc-month issung tend the charters again period gives ample lime for shudbe good for an in- cveryone to get plates," stated tense, and perbapa prolong- Mr. Haskett. "For their owu ed debate on banking and peace of mind, we hope more finance. motorists wil get their plates These important deadlines early and airold last-nuntte wýll almost certainly create lineups". r difficulties for the Govern- Fo cmeril ehl, ment. No matter what it trailers and conversion uiriv r does, il. can be accuscd 0f 1986 plates will go on neglecting something cIsc. March 1 and the expirydB 3 And it will have ta deal for current plates will with them while it's plung- March 31. This procedurc ed up to its neck in other the same as it has been for t t issues. past threc years. for thi There will be Federal- vehicles, plates will continue *Provincial conferences, for ta be avallable on a quarterlY example, on new tax ar- basis as well as for the whol. rangements, on crime, on year. poverty. There will be de- bates on old age pensions, on transportation legisiation that has already been delay -_____________ ed too long. There are current contro- - w-- versies on the constitution, ______________ on abolition of the death - penalty, on morality in gov-i ernment, on bilingualism and biculturalism. - - The task of the opposition s shouldn't be too difficuit. Ail it has to do is keep the Government from looking s efficient. That shouldn't be t ard with a government C that will be on the run, 9 under pressure and off-bal- ance for much of the year. Tw M ntsFor fast, lnad To Bu 1966convenient heating- To Bu 1966Just cali on us Licence Plates Eîectric heating helps ae S Ontario's 1966 licence plates guard your family, with and vehicle permits were frst dust-free, silent warmth made avaîlable on Wednesday, for any rooma at the flick December 1, for passenger o! a swltch. cars, station wagons and motorcycles. The plates and permits are,~ ton sale at ail licence issuîng mII. office s throughout the prov -_____________ ince. The 1966 plates have blue lettering and numeralsi ----fl on a white background. '16 TEMPERANCE ST. Expiry date for present 4 plates-and the final day for e 9getting 1966 plates-will bel

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