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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 12

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mst~n~, 3owman'vifle an. 12, iON. H~yn Stüdëht ss Ohawa Business loge Queen" -for 1965. Omhawa Buuiness Col- Iwha are now emnployed in »M3 its Annual Christ- ,Daste, and Graduation 'On. oiDec=mber 10. "the 'l. orth Oshawa Centre. Oven 100 graduâtes and guesta Menfit. Muslc was sup- a weli kncwn local QL , aning was lthe of -!the evening until il ak t which *ime Mn. »1m C. Barnett, Principal Àr'cqlegâ, stéppedto the - -on l'nd ddressed a - remarks particularly ta prsýresently in attend-1 R. e welcomed l those ent suri,, on behiali ai Uic gnrtujated ml those ugawards, .certificates business: Pat Chumbley, Ver- ànicm Friedrich, Susan Clothier. Joy Farquhar, Diane White. Marlan Haensgen, Ren- mIe Boiclc, Shirley Wood, Ter! l1orisnAn Marie Roberts. Malrilyn Stolaryk, Micbie Van H-emmen, Sharon Brady, Man- lane Gaudaun. Cetificates ai Standing wene isÙed ta the follawing graup af students: Canal Blyth, Linda Beal, Sharron Besse, Sharon Bowler, Jim -Almey, Lois Cawker, Ma rga ret Corden,- Cheryl Campbell, Fred Fleming, Joan Gibbs, Jimn Harrison, Sandra Hallett, Stephen Grant, Pat Hayes, flianne Hufirnan, SandraKen- 'bsremarks ta students yon, hElainc ilighfield, Gloria 7 - ï ~ i atndneM Inche, 'Donna Kinibail, Judy iald tt'ene is a pr. Lee, Jeffrey LaIt, Sandra 4x.Vffl in business taday Lack, Neil McColl, Douglas young people possessîng Pingle, Amanda Meese, Shar- >. cri n, coutng n Prestùn, Judy Paeden, ess machine apenatian' Norma Porter, Donna Polley, 'but wvho can and are wiîiing Grace Rundlc. Val Scbere- 4nd wvho have been trained to met, Betty Rundle, Alan Raby, *çcept responsibility. As the Pat Stacey. Gloria Taylor, comlexty ai business in- Ellen Taylor, Mina Sokolaka, ý,x 'emues yean by year, super- .Tane Wanll, Kaye Wilson, visôrs, executives, owners find Dini Vander Toolen, Dianne it more and more impassible Treen, Penny Van Courte, Bob to "attend toalal the nespansi- Edmunds. àule ruined in the success- As is customary eîch year, luIopeatof a a business. the students vote and edcc tàerefre,. iey must turn ta Miss Oshawa Business College. staff at Uieclcîcical, steno- This year, Miss Rena Grabam rgraphie level and delegate ta ai Haydan was cnowned young peopale like you,. duties "Qucen" by Miss Karen Pres- requining somne decision, trust ton the 1964 titie winner. and responsibilty. Awards wene msa given for i 'Oun instruction at the Osha- excellence in the following Iwa Business Callege will in subjects: Shorthand, Veronica fluture stress preparatian for Friedrich; Typewrltlng, Helen <the acceptance ai responsi. Bremnen: Business Machines, ý$billty. Beginning with the Gloria Taylor; Record Keep- . Winter Tenm, a new approach ing, Vilenie Dittîmar; Account- * ta business training will be ing, Marlene Gaudaur. 7niude ini order thit gnaduates Following the presentation wi,-eable ta serve theinj ne- a! dipiomîs and certificates a sptie mplayens in a more cafetenia lunch was served. Sreaonsible marner. The lunch, suppliid by the ,V oUowiag bis address, Mn. College, was pnepared by %Eirnett expressed appreciation members o! the student coun- to the members cf bis staff cil. Ater lunch, dancing In- Sfor Uthe fine -effort they had ciuding spot dances completed rendered tri the past year in the evening.Couples winnîng trifigng and helping -ta place the spot d. rces wene: Pat *overl100 young people. Wiiliamson and Earl Keatly, ýDipomas were lssucd ta the Sandra Branning and Richard fo1.owig students who had Greene, Beatnice Vanderveen !Ënlleted ther course and and John Goade. WI, t he th.tit... e. -WINTER'S THE lIME FOR Renovating and (bean Up Jobs WHEN Men and Materials Are Available Support Your Winter - Employment Campaign CALL YOUR LOCAL Au, NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE m 314 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH for Oshawa hc PHONE 728-4631 of À-On LowF5 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO AUJ~ Lf4Su PRICISION GROIJND TO YOUR m= TiWS . ..,OIXTR CHARGE FOR itiiLiS*m OR PRUeCRpTi-ObiSUNGLÂSSES 1965 Hîgligtsfrom Canadian Statesman- 17,- . istaff memben af the A. & P.1 Nt the meeting of Bowman.. Company store, here.E le Town Council heldin thie Bo*manville, Men's Can- unç,il Chamber aon Monday adian Club held a most en- ning thene was a depute- joyable picnlc in the grounds1 n from. Branch 178 of the Of President W. H. (Mick) ýal Canailan Legion. Presi- Brown's home, R.R. 3, Bow-1 nt Keith Ferguson, mssisted manville, last Wednesday ev- 2nd Vice-President Maurice ening. Mare than 60 niembensý nway, presented a Canadian and - their wives enjoyed theà ipe Leaf Flag and the event. ion Jack, misa an excellent Fireme.n were called toa a Lune ai Qucen Elizabeth II tractor fine at L. A. Squmir's' s8 from Brancb 178 for the fanm, R.R. 4, Bowmanville,9 iucii Chamber. sbortly aiter noon today. Mr. and Màrs. Bert Mundy, August 11-1 ng St. West, now have twoý The second mid-summcr1 s. She punch ased two tick- 'Red Cross blood danar clinie on the Legian Car Draw here last Wednesday wms again ,Friday and H-is Worship a great success as 240 donors, âyor Ivan Hobbs drew, anc mcluding many new nes, at- them ta entitleelber ta the tended and contributed 232 autiful new Oldamobile 88 pints ai iife-giving blond. 1 an. Stephen Fuels defeated Bill'& John Bain who bas been Billiards 3-1 at Vincent Mas-1 ierintendent ai the Train- scy Park hast night to capture gSchool bere for sevenal the best ai seven Men's Town ars is being transferred ta League semi-final senles in1 anew school at Hagersville, four straigbt games.1 d a native ai Bowmanville,1 Taday, the annuml ieîcc in ibent M. HoopeiM..Efwîîhanor of the Warden af the1 ncplacing Mr. Bain hene. United Counties of Northum-1 nce. 1959, Mn. Hooper has berland and Durham, Reeve en Supenintendent ai the A. L. Blanchard ai Dariington tarin Tnaining Contre at Township, is being held at ,mpton. Danlington Provincial Park.i Over 10 4-HAt Town Councii, Mandmy1 )ve 10 -H Club and night, members neceived a nion Farmen members fnam report înom the Police Com- iram County went onmission that Corporal Kmy e r yesterday mn two b~uses Fneethy who has been with ing their annual judging the department for the past npctition. T o p winnens eight yeans, submitted hisi ýre: Novice, David Kellogg, resignation last week ta be- St Hape; Junior, Terny came effective August 3lst. lcolm, Janctville, a nd Bowmanville High School's nion, Bnian Bradley, Bow- top Grade 13 student by a anvilie. considenable mangin is William Tom Worden of the Court- Depew, son of Mns. and the Sbasebaîl team is in Me- late Thomas Depew, Liberty :ial Hospital, Bowmanville, Place. [aowing a game against Jim Wilson, Terry Graham oufiville last night at Court- and Sharon Tamblyn had the Whiie batting, he ývashit bighest Grade 13 exam nesults' the side af the face by a at Clarke High Schoal. tched bail. It is believed Word wvas neceived on Tues- suffered a fractured cheek day that Marie Yea, daughten ne and a braken nase. af Mn. and Mns. Bruce Yen, Nancy Macklin, 12-yeîn-old R.R. 1, Onono, bad won first mghter of Mr. and Mrs. place on the Uncle Jerry tele- Ian Mackiin, R. R. 1, Bow- vision pnogram in Buffalo last nville, was picking pears Sunday. thein ganden this week, It bas been announced that .en she spatted an unusuai Mary Cannons bas purchased in on the gnound. It was Widemmns Ladies' Wear. 11845 United States * haîf - August 25-- ne, about the sîze af the aid W. K. Nowak, R.R. 1, Bow- ial Canadian nickle. manvilie, bas again won top [y 21- prizes an ail five cases oi eggs 3owmanviile Town Council exbibited at the Canadian the meeting beld in the National exhibition. )wn Hall on Tuedsay aiten- The bank account oi Bruce )n decided unanimiously ta Colwell, Horsey St., took >ly for a' $20,000 Centennial quite a jump iast week when rnt ta furnish the new Bow- bis wînnîngs from a recent anviile Public Librany. sweepstakes arrîved by cheque. The total was 515 pounds, The Durham Dairy Princess three shillings, on in coin oi )ntesf wbich wms held in the Canadian nemlm, $1,548.60. ewcâstlc's Anena last Friday Jack Humphrey cf Division ,ning wms won by Mis St. bas a flowering crab apple )nna McLaugbiin ai Ncstle- tnee that is a bit mixed up. n. It not only is beaning fruit but Rev. F. K. Malane, parisb also flowering like cnazy. He est ai St. Joseph!s Roman brought in some af the bloom. itholic Church, was honored ta prove it. a given by a graup The% Rayai Con servatory ai panishioners on Sunday Music oi Toronto announced ,nng la St. Joseph's audi- taday that Lisa Blanche ium ini celebration of the Samuel, age 10, eldegt datlgh- th anniversany ai bis andin- ter ai Mn. and Mns. Edwand in ta the pniesthood. Samuel, bas attained the dis- DOMTAR Limited announe- tinction of winning the high- the appointment ai Wm. G. est marks in Ontario in the fi11) James as Dinector ai Consenvatory's Practical Ex- formation Services. Mn. amînations af Piano, Grade mies is the son ai Mrs. Gea. III. .James, Horsey St. and the September 1- te Dr. James. Pnion ta jain- Miss Janice Byers scored gthe vast DOMTAR organiz- the bighest number of points an be was associated witb in the teen section ai thé in- ie Canadian Statesman. side exhibits at Cartwright's y 28- Centennial Fair on Satunday. -Iost Garnet Rickard bad a She was presented wîth an sy time an Saturdmy noon award by Canal Anne Tidey, clcomîng more than 300 Miss Dominion ai Canada. itors who dnapped in for For the second time, Dr. ebanbecued bec! dinnen Keith Slemon's driveway on ring the Shorthonn Field Lowe Street bas sufiered mcmm ay held at bis farm. an erar. A while back some- Glenn H. Wilson, a General body dumped a load ai gavel otons empînyce wlio lives at there, but it should bave gone a'lamight well be con- ta Dr. Sisson's place. On erdni y woyasao Tuesday, the driveway was Swon a new Chevrolet atcopeeybcedw na .Little Bnitain Civie Holi- lad oi wood was dumped. It fy Celebnatian and the same should bave been delivened ta ght won a new tire and fine Dr. Steei's, a block west. :tigushr.On Saturday, be Mn. and Mrs. Peter Feddcma nus195ber. mtatth ad their six cbildren leit for ns a 1965 Cheroetadt theKonea on Tuesday. Mr. Fed- fvry Canvaoer dtank demi bas been appointed ta ins Presqident Ed. Lesglie. serve as an agriculturmlist a ccFi imed th eg uc _jai Dr. ham Central Fair on Friday CompleShrlyt.rer o princesses. Administraton Bernard Hol- BI FOCALS den of Memnia Hospital re. ceived a well merlted honai on August 201h when he was $ .5 mdvanced ta mcmbersbip tat. us ln thie Amenican College ani Hospit 'al Adminuatrat*qrs. The award 'was neceived, during AL the callege's 3lst annual con- COMPlaI mm veifflmw }ieldi S arciso il. amont Oven the weeloend, Misa Gall Habbs, 17-year-old daughter v ~ ~ ~ ~ o Hu'i nc is Worshlp Mayar and if M RAT>rs. Ivan Hobbs, Bowman- if 18UMIMIPIMTville, won the Qvenall Cou i miti EUIPTI§«RU Girl Charnpionshlp aI the Hanse Show hcld ti Button- le lm 08 vile. c m iimu*rsb s*pUUIber 23- wm -uwnShartly atter 6 n'dlock Sun- Ve ML?4yist' day moralng, R. 131M ErowM4 ~~ [R. 3, aneOfi tNth rs' et wms most highly reoandfled dab r I. File his barn caught tire and hurn- Grand Openmng as a Crest presented ta National Vice- of the P.U.C. Previously at où Thursday evenings. The ed ta the graund. Hardware. *President Harold S. Taggart. the nomination meeting, Ris event honored Rosa Stevens, l'ne Salvation Army's Trans- Last week it was announced This is the local group's dana- Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs Bowmianville's leading Canada Ca+ralcade visited that Bowmanville Figure Skat- tion ta the National Kinsmen had been acclaimed without btisiesman, who has also Bowmanville on Tuesday. ing Club will have two new Institute of Mental Retarda- opposition as had Reeve Sid- taken a praminent part in This week, on Bill Bragg's professionals. They are Mirs. tien ta be buit in Toronto. ney Little. Election resuit- municipal affairs. Mr. Stev- farm at Providence, a Graven- Jack Hyland Armitage and The celebration ôf the 25th ed as foflows: Deputy Reeve, ens ls retiring after 53 yearu itemn apple tree had a fair Ross Garner. Annîversary of Local 189 af Wesley Fiee; Council, Paul with the Company. 1b load of fruit, but it was blos- October 27- the United Rubber Wnrkers Chant, James Bourke, Ken- The Durham District H'm somngatth smetie.Union on Saturday evening neth Nicks, E. J. Rundie, Mns. Schaol Board has app1i n, The Rev. C. L. Hicksan is Bownanville residents ap- wS a successful event that Annie Oke and Glenhalme M. A. MacLead, 4. of Nlagarjý, the new assistant pniest at St proved dining lounge licences will ogb eebrd yHge;PUCRosSees alas tenwcmie Joseph's R o m a n Catholie by a vote in their favo*r Of the more than 260 people who Wilfrid Carruthers. administrator and secretary Church, Liberty St. South. 61.39 per cent in the plebiscite .noe t .R Td odad raue o h Ivan Wannamaker, Sunset held here on Thursday. eoedi.ER.Td"W dyrataserorhebard. On edesay moPaul Gearing, son of Mr. former reeve af Clarke Townl- The Bowmanville Ladies, Rd., town, caught a big lake On Wdedy mrniflg, and Mrs. Curtis Gearing, R R ship, headed the polls for Auxiîiary ta the Royal Can. trout over the weekend near Treasurer James Bell o f the 3, Bowmanville, Ont., recelv. Police Trustees in Orono. The adian Legion donated $950 ta Parry Sound out of Lake CNIB fund campaign report- ed his Bachelor of Arts de. two other trustees elected were ,Memorial Hospital for an elec- Joseph. It weighed 201/4 lbs. ed that a* total of $2,736 had ge at the f ail convocation D. R. Simpson and Floyd trocardigraph machine this and was 32" long. been received with more re- held on Friday, Nov. àth at 'Nicholson. week. September 29- turns from autiying places Carleton University, Ottawa, December 15-- Alvin Boyd receivéd a real Winner cf the annual draw stili ta came. Ont. Gail Walter af the First "Ho Ho" from Santa this sponsored by the Cerebral Track and Field, and Cross 1- !Guide Company of Courtîce week in the form of a cheque Palsy Parent Council for Country Champions at B.H.S. Crippled Children, held on are: Junior Girls' Champ. On Monday evening Bow- has the hanor oi beîng the for $1,000. He was winner of TusaSp.2lst for a Nesta Honeyman; Intermediate manvilie Town Cauncil inter- first Guide in Caurtice area ta draw number 13 in the Kin Sterea Hi-Fi was Robert C. Girls' Champ. Virginia Slem- viewed several applicants for receive the Gold Cord. The Ivsmn eis Graham, 4 Summerfieid Court, an; Sr. Girls' Champ. Laura the Cierk - Treasurer - Camp- presentation was made on December 29- Bowmanville. Taîsma; Jr. Cross-Country trouler position here and hired Friday, December 10th, ait a The stork, as well as Santa On Sunday, September 12th Champ. Tom Puk; Sr. C.C. Robert L. Byron, 37, af West special meeting in Courtice Claus, vîsited two familles in the new Christian Eduçation Champ. Henry Dykstra; Sr. Hill. United Church. Bowmanville on Christmas Centre at Zion United Church Boys' Chamup, Lloyd Cliton; Shortly alter Il p.m. Tues- An impressive ceremony Day when two babies wer. was officially apened. Int. Boys' Champ. (tied) Paul day, fire broke out In the was held at St. John's Church, barn in Memorial Hospital. Follawing their Stag Night Kelly, Ian McQuarrie; Jr. kitchen of Staniey's Rest- Bowmanville, during the Sun- Bath were boys. The first on Saturday evening at Bow- Boys' Champ. Gcrry Barker; aurant, King St. East, and be- day evening service on Dec. baby, the son ai Mr. and Mrs. manville Legion Hall, the Int. C.C. Champ. Rick Dewell. fore firemen were able ta 5th when thrce members af Jon Hancock, Sunnicrest Blvd. Legion's Special Events Chair- November 3- bring it under contrai, the the lst Company af Guides, arrived at 10:05 p.m. Mr. and man W. A. Kilpatricl< present- At~ a meeting of the 'Board restaurant and adjoining prem- Pat Bate. Brenda Henning Mrs. Dennis Posthumus, Lib. ed the branch's annuai $500 af Dîrectors of Memoriai Hos- ises sustained considerable and Beverley Hearl, received erty St. North, wecomcd their dontin a Bwmnvll Re- itl hldWenedayevnigdamage. their Religion and Lufe Emb- son at 11:42 p.m. reation Dept. Secretary Paul Oct. 20, Mrs. W. M. Rudeli, William "Bill" Depew, 18lm.TeMdclSafbsdn Chant accepted the cheque President of the Women's Hos- son of Mrs. Depew and the' Two ail space heaters caus- ated $2,000 ta Memonial Hos- with thanks. pital Auxiliary, presented a late Mr. Thomas Depew, was ed trouble on Friday and Sun- pital for the purchase of cap- Octaber 6-- cheque for $3,000 on behaîf cf vaiedictorian at B.H.S. Com- day. No damage resuited from ital equipment. Dr. Allan B. A $100,000 flash lire coin- the auxîliary, the donation te mencement, Friday evening. a blaze at the home of Mrs. Sylvester, Medical Staff Treas- pletely destroyed the south be used for furniture in the Bill attained the highest Grade Duetta, Gravel Pit Rd. South tirer, gave the cheque for this urireplant o! Woodiand Maternity Wing. 13 standing in the United on Frîday cvening, but On amount ta Hospital Adminis- Sunda mornng te CNR-trator Bernard Hoiden on Products in Newcastle early Bowmanviile acquired two Counties o! Northumberland owndybosenearthe C.iaN.R. sdya-enon Tuesday evening puttîng at ne w business men thîs week, and Durham. ondhuena h tto hrdyatron least 30 men on the unempîoy- Les MacDonald and Stuart James Wilson, 19, son ai Mr. sustained considerable damn- Ontario's Department af ed iist unti owner Don Mur- MacIntosh who wiil be operat- and Mrs. Gus Wilson, Orono, age before firemen could ex- Ecrgy and Resources has ap- nycm rergnîe isopra ng a Fard Dealership at the was valedictorian at Clarke tînguisb the blaze. It was provcd purchase af a 200-acre ray an eorgniz hisopea- upie byA. Tompontract ai land north of here by tiens. Hendry Motors Ltd. prem- High Scbool Commencement OccpdbyA Tomsn the Central Lake Ontario Con- Word was received this ises. last Friday. C.N.R. foreman. servation Authonity. The land week that Public Utilities The Four-in-Accord Quar- December 8- December Z2- will be developed for bath Commissioner Lawrence C.* tet, Ken Buttery, Len Cle- Forty-one per cent of Bow- The combined Glen Rae recreatian and reforestation Mason, Q.C., will net be stand- ment, Elmer Down and Ken manviile electors turned out Christmas Party and Rass purpases. The acreage, eigbt ing for election thîs year. Brooks w~on tJhe Barberslbop on Monday ta decide who they Stevens' Retirement Banquet miles north ai Bowmanv~ille, On Saturday afternoon, Quartet Championship for wanted as Deputy Reeve, six was held at the Rockbaven is known as the Long Sault W hilt by and Bowmanvile Ontario District. Councillors and two members Restaurant, near Peterborough Conservation Area. ladies continued their neck Novemben 10- and neck struggle for softball Russell Honey, Port Hope supremacy before a huge barrister, Liberal, was hand- crowd at Central P ublie ily rc-eiected on Monday as l iyréra tf r lb mt innings when Whitby scored jority of 1,249 aver his near- wbat amounted ta a heart- est competitor Progressive breaking run for Bawmanviile Conservative Garnet Rickard. ta make the score 3 ta 2. Miss Cindy Kawal, daughter League President Arnold Etch- af Mn. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, er pnesented the trophy ta the St. George Street, was the Whitby team. winner ai the Sweetheart Octoher 13- Championship mn the twinling Miss Jennie Stout was the competition on Satunday in cnvy cf many cf her feliow Osbawa. Girl Guides last week when Durng recent weeks, Bow- she received the All Round manviile Foundry has installed Cord from Guide Captain Mrs. a second electricai furnace ta L. Lucas at the First Guide enable themr ta double their Company meeting in the High factary output. The new furn- Schaol girls' gyrnnasium here. ace and its huge clectnical c::: Prime Minister Peca r s O contrai panel camnes from made a surprise annoünce- Switzerland. ment on Saturday that wili November 17- provide residents af Bowmmn- Last week, a landmnark in ville with home mail deiiveny the Countice anea, Truli's store, service by the end ai this changed hands alter 18 years ycar. Bowmanviile is onc af under the Truil ownenship. 24 towns in Canada thit will The new owners are Mr. and 110W Qualili' l postal deliv- Mns. Lloyd Krenek, formenly ery. ai Oshawa.e On Sunday, Oct. 3rd at St. Miss Janice Bycrs, daughter John's Anglican Church, Bow- of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, manville, four Brownie Packs Burketon, and presently at-u t 1<W attended the service and tending McDonald Institute, watched KathyMilner, anc af University ai Guelph, wase the members, receive the Re- valedictorian at the annual ligion and Lufe Embiem from Commencement program of the Rev. K. J. Frampton. Cartwright Hîgh Sehool held On Mondmy aternoon Bow- in Blackstock, Friday, Nov. 12. The Wiseocnes tokcs discounts and extended bank. And formors con manvillc's Legion Pee Wees The new $48,000 municipal advantagle of winter. payment plans qualify for up ta $15,000 came through with a narrow garage af the Township aiSklemoaemoeY cnoowpt ihtnyest eoylI win over Tillsonburg ta win Clarke, situated at Onono, was Sild-e r oeYuc orwo a vihtnYmt ea t thc Ontario Championship. ofiicially opened by Warden reodily aoalabie in Mh $4M00wuth op ta ton yeor a Form Imrovement Loan October 20- A. L. Blanchard on Frlday w*nteîme.-.eody ta do to r»poy, ut 10w interest So you se., U"M are The six traphy winners at afternoon. vts ,hagvrmn. awo.lto eygo tAeB-aolTàkadFed Eanly Thursday evening, your repairs and rts ihagyrmn. awoelto eygo Mthe S-ld t àCanFi edig while týhe owners were at one renavations when you wont sponsored'Ni-A Home rasons why you should last Weed ayarwereiter- igo the local laundramats, fine them. Moterials are in bmprovemnent Loon from have that work don@ around ineiat O~aiipon onM swcpt through the interior- of m ieeCapo O, an- Mr. and Mns. John McEwen's generous supply too,'and your bonk. your home or place of tyni CRS; Juior CHS mPeion home, 63 East Beach. yoi>r renovatian budget If you're the owner business duning theêwinter. Champion Allun Pinck, Mill- November 24- VA11 olten go further in ci a suai business, thon Do lt oowl brook High, Junior Champion A large cnowd gathered on winter, thonks ta off-seoson you may talc. odvontage Margaret Skipp, MHS; Inter- Satunday aitennoon for the of speciol Smafl Business mediate Champion H e l e n Officiai Opening o! the new Loons o ble at your Swain, CHS, and Senior Bowimanville Public Librany Champion Banb Bnackenridge, Building. His Worship, Mayor MHS. Ivan Hobbs, turned aven the This week Dykstra's Variety keys ta George Vice, Chair- vrb d be fisw nwnt oki = csd Foods are marking their Sixth man ai the Library Board. Fr od e oo m .S oU iek4mime tff00= Birthday, and McMullen1s During the Bowmanville Important news.. Mutual Life of Canada dividends increased again! Divdends ta ordinary policyholders ini 1966 witI total $1 9,700,000-an increase of $1,450,OO o ver the amnount paid in 1965. In addition, the interest rate paid on ac- cumudating diviends wiII b. incredsed ta 5.1 per cent This is the llth time in the fast 13 years that The Mutuai Life of Canada has increased EEPEESENTAT1VIk dividends ta poricyholders-a reflection cf the Company's efficient operation and sound paf ices. 9f you are flot now a Mutual Life of Canada policyhoide,you may gwae li thiss wcess and, at the samne tim, economkcaSly fuifili your life insurance needs.Just talk ta your nearest Mutual Lfe of Canada repreenatve DON~ i s~.Jj. The Mutual LJe ASSUMRANECOMOP FCAINADA LD C. WELSHo Btoad, ui~il, ut~1. h.ue 0.541 q..' s ~. 4 ISt. 49 .,8SMon. to Sat. "' 0USADU wLWd j yq 1* 4m

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