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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1966, p. 16

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11.Coedln Uatamm, owmanvmfe, .Jan. 12, 190. FOR (LASSUFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.mle Bhiffhs Caerds of Thanks1 Articles for Sale Help Warited Help Wanted Wanted to Buy elEtt o aeelEtt o aeelEtt Yy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __f oSa e_ _c es t adJane Our smncere thanks ta PORTABLE sterea. Telephone I:LUMBER and or electrician. HAY. any qatt.F *âePassant) arxe pied ta neighbours and friends ci 623-5722. 2-1* Phone 987-4223 Newcastle. FEMALE W. Werry & untity. F. W Pet er Kol, Jr. W. FrankRelE aeTL F -eunounce the arrivai af their Haydon and Enniskilen cm-RDE otsal ac 2-1 Large local lumber dealer 263-2086, Enniskillen, ont. 2-1 w ,uul u rn dad(Ted) Grant, 9 munities for the Iovely gifts heater. Call 263-2525. 2-1* TRUCK driver, must have requires mature young LI- puty i ete REALTORLI 3 zs, shawa General 8,-usan Slatrday nq igh t AERfrsaea- eierdractor-trailer e x p e r i e n c e. woman for a tIck. M. lt, R.R 1 eth- iand GENERAL INSURAN.JE 21 King St. . omnvlsVwîavle- e.ItaIA brother for Janet and Harry and June Degeer. Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131 Apply ÇurvplY Wood Pro- Responsible any Phone 7 r 13 collect. Member of Oshawa & Distriqt 42333 hn0245 Steven. Many thanks to Dr. 2-1 32-tf ducts, Orono. --2-.1Psto 28-tf Real Estate Board MenMber OshawasdDsrci5)Ar ,Dr. 'Mi-Is and Faiarth THREE-piece bedraom suite, BANK teller, part-time, Mon- Positionn St W. 623-2453 RalEsBt am ihgo orStiff. 2-1 We wish ta' thank ail our like new. Phone 623-2293. days. and Fridays, experience lnRtoom and B auBwavll a saeoard bustng.-ageriero friends and neighbors for 2-1 required. Apply Box 940, A cunI Watd h1,000'At LeaoeFr paer3. Eclntfari WALD - Lyn- and Art cards, flowers and gifts which W ATER for sale and delivered, Bowman ville. 2-1 _______________Home!_This Deatm n i owavil, oNsnleIbero home located in Otrona ecsl.To AR AM 0 ce Ï.irtinJ*ay5 96,frbigs in nor4t 2-5756.RSONILE woman ta take se 3bic oueblre anewtdeclln bidig. ls b rth o b en r 5Br o t h e r fo r W ed in g s A kn d ni e rs a y o 2 - f c a r e e p o a i o o s - a t k c a g fY o u n g m a r i. G .M . s h if t w o r k - N o r th W a r d o n a la r g e *l o x e ll e n t i n v s m n takn l o a î h aybecr ~ o g Ranal obet.Broherfo Wedin Anivrsay. odhold and two school-agc child- accaunts payable er. Telephone Bowmanville wîith garage and paved drive $40len iv ~ythia, Laura, Daniel and bless you ail. SEED corn, Seneca Robson ren. Phone 623-3923. 2-1 6_____________23-7115. 2-1* 's your answcr to the grw $4,000 - Terni ikcnrc. sig$200 i(àueena. 2-1w Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rogers. No. 155. Phone Joe Feddema, hidesr Applicants must he neat and ing family. The entire interior 20Ar tc am Trs ________________________Orona 11711. 2-2* EXPERIENCED hidesr accurate, good ai figures, able Pcn is completely remodelled and near Millbrook.Vrlcnc DIYFR,26ars ae et I wish ta thank Dr. Hub- KY u uoaial.wîeApply in persan ta Huyck's ta type, and preferably with Pin Tuning Engagementutmtialy wil is in immaculate condition. property, 9-roomhm ihGigcncr.Excele bar, nrse and staff an the you wait, at McMullen Hard- Howail, o ng uSt. Westd previons experlence lni PROFESSIONAL work guar- Beautiful kitchen, broadloom- two bathroomsalfrae ulins eebruhml * Mr. and Mrs. G. Rekker, Medical Floor for their cheer- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- TBowmanvile o Tesayan accounts payable. anteed. Arthur C a lis on. ed fluor in dining roomn, nice barns 30' x 80'nd3'x5,catctOvr$00moty :>wnianville, announce the ful and efficient attention dur- ville. 3-tf hrdy 2t Apyt rîgt 623-3900. 36-tf living room. Also a perfect stream with godpn1ie ikchqe sig$500 oingagement ai their daughter ing my recent stay in Me- - utiit rom Cmean se nl $2.00- ers.Tems ihae, ta Mr. Stuart De Vries, marial Hospital, also relatives HARDWOOD. dry, mixed, cut RAWLEIGH business n o w uH WtWokWatdi aty$12.50. CTe ans. $,020ceDlr amDIR AM na sa fnaiMr. and Mrs. H. De and neighbors who cheered done year;Psine C.rdSit, wople i Bowmancillen trae __________ --___4 Brand new homes looking Health FocsSlwa15areasagngon àqres, Newcastle. Marriage to me with cards, flowers and double28. n . 2Smi th, ell estalshed. xcelent WOOD PRODUCTS' WILL do housework by day. for pruud owners! Built by Part Perry area ih-omcr.Osaaml otat 'Uake place on Saturday, Feb- gîfts. 78-223.n-4 6runiy52u4itie. rit-1WO* e r t,16 t3pminRg ome. 21BYN orRawleighi, Dept. A-140-189, P.O. Box 368 - OshawaPhn62-4.- l Oshawa Wood Pro d uc t . brick house, Junc,3pe vr$.0 inhyml ehoboth Christ405ianr, prt iReformedEqupp________pa stvchebahue.r aibt hrsinReomd0 appliances, call Elmer, 'Montreal. 2-1 Noie2-1e hne 2-05 storms and screens; twa with Barns 36' x 10'ad2' 0,mchnr. PmerdHl - Church. 2-1 W wih ta express aur Hampton: business 263-2294 -h______________Ntc oCeiorsphn62-05 WewsWILL mind clÇin mreT fireplaces, ane with carport. ýplus loafing br. $.0 ti ate rcdt el sincere thanks and apprecia- residence 263-2695. 6-tf DIG-PAYING BUSINESS NOIET RDTR hn 2-05 - N.H.A. ternms and the usual manthly milk ceu.Fly 18Ar amwt ag 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch, tion ta neighbors, frîends and 16OTCAEN cruser, 4Thorse FORoAe.N 6VE-400AN.OT2ER friendly and courteous treat- equipped and ilfeatOlyLspdbrdiv sed ýewcastIeannounceteenIcmntyhucsfo theirevin-deeletriustrt;heay W wat ama for the Bw NTH SAE FJH WILL look alter children in ment by the builder and aur $57.000 - Temrnec.8Riedhm. tem ýaeeto hi agter kindnesses, consoling w -dsduty trailer. Apply.52 Jack- manville area. The right man ARTHUR TABB, late of the Pyhne69.3. a rwek fieeenatrtesae 5Ar2-1smuTc Fr sig$2.0.Tms 3emaet ai.the rhu Phone 263-2293.e 2-Imn d. Bomavile.42tfSouth Es ra.Imc63,000 trees lt I a Bth isAn t f Arhrrs.and loem hsbin te osand R omav e.4-fwho qualifies is worth as Town of Bowmanville, in the urý20-YEAR-.OLD girl in town, ulate 3 bedraom brick bunga- number ready t oti er oe odsz an rv lindte late Mr. O. Bourgeois father, with special thanks ta SEAT Covers-Ail models and much as C')unty of Durham, Rctired rfsgera hoewk.l itpvddieaSmlctae ;';.Toonta. The marriage will Rev. Northey, Dr. Rundle and makes automotive interiors re- $12.000 lni a Year Farmer, deceascd, who died prieers eter 67userk./o ith p Baetive antiadi l ogMearpmyshd t.Akig$100 ,,Ouce lac onFebuar 12 MorisFunralChae]. paired. Whyte Bras. Uphols- We pay ýearnings in advance at the Town of Bowmanville, Canada .4966, at 11 o'clock ini St. Lillian and Helen Harvey, temy, Bowmanville, 623-5252. and equire nu investment. If on or about the 26th a f da Statesman, P.O. Box grounds. Immaculate inside.!$18.500 ful Prie-ers92Ar fam ihne .oseph's Chumch, Bowman- James and Margaret Coombes. 41-tf Yau are over 40, have selling May, 1965. f ayo 90aomavll.2*O et edcJustle paci et100bre tcgrhom.Bmn w sraa e.2-1* I AUM eady to take youm experience, and drive a car, THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., CLERK-Typist (womnan) bas for a g rrdcoleRasnPtrbouhaa.7ooAsig$.00Tesarag Coming Events order for apple boxes, stand- write me a personal note. 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. .52. ;experience in typing, filing, abl rced at $15.800. brick house, twobtro~ d _______________________ Vic Pres, Det. NL P.O Box Creditors and others hav- payroll, dir.ta-phone, answer- Hospital area: 3 bedroom ail furnace; an 0 5' SOEHOt Dac nTrn al a.came and sec sample. Phone 70, Station R, Toronto 17, ing dlaims against the above ing telephone, and reception- ranch bungalow with attach- stream. Only$100fulArsnotaisaa.Pnt MA~c - BASKERVILLE - 15 by Norm McKeen and the 263-2204. 2.1 Ontario. 2.1 estate are rcquircd ta send ist. Phone 623-2174, Bow- 'cd garage in absa]utely first prlce.'cbas.Almdm on On rday, January 8, 1966. Western Four. 1-2 - particulars and full proof manville. 2-i class condition. Artistically1 142 acre DairyFr otvnece.Trii iw x 1 ,~rlot Falîs, nt., byptartsdTim/Dance, Nwton- CEta the undersigncd oABn lafdscaped. Caloffice for Perry arca.8rOmbikclnts.Asig$00. ]Miini n Flls Ot.,by heOldTim DnceUNEDo- ash Cr pats, '/e ofp. RESDALE A Athprcerdeof, las. hos, ag M.tors.FComprete uneeaior befure the 7th day of Fcb- .iA rc n empes.hue ag ansra.Tms LM C.Fsr, ilrdville Hall, January 15. Music Beatty, Thor and Cmosley ap- ur, wihde .fwke and Helen Baskerville by Midnight Ramblers. 2-1 pine.P sMrc FERTILIZERS LTD.uay19.atrwhcdte._________Pl bng Ledn Home and Incarne. 2 Bed- $32.000 - $14.000dw.OO1 0 cefm ih! Zere united in marmiage. 2-1* _lacs ad' akt the assets of the estate will be Plm ig&Ietn room br0c buildingostes anc1xcellen buildns om Sauina Comunity Hall An- Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf NEWCASTLE - ONT. distributed having regard ta self-cuntained basement apart- mile from Bowmnil.Pr-db Deaths nual Meeting, January lSth, INSULATION, blawing meth- REQITIRES A the Will and the dlaims that 35 Nelson St.__Bowmanville ment in central location. îy wooded, balacincice mc oe.Mdm on p.m. Please bring cards and od, with rock wool. Work- Plant Foreman have then been received. venlences. U-shaped bama.gaden and MOACH-At bis residence, 97 lunch. _______2-1 manshlp guararîteed. F r ee DATED at Bowmanville, On- ENEPËÉCt and sec il! $1.000 down.NECSL beuiu n Wednesday, January 2th, night at 8 o'clock, spnsord Phone Newtonville 786-22M.,' edge of fe.tilizers and sls, 1966. 16, Lewis M. Roach, aged 87 by the Sunnyside Park, Red 38-tf some mechanical abillty. Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., Phone 623-3540 lot in North Ward. This is cottage, lot 68' 6' nwl re o.Auiu ýyas eoe ubn fIaBrNrhOhw. 3-fDattes ta commence soon Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 1599 just the place ta get started. furnished, garaeiiutdsom n een i rud bel.Otonvehan ai daBmn Nrh hw.9f WRINGER washer, daveno, Apply ln wrtting 30 King Street West, 78 Ontario St., Bowmanville we may arrange financingTem.$50. Terms. *«arion (Mrs. Jack Hatherly), Anyone wishîng ta go to Ice cabinet radio, lawn mower, statlng qualifications, to Box 29, - __ t' low down paymcnt. Cali et *7'Neonville, and the late Ern' Follies, Toronto, Fcb. 4th and power lawn mowcr, sisal coco CERESDALE FERTILIZERS Bowmanville, Ontario, SEPT~IC TANK ofYfice.- est and Jack Roacb. Resting th, tickets available. Rowe rug 10' 6" x 7', wheelbarrow, uxctr - ne year ai rckbnataouspcfainsBrk -et the Marris Funeral pl Travel Agency, Phone 885-2527 lawn bench, trunk. Phone 20 - LTD. -x-cto--1- PUMPING Tyrone Home in First Class low on lot 100'x15.,27bnaos Eecralrai :Zowmanville. Service inth Port Hope. 2-1 623-5023. 2-2* Box20- Newcastle, Ont. Condition inside and out. sur othm ihma etd o onpy~ns 12-2 For Rent WHITEWASHING STABLES Grg.squifuhmefr aesf1690ot Trs.NWCSTEo:înte ýj.hapeIon rid4y at 2 o'clock. Please notice change Of TYPEWRITER, dcsk, chrome TREGarom busangETTQ P IN ie. ami 95fuliepfr ae. Ragln odm $16,5900d bnglw, 4nterment Lowmanville Ceme- date-Next dance at Tyrone hall rack, china cabinet, odd PLANNING TECHNICIAN THunt Str. mli 623665.- honeBERTTOnvlll 786-552 efms. $,50 bunrie.Rgaon lt10'-10' abmo n tery. In lieu*ai flowers dana- Hall with Clama Nesbitt's bedsntandeed.ressers,3665ashstove. Duties:7862To21supervisungadraft-1 eds an srossOntamiastHeartutiFouada-pervasddrwill'Tbe Jan.me22buiEingry 'tonwt ario be aretcud an wlme.Jan._2.2* Oy-wner must dispose of these ing operations and assist NEW 3-bedroom bouse, im. Cal Colleet 41-tfToaprmtbulign near highway. $750-unc.Akig$ -- - --this week as leaving country. planners in ficldIlwork, e- mediate possession. Telephone r~wirr TLI. Cnr tet ohuisi em.$.0 on 2-1 Advance Notice. ta keep Phone 623-2958. 2-1* 987-4331. ___2-1* RANK-iI BRI.NKtp goad condition. Large, well-Trsfrd Tir EAT0 Mrcb 10 open for Bowman-- seamch projects and gencral - -_ _--tmeed lot. Garage. Real good StreeT ag elbitbu-roe rckNWATE -WENSVOORT, Jacob - Sud- ville Women's Institute's Kop. OFFICE Equipment -Type- pann sinet nnw gastigro idkth Tecigivsmn.SreLow arvegece. ar 'denly at bis residence on per.Kamnival, ta be helti in writems, adders, cashiers, dupli- ly established Regionai Plan- enette, fully furnished: avail-Litwhte rndyOf gal oltE =hursday, Januamy 6, 1966, the Lions Centre. 2-1* cators, cheque wmiters, files, ning Office. able immcdiately. Telephone SEPTIC TANK LtwhteFlndyOice minutes fram iho.Satusae obelo.Vrsniu .Zacob Wensvoomt ai R.R. 3. funture. We buy, seli, ent, ulfctos rdaea 2-51 - INSTALLATION Eveningi:lvn amwt eaaet el WIewcastle, beiaved husband Anyone wishîng ta go ta service. Largest stock, budget ecognizcd drafting course and FRIHDto-bdomdiaiag mubt ihvn RN,8roe oe of riatieBerykdea iah-Yokdalc Plaza, Monday., Jan. ternis. New and used. Low minimum of five years ex- apartment in Hampton; ownerH mpo A.Cd -- 62245ty$150 Tes.bikalbatbthom ar of Piet, Jane and Jacoba aif'17 or Downtown Torontoy tele- ovembcad, low prices. Bull perience in planning office, bas own private oom; would ____24-tf P. Kowal Jr. 623-5868 Liberty Street ero obelt ih nmi %UoUland, Adrian ai Burling- phone Part Hope 885-2527 Hamilton, R aglia n (North Familiar wîth topographic and like board with tenants. Tele--___- ____________________ 2-tf urvy drftig an prsent- phae 63.204.2-1 A RPE T RY 21 rach ungaowratncoubl steet.Onl jýt&w nd William ai Newcastle. Rowe Travci Ageacy. _.__2-1_Oshawa)._ 284f_____ tion tech aprsniqe blt phn 23224 b1CdREAR - TRTIN-Tenerarangd em, bic bw4io wbat]54a ý~ed at, bis late residence; O.M.H.A. IVdget ; Juvenile!intitecqe s. afig rgam and I M-erav ét lvh. ae'Tew 711T R. 3, Newcastle, where the Association Dance, Satumday, T9TV ERrvies periio.rams, available Feb. lst. b a 4bd bl t Penerai service was held at Jan. 22, 8:30, Lions Centre. TVstomey -emoomevison Wrteborne mare, /o he BUsane frontS hllstoey4- .oý'ciock Saturday aitemnoon. Dodswortb orchestra. For tick-- $50 u S alIa ry: Approximatcly WrtqAvrisr67,co h1BITINCPuAD on lot 125' x 178.$090-lgtn.Mn M terxnent Bowmanville Cerne- ets caîl Howard Corden, $7.000 per annum depending Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box GORD. FLAXMAN Ternis. g$500ow.w 2-1 623-7214. 2-2I OSHAW/A on qualifications and experi- 1&0 Bowmanville. 2-15Roedalotnw k Pr-atlEdctinCase ~'YCPLYLD ence. Usual local guvemnment MODERN 4-moom apartmnent. 623-3244 BUY NOW ADSV Pr-aa dcto lse. TVSUPLYLT imfinge benefits. bath, bemted: corner King and3-t $500 Winter Wr.Bns bugiwo10 C~Swt In uMemoriamn The Winter Series ai Pre- Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa Apply Division. Immediate passes- 6t 3 Bedroom elctcalhetbndewan.Ip1mn eLfARKE-...In loving memory Natal Classes will start at Juat East af Ritson Road Director Central Ontario sian. Private entrance. Apply U H LTEbeOtaiinprmn o dbrc u a.3 rhybn ndfte 2 p.m., Tuesday, Januamy 18, Dial 728-8180 Joint Planning Board SmsFmu od 4C 8Roe -,A an Clarke. who passeci 1966. For futhcr information Day or ntght - Bill Leask, Prop. P.O. Box 734, Oshawa, Ontario Division St., Bowmanville. Save Dollars! Have your chest- FRSLEBan FoEts bucit byiJamS OMle n ikhmm away uuddeniy, January le teiphone Nortbumbemiand-Dur- 52-tf 2-1 2-1* erifeld anid chairs re..upholst..FO AL Y EDER Stuctvioni B stTrac oe avnine n1' ha HaIh ni, 23561.________Unit,_______623-5661.___________ re. re etiatsFsapeseSD EHCLS riedfrm 1648 wth$2s eris g$î,9o 0oane knows the silent 2-1 B E E F Cars for Sale taken ta the home. The Ontario Department ai down. h. beartaches, Euchre card party, Me- Budget Termi Arranged Lands andi Forests is offeing O ANLE,5Ui " Only those who bave loveti marial Park Club House, Lib- for your freezer, loeker WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY for sale by sealed tender, the Cali 623-33AatetBidn.Ecl ca tl mt tretSot, uedaGood Steer Beef with excess 7tieiiswllb oddfnt- adivsret ca elet tetSuh usafat removed before you buy. O. K. U S ED C AR S PE C IAL s 102 King W. Phono 623-5252 foilowing useti vebicles. These Aiter 9 p.m.: etrpi.Cnrlylctd "Whe grief we bear in silence Januamy 18, 8 p.m. Admiission BHINDS 65e - FRONTS 47eddefiite For the anc we loved so 50c, door prize, lunch seeti -Î I na "sIWee s a ii" well. 1Proceeds for Crippied Chîld- Cul DES 5e l.J. and Df'iLQ.~bS. Ken Hockin -6355 oewt n 4-Sadly missed andi always e- 1en's School and Teatment Ct rpe n frozen 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR COACH OIL BURNERS - FURNACES 1957 Chevrolet 3 Ton Stake Clare MeCullough-7374 i etei ny$,0 on membredby is ifeEteia Cntr. Dn'tNo extra charge ramee yhs ieEek enr.21Dntwaste your money on V-8 engine, standard transmstaon, radio, rear speaker, CLEANED Platiorm (7' x 12T), L & F ,Joe Barnoski -*7358 eLtPooMLS .&nd son James. 2-1 WoviwC muiyCnrfa Bugodpmeserbf white walI tires, dises. Dark bine. Lie. H34571. PLUMBING REPAIES No. 1011-57. Serial number George Beaton -9528 n xlsv lunse B i n g o. Twenty PHONE HAMPTON 71643614331, Howard Farder .6535 husban anti ater ym~ games-twenty dollars; five BO'NMAN VILLE 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR 9-Passenger 2325 1958 Chevrolet ½/ Ton Pick-BiGîbet - 8548HurCa: -fhSob)n adfthr eog ames-tit dollars; $150 263215 up, 4 wheel drive, L & F Na. Bilfleret w.Gibson who passed away 'jackpot, and two jackpots at FRrIGID LOCKER STATION WVAGON ail Address: 1182-58. Serial No. 83204607668.85-35DndMutoy*2-31 aMJuary 15, 1964. $250. Doar prizes. Next SSE Radio. Lie. X37260. O. Box 543, Bowmanville 15 hvoe o ik Doreen Gimbleti-8548GuLelao 2-31 4 eWho loveti you, sadly miss Monday, 8 p.m., Redi Barn, ACKERMANup,54. weerl die, L% FT o.85235I..Werma-Orn 1 As it dmwns another year, 2Z~a hne6357 -ti 96 CHEVY Il NOVA 4-DR. SEDAN 1170-58. Serial No. 83104607748. 'b orlnl or f Free Admission Atsatuqoe.L.H302 X V TIG1959 Chevrolet ½ Ton Pick- lgeJarcken-98-19 thnigLOADING - TRENCHING up. L & F No. 116-59. Serial REALTO on ui-9822 "_Thaughts ai yuare ever MONSTEsBING For Sl 1963 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN Sand. Gravel, Top Soil and No. 99314604771. »9 King st, E., Dwavle~ ehn t * ~~~~, near. ~~~~~FREE chicken manure. Caîl Radio, calour maroon. Lie. H56561. F1 eiee 90GMC , o ikp 2-532i muw-Ever remnembereti by wiie THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elock 7,28-6550, 2-1 24-Hour WATER SERVICE L & F No. 278-60. Serial No ________ 1ýva and family. 2-1* Sponsored by the Junior Reasonable Rates C10652A LYCETT ST. Batfl4 Chamber of commerce TWO young saws due latter 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 62.76-_OMNILE C16 Cev I2 DorSe bedroorn brick,'ugao1wt 'hADY- laungmemryJubilée Pavillon - OSHAWA part ai Januamy; also mixeti62CONVERTIBLE I d L &962 F No. 50-2. orSe.iacarpamt. Eiectric etn.Rc u ensKi ARDYMn oIsam Hardy who39-tf baîcti hay. Phone 263-2675. CONVERTIB&LBY M dan. L&FN. 9m2 Sra oom. Broadloom t bd 2-I l - 91Automatie, radia, white wal tires, disesm".N.201001.rom ni iig om Kth ~Into thc mansion above, $1 per Persan. Thumsday, -t -Waiited to fient hardwo;od fo aes Hae niA mw i ~v smo TeUCiKlme-t-------rt-----ro-10$a.49.t51 p.m. Siver reason eeh flrs rmerhsJn 0AtEhbtolfor a THREE bedroam bouse, in or hearth, etc. $21.0-Tenscdtefra'aoW" Baie8 0 .. o5p..SivrRepairaur'trrvr town, references supplieti. ATHMAACA S. A Saein the amms ai God's collection. Tickets may be SA'U' CECK Poe63-04 s frMs A.5ya l love purchaseti tram Auxîliary GUARANTEED television antidZLA hn 2-04 s o r.W.5ya i rc ug-Bwavlesae el Lovingly remembereti anti niembers. AU pictures on view radio service ta ail makes.DEMONSTRATOR We wiil check : Bnnt. e obawth grg.H.eta2at lyt ad tsi ly misse by his wife, Elia. will be for sale. 12 Television Service Co. Phonoe Bra"Wls hleldTire - trs ______ln________ titi_____1965__ 63-83.52fOR VAIR 4-DOOR HARDTOP Bae ie tsig Cars for Sale fonce araund rearyr.Go icwneswm 2-1 __________Home_ - Autousatie, dises, vwbite wall tires, mirror. Front Liglits Rear Lgt rs ny$7 NuriLgHom B586SZD M L R top Llghts r - o - X CHEVY II, 2-door sedan, EAST BEACH. Atatv hyweeas bkhc$ RJIMA L Y N TON H uR ST Manor Refrigeration Li.H5R.TEeILR ar View Klirror and 6 automatie, white wall tires, ail electrie homewthlreLangvngLnotA omI Orona, bas accommodation foran Exhaust sytr radio anti wheel discs. Licence shapeti living roo.BhtI ote poeto.Grbmd bffEIyORIALS bcd or up patients. Reason- 1985 OLDSMOBITLE DYNAfrUC Ail work donc hi H53673. Wtll finance, Phono dressero anti des) aec ei oewaelybssvsq sabll4 MDitnci e rates. PhoneOrono 371. iicenuod meSeavice 987-4997. 2-1 room. Lots aetchncp nêa 1.opli l~4~ Neumlts lM ar 8ke"S 48-6 -ORSDNIeesdmcainboards. $1,500 don Oshaa Pe- na Reffiteration - Mlk Coer. Automnatie, Power ' *eering, power braks, radio, gave Mai' Be Tour Own! Acto gm-mont new brick bnao 1iV..I.a Phoneo ET YI delusa t1 belts mirair dises, white wali th%%s, USE OUR]W GE PLAN Newcastle. Cemaie tld v .w u w 726627HYGENC--pe-0 Rb. a.-~57 back-up ligbts. Lie. R58425. FRED OWEN. UrWEgLi bath. Flnished io.roi o zvçnbm goos) mailed ostpald inLIIVESTOCKSAE DGLO. prc is.xse mones wu ibI 2-17 ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED a bmCmyUe r»adarounIOrno01 gi pries2lct. ix mamples25e. r [-' Orono - Evory Thuya. H1:»~S4~ 24 sam les $1.00 Mail Order aldea ar , * ~ ~ . ... frani $2,000 each&LIm, turon WtP.28. Nov-Rubber Co., and ELECTIIC BowfmMVille -'.'JALCO Pooï-14 5v. se, 04.J .Bl UDIBit 3-i 1 Poeý-1-tf ô& Boa. Saletc. .Ag. »AU 1-1 t pcawk r u

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